MEDFOTtD frHTL TRTBTiyE, MEDFO'RP, OflEfloy, FRIDAY, MAY 25, 192S. 'PAGE FTV1 INOFFICIAL COUNT L GIVES FAIR TAX MAKES A PERFECT 31DIDinUE3 1 '1456 t DEPENDABLE CROCERS H MEMORIAL DAY Gone are the tiays of hatred. Flowers are. strewed instead of bullets. Warm love replaces cold steel. Memorial Day brings us an opportun ity to dedicate ourselves to a greater service. "" , -Prices Effective Saturday Monday and Tuesday ''" , May 26 to 29, inclusive CLOSED ALL DAY MEMORIAL DAY MILK Libby's "The nearest to sweet cream ' - CC, g 3 cans 28 " ' ' " G for 33 C CANADA DRY GINGER ALE Bottle 22tf j0 OO " " v T)vpii V"'' ' ss FEANUT BUTTER Hood v's ': 9 ' " 1-pound Toy PailOC FELS NAPHA SOAPt- . . ' . n MAZOLA OIL Makes a dclightful'inayonnaise-r . v- AZL. . RAISINS Seedless Thompsons . 44c Quart CariV- 29c INSTANT POSTUM- , - ;. '. " - ' ' ' " '' : Large can SHRIMP American Beauty No. 1 (o-oz". net) can's A H n - ,16 each--..,." ' . ' ' ' .V--- ' 3 forT f C VAN CAMPJS BEANS 18-oz. vv,!- . OC,, " ": : " ' i.----'-J-'- ; - ' :!l 3 lai'ge-cans" C NORWEGIAN, SARDINES Xorth Star In olive . oil O C ' " -. "M---" 2cansOC;.. FANNING-BREAD AND BUTTER PICKLES - OO - , :;V- S ' :' , .' ...: .-.Bottle C :.. KIPPERED SNACKS Finest Norwegians 1 C T: '"':- 'SV . ' - "V 2 cans10C v SALTED PEANUTS SpihiisUWrhey'ie .fresh " on " '" ' "'--''' ' -l'v V'"KV':'V'': Pound C; TUNAVhite. Star: fancy: quarters- ";!. Vi" -, i (-,'' ';' '" ', '1' : .v 'Can 10C LUNCH'WAXSPAPER 20 sheets to roll in,, ';'. ... -"3 VoiisiUC" ; .; CHEESE Full, creai'n ' ery finest quality .i r OQ. '--v. - ' 1 Pound 17 C - GOLD MEDAL MAYONNAISE Half pint jars . Q Q .. . :-rl,v V . V Each0:,C7 PINEAPPLE Libby's Sliced No. ..2. cans " ; go' HERSHEY BARS . ; . - : - 1f FAUSiOliXyi!: PAPKfcep. that School 6m y: OO .' complexion- 3 bars BNUWIJKirT Purely a vegetable- shortening.. QI A:' - MUFFETS Serve 'em Svitli stra wberries- 4-lb.- can ' S - ' " ,: : ; v 2pkgs. --M M ' DEL MONTE PEACHES OR APRICdTSYour ,. :1 C g . choice IM-oz. cans V,. ' ' Onlv IOC S TOILET"; PAPER 1000, soft- sanitarv sheets to the- roli 1 C : - -v, "" .- . ' ;..- ' '--V', 6 roiisV r- ' S - PAPER NAPKINS Fancy 10 in package ' -t -l rv' ' M 5 . ' . ' ' :, , Package iWC : HONEYPure strained packed in genuine Mason CQ ' S , jars-pint 35S- .., qmrtDOC-, g S SYRUP-T-xidii'oiida-k The very highest grade cane and maple, . , S . Full quart can 55 AC' g . : -y ' Funyaghiion.-uo'"' g g . FLOUR Olympic 1.9-1 b saclc $2.03 ' . do in g -' :V.'. -Crown or Fisher's -.Blend .1 J 20TTH CENTURY COFFEE i "No picnic is complete without it.'7-direct from our ' tl OO EE : . roaster to voualwavs fresh pound 45 3 lbs. : POTATOES Fiii'e quality 9 lbs. 15' tl IC ' g I ', so lbs. 75 - r - . ioo lbs; P -g I - ;! LE TTUCEHome grown : . : . ' 5c UiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUH ;o The mill levy for the Jackson : I county fair' curried by a majority : of 1450, the volo being: Yon. 3389; no, 1933, according to the offu-lul umint. . The measure car- . rled In al) preclncta except Antl- och, which turned In the largest majority against, with a vote of ; 29 no. and G yes. Kaele Point, Cold 11111. "Jacksonville, Fools Creek, Sterling and tho foIlowinB I precincts In Ashland: - East Con trtil. North Ashland, Southeast j AsliUmd, and Northwest Ashland. 'The. vote In Jledford was: Yea, 1C36; no, 0.17, a majority of 1099. ! On tho . republican ballot, ' tho following were- nominated for con ' stables. Ashlund district, George lnlow; Mrdford district, Oeorgp : frescott; Uold Hill district, Chailes Barge; Jacksonville dis tinct. K. O. Merrlfleld. lnlow and Prescott also . re ceived tho nomiation ' on tho ; democratic, ticket In the Mearoro ! and .Ashland districts. On . the j dejnocratic ticket for Jacksonville 'district; C. W. Clnuse was named; j in the Ciold Hill district W. A. Cook. ; - . I Tho dcmOcratio ballot shows i the following nominations: For fell-cult judge, II. 1). Norton of I Grants .rass; for sheriff, Ralph Jennings; . for : district attorney, Georgo Codding; for commissioner, Wilbur Ashpole; for coroner. Dr. C. 'T Sweeney. There weco .no contests' for the offices. . The county clerk will mall at once . certificates- of election to the winners- fop. official accept ance. - -. 4 - ANEWGASOUNE AUTO CLEANER IS PERFECTED HERE! .' A new gaaoHno motor cleaner httH, been- pat anted ty N, A. Mettd and W. C.. KlhdroU of tho lllghwiiy1 MDtor conf)mny niul-wlli bo on ihc market floon, according to Mr. Mead, AVho. wlih' hlH partner,, la hored over three niontliH on "the machine Which Is expected' to take the place of tho we" known niotqr cleaning do vice.- t Th'e -new ' clcanc.r Ift" guaranteed by Itfi buildera to remove nil irreaac from any. type t)f. motor In a le markably nhorl tllne.. .The piin- fclple of -tlie device lies In the fact that gRHollno from a gallon tank attachod near the lower end of u 4:Nlnch noxtclo mlxOH ' with the -water yhll'h 1h furced from a hi nail oponlng' at high speed. Tho nozzle can be attached to any city water connection nW eally an & garden sprinkler. . -; - It Is built In Much a manner that It can be easily l -.ndled, and for n time will bo handled here.- Two Haloumcn, who-will cover the tute, will probably' go )n the road be fory te end'of tbt month, accord ing to present i mm, Heveral of the cloaciprs haVe been completed Rnd can 'bo Heon the Highway Motor company g&rage. Carlton Lake. Wood plunl built Oregon state gahio protection ex- utilize drift anrt waste wood fori penses for 10 years will roach r. I . I ono.fiiio. EVERYTHING NEW BUT THE NAME 7r-Pleasing Rides 7 " , 8 Shows of Merit8 l' . r'l - ... Week .Commencing May 28 -Show Grounds East Main MEDF0RD, OISEG0N - 1 RIVER APPLES ARE DISCOVERED IN THE KING'S KITCHEN (By JntiHff I'. IfimtV-AfcMocliilctJ i , Prcm Suiff Writer.) " U)-DON.. May 26. The kitchen of. Buckingham palace. 1 Lomlcm home, of th4 king and queen. In a Interentjfng an any part -;of the huge oHttiblinhnont. ' I wan j able to inspect Jhc kitchen al flrt I hand, an preparation were being i completed for a banquet to v lulling royalty. " " . , - The vwt to tho 'kitchen follow i cd -ah" interesting and lclnurcly I Mtroll irouKh the palace. ' In. an adjoining room the d owner t fruit wan being arranged in great golden baflkela. There were plums, frsh' pine apple appleH. grapes and peaches. 'all from HritUh powieilona - Jceptlng the applea. i Honiehow the apples looked .fa miliar and t took another look., On the box in which they had been jnhlpped wre th. labH Identifying ithem oa from Hood Illver, Oregon. i 1 . - 'During tho- paat two or three days tho lookouts on tho Cater national forest and state forem land have, reported several fires which proved to be alanh or fcruHh piles. The local forest offleo' calls at tention to tho fact that tho state j law prohibits burning on any for test land, grass, grain or stubhle, during., the period of May 15 to j October 1, without first securing . a permit. Permits may be ob tained from the stato flro warden, whoso office Is in the post office building, or from tho local war (den's who aVe located in the out lying districts. . Section 9 of the Oregon forest, firo laws .provides a fine of .riot less than i $25 aml not more, than $250, or by Im prisonment In the , county jail for nob less than 10 nor more than 60 days for tho violation of thU requirement, . -f- VINCENT DOLP IS A remarkable record In throw ing of mull wan made by II. V. Morrow,, mailing clerk In the Med ford post office, this morning, In cidental to the Inspection work of W. i OtUtif tioattle, chief clerk at large In charge of tho eleventh railway mailing division, compris ing tho slates of Oregon, Washing ton, Idaho, Montana and Alasku. Mr. Morrow threw a -f perfect score, the first timer that has ever happened In the Mod ford post office, which means that he throw S35 cards, each one of which rep resented on Oregon post office, lo cution, without a single error. Mr. Ott, who will examine the clerks of tho Ashland post office tomorrow, told at tho post office here -that his examinations during this trip had developed unusual proficiency on - the part of the clerks, about 10 per cenf of whom had attained perfect or near per fect scores. IOltl'lJ.A;;n. Oro.i $lay 25. !') Mr. Kenneth Rood won an eiay victory today In the scml-flnala of tho Oregon women's Golf Ihanv pionship, defeating Mm. Jerry Pout, seven up and six to go. Mrs. Reed will meet Miss Margaret Murphy tomorrow In the finals. Miss Mur phy winning by default from Miss Flora Jane Mcllrlde, who found It liniwratlve tn go to Heattlo, where she Is to rido in the horse show. Don Moo, playing opposito Hus soll Ktnlth. In the semi-final today made 18 holes- In par 72. Hmlth turned In 77. Vincent Dolp gave Dudy Wllhclm, stato champlion, a hard flqht, each making 75. Wllhelm was one down to Vin cent Dolp at the end of the first 18 -holes. . , , Katray Notice. . Pinked up 2 yearling Jersey heif ers: color buff; no brands or marks. Owner can have same when paying for feed and this ad. U C. HILL. US. .. Tfil'nl ' Jack Kerr. 'COpco district man ager at Grants l'asa wns.a local btiHlneds visitor hero today. '. Rev. and Mrs.- AV. K. Ray arc homo from a vacation ' spent tit Ban, Diego, Calif., Ivhcrc Mr. Hay was formerly pastor. They say the weather here Is mild to what It wan in California., Rev. Jtny will fill the pulpit at tho M. K church, south, hoth morning and evening, as usual. . Of Mpeciul Interest to local peo ple Is the nws that Queen Mm-ian of the Robeburg strawberry ear-( nival Is a former Medford girl. Khc is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Ness, well known here, and the slMtor of Miss Dorothy' Ness, w ho resides' here al tho present time. Queen Marian is a Copco girl, being employed al the Ilose uurg offices of the company, and Is the second Copco girl to be crowned queen of tho Roscbuig carnival. ' , . ' .- Mr. and" Mrs. J. R-Dlttsworth uf Medfurd aro leaving fur u Kjnmcr trip to Los Angeles," Houston, Tex., and other points. They will return byway of Lanark. 'about Nut-ember 1st. They will visit Mrs. Dltlsworth's I daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Lytic, atithelr home in Venice, Calif, i A ' largo numbor of danco en thusiasts arc planning oh attend ing the big opening of tho Gold Hill open air dance pavilion Sat urday night. The spalonB dance biiH has been rearranged to assure plenty of 1rceso from tho cooling waters of tho ltoguo river, assuring colnfort to tho dancers during the 8Uiiimcr in(iths, ' Tho Broadway Orchestra has been secured to fur nish the ipusle for this liirpulor plc'asuro resort and tho new management- Is quite encouruged with" the outlook for the summer season. Mr, and Mrs. Hal R. Kick ar rived today from Dallas, .Tex., for an extended visit In Medford with Mr. pick's sister, Mrs. C. C. Mur ray of West Eleventh street. Mrs. Klck .whllo here Will also visit her sister, Mrs. Fred W. Orcen. Charles Kllott of the Mull Trlb uno composing room returned this afternoon from tho Itoguu river bo low Ciold Hay dum with one of the largest salmon caught this season, having hooked a 36-pound fish. He reported that several were caught today, and that ono larger than his prize winner was also landed. Mrs, Fred L. Strang and Mrs. Frances Llntott of Roscburg, who spent several days in tho city v sit nil relatives and rnonus anu attending tho Music Teacher's convention, returned to tho nor thern city yestorday morning In time for tho Strawberry festival activities. F. L. Holdrldge of tho Talent district" spent this morning In Medford .transacting businoss. Charles Mllllgan, former resi dent of Medford, and now living In southern California, arrived In Medford the first of the week rur a visit with local relatives and friends. .' J. J. '. buchtor.lcft yesterday for Klamath, Falls, whero ho will spend a few days on business. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Dlnklns 'of -prospect spent yesterday after noon end last night in tho city, to seo tho-At Jolson Vituphonui picture. - I Mrs. Charles' Stacy and small, grandson loft last night on tho I train - for San Francisco, where . they will visit Mr. Btocy's daugh-! tor. Miss Opal Stacy, for a few : weeks. Mrs. Kato Young spent yester day In tho Ciold Villi district on business; Floyd Cook left last night for Portland, to spend a fow days. - j The music students of St. Mury'a Academy will present an Inter-1 estlng- and varied program over K.MKD, the Mall Tribune, radio1 station tonight from eight to ninoi o'clock, the program to be spon-1 sored by. tho local realty board. Some 29, or SO Medford Klwan-! Isns left this city for Ashland this morning to attend tho cour- lesy exchange luncheon hold at. the Lllhla Springs Hotel by tho Ashland Klwanls club, - - ' I Tho company A Brill team elicited considerable admiration and applause last night when they performed before the local. Elks at the Klks- temple for 10 min utes, The formations and fancy drill stunts were executed without commands. Those taking part were: i Sergeants Sabln, Moffett and Wiley, and Corporals Ander son and Roed. 4 ' Astoria. Union Pacific leases to city portion of Its docks for M a year. ., vVOIKi&3 leads somewhere i Will " m p" ";' "1 p The certainty of prompt lecognition and adequate, reward for extraordinary interest and effort it the Safeway Man's assurance that his work is "getting' him somewhere." In this erganiutioo there is a constant need for men of nor than average ability and sincerely of purpose snd a fixed policy of filling all higher positions with men from our own ranks. Knowing this, the Safeway Man has the strongest possible incentive to serve you better in order he, may merit the reward he o earnestly desires. . P Make These Summer. Savings Yours Cane Sugar Tea Iced tea season is here. We guarantee our teas to be ' the best obtainable. We i nip o r t them and know what we get. Green Japan 1 Lb ...55 c Orange Pekoe-Black' 1 Lb. . j. 59 c Root Beer Hire's Root Beef Extract -is so sjmple ' to use and makes a healthful, cooling drink. , Per pkg. ".... 23c Dill Pickles Quart jars very fine firm pickles. Canned Fruit Yellow : Clin ir peach es. Full halves, in medium svrup. Large No.. 210 tins. 3 Cans . 49 c Apricots - Pull flavored halves. Medium syrup. Very tastj'. -Large No. 2y tins." ' .' " 1 Vs 1 ' 3 Cans 55c , Real values. Each 35c Preserves Strawberry Pure fruit, 16-oz. j u r s, fancy. " , . - Jars 57c Palmolive "For that schoolgirl complexion.,'' . . 6.Bars.........45c Wash Machine Soap Peets Granulated.' Large package. . . Pkgs. 73 c AVe are, still selling s u g a r considerably under tho . market. Better get a sack now for canning sea son. 100 Lbs $675 Salt Highest fniality . all varieties. Shaker, plain 1 Q- 2 pkgs. 157U 8-pound O l sacks :.. Half ground C7 50 lbs 3 f C Chocolate Syrup -: Hersliey's Fine for tojipingi ice cream or making a t'piick cup of cocoa. .. .. ' ' 3 Cans 29 C Creme Oil t "I 1 i ..!!..!. 1 1 HUUU IUIICI SUliy lib JS saving- prices. KH 6 Bars 29C ; Seasonable Savings Lettuce ; New potatoes . New Peas . Large Fancy -Local Large Smooth Piuks , Large Plump Locals Each 6 Lbs. ;..:25c 2 Lbs. ..:..l.25c , .. , . ; - : ..... . Jj All Orders for $5 or more delivcrey in city FREE. Smallor orders 10 cents charge ' Store No. 433 J 1 MEDF0RQ 'lhone ll76 ; OPENING DANCE Fair Grounds Pavilion SAT. NITE WALKER AND. KINCAID JOINING FORCES For a Grand Dancing Party BIG DANCE BANDS In a Contest of Dance Melody -.-'' i Lunch at Midnight A COOL OPEN AIR PARTY DON'T MISS IT! ' " ' . . .-. .-". '-. REMEMBER! No Dance at Walker's or Eagle Point V 1 i ' gj CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING GETS RESULTS ' ' o