Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 25, 1928, Page 3, Image 3

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is , ; - r :
Santf on. & Co
Santf ords System
307-309 East Main St.
Saves You Money
j. -r !'
1". "'
1 ! t' S i: - ft.'
Santford Saves You Money
Santf ords large store and market is operated in
one buildings under? one manage m ent, the tre
mendous cost of operating a separate store and
a separate market, or two orS three He pa r a?i e
stores a n d separate markets is saved by b Sant- '
fords system of; stores and markets stop and
think what this saving means to you, the doub-
-.'.iAv !,.jr u . - w ...... .
ling and trebling of bperatihff expenses' all of
which must be kddeof to 1 the 'price you pay is
price you pay is far
j M , f ..- . 4 . ..
in quan-
tity buying from produce rs or manufabtiirers, the
combined savings frbm low opefatihg costs and
large buying power make possible Santf ords won-.
derfully low prices oil both meats arid groceries;
KC Bftkihg Powder
50-oz. Guaranteed, each
.3 'large pickages, assorted ...'."!.:..'.
1 case 48 (Tall caris.'' Piir 'caae LU
O fij Del Monte Apricots-- Q
Large cans, peeled fruit. Each ......i.i mi -.J
Baking Powder
Full 16-oz. caht Schillings, guarahtccd. Each Vf
Hills Coffee-
l-lbr'cartoii, Hill's Bind' dan. Each..1
Folger's Coffee "
i-lb vaciiitih In tin Golden Gato
Pork and Beans
Small can Van Camp's. Each.f:
;'' : 'r
Sweet Corn
Regular can, best' Iowa grown
Anchor Flour
-49-lbr sack. Guaranteed ...
Regular" box Fancy Nowtowns ..
Fancy Rogue River 3 boxes .
Free. Delivery Service
IJse Santfords services-It costs you no more
when you come down town you have no loact to
carry home. You will be surprised how much nicer
it is to p h 6 ii e Santf ords, use Santf ords service
arid get the best of everything at the lowest cash
rmi i f ir" .j
ii i
A "linllt ralil" held ttt Ahlaml;T
last nipht by Slate Traffir 1. lemon-j X
ant i. o. .Nichols and olhiT offlc- jr
era, iweali'd that 85 per cent fjS
the caril examined had headlight
adju.stod in necordaiice with llH'j J
stale law. Motorista nro warned 1
that other' raids will be held ln',
Medford Miortlv Tho arreat of'
motorist who have headliRhtti en-i V
tlrely out ot adjustment lit not un-j A
oomtnon. J Jk'
HarsaliM for Saturday, millinery) f
Kolnp at aniaxhiB harftain iirlees. i V
valued to $lS.f.O prlied at Ji lls.
?3.!x. Jl.SS antl l.ul each:
kiddle huts 4e and "Sc. Hotter I
come early, you will net a pretty
hat at a real lVnrualn. Groon trad-
Iiir stamps Klvon, too. Tho Kmnty
1)U Hilt Shop In M. 11. atnro. 04
HhlnKlen f 3.20 per M at Mcdrord
I.uniher Co. 33tf !
Included amonR 'tlio OrcKonlansj
registered at Medford hotels, ctheri
than those from rortlnnd. are leu ' n
Mesch and J. M. Hurt ot Salem,! I
K. J.. Soney of Marshfleld. K. W. jP
Owert of Albnny. J. M. Itemilo, V.
V. Marks and O. B. 'ord of Kn
H ne. 1j. II. Waller of Oorvullls and
tjeorKc linrhotir of Hoscuurii. 1
Wahtld MontunnnH to attend A
the annual picnic. Kvcrshatly ajito X
park. Phuenlx. Sundny, Juno S. 12 r
Wells Taxi. 25c. Phono 25. tt S
Joe Hlbbnrd nnd family have us
: tlM'lr uticsts IiIk mother, Mrs. Km-; X
: ma llllibord, and sister, Mrs. John
: Norman, of Sacrnmento, lillf., who y
, arrived this week for a visit. '
Tnl. 642, prompt nnHary gnr- J
1 baRe soiTice. 80tf jj
' HlB sale of Buntuntcod rose
bushes tomorrow. IiIk v a r 1 o t y,
I wonilcrful bushes. 15c each. F. W.
Woolworth 'Co. .
Kat harhecuo naltdvlchen and J
live forever. Mac'a Harhecuo; 1 i
miles north of Medford on hhjli- A
way. M J
The county cxamlnlnB honrd,
1 which has been laborlnK for mofe
! than a week on the eorrcctlnB ofl
: stale exanlliiallon liapois written
i bv sixth, seventh and eighth Blade
i students from all pal ls of the coun
ty, are expected to make a record
mi the trades early next week, be
tween two and three thousand pa-
tiers were sent in on Krnmmar
school subject upon which state
examinations are Klven. Students
may expect o receive wrlttfcn re
noi'ts on their urades hcxt Wed
nesday or ' possible 'Tuesday, ac
cortllnjf lo present plans.
Walnut ton crafting by expert
enced, successful Walnut graftbr.
Call at address, 437 ho. nr. -
Ilcmstltchitis 8c per yaru. aui- j
tons covered at Hanotcrau nop.
Hard Candy
This is one of the finest lines of candy
on the coast. It is made especially for
summer trade and will hot get sticKy
in hot Weather. We have it in glass
- jars from 25c up and in bulk.
that we have Home Made Cakes, fresh every day?
Experienced salesmen to serve you.
The local Amcncan i.egion orum
corps will leave mi 0:30 tomorrow
mornlliK for Hoseburi; as a pnrt
of the Medford oatavan of motor
ists nnd passengers who will nt
. tend the eloslHB dJ' f t'10 straw
I berry carnival; Motorists who arc
! plnnnitiK to to nnd who have not
I roBlstercd at (he Chamber of Cum-
morco with Ted Tinker are urBcd
! to do so as soon a possible.
lioikllar dance. Gold Hill, Hat.
night. Dancing 9 to . Broadway
orchestra. 65
Lee' BrlckeC hew Bpy Schut ex
ccutjve for the Crater Lake council
hcue, arrived in Medford this week
J;o tuke over the duties of W. W.
Belcher, who IS holdinB a Kimiiar
"position In the Hood Itlver area.
Personal Attention
H. IL.
Phone 252 5
Mr, Belcher left last week ana Mrs,
Heleher. who Is at the head bf
r-nmnrfre (Mil movement, plans Co
Join him In llooU.nivcr early next
ItcKUlar dance. Gold Hill. Hilt.
nlBht. UanclllB tu 2. Uroadwny
orchestra. . ' , 5
There la Bcnuluo eltlhusKisnt hero
for a coinittuniliy celebration on
the Konrth of July, making It one
of country-wldo scone. We huve a
wonderful park In Grants Pass and
wo have u fair groundH that sliollld
be put to use na nficii its possible
in providing entertainment for the
people of Josephine county. How
ever, It Is not highly desirable that
too great .territory he taki-v In for
the bvi'nt. Let's have a real got
toirethcr for the people of tho coun-
I ty nnd make It un occasion to get
a lot belter tictiuniniou, Kramr
Josephine county Is rcitlly Just oho
big community. Orunts Puss
Courier.' ' : '
A largo assortment" of screen
doors at Wdods l.otnber Co., 71 1
l-J. Main.' Phone HI.
Charles Tcrrlll. former sheriff,
left toilny for Klamath Kails where
lie wilt bfc Joined by Mi's. Tcrrlll,
w-liii how' been vlsin relatives
there, and from that city they will
leave foe Diamond lifke to assume
VhaiBO bf Iho supply store unci
boathouse at th south end of tho
lake, as last year.
Indicating that the West Coast
Air Transit compnny. operators of
icj-liassenger planes between Port-
land und Kan Trimi'lsdo. win en-
Joy a irboil business inrouBnoui
this summer, a telegram Van re-
i reived this murnlng by vtiinsm
ricmiinson, mumcKer of the Hotel
.iaekson and also local representa
tive for Iho company, that eight
passungers left with the plane at
8:60 this morning from Han Fran
cisco, and that stops wcro to bo
made at Medford to discharge a
passenger and take one on, und at
Hoscburg to go through a similar
process. .
Illg sale of ' guaranteed rose
bushes tomorrow. Itlg variety,
wonderful bushes. 15c each., V. W.
Woolworth Co. 9'
Hco Kllnor Hanlcy Bush for r
eleaned alfalfa seed and baled hay.
826 E. Main. Phono 90J. 83UU"
Among the hotel guests In Med-
i ford from the stato of Washington
re Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gordon of
Hpokanci Mrs. Kmhia Boweman of
flellingham and H. J. Krodbeck,!
T. K. l. Pcelr. Flora Cardcn. Mar-!
garettif G'Connell. t A. Haehs andi
ederlelt White of Healtle. j
If you want a good building loan
on a low rate of Intorest. see Ued-I
den Co. antf
Regular dance. Gold Hill, Hat.
night. Hnnelng 0 In 2. Ilroadwtly
. jfcjfcfc-jfcjfc-AL jfia j-fc i&i. jL. jfc
Prompt Service
GROCER . Phone 232
Miss Muriel Flnley, who arrived
two months ago from" New 1'orlt
City,, ami who has 'been visiting
relatives hero ever since, plans to
leave next Sunday' evening tor
Hollywood to re-jolh the' moving
picture nnd Join her sister, Fred
erica, who Is now working on' a
long film. Miss Klnloy plans to
make her headquarters In Holly
wood and probably will not return
tu New York City, where she was
n model for James . Montgomery
.'1iibh". nationally famous artist.
While here. Miss Klnley visited her
sister, Mrs. Constance) Redely. ,
" Screen doors ut Woodn I. timber
Co., 711 Main. Phono 108. 69
Hnndplcatlng and smocking. Tho
Fashion Shop; 424 Medford Bldg. tf
Itlg salo of' guaranteed roso
hushes tomorrow. .HIk variety,
wonderful bushes, lCc each, F. W.
Woodworth Co. CI"
' IJorii. to Air. iintl Mth. KrhcHt
Hood this moi'iihiR, it tyvpn untl
tine-half pound boy. Mm. llootl 13
tho diiUKlitrT of Mi nnd Mm,
GoorKe Tung. '
Mr. and Mtm. M.' U rattcinon,
iO'iZ Went 10th Htreet, nro tho
pa rents of un clKht-pound duii-
Wk Httln of Kunrantced rose glitur, born May 23.
XulUrC, S',
All SimiiiMh-Ahicrirftn Yt'a.r Vut
crunH and hull oh of tho i -uxiHfiiy
hro' n(UOMtpd to be in'Mit nt thv
flrnt Christian church tiuuluyv Juy
2HIU ut JO: 15 n. m., tu lUrtlctpulo
In tho Afothol'ifil fldy hi'VvJcoh. ' ' .
J., A,. JIlMHTHljKy. rnnimnndpr.
KOl'ND Uunch of kfyn. Hoc Geo.
Muddox ttt WtilNpnant'a Burber
Shop. 66
WANTED Cook, clean, noat. for
1 or & men; nice plaer. ,Vrlto
Rox V. A., Mull Tribune. . 66
Woolworth Co.
Two now Neon khh
i m In-
madp Ihclr tiiieai')inee thin' Week
In Mbdford with- tho inHlallalioiiH
laklnt; place lit tho (!ampbe Cloth
Iiik company ahil tho liootftry. Tho
latter hIkii conHlti pf tftin tubcx
enelrcllnK their larKO1 hIkii which
Iuih bceh In uho for kcVchiI yeorH.
and the Campbell nln InrludoK
tfliiHH tube letters nn botlj k1(1ch.
OrtiiiKo dunce, Knglc i'olnt, Kilt,
uilil. ' J'lverybody welcome. (JO
plno HhalteM, now
. Ontral lJolntfc
Wo arc In position to pay you
moro than anybody for wool-mo-1
liitlr. Hen ilM Imffiro 1 vnil' ftoll.
fhono 1062.' 1 2? N. Clrapo Ht
' ' 35Dtf
FOH UK N'T PurtloH wanttnff real
home, first floor,. strictly new. all
furnished, nice private yard, pa
riiKO. Khado. fruit, flowers, should
see my duplex at 312 8. Central:
ready for occupancy. -Call 789-J
for appointment. 64tf
HAIJi Mulck Coach, recon
ditioned, $750; terms and trade.
Pel. 6t or in-2-i. ,f.ii
Hpcclul coininuniciitlun
Medford l.odgo No. 103, A
K. & A. M., Friday, May 2 5,
1:3p p. ni. Work. Ill ,tle 1''.
(!. degree, lly order ot V. M.
64 '- C' Si. HOUHTON, Secy.
F.1U KENT Light
rooms downstairs.
118 Uenosee.
- 70
I WA.VTKU Orchards to thin by
' I'tfniraot." Tlave my 'oXvn crrew:
I experienced workers. Address
13d . fir. li'l
Clean raB itnt'4 at tliff Mall
Tribune .off)ea,. . ' ... ....,.';;,
KOtt HUNT S-room modern ftir
.. .UWnid p.j. t. r- 131. Lincoln;
Continuous 12:30 to 11 P. M.
"Hold onto
"N.ov w are going through the
Bowery. On trie left are the Opium
Dene. On the right icre the famous
Jon Houses.- Now We will vialt
the . . . '' "
Comploxingr Complications; Daring Dovtry; Scnsa- '
tfo'nal "Stunts; Mirthful Mystery
" ' ' MEN" '
i orchestra, . Ifi