BRINGING UP FATHER MUTT AND JEFF A jjeFF, i'nv GopJWA cviiae ciceo of cva. ms rum varMtsuiNti'. ru THe TM tocLAts He's SoT iN HU BANK AWT He'lL fXitviGI? WANT TO LOObi'AvTi Afv)oTOrfc CARD h as - LoMG ivs He -Lives.' ins ABANDON SITU FOR. JESSE JONES DA h)j.S, Trxas, May 5. CP) A boum for .Icsye Jones of IIchih tun, nalioiiul treasurer of the ilenmurulic party and millionaire publisher and business man, for the deniocraLie nu mi nation for president, ' has appeared in Texas in the wake of the state con vention at Beaumont. The convention, in resolutions overwhelmingly adopted, declared , that while Jt was not presenting Air. Jones as a candidate, it "com mended to the democracy of the nation as suitnble in every way for the hlKhest office in tho .nift uf the people," nnT -indorsed him Us "the choice of the Texas tle h literacy for the' presidency." ' "V. J,. Mean of Huntsville, chair iiiaM; if the; convention, described At r. JoiiAe m a prohibition sup porter, a 'successful business man "who can put business principles into -lhe yovcrnnv'iit without put 'Uiu; the government into busi ness," and a man who has served the . party, nationally for years, and Is known throughout the na tion. (!ovcrnor Dan o o d y, who emerged from the convention the acknowledged Ruder f the Texas democratic party, and is on record u opposed to Governor Smith, lielft a conference with Mr. Jonea at Houston last night, und after ward said that tho movement was a "ery nice ami very desered .compliment,", and that Mr. Jones .undoubtedly would be placed in nomiuaUon at Houston. Previously he had said he would . support fch' nomination of Mr. Jones and ; would present -His name to the national convention, 1 if asked by Mr. Jones to tli so. . - CLASSIFIED AOVtHTISINQ RATES Rates txr word fnp tint Intertlon, 2o; oh tuocedlno Invflrtion, let minimum . 259. lnd your ds with. Tor. Salo, .For Hint, ato.. and count thesa worot, aa wall aa ,eah .Initial, tatahona numbar, ito., aa ft word. . ,- - ' Claaalflad ada caah In advanoa and nat takon over ohona, unlait advertlaar haa monthly account. No allowancaa tor ohana arrnrl. , . . ' h High Pressure - CAR WASHING Chassis and motor cleaned Hardie system. Expert Simonizing ' and Refinishing Duco-Lacquer and Enamel ARMSTRONG MOTORS, Inc. 101 S. Riverside Phone 18 Severe Lesson for Somebody FoNtNCS PAsTCBOAS FRdrA MUTT AWt T-1 k '7 1 WANT Trie UrT To GROW UP TO Taft. port commission Is build-' ins new docks here. nF.LF WANTKD MALE WANTED Man to work with team ; mules. Will sell you the-mulesj on small payment and let you work out balance. -Inquire Chris ( uttlieb at employment bureau or 1). M. Lowe sons. Talent. ti5 WAN'IICU SITUATIONS WANTED Plain aewTns 674. ' " HAVE YOl'K LAWN mowed by all expert. Satisfaction euuranteed, l'lione 1I3II-K. tf WANTED Vumily wasllimts. Will call for and deliver. Phono 304 H. 60 WANTED Housework, (lay or hour; plain sewing. Phone !)34 X. 73 WANTED PapeiilanRlnp done. Work guaranteed. 334 West Otli St. - - 00 WANTED Pu-perhamplni;, houBe paintlnff, floor fiQishins. interior (leroratlng. l'lione 121-J. H. CoKliill. 78 , WANTED MISt-KTiLAMCOUS WANTED To cut wood by con tract. 410 So. Klvcrsidc. Phune 410-li. - 00 WANTED Hhoc Vepairlin:; experl. worldilanshiii, flrst-clasM male rials. Men's lialfsoles and heels 1:1.50: women's lialfsoles anil heels $1.00. C. M. Kldd & Co. 3tf WANTED To trade my 1H23 Ford Coupe body for Ford Roadster body, '23 or '24 urefcrrcd. Tel. 0-F-I. . ' .04 WANTED Orchards to thin by contract. Have my own crew; experienced workers. Address 433 S. Fir. 0 WANTED-Kpeclal wool or-ocrs with special .price fur few days. J. J. OssenbruKKe. 04 WANTED Clood second hand Iron wheeled ivnpn. Call 1300. 07 WANTED Hear, from owner of '-ranch for sale. Stale oash price-, particulars. D. F. Hush, Min neapolis, Minn. 00 WEALTHY, pleasing sweethearts for -all; write - enclosing stamp. - Fern Orey, Station B, Cleveland,- Ohio.- lili WANTED Lawn' mowera sharp ened. Call and deliver. Med ford Cycle aV Repair Shop, 1 & N. Fir St. Phono 881. 45tf WANTED-2nd hand goods & Junk. Pat's, 1506 Prune. Tel. 547-U 72 WANTED- Bicycle repairing, lawn - mowers, knives and shears sharp ened. Repairing of all kinds. Work guaranteed. - Star Cyclery, 114 N. Front St. l'hone 696. 41tf WANTED Poultry In any quan tity. See us befare you sell. Can use unlimited amount of broil- ' ers. Poultry Producers Assn. Phone 2i. B4 FOR KKIfr 1'UR.tUDED j ROOMS J-'Olt RENT Furnished sleeping room: private family: home priv-j lieges; price reasonable. Phone 1076-J. ' 63tf ! t FOR RENT Furnished sleeping; room. 325 Ho. Riverside Ave. If, FOR RK.vr Room at V. W. C. A. Phone &43-R. , 6 FOR RENT Well furnished close In sleeping room. II large win dows. 222 S. Holly. 65 FOR r.HXT Sleeping room, clou In. Phone 934-X. SSlf riR HUNT riesuxint room, mort em, close In, with board. 71 - Gnat Main, WfU MEDFOftT) MATTi BV GOLLV THEV MU5T HAVE WORKED FW "WIOH MAGGIE VvOULDNT ,, . ' -V -V '0 tit O I42H. bv Inf'l Feature Service. Inc. Cicat Britain fightt rracrved- FoTi THG tT WORlCS Be. A GrMWR 0& -HOUSES ' l'OU HKXT -S-ropro tumtehed! i.,.,,t.. , ..,i! piano. $30 mo. anil water paid., Owner leuvlnir June" 1 to Kept. l,i un uooa suoet; uauiia imiy. iei. K(i5-X. 05 FOU IIBXT 0-1'ooni house Nti. 20 I IIoss Court. lniiulro 27 Koss j Court. ' . (is FOU KENT 4-room house, un-i raiie, Harden, electric 'ranee, $ 30. ! 11.20 E. Juckson. l'lione 707-Y. 0fl FOR IIIONT Ti-room modern fur nished house, :Ijnlru717 Norlll 1 Klvcrsidc Ave. 00 I FOR RENT 7-rooiri House; lotsi of shade. $32.50. Phono 44U-X. 112 Laurel. 1 1 09 ; FOR RENT - 4-room furnished nouse with yard; adults. 228 s. Molly. 03tf FOR RENT 5-roimi and bath, all hardwood floors; garage, wood Ikiusc. Inquire 01-W, Jackson. FOP. RENT Newly decorated 7 - j room bllimalow, Ross Luni'. F. I L. ToiiVi-nc, Jacksonville. Ore. 04 j FOR RENT House 22X N. (Vn- Irul; 0 rooms, sleeping porch, 2j loliets, garage, ?20. Klein thej 'Tailor. - C2tf; FOR RENT Modem houso, close j , in. - Sec JI. A. HatiBCulilc, 520 Palm SI. 04 FOR RENT Modern home, all built-in features; garage. Also s m a I 1 cottage; range. Phone K17-R. 04 l-'OU RENT 7-rooni house, cor-' nor Ivy and Huh; $27.00, tt'-uler paid. Thouo 11)42-W. 07 FOR RENT Half a duplex, fur nislied or unfurnished, lnqulrr 907 Xo. Riverside. COtf FOR RlCNT-r.todcrn 7-room house. Inquire 1119 W. Main. 04 FOR RENT -5-fOom house, new, modern, up to dale; adults. See . owner, iU Dakota Ave. 04 FOlt RENT New 0-rooin modern house, Pacific highway; easy terms; monthly payments if de sired. O. C. Roggs. ' 55tf FOR RENT Homes, rurnlshed! or unfurnished. 1-lrown & White, i . ,-- 47ttj FOR "RENT Modern D-room fur nished bungalow. Phone 681-L. I - 44tf FOR RENT House In Kvercttc Court, West 11th St.;. modern, I, plenty huH-lns, electric rungo i and water heater, garage, etc. i. Phone 23. 43tf ! - ' .. FOLLOWING AOVCRTtSERS ARE Members Medford Realty Board ' The Time le Right for In such a location, and the sales of breeding animals add very mate rially to tho Income from the cows. It has been a crime to ship so many ; dairy cows from the valley durlnn the last three years, and the only way to make amends Is to get bet ter grades for future wants. The prescribed method Is thoroughbred breeding stnff. We can make the terms on this favored ranch "alls factory tn Hie right party. Carl Beebe's Phone No, Is 1377 TRTTlUyTE, MEDFOHD, you MAKfc ME iCK THciE ' ' f 1 SHOULD AY THF.V ARG-F' 7 MU3lO'M0 ARE WONDERFUL J. ' Bu T , THOUGHT WE (T n THEX HAVE BEEN PLAVlN CjT, wER HERE uOMGER iAVt ..TO-GETHELR FOR TEN C . , TH AM THAT- J JJJ rrAVTT TH RVSHT 1 i"iga: He savs THe TlfwG. TO CURG ANVBOtV I OF THG. gambumg HABIT IS VAJHeW THeV'e VOOIMG'. THe BGTTIMG. HELP VP ANTED Flirt fiXlC WNTKDj-Womun to will, elderly lady In AhIiIuihI for room und board. Phono ltl-K-3, Med. ford. Gl .rl,.n w,,,,,n f,,r upmrul WAXTKD huuwework. Call' H73. ti." V ANTED Thorous'llly compotenl woman for iicm ral housoworu: two in family, l'luine tas-W. 4 WANTED Coup'.c who work will give -neat, economical elderly lady pleasniK home and small com pensation for light services, ilef- crences. Write liox 2 3. 04 WANTED Experienced wuitress, - Diamond Cafe. 00 (OR 2EM ArAniaKITS FOR-JtENT 2 and 3-rouni upls; adults. 40 Quince. 09 ,,-OK rent Furnished apt. 220 04 No. Ivy. FOR RENT New, close 111 4-room apartment, Willi - t o a m heai, Frigidairo, llotpoint range, in 1 cinerator and garage,, 135 No. Holly Ht. 00 - ' FOR RENT 4, room apt., close In. Phono 031. OOtf FOlt RENT Furnished nuarl mcut with garage. Phono 1114-.I. 4Utf FOR RENT 2 big rooms, each with kitchenette, private baih 1005 W. Main. 4t)tf FOR KENT-. SI cam healed, newly remodeled and refurnished housekeeping npartments, (25 per month; clo.'io In; downtown district, luqulro at Colonial lia kery. 37 yt FOR RENT Furnished apart ment. Phono 4 52-11. - 34tf FOR RENT Furn. 2 and J-rrrt. apts., Blirago. 004 W. 101 h. tt FOR RENT Modern furnished aparimont; adulla. 345 No. lett. 27tf FOlt HUNT Furnished 2-room apts; prlvnlo hath, electric range, hot and cold water. 'Phone 12. tltf MlHCKLliAr.KOCS LET ME do-your hauling and save you money. Iluwlev Transfer. ,019 N. Riverside. Phone 1041-X. 109 REAL INSTATE, InsuratTce. 203 Medford Natl. Rank Pldg. C. S. Hiitterfleld. FOU HIRE Ten-riassenp(cr Cadil lac bus always ready, long or - short trips; Klamath Falls, Port land and way points. - California, Tla Juana, etc.- Easiest riding car In Oregon. Rates reason able. Chas. B. Howard. Phone 1139 9tM Dairy Ranch ''I! CUV Given the right location, water rights, His proper buildings, flno show-yard, sood road to the county seat, permanent green pasturo, and what more do you want fur Ideal conditions (or successful dairying? Pedigreed Stuff h HOMES PHONE 329 RO. BOX 9.34 Hotel Nath Corntr 1 XTLsZJi -a zn. rsv OTCKCiOy, FRIDAY, MAT IT'S KG. A-LY f SVAeSvG T& TAKG THG cHU NOfV Bur A iajill cuee HlrA VrOR. LIFE. IT vajomT Be. FOlt iCXCHANtlR L'OU K.'CilAOK New hay for wood work horse or kooi! heifers. I i'.eu Miller & WlUiums at .1. H. Glass farm near Autioeh seiiooli house, hams Valley. tf; II US IN I, HS OlU'fnTCNlTIKS KtUl KALE (iohiK buslncKs; store rewire station and cabins; on ; liishway near M e d f o r d; fino ( bulldiiiKS, wonderful location tor; a home. Write owner,. 1'. O. lioxl m. " (!.ri j' l(Ht HALE Itcautlful camp Krounds and 8 cabins, store and' llviUK ruoniM, all Iji A-l condi- j tion, on Rokuo river, at a bar-1 ' Kain. Hox 27, Tribune. -04' FOIl SAI,K. HOMES VOll HALE .Stucco duplex at 713 Cedar St. cool in summer, warm in winter; modern: Just the tick et for two small families. Own (! wants to leave; Slut) down, balance like vent. Cull Sunday or. after G p. m. week days." No dealers. l'Olt HA EE Modern 4-room Immu with lai-H' sleeping porr-h, Itna-sonal-le termn. Tly W, I'alm. 04 EOlt SALE flit H ENT t- r-ri hoiiKe, Cull UUC.-M. or llf MIs tlctoo Ht. 08 EOlt SAI.10 OH KENT Modern 0 r mil ii bouse, it acres, mile out .liicliKonvllle highway; Kiiiden planted ; Ioiik b ane; reasonable lei-uis, I;. J. (ianHeld. 00 HACUIEICE For this week, nearly new, strictly modern G-rooni home, -17 Vancouver Ave,: . basement,- furnace, fireplao and all IhiIII-Ijih; K'U'ane, laro lot, gar den, lawn, treeit, berries; worth Mr.oa. iviec $-10u0; tumil terms. 'all at house. C'M EOit HA I. E Well located home on cat able; larce front room. 1! iHdrooms, built-in balh, kli'ben. nook) closets and every buid-ln, tubs, . Kurne, lui'Ke lot, Mat d' n and lawn, S.jrpTiti; easy terms. A, F. Dressier, J 1 07 East Main. 04 FO It KA T-E Hrnall lioust , almost new, lot fiOxlTiO; -garden and lawn. Will take ood car us part payment. Heo owner,, Ho, Central. . 04 FOlt HAEE A new 3-rooin house on paved street, wilh all Improve ments, including sidewulks, paid in full; a iTtee Mich bit and In a fine residential district. Only JEWS. Hmall puyment " down; bulunee monthly install iiientM, Bee Charles A. Winj; Agency, Inc. . 03 ' FOR B A l j& -M VlTCWK FOlt HALE Excellent dairy eown. Across from Mnrrinmn Dairy. 05 FOU HAE10 Wcaner pigg. i'hono 4oi-.i-ri. ch FOlt HAEE Hcd Durocs from J"0 , to 100 lbs. Home will farrow In . about 30 days. On Pacific hlKh way, 'I blocks from Howard Hchool. m ilif FOU HAIj; CHEAI' Welnor plffii. , C. E. Ilockersmlth JJeaKl? Or. (i7 WANTED To Buy for Cash All Your SECOND-HAND FURNITURE i : Scott Woolf Wm H;jowt bg cofvj& I iCoiiynjlii. it.'W. ty H, Cl't'htr ) Ot?7l Britain' Right Rfrrvnt. Ttntf Mik rifi U S iCi Oi.f "r f."7?".L' "' tf it in i if ' 23, 1028. JGFf, MAM - fc'S JUST FOR corvjG LOST Hint' man KprlniriT mmnlel, female. Ueward. Lewis L'lrieli. tMitmp 11)32. iil ' - " i,-,,,, Kf,rEAi, J-JSTATIfl FOU HAMO till KENT . $.ri(i cu'di, balance STi per month; 4 rooms, sleeping purch, Karaue, rabbit house, 1 Vj acr h of land, close in; hear K""d school, oir Kood road : water and taxes paid for this year. I'rice IM&U. .1. C DAUNIOaS, 0 Ho. Central, l'hone 4 011. FOR KALU OR LEASE 2 acres. 4-room ' house, guragc, 2 lurgo hen houses; no down payment ail cespunsihle party that will buy chickens anil rabbits. Own er, l'lione 417-H. 00 FOR SAT.r. Four lots well located near Riverside at llerrydalc. Suit able for residence, apartments or business. 'Clear tllle. All for 51000; terms If desired. W. E. Philips, owner, First National Rank llblg. or, FOR HALE (III EXVIIANIIE--12 acres, well Improved, on Talont Asliliind hlhway. E'iilly for city properly. Hurgiiln if casli, Ocorge t'arcy, 120 Grcslinm St., Ashland, Ore. 0 1 FOR KALE 1H0 ucres near Mnrl foril, by owner, 230 Campbell Ave,, Hnn Francisco, 64 FOR S A I J y! UTOUU (1 1 LKH FOR SALE OR TRADE Essex 4 for light truck. Musl'lie in good condition. J. M. Nary. Phone 132-L. 70 FOR SALE 11120 Essex Coach $220 for quick sale. Phiiliu 749- v. ... o; FOR SALE- fiiilik .0 Yolirlng; vx ceplioiiiilly good c ii n d 1 1 I ii n: cheap. At Sltinuer's Oarage. 70 MONEY RAIKINO HALE REOAIIDLESW OF PRICK We tnllKt sell the following cars now find our loss will ' be your gnlii. We arc going lo sell lit real bargains. -SELECTED CARS POPCLAU MAKES V) Model Cadillac Sport , t Plnicton. 1 192li Model DcLuxo Huilson Coach. 1920 Flint 4-door Sedan. ' 1925 Slur Coiirie, new paint. 1924 Slur Touring. - 1924 Nash -Coach, 'extra good ' 1925 Essex Coach, very lit- ' tie mileage. ; Nice looking Franklin car, cheap. ' TRADES ACCEPTED. l.IHERAL TERMS. ARMSTRONG MOTORS, INC. Dealers for C'ADlLLAC'nnd LA SALLE HCDHON-EKSEX ' OLDSAIOUIEE, 03tf FOR BALE OR TRADE Nnsh coach, 1924 model; good condi tion. Will take piano as port payment. II. F. I -an go, 101 Ho. Riverside. Phone 18. 42tf FOR SAI.K I'tlinTltY FOR SALE Hollywood pullets. 10 ! to 1 weeks old' very reasonable. Phone 447-U. 05 FOR HALE Leghorn hens and 3- monihs old pullets, wm. llruin TalMil Ore. Plume 374-R-o.. GT FOR HAliE MJtllrKUiANBOCB FOR HA LE Dump body for Ford truck. East Hide Gariige. (14 '(HI HALF. Choice s.rawberrles (or. conning, VlMl 1v -iU . , , ?S By George McManui I By BUD FISHER 6GT Ttte.OU A LlNKriT DECeNCfS,- IXJIl SALIC MISOKLXiANliOUS FOR SALE Trailer; good tires, good condition. 35 Myrtle. 14 FOR SALE-Mlller auto bud, spring iniillress, lent, complete. 203 No. Oakdiile. . 1,'lllT HAM'! li'i'i.iil il,,,,i' n II il screen. Phono 390. 910 E. Main. I o:iiri FOR SA LE Vlelrnlli and records. $2 per month.' Cull 29U-Y. 04 FOR" SALE 'Excellent .'nlflllfiv "ill idiock, 2 miles norlll Central I'olnl. F, L. Tou Velio. 70" FOlt KALE-Uncalled-for suit; very fine blue serge, size 30: Just right for graduates. Klein the Tailor. 00 FOR KALE 1 Grebe radio with cabinet, $50; 1 Edison phono graph, $00: 1 dining room set, $30; few other things. 010 So. Oakdnlo Ave. 04lt FOR SALE 1300-lh. horse, 7 yours old. l'lione Centlill Point 190. 00 FOR HALE Refrigerator, like in w, 00-lb, capacity, -?12. 12 So. Newtown, l'hone 1210-J. lit FOlt HALE Onn trailer for lug llig truck, completely equipped and lighted. Cull 904-L. 00 FOR HALE Sweet poluto plants'. Monarch Heed Co. lf FOR HALE Nlco-Dllsl. kills ophls right now. Moiiiu-cii Heed Co. lf FOlt SALE M.'islildon punsy planls. kIiiiiIiis, etc. 208 Clark St. Phono 754-X. . 71 J'oll SALE Ornngo Pcrslun kll teiis. Dr. Stone. Ill FOR SALE DeLavat milker .one your old. lit 'A price. . Sliarpless sepiirulor at 1-3 price. Inquire at 105 West Muln, Mcilroril, or old Marogn ranch, Kuglo Point. ' ' Ol'tf FOn SALE Used sowing tna ehlnns; all makes, $0 up; terms If desired. AH makes rented and repaired. Whlio Sewing Muehlne Co., 24 No. nartlett, 1 llf FOR HA LE 4 Vi tiers gn'on pine Blalis, $0.00 per load. Valluy Fuel Co. Phono 70. 320lf FOR HALM llotpoint electric range, 4 burner, 2 oven, $35.00; coke burner, $llr. Community llospltfil. tf FOR SALE For sand and gravel, sediment and general learning, Phono U12-J. Ham'l Uatemim. ' . 'If iiiisimokh imiiotyrfmy ( lilropructlo Plivslcluns DR. K. W. HOFFMAN Chlro pracilo Norvo Bpoclnllst. Office hours 0 to 12; 2 to 5. 203-204 Liberty Bldg. offlco phone 680; Res, phono 790-H. Furm Loans REFUND YOUR OLD LOANS or . mako now loans at t for your needs. Rogue hlvor Na tional Farm Loan Association. J. It. Rowcn, President, Itogue iiiver; ii. ii, mini, soc.-TrcaB. Medford Hide. WANTED WE BUT FOR CASH All Used Furniture and Stoves . Call 505 , . W. A. KINNEY Furniture House 315 KnHt Mnin PAOE SEVEN 1HS1MSS DIRECTORY Ali-straciors MURRAY- ABSTRACT CO. Ab. su-acta of Title. Title Insurance. f' Uouuis 8 and 6, No. Hi North Central Avu.. upstairs. JACKSON '. ABSTRACT 0. Abstracts of Tllle noil Tillo Insur ance. Tlio only complete Title System In Jack son County. I A. E. KELLOGG Abstracter of 1 Titles. Rt. 2. Box 10 Vi. Moiiroril. j Oregon. Reliable Jackson Coun j ty Abstracter. Twenty-eight years ) cxporicuco and near forty yenra in the, county. Special work only. IE Attorneys A. 13. UHAMUS lawyer. Office In Liberty Building. THANK 1. FAKRF.LL. Lawyer, Oratcriiiii Theater UldB., Med ford. Ore. Illuo Printers THE BLUE PRINT SHOP Com. pleto nine Print Service. High class work. San Francisco prices. Downtown office. Medford Hook Sloro, 34 No. Central. Phone 021-W. Contractors R. I. STUART It SONS--C,eneral Contractors, Including base ments, ditches', all kinds of cement and concrete work. R. I. Stuart, 217 Apple, phone 043; llllhert Stuart, 17 Ross Court, phono llllll-M; Miles Sluart, 008 S. Newtown, phono 850. tf. Kxncrt Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. B. M. Wilson, C. P. A. Attontlon glvon to anything in accounting and -Income Tax' Requirements. Look into our simplified accounting method. Liberty Uldg., Modtord Phono 157-R. FRAZIER ACCOUNTING SER VICE Machine bookkeeping. Completo In evory detail, l'hone 1159 Medford. I Freight Transportation LONG DI-STRANCK HAULING Medford - Klamath truck line. Daily service. Itoniled carriers. Special rales on load lots. Auto freight terminal, 30 S. Fir. Tel. 1033. CALL Portland-Mcdford Truck Lino for through or intermediate point service. Slxtoon-hour ser-i vice to and from Portland. Phone 009, Medford. Auto freight ter minal at 36 S. Fir, Medford. Financial WE "LEND MONEY to worthy peoplo to pay their honest debts. pacific Coast Credit Association, 423 Medford lildg., Medford, Ore. : tf Insurance FRANK H. TORRE Y - Goneral lnsuranco, surety bonds, mort gages, loans, 6 Vd and 0 por cent. Expert Insurance Service II East, Sixth St., at Central Ave, Phuno 1224. EARL S. TUMY All forms of In- euranco. Fire, Auto, Life, Accl dent, Bonds. Phono 402. 301 Liberty Bldg. Loans on Homes LOANS on homes now built ol under construction. Eight per, cent and no stock to carry. Real service. Monthly payments. Banister Agency Inc., Llbertf Bldg. Tel 1230. Monuments THE OREGON GRANITE CO.- Monuments. E. A. Hicks, Gen eral Manager; P. M. Korshaw, Sales Manager. 302 N. Front St., Medford. Musto THORVAL 11. FOLKENBERG Teacher of violin. Orchestra prsctico for students. Also a department for adjusting and' re pair of violins and hows. Rooms 3' unit 4 Business Collego Bldg.i 31 Grape St. Phono 209-J. Painting mid I'apcrlianglnc;. 11. MARX, General Painting Con tractor, tinting, pnperhanging, carpentering, repairing, l'lione 178-J. ltos. 07 Summit. II. V. GIBBS Painting, Interior decorating, paperhanging. Esti mates given freo. Phone 120-R. Lumport's Hardware Store. Physician find Surgeon E. II. PORTER, M. D., Physlulaf and Surgeun. Offlco 31(1 Libert) Bldg. Prnctlco limited In -ill, senses of Women, a.nd surgery. ' BIT .-l'lnno Instruction FRED ALTON HAIGHT Tcnchol of piano, composer and arranger, Tho Halght supplemental system, a special short courso In modern piano playing. Htudlo, 318 Lib erty Uldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 78. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. lias the best equipped printing of flco in Southern Oregon. Book binding, looso leaf ledgers, bill- . tug systems, cto. Portland prices, 27 N. Fir Ht. Kcttl Kstnlo and Rental CRAIG It. FLITCROFT Real 10h tuto, Rentals and Repairs, lot McAndrews. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & ST OR AO fi) CO. Offlco 111 N. Fir Ht. Phone 310. Prices right. Ser vice guaranteed. DAVIS TRANSFER & BTORAOB Horvlce guaranteed. 29 S. Grape Ht. Phone 644, or residence I860. Upholstorlng - J. WEI8 Upholstery, Manufac turer of overstuffed furniture. Full line of muterlals. Draper ies mude to order. We do all kinds of upholstering. We de- liver and will call and brow samples. Phone 203. Jacksonville Window Cleaning LET OF.ORGR JIO IT HnilrW cleaning, floor wsxtng. . Jeirrttoe service. Geo. A, Beoly, i'llOlM tfHPFUM. ' t