Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 25, 1928, Page 11, Image 11

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- I. 4
itlUTTB FALLS. . May .24. TW.
lluycs, physician for the Owen-Ore-
gon I.iber Company, holds hopen
- for the recovery of Geo. W. Hod
ley, who was badly Injured In the
wortdn near here Friday.
Mr. nnd Mr. H. Moore and Mr.
and Mrs. Eugene Moore of Rogue
" Kfver were visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. 1. Simerville Sun
day. . -
Miss N. Van GrooR left Forest
,Crovo Saturday morning after hav
ing rocelved word that her brother
'In seriously 111 with lieart trouble.
I lor plans for the summer will de
pend upon her lirotber's health.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jackson, who
, have Hpent the past few months in
Washington, returned Thursday to
spend a -few days visiting-here.
They left Tuesday morning for
Klamath. Falls and from there" will
return to Washington. 1
, Mr. and Mrs. I.cVeoand daugli
, ter, WIllSj silent Sunday . visiting
i'dends in tbvaliey. " .
Mrs. Taylor, Miss '"Hotel Taylor
and Mrs. Rhea Hoover spent' Satur
day in Medford.
The Everett Abbott family and
Bill Roberts family are moving to
their homesteads tin the Mt. Pitt
district as soon asschool closes.
Mrs. EHiHOii. who has been visit
. Inr here from Portland, left iron
, day morning. , She took her mother,
Mrs! T. Tungate, home with her,
Merrltt Tungate passed the nec
essary examinations to get into the
avjuUon division, of tile -lift vy. These
were taken in Portland. From there
he expects to go to. California.,'
, .Mrs. Rigsly and son, Keith, re
It urned from Grants Pass Sunday.
Mrs. 'Roy Casey and son, Lee,
left Tuesday for Klamath Falls,
where Mrs. Casey expects to find
. The -pupils of the fourth, fifth
and, Bixth grades went to Medford
:-Tuesday to appear in a chorus with
oilier pupils from the different
. parts of the couuty before the state
-convention of. musio teachers now
being, held 'in Medford. Those who
.'helped .Mrs. Rhea Hoover transport
; th'e pupils are Mrs. Guy Moore, Mrs.
Joe . Pool, M. Evenolt and Mrs.
Miss Carol Norris of Dorris, Cal,
spent Sunday . risltiu-3 friends in
Butte Falls. ' "
Mrs. O. Higginbotham Is spend
ing 'a -week visiting uUthe home' of
her parents, Mr. apd Mrs J. I. Pat
ton. . -'
Paul Menegat of Molln visited in
Butte Falls Friday and Saturday.
Mfs. J.. . I. simerville and Mrs.
Frank Hoover left 'Wednesday , to
spend the remainder of she week
visiting relatives in Rogue River
and Grants Pass.
Mrs. Anna 'laker spent Monday
in Medford. . She. purchased while
there about 100 baby chicks which
were sent up on the truck Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stanley of the
Mt. Pitt district .spent the week
end visiting in the valley. !
The commencement , program' of
the llutie Falls high .school was
given last Friday evening in the
high school auditorium. "Prpfefiflor
Arthur Taylor of the Southern Ore
gbn Normal school delivered the
main address "of tho evening. , A
vital thought left with hts audience
was inspired by bis 'declaration that
the world needs, intelligence and
loyal followers as v. ell as wise lead
ers. The pro-;rain also included
several delightful musical numbers
Including vocal solos by bath Xlr.
and Mrs. Xee, a violin solo by Percv
O'Neol, a quartet "All Through the
Night" by the girls of the high
school music class- which won' a
blue ribbon and high praise during
the All-state music contest recently
held at Forest Grove;- Miss Juv
nfta Coruni constituted the graduat
ing class. She received many lieau
tif ill bouquets, and presents.
A meeting of the Butte Falls
health committee group of . the
Jackson County Hoalth. association
was bebl Wednesday in the audi
torium of the llutte Falls high
school. Miss. Glover, "the music
teacher from our district, and- Mrs.
Blakeley,.a state-wide worker, we're
present to help with suggestions
for the different chairmen.. The
chairmeu of committees appointed
since last meeting are Mrs. Joe
Nee, chairman' of the education
committee, and Mrs. Uuel llildreth,
chairman of the music committee.
Mrs. Arthur Short, Mrs. Joe Nee
and Mrs. Ray Parker attended the
unnuul meeting of -the Jackson
County Public. Health association
held ut the .Russell home in Centra!
Point. They reported a very en
joyable and Interesting afternoon
and brought back some interesting
notes taken from tho many re:
ports and speeches. The But'te
Falls committee and assistants are
very enthusiastic and expect to be
yory busy during the coming year,
piomotihg' every health activity
possible. Just now they are get-
tlng ready for a, baby ollnio which
I will be held at the high school May
28. It is hoped that every parent
I will take 'advantage of this oppor
tunity to learn of defects in their
children and have them corrected.
Closing Day Program
Crowning of Queen N'lta Cnrnm.
Song, "To 'Our Queen" Solo.
Opal Wpoley; chorus, Third Grade.
Dance Third Grade Girls. .
j Folk Dancer Primary Room.
The' Toad's Mistake" ,Prl
Imary Room. '
i Folk rUanca Third flrrnle. '.
I Dance Beth 8lmervlllev
I SongThird Grade. .
! Songs Fourth, Fifth and. Sixth
! Grades. ' V
"Oregon, My. Oregon" School.
"Amerlca.The F.eautllul" School.
MarchiiR Song High School. ' '
Oregon History Selection Jean
Page, Doris Walker and Murgaret
Brief History of Oregon Sixth
Reading, "Tho Circuit Rider".
Song, "Xhe Star Spangled Ban
ner"; School. '
Following the program was a plc lunch in the city park. In tho
afternoon there was a ball game
between the grade and high school
teaiUB. ." '. V '
on .Junior frqin Applfate.wer in
town Thursday , morning.
" Mrs,' Severence j was a pM0r9rd
visitor Thursday morning.
Harry l.uyof MeOford was tranj
artlnx busineiu - here Wednesday
score of '
the losing side 623. The
was very successful..
- Mrs. W. J.. Sandry ami children; ning au-H imo
left for near Crescent Oily Halur
day. where Mr. Sandry Is working.
Mr. and .Mrs. Arthur Kleinhom
mer were In- pur ciiy .Tuesday.
Mrs. Frank Saulsberry and lit
tle son, John M., were In Medford
Sunday afternoon.-
the contest for honor points wblchfof Medfprd will hold a service at
opened about eluht weeks ago. en-, three o'clock next Sunday ..after
tertained the winning side. Theinoon- In the school house. This
honors consisted of obtaining , new ' will be a real treat for.tiis peo
members, for the scbolurs ring-!ple of this community and it is
lug their hihle. etc. No honor hoped ibat everyone will make an
counted ovr la poliris. The win-effort to ultend.
of Mr. and Mrs. Senator Peter Norbeck, of 8outhi
. 1. Dakota, was confined lo.bu home
Bpent the t today under care of his physician.
at Eagle , with . an acute utlac. koc jnaiges-
, tion. At his office It was nam
"5 andj uiand Charley
contest nellinghnm, Wash..
I ed visit.
has gone to
for an extend-
lrtKli)-teriiin t'linrcli, Jiifkoiivillt'. '
to I
- .
an, ni ai
given in honor of queens,
presidents and world-notables;
that capture first
prizes at county and state
fairs are leavened with
Calumet. You can make
- and serve the same kind of
cakes right in youf own
home by using the same
superior leavener.
One trial trill prove it
:.j - - I
For the Picnic Lunch
Tender, succulent chicken, delicionsly flavored nnd roast
wl SERVED COLD t!iere,'s a summer dish for the epi
cure. . , "
Tender Hoasting" Chickens
Nice Rii Boasts Fancy Roasts of All Kinds ,
. Milk Fed Lambs, Choice Baby Beef
Frye's Hams and Bacons
Home Rendered Lard - -
In fact, we cart a full linox of nwent.s for your selection. ,
: The Open Front Market
121 North Central ; i Phone.24 !
Itegtilar services next Sunday
which all lift' iuvtlett.
Sunday school. 111 n. ni. Hoy'
Mai-l'ii, .superintendent. i
.Mrs, Cora Crump nnd M- AnV 1-reuchiuK. it u. m. nnd H p. m.;
Dow were Medford shoppers Wed- I'hristian Kndeavor, 7:15 p. in. I
nesdny ,morntnv. MUl-week Itihle study, Tui-sday.t
j i Mr. and Mrs. Chase Oftedal ar-j 7:30 p. m.
rived 'in Jacksonviiel Wednesdnyl Junior choir-practice, Wednes-'
evening wliere .Mrs. urtertnl : will , uay. 7 p. in. i
visit her mother. Airs. Gwln of tlnst The evening pre.icbintr
city. Air. Oftedal Koing on to hisj will he u 4T nilnute. period
work in KuKcno. All will be made welcome.
The. .Missionary society , of Jack- Klim-r K. MeYicker, pastor.
.Bonna Monia Is spending a fev
day as the Kuest of her sister.
Dahlke, at Central
nt the home
David .Prince.
Miss Klma Fernlund
week-end - with friends
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hharid of , h "' Pbohly be unahle l
.,,irr,i H,i.. wiih Mrs return to his duties In the en-
Hberld's parents, .Mr. and Mrs.!111 t,,r tour
Charles KlinKle.
1 1
five days.
Senator N'orbtK'k
Is .111.
;r. ()
Yamhill Electric company will
furnish 22,U0ft-volt curren to
(tnind Konrte.
' Mr. and Mra. EiiRen8 IHIchmond
left Wednesday for San Francisco,
They expect to be sons about a
Miss Buth Mlchell left Thursday
morning for Marshfield. She will
visit there, with relatives until sum
mer school opens in Ashland.
Mrs. lClln Smith returned Sunday
from an extended visit to. Pacific
Grove, Cal.,. with her. daughter, Mm
Myrtle Watson. . : ' .
Mr. and Mrs. Buster Ifox arrived
here Tuesday evening from Sacra
mento. C'aU for a visit with rela
tives. 'Buster is well .known In this
community and bis many friends
are glad to see him home. ,
, Mrs. W. Ray , Parker ,left 'Wed
nesday evening for-. Portland,, where
she will attend the wedding of her
sister and Visit with relatives for a
short time. '
Mrs. ""rank-Hoover and. Mrs. J. '.T;
Slinerville -spaut .Tuesday nlKh nt
the home of Mrs. Doubleday. r
. Airs. John, Clark, Mrs. J. J. Simet".
vllle, Miss Be.b Simerville, Miss
Leona Phillips, Lloyd dark and
Raymond. Tungate ..attended the
state music teachers conference In
MeSfonl -Tuesday. ' ,
.Miss leona Phillips left Wednes
day, for her home iu Ast)land. She
was accompanied b- Miss lleth
olm,ervtlle, who will spend a few
days visiting her. Later Miss Phil
lips expects to tfo. to Klamath
Falls,, where she .will work during
the summer. She hopes to be back
here for high school In the fall.
- Afrs. Mathews of feagle .Point
spent Wednesday visiting with her
daughter, MVS. E. Aljberts. ,
sonville held Its . rosulnr meotlng
Thursday nftornoon :it the , huint
of Mrn. McVicker, whoro vry
vvorthvlilU meotitiK wu held,
.Mr. nnd Mr. Wudo WilUuniR of
Tpriland, Ore., made a two lny
Visit with Mr- Williams' Ufa tog. 'Airs.
Frd Kick, and family he first r
the weeH -
C. X. Smythe of Portia nil enmo
to Jacksonvillo Aiturday after his
wife aud hahy, who have ben vis
kins with the former'H uarents.
They returned homo Monday.
Clifton childers returned home
Thnrsduy after spendlnn n few days
on .the AitploKute ut the home of
his ulster. Airs. Leonard .Mv'Keo.
- . The Sunday Rchool .i-Ioh of the
Pre-hytpriiin church, composed of
high . ehool tttudenL, enjoyed . a
picnic out atrlJybec )rldK AJon
ilay evi'ninir. I'he lOHintr slile in
I - 1
There were Revernl
present' at Sunday whool
Sunday from .Heeao Creek nnd
immediately follow inn Sunday
school, Ke. John 8tllle ave an
interesting talk on the opportu
nities we often miss by tiit dolnt;
the little thinRs, which fiod places
near at hand for us. to do., We
appreciate the 'interest Mr. Btille
has taken in 0111 Sunday school,
and also that of his brother, who
played several select ions on his
nccordian. The attendanco was
.'(4. -
The RiiHiness Men's fiospel tenm
Mrs. Henry
Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Steele of
Medford drove out for a visit lusi
week with Mrs. Steele'- mother,
.i rs. m 11 vy nruuMiiuw.
Kihel Turpln, who hns spnt !
several mouths nt the home of
Mr. and Mrs, I-ee Hradnhaw. ex-
service! XWt to leave for Portland within
W. Swarm and H. Wright were
vlsitlntc nt Koss Lnne with old
friends. Mr. nud Mrs. Whitesldes
and Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Leverton
one d a y last week . M r. Wri K h t
was nlso tryinK to sell somu cowa.
Purl Prince H made a trip to
Klamath Falls and Grunts Pass
lust week.
visitors I louis itonrer, r., uruisea ns
last I B nme hadiy several uays ano,
j anil 11 was Ilf",Ijii y ill iimnr t
i trip to Medford to consult a phy-
Nearly everyone Jn thin com
munity attended the plcuic Riven
at lJiko Creek last Friday by the
four schools on the creek. Three
of the schools closed on that day.
Knc school took some part in
the proKiam, which was Klvon
at 11 o'clock, followed by an elab
orate lilcnic dinner.
Mrs. Woodrow, Mrs. Morrison,
Miss Alice Johnson and Cleorge
Trak all of Medford, were K"r-U
Fried Oysters Supreme
Los Angeles sends ibis , recipe
- Oysters fried in Criico retain all their own dclicMe -sca-ung. Fur
Qisco ii a yweet, far.
H cup flour
ti rup kftrhup
2 doien oytters
cup milk
i tHipoon talt ''"
Cmrkcr duit, or fine dried
pread crumbi
Mix flout and ketchup together, stir in milk slowly. Add salt. Prop
each oyster into this batter, then roll in cracker dust or bread crumbi.
Drop in deep kettle of hot Crisco 375" to 385 F. or vhea a small piece
of bread browns in 40 seconds. Fry until a rich brown, 1 or j minutes.
, Serve very hot.
The pupils' in Mm. MIllfr'H
room, with their tencher, Rttend
oi " th ' "musical' convention 'in
"tlRdford ' Tuesday afternoon; Thej
Kitnir Nftvernl aelections. and , wero
encored twice. Mrs.- Miller has
worked quite faithfully ..with ho
Mildred Bellows took tho eighth
grade examination last' week. She
was the only one in her elafw,
Heulah Waddell and -Arnold Un
grade ' examination In January.
Bcr having paert tho eighth
Hornie Hellow and Frnnft Pette
grew, two.lteese creek hoys, grad-
mtail ti'nm ihn hlfirh HcllOOl nt
l'.ncln Point last Ki'ldny. I
Miss Myrtle Minter's school xyns;
out last Thursday. She oxpecis
to -attend school .- nt Monmouth
this Bummer.
rteese' Creek school will close
May 31. ' They expect to have a
fair and plchlc dinner. Every
one Is Invited to attend. ,
Mr. Knodlers called at . Mr. Ves
tal's Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Foreman's sold his place to
Mr. Dli'kev. Mr. Foreman l)as
gone and Mr. Dickey as moved
Mr. Pettecrew called . t the.
Vestal home Tuesday evening..
Mr. and Mrs. H. Wntklns nt
tended Hunday school and prench-
inc in Medford Sunday. '1 nere
wiu nulte a-thunder storm, and,
a welcome rain, last Sunday. even
Inir. .' . '.
Mr. and Mrs. .Knight of Cali
fornia ' visited at Mr. Cuinmop s
last week. 1,
llav. 'D. .D. .Itandall was ,at
Sunday school Sunday morning.
There were 57 present, and some
of the regular one . were not
present, for different reasons. .Rev
nnminll to ri some, tilings oi in
t terest about Faith Home In Cull-
1 fornla. which is Rev. jonnson s
' m... n.nnrieffllllv SUU-1
! ..IIau vorv need in "Faith Home..
I . Mr. Cummons and family wem:
with Rev. ItandnlL to the Mt. ll
i Sunday school In the afternoon, j
1 Rev. Stille ond family went, to.
j Brownsboro In tho afternoon,
'where, he" preached nfter tlelr
Uiintl.,1 afhnnl.
' irw ttrnilH le.1 the nrnver meet-
i ing last week. Mrs. Hoagland 1 . frtr thin week.
I There will be a baby clinic at j
the Reese Creek scnool nouse
Tuesdny, the 2!ith at 1 p. m. Dr.
Inskeep and two nurses -will be
: ..
I "Mrs.". Prank : SaulcsbeiVy save
.hcr.Hunday school: class a party
Ion the church ipwn , Thursday 1 1
i afternoon. Oames were piayea ano
! ice cream was srvd.aid the party
: wasvery nu ch enjoyed by all of
.-her little scholars. ,
; 'William Bell and -family moved
1 recently Into -the house formerly
I occupied by Mrs. Kate Copple on
i South Fifth . Vreet.
.Mr. and Mrs. Klmer Adami' left
Tuesday, for Portland whrc,thy
I will spend a.fevT days.
1 The It. N. A. sewing society met
I with N'elghlMtr Bowman Wefnen
; day. They ..will meet again June
Plenty .Parking
- 'Space
Owned and Controll
ed by Home -People.
,1). t, .1 1 ' ' t 1 ,..H t ... ..T '
-Kit'4 -C
Corner Grape
and Sixth Sts.
Block East P. .
Free DeUveriea pally
Morning - Afternoon
iln J-he.Ceitter. pf
Bedford : ;:f
Reliable Cash Grocery
Seasonable eats, large stock to select from, plenty room to
park cars. .Don't fail, to get our prices before buying, pua.1
,ity, merchandise only.
Large size bottle Heinz Ketchup, each . . . .23c
Heinz Relish Special . . ....... '". ...... 25c
Heinz Mustard in glass, each ...................... ..14c
Heinz Brand
6 Medium
Kidney Beans
.1 .Can Free
Heinz Brand
6 Medium
- Spaghetti -;
1 Can Free
Heinz Brand
6 Medium
Baked Beans
l.Can Free
Solid Pack Tomatoes, 2-J tins . ... 15c
Waldorf Toilet Paper, 4 roils f ; . ...... . 25c
Milk, .your choice brand, 3 large cans ... .... .29c
8 bars Crystal White Soap . . ......... .......... . . 30c
Calumet Baking Powder, 1-pound can . . . 25c
Sugar, pure. cane, 100-lb. bag . : .'. . $6.65 .
' -No Goods Sold to Other Merchants at These Prices.
'Fre-.Pelivery on
Any Size Order
Inside City
C. A. Whillock
Sixth and Grape
Now is tbe,tinie to buy your strawberries for canning. They
, . ... '."'', i
are at their best and cheaper than they will be at any time
of the season.
3 pounds Home-grown Peas . . . . 23c
-4 pounds .new Potatoes ... . ? . . ..." 25c
Large solid! Head Lettuce, each . 5c
All Bunch Vegetables 5c
We alsp have Cantaloupes, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Sweet
Italian Onions, Green Peppers, Spinach in fact, everything
in fruits and vegetables in season
l t - - ' ' . ' ' I ' . i
Free Delivery Sixth and Grape Streets
Phone 97
Plenty of chickens for frying, roast
ing and stewing.
Nice Young Frying Rabbits, 4b ; . 30c
Chinook Salmon, per lb. ... . . . .35c
Halibut, per lb ..... . ... . , . . . . . 35c
.Red Snapper, per lb... ,..25c
Ling Cod (the deep sea trout), lb .;25c
Crabs, Oysters, Kippered Salmon,
r Herring and Codfish
F?ee Delivery
Phone U3B
'STlEAKl .;;';;r;
Smothered in Onions '
Ent lightly at lunch time, then nsk the missua to
got one of those famous Htenka for. dinner at the
JMOOPLKS MAHKICT. With side dishes you'll
have a feast fit for almost anybody. : i,.
Eastern Bacon Bacon Squares
Bacon Backs . Picnic Shoulders Special
All Choice. Cuts of . ; .; U , .
EASTERN HAMS (half or whole) per lb.....30 .
' I . 'I k ' . ' ' .... r- '-
In Johnson's Market
Phone ,1058 ,.. , , FjreA DeliTeiy
i tth at tbe home; of Mrs. Ray Kiev
j enson. ,
I Mr. and Mrs. John rernoll and