MEDFORD COL TRIBUNE, BEDFORD, OREflQNT. SUNDAY, MAY fi, 192S. PXGE THRCT cms tow I CASTLE CRAGS ON I Starts 'Round World Door-to-Door Peddlers a Nuisance A week from last nlKlit the Crater club, or a large part of the membership ot that well known local boosting orsunteatinn, will enjoy a banquet, In their honor at the Castle Crags resort near Dunsmuir, Cal., bb the guests of the Ijoiis' club nnil business men of Dunsmuir. This will happen after thev have spent Friday, the day before, und Saturday until lale in the afternoon In Klamnih Fall as a part of the representation that Medforil will have In the preat railroad opening celebration of that eitv. The Crater Club conlingent, num bering tweiity-eitsliMiieu. will leave Medford next Friday noon for Klamath Kalis to participate In the celebration there Friday aft ernoon and nlTta1. md Saturday. While In Klamath alls they will make their tenur ry home in a Southern Pacif pullman car, which will ho Jt for them In the railroad yai.. anad In which they will depart Suturday after noon for Dunsmuir, where their hosts will take them In charge. Saturday night will be spent in Dunsmuir or at the beauticul Castle Crags resort where the big banquet doings will tako place ou Saturday evening, and of which resort O. M. (Deacon) Selsby, the well known former Medford man in a part owner. A part of Sun day will be, spent at Castle Crags, anil lale tha't afternoon the Craters will depart in their Pullman for home, arriving here lu plenty of time to obtain a good night's rest before resuming their regular dally duties on Monday morning. Tlio abovo mentioned features nro a rough tentative1 outline of the Klamath Falls-Dunsmuir-Crngs trip ot two und a halt days. Vernon Vawter has charge of the trip program, the details of which he Is now working on. Only twenty-eight members ot the organization can go on the trip In a body, as that number comprises the full capacity of the Pullman car, every reserva tion of which is already signed up. and It is known that there arc not enough others comtem plntlng going, to partially fill an other Pullman. However, It Is possible that a number ot other Craters may make the trip to Dunsmuir di rect Sunday afternoon .by au tomobile, to shake Deacon Sels by by the hand nnd take in Hie banquet doings Saturday night. ill' J Selling iff l,os Angeles nll-ab-sorhing business. It rump upon tim-'s trail, it drags one forth from the privacy of his Uumioile. 1 culled ut "the house of a friend who had not Been me for yearn. Opening a cautious cruck. she look me to he nn unknown woman. I "How do yu do I was begin ning. "Sorry, hut T nm not buying any real estate. Good morning!'1 h jeried with a fact of haggard nelf ! defense, and I was left to bent a I tat no upon the door. A dozen peripatetic (talesmen nnd women may call in n nfngle day. Signs such as "No J'eddlers or Agents" are futile. The wily one will approach a typical flat building, press nil the hut ions in the root, and stand Kplder-like in the middle of the common porch awaiting his victim. The be leaguered nro driven to subter fuge; they peer from tho edge of curtains; they double like hairpins over the rails of upper sleeping porches in the surreptitious en deavor to "see who it is." "There!" groaned one, "I'd gone to the door seven times this after noon for nothing but peddlers, nnd the eighth time I just said I wouldn't. And you might know it hud to be my best uncle came nil the way from Den Moines!" There seems no limit to the variety of iitlhlcs sold thus from door to door. Household conveni ences and inconveniences of every sort a brush for potatoes, nv extra handle for saucepans, more readily picked up by their own handles; u nest of containers so large that no normal kitchen could contain it. The victim is urged to try a new garden sprinkler, to enjoy a dt lectable fruit "spread," a smeared and dripping cracker being thrust at her as evidence of its (lelectabllity. While visiting a cousin who lives alone, 1 undertook one day to act as doorman; it required all but physical forco to defend myself against being sold a perambulator fur our household of two sympa thetically cynical spinsters. Heal estate, however, is tho chief article of sale houses and shops, town lots, country lots, beach lots. One friend related her experience: "I had been as patient as pos sible. 1 had been offered every i kind of real estate, got fallen i arches from running downstairs iand up. and still I had preserved i my manners. Hut I've slammed ! tho door In somebody's face at last. That woman tiled to sell me t a cemetery lot !" i Harper's.) E FLYER FOR POLAR BASE FORCED 10 LAND short time after he had taken the air In a, mi prise iuke-off hia morning, Hart said, and the mo tor wns burning lid so rapidly that virtually his entire supply of lubricunt had been used when he made his landing here. DEMETRAL TWICE Vernon Bennett, of Milwau kee, Wis.; student at the Univers ity of Wisconsin, Madiso snapped as lie started from Jfadi son westward on hike around the world, Bennett estimates the trip wiil take him a year and a half. He plans working his way. PLATTSMOITTH, Neb., May 5. (JP) The bodies of a young woman and two 70-yenr-old men, each with a bullet drilled through the left temple, were found last night by tho woman's husband. The bodies were lying In the bottle strewn room of John Varada's home. Varadn vva8 one of the dead. '4 PORTLAND. Ore., May 5. (JP) Clark Williams, veteran news paper man. connected with the ! Oregonian during the past 25 years, died today at his home at Gladstone, a suburb, lie had been In . poor health for about six months. flREIONVII.l.l-:, S. C, May D. () Hope of saving the Table Hock Cove dam, ::i miles north of here, grew this morning when engineers succeeded in opening the flood pipe, thus taking, the pressure off the breaks which' developed tinder the dam late yesterday. E SELLS OUT AND IE AHCADIA, nl.. May Trinco Eric of Denmark has abandoned definitely his former prosuin role of chicken farmer and has left with his wife and year-old daughter for the ances tral hallH in Europe. The prince and his family loft last night en route to Denmark, having sold his poultry ranch several weeks ngo. Prince Eric and his wife, tho former Frances Lois Hooth. moved i to the chicken ranch in 1924 1 after it had been purchased for the prince by his parents-in-law, Mr. "and Mrs. J. It. Hooth of nn-j ndn. Virtually the only time1 Prince Erie came out of tho I seclusion of the ranch was during! tho California visit of Crown ! Prince Oustavua Adolphus of Swe den. Prince Eric joined in the festivities of welcome for tho visiting crown prince. 4 CHICAOO, May fi. !) After a long serie of bombings, some po litical, some due to labor troubles, and some the result of private grudges, police have arrested two men. Despite long investigation, spurred in two cases by rewards totalling $76,000, theso are tho first arrests mnde-with the excep tion of persons picked up for ques-tlnntmr. CONTRACT SIGNED FOR LOG SUPPLY A two xear contract wns closed yesterday between I.. W. Charles of Medford and C. L. Cogglns of Ashland, proprietor of the box fac-; tory and sawmill there, by which , the former agreed to furnish 11,000,-; 000 feet of lw?s to the mill dur-1 Ing that specified length of tlmo. I Lea (ioodwin of Jacksonville will j be in charge of the trucks used in hauling the timber and will move ! with his family to Ashland the first of this week. V.VOSOR, Norway. May 5. (!P) ! The dirigible Italia commanded by t General I'mberto Nohllo left here I at H:3n tonight for Spitsbergen ; which will he its haso during a series of Arctic flights. ' ; The Italia arrived limo on Thnrs-; day nl-iht alter an all day flight, from Stolp. Ceruiuny. Previously1 it hud been flown from Milan.. Italy to Stolp. Kresh fuel supplies were loaded here and the ship again put In readiness for flight by mending n small tear in its envelope made in lauding. From this villuge In northern-! most Norway, the nose of tho dlr-' iglhle was itolnted out over the Arctic waters. A hangar has been prepared for the Italia at King's liny on the northwest short of West Spitzber.'ten. ticnernl Nubile hnR planned sev eral flights to be made during the nest two months In exploration of j parts of the Arctic regions hither- ( to unvlslted or about which there i is controversy. Ho also plans to j revisit the North Pole over which i he first flew in another dirigible, j the Norge. i I'UICKASHA, Okln., May 6. 1 (Pi After being in the air for ninn hums und 38 minutes on an at tempt to set a new endurance flifc'u re.oi-a. Joe Hart. Chickasha aviisnr was forced down here to night by motor trouble. After dumping bis gasoline ),e brought the hit: Kyun monoplane to an easy landing at tho airport here. Knirlne trouble developed a t'lllL'AUO, May 6. VP) Re newed tienernl buying un a large scale sent the wheat market soar ing today. Houses with eastern and foreign connections led the urchasing mopvement which lifted the July wheat delivery to more than ti i rtmta fibovo prices cur rent at one illtno yesteriluy. Indi cations pointed to a decided fulling off In world shipments of wheat for the week, and thu Liverpool 'market displayed notable strength. XACTO SENTRY Is Coming Hags wanted at the Mail Trib une office. Must he r!nn. Clean rags wanted at the Mail i Tribune office. tfj illlll THE BEST DENTlSTRYr DONE PAINLESSLY Children's Health Eve Benson Dancing Academy Now forming. ClaBses in Span ish Solo, Mexican and Tango Dances, also the popular Tap Danc ing. Learn a routine and enjoy the syncopation. 40 WINDOW & DOOR FRAMES AT D TROWBRIDGE D LUMBER YARD "B D D O CSS I! Your Favorite Jeweler . ji 8lnw II As a graduation gift, onu 1 II of our 'handsome, preclso SI strap watches leaves ltttlo to be desired. Depends on honhliy, weft kpfit teeth. Regular briiHliing in essential nnd an occasional visit to the dentist in nec essary. . , ... . , Because of my painless methods md my careful work on children's teeth, scores of Southern Oregon mothers nro bringing their children to me. Because my work is painless, chil dren have no aversion to coming here .i.- ,, ' ,. ,. You couldn't get as; good dentistry for less money or better dentistry . for twice the money. EUGENE, Ore., Mny 5. iP) Al Karusick. light-heavyweight grap pler Of Portland, defeated Young Demelrall. a husky wrestler from Chicago, by two straight falls in the match staged at tho arena here tonight. Tho Russian Uon gained the first fall in 21) minutes by a straight arm scissors. Kara sick used a series of reverse head locks and then an airplane spin to take the second fall in eleven and a half minutes. The match was spectacular throughout with Demetrall proving adept in the use of headlocks and arm scissors. Chet Wiles, Portland, defeated Frank Burns, Michigan, with a toe hold after twenty minutes of grap pling in the special preliminary. Wildcat Pete, local favorite, will meet Henry Jones, world champion junior middleweight, here May 11 in a bout for the title, it was an nounced at the ringside. pope opposedTo TAKING PART IN ATHLETIC GAMES ROME, May 5. (P) Athletic competition in public ny gins is disapproved by I'ope Pius. The pontiff has sent an open letter to Cardinal I'omell, curator of the Rome diocese, protesting against a gymnnstlc competition for young girls which wns to have begun tomorrow. The letter com plains that the games which the pope regards as unseemlngly and contrary to tho spirit of woman hood, should occur under the very eyes of the head of the Catholic eiiurch. He' npproves remon strances already made on the sub ject by various bishups. The athletic competition is especially disagreeable, the nope writes, since It comes In the month of May which is dedicated to tho blessed Virgin. The bishop of Rome." says the letter, cannot in fact fall to deplore that here In the holy city of Catholicism, nfter twenty centuries ov' Christianity, tho sensitiveness nnd Attention to the delicate care due to young women and girls should be shown to have fallen lower than pagan Rome." The letter criticized public per formances by young femnle nth letes. saying that the methods of physical culture now pursued In Italy are contrary to "good sane pedagogy." WALLACE. Idaho, May S. (T) -Mrs. Angelina Contamo. 25. today told n gruesome tale of how her husband. Joe constanio. 4S. killed her admirer with an nxe and threw the body Into a flume, then forced her to swear upon the crucifix that (he would I IF YOU NEED A PLATE Come to my office let me show the dif ferent materials to you and explain their advantages you can make your selection in advance. And REMEMBER 1 YOUR MONEY BACK IF YOU AREN'T SATIS FIED! . T FT YOUR STORE OUT OF THE "COMMON PLACE" Make Your Store Front Reflect the Character of Your Store I This is Main Street any town, any city. Look up and down the street. You can pick at a glance the progressive merchant, the man who has "lifted his store out of the commonplace. His store front reflects the character of his store the class of merchandise he sells the policy of his business. EVERLAST jEQN ELECTRIC SIGNS Will Do This for Your Store" It, will pay the prop;rcssivc business man to invostiRnte this latest development in institutional and Ktore front advertising. Beautiful effects mny be attainctl at a cost surprisingly low, on long, easy terms. These ultra modern, spectacular, yet dignified, sins are lieiiift manufactured in Medford. AVe ' . will he (jld'l to. make rcepinniendations covering your particular requirements. , Phone 12 PEOPLES ELECTRIC STORE Medford, Ashland, Klamath Falls, Grants Pass DR. I. H. GOVE 235 E. Main St.,- . ' X f Office Phone, 872-J Residence Phone, 786-J Mr. Business Ham r i l vr ii wr SOL BW mm r ft r-'ir i rouHnoiv the economy Qf an ENSION TELEPHONB ' 1 ... H I li' Provide that economy for i.yourhome by, presenungyouT family with a convenience; you 'would not )i be without in yourownwoiK he cost is buta teiD cents a week ORDER "YOURS MOW Home Telephone and Telegraph Co. of J5outhni Orffnn . m f - ..": it--.- m m T not tell, J