Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 05, 1928, Page 3, Image 3

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    'faue THKKH
Fire of an undetermined origin
enused damage conservatively es
timated at $3000 last evening at 6
o'clock, when flames gutted the
J. F. Cook auto top shop on South
Riverside avenue and dumaged the
II. Dunlap blacksmith shop adjoin
ing H on the south and the Charles
Jackson welding shop adjuining it
on the north.
With three lines of hose the fire
department extinguished the rag
ing inferno in less thuu 30 liiiuulfcB.
The Cook establishment was com
pletely ruined, all slock of top cov
ering, celluloid and machinery be
ln5 destroyed or damaged beyond
Tlio Dunlap blacksmith Bhop suf
fered damage from flames which
burned on the ceiling, damaging
wooden pulleys, shafts and electric
motors. The wall between the two
establishments was burned through
near the ceiling and the flames
were ready to spread throughout
the Interior of the Dunlap shop.
Inspection of the welding shop this
morning revealed it to be the least
damaged as the flames did not
reach its Interior to any extent.
The building, a brick structure, is
the property of Hamilton Patton,
the loss being partially covered by
Cook did not know today wjiether
lie would reopen fur business, which
would necessarily have to be In a
new location, at least until 'the
present damage has been repaired.
It was in his shop that the fire Is
believed to have begun, although
the origin of the bluze is still a
Because of next -Tuesday noon
nt the Klkn' forum being "fish
day," P. C. Biffhum of the lodge
was commissioned to capture
enough salmon for a big fish
feed to be served then. That la
why ho returned from tho river
with two huge salmon lust evening,
which were placed In cold stor
age until Tuesday. One of tho
fish weighs 35 pounds rind the
other weighs 3L pounds.
They were caught in the Savage
UapidH dnnv -vicinity -nnd -nre two
nf the finest and futtest fish ever
caught in the river. They put
.up a hard fight before I 'etc was
able to land them. Trior to
making this big catch, ho lost
lietween $4 and $,ri worth of tackle
in trying to hind several other
big fish, who had an abhorrence
of being captured to make nn
Klks' holiday feed.
There will be some fish ora
tory and other stunts in accord
with Tuesday's fbth day forum,
and a collection will he taken
up to reimburse 1. O. for his
lost tackle, in an endeavor to
turn his mind away from self
destruction. STATE D'MOLAY
SALEM. Ore., May 5. (Pi
f Miss Anna Mae Wells of Medford
f was elected by the DeMolay con
clave yesterday as Its ruling
fiueen for the annual session
now being held here. The elec
tion was by vote of delegates
from each chapter meeting in the
r Masonic temple, . while hunrdeds
of lv.Molay members waited in the
street to hear the result.
Miss "Wells will be presented
with a loving cup by Chemeketa
chapter of Salem , and will, pre
side over the formal dance to
night. Tho address of ' welcome was
made by He v. Martin K. Kerrey
of the Unitarian church and was
responded to by Harold Tomllnson
of Salem, senior councillor.
At the Willamette university
gymnasium last night tho initia
tory degree was conferred by the
OorvalllH chapter and the DeMo
lay by Pilgrim chapter of Bend,
on 12 members.
The district advisory board
will meet at 9:30 this morning.
The place and date for 'the
1.1929 conclave will he voted on
this afternoon. Bend ts the only
bidder, so fur.
EITOENE, Ore., May 5. (P)
Eugene high school won the state
high school drama tournament,
which closed here last night with
the Mill City high school cait
winning honorable mention. Th
cup. won by Rosehurg high school
In the first tournament last year,
was awarded the Eugene players
who will retain it permanently
If they win the state event twice
ngain In succession.
Hoseburg and Enterprise hlgfc
schools were other schools enter
ing casts In the Mnte content.
Mrs. Kathleen Clark. Grants Pass;
Mrs. Elizabeth K. Day, Portland,
and Robert D. Horn of the L'nl
)eraity Oregon, wer Judges.
i AKHLAXD. May 5. (Special.)
B. F. Mulkey of Portland, former;
I president of the Southern Oregon
I Normal school, has accented an in
vitation from the Normal Alumni!
asKOciailon to deliver the nlumnij
address on the afternoon af June
Uth at tho. old Normal grounds.
Mr. Mulkey jit a speaker of un
usual ability and old friendfi will
be glad to have an opportunity to
hear him again.
Mr. and Mm. J. H. Hardy. Dr.
and Mrs. W. E. Blake. Mrs. W. H.
McNair, Mrs. A. J. McCallen and
Mrs. Nate Bates went to Medford
on Wednesday evening to attend
the district convention of the East
ern Star chapters of Southern Ore
gon. Mrs. Louis Dodge held a recep
tion nt hor hnma nn ha I ... A
I on Saturday afternoon, honoring
iiti iiuum gut'Hi, mrs. ciyae I'ayne
of Orange, Calif., who has been
visiting in Ashland for several
days. About fifty friends of for
mer days called during the after
noon. The house was lovely with
clusters of spring flowers. . The
dining table was most attractive
with a lovely centerpiece of rose
and lavender sweet peas. Mrs. A.
B. Kinney poured during the early
part of the afternoon, and Mrs. F.
C. Holmes poured during the later
hours. Mrs. Isabella Silver and
Miss Mary Oaley assisted In the
dining room.
Mr. and Mrs. O. Milton Franklin.
Jr., returned Thursday afternoon
from their honeymoon trip to
Marshfield. where they visited with
Mrs. Franklin's father. They drove
down the coast to CreHcent City,
and returnde home by Grants Pass.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Edwards,
who have been in Ashland for
three weeks visiting with friends,
left on Friday on their return to
Hayward, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Ed
wards formerly lived in Ashland.
Miss Ieona Mursters, music sup
ervisor in the Southern Oregon
Normal school, visited Medford on
Thursday to make arrangements
for the State Music Teachers' con
vention which will he held In Med
ford May 21-22.
Clarence E. Lane nnd Will Mitch
ell returned Thursday from Myrtle
Point, where they attended the
Woodmen of the World convention.
Mr. and Mrs. James Wooden of
ChVskanle, Oregon, spent 'Friday
night In Ashland on their way
home from a vacation spent nt
various southern California points.
Mr. and Mrs. Wooden visited in
Ashland as they went south about
two weeks ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan McDonald
of Portland visited Mr. and Mrs.
J.. P. Dodge "on Friday. The' Mc
Donalds were returning north from
n vacation season spent In Cali
fornia. Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Wagner
and Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Backus
entertained the Ashland Bridge
club recently at the Wagner home
on Granite street. Dinner was
served at an attractively decorated
table with covers laid for 18. nt
6:30 and the evening was given
over to bridge. Mrs. E. V, Carter
and J. M. Wagner were winners!
of high scores, and were nppropri
afely rewarded, while Mrs. Her
mann Matter nand E. V. Carter
were consoled. Those who enjoyed
the evening at cards were Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas H. Simpson. Mr. and
Mrs. Emil Pell, Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
Kinney. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wag
ner, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Carter.
Mr. and Mr. Fred D, Wagner,!
Mr. and Mrs. P. It. Backus. Mrs.;
Herman Mattern, Mrs. H. S. San
ford. Mrs. Emma L. Oeder and
Irving E. Vlning.
Jay H. Upton of Bend, lieuten-'
ant governor of the eighth division
of the Pacific Northwest Kiwanls
district, spoke at tho Kiwanls club
luncheon on Friday at the Uth la
Springs hotel. Henry Enders on-!
nouueed plans for Ashland's par
ticipation in the Klamath Falls
celebration May 11th and 12th.
W. P. Walter, local Y. M. C. A.
secretary, will go to Grants Pass
on Sunday morning to occupy the
Presbyterian pulpit In that city.
Rev. J. L. Webster, pastor of the
church, is soon to leave his chnrge.
Tho first band concert of the
season was given In Lihia park
on Friday evening- by the Yreka
high school hand, the program be
ing sponsored by the Ashland lodge
of Elks. The organization gave r.
program of unusual merit that
would have done credit to much
older and experienced performers.,
A good-sized crowd filled the seat
ing space and many sat on the
ground. The driveway above the
grandstand was lined with cars,
whose occupants showed their ap
preciation by tooting auto horns.
Much favorable comment . was
heard on the splendid work of the
One of the finest bits of dramatic
work given this season was offer
ed by the high school seniors,
when on Thursday evening they
put on the play, "Clarence." The
play was full of rollicking fun and
hilarious situations from start to
flnlhh. The work of both leadH
was outs'anding. M-t Esther
Spencer as the willful flapper
daughter, played a difficult part
In a faultless manner, while Bar
ney Miller was quite as outstand
ing In his presentation of Clar
ence. Other members of the cast
were splendid support for the prin
cipals and showed most careful
training in character presentation.
The success of the play was largely
due to the splendid work nf the
dramaic coach. Miss Althea Dwy
yr of the high school English de
partment. Other admlnlsS' itlve
hslpers were Selden Burton, busi
ness manager: HWcn Johnson,
property manager: Ixts Hill, assist
ant property manager, and Law
rence Powell, stage manager. .
Notice lo Our rntmiM.
TteKlnnlnsr May Tth we will be
eln our night delivery. Merriman'
Dairy. ii
St. Mark's Kpbrepal.
Corner Oakdale and Fifth street.
8 a. m.. Holy communion.
10 a. in., Sunday school.
11:15 a. in., Holy communion.
Wm. B. Hamilton, Rector.
Church ox God.
Corner North Orape and Jlcvcn.
Sunday school, 9:45.
Morning service, 11 a. m.
ttveninK service, 7:30 p. m.
Wednesday evening prayer meet
ing, 7:30 p. itu
C. A. Cooper,' pastor.
Advent CIu-lMJjui Church.
Welh and Jackson Bts.
Kunday school at :4S.
Mrs. 1-ydia Miller of I.os An
geles and Dr. C. A. Rlan'chette of
Minneapolis are expected to be
with us ut 11 a. m.
Services at 7:45 p. ni.
A cordial invitation is extended
to all.
J. Spencer Tllton, Pastor.
Zion Lutheran Church
Zlon English Lutheran church.
West Fourth street at Oakdule, F.
W. ilussard, pastor. Residence 32
Rose avenue; phone 1201-X.
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Church services at 11 a. in. and
8 p. m.
Luther I.enjiue at 7 p. m. Leader
Bernard Andren. Topic, "How to
Choose Your Life Work."
Ladies' Aid meets at 2 p. m.
Thursday at church. Mrs. Maben,
Choir practice Thursday at 7:30
p. m.
Main SUWt M. K. Chutvli, South.
W. K. Ray, pastor.
We broadcast our Sunday night
Sunday school. Dr. Frank Rob
erts, superintendent, 10 a. m.
Sermon, "What Shall the Har
vest He?" 11 a. m.
Epworih league. 7 p.' m.
Sermon, "The Things That Hurt
Jesus the Most," 8 p. m.
The Lord's Supper following the
morning service.
- Praery meeting Wednesday night
at 7:80, followed by choir practice.
During the two Sundays the pas
tor will be absent on. his vacation,
the pulpit will bo filled by Percy
A. Itray and Phil Hetebry and other
members of the gospel team. Sun
day school work and prayer meet
ing in the hands of Dr. Roberts.'
Unless otherwhere nttached, we
Invite you to worship In the Church
of the Open Door.
May Dny Program at the Flrt M.
K. Sunday School.
A special May Day program will
be given at tho First M. 13. Sunday
school Sunday morning, May-6th,
particularly In tho primary, junior
and intermediate departments.
These three departments will unite
in opening exercises In the recrea
tional hall. The special feature of
tho program will be a Maypole ex
ercise by 1 fi Sundny school scholars
In these departments. This is the
lat Sunday of the contest for., new
members and attendance. The
mothers are Invited to attend this
special' program as guests of. the
children's departments.
Everyone attending next Sunday
Is requested to bring flowers for
the decoration of their various de
partments which will be used In
addition to the May Day decoration
at the regulur church hour.
First Church of Christ, Scientist.
Authorized branch of the mother
church, the First Church of Christ,
Scientist, In Roston, Mass.
Services are held every Sunday
at 11 o'clock, church edifice, 212
North Oakdule. Subject for Sun
day, May 6: "Adam and Fallen
Sunday school at 9:46. Appli
cants under the age of 20 may be
Wednesday evening meetings,
which Include testimonies of Chris
tian Science healings, at 8 o'clock.
The. reading room, which is in
the Medford building, 1s open daily
from 12 to 4, except Sundays nnd
holidays. The Bible and all au
thorized Christian Science litera
ture may be read, borrowed or pur
chased. . '
The public Is cordially Invited to
attend the services and visit the
reading room.
Seventh Pay Adventtst Church
Corner Beatly nnd Edwards
Sabbath school, 9:45 a. m., L. L.
Hunch, superintendent.
1'reachlng at 11 a. m. : Subject,
"The Christian Home and It In
fluence In the Past."
Missionary Volunteer society
meets at 3 o'clock. Subjept, "Effi
ciency." Midweek prayer meeting and
Hlble study Wedncsduy evening
at 7:30.
1'reachlng Sunday evening at
7:45. Subject, "The Papacy, presi
dency, Protestantism In the Light
of Present Christianity In Amer
ica." Strong ftearchllght of the
prophetic word will be thrown on
this subject in a lecture Sunday
evening, May 6. Tou are Invited
to attend this lecture. Special
music planned for the evening.
Pastor T. L. Thuemler will ocrupy
the pulpit. Prof. Falkenherg will
lead the music.
FlrsL dirlhitnn Cliurrh.
Ninth and Oakdale. Carman E.
MHI, minister. Office and pnMor's
study in the church. Phone 1007.
Residence phone 1337. "Test Our
Morning worship and communion
at 10:56. Sermon subject, "The
Saints of Caesar."
Popular evening service from 3
to 9 o'clock. Sermon subject, "Two
Picture of Ood."
There will he splendid music and
a genuine warmth of fellowship in
all services. You will enjoy being
one of the large numbers that are
continually thronging these serv
ices nnd actually taking part In
the worship.
The p.lble school Is breaking nil
records for attendance and effici
ency. It assembles at 9:45. Clnsses
for nil nges. Vou ore Invited.
Christian Endeavor groups meet
at 7 o'clock. The young people
are having some fine meetings.
Your pretence It earnettly detlred.
Mid-week service 'Wednesday
evenlnir at o'clock. .
Mother's day services will be
held May 13th.
I'resbTtrrlnu Church.
9 45 a. ra., Hlble school. One of
tho beehives of our school is the
primury department under the di-j
rectlon of Miss Helen Hullis and aj
corps of- devoted and efficient)
workers. Children between the
ages of ( and 8, Inclusive, get foun-j
datlon training here, verl u. ai
11 a. m.. Sermon, -nellgloua Kx -
perience." Children's sermon. The
Hoy Jesus."
Organ prelude, "A Prayer"
"Meditation" Fry-
'Temple Marc h"
I Will Lift Up Mln.
Eyes" llarker.
Duot. "Tarry With Me" Nlcolal.
Florence Hatelrlgg McElhose
and Oeorge Maddox.
8 p. m., Stereoptlcon pictures and
lecture on Paul s: Antlocb and In
his first missionary Journey. The
third in the series on "The Ro
mance of Saul of Tarsus." These
pictures and lecture are very In-
on the life of the great
. the oentile world.
apostle to
Organ voluntary, "In a Qondola
Smith.. .
Offertory. "A Sketch" Ashford.
Postlude In Ci Ashford.
Christian Endeavor service at 7
p. m. oplc, "The Cost of Friend
ship." Lender. Ruth Clement.
Mid-week service Wednesday
night at 8 p. m. Study the second
chapter of Oalatlans.
First lcthodlst Kptsooiml Clturt'll.
T. H. Temple, D. D., minister.
Residence, 27 North Orange. Phone
Morning worship at 11. Subject,
"What Influence of Music."
Evening worship at 8. Subject,
"Wrong Jdens of Ood."
Epworth league at 7 p. m. Lead
er, Mrs. Harold Wiley. Institute
Sunday school at 9: 45 a. m. A
welcome for you.
Mid-week e r v I c e Wednesday
night at 8 o'clock. '
The sermon of the morning will
be an Illustrated sermon, illustrat
ed wl'h musical numbers showing
the Influence of music In the de
velopment of the Christian church
and In the development of Chris
tian experience.
The young people of the Epworih
league ore asked to remember the
Ivory soap and wash-cloth shower
Sundny night for Wesley hospital.
lel us mase ii n gouu on,-.
Richard Heu(lriek, the little min
ister, will be in Medford from May
20th to May 25th, and will hold
a series of meetings In tha' First
Methodist Episcopal church. Rich
ard Is a real boy. full of fun, a
good athlete, besides being a good
preacher. Save the dates. ;
Anthem, "Gloria In ExceUls"
Offertory, Ninety-First Psalm
. Mr. Meeker.' ' ' '
Quartet, "O Love of Ood Most
Full'' Scott.
Mrs. Ilognn, Mrs. Temple, Mr.
. MacDonough. Mr. Vroman.
Offertory, "There Is a iJind Mine
Kyo Hath Seen" Crownlnchleld.
Mr. MacDonough.
Mrs. W. M. VanHcoyoc. organist;
Mrs. May Jordan MacDonough, di
rector. '
The: I-VdoraUHl Churches of Central.
J. M. Johnson, pnstor.
"Oreatness Through Service," Is
the subject of the splendid lesson
which we shall study in the' Hlble
school tomorrow. What a differ
ence there Is between this tand
ard and the standard of the self
seeklnfr. ease-loving one who Is
rather looklnfr for some one to do
something for him? You will find
the text In Mark 9:S3-50; 10:30-45.
The word for our memory verses
is "quicken," and you are asked
to "hide" some of this word In
your heart. Remember the school
opens at 9:4&.
Our younir people nre nsked to
bring some one with them to the
younir people's services at 7 o'clock.
This is the time to pet other younc
folks Into these services. The topic
for study is "How to Choose a Life
Work," Kol. 9:10; I. The. 4:9-12.
This Is of the utmost Importance
to nil yoiinR people.
The younir people will hnvo full
charge of the evenlnB service In
the church, and will present the
work of the Christian Kndeavor so
cieties, in their international, and
national scope nnd purpose. Cru
sading with Crist is the sloaan.
You will be Inspired with the son
service. Ho Buro to be In these
We are expecting the morning
service to be of unusual blessing
and uplift. Two fine speclnls have
been prepared for the musical
part, and the pastor will preach on
the subject, "Clod's Provisions for
Emergencies." Is Clod able to meet
tho sudden need that may arjtte In
my life tomorrow? lie Is, and
you shall hear about It from the
book, If you oome to this service.
ISnitlicrhoofl Holds Meeting Mon
day Kvtulnir.
In order that the men may at
tend the school program to be
given on Tuesday evening, 'he
mon'hly meeting of the Mens
Mrotherhood will be held'on Mon
day evening, May 7th, at 8 o'clock.
A good program has been arranged
hy Dr. Heckman, head of the pro
grame commltee, and It will he to
the Interest of all the men to at
tend. A Narrow Enmpc.
Alfred Lowensteln, tho Belgian
multi-millionaire, had a narrow
escape from Injury when he leaped
propeller, of the airplane which
brought him from New Tork a.
he alighted at the Philadelphia
airport this afternoon.
I'. S. fthlp Is Kavcri.
WELLINGTON, N e w Zealand,
May 6. The American steam
ship Kteel Maker, which fent
ashore off Mitchell reef In the Kl-i"- 1 nester Wendl, Vivian lleach,
lire Islands on March 2. was re-Mra. Fred Kick, Mrs. B. S. Wilson,
floaed today after 6.000 tons oflMr- r'l' Baulsberry. Mrs. O. N.
chroma or wer Jottlioned. McKay, Mri. Ilay Colman, tin. Of
" May meeting of the Willow
Springs Thursday club will be on
!May ' the home of Mrs. Clyde
Richmond on Scenic avenue. The
May meeting is tho time fur elec- j
tlon of officers fur the coming j
yiar and also for paying dues, i
Mrs. Parker, the retiring president,
vi" have charge of the program.
every one iry lo ue present.
.Mr. and Mrs. 11. A. Du llugue I
with a party of friends motored to
tho coast the first of the week und
spent a delightful day nt Crescent
Mrs. Sam Anderson expects to
leave for Portland next week,
whoro she will visit her sister and
her sons and families, also be pres
ent at the graduation, on May 18.
" r . """tinier, Liarn, wno nas
"nished her training as a nurse.
Mrs. J. s. Miner, who has been
In poor health for some time, was
seriously 111 the first of the week
but Is somewhat Improved.
Mrs. Robert 11 r o p h y of Pino
Ridge spent Thursday at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
K. I'arker.
Arnold llonhert with his tractor
and P. A. Bonney with his team
are working at the Field brothers
Mrs. Roy Lampert left on the
morning train Thursday for Min
nesota, called there by the death
of her father. Shu will bo gone
about three weeks.
The Willow Springs district
has had three nights of smudging
this week. The frost did consider
able dumagc to patutocs und small
garden stuff.
W. A. Thompson was so far re
covered from his recent operation
that he returned to his homo lust
Saturday. lie Is still weak, but
Is making a very satisfactory re
cvoery. Mrs. Martin had as Rousts the
first of the week her niece nnd
husbund, Mr. und Mrs. Carl Evans
of Portland. They returned home
by tho way of Klamath Falls and
' TALK NT, May 5. Tho LndleiV
Aid of the Methodist church at
Talent will give a chicken and
rabbit dinner next Wednesday,
Muy 9th from G to 8 o'clock. Chil
dren under 12 years, 2tc. All
others GOc a plate. This will be
a good dinner, ho help swell the
Mrn. Klsit WlllInniH, daughter
of Mr. nnd Mrs. K. T. Newbry
had the misfortune to break her
arm, while cranking their Ford
coupe one day tho first of tho
Dudley IZMph left Thui-sday
morning on train No. 13 for Iiray.
Cal., where he ha obtained em
ployment In the box factory.
' Mr. Ethel Lockhart Hpent
Thursday afternoon nt tho home
t Mrs. Vera Homes.
Last Sunday eight of the boys of
Troop 35 and their scout master,
Charles Larson, went up Juckson
creek on a hike. The boys cooked
tbeir dinner out In the open and
after the meal had a eood time
playing games. Next Sundny the
planning to go to Jackson Hot
Surings for a swim.
Thirty members of the Jackson
ville Eastern Star chapter attend
ed the district meeting Wednesdny
evening. May 2, in Medford. All
reported an enjoyable time.
Louise W'els, former Jacksonville
hl(,'h school student, represented
the Medford high school In the
second year typing contest nt Cor
vallls, Saturday, April 28.
Mrs. Mary Hudson, who has been
111 at the atcred lUjart hospital In
Medford for the past few months,
spent a few days this week nt her
home here..
The Phoenix high school baseball
team played our high school boys
at the baseball diamond lit nur
school here Tuesday evening. The
Phoenix tenm was victorious by a
score of 7 to 6.
The Copco moving pictures
shown at the gymnasium last Fri
day evening were very mucli en
joyed by those present.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnett left Tues
day for Klamath r'ulls for a short
visit with their children.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hmlth and fam
ily hove moved from the home re
cently occupied by them on Cali
fornia street to the property ad
joining the Methodist church.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard McKee
and daughter, Mamie, wero visit
ors at the V. A. Chllders homo
j Tuesday.
Mrs. 8. K. Dunnlngton. Mrs. T.
K. bunningtnn and Mrs. Annie
Smythe were business visitors In
Medford Monday.
IT, II. Ogle of Klamath Falls was
a caller here Wednesday. Ills
mother, Mrs. 8. K. Ogle, accom
panied him home for a short visit.
brie WJilte returned Monday
evening from Klamnth Kalis,
visitor Tuesday.
C. II. Ihinninton was an Ashland
Mrs. Howard Hare was hostess
to the bridge club Tuesday evening
" , h" hom? i Herkele, orchards.
Afl h ;lln of the four table,
f,p d,nr w0-r",'r".6 "Th"
eon was served. Miss Thelma Jan-
away received the first prlie, the
consolation going lo Mrs. Hay Cole
man. Those present were Misses
(lolda Iloone, Thelma Cnnaway,
Gwendolyn White, Violet Voltmer,
1 -
I cur Lewis, Mrs. O. 1. Maxwell. Mrs.
Harold Crump, Mrs. Koland Mitch
i ell and the hostess.
C. II. Dunnlngton and Fred .Coin
best were business visitors In Med
ford Wednesday.
Tho schools of thin vlt-lnity nre
planning a big picnic to be held
in ljike Creek on Friday the lSih.
They will give a program, have a
we! nte roast and games. The grown
folks are asked to Jolr. and help
give the children a perfect day.
Mrs. C. H. CulheriHun nnd little
daughter are In Medford for a few
days. Little 1 tut bum had the hi on
chitiH and wan taken In to be under
a dtu'tor'H .-are.
There were lotH of fishermen In
this country Sunday and tteverul
camperN also.
MIbs Eil It h Oore spent Saturday
In Medford.
Mra. Andrews and Mitta Martha
Hanley of Medford were gueHtH of
MIh-s Mary Hanley the first of thu
Tho cattlemen am beginning to
tnke their cattle to Klamath county
1 K. Ttean left on Wednesday
for a few days visit at Klamath
J. K. Culbertaon han sold all his
Hheep and is Htarting to work for
the forent Herviee.
Mih. I. J. Kohrer nnd Mrs. Geo.
HniiNen of Itrownshnro wero call
ing on old frlenda last Tuesday.
Mih. Herh (Iritwom vl.stted ut the
H. H. Fox home Tuesday.
Wallace HagNdale, who wan bit
ten by a rattlexnako last Monday,
la recovering nicely,
Mr. and Mrs. I.oren Fnrlow and
Mra. K. H. Jones were doing busi
ness In Medford Tuesday.
J. H. Tyrrell of Medford came
out to his Lost creek ranch last
Monday to Hpend a few days.
Mr. Ted Hoefft is upending a
few days with her mother, Mrs. j
Jennie Meehan, nt Medford.
The Misses Klsle and Dorothy
Wllhtln spent tho week end with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Wilhlte. - i
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. H. Nussbaum
wero shopping In Medford Satur
day. The, forest nervine has a crew of
men repairing tho rond between i
tho C. It. Monro place and the
Dead Indian soda springs.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Messal were
In Medford on business'.'
Mr. Messal went to Ashland, also
Mr. and Mr. Wyant and their
daughter, Fern Elinor. j
Those new Orange members were
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Messnl, Mr. and
Mr. Chas. Kllngle, Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Herman ,
Meyer, Herman Meyer, Jr., Mrs.
Vein Meyer, Mr. Henry Meyer,
Mrs. Emogeno Chorley, Mrs. M. Dm
Howies, Joe and Mlko Hldley.
Quito n number of changes nre
taking place In lOagle Point this
week. Lloyd Wilson has sold his
dairy herd and Medford milk route
to C. V. Purcell, who is moving
onto the former (leliauer ranch.
Mr. Pui-cill will be milking about
B0 cows with the addition of the
Wilson; herd. The fleltauer dairy
ranch In modernly equipped for n
dairy and Mr. Purcell should pros
per in this undertaking.
Z. C. Smith has purchased a 15
acre tract from tho Kngle I'olnt
Irrigation district, which will be
known as the Kagle Point Meud
own. Ho is building his (louse and
expects to bo ready for his family
in a very short time.
11. J. Merklee, who Is employed
by the Pulto Fnlls-Kagle Point Tel
ephone company, has purchased a
10-acre tract In this same location
nnd will make Improvements there.
This subdivision was made from
tile former Ilradsbaw land Just
neighboring the city limits, which
makes nn Ideal homesle overlook
ing Mt. Pitt.
Clarence Cole has moved Into
tho J. M. Nichols home and It. T.
Seaman and family will occupy the
Holmes place vacated by the Cole
The L. H. Carlton family havo
moved Into the newly completed
house In "Hungalow Court," re
cently built by (leorgo Holmes.
With the epidemic of moving, we
surely think spring has coma at
last, for that Is a sure sign.
Don't forget tho church benefit
entertainment next Friday night.
May 11th. You will enjoy the en
tertainment nnd tho benefit Is for
a worthy cause, so let's all help
The Ladles' Aid will give a chick
en dinner on election day, -May 18,
at the Hrown hnll. Kveryone Is
assured a fine meal.
Our school sent 29 children to
tho health meet in Medford Krlday.
The Jackson county health unit ts
accomplishing a wonderful work
among tho children. AVo can nil
help by cooperating with them at
every opportunity.
Is Coming
Windows and Doors q
sorrnRRV ohegon
Laugh Week
Every I TH
Day. I C
Big Day 1'
Continuous 12:30 to 11 P. M.
Clyde Cook
"Good Time
A Hltarious Tale
of an Old Time
Song and Danes
We Give a Load of Dry
Kindling with Three Big
Loads of Slabs
Each load contains 4Vj tievs of 16-in. Pine Slab
1 Small Load Slabs for. . . . .$2.75
2 Small Loads Slabs for. ... .$5.00
Phone 76 1
Invest in a ' .
Savings Account
Any denomination
Always at par
Secure principal
Assured dividends
Exchangeable for cash at
The Jackson County Bank
Medford, Oregon
Commercial Savings Safe Deposit
Now In It's Prime
The Laugha
Are Getting
Return Engagement of the Year's
Big Laugh
Charlie Chaplin
In Hit Newest Comedy
"The Circus"
This picture is
being brot back at
regular Rlalto
Mat.. Eves.
r " - "