Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 25, 1928, Page 2, Image 2

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Iocal and
' Personal
,, .,, na-mi,a ifiuuofl hv
,j,rX7d XS
tne city touay ' . ,
5Z.! rrM l U
Si of IM an 1 1. MohlnVtl
to eonslruct a $3000 dwelling on"
Chestnut street. A permit alo j
was issued to J. W. YounK to ron-j
itreot, while 76 will uo spent ly
A. M. l'utney to repair a uweninK
on lMum street.
First-class cement worie nt rea-2!. Admission, Including erand
lunuble prices. lirundase. Hros.. stand, &lo. Children under 12.
contractors. Phone 24D-K. 023 free. 3
Ho. Central Ave. 80! Air. and Mrs. Win. I.yman and
Visitors from' practicnlly every j Mr, and Mrs. i:imer Fisher are ex
parf of Jackson county are in Ash-j peeled home today from I.onjj
land today intending the W. C. T. , Heach. Calif., where they have been
I.', county Institute: -Mrs. Ada Jol-1 vacationing for tho past three
ley, state president, was the main months.
speaker on the proRram. j Best Ktnh Coal. Hansen Coal Co.
-HhlnelM 3.2G pes M at Medford i Phone 239. 3S7tf
Lumber Co, ' ' Jtfj Fred Flck drove Into Medford
Mr. and Mrs. AVm. Halloway left I on business this morning from his
last night with their small dnuk-h- Jacksonville ranch,
ter, Mary Frances, for Kan Fran-i Walnut top R-raftlng by experl
clsco, where tho latter will be Riven enced. successful walnut Rrafter.
medical treatment.
Wells Taxi. 25c. Phone 25, tf
JudRe and Mrs. (llenn O. Taylor,
who were- called to Band Point, home on North Hecond ror tne pasii1"" ; maieiui ami ijimia, nut no casualties were re-
lda the latter part of lost week I two weeks, Is able to be out nndj sevcn-lmiliiR lie with the Modoc , thrilled over receivlnK the flaK, ported.
by the death of the Judue's brother, hopes to resume his practleo on I Orchard nine. Kaon, team had t which comes to us indirectly from . Hhocks were also felt this morn
are now In Kpoknne, and will prob- Monday mornlnR. Klamnth News.l made one run and because of lark j the Rovernor of tho state," she said. ! ins at Lamia nt the head of the
ably he home Friday or Saturday,
ncvordlnr to o, lettsr which Ooo.
W Wood stenographer and clerk
In the court of Aldus Taylor, re
ceived from him this mornlnir. Tho
funeral services were held nt Hand
Point last Saturday and the burial
took place in Spokane lust Mon-lon business.
day. JudRC and Mrs. Taylor navel Hull same, Medford vs. Duns
been remaining a few days whilolmulr, nt Medford, Sunday, April
the latter looked after tho widow's 20. Admission, Includlnit Krnnd
buslness affairs. stand, f.0n. Children unilor 13.
Mr. Mills will be nt the Kmmajfree. 36
Cline flho(i, Phone 464, giving per
manent waves; the week; of May
7th fo 12th. Price ?7.75, complete.
The first bounties Issued nt the
ennmy ck-rk's office for over a
week were Issued today to II. I'.
Griffin of MedfordV for one coyote,
and lo Lloyd Welch of Knifln Point
for five coyotes-.
Choice Rliidioll nulbs for sale, 2He
per tlo. KJ7 W. 2nd, 30
(ttiests From a distance reKlsternd
at Medford hotels Include F. It.
Albrecht of Indianapolis. D. Rosen
perl and the Frledlander Bros, of
ClricnRO, O. H. Helno of Wallace.
Ma., IJ J. I-endholt of New York
Cliy and J. I. Ileen of Coeur d'Al
enc; Tdn. 1 me write your fire Insurance.
Carl Y. Tengwald, Hotel Holland.
Phone 991. it
Dr. and Mrs. If. D. Stewart nnd
O. A. McCarthy were amonit the
residents of Klomnth Falls spond-
111 yesterday la Medford.
Sunur plno shakes, Modford Lbr.
Dirk Sellmnn returned from a
week's vocation In eastern OreRon
today. An honesl-lo-ROodness btlR-
y ride was one of tho thrills Dick
experienced on his vacation.
Hnranln dnys. Thursday. Friday
and- flatdrday. nt the Emma I.ou
Hot Shop In the M. M. Store, llun-
dreds of new1 hats Just received.
priced special for this week end.
6.9. 'JS.KS. 14. s. 3.,
J1108 an 11.00. Kiddle tints !IHc
and up. Marvelous values that arc
real money silvers. Oreen truillnR
stamps Riven, too. ' 3(
Tho front ot tho Sparta bulldliiR
Is receiving a new coal of white
paint this week, which has fresh
ened Its appearance considerably.
Tour oar repaired treo at FreeB
Oarage. Phono 671-J-3 for pnr
tlculnrs. While today -was a very nice one,
following the cooler weathor of last
nlRht and this mornliiR. with a
minimum of 34, Increnslnu cloudi
ness and moderate temperature is
the forecast for tonlKht nnd Thurs
day. The warmest temperature of
yeslerduy was 63.
Hemstitching o per yard. But
tons covered at Handicraft Shop.
r County Aent 1 P. Wilcox made
hlk usual weekly visit to Ashland
Tuesday. Conditions In reward to
crop outlook remain stationary, ho
declared ,lhe whole crop depend
InR' upon the- prevention of dtim
iik from frosts, and the Rrnln crop
depending largely on the type of
weather for germination which will
follow the spring rains. Ashland
It you desire violin with a
beautiful tonA and prepnred to use,
rnll nt room 4, College Bldg., 81
No. Grape St. 34
'Mr. Newhry of the Talent dis
trict spent this morning In .Med
fnrd on business.
Visit our llnnd Tlnx, 283 F.ast
fttlt Ht., Just east ot (lroeoterln, and
Inspect our beautiful eastern mll'
llnery. the famous tinge nnd Mono
gram ehapeaux, exclusive with this
shoppe. Also our popular priced
millinery will please you. 311
Mrs. Howard Feary returned
from Portland yesterday, where
she has been visiting for tho past
week. '
. . . , '.. -
ta given to Fluhrer'j
Milk Bread Because of
it unvarying; superior
C'allfnrnianH reKiHtercd at Med
ford hoi! Includ K. II. King of
Mnllywood. Ituth Humptr and Mao
.Whiti (if Ditnamulr, (W'oiko iJindk'
of Piedmont, AJubel Jtauer and
Alice MoudyHlll of Vroka, Mr. and
Mm. JiuiifH Kendrkk of Oakland,
H. II. Ilray of Bi-rkrley, J. Ka- Mm. II. II. Tim. Helen hpHtrln, (
""' - " "' Anrtr-WB. T. Winkle H. J. and Fred;
j. jienodicl. N; Applehaum. Air. Clarke. Mm. Emm WIIkoh. II.
"J Mrs. Vrsnk Koyflrth. U W.Konneramnn. Mrs. C. M. Kllmorc
HhW, J. .MoOreror. W. M. Me- and r.. u. U Klynn of Heattle.
K- Watklna. K. Mnnnlni! h. A. Xyo wax a l)Ulni.a visitor:
and A. t'ralry of Han Franiuwo. f In Mi-rirord this mornliu,--from th-ti
It. II. Hammond spent this morn-) Talent district. J
i business.
null came. Modford vs. Huns -
! mulr. nt .Medfnrd, Sunday, April!
can at address, tii ho. ir.
. l)e
o. J, Johnson, dentist, whojl"y ln county was iiuruiag neau ot Kooseveit, the record ' rain storm. Twenty h o u s es col
been niilte III at his I ,ant Sunday at Central Point when I winllillB Rrado school of the. city. I lapsed at the small town of Aniurl
I has
Soo minor Hanley uusii for re-,;"' i""" -
clenned alfalfa seed and baled hoy. teams iiRi-eed lo quit at the sev -
20 K. Main. Phone 802. 332tf nth InnlnR. The Ramo drew
w. A.. Wlest, superintendent or.
claims for the U. H. Fidelity and
Ounranty company out of Port-
j lnnd, Is spendlnR today In the city
Air. and .Mm. Tl. V. fiumblo of
Onintn 1'UKH wrri! vlHitorn in Metf-
ford Monduy.
That Hood coal. llanHen Coal
Co. Phone 23U. 337tf
(loiirno llewcy, rpntrnl Iilnt
rnncher, Hpent Hverul Iiouih In the
city thlH mornlni; on hiiMincHH.
Utah cool, clean, low In ash. Han
sen Coal Co. Phone 230. 337tf
The rity council mot lnnt nlRht
with the apprulKiil bourd that has
in chance the refionimendlnp of uh
seHmentK on property hpnnfltted
hy the openinp and Improvinir of
Hlxth ntreet ln'twecn- Front and
Went Main, to dlHcuH these rer
ommendntionH. An n remilt of the
dlHfUHHlon It wan decided to make
Homo ndjiiHlmentH. Another meet
Iiib will he hold thin week to tlll
further rtlKciiMH the matter, which
will come up for action at tho reK
ular city council meet Ins next
TueHthiy night.
Onion not, 4 qta. for 25o. Alex
ander's Orocery. 34
Mm. J. H. Tyrrell In entertain
Iiik memherH of the Rihlo claHH of
the Preshytcrlun church at her
home on the JackHonville highway
thin afternoon from 2 to 5.
Wells Taxi. 28c. Phone 26. tf
Included among the Orcuonlans
reentered at Medford hotels, other
than thoHo from Portland, arc J.
T. Goodman, A, K. Taylor of Ha
lem, le W. KnlKht of lluhlmrd,
Mr. and Mm. A. A. HnKers, Kd
Harney, 55. N. Agee, O. II. Camp
hell, I W. Hamilton nnd t.'. il.
ItlKHfr of Kiipene.
Dr. C. R. Hlmklns of 612 So. Ivy
expects to be In his offlco over thn;
Woolworth store about May 1st. 30
le Hmlth of thn (ilen Itosa dis
trict epent several hours in Med
ford today on a buying trip.
"Ho kind for n year for a dol
lar," nend to JackHon County Hu
mane .Society, Medford. 2tf
1 n an e f f ort to com p 1 et o the
work of Improving the Medfnrd
airport, a grader has been work
ing two eight-hour shifts lo assure
completion before the airport land
ing field be come too dry. Fol
lowing the completion of the grad
ing, the grader will be brought
to Medford to do much needed
grading on local streets, accord
ing to present plans.
Sec Kllnor Hanley Rush for ro-
cleaneU alfalfa seed and haled hay.
826 K. Main. Phone fl02. 332tf
Johnny Carlson was placed In the
county Jail Hunday to Herve out a
fine Imposed upon him several
months ago when he was arrested
on a charge of driving while intoxi
cated. Carlson never paid the fine
and county officials stuted today
that he would be compelled to serve
the time in Jail at the rate'of two
dollars per day. As his fine and
L'tists amounted to ti!, he will
spend the next month there.
(Irants Pu.h Courier.
Hee Chnrles A. "Wing to buy your
home. 3U
Jnek Carle returned this morn
ing from Heattle. Wash., where he
has been attending the Itotary con
vention held this week In that city.
If you want a good building loan
on a low rate of interest, see Ited-
drn & Co, 4l!tf
Ur. It. Clancy left on n finn
ing trip this morning.
Frank HeSouea, attorney, has
moved to IJndy ltuildlng, 1 1 U North
Central. 34
Mr. and Mrs. WHlluni "Whit son
arrived this forenoon from their
home In Haeramcnto. Calif., for a
visit ht-re of several days with rel
atives while en route on a motor
trip tn Heattle. Wash.
Tho Hotel Central, nt Central
Point, under new management. In
now open for business. Newly fur
nUhed single bed moms f -'.fio per
week ami up; iilxo one and two-
rooms housekeeping, equipped with
standard electric Move for cook- Uuy, V. II. Paine. Three volleys
'lug. Free parking for patrons, were fired at tho stave hy a firing
, Cleanliness and service. Quiet mo-1 mtuad from Company A, ISflth In-
ple wanted, ss:fantry of tho National Guard.
Mr. and' Mm. Frederick Watson j There was n large attendance from
left yemerday for their home injti,e American Legion and nMi n
(Oregon City, following wveral ditys:m,KP mit-ndance Horn the Owens-
spent In MMiford att tullng to busl-
I ness mutter.
F. o. K. bnnd dance. W. O. W.
hull Thursday night. Admission
free. Dancing 6c. JS
Temporary auto llcenen were Is
sued at the sheriff's office today
to Phil Hannaford of P.nglc Point,
Delia Parker of Tub nt, Mr. James
i Futon ami W. C. KiiMbafcr of Jack-
sonvtMe, t'lly of Ashland. Jcsm Al
len of Ashland. W. II. Fisher. Ore
gon -California Trucking company
and Clarencff Smith ot' Medford.
Dance benefit F. O. K. bnnd.
Th ti rsdii v n I u h t . W. O. YV. hull
Admission free. Dancing 6lc. &
Among the stjite of VanhInf:ton
hotel uuei I n Si l ford a re M r.
and Mm. J. M. Prry of Valtlma,
Mr. and Min. H. II, Joncw of Vn
oouvcr, Mr. and Mm. K. M. Herb
of IleUlnKham, Mr. and Mm. F. D.
i KaundTH of Kpnkano and Mr. and;
aro i - ms -
i worth of Medford wero business!
1 visitors in (.rants Pass yesterday,
ah -Medford and southern Ore-
lion doctors nro to be Invited torn,, ,i, um. ini i r;. a.
conferenco to be held In this olty ! ,l1 ,,,,, .,,,., , . , . , .u . '. ",Ser- President of the firm; Don M,
May 2 under the auspices of the miK,,t Ue con"''"'ed a hero , destroyed the wntennB resort of , Alexander, vice-president; Hay A.
county health unit, with officers uy lne B,a,e marshal and deputies Kalamakl at the astern entrance , Duncan, secretary-treasurer: Clar
and dotcoin of tho slate board ofjof Oregon and California, out to j to the Corinth canal. once Hornaduy, superintendent, and
neann in cnarRe or ine conierence.
Important topics are to be taken
present plann.
Mr. and Mm.
Wllhur Jonen of
K'limnlh Fnlls are vlsltlnir this1. .? " ----""""-
week whh Mrs "ones' sis,"? Mr- ,naK " K"lott by
Joe , Rader.' ali Pholnlii. and wlthi11" hJ,l' "J". marshal,
k .n T,n vhi,rv. nt fhia ltv
Doth states attended todays cele-
Probably one nf the first hnso-i hrallon, the local chief,. in turn, pre -
l.nll trnmtta nt the' uenunn tn heiunnn n. tn vnu rnn i , . n ..
-j r. - - -
: mine ,-,uu w, niiC,,u..,.0, .,.,,.,
InR many wuniiny motorists wnoian( faculty and school board, hut
happened to he passing by the ota-i due to the caveman tnctltiB of Kit e
mond, which is near the Pacific : Chief Roy Klliott, whom, r muat
highway on the city school grounds. (admit, have never been able to
After having been employed by ; forgive in my heart until today."
the C. K. Oates Auto company fori.MiuB Van Meter said that the chief
the past six months, Miss Myrnn.had "Absolutely forced her, by
Hush begnn duties last Monday in
thn business office of Mnnn's De
partment store, filling the potdtlon
left vacant by Mrs. Frank Jenkins,
who left this week for Klamath
Falls, where her husband hi hern
transferred by thn Shell Oil com
pany. Miss Hash was a former
Mall Tribune, reporter..
We have been bawled out hy Jim
Orlgsby for spelling It "Legion
naire." The comrade says "Irfgion
alr" Is correct. InvcHtigation shows
that the word Is taken from the
ancient Slovnklan and means, ac
cording to a literal translation,
"Always Vote aye." If this explan
ation don't suit Jim, nil we can
say is, why bring that up? Med
ford Legion. I
A. C. Spencer, general solicitor
for the T'nion Pacific system, wllhj
headquarters In Portland, will pass
t h rough M cd Cord lonlg b t in h Is
prlvuta car.
Guests from Portland at Med
ford hotels Include C. W. Jones, J
Prag, j. IK Marvin, Mr. and Mrs.
F. H. Smith. John y. Clark, C. C,
Ijimb, V. J. White, W. S. Park.
IT. K. Nowtill, Mr. and Mrs. H,
Kretslngor, A. F. SerManous, Wm.
Zoeller, Allen Olson, P. C McKen
nett, Mr. and Mrs. F. I.. Ryder,
It. IJ. Howell, J. B. Hundley, Gor
don Plack, J. K. Martin, J. W
Luke and It. C. McKennett.
Marriage licenses were Issued at
the county clerk's office yesterday
and today lo Ora P.. Haley. L'O,
unci Lllle Monohan, 27, both of
liod Muff. Calif., and to Albert
Smith. 38. and to Pearl Hlake, 42.
both of Ited muff.
Hlchurd F. I-ewman of Josephine
county was a courthoUNo visitor in
Medford today. Mr. Lew man is a
republican candidate for the nom
ination for county commissioner.
Mrs. F. M. itadovan, formerly
of Medford. Is In this city attend
ing to business matters, and will
move her household goods to Seattle
where she has recently purchased
property In the Laurelhurst addi
tion. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. C. Kenly will
leave tomorrow for a motor trip to
Carmel. Man Francisco and other
California points of interest. They
will be accompnled by Mrs. Ken
ly's sister, Mrs. ltlchard 1. Steven
son, nnd Miss Margaret Thompson
of Iake Forest, 111., who are guests
of the Kenlys.
The regular weekly meeting of
the American Legion convention
commission Is scheduled for to
night at the Chamber of Commerce
rooms. Kvery member of the
commlKsion Is urged to attend.
. J. K. Ueeves of San FranciHCo
was a local business visitor In
Medford yesterday.
A new member of the Medford
high school faculty is Mrs. Victor
O'Neill, formerly of Klamath Falls,
who will substitute for the remain
der of the term as teacher of Kng-
llsli. replacing Mrs. Sether. who
recently left with her husband for
California. Mrs. O'Neill, who is
a well known Medtord woman and
better known as Lucille Marshall.
Is a sister of LMIkoii Marshall, the
loca I mi t h or, w h o for so m e t i m e
past has been residing with his
family in North Carolina. F.di
son and family will visit Medford
about June 1st.
KAGLK The funeral services
for Arthur Hnyniond Kagle were
held at the Perl Funeral Home.
Tuesday at 2 p. m. Kev. W. H.
Kuton officiating, who paid n fit
ting tribute to the deceased. The
pallbearers were from the Ameri
can Legion as follows: o, ft. Staf
ford, Phillip T. Heeterbry, Lester
young. Frank Hoffman, H. K. Le
Orggon Lumber company. Inter-
meal In Medford cemetery.
KNOYAR Funeral services for
i Obituary
thelateWedworthC. Penoyar. gedinod bv Sandinb rebels. Is still
72 years, husband or Carrio C. Pen-1 tliiv Wl4B suggested In a Hluefields.
oyard of 41T King street, will be Nicaragua, dispatch received by tho
held from the t'onger funeral par- Associated Press
lorn rVlilnv. April a7, nt t.M i. ni.
Upy. Knlotl of thi llnptlHt I'hnrch
will have chnrno ot tho norvlwn and j
Intnrmont Kill ho mucin In tho Med-1
ford ccmolory. !
W.UriKIHUiS Murine pntrnl
rrponn roninrt villi luvgo lor"o
Sndino re belt.
Fire Chief Roy Elliott, who, at
. . . . ... . - ,
Ule special Uons cluli open lunch -
i eon today, was honored and pro -
sented a flag for Medford'g record
ftuss van Meter, principal of the'
!llo08evelt acn00li he j a .,,
arm cavemun, whom she ha a never
been able to forgive until today.
i""" miiiui
inuueeu i,ti'n iv, .,, t.n ran illDlci ,
i nu 11 wo nuve exceueu in tne
matler 0f fire drllL in our school.
. It is not only throtiRli the com-
uuieu co-upeiaMou 01 ine siuuenis
heartless, strong-arm methods, to
sliile down the spiral fire escape on
one occasion. I was petrified, or
course, and downright angry at
htm. And the awful part of it was
that t liave not found one other
principal In the city who was sub
jected to such methods. Hut the
chief is a biff man. And, you see,
won, so today he Is duly forgiven."
State Fire Mui'slml Loo, who rep
resented" Governor Pntfurson In pre
senting tho flag to Chief Klliott,
said that of alt the city councils in
the stale, that of Medford hud the
most hearty co-operation. The flag,
he said, was to commemorate the
aohievement of the citizens of Med
ford, and should be looked upon
with proper pride, not as a prize,
hut as a goal attained In the -;rent
work of safeguarding property and
human lives.
Mark Uyun, president of the Pa
cific Coast Pi ro Chiefs' association,
was the next speaker. He Raid
that, although this was the official
visit of liio officers,, when they
wero instructed to inform the city
officers or their respective duties,
ho felt that Medford, the record
winning city, needed no such in
structions. Fiunk Agneau, member of the
National Hoard of Fire Underwrit
ers, said the co-operation be
tween the Medford chamber of
commerce, city council, fire tj
partment and service clubs was an
Inspiration to pther cities.
Jay Stevens, California state fire
man.hsl, and exonutlvo secretary of
tho International Association of
Fire Chiefs, humorously explained
that the difference between tho rec- j
ord attained hy tho Oregon stalo
fire nmr.shul nnd the California
state lire marshal In the matter of
fire prevention, was due to tho fact I
li.,.. il,. n,,ni ut.ile i:,e marshal
was paid tor 1:1k services, whilu the
California officer had to pay tor the
prlvileAo. That Medford has won
the distinction of helug the first
city in Oregon in fire prevention,
and Oregon, as one of the leading
states fn the entire Cnited States.
was a fact generously commended
by Mr. Stevens.
"Fire loss in tho United States
has been reduced S9.000.000 during
tho past year. Within three more
years of combined co operation the
present loss can 1h cut in two," he
said. Mr. Stevens, who travels con
tlnually all over the United States
and Canada in the interest of fire
prevention, told of a visit to Mon
treal shortly after tho theatre fire
disaster there recently in which 76
children were burned to death1.
T. Haker reviewed the exam
ination of local schools conducted
during tho. week bv n committee
composed of Fire Chief Hoy Kl
llott. K: 1. Scott, and himself
and commended the orderllnew,
peed and preparation displayed
by the students of the schools. He
offered one suggestion to the
school board; that the period
gongs nnd fire warning gongs -he
different, on account of a slight
confusion on the part of tho stu
dents upon this matter.
Other representatives nnd guests
present at today's meeting in
cluded J. T. Goodman, deputy
Insurance commissioner of' Sa
lem, 1C. A. Taylor deputy state
fire mnrshall and O". U Ithrrie.
independent- five insurance ad
juster. Following the meeting. Horaco
asked the guests nnd Lions club
members to pose for pictures in
front. J. T. Goodman also took
moving pictures of the presenta
tion and of the attending crowd.
XKW YOUK. April 35. The
possibility that George 1. Marshall.
ilttslstum mininunr nf I -a I.n v t. mln. roiHtrir.l to. hv.'hm.
The dlspnloh. flleil troin lllue
forliln ni noon lodny. bhIiI: "Mur
shnll rxirt9 Ix-lnit well treated n
lonit an Oirnn tromninnder of the
roliel forre which seined the mine
several days nitot slays hy him."
Tliao was no mention In the dl.
jpatrh of anv n-pi-vrts that Marshall
had beeu killed.
ATHENS. Apr. '25'. (ThHeaw-
, - . - : - , . , . . -
. rlnB enrthqunlwfc lit !Grece , tills;
; morning wrought fresh dnmuee on
' the devastated isthmus of Corinth.'
i i,..i, , ..n. . .,..,,..
-....y,. i. ,.n
nerved at PiraeuH, the port of
Athens, where the Hea rose to a
Kreat heipht and then suddenly re -
i ceded. KilRht dnmnpe was caused!
" mim,iiik.
! A HrM shock felt at Athens at
! 2:30 a. m. caused a certain amount
. 01 panic anionR tne innaouaius.
Other shocks were felt at Cor-i
, mth last niaht. These were ac-
i .... ... ..... .1
cuilipa U1CU 0 a VIOM'ni llllll lin'l
Gulf of that name
and on the
Island nf Poros.
A Prltlsh squadron arrived nt
Corinth and commenced to dis
tribute food and blankets. Denis
Loverdos, Athenian banker who
owns a villa at the stricken water
ing place of Lnutraki, gave 200,000
drachmas, (32.600) for the suf
ferers In hat district.
MANILA., Apr, 26. (P) Four
Mores, followers of ihe. Moham
medan faith, were executed herein
day ln the only electric chair In the
Orient, for robbing the homo of a
fellow Moro and killing him.
Only one of the four died with
trntlltlonal Moro bravery. . The
other three virtually were In a state
of collapse as they were led to the
Governor General Stlmson refus
ed the request of newspapermen to
witness the execution, wiying he
did not believe the publication of
the details would serve any use
ful purpose. He expressed the
hope that the press would "join
rm In an effort to pniect the
Philippines from morbid excesses
whirl, have become too prevalent
in the I'nlted States."
KSTACADA. Ore'.. ( April '25. ()
Kohliers last ' nlKht went -"thru
" " severa p.a. es.
i'f " " ".'""'; fm'"' " '! "hort
' ook s RniilKO lost a, Estn-
1" ' found Its shelves
looted of narcotics, tobacco ami
cigarettes and Morgans grocery
store checked up losses n to
baeco alone.
Burr's blacksmith shop con
trlbuted $15.
Officers believe the same gang
made Its way to Molalla. where
robbers took $500 of stock, ot the
S. A. Knapp general merchandise
Ladles' hosiery nnd five pairs
of ladies shoes are missing. Mo
lalla Klectrio shop lost an electric
percolator, waffle Iron and $2 in
cash. H. L. Sandy's pool hall re
ported a $400 stock of smokers'
materials missing.
Card of Thanks.
In memory of my dearly loved
husbnnd, T want to thank alt for
their help and kindness in my sor
row, especially his Owen-Oregon
comrades and the American Le
gion for their kind aslstance nnd
for their lovely flowers.
Mrs. A. IL Kagle.
llalph K. McCaw,
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. It. Heath.
FOI! It ISN'T Furnished apt.,
. n. ivy. .
FOIl SA L1C Thoroughly -modern
7-room home In best residential
section of Medford: furnace heat.
hardwood f loors. paving, sewer
and water paid. Nice lot. Soxlun.
Utght price and owner will sell
on terms. Investigate this fine
home bargain. Hanister Agency.
Inc., Liberty Pldg. 3".
WANTF.D Two bedrooms between
St. Mary's academy nnd the Hol
land Hotel; also board nnd care
of 2 children. Prefer home with
out children. Sleeping porch and
one room will do. P. ox ". Trib
une. 3d
FOR WALK Household
tng. Call Uoo.
FOH HA LK McCormick mower
and hay rake, or cxchanKe for
milk cow. Phone 17-F-2I. 3G
W A N T F. 1 I m d y cook f o r eating
house nut of town, sth'cialinlnii
in chicken dinners: profit shar
ing basis. Address !tj 4l!3. Gold
Hill, stating age, experience, etc.
KOH KKNT llousekoepiniT room'
wPlh httehen.te. puraKe. Stft
X. Ifairtlett. 3
KOH S.M.r. Hoynl
mower, rant, and
West 11th St.
Mw.-eper. lawn
fornlttire. sus
KOH V.KNT PnrnlKheil spnr
ment. Phone 4.rii-ll. S4tf
' 1
KOIl IlKN'T .'.-room h'ununlow.
eoy modern: sleepint; ptreh:
wired for elertrie stow Innulro
Art I'utney, Phono D(.J, after
:J0 P, m. 3
DENVER, P'olo., AprU 25. tP) !
ManslaiiKhler charges were liied :
Kfiiuy iiy I'lniiii i jvtiui ut-y .loci r.. '
! Alone HKHlnst five officials of the ;
Alexander Aircraft eornoration
where an explosion last Friday re- i
: wnere an explosion last rrinay re
sultea in the, deaths of eleven ler
Direct informations filed In dis-
I tralcl court named J. Don Alexan-
miim, tubman ui uuee
plant of tho factory in which the
; explosion that aet fire to the bnild-
;ing occurred
Albert J. iicGuary. 34. burned in
ine explosion in me "nope plant,
died today. b. inKlnB the death toll
up to eleven.
t t
T1LLKY; Department of Selne-et-Oise,
France. Apr. 25.
France and the Cnited States paid
honor to an almost forgotten hero
of the Revolutionary war today
when the heart of Admiral De
Grasse was reint erred beside the
body of his American wife in the
little lirltlsh church here.
The ceremony honoring the
Yorktown naval victor took place
In the presence of Ambassador My
ron T. Herrick and representatives
of the president of France. Mar
shal Foch aiul the ministry of ma
rine and other high dignitaries.
Amt.ns:tdnr Herrick. In the prfn-
Baking Powder
Guaranteed Pure
Use KC for finer texture
and larger volume
in your bakings
Millions of pounds used
by our Government
'7b f Secret Process
Fireproof China
B e a u t y, sincerity and
worth , are the . jnalitie
expressed in Hall's Tea
pots. They are unusually
strong not easily chip
ped or broken and they
never he come crazed,
stained and ngly in use.
Special Sale
Regular $3.00 and $3.50
Four colors Green, blue,
brown and rose. Decora
tions op seuuine gold.
Kodak, Book and
Gift Shop
... 217 East Main St.
wixnow poor
"'"" " HEEAS & WALLACE i f
ctrR. OveF- j y I
cipal address, hailed the French
admiral as "an officer upon whose
skill, couras-e and devotion de
le tuied the whole fate of our revo
lutionary war. and ijuoted Wash
ington's own letter to Uetlrasse in
which he said of the surrender of
Yorktowil thai "tile honor belonKS
to you."
PENDLETON', Ore., April 25.
(A Mrs. Nellie HaKer, 81, a pio
neer resitlent of I'uiutilla county
for 40 years, died Sunday at her
home in tiihhun from Infirmities
and an attack nf pneumonia. She
was born-in Missouri.
WASlUNllTO.N. Apr. tA
The naval appropriation bill carry
Iiik approximately x3d-t.O'K'.uuo,
was passed totbiy by the senule
After It had rejected amendments
intended to withhold funds for use
of mnrlnes in Nicaragua.
A rendezvous for those
......mown seeunn oi tne
j , V '' Bordine & Carrol ""lp
fV.rr) Avur. LUA W.-f
2MZL A Variety of Danse Vhxl
InP?'",'J' COMING TOMOw' iwrfflti
"111 J KARL DANE and ,
Bargain Matinee 2 P. M. Evenings 7 & 9 . II
Children 10 Adults 33 . Children 25 Adults 50 ' II j
' HUNT'S 1 .
j CTS Mon.-Ttfes. ;
! lf ' May 7-8
' if 0 IX"
read of their pop-
j tilarity. Now SEE BRUNSWICK
and hear them in
siuTounoen with everv modern convenience. Meet
your Friends here. We welcome You!
DflWFIf CT t rviTA nrr-i i . cam rnvirtcrn
. w. j i. uimuiLU. jnn i KAiiuovu
COLUMBIA Hoover wins ma
jority of Ohio delegates and lends
in presidential prefeienoe ule;
Knilth preferred hy demoeral.-jh
These Drug Stores
are open nights this
Jarmin & Woods
James McNair Pharmacy
West Side Pharmacy
When you use the above
axpression your friends
know S'isi what you mean.
They know that tho
MANX is San Praneisco's
b!s; popular priced Hotel,
. . . . a home away
from a home. . .
who prefer a hotel in the
city, near everything and