Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 20, 1928, Page 18, Image 18

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    1XGE TWO
News of Jackson County
The JJtUp, Falls high school The Jioy KcouIh of Jacksonville
fipon&oring a. program, to he given , troop No. 30 wen? the ucit-fu!
Friday night, ""April lift. In the au-! winner of n fine Victroln al the
tlitorium of the high school build- Hoy Scout field meet held in .Med
ina. The proRratn will start ford lust Saturday. They won their
promptly at isht and admission prize through beine the moat huc-
The following are some ununu-j Toppeoish and Mrs. Greenwood
ally wet March; lhU4, 4.57 1 will make an indefinite visit.
inches; 1!H3. 4.64 inches; , Mr. am Mr8 K(J fitilweU and
7. 'is inchrs; jft7, 6.13 inrhv family moved to their new home
Jtev. Whuoiht of Talent will hold j iu Med ford Wednesday.
.lU-rvit'fH at the Methodint church Mrs. Consor and Gene Tuck Con-
next Hunduy, April 22, ut 2 p. m.Sr and little daughter of Medford
visited friends here Tueoday,
Miss Km in a Keed of Jack sou
Creek was wiling on friends here
Mr, rrunk SauUberry was a
dinner quest Tuesday evening of
Mr. and Mis. Henning at the Jack
son hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Clark have
Atrw, Hazel Klche and her moth
er. Mi. Alary Jhunilton of Apple
gate, went to Wolf Creek, Jose
phine county. Hunduy to we their
duuKhu-r and nihier, Mrs. Clifford
Johnston, who is seriously ill, Mrw.
Hamilton renminbi with her
daughter and Mm. j-'iche returned
homo Sunday evening-
.Mr. und Mrs. Arthur KetvU were
Hible study. Tuesday, 7:30 p. m.;
Koy Martin, leader.
Senior choir practice Tuesday at
8; IS. H. K. Manna, director.
Junior choir practice Wednesday
at 7 p. in-; Mrs. Hoy .Martin, di
rector. Klmer E. McVickeis. pastor.
Mrs. P. L. Strahan upent Mon
day at the home of her parent.
Mr. and Mm. 11. At. Koeis, of
Med fold.
Mr. and Mrs. Kred Ketsoe were
cnllein at the homen of Mr. and
Mrs. t Kolsoe of Aute und
Mr. and Mr. A. II. Chart rain of
Med ford.
Mrs. C. L. Roin?on was In Cen-,
trul Point n Wednesday.
Mr nd Mn. P. .. Htrahan were
callers in Grants Pans Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. V. V. William
son of Kvans creek v-iv bus-in ess
visitors at the lel liici on Wed
nesday. Mr. und Mrs. P. H. liatcnmn of
Medford Hiynt Sunday eveninn at
the home of Mr. und Mrs. C. L.
Mr. Wm. Puhl, Mr. and Mrs.
Krd KeHnf and Mr. and .Mr. 1
I. Strahan attended the danr at,
social gathering at the Hold Hi!
ltWekiih und tJdd Fellows hall
Wednesday evenlaK-
MT. AXCEL Jucob Hereto
win reiTiotiei jiunon hotel im0
moaern nosieiry.
Congress fives 115,000 to f
run tin wui in mm ooiy a phi;
Jlood Iiivr orchards.
will be 35c and 10c. Following
are a list of numbers to be Riven:
Selection Orchestra.
Dutch none and danco 2nd j
Krndc Kirls.
Mixed quartet "Sleep DUnky
Pabe" Juantta Corum, Mrs. Joe
Nee, Joe Nee, Ki'Rene Richmond..
Dutch folk dance Pupils se- i
lected from first grade. I
Vocal solo Mrs. Hoy Parker, i
ces:ful In wall scaling. Th hoys
are very much pleaded with their
Kd Smith sold his service sta
tion to K. S. Severance of Portland, I ruuonf Hn(fr
who took possession Monduy morn- gymnasium this
iiik i iiiiiK """"II in- L-veniiiK, April 20. Ihe members v
new owner. The Smith family are of tnp cnMt nuve ueen worklK hard I
pmnning on moving 10 jtiano and the play promi-ses to be a great
Boon as school Is out. ; mit'eess.
lenry Miller and daughter VIv-I The play "Smile. Hodney, Smile,"
Quartet High school girls. 'fan left Friday morning for Myrtle given by the Phoenix Thursday
Saxophone solo Kugene Rich-' Point to be with Mr. Miller's fath- club last Saturday evening, was u
Marimba nolo Mrs. Everett
Solo, "Mifanwy" Juanita Co
rum. Piano solo "Scherzanda Beth
Violin solo "Cavatlne" Percy
Vocal solo Mr. Nee.
Vocal duet Mrs. Nee and Mrs.
Vocal trio Eugene Richmond.
Roy l'nrker, Joe Nee.
Solo dance Miss Naomi Van
Selection Orchestra.
Members of the orchestra are.
First violins Hyron Stoddard,
rjwight Short. Ixona Phillip.
Keith RIgsby, Crystnl Carter.
Second violin Percy O'Neil.
Saxophones Kugene filch
mond, Everett Moore.
Trombone Mr. Koeniff,
Clarinet I,)uyd Clark.
Piano Heth Simervillo.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pool and Mrs.
Macintyre wero Medford visitors
er. J. S. Miller, who passed away
Saturday afternoon. The funeral
was held Monday afternoon, the
Masonic order of Myrtle Point hav
ing charge.
Mr. and Mrs. "W. D. Doty of
Medford, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Harter
from Milwaukee, Wis., and Dave
P.arter of San Diego, Calif., were
visitors at the I.. T. Wilson home
Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Port of Apple
gale w ere in our c 1 1 y Ha t u id a y
Rev. and Mrs. McVicker left for
fioiulon Monday morning where
they will spend the vi-k, return-j
Ing Saturday.
Mrs. Jay ore and children vis
ited Miss McCully Sunday after
noon. Mrs. Cnmmings, who is teaching
the school at Copper, spent Fri
day and Hal unlay nights here, at
tending the teachers' institute at
Hagle Point Saturday. She re
turned to Copper Sunday morning.
The play given by the Thursday
club of Phoenix at the V. S. hotel
Saturday evening was very suc
cessful and well attended. Dane-
very successful affair and was well
patronized, and enjoyed by all pres
ent. Following the play a social:
quite 111. is reported much lm- "h " 1 y
Howard Lewis of Donis,
son of Mr. und Mrs. Arthur Lewis,
was a week end visitor here with
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mooro and
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Richmond
were business visitors to Medford
Visitors from here to Medford
Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Eu
gene Richmond, Mrs. Guy Moore,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nee, Mr. and
Mrs. Charlie put ton, Mrs. Frank
Hoover, Miss Naomi Van Groos.
M.r and Mrs. Earl Hoover. Mrs.
Alberta Hoover, Mr. Roy Parker,
Elmer Hoefs, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Goss, Mm. Ruth Mlchell, Mr. and!
Mrs. Roy Stanley and aon.
All of the teachers from the
Rutte Kalis schools attended the:
local Institute at Eagle point Sat- j
urday. Numbers on the program;
from here were solos by Mr. Joe
Nee and a group of three songs
by some of the music pupils from
the fourth, fifth and sixth grade.
Mr. and Mrs. Goss spent the
week-end in Medford, visiting at
the home of their duudlter,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nee were ,
dinner guests of Mr. and . Mrs.
Hoy Parker Wednesday evening.
The, mombers of the play cast.
"The Arrival of Kitty" are prac
ticing' every evening und the play
will ho presented on Wednesday
evening, April 5, at the high
school auditorium. Mr. Joe Nee.
who has had a greut deal of ex
perience in this kind of work,
is the coach and the cast of
characters includes Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Casey. Hoy Parker, Miss Na
omi Van Gross, Mutiny Pool. Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Nee. Mrs. Frank .
Hoover and Earl Wymore.
Mr. nnd Mrs. flillls Courtrlght
and children left Frlduy afternoon
for a short visit with Mrs. Court
right's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Johnson, of Crescent City. l'pn
their return, they will bring with
them their son. Iceland, who has
been visiting at Crescent City for
Mvernl wee)i.
Earl Hoover has taken charge
of the confectionery.
lllll Moore Is the proud owner
of a new Chrysler coach, which
was purchased from the Medford
agency, through the salesman,
"Shorty" Miles.
Helen Siniervllle spent the
week-end visiting relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe I jirsen
nnd son visited at tho Muhoney
home over tho week-end. ,
Allen Curry, who will be asso
ciated with Arthur Short in the
Coldcn Rule store, arrived in
Rutte Falls Monday morning. He
has rented the Carson house nnd
his family will come up Friday
to make their homo here. Mr.
Curry was formerly In the gro
cery business in the middle west,
but for the past two years has
been employed in the sheriff'-
office at Medford in the tax de
partment. ' 4
dinner guests ut the Chris Keegan purchased a new home in Medlord.
home Sunday. ; Mis. Frank Saulsberry and son.
The senior clasM of the Jackson-j John AL, Airs. Lizzie Greenwood
ville high school will give the three-j and .Miss McCully motored to Aled
act comedy. "Ted Drops in," by j ford Wednesday evening.
the hifh whool Mr. and Mrs. Leonard McKee
coming Frlduy and daughter were visitors at the
. A. Childers home Wednesday.
Mr. and Mis. Albert Hackert and
baby are visitors at the T. K. Dun
ningtou home. Air. Hackert is do
ing some work for .Mr. Duuniiigton.
Mrs. Margaret Lewis ana Airs.
Hazel Kiske were visitors at the
i Charley Hamilton home on Apple-
gate Wednesday.
i T l. t ,. : i
dune ewa enioverf iinil) midnit-ht a- r" "uiiiiiuion was U via-
John Schrump. after spending ! Thu!l"J ia "edfIortl-
three months at Silver City, Nev.,
returned to our city Sunday,
H. H. Hoefs arrived from San
Francisco Sunday and after spend
ing a few hours with his father,
C. F. Hoefs, nnd sister. Miss Alice,
left Sunday evening for San Fran
cisco and will sail Wednesday for
Mr. und Mrs. Frank Rachelder
and daughter Curtis, and mother,
Mrs. Nancy Rachelder, and her
friend. Mrs. S. K. Penny, left Port
land Sunday morning by auto. They
arived ut Amy's Place at 3 p. m.
Mrs. Rachelder will remain with
her brother, Andrew ('antral!, for
a visit. Mr. Rachelder and family
motored on to Ruch for a short
visit with Mr. and Mrs. Miles Can
trail, and will return Wednesday
to Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Sutherland
of Medford were visitors Friday at
the home of Mrs. Ethel Olson.
Mrs. Fred Rutcher and children
and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Waterman
ind children motored to Grants
Mr. and Airs. Douglas Ray born .
' of Portland are visiting at the V. T.
I Wilson home.
Presbyterian Church ' j
Regular services next Sunday. A j
hearty welcome is extended to all.:
Sunday school at 10 a. m.; Hoy !
Martin, superintendent. f
Preaching service by the pastor !
at 1 1 a. in. und 8 p. m.
Christian Endeavor, 7:15 p. m. 1
Mr. nnd Mrs. H. S. Deuel of
Medford were visitors at the Del
Rio on Wednesday.
Mrs. W. It. Clipp of Ashland,
sister of J. E. Robbins, return
ed to her home on Saturday, after
spending the week with her broth
er and his family.
The MesdamcH Dora Hummersly
Florence Adams, Ila Reed,
lilunche Merriman and Miss Mue
Kell of Gold Hill were calling on
Airs. KeUoe Monday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Smith and
children, Charles und Dora, of Sar
dine creek were Sunday afternoon
guests at the I. (i. Robbins home.
Air. and Mrs. J. E. Robbins were
visiting at the home of their
daughter. Airs. Earl Rriscoe of
Phoenix, on Sunday.
Mrs. G. G. Robbins and children
and Mrs. Rose Hay mond were
afternoon callers in Rogue River
on Wednesday.
Air. and Airs. P. L. Strahan were
dinner guests nt the E. R. Strahan
home on Sunday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. L, Robbins spent
Wednesday evening nt the home of
Air. nnd Mrs. P. R. Rateman at
Calif., "ass Sunday.
Mr. und Mrs. J. M. Dews and
Willlum Jenning were dinner
guests Sunday at the Ralph Jen
nings home on the Jacksonville
Fred nnd Hugh Combest were
visitor here Sunday.
The chamber of commerce will
give a dance at the C. S. hall Sat
urday night, April 21. The Met
lopole orchestra will furnish the
music. Dancing from !l to 2.
Dr. Tom Greenwood nnd little
home folks,
Emll Rrltt, our local weather ob
server, gives us the following re
port for the month of March: Tem
perature .Mean maximum. 53.4:
mean minimum. 3K.2; mean, 4S.3:
maximum, 79 on the l.sth: great
est dally range. 3!. Precipitation
Total. 4.rl inches: greatest In
24 hours, 1.30 on the 2Gth; num
ber of days with ,01 inch or more
precipitation, 15: clear. 10; partly daughter, Elizabeth, and Mrs. Eliz
cloudy, 17. Precipitation since abeth Mason Greenwood of Toppe
September st. 7. N"i Inc hes; pre-! tifsli. Wash., arrived here Monduy
cipltatfon since January 1st, 8.40 evening to visit Miss McCully. Airs.
Inches: average rainfall for March Greenwood's cousin. Dr. Green
for 40 yonrs. 2 2k Inchon. 1 woon and daughter returned to
Dollar Day Specials
Regular $.'2 per square yard,
Saturday, per kcj. yd
Felt Base Rugs
Size !).12, si iu;hth-damaged. d1 (( fC
Kegiilar ti.98, Saturday Pl.UU KJIl
Walnut Finished End Tables
mSva:..KL:al::::...s!!:$ 1 .00 off
Large size
Saturdav ....
Dbor Mats
Swenson & Peebler
Furniture Store
'Aeross from Kialto Theatre
Bv Ernest Smitli
11, lusi- ri l j t:-j e
FAST side
Silk Umbrellas
A Silk Umbrella Like Mother's
East Side Pharmacy
Fountain Service
, 1
These Medford Firms Have Dollar Day Dollar Savers For Tomorrow
Joo Oswald, on hin way out
from the Iak of the Wood.
Kave the following information
concerning that locality: Korty
Hfven Inchon of anow fell from
the 28th of March to the 4th of
, April. At tho present time, there
nro 22 Inchon of nnow on tho level
uround tho hike nnd 12U Inches
on Jlrown mountain. There in 7
n.oro Inches of water In the lake
than there won nt thin time luM
yon r. Th e aa mo creek that h a s
boon running Into the bike up
to March 1 In now draining it.
The noa pulln have returned nnd
Mr. Onwald believes aprlng ha
Mr. Gom of Iliitte Falls Is driv
ing the Mt. 2Mtt school bus nt
Mr. and Mrs, I M. Clnrke nnd
family spent Bundny visit iiiR the
Hmlth family.
Mr. White of Owen OreRon
rnrnp got his hands cut badly.
Mr. nnd Mr. Ike Ooffman went
nut to Jacksonville Saturday to
Portrait Offer
Saturday, April 21
All appointments made Mod ford's Dollar Day
are entitled to one
($2.00) 5x7 Photo
For One Dollar
Appointments accepted by call at studio or
over phono No. 1 1")!'.
Harwood Photo Service
228 E. Main
Specials for Dollar Day
H. (i. Aliller Hair Tonic, special per
bottle $1.00
If. (J. Miller llonev Lotion, special per
bottle ! $1.00
Any Hat Purchased for $5.00 or over Saturday
we will give FREE a $1.50 facial.
Any hat purchased under $5.00 Saturday we
will give FREE a manicure. 0
Wineland Millinery & Hair
dressing Parlors
Jackson Hotel Building, Entrance on
East 8th Street
That you can get any old thing, almost any time, at
Any $1.50 article in our store, Saturday only, at $1.00
After Saturday's
Dollar Day Shopping Tour
Mineral Springs
In Sams Valley
19 Miles from Medford
Free Mineral Water
Picnic Grounds Camp Sites
Cabins Everybody Welcome
Candy Specials
.1 l-lb. cans Peanut Brittle, value
$1.50, at .....$1.00
l)0 box Helen Ardclle Choco
lates, at $1.00
Franklin Cafe
Next Craterian
Dollar Jewelry Bargains
Your Favorite Jeweler
A special lot of brooches, earrings, ruff links, brarofots.
loads and other jewelry a'l a number of Westrlox alarm
locks. Your choice at
Next To Craterian Building o
. Famous
Dollar Dinners
You won't expect to find ai! more delightful ,
dinner menu in all the Pacific coast country ,j
than served at
Merchants and professional people acclaim our
(0c noonday lunch with pleased appreciation.
Come Saturday
' to
Halley Block Stores
Hadquarters for
Halley Block merchants offer a varietv
things you'll want to buy on this day.
Halley Block Stores
S. Central and Eighth
Opposite jTotel Jackson
their mothers, who are both
very 111.