XIEDFORD MATT TliTBTTNT?, ftfEDFORD. OKEOOy. FRIDAY, APTJTL 20, 1928. PAGE THREB Complete lis of the membership of the society. Is your name en rolled? Mayor Alenderfer. Uert Antler son. Eva KvunH Anderson, . V. Allen, lterrydnle Store. Kenneth iieebe. A. T. Boyd, J. J. liuchter. Mrs. J. J. Buchter, Joan Huchter, llitrbara Bevnn, Mrs. K. Burner, Mrs. Walter Bowne, I-eona Bender, II. AV. Barneburp, The Bootery. Carl J. Brommer. Mrs. R. G. Bard well, Malcolm Brown, Mrs ,. I- Blildle, Jr., Ud Binns. Mrs. "W B. ISrodle. Mrs. II. P. Bush. Mrs. Wal ter Frazer Brown, Kmll Brltt, Mr. Blitch. A. B. Bevan. Arthur Brown. Waltier Krazer Brown, Mrs. Mi chael Beck, J. 11. Butler. B. 11. Becklehymer. Mrs. Edward Bay lee, H. S. Boise, Browne Hardware Co., Mrs. P. O. Crawford, Mrs. Halph CowkIII, Dr. Harvey Cole man, Umnm Cline, Mrs. U. W. Clancy, Mrs. Fred CoIvIk, Miss Dorothy Chltwood, Mrs. C. P. Carl- iuii, ihinh luai' v. in iioii, aiiss kin dred Carlton, K. W. Carlton. Crow son's Cafe, Bernlce Cameron. Chas. Campbell, Mrs. C. . Chltwood. C C. Chltwood. Susanne Homes Car ter, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Car penter, Mr. nnd Mrs. Alfred Car-IK-nter, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cun ningham, V. H. Cron'-mtller. Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Clark, II. :. Campbell, Francis Camnbell. tluy Connor. C. X. Culy. Central Point State Bank, Central Point lintel, D. F. Amiek, V. E. Alexander, K. E. Brown. C. E. Holds, c. A. Boles, Victor Dunlelson, Mi's. Dr. Dean, Mrs. H. S. Deuel, Mr. and Mrs. Driver, Mr. and Mrs. T. U. Daniels, Annette 11. Dow. Babo Demmer, Beaumont DeLosh. E. M. Drys dale. Mrs. C. C. Furnas, Mrs. M. T. Edwards, Mrs. V. O. Emerich, Mrs. Corbin EdKell, Dr. J. J. Emmens. E. D. Elwood. Beth Evanson. J. F. J'.rlckson. Knnkin Estes. Mrs. J. E. Edmiston, Helen Edmiston, Mrs. John Ely, (lien Fahrlck, Mrs. O. c. Falling. Mrs. Carl Fiehtncr, V. A. Folger. R. Ci. Fowler, D. H. Frnnk lin. OeoiKe FerRusnn, Win. Foley, John Fluhrer, Mrs. L. D. Forn crook. W. a. Freeman. J. O. (lore. Mr. and Mrs. Delroy Oetchell, Mrs. Ous Gustine, H. Oore, W.A. Gates, C. C. Goldsberry. C. 10. Gates, D. R. Terrett, Mrs. Sarah Gartner. Pauline Greaves, L. C. (iriines, Ben Hilton, Margaret Hubbard, Mrs. A. 11. Hornby, Mrs. Frank Hopkins, Mrs. P. W. llamill. Ame lia Hartman, Mrs. Henry. Mrs. Hocan. Mrs. Geo. Hill. A. L. Her manson. Mrs. Ruth R. HaRedorn. Mr. nnd Mrs. B. E. Harder, Fern Hutchinson, R. C. Holmes, Mrs. Geo. Hunt, Mrs. J. Hueston, Joan Hasedorn, Natalio Hamilton, Mrs. Hugh Hamlin, Mrs. A. Hayden, F. U" Hollis. C. C. Hoover. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Howard, llausun Coal Co.. C. T. llainllton. Mrs. 1,. Hat field. Bill Isaacs, Otto .leldness. Mrs. Ottn Jebiness. Mrs. Paul .lan- ney. llr. K. H. Johnson, s. Jensen, I.yila T. Kins. Mrs. F. C. Kenly. Mrs. Gertrude Kirkpatrlek. Mrs. A. E. Kellehorn. Mrs. Harry Klersli'd. F. e". Kenly, Dr. A. F. Kresse, Glen La Bar, Mrs. H. I. und, Mrs. 11. U. Lumsden, Lewis Meat Market, A. It. LIviiiKston. Mrs. Locatall, Mrs. R. ' U. Loar Stella Levey. J. F. Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Little, W. C. Leever. J. K. Lens, R. M. LeVee. l'aullne Mlsslno, Robt. Mason, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. McCaskey. Mrs. Mer shun. John Mann. A. 11. .Miller. Mrs. t). V. Meyers. Larry .Mann. II. E. Marsh. Allison Moulton. J. S. Miller. C. C. Murray. S. W. Me liuat. Mrs. F. E. Merrick, Mrs. I M. Merritt. Mary A. Mee, F. E. Nichols. Chas. S. .Wwhall, Alfred Narrl Mrs. Xurwock. Mrs. F. G. Newman Office Supply Co., Mrs. J. Owens. John Drill, Mrs. M. Ottoman, Mrs. R. 11. l'axson. Mrs. Payne, Mrs. H. W. Phut, Mrs. C. V. Palm. Charley Palm, Ben 11. Plymale. Mrs. Hamilton Patlon. Mrs. Picket. L. W. Phillips. John E. Peter, Al Piche. Mrs. Dr. Porter, Mrs. Ho mer Pellctt. W. F. Pahl. R. A. Porter, 11. T. Peart, C. L. Reynolds Prut. Relmer. Phyllis Roberts Mrs. Martin Rice. .Mrs. Realties. Mrs. Gain Robinson, Mr. nnd .Mrs. Dnvo Rosenb'eiB, Mr. Raymond. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Richardson. Mrs. Georse Huberts, John Re nault, .1. L. Roe, Mrs. John' 1 Ross, Roys & Ross, Dr. D. W. Stone, Mrs. A. Schafer. Mr. and Mrs. I.. A. Salade, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Salade, Ben Sheldon, Alex Sparrow. S. Sumpter Smith. StrniiKS Diub Store. Mrs, Gilbert Stuart. Adrienne steward. J. Swein Dr. Chas. T. Sweeney. Mrs. J. It. Stuart. Mrs. A. F. Stennctt. Clyde Smith. Mrs. J. A. slorah. llr. Rolitj. Stearns, Mrs. L. C. Seluifvr, Mi" Tllompsuli. Chas. TellBWald. Earl Tumy. Mrs. John Tomlln. John Tomlin, Mrs. II. A. ThlcrolC. B. J'. Theiss, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Upton, Mrs. Vim Iloevenliui'B, Marlon Vorhles, Vem Vandyke, Mrs. Gor don Voorhies, Vera Yawter. Mrs. and Mr. W. II. WinB, Ernest E. Woods. Dili; e Wellington, W. Wakefield. Mrs. C. P. Witliington, Mrs. T. Williams, .Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wilson. II. E. Worth. Mrs. J. H. Williams, .Mrs. C. A. Win- Isians, C. I". Wolverton. Helen Will :son. Rev. V. Williams, Mrs. J. A. Wcstcrlund. Mrs. J. C. S. Wcills. J. B. Walther. Mrs. W. Warner, Mrs. Eric Wold. Mrs. E. Waters, Mark P. Welch, M. C. Writiht, Leo Ii. Williams, Scott Woolf, Mrs. E. S. Wlllson, Weavers Store. F. E. Wiley, .Mrs. W. C. YouilKS, O. C. Bokbs, I'lorence Hurd. Dr. H. R. Johnson, Roxanna Huhl. l'eBKy llamill, Jackson Co. Creamery. Mrs. Porter Netf. Mordoff ,fc Woolt Sniders Dairy. Geo. Roberts. A. S. V. Carsen. Don S. Clark, Paul A. Seherer. D. R. Wood. CorninB Kenly, Corbin Edgell, Ralph Bard well. Walter Bowne, Geo. Hilton. Ed Gleason. Mrs. c. A. Martin. -Ernest Dcuwe, 11. A. Dubuque, J. W. Elden, J. C. Pendleton. Mrs. Sil Brown. Art Lewis, Mrs. F. C. I Dillard, J. C. llerrlllK. C. M. I 'rhotnas, Mrs. .1. C. Humes, Jack ! Heath, Mrs. J. S. Norwood. Mar I jorie Locke. Mrs. F. E. Illackburn, Mrs. Floyd Hart. Mrs. Floyd Cook, I W. S. (illmorc, Mrs. Addle Thomas. Mrs. Searles Spencer. Mrs. J. X. Merely Borrowed 1 ............. 1 r z i : ! ' ' " i $t -i . . ' ; : ;i' ( I I 1- 'V. 6 i - . ' . W-ii r A CENT 1 i I'OKTI.ANI). On, Apr I'oulirv irii"is viti about a c-nt Ivww i'.ll ai'ouml today, fnlluwhii? : KfVt'ral days of Initio rtvoipts. Oooti sized iroiltrs were nonr too pli'itll ful ami hold suady. Oiumry drossi'd niiats (ihi)v,1 MtiU- chaiiKi with lnarKi't oi-ally lov. Voat rei-eipts rontin- uod heavy and tho prict weak i around IS to 1 'J i woro quotahty steady. I Hut tor and vrv: prices wore ; steady and um huniiod today. Yrs- rtiwiiiL,' disti U ts. 'o:ithor i ondi- i rainfall tiliue Soptetubor 1, 14. 8 t tlons in California iave likewise : liu lus. hwn unfavoraldo and oarly crops. , I timidity yesterday, 5 a. m., uloiis; the coast are t;etu'rally haek-' STt per cent: til mum, ill! jer cent; Ward. i 5 p. m., Sti per rent." pinai-h was siareo today and c'hai actor of. day: Cloudy. y i no miu krt Klroun, lust ttfferiiiKs Sun sou today at ti:.'7 p. m.. f " ' " f !- iinuv tu f . ivi i iM' iniiiuriunr, o;-" . ill., wi'in per crate. ' tomorrow G:iiS p. m. " , i ( i;iM.,s and sets computed for level horizon . Forecast for toniKht and tomor- ! ! The Weather end- ' Lowest toiuperatuv in;. X'. 1're. ipiiatiun fir 2 4 hours inx f. a. in.. ,uT inch. VestMtlay's wcatln-r liore: Hit:li est tciiiM i :tHn o. 1 '.; highest this ntH. Olhor classes m"th s,uce 1!U2, iowest teniporaturt! yesterday, Itti ; Uw est this month sinoo 1 it 12, .Moan tcinioraturo yesterday, 42: torday's reeeipts of butter were 1-1,- departure for the day, deficiency. ! pounds and of o?;ks 'J.72 cases.; 1U ileuroes. Averano daily tleriu itoraKe holdiims wore: lhittor 1 1,- h-ncy for the month. 2 doKrees. I pounds; okkr 31.79J cases. l'reciiitation. 'L' o t a I rainfall Wholesale produce prices were since t of month. 1.01 inches; Kenerally higher today on local 1 1 it-year h oraKe for tho month, markets caused hy the continued I t inches. Total rainfall since rain and cold weather in nearby .January 1st. ti.Mi inches. row: Probably rains toniKht and Saturday. Not much change in this morn- temperature, 1,. AVALTKU DIOK. .Ml-lfOl OlOKINl. ( llllOU Weather Ihiroau. BlMH'p Oiviicn, Alton! ion 1 We are in position to pay you more than anybody tor wool-mo-hair. See us before you soil. MKPKOKD BARGAIN ItOUSR. Thone. 10C3. 27 N. Grape St. 3E9tf MllroN. Apple show pavilion will cost about $;",00O. SIKVKUTO.V Silver Crook Kalis TotaT limp road to be Improved this year. : j. . s rflii iiiuiiii t i a. " puflll ft fl B1y The Great American Cookt In Vt to S minutes Philadelphia police and the family of George Millur, four, havo been mystified by the kid naping and return of tho boy, shown above with his mother, by two strange women, known to the boy as Kitty and Dorothy. He was whisked .awuy in a taxi, bathed, clad in new clothing, und returned in less than 24 hours to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Miller. 1 JOHNSON'S i Keene, Mrs. Chus. T.unian, Kate , Lultlhy. Hill Moftet. Hill Malb-y, J. l Hittson. Jack Donison, K. C. Trowbridge, Jr., Mis,1 M. W. Runp- ( ton, t).scar Lewis, W. li. Colomun. ; Kiser Predicts Big Season at j Crater Lake Mr. and Mrs. Krod II. Kiser of (Jranls I'asa were unions the many Medford visitors today. Mr. Jviser is tin; uuthoriod photographer of Crater T-ake natio'nal park and lias his studio open on tho rim during the entire season at the lake. II shvm tliev urn di'iii:i rinir fui greatly increased business there j 11 this year. Mr. and Mrs. Klser recently j opened a studio and gift shop in C runts rass and are sjieciali'in in imported and domestic Kifts and novelties. 1 As sunshine ripens fruit to perfection, Controlled Roasting gives Hills Bros Coffee the flavor of flavors ?1?T Livestock PORTLAND. Ore.. April 20 (!, Steady; no receipls. SILHKPand LAM US Steady; re-; jcuipts -Of. I'rmluct'. j i'OllTLAND, ore., April 20. i (A1) Wholesale prices: lkitter' steady; J'ortlnnd dairy exchanKU. : net wholesale prices: Cubes, cx-j tras, 3itc; standards. 3!tc; prime', firsst, USVjc; firsts, ysc. Cream- j ery pricea: Prints, 'Jc over cube' slundards. KtiIS Steady; fresh standard extras, 2."i,c; fresh standard j firsts, 24c; fresh medium extras. z'ZlTt; lresii medium lusts, niav. l'rlcea to retailers lie over ex- chaiiKc prices. Association sell ing prices: Kxlras, -2 fir: fusts, a 5c; medium, c; undersi.jed, J0e. : NUTS Steady. Walnuts, IM.tf 21c: . ulinonds, 0ffi2Se; peanuts, Ufa lie; pecans, 3Sy4!io. HAY Steady, Uuyiny prices: lastern (Jrewnu timothy, Jn.riti i (plil; do valley, $1818.50; a i ful fa j $lS.riK III; oat buy. $i5f?r ir,.r0; ! straw, $!).r0 per ton. Sollinj; prices ( f Z a ion mure. La scar a bark stoany, t v. in., OrcKn grape root, Hv. Hopn steudy; l27. 2l's '.-i'Tj 101'S crop, 17 i lSc contract. KukkIos, 20c. liids to the farmer: Uutterfal, stea'dy, 40c station: 41 track; 4;J 4 4c, f. o. b., Portland. ! POULTRY Heavy hens eay to lc lower at 24e; liK'bt, 13 rf UOo; ; broilerB, IJOt ?te; P o k 1 n whiln ducks, ;H)c; colored nominal; tur keys, alive. 27 fit- " 7c. Onions steady; local, $1.75ty 2.2 " per cwt. I'otatoes, 75c 1 .2.1 sack. Wool steady. Eastern OrcK'n, oil C'i Iiic; valb-y inudiuin, v course, 3Sc lb. ! ! get No other ripening process is as flavor-producing as sunshine. And no other roasting process brings out ie rare flavor of coffee as docs Hills Bros. patented, continuous method of roasting a few pounds at a lime. Taste Hills Bros. Coffee and you will instantly detect this superior flavor. Controlled Roasting is Hills Bros.' process exclusive!)', and the vacuum pack which seals in the goodness was originated by them. Ask for' Hills Bros, Coffee by name and look for the Arab on the can. Write for a free copy of "The Art of Entertaining." Address Hills Bros., Dept. 334, 2 Harrison St., San Francisco, Calif. HILLS BROS COFFEE Frtih ram the iriainal i vatuum pack. Eatitf tpentd viith 4 t H V f. P". OS. Cl Itut K'lTlll. SAN KltAXriMro, April 20. IPi ISuttui'fat, f. o'. b., Sun Flun clwo, 44c. Wht'nt. I'OKTI.ANI). On-.,. Apr. 2M (VPj Whfiit: BIIU haril white- Sl.i;!;1 Mof-; white. wcHtfrn whlto $i.r,o; hurd winter $1,311; northern hihIiii;. wt'Hlurn red $1.40. Jatn No. 2, 36 pound white f"id To(hiy' oar recelptH Wheat, 31; flour, 6; corn, 1; hay, 5. Wall Street Report XKW YORK. April 2'i. The "lnill" market i bich has boon under full steam on the Nw York stock oxi-hnnuo for three months. roeeiVfMl a flcrlilor) HiMbaek today on 'Himr inspii -d by t he unx-pet-d Inrr'lm- from four to 4 p-A rnt in the i p-riiscount rTlos jo: h- ( hii-MRiF and Boston f-deinl 1 1 ospivp bank nnd th- on usually !ni)r increa-e of nMrly 1 3,i.'l'n,- i "it m iTikrs loaris lar-t wc-k. I nil is 1 '0 cilnc.H In the speculative favorites ranyd from to S7 a -hare as blocks of lnoo (u l0,,(M) rthai en were thrown on the mat ket by panlr-strlekf-n sp"oulatoi for I'ne advance. MARKET EVERYTHING TO EAT Plenty Parking Space Owned and Controll ed by Home People. Corner Grape and Sixth Stf. Block East O. Free Deliveries Daily Morning - Afteimoon In the Center of Medford SELF SERVICE I. TELEPHONE 1003 "1 Reliable Cash Grocery IAlJlJ I 1000 Pounds Fresh Soft Cream Chocolates SALE 1 lb. Lang's DeLuxe Choc 49c . and 1 lb. Peanut Brittle FREE DOLLAR DAY SPECIALS We are sure that your dollar will buy more here Saturday than at any other grocery. Many other bargains in quality eats not listed in this ad. Free delivery on any size order within the city limits. Delivery orders leave the store at 8 and 10 a. m., 2 p. m. Quality Eats at Lowesl: Prices 5 Pounds Fern Oleomargerine for $1.00 8 Cans Fountain Brand Country Gentleman Corn. .$1.00 2 Pounds Your Choice Brand Canned Coffee $1.00 13 Pounds Red Mexican Beans $1.00 15 Pounds Pure Cane Sugar $1.00 11 Large Cans Milk, any brand $1.00 5 Pounds English Walnuts . $1 .00 4 Large Bottles Heinz Ketchup , . . . , $1.00 12 Pounds Fancy Blue Rose Rice $1.00 6 Pounds Bulk Shortening $1.00 No Goods Sold to Other Merchants at These Prices Free Delivery C. A. WEILLOCK, Prop. .Phone 1003 Too busy handling FrQsh Vegetables and Fruits to write ads. If you buy it at our Market nuff said. SATURDAY SPECIALS 2 lbs. Long Green Asparagus . ,18c 2 lbs. New Red Garnett Spudi . . . 18c 2 lbs. Half Moon Bay New Peas 23c 3 bunches Radishes, home grown 10c Beets, Carrots, Turnips, large bunches 5c Large Artichokes, each 5c Lots of new vegetables just in season on display in our windows. JOHNSON'S MARKET Free Delivery I Sixth and Grape Streets Phone 97 POULTRY EGGS FISH RABBITS For the Dollar Day Special We have selected several hundred milk fed broilers. These will be dressed and drawn ready to fry. Will sell them one day only. H dressed fryers, ready for the pau $1.00 Lot; of those bij? fat liens per lb ..28 About fifty dressed he tl turkeys, fancy, lb 35? Fancy dressed young frying rabbits, per' lb. 30tf FISH SPECIALS Salmon, per lb 35 Halibut, per lb 35!- lilack Cod, 11) 25 L'ed Snapper, per lb 25d Oysters, 1 laddies and Kippered Fish Free Delivery Phone 1136 SATURDAY MEDFORD $1 DAY Come to the , ,. PEOPLE'S MARKET 3 lbs. Eastern Bacon 51.00 4 lbs. Bacon Backs ...... . . . ; . S1.00 5 lbs. Bacon Squares $1.00 Special on Picnic Shoulders' Also Choice Cuts of BEEF ROAST YOUNG ROAST PORK SPRING LAMB-VEAL ROAST RED ROCK COTTAGE CHEESE . PURE PORK SAUSAGE , ' EASTERN HAMS, y2 OR WH0LE...,.......'......30 PEOPLE'S MARKET Phone 1058 ' Free Delivery DOLLAR BAY BAKERY SPECIALS KEEPING IN LINE WITH THE SPIRIT OF DOLLAR DAY, WE WILL GIVE ON ALL BAKERY GQODS SATURDAY ONLY, A FRANKLIN'S BAKERY 0 In Johnson's Market m to 20 Discount