Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 18, 1928, Page 4, Image 4

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- i
Daily, Bandar, Weakl
PubliaUd b? tbt
IS-1T1S N. rif St. PhoM T
EOBEBT W. Kl'HL, Editor
ft. 8UMPTKK fiMllri. Manasst
Aa Independent MwB(wpcr
Entered u Mcaod-cU matter at Med
lord, Oraffon, ander Act of March I, 187t.
Et MIl In Advance, i
Daily, with Sunday, rur.......$7.S0
Dally, with Sunday, month 76
aliy, without bond j, year t.60
Dailr. without Sunday, mouth 0&
Weakly Mall Tribune, ooa year.... t-00
Sunday, ana yaar t-00
By tJexrltr, Is Advance In Bedford, A ah
tand, Jacksonville, Central Point, PboaaU,
talent, Uold Bill -nd on Bifbwaa:
.Dally, with Sunday, month .71
Daily, without Sunday, month 66
Daily, without Sunday, one year... T.00
Daily, with Sunday, on yaai... ... t-00
AU term, cash in advance.
RaoeiTtng Pull Leased Wirt Service
Only paper In elty or county rrJvina
vwi by telrfraph.
The Aaaociated Preaa ia eicluslvelv en
Jtlad to bi w tut republication of all
tawa dleMtohea credited to it or otherwise
vedfted in IhU paper, and alao to tha local
tewe publiabed herein.
All ricbta for republication of apodal dla
M tehee herein an alao reaerved.
dallr artrirt cnciMtlon for tfi
ontha andluff Oct. 1, 1917, 4401, (present
drculatloo 446).
OfflcUl paper of the City of Medford.
Official paper ol Jackaon County.
Adnrtltlng ftrprcaentatlTt
Otflcea In New York. Ctif-afo, Detroit.
6au franclaco, Loa Angeles, Hrartie, Port
Ye Smudge Pot
By Arthur Perry
A week ago, the Justices of the
state supreme court, according to
reports In the press, announced
that If they were properly ap
proached, they would recommend
that Moasrs, Wlllos and Kelley,
doomed to die at the end of a
rope, be Instead retained for llfo
within stnto prison walls. These
tidings were conveyed to the Gov
ernor, who telephoned the Justices.
' or one of them, and was Informed
that tills was correct. The Gover
nor then granted a reprieve of one
week, which will expire Thursday
at 12 M. o'clock. Tho Jurists
hailed before the executive, neatly
sidestepped, with the allegation
that they "were misquoted." It
took thorn almost a week to dis
cover tho misquoting. All of this
puts tho Governor In a hole, and
. gives citizens a chunce to specu
late on the "political significance,"
If any, of the proposed hangings.
(Palo Boe)
It Is reported thnt Im!l
Warbuck Is recovering from
his recent Illness and Is nhle
to be up and about. Many
friends have expressed sym
pathy to the family.
Considerable complaint Is being
filed against the weather, which
dues not seem to know whut it
wants to do, and your coir, has
been asked to call It up on the
carpet. This we will do, as soon
as we get time. The weather Is
now a fine mess, and by tnklng
hold Immediately, we may
straighten It out by Krlduy noon.
If no adverso conditions ure en
countered, we will turn on the
sunshine Hundny.
Congress proposes to
o simnd
ippl r'nil
$1,200,000,000 for .Mississippi
relief and control, the relief being
for Americans, Instead of the per
petually , starving Arm. n 1 a n s.
These Americans cuss, smoko clg
nrettes, eat pie, and wonder when
Babe Kuth will get a homerun. the : you and I, and tho bar-j
bers. The UH. treasury Is so full !
of spondulicks. It takes two men ,
to shut the safe doors, where only
ono was needed before. Tho ex
penditure of such money for the
benefit of Americana, nstounds our
President, who says, In effect, thnt
he never heard of such a-thlng. !
und is plumb disgusted with the '
senate. This ls not surprising. In '
,the years that Mr. Cooliilge has :
been sequestered In the White
House not a time Is recalled, when I
the thought of spending a dollar,
did not meet with his disapproval, ;
or knock a two hour speech on
economy out of him. It Is very !
painful to the administration, to
let loose of a dollar once It Is
rounded up. The majority of the
Mississippi flood victims tiro hell.
Ishly poor,, nnd yip finni states
men about "conserving the nation
al resources," - Is only a fancy
Bliioko screen for stinginess.
(NY. Evening Post)
Well versed as we are In the
excruciating humors of prohi
bition, a new and major comi
cality seems to us to lie in tho
visit of federal agents to
tiansas City and Houston to
ward off bootleggers from tho
great national conventions
which nro going to fight so
hard for "bone-dry" platforms.
.A rowurd of $5 Is offered for the
apprehension of nn autolst who
pays the slightest attention to tho
, lump-post decorations, prohibiting
reverse turns at prominent cor
ners. (las silos are not pollenlzlng this
spring, either, as plentiful as In
years gone by.
At the present time he Is stop,
ping at the Ambassador hotel on
j'ark avenue, where pomernnluns
on platinum chains snap at the
servnnts 'with gold brldgowork.-
(Portland Oregonlan.) You cun't
blame the "poms"
Every year In the United States
'250.000 children, under 5 yearn of
nge die. Ihealth authorities say It
is significant that more deaths oc
cur during the time flies are most
notlve. Files transmit more than
thirty different diseases. Every
fly should be killed, Fly-Tox kills
tiles. It Is fragrant, afe, lalu
less, sure.
Editorial Correspondence
BAN' FRANCISCO, April 11. We
enjoyed Ilie hUth honor of Hfelni;
the California-Stanford b a ft e a I
Calirortlla-Htuuforfl h a M e it a I I
e with Prealuejt Campbell of
Universi:y of California. That
is we occupied the seat directly in
front of the president, on such In-
Hn.,1, tarma that , nna tima tl,u
chief executlve a knee hit us In the ! '" examp e on the coas , the sport
back, drawing forth a very courte !of, aba I must now be classed
ous apology from bis academic I '". "elatli: and chess,
highness. (What do you think of that, E.
In fact It was this kick In thea B'"
back that Induced us to turn
such distinguished company. ne'". rr'o, ,,. 7 ,1,7. 7, I
,.i,.j vrv.i.ivtt. r.mhu i, "! night. We took a trip to the
his eyebrows, which are unusually
i,ui, n.i i ,-i.iin 1,,,-t
which seem to
have a function
other than that of mere decoration.
.nrdown.' until in some ' p.'aces
Tl. ...nal.ln' ..1 ... ..II ...
they meet the eyelashes an ar
hat resembling!'
rangement somew
the desert camel's eye-contrivance,
so useful In a sand storm.
Presldent Campbell was accom
panied by another professor who
brought his young son, "Ilald-wln,"
to see the ball game.
Baldwin was as full of slangy
monosyllables sb his father was of
classical polysyllables. During the
game Baldwin frequently used the
words "Gosh, keen, dumb and
simp," while his parent's vocabu
lary may be gleaned from tbe fol
lowing dialogue:
President Campbell: This Is the
first baseball game I have attended
for many years. I like baseball,
particularly the throwing.
Professor B.: Yes, the throwing
Is Interesting such speed and ac
curacy. The English are
greatly amazed by the ease with
which the American ball player
gathers In a ball of high trajectory.
P. C: Yes, It shows a wonder
ful co-ordination of eye and hand
I question the accuracy1 of that de
cision at first. Of course I am glad
to see our boys win but
1. B.: But you must realize the
umpire views such a play from a
superior purolax.
,,erii;.NO,h0tl"h-o.t ,"nl-,",re
"lllu- i.0""1'?; I
custom myself to it. To me It
doesn't seem good sportsmanship.
P. B.: But you see it has become
tradltlonallzed consequently there
Is no ofl'unse. v
P. C: Perhaps you are right.
What are the boys chewing gum,
I suppose?
P. 11.: - Possibly but the visible
evidence would Indicate that noxi
ous weed discovered by Sir Walter
P. C: la It possible! That
catcher's mask is fairly awollen
with It
P. B.: An cxamplo of adolescent
imitation. You see, the coach
chews tobacco it la a professional
habit and of course in some cir
cles H la an evidence of robust
masculinity. Some boys chew to
bacco, others grow whlskors. 1
shudder at tbe thought of combin
ing the two.
P. C: It presents another angle
of the perpetual problem. That
was a nice cure ball ah. he struck
P. B.: Yes, that ends tho Rnme,
nnd I am glad our boyB won. Come
on Baldwin, did did you enjoy the
Baldwin: . I'd say. Keen, gosh
those- Htanfords are dumb.
P. I! '. Bald-win!
It wbb an extraordinary game
when one considers It was for the
coast Intercollegiate championship.
Only four or five hundred people
witnessed It, thorp wns no cheer
ing, and apparently no ono from
Stanford enmo up except tho mem
bers of the team. No demonstra
tion at the close. Tho California
boys picked up their gloves and i
bats, a few changed their navy i
finckiug out of a close place
slinrp and your fenders nlrendy
Somo chain stores count the
doubtless drug stores wait until
under the tables. '
Funny man. IIo never worries about, things he knows are
permanent, 'but only about things he intends to elmiige.
Tew feathered folk are handsomer than the jaybird. 'Which
proves thnt clothes don't make the man unless he keeps still.
rullmans have a slot for discarded razor blades, but the com
muter's special hasn'l yet. provided a place for used toothpicks.
Ilindenburg wears a crepe tic chine night cap, and there's
nothing you can tlo by wny of protest except to take an un
usually largo chaw.
MoyiE or Some Sodv
, y
. . J .
( -N f- L V :.'.,.,.. .-. -. ' r-O v , . (
"ifHP ' 'A l Jr
i .f
medfokd mail
' plu'? from cheek to the other,
' nl o'f they truilKeil to the locker ,
' n , ui
looinH. I wenty-nve yfura axn. at
: )1ah,,D ,,, . ft w
I "onanlP "TOUgni OUI a lew organ-
! lzod Pheer8 lurinK the contest, and
quite a demonstration by the win-
The Pacific Atlantic fleet Is Ini"" teachings, but I'm afraid all,
"L,, Ti l ,7. J , ,.t " a
small motorboat, covered with can
vas to keep off the spray, and sev-
, !,... .. .i, .,
' . "-"
uu um f iriui. hud Dcunn:., I lie
father to the left had another small
?' V?,
from well. In the stern of the boat
r bead and bon-
net in her hands, but that was
about all she retained. A curious
phenomena for such a short trip!
Tbe Saratoga la like a steel of
fice building 'on the water. We
climbed three flights of stairs to'iime u nil hokum
the deck, which Is 60 feet above
the water line. Except for the fun -
U..-1H mm uig SUiia uu one aiuu ui , line a tiully. taking advantage or been worn by someone who had ai
the ship where the rail would belthe poor little creature that way. communicable disease. Aside from!
on a passenger liner or warship, j hut l would. Just like to ask any, hysteria and superstition there Is1
tho deck Is absolutely bare. Ho-1 honest, able-bodied doctor ir hejnot the slightest ground for this:
low deck they can carry 60 air- j doesn't feel ashamed or himseir. practice. Certain commercial in- i
planes, and the aviators land on ; n0w that we know the ceremony! terests are responsible for such or-!
iu u, ciii nuuu mo oea is
calm, when they land ia the water duced to tho world Is utterly use
and are lifted up by cranes. How irH, t nol inat.ed Injurious. But
the airplanes land on such as pacew.,t- grandfolks, wait till you boar
"" seuroL. juere is a !'-1
clal appliance for stopping them,
always!!"11 n one outside of the i navy M,y KPJ.P ,0 y0urelf. Because II
;e wlih knoWB Jt.T"'at ls' lncldently;t0 you ,, ls wron(. Another
a nice looking Japanese civilian ;
lh.Ha.r.?n b07t!And this one Is so thoroughly shot!
he was a passenger when the boat
' ""A. ' m
officers about this and ho said
everyone was allowed on tho ship
an far as he knew but, of course,
there were many foreigners about
and only a few parts of the carrier
boat fully equipped cost Uncle Sam
$00,000,000. Beside it is the air-
were opened to the pumic. 1ms
boat In comparlHon. One w0nder8 !
h Iftn. It hn hofnr th R.nrn. I
toea Ib afl out of date as the I-anK. !
ley is now. It Is perfectly easy to
understand the psycholoKy of some
ilir nai'it man u.'lii-i u'alinma tt'in" i
a nrevontlon of economic waste!
.,.." "yv"L;v: k m" ,:": i
... .1. 1 i ... , ! . !,..7r, I
catapatilt, and went soaring away
vor Oakland, liach battleslilp had
Ilipao f,in. alruliinua Buriitm nn
V , . . , , 1
tho upper dects fore and aft. An-
puromly the navy has been read.
Ing Mr. Brisbane.
San Francisco Is packed with ma-,
rlneB and gobs and naval officers !
wiin ineir natty u n 1 1 o r m s una
freshly lnundorwl caps. And In all
this mob wo have soon but one
drunk nnd he was being managed
successfully by a husky gob who at
one time dragged him to a drinking
fountain and splashed water In his ,
face. Imagine what the condition
would be If saloons were open in
Sun Francisco. This In not dry
propaganda, for as AI Smith hns
remarked, no one wants to go back
to the saloon.
Speaking of Al Smith, Gertrude
Athurton, tho well known authoress
i ll . I a.. morcss
who lives here Is campaigning or
A.,,1"da.uI"!;le,?n 0rr'l '0r
Walsh The Native Sons however
no . .o,...e ii . ,.-.,..
ilg ltoovor rally is scheduled for
"Xt.HW0 th L0," P"t" lVefr I !
n the White House,' s heir!
sic-tan. Wo are surprised
don't say a "Callfornlnn.
isn't difficult if your wits ore
customers as they come in, hut
night and count the gum wads
Tough Life
AttvfT GOT
thibune, mkdfokd,
Personal Health Service
--"ir" .r.i... j-!.,,,, hi pr.nni.i
1 U,m h""" 1 brf,l ...d i, tot
i, olr , l, eta I nwrrt b.r.. No
i u,g to innrucHoia. Mirtm Dr. Willi. m
Whew! I am afraid, euphemit:-1 first year. In some canes of mlcro
tlcally speaking, though really i.eephalua (underdeveloped head)
don't care a hoot what any old !hl fontanelle clo as early as
' Inc fourth nr flflh mnnth
jfogy may think. Bay or &loui
the old fogies In I
and out of the
profession and;
'Iffc fact here, to-wlt. that spanking laundering will sufficiently disln
the baby hns nothing to do wl'h feet the clothing. Ordinary wash
the beginning of natural breath-1 ing. Ironing, or dry cleaning, ren
ins. This traditional rite I haveners any clothing safe to handle or
spanked my share of 'em In my : wear, no matter what disease the
I m not go -
I log to pretend now that I always1 criminal waste to destroy perfectly!
1 did feel a little foolish, and .veryjgood clothing Just because It has!
with which most nnbios are Intro-
the whole s'ory. and then watevcr
lyou havo , mnd ,0 you. prob.
nil ein In n V.
' n IT"' " ..rVSn
m"' '''" " 0- ml
murh wnrte shape than thnt other
brlm-cd tradition of yourn, old tlm
ors ;h" "common colli."
Y'hysinlofrlF-B yenri nno rtlixnrrt-
prl the old theory thnt respiration Isl
duo to stimulation from the nkln
nurfnee. Thev have learnorl thnt
"'"tl"n ,of !hp rl.ory center of
thff hrntn b-V rbon dioxld n the
,.,?od' . Th.,s l rertain "'"
jthlmr In the whole rnne of mod
ern science," a Ynndell Henderson
avem. Ynndell Henderson in . s
prolty BOUntl "'hor-y on resplra-
J tion. the
veriest otd timer munt
a im- "-" ""out time
Vn '"p spanking business. nnd
f llungln(? lh now,)rn ,nfnnt
' ""'" " "'I
cold water, nnd nil that hnnrv ho-
J "
,h( n(.fK1 ' '
If ,he h
utory renter Is a little dull of de-
vr0,.a ,lt rrsti tlint not to be
v, t,n.lered nt Bcveral hours of
compression of the heat! end de-
crea;o of blood supply to tho liraln
would account for Cnder these
conditions th" first ry may not
occur spontaneously, and It Is mi
to the flnplnr In ttinLa lh. h,l,.
,,reathe. rirst. the must be
kept warm, for the heat regulat
ing function is as yet undeveloped.
Next the baby's lungs chould be
M-n'ly Inflated for two or three
seconds, three or four times n min
ute until full breathing is estab
lished. The most effective way to
inflate tho lungs is by tho use of
, ,nh(lur ,.,;,
, 8 , onrh dloxid. If this
l t hnd. then the nxt best
jwnv , M.h,ne,
molh to ntou-h Insuffla'lnn. will-,
nlr f,.om own ungs
Thl contains approximately E
cont "
i ins is inn oniy errective means
available to stnrt the newborn In
fant breathlnrr. Krnnt the scien
tific nnd practical point of view
all other efforts or rites purport
ing to mnkn tho baby breathe are
hokum in the original sense of the
word thnt is. "business." mnklng
a show of doing something to satis
fy the audience.
Indeed I Haven't Any.
I wns interested in your recent
artlclo nbout insanity, whero you
snld per cent of pnrv.sls . . .
Will you please tell mo whnt the
symptoms ore that Indicate pto
sis? . . . o. R.
Answer Positively nnd disso
lutely not. This Is a health col
umn. Tho Sort Spot.
Is there any bad effect If n baby's
soft spot on top of the head grows
up iiefore be is n year old? Mrs
Answer There are -two "soft
spots in the baby's head. The one
nt the hack or crown of the head
usually closes or becomes hard with
bone by th end of the second
month. The one on top or nearer
the forehead usually closes nhout
the nge of in months. No harm
lf It closes before the end of the
I Suppose IM Stamoimg
onEnpy, Wednesday,
n..un inn nr,rne, noi 10 aie dlgoi. or
o,r,, t. it. Urg, .umb.r'ot it.r. -
rpiy cu b miJ. u qiirrirt not cwrform-
Br.dy, in ore ol tin. r,..p.p.r.
, t iH tv to Ilo Kind
I have a very dear friend at
i lry to do all I can to make her
happy. Is it safe for me to wash
things for her from time to time?
what a powerful; We have a large family and I don't
lot of 'em there 'want to run any chances. K. c.
are In both cate- Answer I can only surmise that
gories will be! your friend has tuberculosis. There
tempted to say; is no risk to you or your children,
something when from your kindness to your friend.
I n-Hte simple.: There Is not the slightest reason
elementary, nn- to suspect that clothing ever car
debatable, sclen-lrles tuberculosis. - Anvwav. the
, previous wearer had. It Is almost
dlnances as disnrace the health .h.:
ministration of badly governed
cities. It Is the same greedy com-1
mcrelHl spirit that explains the
curious "regulations" about the
shipment of the bodies of persons
who have died of communicable!
diseases, ir our constituted health'
n,hnr.n . . , .
pose the ruthless commercial ln"-
Z Xl,,'"
(Copyright. John F. Dl
A few hot newsiflMr edtorlals
dlrvctrd nl folks who cross street
without looklii' right or left, an'
wpn k-lllKn ely an1 "flaiitly
walk In front o fast movln enra.
miKht save a lot more lives than
hopplu on wireless drivers. 1
notleo sevenil of our farmers are
Kohl t' try it again thLs year.
Brisbane's Today
(Continued from Page One)
On tho other hand. New Zealand,
short in hundred time millionaires,
1b the richest country in the world,
per capita. Now Zealand's AVER
AGE wealth is $3,371.70. Little
a...l-T.,..Un,f . u,.nnn.t ...l,K
$2,998.20. The Vnlted States' comes !
third, with $2,911.90, and ltussla Is
last .with an average per capita
wealth of $216.60.
Thot, however, is tho fault of the
stupid czars. Hussla will not re
main poor. With such a ruler as
Petor the Great, civilized, Hussla
would be the world's richest coun
try. Governor Smith, of New York, Is
warmly welcomed in the south, and
in ns good as nominated, now.
Ho visits n fire engine house In
North Catolln, says "Hello boys"
to the men. and they know that he
hns been In ninny a fire house bo
foro, hud understands the work
done there.
Muny friends offer advice about
his campaign, and how to run It.
He is advised, hero, to put his
charming daughter In charge of
the campaign speech imiktng. She
understands it.
lie Co.) i
aprttj is, 192a
B Walt Wasnst)
I view with, admiration the
man who does things well,
whatever his vocation It's
splendid to excel. The tailor
finds much pleasure In his ab
sorbing game, as, with his tape
line measure he walks around
my frame; I am not an Apollo,
I'm bulging here and there, and
here and there I'm hollow, and
have no beef to Bpare. My
limbs have little beauty, my
waist is like a hill: I'd look
like art agouti but for tho
tailor's skill. But he surveys
my outline, resolved to make
me trim: the shriveled line, the
stout line are all the same to
him. And when the suit Is
finished, and I triumphant go.
my bulges are diminished, my
hollows do not show. I look
as i-mooth" as thunder, a rah
rah lad, In sooth, and friends
and neighbors wonder how I
preserve my youth. With glad
enthusiasm I pay the tailor's
bill, and, In a fervid spasm, 1
praise his wondrous skill. How
fine the skilled mechanic who
sizes up my car. when it Is In
a panic." with all Its works
ajar. A lot of workmen tinker
around . my ailing wain, and
deeper yet they sink her in
grief. And cause me pain. They
know not what's the matter,
they have but little skill, they
spend the time In chatter nnd
charge like old Sam Hill. Ah,
then It ls a blessing to f'nd
the man who knows: who heals
the breaks distressing, so that
the motor goes. The world Is
Jammed with tollers who botch
all that they do, and they're
the chronic spoilers of Joy and
comfort, too. And so it is a
pleasure to meet the man of
skill: he is a peach, a treasure,
a beacon on the hill.
London was amazed when Henry
Ford made a speech of only 29
words. Governor Smith's daughter
would call that extreme verbosity.
Her speech, when, her father ran
for governor last time, was 21
words shorter than Ford's London
speech. "I hope you will all vote
for father," was the Bpeech. and
they all did, apparently.
Commander Byrd's air voyage to
the South Pole will be useful, as
well as romantic. He will probably
send back hia planes to protect
tht m from crumpling, crushing ice,
while be spends months In Antarc
tic exploration. Gentlemen whose
business Is making money after
others tell where it can be found,
expect many things from this Byrd
adventure. ,
There Is copper In the Antarctic
regions, and gold probably. Ice
cold old 'fields near the South
Pole would draw crowds as did the
hot African fields.
For gold, men will go anywhere,
run any risk.
Commander Byrd will also hunt
the new retreat of the Antarctic
fur bearing seal, which has retired
from its old haunts, and bring back
information about whales, very nu
merous near the South Pole.
Important scientific news is
hoped for from the expedition, in
cluding Important data about the
tides In the Antarctic ocean. But
reliable information about the new
gold fields ls what the crowd hopes
Acid Stomach:
, "Phillips Milk of Magnesia" ,
Better than Soda
ITereafter, ins trad of pod a take a
little "Phillips Milk of Magnesia" in
wwter any time for indigestion or bout,
acid, pasts y stomach, and relief will
come instantly.
For fifty years genuine "Phillips
Milk of MHgnvia" has bien preneribed
by phyniciuhs because it overcomes
three times an much acid in the atom
arli as a saturated solution of bi
enrbonate of soda, leaving the stom
ach sweet and free from ull gases. It
neutralizes acid fermentations in the
bowels nnd gently urges the souring
waste from the system without purg
ing. Itesidcs, it is more plernant to
take than soda. Insist upon ''Phillips."
Twenty-five cent and fifty-cent bot
tles, any drugstore. "Milk of Mag
nesia" has been the V. S. Register d
Trade Murk of The 11. Phil
lips Chemical Co. and its predecessor
Charles H. Phillips sine) 1875. .
. .ii.nil called speed
writing, translatable by any Intelli
gent operator, makes It possible to
send a picture and 2500 words by
telephoto. The American Tele
phone & Telegraph company sent
a picture and a 2500-word message
from New York to Ls Angeles III
seven minutes.
Mr. Gifford and his associates
are to be congratulated on this new
oavliig of time anil labor. What
ever saves luhor and time makeB
human labor more valuable and
higher wages possible. It is the
workers' business to see that they
get the -higher wages.
Famous Blonde
Hunt's Crdterian
' V.'orld-famous characters will
be entertained In Medford tomor
row when "Gentlemen Prefer
Blondes" plays at Hunt's Cra
terlan. Lorelei Lee. the cham
pion gold digger of all time, Dor
othy. Lorelei's wise-c racking
friend. Sir Francis Bcekman.
Lady Beekman, Gus Eisman, the
Chicago button king, Henry hpo.
fard, and . Lulu, Lorelei's maid
have all come to life In tho screen
version of ono of the "best
sellers." Lorelei is played by ltuth
Taylor, an "unknown" when se
lected for the role, but who Is
said to be headed straight for
stardom. Dorothy is Alice White.
petite screen flapper, and the cast
Includes, as well, such famous
( comedy players as Chester Conk'
i lln. Holmes Herbert, Kord Stcr
i ling, Trixle Priganza, Emily FitZ'
j roy and Mack Swain.
; Louise Fazenda
j Animals' Friend
Hoboes have a sign system by
which their fellows may find the
houses where help Is most likely
to lie received. An incredible
number of tho feline and canine
seoni to meander up' the wide
walk to the white . door - of the
Fazenda mansion. And they are
never turned away. Nor Is It only
the cats and dops of Hollywood
Carter's Little Liver Pilli
Purely Vegetable Laxative
move the bowli free from
rtjln and unDltHunt after
effectf. They relieve the vitem of cunntipa
tion potion which nuny time came pimplei.
Remember thev ore a doctor preicription
end cjn be taken bv the entire family.
AU Dnififiim 25c and 75c Red I'ack.-inn.
Political Announcements
I am a candidate for the repub
lican nomination for sheriff, pri
mary May 18. CHAS. I). STACY
May 17
I am a candidate for republican
nomination for Sheriff at the Muj
prlmnriea. I have had exper.Jncf
In both tax and criminal depart
ments and promise efficient and
economical service.
May 17. GEO. B. ALDEN.
I am a candidate or republican
nomination for county clerk; prom
ising personal attention, economj
and courtesy. Q. R. CARTER.
May 17. Talent.
I nm a candidate for the nomi
nation as County Clerk on the Re
publican ticket.
May 17. A. J. CROSE.
I hereby announce my cnndfdaej
for the republican nomination fol
County Clerk.
May 17.
I hereby anr.ounce my candidacj
for the Republican nomination tot
County Clerk for a second term
May 11
I nm a candidate for the re
publican nomination for school
superintendent. V. A. DAVIS.
Medford, May 17.
I am a candidate for re-nomlna
tion on the republican ticket for
County Commissioner. If nomi
nated and elected 1 will continue
to dq my best to give the people
an economical business adminis
May 17
I am a candidate for the office
of county commissioner, subject to
the will of the repunlicnn party at
the May primary. J. O. LOVE.
Snowy Rutte Orchard. Central Pt.
I that benefit from Miss Fazenda't
success. Many an unfortunan
! kiddle has cause to blesB her.
j Louise Fazenda is to be seen
1st the Klalto theater with clyuj
! Cook in their funniest farce, "io
! mestlu Troubles." The cast in
'eludes Jean Laverty, Betty my.
: the and Arthur Hankin. Cl j6
'and lAiulse are funnier than ever.
I .
Get your permanent Preston ra-'
j dlo ground at the Auto Supply and
j Parts Co.. 3 S. Riverside. 27
Don't Neglect
Your Kidneys!
Vou Can't Be Well When
Kidney3 Act Sluggishly.
O you find yourself running down
ulwavs tired, nervous and de-
nrMtui? Are vou still and achv. sub.
icct to nagging backache, drowsy
headaches and dizzy spells? Are kid
ney excretions scanty, too frequent
or burning in passage? Too often
this indicates sluggish kidneys and
shouldn't be neglected.
Doan's Pills, a stimulant diuretic,
increase the secretion of the kidneys
and thus aid in the elimination of
waste impurities. Doan's are endorsed
everywhere. Ask yoitr neighbor!
50,000 U&ersEndorse Doan's;
C. W. Bagby, 303 17th St., Oregon Cltv,
Ore., uy: 'I know the value of Doan's Pilla
and am glad to recommend tltem. My kid
ney troubled me ouite a bit and 1 often
had a weak and aching back that made it
Kard for me to stoop. ( My kidneys didn't
act right, either. Doan's Pilla soon put me
in good ahape, strengthening my back and
Rjit t r-M.lburn Co. Mfg Chein Buffalo. NY.
Train or
Motor Coach
New silver-gray motor
coaches; faster trams.
New convenience for travelers to
Portland and intermediate stations.
Luxurious motor-coach service by
Southern Pacific Motor Transport
Co. in addition to improved sched
ules of Southern Pacific trains.
Motor Coach 7:0-4 a.m. 7:55 pJiu
"Shasta" . 11:17 a.m. 10:30 p.m.
"Orcgonian" 6: 10 pun. 7:15 a.m.
Leive Arrive
Poniand Medford
Motor Coach 9:30 a.m. 10:37 pjn.
"Shasta" . 8:30a.m. 7:30p.m.
"Oregonian" 9:30 pan. 10:20 a.m.
Motor coaches leave and arrive
at the Southern Pacific Passenger
Buy 10-ride Tickets
for use on motor-coaches and good
for 60 days. Save money with these
low fares.
Agtnt ,
Tlbphoaa M
6V2 Interest
payable every si's months is all
tbat the Metropolitan Life In
surance Company charges on
their Home Loan Plan.
Call at our office for full par
ticulars. Commercial
204-5 First National Bank
Windows and Doors n
,Q- TPnmPDTnntt'