F3TTB FOTTH IIEDFOB1I MAIL TRIBUNE DmUj. 8tftfU7, Publiahcd b th medporu pBiirrixa oo. II IMI b rtr St. ROBERT W. RUHL, Editor . bUMFTER 8MJTH, As lndepiidnt Vtwapapcr lort. Orafoo, under Ad ol lUrch , U7. BUBHCHIPTIOM BATES 7 Malt lo AdvtoMi Duly, with Sunday, yw 7.60 Dtiiy, with GuiuUy, mouth 74 felly, without Buudiy, jer 4.60 DtllV, without Sunday, month.. .tb Weekly Mall TtIuuim, one jetf.... 1.00 Sunday, ou ytu t oo By Oafritr, In Advtocw In Medford, Ah toad, JacUonvtlU, Ootnl Point, FbonlI, Ttiant, Gold HU1 a4 00 Highways: Daily, with Sunday, month .71 Dally, without tiunday, month 06 Dally, without Sunday, 00c year... TOO Dally, with Sunday, on year ft.00 AU ttrma, caah to advance. MEMBER Or TBB ASSOCIATED PRESS Receiving rull Laaaed Wire Service Only paper In dty or county noetrlog ewwe by telefraph. The Aaaodated Preea to eirlueively es titled to the qm for r publication of all ewe dlepitcfaea credited to It or otherwiee credited In thlf paper, and alao to the local Bwe publlabed herein. All riftits for republication ol pedal die patches herein are alao reaerved. Sworn dally average cttuwatlon for flU month eodJug Ofct. 1, 1017, 4ttt, (present eiroulaUon 46116). Offldal paper of the City of Medford. Official paper of Jackeon County. Adrerttutif Repreaenurlve M. a MOOKN8KN OOMPANT Offloel to Mew York, Chicago, Detroit flu rraMtooo, Loa Angeles, Seattle, ixX Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Perry Tomorrow Is Easter. After the proper observance of the occasion, musically, spiritually, and sartorl cully, the mate ana organized ttocicly can proceed to the bar baroua business of hanging two men next Friday, April 13th, with a clear conscience and great gusto. Wrestling occupied the attention of the male portion of the popula tion last evening, and were highly olatcd over tho. roughest form of osteopathic treatment. In his gentler moriients. a wrestler only endeavors to ram the head of his opponent through the floor, or cast him through the roof. Also many of the simpler dance holds are applied, accompanied by dra matic grunts from the depths of the contestants. If the foe needs electrifying, the knuckles of either hand are rasped over tho knuckles of the backbone, nearly always causing spontaneity on the part of the rasped.. This Is considered as playfulness.' A wreHtler will not, as a cowboy does a bull, blto the nose to win, unless hard pressed. The saxophone which raged In ' this vicinity, has been recovered In Seattle. This will silence the ugly rumor (but that Is all), that this writer stole tho weapon, which he would have Uuno had opportunity offered. Atty T. Miles has stood alone for rears, as the leading exponent of the cold water bath, In this vicin ity. This week It waa learnod that he gets up at 6:30 am. to Inflict the punishment. , Cedar Knplds, la., March 16. Miss Charlolto Haas correct) of McGregor and Herman Appel (correct) of Monona were married at McGregor laat night. Press Dispatch.) May their days be full of applesauce, Several are torn between enllng for the next 19 months, or split ting the breeze with a new auto. CAKK OF TUB CHILD iHV. Exninlncr) YOUR BAHY enlnrger, tlnt ed and framed for $4.06. The Now Htudln, corner of Mola and Banla Clara streets. Questioning of (64 guls reveals that all have bought their spring bonnets, and can't aloep for fear some sister has one Just like theirs. Many are having the first good gossip since the last fiery cross on the flank of Hoxy Ann. The meadow larks ro trilling their merry lays as If their throats would bust, and the same applies to a number of sopranos. This Is the first April In Oregon history that Milt Miller, tho vener able and valiant (Irandpaw of Democracy, has not been running fur something; he had no chance lo get, and making speeches on the tariff. WHKN AMBITION' KOAlt.H (Christum Herald) Billy Sunday, the evangelist, wnnts his hldo made Into a drum, "to annoy the Devil after I'm dead." "When I die," he told a re vival meeting here, "I want my wife to send for a tanner and have me skinned. "Then I want drums mado of my old hide and I want men to go out on the streets of tola country pounding them. The President Is very liable to ' voto the farm lull of our sr. seed- sender, which In liberally spiced j with socialistic features. The solan ' is a rock-ribbed republican, when votes are needed, and at other j tlmos, a gravelled Progressive, ad-1 dieted to pestering of the Presl- , dent. I The palatable, but sociully oh-1 noxious green onion, Is tantalizing ly displayed in the grocery stores. : Fer Ship Is lort UOXDON. A pa; it 7. A I lovd's dispatch from Yokohama I eaya that fear are entertained Tor the safety of. the Urltlsh motor vessel Asiatic Prince, five days overdue from New York. (The Asiatic Prince. 8874 tons, and carrying a general cargo, sailed rrom New York on 1 faLpKBH O A mnA vam K' . I - ""- j - ...... ti.niuri Kewu on March I. She touched nt Balboa and Ban Pedro, sailing from San Pedro on March 17 for Yokohama). CUasUled adTsrtuinf gsta rarulu, BIO BILL WILL WIN t BIQ BILL THOMPSON'S threat that he "may resign" if Swunsoii in iiiiiiiinatcil in Tuesday's primary, certainly gives the voters of ('hicutto '"' excellent opportunity to kill two pestiferous birds with one stone. Big Bill, however, knows his onions. Strange as it may seem to outsiders, a majority of the people of Chicago want to keep their "Anglophohiastin "William" in the City Hull. They want an "open town" ami Hig Bill is the man who can give it to them. So it is a ten-to-onc shot that the odoriferous .Sniall-Tliomp-Ron combine will win again. The fact that Bill is merely bluff ing, will make little difference to the mass of morons he controls. For with Big Bill out, they would lose their graft, and graft is what makes the political world in Chicago go around. IT'S SURE TO AS the presidential election approaches, tho nomination of AI Smith as the Democratic nominee becomes increasingly certain. The statement mado in' these columns several mouths ago, that only a flat refusal by Smith himself could prevent his nomination, is more true today than ever before. As a result the Republican strategy is certain to be based upon the selection of the man who can make the strongest race against the New York governor. The delegates at Kansas City will be in no mood to take chances. As tilings now stand, the race will be between Hoover and Ix)wden, and developments between now and June will largely determine the outcome. Unquestionably Hoover is the man best qualified for the job, but his lack of political shrewdness is going to work against him. nis early "burst of speed" wan, a tactical blunder. Kor he has been marked by his opponents as the man to beat, and there is already a formidable combination against him. Nevertheless, he has one outstanding advantage. The rank and file of the Republican party are for him. No man in the country today has a larger or more enthusiastic personal fol lowing. If the political sagacity their leader lacks is shown by his followers, if an aggrcssivo organization is formed, and the nat ural assets accumulated are not dissipated, Hoover will win the nomination and undoubtedly be the next President of the United States. QUILL Riches aren't everything. are the ones who need ponies. There is very littlo true neutrality, except the way an apple tHstcs at this season. Delegates will be astonished to find Texas so level and oven more astonished if the convention is. .Democrats might avoid the labor of writing a plutfoim by adopting the Ten Commaiidmonls. If ho hiis a strong, lingering hand clasp, that is a sign you arc about to part with ten dollars for a worthy cause. It takes a lot of gall for one part of America to think an other visited by disaster because of its wickedness. A hopeless cynic is one who admits young Rockefeller is de cent, but adds: "Ho can afford to be." History: The story of nation after nation being licked by one it taught how to fight. Americanism: Teaching kids to admire those who fought in America's wars; telling thorn warfare is wicked. Tho most effective form of machines that displaco laborers. Tho place where the population is most dense is on the wit ness stand. Soon daughter will be using can move the radio set from room. It's nice to sec things coming up in spring, you the ashes must come up from the basement. Among those who doubtless regret having postponed a Euro pean trip so long is Mr. Will Hays. It seems all the boys knew what was happening, wo must havo a candidate innocent of historv, there Mr. Ford. Correct this sentence: "I'm so lucky," said the girl ; "I go! my ohler sister's clothes when she is through with them." THE NEBBS The End of a Perfect Day TC REASOtvi ASKING VOd I euidemce or wwe v tut sjukc iMi IN TIME VJE COULD KUl-s.NtY t-UNT O JUttV TO SBlMfi PROVC HIS IN THE MIGHT EC LET THIS BE I N ft. VEROtCT OT ' 'notSuiltv" weRC we havC VM COURT WITH THE DEAL CULPQiT NOKC CTHEU TWfth) VaELL look rot VOOBSELF. MEDFOTW MXTTi BE SMITH POINTS Boys in college who have cars birth control is the invention ol the porch swing, and then dad the kitchen back to tho living but it Well, if s always ' VE - NO.AQOAUAM FO(J IF HOU H(t) INlOHMtU in COURT Of THIS PROQCkSLE our A COtC NOD wouv.0 t THE COUI4TS TIME COUNT V A ftONEY. inmOCENCC. I HAD ft LtCjUL tXtUSL .LCkM VOU INTO Afta rCTORE. IT iVCOUNTY 'S oUEbT FOR WELL TO .A LIMITED vlbT. A LESbOf 'A 11 j 3M'l ISMTiNf.VT- MUX IM IS ftT OU MOtEty NfVtU c WTBTTNT:, fETFORT, Personal Health Service By WILLIAM BRADY, M. D. HifrtiMl Mtrr pertaining to peraona health and hytrietw. nut to ril4aae diagnoeie or (rrntttiri.t, will be anwrreI by Dr. Brady Jf a lUmH, M-Jf-addrrMU-d envrlopt is encloeed. I ',riin eli'mld be briff and written In ink. Owing to the utgt number of letters re '.rivfd, only a few cut be afwwered hvre. No r-p'v can be made to queries not conform- I lug to i nut ruction. Addreaa Dr. William Drady, in care of tliia newt.pi.per. I AX Ol'TMXE 24. I'rvJudUe Aieuln Uurnuu nature in pen? rally an-j duwcil with an inferiority complex I whkh makes tlione who happen to' he below pur in any way. phyic ally, iiK-ntully, morally, nuclally, f 1-1 nunelally, ye;rn fur thn unattain-' able, equality. I I'arerits who hum-! peel, fear or know thfir chll- j dren ure inferior, i offer more or less! JWrsS resistance - even to;eoumn wJmt tt 8uKluUsm Jn lne V... ,"u", Ul,eye means Miss it. 1. 1 , children In school; Answer You probably mean on-! (tnd muny aliUHcs ti,mftiim. It mW,. i.. cre.!p In where school superintend- j ents or principals are loo intent , on currying favor with the voters, j If such prejudice exist aBainst ; the necessary grndlnK of children is it when there is an honest at tempt to determine the I. Q. in tHlKnt quotient, mental age) of ull the pupils in a school. In one community where this was attempted, sorn of the indig nant mothers published letters of protest, and curiously enough more thnn one of them took particular exception to what they called Tho question was a perfectly fair and proper tost. It consisted of a short story telling how a man's body was found cut into several pieces and tho coroner concluded ho must have committed suicide. Certainly it was an ubsurd thing to at;k but thf. u ih v.. f J son tho Htory was used to whether tho child recognized see; the absurdtty of it. If the protesting , V i , 3 le tULm0t parents object to tho morbid 7" bimb; WouId be gestlon In tho story, thai is silly. ! fLJ lh and Iu the The ncrfectlv a-ood reason fnr thichlld' That 8 th6 W I el about Htory Is that a normal child II j yar old will ace the ahHuritlly of it, whnreus a porsun with loss thnn 11-yenr-old IntelllKCnco will. not. There wan Rome nrwnpapr hu- mor recently concerning a ChlcaKo I police plan to round up a lot of j KUHplclojMB characters and subject j thorn to observation In tho psy I chopathlc Institutions. The hii I morists made much capital of the j report that some notorious victim thus detained was given "blocks I to play with." One of the bcHt : ways to measure lutelHi;enee Is hv trt-'fins of "blocks," and the sculo Is based on exact knnwle,!,7e ,,r! what a person of Riven nwo will or can do with blocks when -he soon the examiner do It. Any moron knows thnt If one' would learn to d:tnco It is neces sary to observe tho dancliiK in structor and follow his steps' asi nearly ns possible. This Is mcrolyi a familiar test of Intelligence. Of course one may learn to dance without a personal instructor, by folloniiiK instructions in a book. Or one may learn by Heeinp an other dancer do it. Still u test of intelligence. liuutlno sohool examinations are not n -Kood test of intelligence mure often they merely test mem ory or endurance.. It would be better for intelligence f m,(.n , examinations were reiiulred. Any! teacher who is reasonably eoni-i lieient knows as well as such ex-' .'tinluutlons can show. vhe'hr a! Klven pupil Is proficient In the sub ject lu iiuestion, andt v. hen we Im pose sufficient confidence in the teacher to Intrust tho him tho In struction of the child, he mlitht consistently leave to the teacher's Kood Judgment the decision about promotion nt the end of the term. Indeed, this syslem is now In effect in Homo of the beat schools In the ruuniry. If formal tests or exnmlnntlonn danKorous unl,8s deep seated. Its are of any v.iine nt nil In Kraillnn' cllre Involves fincliiiK a way to kill Hclmnl chll.lien. It would neem that18 vlcio"8 Rrowth, and science' will luiyrhol.iKlrnI intulllirencn testa the lllnet-Siinon scale or similar. A New Yorl7store nossesses nn r ;u.,r ,ho un,y k,m, wHai" ,hC ,rou"10- ! cigarettes and says "Thank you" to QKST,oAlsvKRs j - miirraius lor H ruit .Alls You. Is It any benefit to use soda or' other alkallno In ticnM,, n,.. 1 mimcol.l? I have seen it ,idv:.i,eeii:,omuton lloea SMOKE cigar lately thnt to keep the system f ro;n M.-i-oiuiiiK iou arm win prevent colds and help cure one already " ' Z,.' . Answer At any rale, the me of liberal doses of salenvtus mllain oicurnonnici internally as n rem edy for any acute respi". tory In fection Is comparatively harmless. The Industrial physician who re cently advocated this treatr (.nt. :(c l orilliiK to newspaper s'or'.s, hn:.;..i ibat the "common cold" is no: in fictlous but a cnnsequen.v of no t umuliitloi; or n'tentio', in tb. sy-i. tern of acl : by-protl.ieis of miah.- SMiTHECS, 'MOW TiCT THE. A VrLCDiCT Or HAVE iAVEO ROCKNEV TL1NT AND "THE SlR ! F THE TWFr HADN'T CONFESSED lO rM,-r-r.i- TuAT turF-&UTTOM IN THE QA& I'D I WlbW SEND YOU TO A'.TwC PEROuay SO STAMTlCvL VAA'tM MEivmS ftU.CVJj mm? il TM lull OREGON, SATURDAY. OK IIYCIKN'K ht IiUolllst-ntx Touts, ollnm, in oil.ei woidH, uoUUiMitS. 1' believe aa.eruiUH is th beat rem edy we have to combat acidosis, but I do not believe that uctdotda is a cause of any of the illnesnes popularly known as "common cold." Wv know that a certain degree of acidosis occurs in the cout&u of such acute respiratory Infections and sodu is probably the best remedy to combat such acidosis. Ahtlniatism. i Will you please explain In your larity ln a ,en8 or jn ne whoreby the lens does not focus ruy8 ot u ht to ft nt but I u biurred im Jt ,H ,ike ; ir,i,,n ,,,, . , pune of tlass. J'rac j tlcally every civilized individual has1 ; more or less astiKmatism, but onlyj 'a minority require Klasses to cor-1 rect the fault, for normally the t-yo Is quite capable of adjusting itself j .to moderate errors of refraction, j KtiKTuvvrs, 1'rliitvi-H unit folks. ! MrS. J. W. (- Ml-nilu n HnnlniT v.r u-hi,h ,a ,..i...., .......... aiWrudy. The clipping is an inquiry ! blue Is for girls and pink for boyn. Mary Gordon replies that formerly blue waa used for baby girls and pink for boys, but engravers and i printers have recently decided that blue is for boys, following the tra dition "LlttlH ltnv Uli. A a i.-.. 7. . rigni, n ine engravers and printers say so. Far he It from me to question any ver- DiUe Co.) It luilnt been ft) loiij slnro th wlmti tintiilry wnz excited over til' hint ("liarloy lloss, nn' l'lny no home' complete- without :i iitlNsiti' tluliKhtet. .Mrs. Tilrord .Moots' nict writes that she t' hear AV1U lingers lit Mluiiiui)' ail' ho "wu.veil" eloquent. 4 Brisbane's Today (Continued from Page One) "nn mat ay. it. (Copyright John F " i ...... ... lin..u. . ()1 Tne Y W- C' K' "J"!' "ie!lP fai't "'at " cigarette Belling au-1 - i c,tt"' 4 n..no iii.ni.. nK,.nrinn.. jgent 8chl,nu. to conll.ol and nnt !P " Pf'ee t rubber, thus mak- lllR American automobile owners nrii..i.,.u .,, ,i..i,. The plan worked for a while. Herbert Hoover put an end to It by his attack on the Hritish motor trust. Washington reporters say, prob. ably Inaccurately, that President Coolidge Is "shocked" at the sug gestion of $750,000,000 to make the Mississippi river safe.. JU12V HAS (3ETURNEO "NOT GUILTY" I DISCHARGE THE DCFENDAMT - AD(t)U OC"L r2 CCNSPiRRCV AnOi rUL.M v-uk wiuum- EVIDEMCS. "DUMB -5MACIT' V ICJ , V. y 'VAf I'll V-'A. StnJ.. M 1 T..J. M.,t .. U t f.l. Odkt APRIT, f, iMrl. Rippling Rhymes (By Wall Mam) KXTKHTS vNlne experts found that jinx waa sane, there was no blem ish in his brain. They asked him questions full of tricks, which would have bothered dippy hicks, but Jinx replied, exceeding well, and all his an swers rang the bell. , They U.sted him with strange ma chines that rcgiHiHi-ed, in reds and greens, whatever happened in his mind, and he proved cultured and refined. Ko they were ready to declare that when Jinx Mole Hill John son's mare, his faculties pos sessed no flaw he waa re sponsible ut law. The Jurors smiled and thought, '"Oh, chee. this case in simple as can he." Nine experts came for the de fenne and showed Jinx was lacking senpe; he wan a feeble minded wight who couldnt tell the wrong from right. They catechised him half a day and showed his brains were all astray; they tested him with some device whlcli demon strated, in a trice, that all his wheels were turning wrong, were running backward right along. These experts were prepared to swear that if Jinx stole Bill Johnson's mare, he didn't know it was a sin. he had no moral guide within. The jurors to their room re tired, and there they argued and inquired, and chewed the rag and writhed In woe, and cussed' the experts to and fro; in grief they saw two long days flee, and then agreed to disagree. Ko Jinx, he must be tried again; and will they send him to tho pen? No man can say, for the defense Is gaining further evidence; they'll have twelve experts all in line, and twelve are better far than nine. The prosecution's nailed six more, and hopes to gather twenty - four. And old lillt Johnson goes on foot, and hopes that justice will stay put. ' ' A country that could give TEN THOUSAND MILLIONS TO EU ROPE, add half a billion a year to railroad receipts, and plan, wisely, to cut $200,000,000 a year from cor poration taxes, need not shudder at the thought of spending part of lis billions to. muko the Mississippi safe. -f-f Pilgrims from Spain to the Ifoly Land will go by air in three char tered planes, malting ten Btops on tho way, flying in formation. This Is new and fur' removed from the slow calling ot' the an cient crusaders. The first moving pictures have been transmitted over a wire. You may some day recline at your ease and watch the baseball game, play by pluy, in your own house. . 1 ; THE MARKETS Livestock I'OnTLAND. Ore.. April ". (,P) Receipts, cattle 30; hoKS 160. Part nljkuul outstanding lishtweiKht steers on bauy heel order, call $12.50; carrying heifer end $11.50. Hogs steady; two loads medium weight butchers $9.10; few lights $9.25. Totals for week (approximately) ienttlo 2100; calves 2U0; hogs 8125; Including 2450 direct; sheep' 1240. CATTLE Compared with a week ago, steers steady to 'strong; extreme top $12.50 for short load of fed yeurllngs; three loads of grain fed 1000 to 12000 lbs. weight $12.35: bulk $U.26fi 12;- low me jdlum $10ffcl: cows and heifers 25 to 60c higher. Part load 700 '' ot ne'erH $11-50; practical top ,coM;Y'7r'o,,r; "' 0 'or s,'0,t '""."j SI tiS ilium $7 9: cutters and low cut- M.foTf 7: hulls sternly, mostly Eggs Eggs I pay one cent premium for clean white standard ..eggs (candled basis). H. S. BOISE 126 W. Main. Phone 805 zko c fiisuSLEOU.GEMTLE- ...i.iTr ocnc.nl MEN fOQ Vt3U AJtQE i MUyi-n. t V GUILW. &UPWCMT, f -W. J ALL ! L' i I -4V It I IV.' (l;V T ft 6.757.60; beat light Tealera, $14 coming the Rlalto theater to calves mostly $12 down. morrow. HOG Compared with a week It U the story of hllariou. hap ago steady, bulk lightweight penlngs in a haunted house, and butchers $.25; heavies and under- shows the star as a girl set-king weights $.509.1u; packing sows i adventure and getting it, but not J7G7.60; feeder pigs $6.50$ 9. as Hhe anticipated. 8HEKP Compared with a week j She meets up with Bcreaming ago: Lamba steady, few good grade j hoot owls, ghostly figures and wooled lambs here; odd lots, me-1 mysterious hands that grip her dium grades $1314; most truck- by the throat, and becomes eni ed in spring lambs, tltf. few $15; broiled in a Beries of spectacular J l .. I. 7- D.ir.il '..!.. ..-ht.-Vt !l,Ct ttflllffl II Iwuoled ouoted 18.50. J'rrMliH'O PORTLAND, Ore., April 7. ) j ! Butter steady; wholesale prices: ! Portland dairy exchange net whole : sale prices: Cubes extras 40c; j standards 40c; prime firMs 3KV2c;mnn friend her "coupe boy." It firsts 37 &c; creamery prices: Prints 3c over cube standards. KOCIS steady, fresh standard j extras 24c; fresh standard firsts j 21c; fresh medium extras 21c; fresh medium firsts lfce. Prices to . retailers 2c over exchange prices. Association helling prices: Kxtras 25c; firsts 23c; medium 23c; un dersized 20c. j isms steady, walnuts lbicztci aimomiH c; peanuts ivy lie; pecans 3Krf42c. Hay Steady; buying prices: I Eastern Oregon timothy $20.60 ?? 21; do valley $1 8 1 8.50; alfalfa j $1 8 1? 18.60; oat hay $14,50115; straw $9.50 per ton; selling prices $2 a ton more. ! CAKCARA bark steady 7c lb.; Oregon grape root 14c. ! HOP8 steady, 1927 crop 21f?22c !lb.; 1928 crop 17618c (contract); fuggles 20c. liUTTEKFAT steady." Rids to the farmer: 42c station; 43c track; 45c f.o.b. Portland. POULTRY steady. Less 5 per cent commission). Heavy hens 24 f 25c lb.;, light 15i 20c; springs 20fr21c; broilers 35c; Pekin white ducks 30c; colored nominal. Tur keys, alive 25&27c. ONIONS stejidy, local $2.50(5 3 per cwt. : POTATOES steady 7 6c ff $1.25. roitluwl Wheat PORTLAND, Ore., April 7. VP Wheat: BUB hard white $1.53; hard white, blue.stem, baart, fed eration, soft white, western white $1.43; h 1 winter and western red $1.34; northern spring $1.35. Oats No. 2,. 36, white feed, gray $4 5. . Today's car receipts Wheat 25; flour G; corn 8; oats 1; hay 12. ' "Tea for Three" Sophisticated farce, entertain ment of the type that tickles the Intelligence as well as the rlsi bles. Is promised at Hunt's Cra terian when "Tea for Three," starring. Lew.'C o d y and Aileen Pringle is presented tomorrow in connection, . with the big . stage attraction, the C'hico State , Col lege bund fro mCnlifornia. This well balanced band has the fire and enthusiasm of col lege boys. The singing comedian, saxophone soloist and fanfare quartet adds parent variety to their program. Wclrtl. Melodrama nt IUalto Esther Halston has been given distinctive type of picture in J "Something A 1 w ays Happens," Political Announcements I am a candidate for the repub lican nomination for Bherlff. pri mary May 18. CHAS. D. STACY. May 17. I am a candidate for republican nomination for Sheriff at the May prlmarl.es". I have had experience in both tax nnd criminal depart ments and promise, efficient and economical service. GEO. B. ALDEX. May 17. COUNTY CIiERK 1 am a candidute for republican nomination for county clerk: prom ising personal attention, economy and courtesy. G. It. CARTER, May 17. Talent I am a candidate for the nomi nation ns County Clerk nn the Re publican ticket. A. J. CKOSK. May 17. SCHOOL SI' PK1UNTEXDEXT I am a candidnte for the re publican nomination for school superintendent. V. A. DAVIS. Medford, May 17. COUNTY COMMISSIONER I am a candidnte for re-nomlna-tlon on the republican ticket for County Commissioner. If nomi nated nnd elected I will continue to do my best to give the people I an economical business adminis i tratlon. VICTOR BURSKLL. I ' May 17 By SOL HESS l Showed I DOnt QELEVETHECHAP6E -I PUT UP 20.000 for qond - -thats ) BtTTtR M OUST WORDS. l WANT TO congcatolate vou AND A.,0EVOViSOME kCr THESE CONFIDENT PERSONS woiiE o s-SKEPTtCftL L0OV ! "ihrillinir. chillintr. baffling and amusing. Mysterious melodramatic action is combined with fun in huge quantities. A Medford girl calls her young ! H(.t.rns nh. roues and he pays. ; - - Stomach Why Buffer with an "angry", upart stomach? Get a box of Chamberlain's Tablets, and la few days your stomach will be back to normal. A sensible treat-. ' meat for upset stomach, gas-pains, bilious ness indigestion and conaupatton. Fifty and 25-ceut pocket sizes at druggists. For free samr-te, write Chamberlain Medicine Co.. 509 6th Avenue, Des Moines, lows. CHAMBERLAINS TABLETS u"tJ?wYr Y NO PS IS OP THE ANNUAL STATEMENT or THE CALIKRNIA INSURANCE COM PANY at San Francisco. In the State of . California, on the thirty-Ilrst day of De- . cemtx-r. l'JZ't. made to the I nm ranee CommlfBiuner ol the State ol Orvnou pursuant to law: CAPITAL . Amount of capital sloe paid up $1,000,000.00 INCOME Nst premiums received dur- lns the year I2.72M52-6& Interest, dividends and rents received during the rear ., 305.110.09. Income from other sources re- ' celved during the year 11.840.8S Total Income (3,006,103.61 DISBURSEMENTS Net losses paid during the . , irtar including adjustment expense $1,291,951.21 Dividends paid on capital itoc it during the year 100,000.00 Commissions and salaries paid during the year 008.393. 36 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year 101,348.26 Amount of all other expendi tures 388,793.41 Total expenditures $2,770,083.38 ASSETS Value ot real estate owned (market value) $1,087,133.00 Value of stocks and bonds owned (market value) .... 2,739.925.81 Loans on mortgages and col lateral, etc 538.230.00 Cash :n banks and on hand 3ttl.952.3-t Premiums in course of collec tion written since Septem ber 30, 1927 256.297.08 Interest and rents due and accrued 44.181.93 All other assets 7.350.39 Total assets $5,045,070.56 LIABILITIES Gross claims for losses un paid $ 246,047.40 Amount of uneraned pre miums on all outstanding risks 2,579.805.72 Due for commission and brokerage 5.000.00 AU oilier liabilities 150,250.00 Total liabilities, exclusive or capital stock of $l.ooo,- 000 S2.980.903. 12 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received during the year $183,950.08 ' Losses paid during the year... 63,i29.2l Losses Incurred during the year 68,5ai,99 Name of Company THE CALIFORNIA IN3URANCE COMPANY. Name of President,. OEOROE . W. BltOOKS. Nime of Secretary. A. N. LINDSAY. " Biaiutory resident attorney fgr kervice - ONYX POINTEX HOSIERY For Women $1.95 Here is what you receive in a suit Made for You 1. Custom tailored clothes at the price of ready mades from $30 to $55. 2. Cloth only found at reputable merchant tailors'. 3. Linings of twice -ordinary strength and wearing quality. , 4. Fit and tailoring of the painstaking kind only, considering looks and service to the cus- . tomer., , It Will Pay You to Climb My Stairway Upstairs eg i.ihmv a inn.) u 5 AT TROWBRIDGE M'MBEIt YAUD t OS