Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 07, 1928, Page 2, Image 2

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    pIge two
J deal dnd
KnlKhtH of Malta, Cummanilciyl .Mr. und Mm. Waller l'ollixh aro Thirty-three out of the sluto
Nu. 4 will uliHfrvi- Kinder Huniliiyj hiiioiik t lie Ylnltoi In the city tu-i earn rcBlmeroil hure yesterday with
fair and warm weather t jT to
k'jtt.r Sun lay. is uu
i.iui.v". . ,.,.,1,-vi will I... Iwlil lit Trillltv Kllll
,ook. following a dux ... '" r,, church, conducted l.y It
today und a lirluK lu mm " i i
In AKhland with uxual cercnionicM. j
All Kir KnlKhtH will wear regula
tion uniform, IncludlnK licit, hutj
minUH baldric and sword. llnner.
will he nerved at 1:30 o'cloc k at
the Uthln fc'prlliK" hotel. At 3,
o'clock the traditional Templar.
will l.e held at Trinity KiIh-
the lucal Htute auto traffic bureau.'
Dance Katie J'olnt tunluht, JU
c. Kui'i;eson 9 owner of the
day from Vycku. Tiny arrived
1)i,n.t Kiil'I Point tonliMit. 16
Mr. Uonna Anderton motored ''"' , "r,"" " , 7"M
In from her 1'hoenix home tl.h. P""i morning la - Medford,
n or In und Iranauctca bu.lne in " "" '""" un "
" ai tint UuKlneoji. j
"lc 1 , Which of these pianos do you
Hee our beautiful display of .,,,.., A. it l.e Hiuh A tlcrw.'
today and n brink wind mu ' , ., . ' , m(.alu , MllUa; l-:t-r ulanta and cut "uw ; welllnuton. KiitKubury. Motmik.
the time. The fret pmlU-.r-d lot I . K. I "''" r J,ll,ulj,he l.ll.erty Market. Corner Holly ,.,, Mr.ulor. Cumberland and
laxt niuht by the fan iauc.."- - and Main, fcxperienccu auieaiuuiea: lo & CnrK a these are on wile!
nt the i'almer Music Ilouae. "We
j bum h iiu-n ahd Juinir.ff in
j ihtr
j . iU-i'tiuH . in rewiuiohiil rhiill.
; pritriintM' tii)i!h side of Ihc rhureh.
Weather bureau did not material- j Utah coal, clean, low In ash. IInn-to cul.e for your orders. Uokuc
i.e the minimum of laul niani .um sen coai wo. i -nunc i valley f loral Co. rnonc luiu. 10-
thiH morning beinK only .11. Wylle ller.t of I'ortland In a client i Hx All,aI)) ,.iool children.
Attention, M. W. A. and Itoyal ihlK w,,t.( al tm. i,omp of Mr. and j .OUKnl to Medford by Mra. lier-
NciKhborn! Dance with refresh- Mril (-,aiie K. Witter of Kverett ! thB i),.nlon, Anhlund achool nurse.
mfniB, April , oini. ; wero trented yesteruay at me renu-j Ames of Ashland, at the county wlm ,,iva omioiite Ocne
gents 50c. . , J' Dance, Hlveislde Community ,ur uontul ellIlk. ,.! at the county 1 ci.rk' office. I "i!"-.,..,. 1VII n ln "Tll?,""
Word has been received in M-.1- Clul) Bn,uillay niltM. Uroadway ,.,, unU quarters in the court-. if you ore a lover of choice! ,,' ,iL 'Tv uhl.h n cm,,,,T.....'d
Thomas loucl, t"1 " (Jrchcstra. ' , under the direction of Dr. ' flnwer visit our ureenlinUKi-s i.n.l . . , ..
.1 - t last l-riuaj, lias ueiuie ntrr a 0111
Sell Happiness." 17
A petition to adopt Kdwnrd Mur
phy, three years of age, was filed
yesterday by Mr. and Mrs. I). O.
Of the, membera of the II. I. ..
Pletureu production company,
which arrived here thin week to
film a comedy, .Miss Nancy t'nrne-j
fai-d that Mrs
mer well known resident or in.
ltoRUe Elk district where the Todd
family resided on n ranch tear
ihc Hokuc Klk resort. Is in a dvliii,"
condition at her home nt San Fran
cisco.. In which city the Todd fam
ily . haa resided for several years
post. Mrs. John K. McDonald of
Medford. an Intimate friend of
Mrs. Todd, leaven today to he at
the; latler's bedside.
Dance. Riverside Community
Club Saturday nlBht. ltroadway
Orchestra. I"
Quests from a distance register
d at Medford hotels Include J. W.
Kidder of Port Chester, X. V.. W.
M. liyland of ChlcaKo. i:d, Freund,
Jales illack of New i'ork City. Mr.
and Mrs. J. K. Itolilnson and fam
ily, Don Wilkinson of Victoria. II.
C. -Mr. and Mrs. A, Hill of Van
couver, li. C , ,und W. J. TtobliiKon
of Kelowna. it. C.
Kxtra special bargains at the
Kmina mu Hut Shoppo in M. M.
Store. We invito you to ti-ke ad
vantage of this amazinc orfer for
one week only. See the smart,
pretty new hats, special $1.98,
tl.BS, 13.98 and I4.6K. Kiddle hats
Stic up to $11.98. Green trading
stamps given here. Vou cun't af
ford to miss these bargainH. 18
..Word received, this week by
friends of T. sinter Johnston, who
has bceji traveilnK in the east for
the post .four . months, Indicates
that Mr. Johnston, who Is now In
South Carolinn, will be buck in
Medford around the middle of the
. Weill Taxi, 25c. Phono 25. tf
- Anglers are beainuliiK to wear a
more cheerful aspect now with the
Itoaue beginning to shows signs of
dropping and clearing. The river
Is still high and fairly roily u:id
with the opening of ihe trout sea
son set for a week from Sunday,
clearing will have to be rapid to
make fly fishing possible. Grants
Puss Courier.
"Hero dwells .youth." attractivn
booklet. Get one free at Colvlg
Prugs. next to ltlnllo theater. Open
every night and Sundays. L'U
Mr. and Mrs. James Stevens
spent u few hours today In the
Phoenix district visiting, at the
Hnrohl Corliss home.
, , If you want a good building loan
on a ow rate of Interest, seo nod-
den & Co 48tf
, Mth. Kmma Cnrinnn of Hood
jtlver, Ore,, stopped nff t0 visit
her aunt and uncle, Mr. und Mrs.
.IV. h.t Ilalley, on her return .trip
from . southern California, where
she spent tho winter with her moth
er. Mrs. Jtnnle .oder. -
This stormy weather has nindo
It, difficult for shoppers: however,
lite wilo ot pianos, Vk-trolas and
radios, now going on at Palmer
Music House has been very suc
cessful, Tho sale will continue all
this week. If you have been want
ing u bargain In a radio now Is
your time to get It. Several six
tube sets are being offered ut 0110-
thlrd to one-hnlf off. These sets
havo been used as demonstrators
and are fully gtiaranteed. Special
temiB are In effect during the sale.
A delegation from Prospect at
last night's wrestling match, the
members of which were verv imlsv
with their choors and advice to the
wrestlers, Hull Montana and Al
Karaslck, so as to give out the Im-
pression that they understood 11. .
wrestling game, consisted of James
li. tli-leve. Harry Merrliuan. the
mall carrier. Tom Harriott. Ches
ter Cook. Dr. Sears and l)ew..v
Hills. They left for home about
Desl I'tnh coal. Hansen Conl ro
i-nono . 3 ;t T t f
n. 1.. Millwood of San l-'raiiclsrn
Is In Medford for the
days on business. ,m,., Millwood!
Is a represeiilatlvo of the Tascn
Manuriicturlng company of thai
"Hero dwells youth." ultra. live
booklet. Get one free Ml cvlg
Prugs. next to Idaho theater, opm
every night and Sundays. n
Florlnda I.. Davis and .Mr. and
Mis. Hubbard of Heatty are anmiig
th Klamath county visitors in th.
city who arrived here yesterday.
You must register to vote at the
primary May Is. Tho new law puts
a atop to swearing In votes on elec
tion day. Iteglster at onco with
1,., C. Oarlock nt the Chamber of
"Commerce or at county olerk'a of.
fico In Medford.
is rapidly becoming a
universal food. When
made from Fluhrer's
Milk Bread it becomes
doubly appetizing;.
I'aUfornliuiH rfictHtcml at MpiI
fdiil him-l8 IntlutU' Mr. and Mm.
Omar MauriT of ISeikilcy, I1
martclli and C. Htorator of
lieach. Mr. and Mih. V. II. Iti-cker
nf HiiHanville, j:. L. Kcudull and
N. (1. McVuy of fifsfent City, J.
I). Iiiinc of Oitklatid und 1. S:
raltcrmin, Harry Z'dtll and 1. K.
Irifp of Han Francisco.
.Let me write your nre insurance.
Call Y. TeiiKwald, Hotel Jiolland.
Phone iSJ3. tf
JamcH I'cyton of tlw Trail dis
trict Hpcnt M'vi'i'al hoiiiH on Imni
n'F in tin city yesterday.
See Elinor Hanley Huh for re-1
rlf.ined alfalfa st'pJ und baled hay.
81iC i:. Main. Phono 102. 33tf
Wilton White, kid nf Mr. and
Mrn. D. W hile, will bo Incapaci
t it t I'd for Hevnnil w-c1h iih u nnuU
of hoi iik struck hy a car driven
hy Alono Alexander while he w:ih
rlditm a hleyi-le at the lnlei'Hecliiin
of Vir and .lackKon MtreetH. II"
suffered n fractured ahkte, Wil
ton 1h a hlf,rh school student and
takes an active part in hlh school
Caster lilies, hydrangeas and
choice cut flowers. Medford Green
House. Phone 37-1. Downtown
sale at CoIvIr'h drutf store. 1ltf
,K. W. Parson returned from
Klamath Falls yesterday, huving
spent (he P,lHt week in that city on
huslnesH in connection with th"
Llttrell Parts company branch in
that city. .
Hee Charlefl A. Wing to buy your
home. . 3!i
Itnsehiti'K Pntestan,t churche
will hold an Kastcr Kiiurlse service
the courthouse lawn of that
city at 0 o'clock Sunday. In the
event of rain, the service will be
transferred to the Christian church
I tea ut if ul fJaKO and Monogram
eastern chapeaux, featured exclu
sive, at the Hand Jtox, 223 Kast
lith Kt., first ditor cast of Groce
teria. AIko mora popular priced
millinery. Wo Invito you to our
new shoppo. IS
After liuvinu wrestled each other
last niKhl at IllliuHy, luill, Hull
Montana and Al Karaslck left to
day for their respective headquar
ters, the latter koIuk to Portland,
and the former Kolnu to I lolly
wood. Karaslck will spend the
next several weeks wrestlliiK In the
sLate of WaahitiKton and will he
unable to appear here aKaln until
next May.
Sportsmen attending tho .imc
bano.uet at Ashland, April llth.
wtlh extra room for passenuers.
please report to Chris Gottlieb.
Chamber at Commerce. Likewise,
thoHo ttiat have no means of trans
portation. IS
Minnie lllllyer will spend $3i00
for a dwelling al .U'fl West .lack
son street and ,1. II. Itowiuau will
spend 10U for repairs to a dwell
litK on North Holly street, accord
Iiik to bulldiiiK jiermltH that were
Issued by the city today.
That Rood coal. Hansen Coal
Co. Phono 230. 337tf
Tho fire department was called
.vest onlay to U."i Crater ljtke avenue
to extiiiKUlsh a flue fire, which
required t he application of five
Kallons of chemical.
You'll llko our evenlni: dlnnors,
fiflu and C5c. Jackson Hotel Cof
fee 8hop. 203tf
Tho kIi-Ik' doulde (uariet, which
was chosen al the hcKlnuinK of the
school year th rough try outs In
which any member of the glee club
could participate, have already ap
peared several times at the senior
and junior hiuh schools and also
at a number of outside affairs.
The members consist of Hetty
Janes, Clcnicutlna Vaughn, flint so
pranos; Kllow Mai- Wilson. Marjory
Hon, second sopranos; Mildred
Lawrence, 1-Mythe Slump, first al
ios; Lucille Crews. Kathleen Kstes,
second altos. 1 he double iiuartet
Is separated Into two. the first and
second Quartets. They are so di
vided as to enable the first quar
tet nniy to attend the annual mu
sical test held at Forest Grove
earl) your. The gifts are working
very hard with this as their goal.
Medford Ill-Time.
Walnut top grafting by oxpor
tenced, successful walnut rafter.
Call at address, 4.17 Sik Fir.
Ihck McKlhoso spent yesterday
In tlu Glemlale and Grants Pass
districts, where he transacted busi
ness in connection wit h the local
Mason Khrmann company.
Hance Kuylo Point tonight. 1 ti
The Klamath Confederation of
Music Teachers will be guest. of
the .Jackson county con federation
at a luncheon Tuesday. April 1 0,
at the l.ithia Springs hotel. Ash
land. weiis Taxi, a.u Phone tf
l-'iiink Pasmore arrived last week
from P.olse, Ida., to reside hero.
His sister, .lean Pnsmore, und two
children have been hero several
month. Mr. Pasmore is a brother
of Mrs. W T, Clancy.
Mis. .lanerk will be at Shields'
store all next week, giving hooked
rug demonstrations. i;
Temporary auto licenses were is
Hiiedjtt the sheriff's office yester
day to H. Pack. George Mort is.
Kelbert Hoders. W. .1. Itcwerntan.
It. O. Mulholland of this city. ) boo tho wonderful display of Faster, iJint fUmrp, nccordinR to reports
nooKfu rug uianiuK. onn spring piauis. itoguo received from tho movie colony.
art come to life; faacinutlng and
useful work, easily done, tree in
structions ut Shields'. 17
Included among tho Gregonlans
registered at Medford hotels, other
than those from I'ortland, are S.
H. Itoardman of IJoardman. Mr.
and Mrs. G. 1. MoCluro of Salem,
G. H. Camibel, Geo. K. Love, J.
I-;. Self and Mrs. S. F. Doherty of
Dance, Itlversldo Community
Club Saturday night. Urondway
Orchestra. 4 16
Tho condition of John PUIfugs,
where Miss Cornelius has been;
who was struck hy an automobile
early this week on West -Main and Frank Itussell of Seattle.
street, was reported today to be: Hemstitching 8c por yard. Hut
satisfactory. While It .was thought
ta first that only u leg won broken
Floral Co., South Itlversldo and
J-arhart His. A. benoepen. p' mnkinir her headnuartp.ra lor sev-
Colonel Spafford. national pros!-' pra years,
dent of tho American Legion, with sl e waH )orn in New York City
residence at Heno. is expected in and until four ytars ago made her
Medford tomorrow at noon. l'!(,me there until she came west,
will arrive from the Nevada city!At lhe nf.e Q( eiht years she be
by airplane. I Riin 8tj,.7e work Wuh the Ziegfeld
See Elinor Hanley Hush for re-1 Follies and later went Into the mov
elenned nlfalfa seed and baled hay. ! jnK pictures with I). W. Griffith of
820 K. Main. Phone 902. 33tf"l (vw York. After having played in
Among tho state of Washington j Griffith pictures for two years, the
hotel guests In Medford ar Mr. William Fox company offered her
and Mrs. William Austin of Spo-ja contract, which she accepted,
kano, Mrs. Fred Jackson of Hcl-1 Following three years spent in
lingham and Percy H. Johnson i Holly wood. Miss Cornelius was se
lected hy tr.o chamber of commerce
Your Last Chance
To See
It developed later that Mr. Hillings
suffered two broken legs. In addi
tion to possible internal Injuries.
Ijance L'agln Point tonight. 10
Kd Pence of the Trail district
wan a Medford visitor yesterday.
Tho Fashion Hnop adviser on
wardrobe will call at your home.
Appointment by telephone. One
day a week. Phono 1181. 13tf
Mustard greens were one of the
features this morning at- the city
public market, which enjoyed n
fairly nom patronago, although
tho general lines of produce wore
not In evidence. The market is
somewhat slack at the present
time, largely due to the fact that
the time for early vegetables has
not arrived, leaving but ft com
paratively small variety of home
grown produce to be sold. How-,
ever, dairy products, canned fruits'
and hjune cooked foods were wolli
stocked. I
Ho sure and see those elegant
hooked rugs on display in our
show window. Shields. 17
Al Llttrell Hpent Wednesday anil1
Thursday of this week In Portland
on business.
Attention, M. W. A. and Koyul
Neighbors! Panco with refresh
ments, April l?th. Ladles lifto,
gontH 60c. 1
Paul II. McDonald spent severnl
hours In Ashland yesterday, trans
acting business and visiting with
D a n c o, Ttlversido Community
Club Saturday night. ,,' Broadway
Orchestra. 10
Recommendation that tho next
slate legislature be called upon to
pass a law for regulation of flying
schools In Oregon and that the
state hoard of education ho charg
ed with lis enforcement, was made
hy Tex Kaiikin, Portland filer, at!
the Federal Itusincss association's'
luncheon In Portland last Wednes
day. "At present," said llankln,
"there is no law to govern flying
schools. Tho federal law. applies
only to Interstate flying. What wo
need Is a stale law for the regu
lation of Intrastate flying and fly
ing schools. Aviation Is horn and
we've got to play it safe."
Dance Kagle Point tonight. 10
Paul Luy, well known Medford
student at tho Cnlverslty of Ore
gon In tho school of Journalism,
has discontinued his studies in or
der to accept a reporlinial position
with a F.ugenc paper, according to
reports received yesterday.
F.very man and woman over 21
yfwtrs old who has resided In the
stato six months prim- to thn pri
mary, May 18, Is entitled to vole.
hut must register at once. Anyone
In the county can register at county
clerk's office. Medford residents
register at Chamber of Commerce
or county clerks office. tf
F. A. Duugherty of the Phoenix
district spent this morning in tin
city trading.
Kasler Miles, hydrangeas and
choice cut flowers. Medford Green
House. phone 374. Downtown)
solo av Colvig's drug store. lltf
Mouuty warrants for predatory
animals were Issued at tho countv
clerk's office yesterday and today
to Vernle Stephenson of Copper,
four coyotes; C. V. McGrow of
Ashland, one coyote: P. D. Prince
of Itrownshoio, one bobcat ; K. K.
I.ctmnau of Grants Pass, one bob
cat. Think of the gifi importance of
hooked rugs. They lust a lifetime.
All Instructions free. Shields'. IT
J. M. Klsen, editor and publisher
of the Mount Angel News, recently
Injured in an automobile accident,
has discontinued publication, of IiIh
paper, lining physically unable to
D a n c c. Itiverslde Community
Club Saturday night. Proadwav
Orchestra. ;
Guests from Portland registered
nt Medford hotels Include Mr. and
Mrs. G. F. Johnson. Clifford John
Hon. Miss Julia opp. WUard p.
Haw ley. Jr.. and chnuffeur. G. P.
ami A r t h u r f luKormun. li. W.
Avery. Albeyt Mitchell. Mr. und
Mrs. tt Itlakeley. Max Ulchtcr C
Herb White, lien H. Fleischer. Wm.
A. KrueKor. Dr. and Mrs. F,. L.
Metscimn. H. nv liHon and fam
ily. Wm. Xoeller. W. N. Simpson.
V. L. Sefton. Mrs. W. l. H.uiiov
J. AV. Gulliver. Al French. Harrv
Stemfletd. .1. K. Truebridue p
Monman. r, Itos, C. a
and John I'leipenson.
tons covered at Handicraft Shop.
Delilla Stevens Meyer, .county
clerk i stated today that In order
to nccommodatc the working peo
ple, she will keep open the county
clerk's office fur registration of
voters during the noon hours of
April 13, 14, 10 and 17.
Try our noonday merchants'
lunch, 40c and 50c. Jackson Hotel
Coffee Shop. 233tf
Tho members of tho Klka lodge
will meet early tomorrow evening
at the Klks' temple, and proceed
from there in a body to attend the
Haste r services at St. Mark's Epis
copal church.
Dance Faglo Point tonight. 16
and business men's association as
Miss Hollywood, and, as a result,
she was given a contract with thn
Mack Sennett productions and at
present is under contract with the
H. I. L. company. She takes part
in the "Hroadway Sap," tho latest
H. I. L. production.
"The Reporter," In which Miss
Cornelius plays a leading part, will
he shown at the Klalto theatre next
Monday, Tuesday anil Wednesday.
Attend Everyman's
Bible Class On
Easter Morning
ItAHNCM. William Vance Har
num. pioneer and resident of south
ern Oregon for many yearft, passed
away at the .Community hospital
yesterday afternoon at 0:30 o'clock,
IiIh age being 78 ears, one month
and 14 days at the time of his
death. Mr. riarnum was horn on
February 3, 1850, In Washington
county. Pennsylvania, livlhfc there
until 1880. art which time he mov
ed to California. It was in this
state that ho married Sadie Gam
mllt, at Santa Harbara, .on De
cember 20. 1HH5.
It was In 18!)0 that' Mr. Dar
num and his wife moved . near
Phoenix, Oregon, where no built
a beautiful home' and-developed a
filie pout -orchard. f: t
He, loaves besides his Wife. Sadie
G., two Hons, Clyde C.. Honolulu.
William Porthold. fMedford, ami a
daughter, Mrs. Miriam F. Hilton.
Medford. Throe grandchildren
aiso survive. deceased was a
m e m b e r of tho Presbyterian
Funeral arrangemeiUs and an
nouncements will be made, on the
arrival of Clyde Harnum, who will
arrive In Los Angeles today. Fu
neral sonices are being arranged
at tho Perl funeral, home.
Tho Everyman's bible class of
tho Christian church had 5.1 in
attendance last Sunday mot ning.
They have 75 as their goal to
morrow. Easter day. They want
all men of the church and all
other men who enjoy a profitable;)
hour to at lend. If you - haven't j
neon attending Sunday school try!
it Easter morning and you will
be happy and have good luck!
every day. I
The talk hy Carmen E. Mel I, I
teacher, of the class, will alone1
be worth your attending. Then
you will enjoy being with n live
Raga wanted at the Mali Trtb
in ofMcA. . MHipr hn clean.
These Drug Stores
Are Open Nights
This Week
Medford Pharmacy
Heath's Drag Store
Strang's Dm? Store
It I 3 startling
America it wilt
gi ip and hold you
It is Fred Nib
lo's masterpiece,
and he made "Ben
Hur." .
One Day Only
. Chico State
College Band
Will have '
their usual
f I'll KiTithnw. .1, II. .Imiom. Will-
ivn Tonri..!. II K. M, r, ml. k. Wll- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY
Ihim ". Cln-rry. rh ul,. Mall ami! - l u WLHOOir I
Andy Larson nf M.'.lfm.l, i:ini- ron s. I I: i:,..,Mfu r.".m-k.T
fnrler nf Itlllto V'nl. Arthur l'uoi. iuiill. fi miili.; 7:' ..h..,,,..!..... u,
rr und JoHvphlne llnrlicr nf Ah- .lli:rw. Mm. KitI mltr.nn
limit. O '"'"I M.iln. i;.'
Kil.t vimr llt'W Nttl-lni. null nM 7. jk I
in I I.AItK ii-.nni
One Way to Load
'l'lioro's but one way to
load vour oainora for ooni-
ploto piiiuro-makiuj? sat-l
ist'aol ion that's with Ko-'
dak Film.
Ami till' 'HP way In got the
list photo finisliinj; is to lot :
lia mako vinir prints.
I i j . 1
j Films in at 0 a. m, ready at 5
p. m. same day.
j Prompt Mall Order Service
Everything: Photographic
217 East Main St. Medford
April 8
Citi.ons nre liorohy imtifii'il that in aii'nlni-f with
tho ))rovisiins of tl ontract ontored into by the City
with the City Sanitary Service Co., Inc., a schedule of
chaises will 'be on file at tho office of the City Recorder,
Monday anil Tuesday, April 9 and 10, and arc open to
the inspection of any citizen interested.
Vou lire further notified that the council will meet on
Tuesday ovenm-:, April 10. at 7 ::i0 p. m., at the City Hall,
Ht which time it will hear and adjust complaints, if any,
rciiardinn the charges or service of the City Sanitary
Service, Inc. Anyone ohjectiuj? to rates is requested, in
order to facilitate adjustment, to bring checks and re
ceipts showing charjics, etc., made by the former gar
bage company.
By order of City Council.
By 0. O. AI.KNDHHr'ER, Mayor.
Attest: M. 1,. ALFOKD, City Recorder.
Statements troiny around the city that householders
who either do not have garbage or dispose of it by burn
in); or other sanitary methods, are compelled by city ordi
nance to have their pirbafie collected by the new pir
bafre company and pay them $1.00 n month and provide
n can for tarbajie; that tho home owners themselves can
not take their own garbage to the city dump; that either
the city has increased or. authorized the new jarbajic
company to increase the charges for collectiun narbaKC,
are so palpably untrue that we kIiiiII take no notice of
them, except to state that there has been no change in
the charfies for collecting garbage and that, with the ex
ception of a few added provisions for protection of the
city, the present garbage contract is almost identical with
those that have been in force for the last six or eight
Statements occasionally heard to the effect that the
city has (jiven an exclusive contract or monopoly to the
new carlH";e company, but did not to the former garbage
people, are also untrue; all of the garliage contracts made
by the city the last six or eight years have been exclusive
contracts and have, all of them, included within their
terms nai-hage and offal from hotel's and restaurants, and
there hasTjcen no change in regard to hotels and restau
rants. Anyone having complaint cither regarding service or
charges fur collecting garbage is requested to take the
matter up with Mr. L. W. Phillips, manager of the new
garliage company, at his office at Jarinin & Woods' ilruv;
store, where he can be found between the hours of 0 and
11 a. m., and in case satisfactory adjustment cannot be
tirade, are requested to notify the City Recorder in writ
ing in order that the city may make proper investigation.
By order of City Council.
. .. 1 By 0. 0. AUOXDKRFER, Mayor.
Attest: M. h. ABFOR1), City Recorder.
your now spilni! milt nt!,...,,, ,,..
w'll n ciii'i'i uui" .in" -i, ini n
anil Kd V. 1'ilm Hue. All (tie new
weuven from $-5 to $.10. Wo Riiar-anli-e
fit unit aiitlnfaction. 3 1' fit f
"lie klml for a year for a dol
lar," aond to Jncknon County lln
mnno Society, M"dfonl. )6
iiiniii'in new nomr. NV cor. of
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