Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 03, 1928, Page 3, Image 3

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    ' F3TJE (ffHREF
Star Is Engaged
w H in a t to M
I ,. a
The crauil Jury, which resumed
Its long investigation, supposed to
be into expenditures of the county
prohibition funds and liossihly some
other matters, for years past, yes
terday morning with the under
stood expectation of being tu ses
sion the remainder of the week,
unexpectedly changed its plans
and adjourned In the afternoon un
til next Monday, unless otherwise
summoned to resume before that
The hitch In the program that
caused the adjournment yesterday
was caused, It is understood, by
tMJje absence of an important wit
iniess from the city for several days
at least, whom the jurors had ex
pected to have before them for
Humors, some of much absurd
ity, continue rife as to the scope
of the Investigation, ns to when It
will be completed and what will be
the outcome.
The pre-EiiHter services at the
Christian church last evening was
the beginning of the five evening
week day meetings of "Passion
Week", leading' up to the great
climax next Sunday in commem
oration of the resurrection of
The music, the audience and the
sermon, "The Constraint of Moth
er Love," by Itev. T. H. Temple,
were nil in line with the spirit of
the occasion.
Hew Temple told of the pro
found love of Christ's mother all
thru His life and especially during
the trying scenes on the crosa and
likened It unto the mother love of
today. He also spoke of the love
of Christ, while on the cross, for
his mother and all mankind, even
those who were crucifying Him.
and said that Inve has extended
all down thru the ages and will
last as lung as time shall endure.
The young people's meeting was
h e 1 d at 7:30 p . m. and w 1 1 1 be
continued each evening up to and
Including Friday.
Itev. K. P. Lawrence read the
lesson and led in prayer. Carmen
E. Moll presided.
George Maddux sang an appro
priate solo and the audience joined
in responsive reading. The con
gregational singing was a feature
Services tonight at the same
places at 8 p. m., all the four
ministers taking part.
Tho sermon will be by Itev. K.
I. Lawrence, subject, "Tho J 'lire
Kaerlfice," ,
Mi h. Ralph Itnymund will sing
a solo.
-The condition of Ray Talbot, 22-year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. C. I).
Talbot, who is ill with a light
attack of cerebro-spinal mnin
gltis, wan reported to be about the
same today, after having been
stricken last week. The boy is not
afflicted with a severe vsiff, hut
due to the fact that the only isola
tion quarters in the county at the
Sacred Heart hospital are now
filled, he is being kept at home.
"Howovit, the county health of
fice is cooperating in the rase and
yesterday supplied a tjunntity of
Vi'riim for the afflicted buy.
Our Attractive
Facilities Make
Banking a Pleasure
Vou will find this bank always
ready to render Banking Serv
ices that are so essential to
every one.
The entire office force makes
you feel at home. Our plan
is to have you feel better when
you leave than when you come.
With this spirit prevailing
banking can not fail to be a
pleasure here.
''Partners In Community
(riff M
u3 C-J;
, The Mtdfmd Rotary club held a
j busy session today combining the
annual election with Ladies' Day.
I A hu ge number of Rotarians were
j present with their wives, only
three me rubers being fined bi-
cause their ladies were "conspicu
jous by their absence." The elec
j tion of a new board of directors
resulted in the following members
being named on the new hoard
Jack Carlo, l-'rank Newman. Win.
Bolger, Chas. Clay, Horace Rrom
ley, Ed Shockley and Al ilayden.
Jack Carle received the highest
number of votes ami was therefore
automatically elected president of
the Rotary dub for the coming
I year. Mr. Carle endeavored to re
i sign the honor on account of press
of business but was unanimously
(overruled and forced to uccepl the
The meeting was in the nature
of a "baby shower" in honor of
the new Allen baby and following
an appropriate musk-al number.
"There's a Haby in the House" by
the Masonic quartet, the hhower
commenced. The first item was a
handsome baby buggy, the gift of
the Med ford Rotary club, Carl
Hwigart making a brief but appro-
; priate presentation speech. Presi
dent and Mrs. Allen were then
I forced to w heel the buggy about
the dining room while the "Rotary
, Ann" ladies showered many at
tractive individual gifts Into the
Mr. and Mrs. -"Itiir expressed
their heartfelt appreciation for the
many gifts and stated that the new
baby, which they regarded as a
Rotary baby should be brought up
in accordance with the splendid
ideals and principles of Rotary.
Mrs. Allen also announced that the
baby had been named Kathrene
irglnii. in honor of Mrs. Henry
.Manny, the departed wife of Dis
trict Governor Manny.
An interesting talk by Mrs.
Louis Huniphrys and several fine
vocal selections by tho Masonic
Quartet were much enjoyed by
those present. AV. V. Uelcher,
scout executive of Crater Lake
council spoke on the scout leaders
training course which starts next
week and which is of real interest
to Rotarians in connection with
their boys work activities.
Ben Sheldon, prominent Kiwan
ian of Med ford and Los Angeles
made a short address in which he
paid tribute to Rotary as the par
ent organization of all tho service
clubs. Mr. Sheldon related some
of the work which is being carried
on by the Los Angeles Kiwanls
clubs and urged that all service
clubs cooperate on certain activ
ities to accomplish real results.
President Allen spoke of the
fine attendance record made by
tho local club during February,
reaching nearly !5 per cent and
nuked that Ibis good work be con
tinued: He also announced that
the Mcdford club was going to do
its best to again win tho atten
dance cup at the district confer
ence at Seattle this month and
asked the ladies to be sure to send
their husbands to the conference.
Horace Hromley, commander of
Med ford post of the American
Legion announced the coming visit
of National Com mum) or Edw. E.
Spafford who is to arrive in Med
fortl by tilrpkino next Sunday,
April Sih and invited all present
to meet this legion executive.
After the meeting the Rotary
Anns remained to help Mrs. Allen
unwrap her many attractive gifts,
which resulted from this unusual
"April shower.'
The Weather
Lowest temperature this morn
ing. 35.
rreciplttlon for 21 hours end
ing 5 a. m.. .16 inch.
Vesterday'H weather here: High
est temperature, 47; highest this
month since 1 D 1 :!, Uti. Lowest
temperature yesterday. 37: lowest
this month since lfll. 22. .Mean
temperat lire yesterday, 4 ; depar
ture fo rtho day, deficiency, 7 de
crees. Average daily deficiency
for the month, 8 degrees.
.Precipitation: Total rainfall
wince first of month, .41 inches:
15-year average for the month,
1.36 inches. Total rainfall sine:
January 1, 6.02 inches. Total
rainfall since September 1, 13.80
Humidity yesterday. 5 n. m., 03
per cent; 12 noon, 77 per cent;
5 p. m., 72 per cent.
Character of day, cloudy.
Sun sets today nt 6:38 p. m.:
rises tomorrow, 5:4 9 a. m. ; Bets
tomorrow, 6:39 p, m.
( Ilises and sets computed for
level horizon). I
Forecast for tonight and to
morrow: Fair tonight and Wed-;
nesday. Heavy frost tonight. '.
Meteorologist, U. S. Weather ltu-j
reau. j
1 I
Social Notes
and Meetings
A short business meeting was
held last night by Talisman lodge
No. 1. Knights of J'ythias, with
j 17) pa chancellors and one past
j gnmd chancellor present,
j The announcement whs made
ny koyh i i7.i it i an r n-iiiiifi
that Kuhat urkan temple No.
t r ft w u uill hnlil tu
April meeting al the "It's the
riimate" city, next Saturday night,
leaving from the lot al hall at
H :4. A real tr-at Is In stori
fur all who attend, as s-teal live
j cnniniittep ha been npiWnted at
O rants to atteiid to every
thing and the bny ;Vjyknow what
that meu(i
Classified advertlalng gMi result!.
Louise Groody, musical comedy
star, admits she has lost her heart
to a prominent Boston society
man whose name she refuses to
reveal. She was divorced some
years ago from William F. Mc
Gee, New York stock broker. '
Following; a short stop in Ash
land, Roberta Setnple, daughter of
Aimee Semple McPherson, and May
Waldron, secretary to Aimee, were
reported to have passed through
Medford today, accompanied by
two youths.
The (luartet arrived In Ashland
this forenoon driving an Krskino
automobile, registered to Miss
Semple, and when the party left
the machine the youths alight" I
barefooted, explaining that their j
car had-become stuck in the snow t
in the Siskiyou mountains and that
in workin-T to get it out their shoes i
became thoroughly soaked. The
youths claimed they had only Uli j
cents between them, were too broke;
to buy socks and had to be con-1
tent-. to purchase house slippers at
an Ashland store. ; j
May Wablron, Aimee's secretary. :
told M iss Kcgiua Johnson of the ;
Ashland Tidings that the party was '
en route north on a trip.
Three pianos for rent. Palmer j
Mush House. 12
All Ready for Easter
The New the Stylish the Modish for Easter and Springtime wear. Our
Buyers have gone the limit in assembling these values, that will uphold to the
limit our reputation of giving "quality always at a saving!"
Pure Silk Hose
At Our Economy Price
Good looks
and lervice
you find thit
i t t i r b I e
combination in
the lop hoie
weight. The
our lilk td
in medium
colon ars
favoritei (or Spring.
Vo!lou ing the t-torni of wind,
rain and snow flurries over the
week end and yesterday, and alter
nate rains and snow flurries today
in the valley, and continued heavy
snowfall in the mountains, a pre
diction was received here this
morning from the l,'. S. weather
bureau at San Francisco for a
heavy frost tonight and fair
weather for tonight and Wednes
day. Hence the speeial forecast of
Floyd Young, the local govern
ment frost expert, which will be
given at 7 p. m. to the telephone
exchange and at S p. m. over the
radio will be awaited with much
interest by the orehardists. Here
after Mr. Young's special forecast
will be announced over the radio
at S p. m., following his forecast
at " p. in. for the phone exchange.
The prospective frost for to
night is received by the valley
orehardists with mingled fueling,
those who do not smudge being
apprehensive, and the majority of
the smudging orehardists ami
aonio of tho other leading fruit ex
perts welcoming it, as they think
that a frost might bring fair and
warmer weather for much needed
polleni.ation. They reason that
they can fight the frost with
smudge and that the great need
now is for pollenizatton of the
A rather heavy snow began
falling about 1 :30 this afternoon,
to later turn into rain. Over the
week end ami up until 5 a. m. to
day the rain had amounted to 02
hundredths of an inch.
During the most of this time
there was more or less heavy snow
falling in the foothtlls and high
mountains with much snow in
both places, but heaviest in the
The snow was reported today to
be a foot deep on the summit of
tho Siskiyou mountains with the
Pacific highway open for travel,
after snow plows were used all last
night to keep the highway free
from drifts. While the highway is
open for motor travel, the use of
chains is advised, due to the slip
pery condition of the paving.
Snow fell heavily In Ashland last
night and the ground there was
covered this morning, but melted
off before K:30, to be succeeded '
other flurries of rain anil snow
during the day.
Oronite Starts
Spring Campaign
"Oronite" cleaning fluid, a stan
dard product of the Standard Oil
Co. of California, that has been
advertised In the Mall Tribune
exclusively In this city for several
years past, return today for a
spring campaign.
It is non -explosive, has no un
pleasant odor, cleans clothing, up
holstery, rugs, carpets, enamel
ware, and many other articles.
It is specially recommended for
cleaning neckties, dainty frocks,
gloves and valuable hangings.
This product can be obtained
from druggists, grocers, hardware
ami othi- d ojilers in all cities.
"where savings
ForSpring Earties
Choose Satin Pumps
Satin pumps will go with
any frock and are an excellent
choice for party wear. We
have the better kind that will
live thru many dancing hours.
Mr. and Mis. Will '. Youngs I
W h.i ret t-ntly r:iinr to Medford
from South Rend, tnd., and pur
chased properly on tile Old Stag" ;
road, have started the building
of their new bungalow last week.
'I hey held a unique ceremony '
when the foil mint ion was laid.
Mrs. Young deposited in the cor
nerstone a sealed box containing
a lov e ines.-age and a coin.
One hundred years from now tins
will he a rare find for some
The property purchased by the J
Youngs consists of " 2 acres, lays '.
just north of the McCaskey place,
on Mil Hona 1 1 e Kow, on the east !
slope of the mountains, with a
commanding view of the valley.:
Mt. McltiiKhlin. Mt. Thielson and j
the Crater lake rim. alt of whU h t
are snow capped most of the year;
round. J
There are four acres of pears,
three of peaches, two of Knglish
walnuts and one each of cherries
und grapes.
One of the best attended and
thoroughly entertaining local Klks
forums oi' the year was held In tho
lotU;o dining room this noon, and
marked the last weekly forum
presided over by Kxalted Huler C.
C. Lemon. Hetween SO and'JO visit
ing and local Klks and their guests
wero ushered into the dining room
to the strains of the Dingey Hro
thers' orchestra, which played se
lections throughout thu inonl.
louis Warner, former local resi
dent and for the past eight years
connected wiih tho oil fields of
Wyoming, nave an interesting in
sight into the attitudo of the Wyo
ming oil workers toward the Tea
pot Dome oil scandal. That the
people of the Wyoming oil districls
liavn only sympathy for Fall, and
do not believe that Colonel Stew
art, whoso name was connected
with the testimony, was involved
at nil. were interesting sidelights
brought out by the speaker.
George Maddox, local tenor, gave
two well received vocal numbers.
"Ixve. Hero of My Heart." and
"My Jean," by t'.ira Homa. Ho
was accompanied on the piano by
Mrs. George .Andrews.
Prince Glgllio, "Malted" ruler of
Lodge iHHt in the city of Komama,
Honolulu, on the Isle of Guano, was
ushered into tho assemblage by
Don Collier and introduced to tho
members. Prince fligfllo ( Karl
Davis, local KMKl) announcer)
made a striking picture in his bril
liant lined costume, and he gavo
the local lodge a few strikim; tips
on forum procedure that they will
long remember.
are greatest
At the Feet
Of Fashion
Our footwear for the
Crowing Girl will give
her style without style
pains. Built over correct
lasts to protect her future
foot-health. Various
S2.98 to S4.98
The eaKtiii; of street scenes for
"The Reporter," a three-reel com
edy to be produced here this week .
by the 11. I. L. Productions of Hol
lywood will begin promptly at
noon tomorrow in front of tho Mail
Tiibuno build. a-;, where all appli
cants who have signed up to appear
In tho picture and others interested
are asked by Director Charles
to assemble promptly on time.
Scenes will be taken nil tomorrow
afternoon and Thursday and the
completed picture will be shown at
the Riulto theatre next Monday.
Applicants from nil parts of the
county were interviewed at the
Rialto theatre tills forenoon by Di
rector Dorety, who Is pleased with
the interest shown thus lar. His
offer for other uppHrnntH to make
their appcaiance is still open and
as large an assemblage as possible
is expected when the cameras bo
gin grinding tomorrow.
Gene t Fatty I Laymon, who will
take the lead in "Tho Reporter,"
is a veteran actor and only re
cently completed ll! two-reel com
edy subjects, co-starring with Chas.
Dorety, who is an actur as well ns
n director. Laymon has been seen
often on local screens and Is never
forgotten because of his heavy
weight of ;i-T pounds.
Charles lorety began appearing
before (he public as tho head clown
iu the Al G. Knrues circus and is
remembered as the co-star of Haby
Peggy, who formerly appeared in
a number of comedies.
All Medford is invited to watch
the taking of the movies tomorrow
and tho general invitation to take
part in the productions still holds
true. The public is again remind
ed that the first shots will lie tak
en in front of thu Mull Tribune
build in.;.
A feature of the moving pictures
to be taken tomorrow noon will be
(ho demonstration of a new life
saving machine, invented by L. K.
Morris of Santa Ana, Calif., and
who Is visiting his brother, W. 10.
Morris here. Tho demonstration
will take place at the Holland
Hotel and movies of the descent
of n passenger will be made for
exhibition at the Ittalto theatre.
The machine has been pa touted by
Mr. Morris and a demonstration In
southern California Included the
feat of jumping from a !( foot
oil derrick uninjured through its
A member of the Incut fire de
partment will probably make the
descent, according to Fire Chief
Hoy KUiott.
Clean rags wanted al the Mali
Tribune office. tl
"MnHff lri nriverttKHut iretn results
I j XCfthliitotiaM ,j,3i
IFancy Garters
For Your New Hoae
Don't forget a pair of
dainty garters to go with'
your new shoes and hosJ
icry. In a variety of gay;
shades and frilly trims.
A Modish Bag
May Be Envelope
Or Pouch Shape
Whichever you lelect, It
must blend with your Spring
costume that ii the most
important thing about your
handbag. Fascinating new
onei are here.
gj, Ifs Some $ff&P$ I
Of! I WNo Foolin'! j (fi
Qj I WITH A BIG ADDED ShgS j jjjtt
Cfl fr K BURNING jffi
ill mii DAYLIGHT if
' 1 u Day of the Gold J I
i I f ' Rush with Sills in I
jr7w-Jfki his Great"t oe'
i II USSPXjk. shr., L
'flFR "'""I.... find
?k 1 STAGE 11
jjf Personal Appearnnco
I "Fatty" Laymon
j rtl Hollywood's Biggest Jf"
I JA Comedian ?Jr I 3
V Doing a fBlS I
I WK cA7pl;t0 wHaEm
ik Act of i- .,Lv Tr 1
X. vaudcviiie Mvf
P Fit your personality
Men with a y flair for style
appreciate Gordon Hats. ,
Gordon Hats are notable for their
quality and style. New spring shapes and
shades. Try on a Gordon today.
PRICED AT $5 TO $ 1 0 1 '
I J I al
J' 'r I 't il
MM l.i"-
f .ii Ml
t -y&fi.K'Vi
te,5T"J. "r S '' J
Join In thn fun. Sec
IU -IJ, Mil i.l
' jihkm tne .ma.n. your Homo wnllo In the cuy. in . "J
the renter of nil aetlvilyl f 1
U. S. Fleet
Al"" to 1. and are
l'nclo Sam s miphly fl.-.-t.
Knn, frolic dunces, athlct-
h contoHtH, otc, tor tho
48,0(10 enllHted men ami of-
I he Kreiit fleet lllunilnnted!