Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 30, 1928, Page 8, Image 8

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    PXflE FOUR
MrcnroTffl watt; tktbttot;, anreFoniy ftnr.fiftN. tttdtt. mtt?tt m. tms
Geo. A. Hunt Co. to Add
Latest Film Equipment
First Presentation in May
Theater Measured For
. Arrangement! and
have been completed by the (Jco.
A. Hunt AmuKoment company, fur
tho Installation of the Vltaphone
nnd Movietone, In the 'ratiliin
theater at an ex pent a of not Ivtm
than 115,000. V. V. Simon, In
Htallution HuperviHor of the Electric
Research I'roductH company of
New York ond Lob AngeleH, yen
terdny completed the surveying of
Uie theater'H projecting room, etc.
It in expected that tho niarhlmw
"will he in operation within hIx
J Tho brinelnR of theno two mar
vpIuuh mechuniHmH to thlH city,
KiveH to city and vulley screen fol
io went tho Kami) up-to-date wrvlce
iih Ih offered in metropolitan cen
tern. . It In hiHhly prohahle that "The
Jazz Hlntfer," a wonder picture in
which A I .Jolnon Ih the Htar, will
be the opening number. "The
Hovenlh Heaven," a Fox produc
tion Ih also Hcheduled for an early
The Vltaphone Is uned In screen
productions and haa been perfect
ed, until the audience heart tho
words and singing of the actoi-H, in
unison with the picture!. In "The
Jazz Klnger," Al Jolson Is seen and
heard In five of his son km.
The Movietone Ih used with news
reelH. und Is the latest film feu
til re. Jf a president n peaks, Is seen
talking In a news reel, his voice 1m
hiuird, along with the eheent of
the crowd. If tho subject is an
nuto race, or airplane event, the
hum of the motors Is reproduced
in natural tones.
The Vltuphone Is a marvellous
contrivance that reproduces the
voices of the actors and synchro
nizes the music of a film that Is
of those pictures taken In hUhIIoh
by this proce.HH, and the Movie
tone, also marvellous, can be used
with news reels where the film Is
taken with the process. Not all
films are taken hy the new pro
cess, but many of the big feature
pictures are.
For Instance, if tho Student
Prince, now showing at the (Va
lerian theater had been taken hy
tho Vitn phone-Movietone process,
while viewing this beautiful film
you could hear the voices of the
uctors, you could hear the mnb
chorus singing the raplvatlng Old
Heidelberg songs, nnd the clinking
of their beur glasses.
Med ford will be tho only city In
the stale outside of 1'urtland, hav
ing this modern equipment, except
possibly Salem, where such equip
ment may be Installed at the new
KIslnore theater In a few weeks.
Where the Vita phone-Movietone
process Is used In filming, nnd re
produced on the screen of n thea
ter equipped with this wonder re
producing voice und music equip
ment, no theater organ or orches
tra. Is used, as the music is t-unmM
In the film as tho latter Is made.
For instance. In tho Seventh
Heaven feature plrture which
comes here soon tho audience
hears the musls of a 1 07 -piece
symphony orchestra which played
when the films were taken.
This modern reproducing equip
ment can be used In short subjects
on the theater program, taking the
place of the regulation short com
edy ns for Instance star vaude
ville acts could ho given with the
dfincing of the nctorH and their
voices beln; heard uh well as their
movements being seen.
Nnt nil the moving pictures to
be shown at the Craterian will be
given by this modern process when
the Vita phone-. Movietone process
Is Installeil. but such films will be
frequently given.
J More than $5000 worth of Hie ; The grand jury that has for over
! delinquent land In t'.ie Medford , two weeks been investigating into
Irrigation District has been din-! the expenditure of prohibition en
I posed of In the past two weeks, . forcenient funds In this county
since the land was placed In the adjourned last night until Monday.
hands of the local realty board, j The reason for the adjournment
This shows a rapid disposal of the j was not given out, but Indirectly
land which is said to he among;1 rumored yesterduy thut no
the best values in the valley, but i session of the jury would be held
which became a problem to the j today, because several members of
Irrigation board thru the unpaid 'he Jury who are farmers needed
taxes of noma of the owners. With I today and Sunday to catch up
the new set of progressive owners 'With their farm worn,
in the HlMtrlrt it will he onlv a i Humors still continue rife about
negotiations (natter of ((me un(i, the irrigation what the jury is investigating, the
rates will be reduced, according to scope of the Investigation and as
j local executives who are enthusl- j to when the Jury will make its re
tastlc over the movement of the port public, but no authentic news
. Ovor ISO Ktmli'iilH of tho Junior
and senior cIuhhvii of the M'l'onilury
ttohnnlH In Jucknon county wru in
nttomlunce today at Hip nil clay boh
niun of "Vocational CoiinHcliiiK" at
the Mi'dforcl armory. Ten ditrlcln
were roprencntcil and six were fully
represented, including the prcHcncp
of thti school princlpalH.
The main speaker of the fore
noon wan Dean Jewel, department
of education at the Oregon State
college, and he spoke on vocational
education, using Incidents from real
life to Illustrate his address. Con
ferences followed the dean's speech
with the students segregated Into
two groups. Conferences were also
hold this afternoon and were to
be followed by a closing oOliess
by V. C. Ilubach, dean of men nt
the Oregon State college. Kollo-.v-ln
the adjournment student hid
personal conference! with the slate
college Instructors.
. The Jacksonville. Phoenix. Cen
tral Point, Talent and Itogue Itlver
high schools were fully represented
at tlie session. j
ST. HELBNH. New high school
nudltorium will b completed j
oily In April. j
land. about llieBO matti-m cun lie olilntn-
Next Frltluy will bo "Farmer's ed. However, the rumor contfn
Duy" Willi the local Knally Hoard, lues strong that that report .will he
made ly tile first or next week,
nnd this is apparently hacked up
by the following Hem In last Tues
day's Koxetiui-K News Iteview:
"Senator 11. I.. Kilily leaves to
morrow for Medford to assist In l
inu kioiiii jury investigation into
the Jackson prohibition fund ex- I
pendlturcs. There is some uuestlon !
in that county regarding the regu- !
larlty of prohibition fund appro- I
prlatlons nnd the grand jury Is j
making a thorough Investigation. !
Senator Kddy was called In by the I
circuit Judge to aid the grand Jury j
In lis work and expects to be in
.Mcnrorti until the first of next
and each realtor will bring either
a dairyman or a stock man ns his
guest to the Kealty Hoard lunch
eon which will be held at Hotel
Charles It. Kay was unanimous
ly elected to the office of secre
tary treasurer to succeed
of It. V. Vlli:amH, who was forced
to discontinue In the office on
account of the pressure of outside
A proposal of the Northwest
Association of Itenlty Hoards to
meet with the local board on April
17 was rend at .he meeting at
Hotel Holla ml today, and a rum
mltteo consisting of Charles Wing,
Walter Jones and Charles K. Hay
was chosen by l'resldent Walter
Leverette, to arrange details. On
that date. President Williams of
the association will come to Med
furil. ficeoiitoiinled bv flenrtrn II.!
(Irahcnhorsl of Halem. vice presi
dent, und ('. V. Johnson, deputy
reul estate commissioner of Portland.
At noon of the same date they
will hold u meeting in Ashland
sponsored by Hie secretary of the A record crowd of dam e lovers
Ashland chamber of commerce, j 11 r planning to attend the fure
wllh the view to establishing a j wHl "Ppeuram-u of Whit lturln's
board In that city. i radio orchestra at the Oriental
1 ,(Jardens Saturday night under the
I auspices of the local post of tho
I American I.eirlon. T h In nvont
promises to be one of the most I
i largely attended dances of the
' yeiir, by reason of tho special
I features and decorations planned
by the committee,
j Whit itartons orchestra has
won many friends during their
Short stav In tho Itnirnn Itiver
llev by the ex eel lent lir;iiwl nf
national, music they render In nrtditlnn in
New their iifrlul wont- r..,liieou
Dodge Hrothers
hook tip from Detroit, .Mich
York and Hollywood, feuturln
group of celebrated movie stars 1
ami producers and Haul White- J
very enjoyable
who attend.
time to all those
The proceeds of the dance will
go toward defriiylm; some of the
lrP-rmiVml fun vnoiunu nf 1 tin
mnn s lamous orcnesira, was neuru nierb an Legion, which will hold
by local radio fans last night from ,hHl. (inmm state meet In Mert
0 to 7, with h variety of results, j fim, n(1Jt AmfUHt. .,.n,PrH r
Although some testified to almost tho ,(H.h1 pnM( (lf jKfon an.
perfect reception, others cMlmcd , B,Vn(f tMP ,,,, n L...,,, (Ml, of
that they were unable to bear onv-' attention In order to insure n
in i ii g , u in 1 1 it iiuosi. oijii, wncn i nu
ulr cleared somewhat.
The concensus of opinion locally
indicated the popularity of John
Ihtrrymoro over the other featnr
spuUei'H and musicians, on account
of his clear enunciation and sph
did delivery. Ilarrymore gave th
sollio(iiy of Hum let which pre
ceded the show. Although part
of this mi' mora Me interpretation
was whispered, it came over the
air more clearly than anything
else on the program.
The annual Junior class play of
the Central Point high school will;
be p resent etl tit K o'clock tonight ;
at ihe high school auditorium, with!
"Mr. Hob." n two-act comedy, the.
singe vehicle. Rehearsals on the
play have been in progress for nev-
eral weeks under the direction of
Mrs. Kthel Fleischer. t
In the order of their appearance.)
the cast Ih as follows: 1.. Jenkins. J
the butler, Perry Johnson; Ri-hecca:
Luke, a maiden lady. Kern Hatha-1
way; Patty. Miss l!egccoa"s maid,1
r-'loru Collins; Katherlne Uocer.4,1
Miss Rebecca's niece, Dorothy Ihir-'
rlHon; Philip Rnyson, Harold Mor-j
ton; Mai Ian Itryaut, Kuihcrlne''
friend, Louise ltohucrt: Robert
Itiown. clerk of Pennon Pennon.
Alfred Carlton.
Furniture to be used In the play
Is furnished by the Medford Fur
niture and Hardware company.
There will be special music between
the two acts, including vocal and
instrumental number
When they appeared in the Juve
nilis court yesterday afternoon Dale
(lolford and Ixmia IHdeu were each
committed to the state training
school ut Salem on charges nf
thievory nnd burglary. Ottlford. 12
yearn of ago, is charged with
breaking Into the Trowbridge Cabi
net Works on Houth drape Htrcet,
and Hlden. 14 yours nf age. admit
ted breaking into the Prospect
store twice and taking supplies.
The hoys will probably he taken III
In Salem early next week. , Fred
Swift, who was detained in connec
tion with the crime, was ipiestioued
by the police but was given tils
Bilious ?
tonltfht. You'll be "lb and fine'' ty morning
lonue clear, heiulsche one. appetite
back, bowel acting p1eaant!y. bitloui at
tack forgotten. Forcontipotlon. too IJet
ter than any mere laxative. Only U&c.
KcconimcuJcd and Sold by
I' l eil f i irt Urn tltilB
Our Easter Candies Are Now in
and They Make a Wonderful
Wo havp solid ( 'licn'oliito niiiinits. Chickens,
etc., Foiulant l-'i lied l'us, J'.ijr Chocolate
Kaster Haskcts full of choice chocolates.
S( our display in the windows and in
the store.
Mailed VUKE anywhere in the United State.
Jas. McNair's Pharmacy
214 East Main
Phone 91
The Best Goods for the Price,' No Matter What the Price MANN'S
mm e e
Wter riromeincaicte
A Great Selling Event at'lMANN'S
Opens Saturday and Continues Until Easterly
500 New Silk Dresses Go on Sale Tomorrow
Morning at Ridiculously Low Prices
$15 Dresses $9.75
l')0 dresses in good quality flat
crepe, georgettes, printed, and
plain, wool crepes and tweeds;
one- and two-piece effects; also
ensembles. . These dresses are
made from nice quality materials
and styles are right up to the min
ute, suitable for school, business or
afternoon wear, light and dark
colors, l-egualr selling price up to
1:. Wliile thW last, Q 7C
Saturday, each 1
Exclusive New Dresses
In our better dresses we have new
Mallinson's prints arriving daily,
printed georgette and chiffons; al
o plain colors and combinations.
For street wear, "Korrect" sends
us light weight wools and flat
crepes at 19.75;'- "Anthony"
dresses are always ' beautiful for
afternoon and evening wear at
!!).75 to 155.00; and from Mason
Carpenter we have beautiful en
sembles, printed georgettes and
chiffons from $45.00 to $98.00.
Children's wash dresses, fast col
ors, all stvles adn sizes, priced
from $1.00 to $12.95 each.
$19.75 Dresses $ 1 5
125 dresses in this lot, all new
snappy numbers from Pansy and
Ming Toy; hi-tie dresses for the
young girl, one- and two-piece
dresses in flat crepe and georgette
and new printed silks and georg
ettes, all attractive bright colors,
that are so popular; also the new
ensemble idea in kasha and tweed,
long and short coats, bodice top
skirt and silk blouse, all sizes, 14
to 4(5. Regular 19.75 value, Fas-
: $15.00
Easter Coat Special
S29.75 Values S24.75
This is our prize group consisting
of "Printzess", "Miss E" "Con
de" and "Caljer" coats and ev
eryone knows their superior val
ues at this low price, they are ex
ceptional buys; charmeen, kasha,
kittensear broadcloth, twee d s,
twills; silk and broadcloth lined,
junior sizes and women's sizes
irom 151) to 52. Regular values to
29.75, on sale Sat
urday, each
Easter Coat Specials
Just nine coats in this lot, all wool tweeds
and fancy mixtures. Full lined, self and
kasha trimmed. All good sizes. Regu
lar $15.00 value. dQ QC
Special, each tyV.VV
S20 Coats S14.75
12 coats in light and dark kashas, home spun
and tweeds, each garment nicely tailored, some
are fur trimmed; others with tailored collar
and novelty cuffs, sizes 14 to 42, regular $20.00
values, on sale Sat- CI A 7t
New Hats Arrive in Time
For the Easter Promenade
S6.95 Values $5.00
These hats are in black and colors and arc
made of embroidered hair braid, crochet
visca and silk with nedaline straw com
binations; incomparable values,
for (5.95. on Sale Saturday,
Hats in both large and
small head sizes in all styles
and colors, made of both
straw and silk.. Special
$2.95 and $3.95 each.
Exquisite new line of women's tailored
and trimmed hats, including the celebrated
"Jauntee" line of hats, made by Meadow
brook designers. Many to ("7 CjTI
choose from, special, each '
Children's hats in a great variety of styles
and colors, juiced from $1.95 to $3.95 ea.
figured or-
XKW S1IORTIKS made of a
fine quality rayon trimmed in
three! ruffles of contrast iny; col
ors, nery new, all sizes,
1.4) values, special....
Nature Rival Garments
We have ,just received a complete
line of Nature's Rival corselettes
for spring wear, priced from
$2.75 to $15.00.
fi miles and belts priced from
$1.25 to 8.00 each.
Dainty brassieres and bandeaus
priced from 69 to $3.45 each.
Scarf Spcil
Triangle scarfs made
of heavy quality crepe
de chene, tie dye and
polka dot patterns.
fl.95 val., (M A Ck
See Window
Mann's Dept. Store
The Store for Everybody
urday, each
Just in an Exclusive Line of the Celebrated Conde and
Printzess Coats Priced from S3 9.50 to S69.50
40-inch heavy quality crepe de chene in shower
dots nnd floral patterns in the very newest de-
signs A new material $2.59, $2.95
for tins season, lard,
36-inch art taffeta fine quality in most any de
sired shade, very special Saturday, yard. $1.19
40-inch silk and cotton Indian prints, crepe ray
on and rayon washable colors. 1.19 QC
value, special, yard ZfJ
54-inch wool georgette in the new spring
shades, a beautiful transparent woolen fabric,
4.25 value. Special, jTJ 0
New Organdies
40-inch tub-fast permanent finish
gandie for the dressy wash dress.
Special, vard
New Percales
3f5-inch fast colored percales in many patterns
and colors, suitable for general usesj including
dresses, smocks, aprons and children's wear..
29 vard. For Saturday only a charming
apron pattern given free to each customer buy
ing one or more vards of material.
Women's Theme hose, pure
silk with cotton top, heel
and toe, comes in all colors.
1.75 value,
special pair
Kayon and lisle hose in all
colors and sizes, splendid,
quality, special, fiC,
pair UcJC
Kayser's silk hose with
slipper heel, in all the new
shades, regular 1.75 value,
Saturdav, d 1 rr
fair M.Oy
Children's socks
and fancy colors,
to 8 ' j, special,
pair 0
Women's Slips $1.95
These garments are made of a
very heavy quality of art satin
in all the light shades for spring
wear, are unusual fl? 1 Qtf
values at P 1 .7J
Women's Union Suits
Women's unionsuits cotton knit,
light, bodice and built up tops,
tight knee, all sizes up (1 1 Q
to IS. Special, suit P I X 2
Children's Union Suits
Children's sleeveless cotton" knit
unionsuits knee length, in all sizes,
Saturday, 75 C
on sale
suit ....
Pillovt Cas
428$.SUi size, double wear,
quality, 29c. value, IQ.
Saturday, each X 5 V
iSlbric Gloves
For women, with novelty
turn-down cuffs, all sizes.
sr:1: a$i-i9
Infants' Sweaters
All wool (ji white trimmed
in piiO and blue. QQ
in plain
sizes up
Turkish Towl
22x44 size, heavv quality,
in plain and fancv, (iOc.
values, special,
special, each
Mail Orders Promptly Filled Postage Prepaid
Bia Tape
To reduce stock we will
sell all our biasTapes and
braides iat sold up to
Saturday, 9C
:i for
Specials in
Toilet Articles
Spiro Powder
Baby Powder
:j Cakes of Palm-
olive soap
Holland loom
Hath Salts, values
up to 35c, on sale
Agents for Butterick Patterns