Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 30, 1928, Page 5, Image 5

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pnillllllllllM I!l!lll!illl!llll!llll!llllllllll!lllllllll!lllllllllllllll
Radio Program
Mull TrltHiiir-Yli'Kln Station
The meeting last night of the
lorn I Flks under l ho present re
gime, hs tin newly elected officers
will ho Installed next TluiiMlay
night, was an especially enjoyable
10 to 11 A. M. People's le-
trie Store.
11 to ll;;ttl A. M. The Hotel
Jiuksou Dining Hooni. t
lieinii In intend-1 1-': 15 tu 1:15 I'. M. tlreen ,
iinet) anil imttliiK on an entertain-! Tiuilins Stump Hour.
meat promim of inueli fun ami: !:l" '' M. The MeiHold Mil
one .maile so hy h large deh -nation .
of the Ashland lodge ef Klks. num-j
2 bcring over
All Bargains Are Not Bargains
H A bargain is an article that gives perfect satisfaction. A cheap price f
t, is not always a bargain. Our prices are set to give you the best yal- 1
ues and entire satisfaction.
Saturday and Monday, March 31 and April 2 1
merit, following the regular ses
sion of the lodge, ami the whole
program being topped off with n
'good feed In the basement dining
I Whit Hart on mid his Idahonns,
one of the premier iImiicu orches
tras of the coast, are doing eonsid-
Trlbuue News Items.
t 4
Having set u standard for excel-I
lent radio concerts since their i
debut over KM KI, the Mail Trih-;
une-Virgiii station, three weeks
ago, announcing their taking over
of the At water Kent radio lis
new line of merchandise, the loo- I
pie's F.leetric will he heard again
tomorrow morning from 10 to II i
ruhle broadcast work over the lo
cal radio station, K M 101), during
the preiit week, and have been
secured to furnish the dance mui
sic for the public benefit dunce to; with u well selected urraii
ho held by the American Legion at 1 4f local musical talent.
the Oriental Gardens Saturday) .lames Stevens, operatic baritone,
nnbt. 9 j will be featured lit vocal numbers,
Attorney A. K. Heanies, Seth ' accompanied on the Haldwln by
Builis and a party of local friends Miss Alma Lawrence. Stevens will
left yesterday for Klamath Falls! be assisted in the program by Max !
on business in connection with the!11, popular violinist, and Miss
An Organization of
6c I
3 packages 25 C
9-lb. bag
PEACHES Libby's DeLuxe or Del Monte Melbas-
Lavtfe f ans
CLORAX Larue bottle
2 for
49c I
California Oregon 1'ower company.
Wells Taxi, 2ae. Phon 25. tf
Only a trace of rain fell yester
day, and rain is predicted for to
night and Saturday. The highest
temperature of yesterday was 55.
Dance Gold Hill Sat. nipht. 9
It has not yet been definitely
settled as to just what time Floyd
Voting's dally evening frost pre
diction will he given by radio ever
K MED, which Mr. Young at first
planned to give out 'at 7 or 7:15
not knowing at that time.
Mary Grctnor in comedy songa-
logues. This same group appeared '
in the premiere concert up on byj
the People's Klectrlc company, I
while last Saturday morning Whit j
I'.nrton and his seven melody kings I
were featured. I
Miiioal Helpfulness
r i V I
The spirit ot mutual helpfulness,
practiced among members of this
organization, is one of the most
important factors in the phen
omenal growth in number and
popularity of Safeway Stores, This
willingness to help his fellows and
be helped by them enables the
Safeway Man to effect operating
economies and accomplish tasks
that working alone or at cross
purposes he could not hope to ac
complish. You, as the consumer,
profit by this cooperation among
members of our organization
through the greater values it permits
us to give you.
The growing popularity of Whit j
Hurt on's orchestra has manifested
Itself this week in u steady sclietl-
ule of engagements by local mer- :
chants over KMED, the Mail Trih-!
une-Virgin nttlio station, and in a ;
continual stream of phone calls
29c i
Large cans
JELLY BEANS Easter Egg You'll like 'em, OC.
'2 1bsOOC
BROOMS 20th Century 6-sew, strong yet of medium QQr
Aveiglit,niacle from the very finest materials real value
LARD Pure It 's fresh
Nol 1 cans
. Xo. 10 sack
3 pound:
27c 1
53c I
that the loenl radio liromlcnsthtR ! anil requests rnmlnir Into t lie sta- j
sliitinn. liy federal rcKuliittim. can-tK):i loin tans tliruiiKlioiit tllu val- i
not he on tlip nit hetween 7 nnd ley. 1
S p. in. An effort Is IioIhr made Whit l'niton and his seven mol-j
to havr this rnlo chnnt'Ort so aa to 'b' kltiKs from l.owiston, lilalto. I
permit of the frost wnrninE bclnu played last niitlit front 8 o'clock to j
liroiulcnat at 7 o'clock. tnroiiKit tup connosy ot nines k i
1!. Schoninirer used nl.inn Jtss- l.ydlatd and HII1I13. the hiiUher. lo-
$10 down nnd S 10 monthly. Pal- cated In the Kconotny groceteria, i
met Atoie House. 1 2 'They were encored so heartily lust
Only 40 ntinlln nf Hi;? evnmlncl ! nlcht that they wont on the air
Sweet Potatoes
"Maximum'' qual
ity. Use these
fancy "sweets"
with your ham.
Large No. 2',-j cans.
SYRUP Adirondack Cane and Maple The kind with that gen
uine old Maple taste Full quart 57; $1 fii
Full U gal
SHORTENING Best vegetable In bulk
3 lbs.
RAISINS Seedless Thompsons In bulk
49 c
3 lbs. 29 c
Large package - '
MILK Libby 's Tall cans 2 for 28 ; f-
6 for
BEANS A'an Camp's Medium size cans-
FLOUR Olympic
25c 1
3 foi
49-lb. sack
"Nature's own Pick-me-up" Hoasted every day in our own
plant alwavs fresh Pound 45 ' djl OO
(iround (o our order for fineness
LETTUCE solid heads
3 for
H 226 W. Main
Medford Stores
SI N. Central
Wedding Bells
"Announcement of. the np-1 the shop, after which date she
proaehins marriage of Miss lnev will go to the home of her par
Thackara of the I'alaco beauty; ents. Mr. and Mrs. .1. K. Tliackara.
shop to (). o. NiohulH of Medford ;t Dorrlf. Her nuirriauc t Mr.
News of the coining marriage . will bo of interest to the many : Nichols will be nn event of late
if Lieut. O. O. Nichols, well ( friends of tlie popular young A prll. Miss Thackaia has heists
known state traffic officer sta- ; cell pie. M iss Thackara recently ' nf friends in Klamath Kails who
tipned in .Medford for a long disposed of her business here to I will regret to learn of her de
lime past, is published by the Mrs. Lester Kinley. t'ntil April , part lire. She has made her home
K hi math News n.s follows: 7 Miss Thackara will remain at ho re for the past thro years."
Effective3 April 1, 1928
"Cut This Out for Future Reference"'
Northbftnd: 6:34, 10:10 A. M., 1:20, 5:32 P. M.
Southbound: 7:41, 10:30 A. M., 12:00 M., 2:19, 5:30, 8:11, 11:48 P. M.
Ore2n Stages System
Hotel Jackson W. M. Clemenson, Agent Phone 309
- n ... .TOi-'W.i -0---'Q-
elnco November 14, 1027. In the
Albany, Ore,, schools by Miss Mar
garet Glllis., city health nurse, were
found free from physical defects.
Miss Oillis reports. Of the 9Z2 de
fective children. 4flJ) have had their
defects corrected, Miss Clillis savs.
Had tonsils headed the list of de
fects reported, while trouble with
teeth and with eyes vied for sec
ond place.
Dance OoM Hill Sat. night. 0
Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Klllott of
Vreka, Calif., owners of an auto
pork there, were in Medford on
business the first nf this week.
April Kuol Krollc Sat., "Walker's.
Mrs. John Vincent has returned
to her home, after spending five
weeks in 1'orthind, where she was
called by the serious illness of her
mother, who had a severe attack
of scarlet fever. After acting as
nurse for a couple, of weeks, Mrs.
Vincent was stricken with the same
disease and was very sick for a
couple of weks. Dr. Seely. for
merly of MedTord but now of Port
land, was Mrs. Vincent's doctor.
They were in quarantine five weeks.
Much interest in the outcome
of the Medford-Uosehurg legion I nH(
MifiiiMcrsmp contest is neing
aken in this city not only liv
legionnaires but all local citizens
is well.. The Medford veterans
are making a fine showing in the
contest, and havo a good chance
to win if new members continue
to sign np during the next 2 4
again this morning from 11:110 to)
12 o'clock for I trophy, the jeweler,
nnd their schedule is growing rap-
idly. I
R p c c 1 n 1 communication,
Medford UmIkp -Vii. 103. A.
F. & A. M., Sunday, April
1st, : J ii p. m., for thp pur
pose of nltrndliu; funnnil nf liro.
l;:dwin I. Johnson. By order of V.
M. C. M. HOUSTON Secy.
weight. 10.
1 17-H.
J OS 10 I ' 1 1 ( '. HAN N A 1 1 .1 oseph
Hnnnah passed away at the
home of his daughter. Mis. Tim
othy Diiily, at the Millcrest or-chid-tl.
Friday morning, aged
years, 7 months, : dnys. Horn
ii Cincinnati. Ohio. A ugust -V,
IS;!'.'. He had been 111 for a long
time, having both of his eyes
taken out In the past two years
and h's last illness has been for
the past five weeks. He crossed
the plains with his parents by ox
team in 1K02, starting from Ful
(ton. Mo., and they hotnesteaded
lite old uJlunnah - ranch,. 22 mljes
north of Medford on Ilogue river,
and Jacksonville was their nearest
post office for many years. Mr.
Hannah was a potter by trade
and made all of his pottery by
hand, hauling his clay from Sums
Valley to the ranch, where ho
kiln, serving all of the mer
chants with his goods lu this
county. 1 lo also was a great
hunter, having killed In this coun
ty elk, grizzly bear, panther and
other game. He was a very hos
pitable soul and his ranch bor
dering the river was a favorite
place for fishermen, where they
were always welcome to come and
fish and camp. His wife, Sedotha,
passed away in 1 tt ! 2. He leaves
two daughters, Mrs. T i m o t h y
Daily. Medford, ' M iss Mima Han-
null, Stockton. Calif.; two sons,
Jasper Hannah. Trail, ore., Jo
seph Hannah, Medford, Ore. Mr.
Hannah was a member of the
Methodist church all of his life.
Kuneml services will be held at
the Perl funeral home Sunday at
"p-rTf- ; 2 p. m., Kev. T. II. Temple offl
xt rabbits; live i.,. ... i. in
Fresh Eggs
Kiiiieh ("S'A'S, fi'osh
from t h o fnrni.
(luaraiitocil, ahso
lutely. .Mi Klity
cheap fur Easier.
2doz. .. .39 c
Ileinx sweet varie
ties. Lai'S'e !)'!-(.
jars. . Very fancy.
A real liny.
Each . 35c
Pickled Apricots
Sweet pickled in
heavy syrup. The
finest ii utility.
SoinediiiiK new for
Easier next week.
Lai'Ke No. li'l' t'lis-
Each 43C
Fresh Asparagus
To satisfy that spring
hunger for fresh
2 Lbs 25 c
Medium size sweet
and full of juice.
2 doz 85c
Again this year we arc
offering the finest of
hams for your Easter din
ner. Swift's Premium
Requires no par-boiling.
From .Eastern corn-fed
prize hogs. Nothing finer
can he purchased. (Last
year we sold nearly 1000
lbs. of these excellent
hams in Medford at Eas
ter). Average about 1
poiiuds. Pound .... 28c
Get one now
Easter Eggs
The "Kiddies" will
want candy Easter
Eggs surely. We
have them, large or
Lb 20 c
Baking Powder
Koyal Cream o f
Tartar. The. old
12 oz can... 43C WJ
Cane Sugar
Cane, granu-
Pioneer minced. The best.
Tall tins.
2 Tins 49 c
New Peas
Sweet and succulent.
Well filled pods.
2 Lbs 29 c
Tender, young.
2 lm 15c
Our D e L u x e
brooms are scoring
a hit. Guaranteed
quality straw, and
workmanship. Just
the right weight.
Each ... $1019
New Potatoes
F a i r size. Mighty
fine creamed with
2 Lbs. ...29 c
Fresh Spinach
Here's your "iron''.'
Young and tender.
2 Lbs 15c
All orders for $5 or more delivered FREE.
Store No. 433 MEDFORD
AiUloi-h ('(.'im'tory.
UW.VI'KD I'iithdiMciu (.-hi or
Woman for mtiH'rjil boiiM-work.
Ilo. S. 'I'., TrllMine. a
' NKI.SON FuiK'ni! sorviccn for
liilo CliarloH Nolsoii, HKort 12 yearn;
Unloved IiuhImmhI of Clirrli' .NcIhoii
of I'hnonlx: lidhnr of Allmrl. Xol
son of Kunono, ClicHtcr NoIroii of
Utah, Mt'H. OIkh Ijownry of l.ns An-.-,'olcs
(Cal.), Mi-h. A. J. OouM of
Ccnlral Point ami Mi-h. Hay C'yr of
Medford will bo conducted from tho
('oncer funeral piirlora Sunday,
April I, lit 1:11(1 p. m. Uev. .Ilmnile
Lynd of AnKclim Temple will have
lake half interest in fin m n mi ! cltni'Kc nf the services nuil Inter-
wood liuHinenn, inefr ruiiiy wlih nicnt will he made In the Medford
t r ll e It. JlefereneeH renulred. ' cemetery.
Smaller orders 10c chg.
Phone 1176
CIIK'KKX UANfH 2 acres. 4
rmiin house, well, electric ratine,
1 tlx 1 (K ft. chTrken liuiiw. runs,
ele. Well equipped for Immedi
ate occupancy: 2 miles town;
:M0n; t;no df)wn. It. Wil
lianiH, .Medford Hid?. I'honc
WA.VTKU At once, man and wife;
i'hone n-I- Ciold .Hill, Ore
A TT 10 NT I OX, 1 1 1 ' 1 1 ,1 1 : 1 1 S I ; ea u -tiful
lot on Minnesota Ave., one
of Mcdford'M most beautiful!
HtrectM. Priced at Whh than cot j
of IniproveinentH. See Oharh'H.
.lOMNHON The remains of the
Intn Kdwan I. Johnson, whonc
death oeeurred In a hoHpltal In
Portland, will Hrrivn in thl elly
at 7:15 o'clock tonight, r uneral
A. WlnjLf AKoney, exclusive ukoiUh. worvlcos will be conducted rrom the
1 1 ('onKer funeral parlor Sunday,
Aplrl 1, at p. m. Uev. T. II. Tern-
KOK HA .F A unique and atlrae-!
live Kant nld home, deMluned f n I
beauty and convenience, tdKhlly 1
view, excellent local ion,
t rees ; la rt: liv n k mom with
harlwood f Iooih and fireplace;
alt walls painted; attractive din
in j: room with nitcties and nu
ineroiiH buiil-liiH; kitchen finlnh
ed ui to the minute; 2 larne. bed
rooms; beautiful ha I broom with
the In tet in piu mid nn fixt ures;
baHement; furnace. Thin home if
new and can be purchaser) til the
price of $:.r.()0; Mio cash, balance
on term to nuit reliable pur-
chaer. if you want the
at a reaHonuble price, ep
A, Wing Agency, exclusive agents.
1 1
pic will hHVe charge of tho HerviceK
at, the chapol and Medlord Uulgo
liade!N'o. 1 S, A. F. & A. M., will have
.lack HowrliiK and li 1m miiftlo Ih ,
back In iMedTonl nnd will piny at
Hilarity hull tomorrow night. Thin,
announcement will come at fl pIchh- t
ant KurprlHo to local dance, fans j
and music lovers who will reniem- j
her IIiIh popular orchestra from ,
i(H biHt a)peaninco at the Medford
dance pavilion.
"MuHleJana with a hoiikc of hu
mor'' Iuih been tho title often tip
plied to thin Jolly group who keep
the listeners, and dancorH In n con-
1 f utml Hlato of merriment with Jf D D D D D in
I their nnvel nrankH. Dancing to I I
j morrow nteht will ho frno to tho
I icii)ated.
Special cornriiunlcfttion,
No. 103, A.
rlday, March
an, 730 p, ni. Work In the
degree. Ity order of W. M.
l M. IIOMKTON, Hecy.
Special corn rim
Medford Lodge No
7 F. & A. M., Frlda;
Wells Taxi, 2T.C. Phone 2T.
i,l.mih:ii vahu
charKCH of the Hfirvlcea at f;rnve.
Interment will he made in Modrurd
very L"'Hl
i-e CIlaVicH
Mr. Rnd Mi-h. K. .1. Itlley of Med
ford ore the parentu of a 7-ponnd
I I'Oiipce hahy Klrl horn at Hie Sa
cred Heart hoxpital .March 'I'.l.
I 'd It ItH.NT
17. 51) per
IHllOjk cloe
month, cl
By Taking Lydia E. Pnk
ham's Vegetable Compound
WANTK D riiHiim hat-hlni,-. j
Sf i nit re Deal Hatchery. J'hone!
Hi-1, 13
ment : gM,
Furnished apart -hotQvutcr.
616 N.
F(Hl KAI.K It rood mw and
weaner pigs, I'hone 447-X, Jes
ho M. Kir.-ar. ' 10
KfIt Ki:XT Furnlnhed bungalow.
T 2 V. 1 1 th; adultn. I'hone !
44!'-M. 10!
Foil ItHN'T Furnished apart-l
ment, 3 room, private hath, ga -!
rage, 23. 81 V. l'JLli Bt, 9
There will ha a perfume special
at the WeHt Side Pharmacy Satur
day and Monday that will attract
th ladles. A rogtilar $2.50 bottle
of NarclHHe perfume for H'.tc with a
box of Narelttne powder free with
each purchane. 8
Sliep OHriern,
We are In position to pay you
more than anybody for wool-mo-'
hair. See us before you ne. i
Phone 10fi2. 27 N. CJrnpfl Hi.l
Vernnn, Til. "T wflu nervon,
all rundown and didn't litiie
any "pep." I hi
ways did my
work but t Imd
a worn-out feel
ing". I hv T.vtlia
K. Pink ham's
Vegetable ( 'otu
pouiul ndvertined
everywhere and (
tried it. 1 feci
lfottcr than I
have, for two or
three yearn and
Imve uained 2H
ftomidn. I nrn trying to get my -tinier-n
law and my mother to take it. I
will nnttwrr letiern from women flak
ing nlhnit the Vegetable Compound."
Mum. ( L Cook. 1012 9. 22ntl St.,
i i, Vernon, lllinOlx.
Tube Koses 15 cents each;
Maderii Vino 15 cents each
Cinnamon Vine 2 for 25 cents
Pansics 50 cents doz.
Red Cannas 10 cents each
Yellow Cannas 10 cents each
Mixed Cannas 3 for 25 cents
Dorothy Pcrkhis Roses 10 cents each
Oladioli, mixed, large .i 25 cents doz.
Gladioli, mixed, blooming size ..60 cents doz.
Dahlias, mixed 60 cents doz.
10 lbs. Laxtonian or Hundred Fold Peas $2.00
High Grade Spray Hole 20 a, id 25c per foot any length,
Seo lT8 for Amenitle of Loud
and Fertilizers
Wonderful Field Corn Seed ,8c
Mutual Mill & Seed Co.
In our new locution, (it lx nnd Hnrtlett