Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 28, 1928, Page 3, Image 3

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    O '
Dodge Brothers Radio j OPENING OF NAME
TII.I.A.MOOK Od.l pyiIiiwh will. 1 1 1 1 J.SIIOItO. Rny-Mallng rnn
bnllil iliili house unci ramp miy votes 10 ncr iimu rnh nni'l
tfrouiuls tn Ivileliis river.
' 8") prr treat Htork dlvirfnnr!.. , . j
To lo or not to be on Uip henlih
honor roll I the vital Issue anions
the school chlldrcS of the valley
these days. It Is the style to be
on It, so human nature Is turning
the minds of children and their
parents in the direction all stylish
folks are taking. It will lead them
eventually to the sprint; Htyle show
of good health and Rood scholar
ship wl'ieh takes plao May 1.
Children are eager for their phy
sical examinations being made by
members of the county medical so
ciety as arranged by the school
management. Letters are being
sent to parents telling of any de
fects which, if corrected or properly
treated, do not hinder the child
from being on the coveted honor
A few of these children are in
different at first, objecting to re
moving shoes when weighed or
slipping their clothes half way
down for a thorough examination
by the doctors, so they are prompt
ly excused to make room for the
enthusiastic candidates. Hut when
these victims of bashfulncss or mis
understanding suddenly find they
are out of style, hack they come
next day or next week pleading for
a second chance.
Those youngsters, who revel in
good health and such frisky spirits
that their class conduct and les
sons are poor, must reform nt once
if they wish to make the health
honor roll.
A child will He considered eli
gible for the honor roll if, after a
physical examination by a physi
cian, in the opinion of his teacher
he is, rated an
II I "Mentally normal:
(2) Physically free from defects:
131 Kensonab;- co-operative in
health and habits;
I I) Satisfactory in his behavior
end attitude In the school environment.
Heavy snow was falling In the
high mountain regions while it
was raining hard' in the valley
during the past four or five days,
ami telephone word received
the Crater Lake National p.i.
headquarters hero last night from
John Mnlien at t!:e lodge told that
In that 'time 31 inches of fresh
snow had fallen at the lukn rim,
making all told l.'M inches at that
high elevation, which is about 25
per cent suh-nornial in snow for
tills time of year.
This fresh snowfall on top of
tlie obi. if fallowed by a continued
cool spring means that there will
not be a shortage of irrigation
water In the vall.-y next summer,
which belief is aided by -the fact
that the ground Is now filled with
moisture to iiultv a depth by the
recent rains.
This fresh fall of snow of the
loose variety does not mean neces
sarily that the roads will not he
sufficiently dried to enable cars to
visit Crater .National park before ;
the date of the official opening of I
line crater i.ake season, July 1st,
i next. In fact, the belief Is enter- i
j tallied by persons familiar with the
I Park region that unless there
j should be a very colli spring sea
j son and a further heavier fall of
I snow, cars may be able to visit the
I park the first week of next June.
Tho second national radio hour
of Dodge Urothers will occur to
morrow evening from (i to 7 o'clock.
Pacific standard time. Douglas
Fairbanks is master of ceremonies
and will give a short talk on
"Sports and Athletics"; Charles
Chaplin, giving a series of humor
ous anecdotes and various dialects:
I). WI. Griffith, talking on "l.ove
and Marriage"; John Ilarrymore,
S'lving Lis famous "Hamlet" solilo
quy; Norma Tahnadge, discussing ,
"Modern Fashions nnd How Holly
wood Is Drlngi'ng Paris to Califor
nia," and Dolores Del ltio, render
ing a Spanish song with violin,
'cello nnd piano accompaniment.
All of these stars will ho assem
bled In the studio bungalow of
Douglas Fairbanks in Hollywood.
The other part or the program
conies from New York. Paul White
man and his orchestra have been
seemed for tile musical work. K.
(. Wilmer, president f Dodge
1 ros., inc.. Is lo give a short talk.
n i hnrA
Stomach Troubles
Headache and
If your stomach is sick, you are
sick all over. If you can't digest
your food, you lose strength, get
nervous and feel as tired when vou
get up as when you went to bed'
For 10 years Tanlac has restored
to health and activity many thou
sands who suffered just us you do.
Mrs. Verda Stampas, ot 048
Yamhill St., Portland, Ore., says:
"After an operation the least work
tired me out and what I ate caused
me untold misery. But since the
Jirst few doses of Tanlac I haven't
.lad a headache nor gas."
Let Tanlac do for you what it
did for this sufferer. It corrects tha
most obstinate digestive troubles
relieves gas, pains in the stomach
and bowels. It restores appetite,
vigor and souliii sleep.
Tanlac is made of roots, barks
and herbs. The cost is less than
2 cents a dose. Get a bottle from
your druggist today. Yotlr money
back if it doesn't help you. '
K&! I Tin: m:u
f Marion Davies M
Her finest role, a Kjj I
H i quami, oia-iasnionca i reni
iumukkuvy U
i "ON YOUR 1 1
Two eagle badges and one eagle
silver palm will be awurde,! at
the Boy Scout court of honor to
j be held in the circuit court room
I of the court bouse Thursday eve
Ining, March 23, at s o'clock.
I.tasketry, cement work and sev
leral other new merit badges will
conic before the court, over which
; Don .Newbury will preside as
judge, with it jury of council
i members to pass on the scouts
'coming before It.
j Tills will be a fine session,
! some of the outlying commuui
;tles are coming- in for it, and all
parents and friends are urged to
attend and see the effects of this
( character building program on tin,
scouts. . ..'.''
I Duaiic Malone of Ashland and
jitobert Mason of Medlord are the
two scouts that will enter the
Eagle rank, and Alan Cnrlcy of
troop 5 will lie awarded tho silver
palm for having earned J5 merit
j badges above the Kaglc require
I merits. Honald Krimr is the onlv
other Eagle scout in tho Crater i
Lake council to have the honor
of having an Eagle silver palm
awarded for his advanced work.
Eagle S( out badges were pre
sented to Ernest llearss and Hy
mn Harmon at the Hoy Scout
court of honor held In flrants
I'ass Tuesday evening. The ses
sion was noteworthy in the num
ber of scouts c om i n it up for
jawards and advancement, 40
! merit badges being awarded II
: scouts, while two advanced from
; second class to first class, and
three from tenderfoot to second
I i:iiner a n d Ellsworth Kiser,
Norman Howard, Julian Trumbly
and Fred Harvey were advanced
jlo star rank, and ltussell Totman,
Andy Slough and Arlnml AlcFad
(len were received Into the life
iiss. having ten or more merit
; badges earned.
.nioge o. h. manoharil pre
sided, with a jury of council
members and scoutmasters to pass
on the (nullifications of the scouts
coming ui). Jack Kerr. A. fl. j
Jackson, Jnsmes J. McPailden.
.Michael 1,. Ilyrd and Kd Hughes
sat on this jury, and all ex
pressed satisfacllcocn with the
ipresesd satisfaction Willi the way
the scouts were advancing in
their work.
The first frost prediction of tho
season was received hero this
morning along with the regular
I Following well planned prepara
: lions, a new notary club was
. established at Ashland last Salur-
dally forecast sent out by the San j day night, with 23 members In
Kranclsco weather bureau, for to-; eluded on the charier list. Over
night. This does not seem so alarm-1 2S" "'l''. including delegates
lug for the reason that today was ; j,;'"'.' r"?""
,, , , ,,, , iMnrslifiold, (, ranis l'ass. Klamath
mostly cloudy wl!h heavy rain ! Fa Walla Walla, Portland and
clouds In the nfl'ln-,-, and tho or-1 Seattle were present at the ban
chard men will await the frost pre-1 ,,Uet which preceded the rganl7a-
lion meeting.
ilislrict Coventor
diction of Floyd Young, which will
be given out to the telephone ex
change about 7 p. m., and which
will also be given by Mr. Young
by radio to the .Mall Tribune-Virgin
station K.MKD at 7:1a p. ni., be
fore worrying.
However, the prediction from
San Francisco is for fair walhcr
tonight and Thursday.
The rains ceased early yesterday
forenoon and only .01 of an Inch
of rain fell durin.'; I ho i' l hours end
ing at G a. in. today. The highest
temperature of yesterday was M,
and the lowest of today was III.
Henry Man-
ney presented the charter to the
new dub and was tho principal
speaker of (lie evening, lie spoke
on the International as be
ing a factor in world peace and he
was presented with a desk pen by
Hal .Mc.N'alr of Ashland In bcbair
of the new club. Al Reynolds,
past president of the i'orlland
club, was the toaslniasler ot the
banquet, which was held In the
Elks temple and A. w. .Moon,
president of the Ashland Itotarians
i spoke a few words of welcome to
Ihe visitors.
Olher speakers included II, A.
Ibiolh of Eugene, l:IHt (Hlrict
governor: Ernest Scott of the .Med
i ford Lions club and V. l). X.
! Smith of the Ashland Khv.-inlx
Officers of Ihe new Ashland
lub are as follows: l'i-el,l,.i,i a
.Moon; vice president. II. N.
Mllllin's. Meiil'oid's lU'Wesl sloie
will open i(s doors lo the people of
.Medford. southern Oregon unl
, northern California tomorrow.
Thursday evening.
! There will be music by a Mcl-
tonl orchestra and souvenirs will
be presented to guests.
I The new sturo is located on East
, .Main street, in the building for
merly occupied by the Crater Lake
Hardware, which butt Mcn reroo.l
eled and new fixtures installed
under supervision of II. IS. Jacobs,
the manager of the store.
The new store will carry billies'
ready-to-wear, millinery, novelty
slippers and hosiery. The new
stocks of these goods were pur
chased by Mr. Jacobs in N'ew York
anil represent the latest In the
lines. Mr. Jacobs says all their
merchandise will be moderately
The opening has been delayed
owing to the non-arrival of some
window fixtures, but .Mr. Jacobs
has been aided by one of Meil I ol d's
merchants, who kindly consented
lo loan him the fixttnes
.Mr. Jacobs extends an invltallon
in fM'omii' in auemi ami an
nounces no goods will be sold dur
ing tile opening, but the store will
lie open for business Friday morn
ing. ,
The Student Prince
Hunt's Craterian
Indicating an early settlement of
Ihe estate of George w. Ilarker,
deceased president of the I'lne Hell
Hanking company at Hutto Falls.
It. II. liamuiouil of this city was
yesterday appointed the adminis
trator or the estate anil .1. W.
Wakefield, c. c. I'ierce and c. A.
U'hilloek of this city, appraisers.
The estate consists of the "home"
place In Hutto Falls, lots four and
five in block L'll. with a rental value
of approximately $:lnu' yearly; the
sum of S72.r. op deposit in the
Unite Falls bank and L';l.'. shares
of stock in tile banking i ipnny.l
The value of the shares are to be!
appraised in a short lime. He also'
left a one-sixth Interest In a city
lot in Medford. '
.Mr. Marker left no will and lb"
heirs are his wife, two daughters'
anil a son. The oldest of Ihe chil
dren Is Eleanore, who is III. fol
lowed by her sister who Is 1(1. The
toy Is four years of age.
In a massive nimizntlnn of the
celebrated old romance ot Heidel
berg and the prince who soughl
happiness there. Itanion Novarro
and Norman shearer come to
Hunt's Craterian theater tomor
row In "The student I'rlncc."
Ernst Lubltseh, Ihe director,
has treated this beautiful hive
story In a lender and romantic
fashion, a is just simple plot
of a buy and girl, an unhappy
prince ami his pathetic, sweet
heart, a maid in the village Inn,
but they love with a devotion that
Is greater than royal traditions,
greater than lifo Itself, and then
. . . because society Is wbal It is
and because youth was made for
s -It Ice. they part.
The splendid artistic caliber of
tho cast and the inspired direc
tion of ihe master l.tibltsch, have
made of this the ultimate In mo
tion pictures.
The Weather
Lowest elnperature this morn
ing. 34.
i'reclplintlim for 2-1 hours end
ing 5 a. m.. .Hi inches. ,
Yesterday's weather here:
llighes temperature. 52: highest
this month since l!H2. S(l. .owcsl
temperature yesterday, 37; lowest
this month since nil:', i .! Mean
temperature yesterday, .4; de
parture for the day, deficiency, 4
degrees. Average dally excess for
the mouth, 4 degrees.
I'reclpllatlon. T o t a 1 rainfall
since first of month, 2. SO Indies:
15-year average for the month,
1.18 Inches. Total rainfall since
January 1, fid Inches. Total
rainfall since September I, i:i.3:t
lluiiildllyyesterday, r, a. m., STi
per cent; 12 noon, 114 per cent;
fi p. m., 7S per cent.
Character of day, cloudy.
Sun sets today al 0:32 p. m.:
rises tomorrow, r.:li!l a. m.; sets
tomorrow, i;:;i:i p. ni.
(Illses and sets eoninuted for
level horizon). I
l''oreenst for tonight and lomnr- j
row: Fair tonight and Thursday.
I'Tost tonight.
Meteorologist, IT. H. Weather Hu
sparr; secretary, J
treasurer, I in I .Mc.N'ali
The Ashland club makes the
Mud In the Uolary district No. L.
The hcndllucr on Hunt's Craler-
iftn Vaudeville 1111 tonight Is "Fol
lies Past and 1' resent." II em
ploys the talenls of six people In
comparing the style of entertain
ment of tlie period of (he Cay
Nineties witll that of today. A
master of ei-relllonies Is used to in
troduce the individual artists.
Jerry Ityan is Ihe person selecled
for this Important task, and he
makes tho most of every Introduc
tion In addition lo which he oriers
a few select stories and vocal num
bers. Those whom he will present
are Harry Cornish, Ihe skaling
vlollnlst; Liieinda and ltlcunlo,
Spanish dancors: ltalph Fetors,
banjolst and eccentric dancer and
I.cwellyn Sikes, pianist.
1 1 IT Call a nhvsician. Thpn hatrln !
I "emergency" troulmoiit with I
COQl'ILI.E. Old Melhoillst
church being razed lo build mod
ern si filet lire.
l X CotTI r..nn, ; IT 4. !1-
J Opens Air Passages Right Up. $
Instnnt riMicf no wnltinp. Your
cloKKt'il nnstrilH open Hunt up; the
air pHSMii fit'H of j-our lu-iul dear and
you ran brent h freely. No more
i hawkinir, snufflliiB. blowing, heart
; aehe. rtryness. No strui;llnK for
j breath al nijiht; your rohl or ca
tarrh (linai)pearn.
J (iet a small ttottlo of Kly's Cream
lialm from your driiKKlst now. .'m-
ply a little of UilK fragrant, nmi
septir, h'iiliuk' eream in your non
trlls. It penetratr.H through pvory
air paaKe of ihe head, HoOtlleH
the inflamed or Mwollen niucout
iru'inbrane and relk-f rumen in
Miintiy. It's just fine. Don't stay ntuffed
up with h -old ni- irtfty ratarrh.
IleKinnins next "Sunday
1, the Baptist, Christian,
odist and Presbyterian ihu relies
will hold pre-IOaster services, ti
which they invito the interest of
the publie.
On Sunday the churches will
have their regular ner vices, bu;
the ministers will use the same
themes. All have agreed to use
tho messages from tlie tins as
spoken by Christ which will make
t hemes for tho two services on
Sunday the five days of the week,
Tho program is as follows. Kve
ning services will begin at H
o'clock from April 1, next Sunday:
Sunday morning text
Forgive. Them, for Th
Not What They Do." It is a
word of charity. Tho theme will
be 'The Divine Art of Forgive-
ASRLAXD, Mar. 28. Tim Smith.
I em Oregon Xormul school opened
lis doors on Monday mornliiK for
rek-hilration for the sprlni; term and
Die day was most eucouriiKln., as
at tho close It was evident that
the enrollment .,,(11 1 i.....
I - niii eAcoeo lasi
Uvear's spring enrollment iy l!.r) per
cent Increase. It is practically cor-r-ntner
tu ,ut th eni-0jmcMIt wm e!i.
Know I., .,,i .,- Ti, ,.., i,
' ,.,,'1,1,1,111 i i,i iin;
new term will drop slightly under
that of the pust term as several
graduates are leaving at this time,
and a few are leaving to lake up
The faculty at the normal re
mains the same, wllh Ihe exception
of Loren Messenger, who takes the
place of V. W. Wells, who will
spend the spring and summer terms
doln.; gradiiute work at the I'ni
versity of Washington.
Hunday nlfht, S o'clock "To
day Shalt Thou He With Me ill
Paradise." It Is a word of mercy.
Theme, "Grace Without Limit."
.Monday evening. s o'clock,
text "Woman. Heboid Thy Son
and Son Heboid Thy Mother." 11
is the constraint of mother love.
Itcv. T. If. Temple ot the Meth
odist Church N'orth will bring the WASHINGTON', March 28. (A't
message. The house Irrigation committee
Tuesday night "My Cod, My '"day nccepled an amendment to
Cod, Why Hast Thou I'orsnken ,no Hlnnott bill to provide for
Me?" t Is a word of agony. 1 eitulpplng tho proposed Irrigation
Theme, "The Pure Sacrifice."! Power dam at Umatilla ltnplds
itcv. K. 1'. Lawrence will be thelw"b a fish ladder to enable pn
speaker. 'sage of salmon and other fish
.Wednesday night text "I up and down the Columbia river.
Tlltl-ul " n'l.nn... '"M.- I?.. ..I ,.f 1
A cx-i Htm
Per 21 Million JarM lMiJ Yarlj
eiKiosinj' lvislcr Slides lit
liii'iy Kinistyiiii; hccaiisi
sliiiuiii"; is in perfect
fashions nf neccptcd siimrlness. Tho
lili'l'lncss 01 tins shun is liliniii'tant
riio lUinlery is i)nrlicti-
evcry stylo in this varied
iicconl with tho (jiirmi-nt
in a season
when the ensemble- I heme
it iloc.-, this season.
dominates the mode, ns
The Jar dine
dainty pattern iniido wilh hand-turned soiii.
t ' ' ' J
Black Patent $10.00
Champagne Kid $11.00
The Bootery
.v , , Beautiful Shoeu for Women
i ' .. i
"Legion Dance Saturday Night"
Clean Third-Cutting
Fine for Your Rabbits or Cow
Monarch Seed & Peed Co.
Sympathy." K-v. T. . Tf-mt'l'
wilt lie the nuonkr,
ThurptWiy n I k h t tfxt 'It Th j
Kinifhp.I.' Thftii'. "The Kinislipdi
Life." Hew fnrmcn K. .Moll will
prt'ah t ho yt'i'miin. .
Fridny nlcht txt "Jnfr Thy
Tlanclx I rontmrnd My Hpirit."
It i a word of sweet rcpof.
Thrmo. 'StlllnpfH After thn
Storm." Uov. W. H. Katon will
HpCHk on the tluMiic.
All the wpp It niKht PrvippFt will
be h'M In thp Chrifi Ian r-hurrh
with lipv. Cnrmon M. Meil In
rhargp of thp munlf.
Sporlal miiflr will hf fnrnlhpil
for rat h evening hy the different
ArliBlfl aay tlierr's not a prettier
pro fiio in Manliattun, hut ordinary
jwoplp oompiiriuTit Iht morp often on
nor wonderful muH of soft, ulriuiiinjf
brown hair. She's Adrii Adams, lovclv
New York City girl who liven ut Lib
Kant fi7th Street.
"1 was certainly unrprinPil," nays
Miss Adams, "to Be how entry il in to
keep my hair soft, Hhining mul ensily
munaeuhlo hy tlie lieu rnr-lhod o
many of my girl friend nre tisin.
J don't have to nlminpoo mine more
than once a month now, J)nnderim
ket;pH it so elenn. It makes my Beulp
feel junt wonderful and J never have
a sign of dandruff any more. And
Danderino is so simple to ue. Qil
you do is put a little on your brush
each time you fix your hair."
Danderine qutekly removes flint
i. mi Dim w uiiiq i(8 natlrn, (;
k'ill tnnflrrni'n nm! v- t. . '
ixtiti nair in pi nee without showjnji.
It tttops danilrnir. It i-n't Htieky ot
oily. All drug store have tho gener
ous lKlttl"-
j company will rnodornlzp nnd ex
tend fruit iiarklnir plant.
nuirvi v
uaner f nine Lnrer ran
PllfBljr VeftlMW Lautnrt
move the howf It fret from
effecti. Th7 relieve ihe iviirui ofcontipa
tlon polton which many timet caue u sour
and at id coodilion in the ivilrm. Ketnrmher
they ' doctoi'e pretcripilon ami can be
given with ftbiolul confidence to nybody.
All Uruiu 29c and 75c Red Paikreei.
f7 m
:-T- - , ' - ' lL?
are being offered this week. Exceptional
values at prices to clean up stock
Bird Cages
Hniss 0 it o s Avith
seed minnls. : 4.7") to
,t,r rr- ,
T''-; A nines at,
S3.00 net
Ironing Boards
Sfifety Fiildin' Ironiiif,' Board. Ab
solutely rigid when open. Asbestos
lined iron stand. .HHVreHlnr. Now
S3.22 net 1
Sec this double deck
Miule of Jieav y Avire,
properly tenipeyed. Oet
them now at
$13.50 el
lias arrived at our store. It is Lowe liros. Quiek Hrvinf? Enamel in
all popular shades. I his is not a lacquer, biit'is'a new process
cnainel. It applies like' bMmo), looks like enamel, smells like enamel.
It dries siilliciently Cor a second coat in four hours
? " -..
Boyco Ail-Steel
Trash Burner
M:ile of lioiivy
slccl ' perforated.
Will Hive yenrs of
nervii'p. Are Imvn
il, in L' sizi'H ot
$4.25 & $6.7
Garbage Cans
Hi'iivy iron with
deep eorniuatioiiH.
Conform to ciiy
rej?iiiitions; thrco
$2,25,53.00 -;
. , .' : '. nil,
O For Correct Time Call 35-J
Medford Furniture & . Hardware Co.
A Reliable Place to Trade
Corner Sixth and Bartlett . , Phori 35-J
n i.i;rin:H yakd