Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 28, 1928, Page 1, Image 1

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    Medford- Mail Trie
Weather Year Ago
MnstMtfitf S3
.Minimum 4 'j
Dib Twentj-thlrtl Ver
Weekly KiftvHtixth Vr
No. 6.
The Weather
mfiihm Vlr; trout loulgbt.
Maximum jrenlertlay S3
Minimum today 3-1
I'rwIpiUMlou 01
More Fireworks
And Some Idle Men
Real Life Is No Gamble
Roses for Diamond Joe
By Arthur Brisbane
(Copyright, 1927, by New York
Evening Journal, Inc.
Moro fireworks in Wall
Street, lieueriil Motors climb
ed to 199. Nothing (iiiyor than
fireworks. Hut be. sure the
rocket stick doesn't hit you on
the way down.
A stock cxclumiie sent sold
for $375,0(10 $25,000 more
than Saturdal's price. Ex
change seatn will go to half a
million, and then the 1100
seats on the stock exehanjic
will be worth $500,000,000.
When Russell Huge and Jay
Gould were uctive you could
have bought them all for $55,
000. Everything goes up.
That's one side of the pic
ture. The other side is sup
plied by Mr. Davis, secretary
of labor, who tells the senate
that "unemployment is seri
ous." Stocks increasing in value
more than a thousand million
in a clay and 7,847,050 men out
of work does not make a pretty
When IJurke wept over
"Poor Marie Antoinette," Fox
told him he saw the fine feath
ers but forgot the dying bird.
He ' could see the fancifully
dressed royal Austrian woman,
not the French peasants starv
ing to death.
- ' - ' ""
Chicago's chief of police,
smashing the gambling house
doors, says, '"There will always
be gambling. Everything in
life is a gamble." That is in
accurate. Ituilding of public
schools, radio sets, automobiles
or telephones, is not a gamble.
Ileal work uml honesty are not
gambliii. Gambling is a vi
cious substitute for such things.
They buried "liamond Joe"
Ksposilo, his own followers hav
ing shot 5S slugs into his hack.
Two airplanes flying low drop
ped 10,0(10 roses along the fun
eral road from the Holy Fam
ily church to Mount Carmel
Very pretty, lint if what the
Bible says and what Joe Kspo
sito'ssays is true, Joe, as he
looked up at the falling roses,
must have laughed.
Without lifeboats, emergency
rations or radio, three Germans,
Captain Herman Kochl, ltaron
Von Hueiiefeld and Arthur
Spindlcr started a flight
westward over the Atlantic to
America. ' Stopping in Dubjin
for fuel, they expect to get
here some time. Everybody's
good wishes go with these cour
ageous men, gladly risking
their lives in the cause of pro
gress. The Italian steamship line is
first to install and use the
"auxiliary air taxi." The Contc
Grande, on her way to Europe,
will shoot an airplane from her
decks at Gibraltar and send
you wherever you wnnt to go
in Europe.
"Do it now," is Mussolini's
Yale seniors place Lindbergh far
above Mussolini, because the young
gentlemen understand what Lind
bergh has done. Few of them know
what Musslonini has done.
You can't compare magnificent
flying eagle with a man fighting
the menace of anarchy, which is
Mussolini's job. or with such a man
as old Baron von Stein refusing to
be discouraged by the power of Na
poleon. The Infant death rate Is down In
Pennsylvania and New York, and
(Continued on Pais Four,
By flood:
'AH Abie-Bodied Feather
j River Residents Battle to
Prevent Levee From
i Breaking H o m e s De-
serted Phone Operator
! Stays at Post 48 Hours.
. I
Mar. ia.
.115. 1. 1(1 n..ln..b llitn n.nVnI..IT 111-
, , .v ... ..... ... ,
threatened reather river levee at .
Mc.holaus was still holding, hum-
neers had predicted two hours
earlier Hint it would be washed out
hy that time.
All able-bodied men and some
women were at work strengthen
ing the levee. Residents of Nlco
laus, Verona, East Nieolaus and
Pleasant drove we.o leaving their
homes and camping on the high
Mrs. L,. M. Webb, telephone op
erator at Nlcolaua. haB beeu at her
post for nearly 48 hours without
SACRAMKNTO, Cal., Mar. 28. I
(A) The east levee of the Feather I
river at Mcolaus, Sutter county,
early this morning is endangered
as the swollen streams continue to
eat Into the embankment. At one
point about one mile south of the
town only lti feet of the 70-foot
levee remains.
Hundreds of men are working
rantlcaily to prevent the wall from
g'.vln in and at 1:30 o'clock this
morning the Sacramento Union was
ndvised by residents of the town
that the situation uppeared favor-
uhle. J
A span of the north approach to !
the bridge at Nieolaus was swept I
away by the torrents, halting all j
traffic between Sacramento and i
Yuba City over the Garden hlh-i
Nieolaus Is a small farming com-
munity of not more than 200 popu
lation but Is surrounded by rich
farming lands. It the main levee dam, although numerous small
breaks, persons acquainted with i leaks had been noticed In the west
tho Nieolaus district, which is lo-thank of the structure. All, how
cated about 25 miles from Sacra-. ever, seeping only clear water:
memo, says that the water would
cover a large area, possibly reach-
it-.-r tn tha Vtili.n.iia .tlatt-4r nnrlh.
west of Sacramento. The w-ater I
would not threaten Sacramento.
Sufferer From Strange Mai-
arfv Hurler ClirnonnQ Rfi
Times In
OUT T Balo
Prays For Lif e-
Never Wavered.
lions. Aianieda Cahill, Baptist Me
morial hospitaTH "most cheerful
patient," lay on her deathbed to
day, still hoping and praying to
After she was stricken with up-
pendtcitis and underwent her first
operation, she fell victim to a j to ANCtKLKS. N, M Mar. 2S
strange malady and operation i Having Vucces'sfully fought a
after operation failed to give moroldew.rl mnd htjrm, runners in tho
than temporary relief. The disease cross-country marathon moved
never was diagnosed fully. ! across the Ulo Grande today to-
talned her cheerfulness which has
become a tradition about the hos
Unable tn sit up. she has ."pent !
her time largely in reading.
; HA1.KM. Ore.. M ir. !. lP) The
, first presidential candidate to file
: with the secretary of state us
OMDirant for the choice of OroiMin
voters in the Mrty primary election j
lis Senator Jam" -. Heed of Mls-
sourl, whose application has lien i
received hy Secretary Kozer. tllsi
.request that his name he placed;
'on the democratic primary ballot
was In correct form, Kozer said.
Oniron Weather.
1 Fair tonliflit. froi.ts west: freejt
ns temperature ea.-t portion,
Thursday fair except rain In north
enl.v 'lr I .u.
west portion: fresh west, backing
io soum winus. I
Movie Capital Fears Repeti
tion of St. Francis Dis
aster and Asks Inspection
Witness at Inquest1
Blames Drowned Care
taker. LOS A.NOEl.KS, .Mar. 28. MP)
Clare Woolwlne, assemblyman of
the 6:ird district here, has request-
ed Governor C. C. Young to order
, j, . , .... m
hq immeuiuie investigation 01 me
Munonn(l (inm nbove Hollywood. I
e asligi behal( of bis constu. ;
ieucy, to have tho state engineering l
j commission, recently appointed by i
me governor lor me investigation ,
of the Hollywood dam, report their
findings aa to the construction.
In lino with Assemblyman Wool-1
wine's request, It became known j Lirtic UIU uinu ii;v Milium:
office, the city and the bureau of
water and power commissioners In
vestigations lire under way follow
ing wholesale requests by citizens
living below the arch for the In
spection of the dam whose plana
and specifications were used In the
San Franclsqtilto canyon structure
which tailed.
A series of charges of blasting pow
der, 625 pounds In all, were set
of in road construction below the
west wing of the St. Francis arch
dam four days before tho great
structure collapsed the n'.ght of 1
March 12-13. j
This testimony was given today j
at the coroner's Inquest over dam j
victims by J. H. Botiey, engineer in
charge of maintenance of the dam. s
llouey said that Tony Harn- j
schefeger, caretaker of the dam, I
who was drowned when it gave I
way, had set off the charges dur-1
ing the building of a new road lead-
in down behind the western dyke
wall. The blasts were set about i attorney, went to the home of the
300 feet from the Iftwev'stde of the Matter's brother. Dr. Scott Uieck
tlam. jiniidge, whore it was said they
Uouey declared the charges had !
not sprung any new leaks In the
confounds FOESg
j America. Xone of the reports
8ALKM, Ore.. Mur. 28. (rfP) has brm confirmed. All of them
Supporters of Itov. Holiert I.. I'aynejuroso from a brief conference the
at a meeting of the First Ilaptist
rnnt?rPiriit inn l:n;t iittrht tint onlv
! titift'fftinfl in tiiniirtir nut nt nfflce
iall deacons who were opposed to i Lmilbevsh ?rnt hi first ds !
i Payne, but elected a Payne fdnte ! in retirement yesterday by taking ;
. as well and retained Payne an mip-fsome more members of coiiRi-ess.
j ply pastor for a year, or until June f dfpfomats and W h I t c Ifouse
. 1, 1123. Ills present contract ex-jgwests, for aerial taxi rides.
I tends only to June I, this year. I
Payne came here several months WASHINGTON. .March 28. (VP) j
, apo from Warrensburs. Mo., and' Colonel Charles A. UndberKh I
- slnce that tl,ne the chtirrn hnmttovk off from iio??in(? field today
. Iocn ln a turmoil because of varl- for New York CUy. lie was
' ous charges made aKainst him.
I Objection was made last nlKht
I Uliit i lu iilniftinn nu nffttnlu nnuinr
for a year was Illegal because It
I itttieu ol a two-tntrus vote. but
1 I'ayne, who was presiding, over
J ruied this on the grounds that his
i election was as suppJy pastor only.
ward thfir twenty-fifth control at
Seven Springs, a distance of 3
miles. Peter fiavuzzi. Southamp
ton, Kngbind, who led the van thru
t1c 49
mile battle with the Hand
storm yesterday from Old Lug una
Pueblo, was ex period to set a grll
.g piee today in which Albu
querque was to be skirted. Ca
vuzzi's elapsed time for the (Ci5
miles covered from Los Angeles to
l,os iiURHM was 34T:02:4H
Allen furrier, flran fass. stood
Hth .Monday nlRht for SOU miles
lapxed time 1K4:36 flat.
.AflfA. Nlritracua, Mar. 28.
-A romblne patrol ol' ma-
rines and Mcarasuan natlna!
tuards. under command of l.ieu-1
lenant Mci,naiii. enaanen in a skir-.ionK
mi,, wth Sandlno re!. near Tel. i
- . ..
jwneca. Kiuinn one. i nere were 1
about 23 rebels In the sroup. There i
were no casualties.
i - ' -
it tf f s r x - f . v
fell ?v M1" -Ivc 'iM
, Salts m miiimimmmmmmmmmmmilst rM urn ml 7m, lAiftW Wilitafl
sponsibility for St. Francis dam disaster. California, of William Mul-1
holland, 72, builder of the dam, telling Coroner Frank Nance (on tho .
bench) and jury of construction details and of precautionary meaa-j
urea taken. Mutholland, broken from the shock of the tragedy, is
chief of the Los Angeles bureau of water and power. :
Would Be a Good Will Jaunt.
-Also Reported Lone,
Eagle Maps Latin Amer-j
ica Air Service F I i e sj
With Lawyer to Gotham.
LEXINGTON. Ky., Mar. 8. (Hj
Colonel Charles A. Undbergh
landed here at 2:30 p. m.
Lindbergh, who was accompa
nied by Henry Hreckhini.;o. his
"ottin spend the night. He refused
iu tarn 10 reporters.
WASHIXUTO.Y. .March 28. (V)
i The state department has some
ItltUig u Us Hleeve in conneeUon
I with Colonel Charles A. Idnd-
' Itirir'ti ftttMI-n iihinu find l.nnnnun
of Its reticence, a lot at specula-
rtitm is Kolnif the roumln. Inrlmllnir :
In report that the truns-Atlantic
! flier is to be sent on a "good will"
trip around the world.
nother rumor Is that Mnd-
gh Is concerned with hipi1iik
definite program for air-
:ane service to Central and South!
aviator had yesterday at the state
' dennrt motit h A i-l ii'ti Mi.r-i-i.l i-t.- I
', (ld. i
rompnnled by his attorney, lleury i
Breckinridge. Captain Kmory '
' f nnl n u ,., ,. . ..I. f.. j- 4 1... I,.. '
rean of neronnuties of the mtvy, !
. and Mnlor Thomas (i. Ijumhler. '
commnndant of selfridgo Field.
! Michigan. !
After an hour of consideration the
senate today, passed the $325,000,
OftO im-asure tor control of the Mis
sissippi river floods.
The speed of the action fairly
took the breath of the senate,
which has been working on fhe gi
gantic proposal for weeks in com
mittee. The hour's discussion brought
two minor amendments.
Senator Hohifmn of Arkansas.
"le "omocraue leader, proposed the
sudden vole. The small member- lailowed to stand, pendlnir nn up-this dlvislun are In fair ihape.
ship on the floor seemed startled ' peal. fuceptlnit an eluht-mlle strip on
by the way the miBKestlon took. i Judre Artie Wntker. who, ,,,t rreinin Trull near Meoch
Senators McKellar, Tennessee, i from McMinnviU- to hear th"!m between IvulUim nnrf
and Kansdell, Ixiuisiana, democrats, s
I sprane forward with amendments, i
j Hurried conferences were held
with Chairman Jones of the
iference committee, who had held
'the floor durln'5 most of the brief
liobinson Joined In the parleying
In the center of the floor. Within
two minutes the clerk was calllni! j
the roll on final passaite of (he i
senator Uoidnam laid aside a
nrenarcd a.Wesa he had ei-
St. Helens Kit,
idling permits (ur
... I
Union Air Line Incorporated
at Million to Take 0veLKh,TUuTn";n,o"
rreseru uompany uruer
Five New Planes Eakm
Continues as President.
roitThAXD. Ore., Mur.
Vet Ion Air Hue, a ?,00&,froft cor
iratiofi, iirtJHc." ttr vbirh were
filed Monday In Kalvm. U designed
to lake over the West Coast Air
Transport company and extend its
nirtdane pffsnser and express ser-
vUv- ty .ChlesK wny jobJ
Angeles, niiyn the Teb-Kram today,
Tho In.ornoratrM f the new f
concern are t'harb's V. Kakfn, pres
ident of I be West Toast rrmSiRj"
L. S)evaneyi Uh chief pilot, and
Sit die j
The West (oust already is op-
i erattnir two ):.u-h ID-pin cabin
muntipianes iieiween ieiusie ana
I Francisco, with Portland as
head.iuarters. Kour mure of like
; Mw " carry pnssen-
"""' n "".
, nav0 ordered rrom the Uach
j company.
: The
1 "nc " ' nicngo is expect
to follow thp fentntl route of the
1 Pickwick titue. pystom with which
t the West Const company is con-
1 nn',ltI "nanemii.
POr;TrAN-D. tire., Mar. 2S. (7P(
Owinw lo it mrt ninths over high
way finances, the hl4hway com
misslnn late yesterday informed the
fEoosevdt Highway association that
it roufd not fssue $d,(wt).00Q or $4
fiftft. 000 bonds ttl ibis time for rom-; m k in "ftVllgUt as 1 ltn't want
pletion of the eoast hlgliwuy. The!, Hllui' t flluM 'y n forced
commission said Its policy now was ! """Hnir n the 1'iiited Htates,"
t" retire bonds rathe
than to Issue
Contracts awarded were;
Cons county-1 III verton -Coo uillc-
f fof f man bridge section of Iloose-
nce mafe-
at Heho-
1 H.220. county .S'prinvfield hrblue,
Undstrom KJpjrensen,
Mrs. t.uelUe 11, (ivuy awarded
oncession on Kmfgrunt park.
March 2S,
tft't f'hirence
nizell. Insurance t
innn. was sentenced
to five yenrs,
in prison raday on Ills conv
on vice charges Involving- n
jer-im noy. mill or jr.iiun was
case, criticized women who hail
attended the trial
wiyimr tney
'morbid curl-
had come through
i The Juditc also bitterly crltu ' I'.ltKNNMK H I' It I NUSi, Kan,
it he 13-yenr-old complaining wit AM inh 2"j-(l'i Two men were
ne-s. Jlilll.d iinlno Injured, three dan-
; Is-ernmlr, when a Frock Island
I NI'.WAItK. X. V .Mar. 2H. 'fl'n fi-..Bi,l tti rrah-rt Into the
r " " " nt ren, ins w ire. i
r.imn. aim riu ir i.r yenr-oni win.
Mi-miin. r rmlnn (lenil tn ei.cle I, Th- .....
! beds
today Oh-n tin men entered
,.. warren nome rure ar-r -,K. Mxw.f Smith
tincuMilnit a fin w;Jh burned out iM(t t t, k .
fa. portion of the Inreifnr of thei 4
ihoupe. The boy had a bullet Wfjynd
near Ihe heart
German Efficiency Marks
Preparations, While Irish
Reporters Are Mettled by I
Secrecy U n f avorablcj
Weather May Delay Hop-!
off, Now Set for Dawn'
r..U,OXNBL AlltU 11 O M E.
Dl ltl.lX, Mur. tA'iRefuslug
lu risk u start uulll weather cuu
tUliiitiH ut-e favuruMo. the crew nf
he German monoplane llrenien to
day scanned tho weather charts
rarertmr m jjreiNtratrtm ineir
projected flight across Uu Attuuttc.
"Tho llrenien will not fly before
dawn tomorrow at tho earliest,"
Huron Von Huertfclrt, intrepid lead
er of th hftxm'dous e-xjiiHtkm, tu
rned the Associated t'resa.
laldonnel airdrome was bathed
sunshine with only a few white
loud in the sky this KfterR!OB.
but wotttbev repovta from London
anil the t'nlted .States, upon which
Mil' ueimi ime w ill uu uiihi-u, nviv
i unfit vom hie.
I has a restitution as being a niOHt
- raret - ur m tuM-many
Mrrhanle Handler and two Junk-
it muminK over
muilmK the Itremen. A lilt;h bart
i el wire fence mii-ruundetl tli whip
la Insure frrivnrj". I
1 Ui von V m I iu nCe W dt'elavea
that lu ts bu nei'Htlt itms about talk-j
In: of Die flight before ho makotil
it, nntt hiiys thai he believes ft muyi
hlH iu-iivUui!t aUeinu-t last yoac
when tht Itremen htul to turn buck I
when ft encountered KiiTen off thej
lrih rfmst. A Irish Mitr mnj't
ireK. out. . luwoyvv, Ut'a tlvc,
barun yields (o tho persltitent tie-1
nuindH tf Iilnh JoiirnaliHtH to toll;
them of his plans, nod protests;
have been made ti the Kl-es Hlale
iiovernment officlnls. lo President
CosKrove and to the mliitatcr off
defense regarding the attitlldo ofi
secrecy nwintalned ly the tSerman
l tittS. Kree mate. Mar.
1 CH-"KlSht flying to me la like
. an ordinary walk l to a pedes
trtiin," Captain Herman Kochl, pl
; lot of the plane lti emeu, said In
j iin Jnlervew with the AirJated
I Press correspondent here Unlay.
I "And while the possibility of ac
cident cannot bo Snored," he nald,
"the same is true of art Atlantic
liner," '
"The experience of former At-
llantie fliers has tttiiKhl us that one
fof the most serious oftsfncTes Is
Ube weighting down of the m-
lotiinn l.v .'..Mwwln.r r.n tl.i,
I am trying to guard against that I
by oiling the wings of the Jiremenf
with psrwffn. '
'Moreoverf if the thermometer.'
show that wo are flying Into f reez-1
Ing weather, wn will change our I
course and go further south. As
I have plenty of petrol, dst an
liciliate an hour or so one way or
the other will make much differ
ence. "I am rmxioim to nrrire tn Xew
Captain Koehf said he would pi
lot aiyl navigate the mnehlne monl
" I""IIU7, UUl HUH Hi: Willi KV
hove Arthur Hpindler In tho cock
pit with hfm. Hpindler, who flew
under tritptjtln Koehl In the war,
Ik also a track pilot.
OKAXtJB, Ore., Murch S.
itprliifp mn&w storm
aude early thin
I niurninir nra ny uiiyi.rPiiK more
jthun two inches covered the
rruunil. Hrmw wit it rnntlnnlnr at
u. ro.. hut was melslnu a, ru-
,ly ns It fell. Oncaslnnnl unows
ctIonnnd ruin In t'nlon and Wallowa
I 1; eotmties Hrn tiHInnerfntf o n r I v
tiirm work. st!c hiirhwuv. In
'(;,.HU,i,. a
rhm nt
workmen are Improving this
r,.nP ( a ,,.k
Ut-K iHlttml stuck train
,.1 i,rinir
fharl., tj,,. uil-r. h. and ff.
'enter, K;is.,
1 ftult pack.
Grants Pass v
Noted As Bb y,
HuPt inaAuto Crash
l.tS ANCKl.KS. fill.. Mur.
Ss.iA') Thelniu I'arr. motion
pictwre bathing omimy and
declared by l-'ltm Haakon ro '
I lli-h, noted sculptor, us u per- I
feet type of Auu'rfcini licauly,
ls cut il!tmt the fnee. tteck !J
aisd uuu last BisUt wUe the 1
4 car hi whUii she was riding 4 i
collided with it not her. t f
SIIks Parr, who has been
(ektuvnl tn bsttblne bfauiy ;
roles for the past three years,
I is it tiutive of lirunts 1'ass, 4
Screams Over Upset Phone
Bring Police to Exclusive
Home Names Assailant
As "Ray" Friends Re
tard Investigation Hat
less Man Flees.
I'Oim-VND, Ore, Mat. 2S. ()
Crlca uf a, woman, overheard. Uy
a tulepliuuo operutur thtouBh a line
from nn upset phone, caused police
last nlKht to hasten to the home
of Robert J. ICirkwood, In an exclu
sive residence district.
Two petruliuea said they saw a
hatless man. with coat on his arm,
rush from the house as they ap
proached, lie (lls,iM.eiiiel Irr the
darkness and no trace was found
of him.
Mrs. Opat B. Kirk wood, wife of
Klrkwomi, was found cm the front
room fUitH' in a dellvtous condition
ami was taken to a hospital. OKI.
cera (iiiolod hor us exclaiinlm;:
"t!et uwny from me, Ray. ff Hob
were here you wouldn't do that. Ob,
why did you give mo that stuff?
I hate you."
Later she fold detectives that
she had retired about 8 p. m. and
was awukoned hy noise of some
one entcrliiK the house and she
found herself clasped In a pair of
powerful arms. She ttl she atniir
tlod hut failed to rccogalie Uer
Patrolmnn (lavetit, one of tho of
ficers who went to the bemse, said
he helleved the woman had ueen
drtiKKcd. No ovltlence of liquor was
found In the liouso.
Xurlher InrenllKathm was retard
ed Usduy when detective veye re
fused atlmisHlnn to thu hospital
room Mrs. Klrkwooil occupied. Hho
was mM Ur ho hysterical and sttf
(erins roro hrwlsts sml shrli. Sev
eral friends, Including three men
and two women, were admitted to
tho room white detectives were
kept out.
Klrkwood Ik a prominent Pott-
liuitl sportsman mid termor mem
ber of tho stnto leKlBliituro. Mrs.
Klrkwood Is a member of several
wuiucn'a clulw. KlckwaoU wait au
ut nt from the clly on buslnuss.
tiohert Klrkwood, the hiishnnd,
who wits reported as out of town
IiihI nlstht when police, attempted
lo locato him, was found nt his
Kirkwrmtl, after vfsttfnfe- Jfrs.
Klrkwood at the hospital, told ln
siioctora Si-hulplus and Maloney
that he and his wire had "talked
things over yesterday," ami that he
had hft the hnmp. Klrkwood
stayed with friends lu Portland.
KOHKHlMKi. Ore.. Mar- 28. UVt
I ml (rations la to this afternoon
pointed to a record vote in the city
letlMrt helnj? held btjn Ut&ay fr
the purpuHC of voting un the mut
ter of Issuing bonds In the sum of
$i,0ffff for the purchase and im
provmm f nn oirrmrr, Heptrrts
from the vavUmft poim place
were that voting Is very brisk and
ft Is expected that tho number of
Ynttm wffl be larger than nt any
recent city pb-oiUm, Th lr)wrt
project was submitted to tho city
by Ciiipqua post of the American
1rgitm, fhe vetirans having
secure! ujHlonn on a rr f )M
acres located about one mile ftcm
the city llmlis and adjoining the
K'iUfhern raciflc railroad.
h fir Id in ! ftlmui three
hundred varda trim thu PuclCle
highMiy. O I
PAHAUKNA, CaHf., Mwreh 28,
(A't Henora Manuel Quezon, wifa I
of the iireKfdcnt of the l'hllliiine f
senate, fn serious ty lit nt her
trmi&tmry hom in Mfmrovfa and
will mt rvssUfd eif here spe
dcallsts will be consulted. It wns
Intrnrd today nt the l'otlenger
sanirarfum In Monrovia, where
Senn-m Qnxfn hss been s patient
since last December,
cnrru r h 1 r o n n
rW ty V II 1 b d 9 U
Guarded A s Campaign
Foes Contribute to Record
Reward For Capture
Probes Threatened, but
No Clues Each Side
Blames Other,
CmVAGQ. Mar. Ff ifomes
ul i&rty Chleageaitff were under
suarsl tmiay and1 a rewarvl
was ma the heads the ve."ssfc
who bombed the homes of United
states Senator Deneen and Circuit
Jodee John A. Swanson M'ondar
j ftlgUU Thft rewards smld t& be th
largest ever offered in a Chicago
criminal case, was offered for ar-
rem and conviction of tho bom-
State's Attorney It a U e r t I-U
Crowe, who is Judge Swanson's
opponent for the republican noml
nlion as stale' a nUornej' t the
Apvll 1ft nvlnvarless started the re
ward jackpot with the largest
single offer $10,000. Police Coni
m'lmi&ft&r II tf g hen posted $5 Ml
fi'om hl eonttegesi tunil nd
.Mayor Thompson followed with a
personal offer of $5000.
The nine othcrw who said) they
would jva $5.00 aft rtthf-r- ofHe
hotders or lenders of the Thompson-Crowe
wing of the republican
party which has a complete state,
etmny and city ilek&i the field
against the Deneen group.
City, county, state and possibly
national Inquiry into tho. double.
feamWngs have been strnffly hint
ed hut thus, far the police aad
states attorney's office have been
tho only active agents seeking the
The result of the police lavetl
gat ion wus summarized last night
by Commissioner Hughes' .terso
The iSeneeiv-Hwanssa fesmbligi?
tike tho four previous "political
I bombings" since January 2tf, havo
teft tho nuthrtrtitcif vl'rtaaliy wi(h
6ut clue. The movor cavs 3c-t2
by tho bombers were seen In both
instances by persons passing by.
htrt their stories hare proven of
but Httle value lo Iwveartlgators.
Since October 1 U last, thero
have been 62 bombings in Chicago.
A complete fist was made public
last Ight by As:.atiI Stale's At
torney Walter Walker lu charge
of bomb Investigation.
jVo con vfel Ions havo resulted,
and few arrests. Various causerr
have been usslgned Uvcludlng poli
tics, labor troubles and personal
The S?nrt bomb wan exploded1
UiHt night In frtist st th be?r
pump and supply store of Kmll
Heller on South Hnlstead street. He
snrtotftrd1 It to his refusal1 to per
mit a political faetton which he tfW
not name, to place posters In his
windows. The dnmngo was slight.
Bach side Insists the other Is re
spwHslble for th -mlay pxp$&
slons. Both Mayor Thompson aud
State's Attorney Crowe in state
ments said IJeneen forces were
ihrw)? bomlm tho.rtelvrs Irr
nn effort to create sentiment fa
vorable to IJeneen candidates.
CUlCAao. Mar. W'V Titus
Haffa, Chicago alderman, and nine
others. Including a former member
of the Unroln parfc board, wore
Indicted by the fetleml grand Jur?
toilay on charges of conspiracy ta
violate tho prohibition laws - ln
what the government charges was
a $&,fttoMftft aleh4 Hnir whlwh -has
been flooding Clileaga and the
middle west with illicit liquor.
Among those Indicted with
H&tin $n Albert ,F. Baser, former
LAnealn park commissioner, who
federal men Indicated, has con
fessed. The ender-eover men, federaf
operatives nald, net only dsalt wish
Haffa and his lieutenants, hut tap
ped telephone wires of members
of the ring and obfafned evidence
against poUvemes, poUUsianw ami
even prohibition agents who made
calls to Inquire about their "cut."
Htngie orders for alcohof, the
imrtsHr-over mra tmM, sometimes
run as high as $10,000 and often It
was shipped severul hundred miles
from Chicago.
Th gntx it) so dLicoYere thru ,
the tapped te le phone Ircs, tha
location of five stills operated by
the syndicate.
Others Indicted are Henry Fin .
kelsteln. part owner I ihe rc-M-ly
closed Kcndezvuus cnbaret; Kam
Simons, a former convict, known
r Hrffjt right hand man; Oirf V
fr'rleaiaiider, anthr llru.ensmr
Joe Wahl. a prohibition agent;
Kdwurd Hi, Joe Itagheria, Joo
SFormy ana ttcorge f-eisch. all
alleged ewg in th alrvhol m- t
Haffa provided bond, doclarlmt
no whs fhe. victim of a political t
pUrt Itrtesned ti wMp h$m into Mne
with the opposing taetlan.
"I never sold a drop of lluuor."
he said, "and f cannot underntund
hl etenme. M.r eneml&n hare been
threatenlttn to net m."
State Senator Herman J. Hae-
tContir)U0 b& &gs Eight)
two months reaclf,lt,0b0.