5rcnpoT?i3 mot; TKrnrsrR mtdfotid', otit.c, ox, Trnpyrisrrt y. wnscn 21. ies. PAGE PTYB 9 i n Til 4 i 4 I,-'.-' S ! 1 STUDENTS 10 GO In a fhori tnlk lirfore ih l-d font hU'li tuho.il HluiU-nt l.ririy attorney - nf Rofulurp. halt ' hetn yesterday nftirnoon. I'oui h I'mil npnolnied 10 usxlst Attorney J. X. SchisHlir nf th tnouon State Johnson of ('.rants Pass In the College told his listeners of the ; speeinl crnnd jury jjnvPstiKatloh value of a rollf-iso education and of the county iirnhiTfttlon funds. lli-Ked eaeh to take advantage of 1 which has heen In procress for eollene courses as provided hy the; over a week, according lo an an nate. He alo lauded the .leil-, nouncement made yesterday. Sen ..id Iti-l l.r.ll team. nraishiK illor Eddy has for years been i : or wi at vini.liip and aliility afi thv recjit state tour-' -.. Idol...- it.no nAmn.. J 'I All'.von' ecretarv i .1 I Paul J- Schicsler, bead football aJ .track coach; Oregon State college or Hie -oiiege alumni associa tion, and last Monday spoke at llosehurg and yesterday noon nt ('.rants Push. Today at noon he appeared before the Klamath Falls Chamber of Commerce and .-jWISjJtrAw ' ' i"BJ' :lt sp:lt"p. nppeared yester- f&K" 'r -VrH , ,lay nt'fore lne Ufnnd jury and Is 1 r-.$ "fi-!i'--y jsaid to have iven similar tesli-1 -'K yV !f f' i ' mony ot that Riven by 11. H. .i-t.'i? J 'f ''1, m I .... ...1. 1 5 f-Jti Syr tonight or tomorrow plans to!0st temperature, 117: highest this leave with Mr. Allworth for Los j month since 1 0 1 2, xti, Lowest tern- Angeles, Cnlfi. perature yesterday. 37; lowest this The two men spoke before the'njonth since 1512, 14. Mean tern- regular meeting of the Medford 1 perature yesterday. 52; departure O..S. C. Alumni club last night. I for the day. excess 5 degrees. telling their listeners of reeen'J Average daily excess for the month developments at the college. All-j 5 degrees. . worth stated that the new memo-1 Precipitation: Total r.iinfnll rial building at the rollege would j sinee 1st of month. .Mi inches; l!i - ..rnimhi.. 1,0 nninnieinu nevt KenJvear iiverace for Uio month, l.ls temher antl would he dedicated nt the annual home.oming next fiiP.ilKt, 3.f.7 inches. Kliimath FalU Imihlny: pprmltH frr Kithruury werp S-IT..U. . . 144 fikge, illustrated y Everything for tKouc:eruI .TK'rrn'Vl'i - itrcitvir priced off.r.. - SEND IYOURiJ 'The Horticultural Department Store' CoTHr 6UfAv,6-W5tUk-Settlt BEFORE East of Beak Creek Bridge at Main and Genessee Stt. Phone 108 HERE TO AID IN UR. JURY Pi Renianr n. I U;l4y. wcU known! identified with the Ko-e:tlli-d dry forces in the state In ltolh n leis- Dative and law enforcement ntmle. J iind he served wltli CMrrllit Jtldue M. Thomas in the senate some' jlime nt;o. I l.like S. .May, president nf the Northwestern School of t rinlinol .i...i.n u.l t,ot-,.i A rhn ; J two weeks hko. Mr. -May isj nationally known nnd was con-; nected with the solution of thei notorious ("ovell murder rase a; Marshfield and also the P.nineR murder ease at Seattle. When ask ori this forenoon when she happened to he out nf th ' I prrand jury room for a moment, , j Mrs. Katie Grieve, ury fore-! woman, declare dshe had no Idea when the Jury investigation would : I he completed. i witnesses wno appeareu j me jury mis uilvi noon n w , InffieP m-ite 'Pnifflc Sercennl t. ip. Talent V Ahlud and Walter Looker of the district attoi ey'rt 1 Office. f:. P. Hobei'tH and , J. L. 1 ! Andrews of this eily were among ' j those who appeared yesterdny The Weather Lowest 'temperature this morn- lug 4S. Precipitation for HI 'hours end jn-jf 5 a. m.. none. Yesterdav'H weather hore: High ' inches. Total rainfall since Jan. Total rainfall since September I 11: 4T, ineheH. Hiimiditv vesterdav. ii a. in.. per cent; 12 noon. ii:i per cei p. 111.. SO per cent. CharacU'r of day, cloudy. ,Sun sets, today at I : 4 " t- rises tomorrow (J:ll a. m., sets to morrow 6:26 p. m. Moon rises today at (1:34 a. m. in., fr srts at : a s p. ni. (Rises and sets computed level horizon). . 'Forecast for tonight and tumor row: Haiti tonight and Thursday, j continued mild. ; I- WAI.TRU dick. I Meteorologist. United States e.iiiier nuiriiu. Frank ( lark Named WAS1 IINfiTON, M a rc h L- I nominated a member of thojwhen he fell. After jumping the 1'nited States Tariff commission, j seventh fence, the 4Jimce trieUjUtion was ordered favorably re-jenion street. j succeeding Kdward P. Costignn ofjto dear a brook, but was tin-1 ported to the Ifouse today by thei Mrs. Delllla Stevens Meyir, coiin-'t Colorado, who resigned recently. YOU BUILD, Extra goocl quality kiln dried fir shiplap Dry cedar shiplap, 6 inch and 8 inch Rustic flooring and ceiling -- Sugar pine drain boards Washington plaster wall o a r d Cement, Plaster and Lime Cedar aifd Patent Shingles Sash and Goors Lucas Paints and Varnishes Vaudeville Headliner at Craterian Arthur Aloin tulit Co SODA SPRINGS ' SCHOOC CASE With the enso on trial today , M. 'Thomas ft More Tircuit Judge l settlement seems In sight for the Soda Springs school district yuar - rrj which hegan last September 'n. i w. i "n.i llnn against H. ii'oward and W. IX 1 , rhn ,v,.. m,.,.1.,.o from eomnletinir n olnvslieil whlf h Hopkins claims was planned for a hool house. Von witnesses Wel ti t the court house this forenoon for the plaintiff anil seven for tnV defense and tho ease will probably last two days, aeVordinK to present Indit'UiloiiH. ilopltins :h the first witness Ion the stflnd for the plaintiff in the school cnt ami claimed that ! he was disregarded In the general preparations for the construction ihe building and indicated that ! the election, which was held at the t m-hool house August I!). 1927. was not valid Inasnmch that only a I straw vote was taken. This vote I was taken after a measure to have lKh school established there ; failed hy 17 votes against and ten in favor. ! The district now has IJ enrolled istinlenlH and Aast year had 17. ac- j eording to one of the Soda Springs ri esnicntH. who said that practically I ," ''n"' population or tlie dis- 3Hlt was present at the court f, house. He was loathe to ulk in j fifteen minutes behind ihe actual 1 daughter, mihh 1 neinia. who re ! regard to the situation but said the market. j turned from the state university 'district was dlvhled against Itself -r1(. closing was strong. nail-'1" slM,ml ln'' sl"'t"g vacation with ! and declared that a settlement was ! m-nts whteh were niou- in I'eti'im- ! H'' I'iii','n1s. left Ashland on Tues- (iiimosi ntnne out 01 court nisi year. The play-shed, he siid, is only part- ! completed ami through all the j winter months, the framework of the building, has been subject o I the rigors of winter weather. It's An Old stmy niSLKY. Fngland, March 21 J The Prince of Wales fell ; ; today during- tho Oakley hunt , point-to-point races. le was not ! j nuT1' . j The prince was competing In (Pl;the brigade of Cuards inter - 1 seateii. . BE SURE TO SEE OUR LARGE STOCK WOODS heutllin 'is on tonlr.ltt s bill. VERY CREDITABLE SPECiAE EDITION LAND T Th Ashland Tidings of Monday eonsh.ted . of 1 4 pages of live-wire new i and jcliil occasion heing tho spring 1 tiiii iKi..on ...in-, inn - opening or tne new kiockh m 'goods hy the Ashland merchi-.nts and the "Itetter Homes- cam- nai.-i i.nln.' eondocted in the i f'.ranlte City. The merchants of that city. like thos? throughout the country, are) lil.ri"il In til..!,. uiii i-r of llici;'l-'" newspapers with udverilsini for j spe-lal events. Wall Street Report . N'lIW VOUK, Mar. 21. (IV Kpeoulallon for the advance con tinued at a tflprifi pace on the j New York stock exchange today i with the tdls nnd coppers joining' the upward movement for tin first j time, ltadio and (ienerul Motors. 1 touching new high records at i lfii' and li.'i 7-s. respectively., were again the leaders of the ad vance, a It ho larger individual ! gains were recorded by a number : of specialties, half a doy.en of i , Which soarej vKhl to 17'-i points. .: svarly 2.1IK- ihhi shares changed h!inils hl ,h(. :iit lhn.0 hnurH r tradina. with the ticker at least! Parted, ilnallv sum-ted 1 wo lo three point h in the last hour- of trailing, whim the advance reach ed its greatest Intensity In some of the specialties, (leucral Motors crossed 177. Collins n ml A Ik man Improved clown points, liadin fell back again five points or so from nltfl best figure and Cnlted States Kubbcr Issues al;?o weakened two to three points. Total sales ap- ni-nvlriiuiti .t r.no ami Sinnoit If 111 Okcd , WASHINGTON. March 2 1 . Pl in lease of public hinds for nvi- nubile lauds cominitlee. 1 1- , i D) ID) MA TEEIALS AIRFIELD IS NEARLY READY ASHI.AXn, Alar. 2. tSpecial.) Ashland's mnnieipnl titriiort is nip idlv proK'essiiitf lnti shapfcjfor ih landinn of heavy planes. Tity em plovees are working busily to com plete the work. Two air-hay.-;. placed on hih poles, nivo llitis the indication of the wind. The IJllian Craves, professor In irrigation ditch which ran ihrouuh Ktij-lish at the Southern Oregon' (thc field has heen filled and tin Normal school, will leave Wednes , IKOO-fttitt runway has heen packed ,iay to spend the spiinu vacation down ly the use of heavy city California cities, rollers. The field Is well drained. Fred l.ockley of the (lrej..on Jiair- Harold Saunders, a Medfmd pilot.-nl will speak in Ashland at the landed on tin' field Monday and tvn meetinn scheduled for Friday was enthusiastic over what has ,n-enlnu. March j heen done, and said he would es 1 'pu. I'm-ent-Teaeher circle of Hp ! tnltlifh a hranch of his school at Washington sclmol is sponsorlim a , lite local field. hlrd-hniise contest for the pupils nr. Frederick ltoiton. rormer dean of education at the I'uiver- (slty nf Washington, spoke at the. Southern Oregon Normal school on ' Monnay morning, nr. iioiton uvk- ity; second, eonsr ruction; ihlrtl. ed that teaching shouhl ho laken made of pupil. The prizes, li In up as a profession and not us a all. raiiK"' from one dollar down to stepping stone t" something else. cents. The speaker was greeted hy the ft. (t Jiurlnii. secretary nf the student hody and hy a mini her of chamber of commerce. Is in F.u townspeople. " j gene to attend the school nr see- On Monday evening fr. and Mrs. i retaries of the chamhers of nm ltoltou were entertained as honor; mcrcp of the state, which Is helng guests at a luncheon at the l.lthlaheld there tills week. ; Spring hotel given hy the faculty j memhers of the normal school. The ; Ui,0 was attractive with flowers ' and lighted tapers. M.sr Kiith Yo- F, A. VorHr, are expected In Ash der played two violin numherH, ae-1 lnd on Wednesday with the I'ni com punted hy Miss Mary (laley. I veisit: of Dregon syniihony or- .president Fhtirchill then tntroduc- ,Mj r)r jtoiton. who gav sph'ii- did ndilress along professional linen, Mi. Mrs. .I P. Dodge are expected hme on Thursday from a stay of several we iSeach. Calif. Miss Knid Harding ks in Long I I IS years of' lied Sunility afternoon at thei 'ommuuity hospital, following an I operation for uppcmlieltls. Miss Harding made her home In Tot em with tier aunt ami uncle, Mr. nnd Mis. Thurston. The renin ins I will be sent lo Murysville. Calif., I for Interment. Miss l.eomi Marsters. head of the music department at the Southern I Oregon Normal school, will leave I on Wed uesdn y evening for Porl -' la ml to attend grand opera. Miss lteairlce Hall will leave for Portland on Wednesday to spend tlie stirlng vncaiton with her par ents. Miss Mary (laley will ae companye her to Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Max Camps ami Miss Mildred Kaegl nf Yreka spent the week end in Ashland visiting I ,u uu "om 1 1,,i,4 "( ! ",s" 1 r",s ! .- 1 Jnn imm-i on ine Miirvi.ni, t Mt- i,n" Mv- i'"" "' day for Harbor, Ore., to spend nov era I das at their summer home near the hunch.. Mr. and Mrs, Per ozzl will take ihelr daui:ht"r back to F.ugenc before they return to Ashland. Miss tlladvs Johnson of Medford. J nnier Asiiianii gin. spent the week a . I r' ' Asbland visiting Miss Mr- Klnfa 1 rost on liner H'-lghts. Kenneth Vilshire. student of the state university. Is vlsltlhir it the ; home of his mother. Mrs. Mary Wilshire on (IraSte street. The Minsos ttertrude ami Leila ,.nd visiting with threl parents on 1 ty cb'ik of Jackson county, spent T7 w"T7 LUMBER UVdnfhday in Ahlund i hetkiiiK l j tht reKittutiniiM for Hit comiihk i election. ! Mr. and Mrs. iioruo Mat lies Uti on Wodnotiday (v t'a.tforniii l' upend a fi' weeks. Thi-y v. ill also visit nome MCxir.ui ciiirs. Mrs. Anna li. Kisln-r, :.ml( :a a' the Southern O r e u o n Nurmai Mi'hool, will leave on Wednesday for, hiM-Jiniije ot Klanmth Fall. .vTantenu'nlH are untler way for ihe entertainment of 30 Kesta on Saturday at the Klks' temple, when the loeal ttotaty i-luh will receive ItK charter from th dlmriii iiresl dent. J. W. Moiry in in r)i;' 01' the viiteriaimneni. Ct.taiiauN and lilt ir wives are expected from Klamath Falls. Medfmd, UosetmiK am Seattle. m WushiiiKton school only. These houses must he entered hv April tsti They will h judged on the followinK points; T'irst. ailaptalul- Lawrence Wagner, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Wat iter, and Mar- (UK WcmhN. son of Dr. and Mrs. chestra. The hoys will visit their parents for a few days before re i turning to the university TREE TEA ORANGE PEKOE The world's highest grade package tea and it sells for so little. of ; ; m : T7 Tr5 Tr TFsX ?n1 O L TO ffi OPERETTA Frii.iy night the pupils nf the grammar M-olioi nt 1'hoenix will present the tuneful operetta, "The Windmills of Holland." Special '. scenery is 1-eing prepared arid tho stae of hte Phoenix k ninasium, . the ei co. ui Plied si g ol stage In southern Oregon, will ioiiu a per fect setting for the presentation. The large cast is rehearsing diligently, and the enthusiasm of the players in their A'rt. loftier with t1 Well drilled t ii us, promise a polished performance. ')ie rostuming is eolorfnl and no detail has heen overlooked nor Qort spared hy the people of the community to make this event a huge sileress. Miss (iliulys JohuscHi of .Meilford. former Ash laid resilient, spent the week end in that city visiting nt the home nf Miss Virginia Frost on Wimer I (eight s. 9 Everybody Should Observe National First-Aid Week March IS to 24 We have & 'display in our window that reminds youto replenish your First-Aid Medicine Cabinet. We Can Furnish Your Needs Jarmin & Woods Drug Store Free Delivery WHERE TO GO . Learn to Skate at the Armory Rink Lots of fun and a healthful exercise. Ladies skate for 15 cents Friday nights. Children's session Safurday mornings from 10 to 1215 cents. - . ' Skating evesy afternoon and evening ex cept Tuesday. . Everything You 1 Need to Build With WE'LL GLADLY GIVE YOU ESTIMATES ON YOUR BUILDING MATERIALS nrly skin was sight "I couldn't look people, hi t h e fitcti, 4 wan so a mm ashamed of my sklh! Ir was al-i:V" ways hi 01 died with pimples nndt blackheads and at times Itched ter-fj... ribty. I had tried everything until ' . was so discouraged that 1 ctajldn'tiv ' b-ing myself to take hope In any-jj. thing. You can luumlne my sur-f prist' therefore when one npplieu-) lion of Itowles Menthn Sulphilli uimosi eompieieiy cieaieu niy hkih.i 1 could have danced with joy! I nt a short time you wouldn't know' my y:in it was so clear, tin tin ft f. and white." Thousands of people are discov ering that theje Ih u reined v ton skin trouble even fiery, itching ec zema! It's the magical combina tion of sulphur and menthol sul phur for clearing the skin, men-! t hoi for healing the broken ami irritated tissue. liowles Menthol Sulphur is inexpensive nnd all! druufflstH supply It In Jars ready! to ne. lie sure it'n tiowh'S. Phone 66 I. , . ... CO i 1 ' 4 fc.,..-1 ft SI 'Mat? 'ill BACK TO THE WOODS