1 (HiX vil .. . 4 i il -X(TF! F0T7H fEDFOHT) rATT TRTBTTNR, fEDFORT), OKP.OO' VftDNTTUr, mKCfl 21.M!92g.": T' " " " - - l L ' - - .1 l Ll iTTJ if- 1f bi. llli I! ii MEDFORD mail TRIBUNE Daily, Sond.T, WMklf Fabliau! bj th - - . MEDroliU tlUNTlNU 00. -IMT-t M. Wit St. Fhona T BOBERT W. BUHL, Editor . . KUUITKB Skil l II. alanaftr Ad Independent Newapcuer Entered M lecond-clae ' matter at Me grd, Oregon, under Art ol Mai.h , 187. SUBSCRIPTION KATES 7 Mail In Advance: Pailr, with Sunday, year 7.t0 i Pally, with Sunday, month 76 ally, wiUiout Sunday, year .60 Dally, without Sunday, month OS Weekly alall Tribune, one year.... 00 Bunday, ona year -00 By Uerrler, in Adranoc In Medlord, Aah 'land. Jaeiaonrille, Central Point, I'botnll, talent. Gold Hill -nd on Ulrflmaya: Dally, with Sunday, month V Ilaily, without Sunday, month .60 . Daily, without Bunday, one year... 7.00 Pally, with Sunday, ona year... 1.0 All terma, raab in advance. MKelilKR Or TIIK ASSOCIATED PRESS Keceivinj Full Uaaed Wire Service -Only paper In city or oouoty recelTiog newi by teh (rapb. The Aaaooialed Preej la icliiiirely en. h1ed to the oae lor republication of all ews dlapatchea credited to It or olherwlae credited In thil paper, and alao to the local oewa publiahed herein. All rlghta lor republlcatlrin ol apeclal duv Htchea herein are alao rfaerfwl. Bwocq -dally- averare circulation lor all monlha e-iJli.t Oct. 1, 1!7, 4402, (preient eiroulalion 4626). Oltlclal paper ol the City ol Medlord, Olliclal paper ol Jackaon County. Adrertlalna; ytepreerntatlre M. O. MOC.KNBKN A COMPANY Ofllcea In New York, Chlraii, Uetrolt, 'n rranciaoo,.Loa An)elea, Seattle, 1'ort- Ye Smudge Pot ' Br Ar-Uinr Perry Nancy of Sealtle, who marlied a Hindu nabob, proves hemelf Just uk foolish ns n ' femalo tinns Allantlc flyer, but Nancy is Hi 111 nllvo. Tho sent who Intends lo shoot himself to the Itlnnct Venus, Inside it skyrocket, will, tako along a shavluB outfit." Venus is . only 2S8.0CI0.OIMI miles uwny In a south easterly direction, and It Is Just lis well nut to Innd with a mess of earthly whiskers. Ijtdy i'F'oid-Coupq of the locnl Imitation Hrltlsh set; played poker Tuos, eve, losing 3 houi-H sleep, and a nickel. Ren Parsons of Mlllcrcst Ik' In town. Ho' states that ho would like to slay In tho valley until the pcai-H bloom, but does not see Ijow he can make It. Rob. was tho owner of tho late mules, who worked at the Hillrrest orehurtl, and wore nlways the cynosure of all eyes, becauseoof the neat notch inc of their tails. The hero who did tho barherlnB resigned, lo take p. job as a hangman. J ,, : t ''This col., which bus bullritmdcd ly maintained for years that poll HclitiiH had no business campalBll lnw In churches, apolnBlzes after rendlliK the details of Will II. Hays' activities as niessenkel' hoy for oil corruptlonlsts. Mr. llays always had a sermon on his chest, and functioned nobly at confer ences. This made him a factor In roundltiB up the church vote. Otherwise, he seems to have been more of a fraction, than a factor. Citto Samadl, 5 a tender Nippo nese came downtown yesterday In Ihc reRalln of a redskin. Ills im personation of SlltlTlB Hull, Jr., was hlKhly capable, though his war whoops were weak In the lower reRlsler. tllto hut iweenlly reeovered from the delusion that he was a locomotive. ocal hunters are now euKrocseit wllh shoot I uk clay pigeons. It 1h seldom that u clay pigeon Hhootei'' hrlnRH down his own fool for u coyote. "What Is called ' "a splllln " of rain on the AppleKate, descended this am,, and the forecast Is for an oxpcctorutlon. ,M i "j. Vera" Koarful icelvMl u lialrcut Monday, unaccompanied by the board of direr tos, com posed of nelKhbur women. 1 is the duty of the tlirectors to Inspect tin neck at frequent intervals, and sec that the hair on the neck Is Hllll there, when clipped off. Major Henry Itluejay has built a spite nest, In the crotch of ie. Pub. 1Mb. -oak, which the wlft f Col. V. Foster Hol.ln had selected as u summer home. The same thhiK happened last spriiiK- John Mann Is up to l'ortaiul for nn Infliction of Kiand opera. He might as well understand now as later, that the first time he at tempts to commit an aria, upon his return, down comes his mcat- IlOUNO. Very little Interest In manifested In the killing of Messrs. Kelley and Wlllos on April la. which Is Fri day. 1 Tho pair are convict a, ami It Is proposed to tlaiiKlc them from tho end of a ropo until dead, for purth idtion In a prison break In laa. "lowovi-. it.tM a trlflo curly to rxpect any extensive publlc frloatlng over a futile 1ck;I bur-barltv. T0 RELIEVE o STOMACH .. . DILATION : . 1 ' . i ' Dilution of the aloniueh imunlly ariaas bovue excess stoniiuli arid csuses food to fc-meut mid form sour cases which are rcsiwnsiblo lor those uniiloassnt sensations of swelling and fullness, often very painful. To avoid nnd relieve ntninach dilu tion take a tablet of "Pnpe's I1 pepsin" after meals or when pain is felt. "Pnpe's Uiapepsin" neutrnliws acidity and prevents the formation of wind, heartburn and llstulenra, and itistirea healthy, painless'' digcs- ti""- ... n Uruuifisls evrn'where sell I'ajVa Diaiicpsin" at 1)0 cents a psckaec not much to pay for complete free dom from digestive pain and atomarh .(.roitWea, in Hter get your park ;e of "J'ae s Uin-:flin ' to-dtt- HOW TO INCREASE MEDFORD'S PROSPERITY TIIK ifiiiouiici'iiiciit tlntt the Owi'ii-Owoii coiiipimy will not only opt-rutu on u continuous 12-moiitli basis, but will nuiki? . .. ..Oi l ... . PXtt'llSIVO improvements tO llll'ir of their niili oa.l, comes us very Mud ford and Southern Oregon. Kor some time there had been rumors that, due to coivlrv-' wide depression in the lumber business, the Oweii-Orejrou com, pany would close down. These rumors can now be dismissed as utterlv&vitlioiit foundation. Instead of shutting down thfl eoiiipmiy will tio ahead stronger tlian ever. j 'The operation of this company and the'Oiitiniianee of it-i heavy payroll, contributes niaterially to the prosperity of this district and, directly or indirectly, puts more money in the pockets of every business man. Local bniness men undoubtedly appreciate this ' fact, liut there should be more than appreciation. There should be re ciprocation. o The Mail-Tribune lias stressed till? point IhOh'c, but it is worth nicntioniiid aain. "With AledfoidOlrade is Mealfortl made." The least the people of Med ford can do, when they are -in -the market for .lumber, is that they insist upon lumber that is manufactured here. This is not altruism, it is sound business sense. It is, in short, merely enlightened any local concern enjoys, the and the (.'renter the development community. AVhat refers to lumber refers here, from truck Harden products ' '' There is also cement. One of Hie Ktiilo ! il, i, ,(,.,! t I'.'.il.l Mill ..... ...... . ,. , inje new structures know where their cement comes from? I'er liaps they all do. We hope pu. J tut if they don 'I, they should, ll, is the individual wlio con trols these things, not the jobber or deiiler. "H each before his own door swept the village would be clean." If each citizen insisted upon homo-grown or home-iniide jiroduets, wherever such products are available, we would nil be better for it. i'ot only would we enjoy greater prosperity, but it would be a steadily increasing nml permanent prosperity. Community -interests are mutual intercuts. The more wo help our neighbors, the more we help ourselves. QUILL POINTS. : 1 Kvcry man lias monicnls of rimlictivencss whoa' ho wishes ho vcr'Ukiiitf or a truck drivor. IF ho isn't nKliatioiI of anything don't onvy k rooord; envy his memory. A writer says one hears less tlio Cliristmns cigarette lighters Junker: Ollt! ho makes Uink of discarded machiiierv. ele . 1 . . ' Also, Kuropo, (me who wonltl Tliere's one consolation. 'In the hereafter tlio office nui sance won't he forever savin;?: "(limine a match." Douhtlcss a hink is u man who thinks it worldly and devil ish to drop a cigarette, hntt in his coffee cup. There are two kinds of men: and those who take the advice of Thank goodness, the L'uiou was preserved. ' ftn litieal party witli nohotly to blame everything on.' Kable: Ouco there was a poor woman who didn't think of her pretty daughters as old-age insurance. Correct this Kenti;nee: "The boss frcipiei.yy gives me a raw deal." said he,' "but I never mention the fact to mv wife." Mr.'lHiwtltMi imisl vik1it at. times I hat hi count Ifss fi'icmls wtmld show inn iv rut Inisinsin nml less N.vmpatliy. Tim oat Family nHiM'0 in the chirk. Tlml explains Imw limy ilisrovcr tlio tilings they gossip alunit. ' 1 m Do yon know why it is t-allnl tlm wnjt of sum's? You keep it under your lial. You enni mnUe (lie vising t'eiu'ration rise Ity ealliug it down. " Annoyed" nml "put out." menus imicl wlicn oil 0i'c ivforffiiu; to Sciiiiloi's, I'ori'ocl this si'iilciicc : , i, j . . . , y pll.v, Hllll HOW 1 I'HIl tlllt piliyiug llllll'bU'S mill do lily piullo pi'iii'llcc. THE NEBBS The Bird Has Flown (5 b . OUST WEASO THAT vES DOES TWArV' nS- oijt LEAVE-WITHOUT ' " y - , , rl MR. FLIMT. VOOR PROTE6E) 5AV MEiSMOT TELUNJS HIS DEAR FR1EMD5 ?- ) l'-'- . ' i WHOM VOL) ACE MeLPtKie V cOMIM2 15AC?I ESPtttlALL-V WHEM VOO GOT . X. Oss. " V60 STRAK5HT AMO POT- ( TT2AlrJS ARE A 20,000 IrJVEST&D IM THI5 FELLEE -f ' ' XiN : s M Jt, 20'000 X JRUMMIWS H THERE SHOULD BE WO 5KGET3 s. TMATTmAT I DOMD FOK HOPPED cOPW5EM BOTH WAV5, ; f ESPECIALLY VAJMEJO VOUGE OO "N O I OORGlAe A TI2AM PACTS woi 7 " S t rowo or WIS AcetV THAT iUp, J1- U noupavqoootoemW plllllIS.-lllCllKllll"; I lie CXU'll ilOll welcome Hewn to til,- people of j self-illterest. l''or lle more 'business more business everyone enjoys, anil prosperity of the entire to every commodity produced to bricks or brooms. ' the largest cement plants in llrne liiiiiiv li., al iieniil.. I. nil, I. - i" "i profanity now. "Well, most of have been discarded. , . , . .jniWt civilization. Those who do foolish things, their wives. me a po- lu- Nii nu- even live o'clock," tlio liov I't'll'l luip- Personal Health Service By WILLIAM BRADY, M. I. med lettera pertaining to peraonal health tiul l)elene, not to diae.sa dlarnoala or ESKTSmSS u XZr.?b'.ZJ?X' &m .SiSTft cc ived. only few can be niwered her No AX OITI.IXK SO. Ok Jaic Amid the psychopathic nntli-H of thti unsavory Hickman trial In Call- fnrnln there came one morning o brliOlutid Interval. In view of the mereer.m y part played ly meilloal expert teHtirnony In tlO liijiieKiu It Ik fjr.uil.v'.iiR - note that It wan u mertienl man w ho , tesiiricd lo thlH effect: All (JaIs ' pomp und :i?e- mony Is rldleu- lous. If we wIhIi to know whether' this man Is In-!"" sane we should send him to the! psychopathic ward. Why hen p the expense of this burlesque leual In- nulry on the shnulders of the tax-! payers iP this state? ! .1 Polities, doctor, ' polities. It Ik fairly ohvlons thai vmi nml viiiii' friends have no political nmhitions, ; HfeK no poutica jobs, shure nu; plunder of office.. If the culprit in such a case were' subject to tile ordinary IcRnl pro- visions for 'rllermininK the sanity or insmnlry of honest .luiens. they: nihl plno. him under observation in the ,ycho,,athle ward. or fist-1 wheri! and rely upon the opinion ' l;.vo medical alienists or expert- ' , ? ',.,.. . " .. . i win oppiuvai in u juii;e ill a COIII1 of record, all men presumably hon- Urnble. without personal prejudice. ; and nut in tlio nay of fHernln or (ncniiCH of tho Individual whoac sunlty Im under consideration; (tut kucI) iirderly prorcduro wonlil int he very oxcKinK, nor would It ul't'oM Mploy ontortalnmont fur niir lurpo moronic leisure elasw, nor juicy na torlnl foe hradlinPH in the j.aporM nioroiiH buy, nor opportunity for criminal lawyers to nclHovo dis tinction nor a markot for mod Ira . fxport trstiinony. Indeed. thT mln-j titoHt details of the thoiitfhtn. wordH(" and () c(1h of Insane crlmlnalH or erlminalM feiKiiin Insanity the ut in ok t Importance tnl development of the this country, and all UiIh Hiiatrhrd nway If cuch a prisoner were; treated as an ordinary honest citizen. Tho medical conception of Insan-i Ity, hh 1 pointed out here the other! day. Ik not the same a the leiiulj conception, ilimy people who aro modleiilly Justine jire perfectly culii etent to conduct their own affairs and know rljiht from wronj. i;o that they are legally sane. Then.' too. thoi-e are at least twenty '-million morouH In the country adultji whose mental capacity is that of n normal child from X to li years of aue and a shrewd criminal lawyer "-'Kht eonvlnee almitst any -Jury (whicl hich would probably Include at last one or two inorouyO that a cul prit with such HmUcd Inielllyenre could not know that his act was wronu. Tiiis is Just another In stance of the difference between the doeto'' and the lawyer's view of the question Of responsibility. Not that morons are morally any are of (VrTT M for the men- . .cVi1 la t youth ofi fcl3lffJkTr I worse than people of normal Intel- oland discoui-aaement an' criticism '"""K '" lucal agricultural situa llgenee. A child 12 years nf age fi"." . 5!"I.B. i" . Cn,l,Sm Ulons. as a basis for determining is not necessarily wicked or !.- pi-lived unless led astray by 1 sons or cnvlrmiffient uf evil char acter. fmitiestionnhly such exhi bitions as the Hickman trial play havoc with the minds of many otherwise harmless morons every where. We ought to think of that when we are staging such revolting affairs. Not only medical e.xpt'ii testi mony but all other partisan expert testimony, under hire by one side or tho oilier, should he abolished j from court procedure. The fairi name of Justice ileum nils thai such' li'sthuony eonie from disinterested llllllillM-xl I.VIll.l'l ,v ..I... s in I have im mini' mutlvi' lhan u 1,1,1,1 ,,s,'u lo" vorniK fithei, " 1 ,rKSTIONS AM svi:its Kiel foj. Ilrlk-lil's IHm-:im The ilueior said 1 have a slow fiuni of IIiImIiI's iIIsi-ii-A. . h.i hi ii,. i i.. ...,i ........ ... . ., .." ..T." V, ' l" "' -l'l ns,.,- u. v, , , , 1 .nsi'i - Only your uhsiclnn: ,n , ,. , , ,. ,7 tell ytu what diet you should ftl- low. If any. As a rate, nallentsi liallentsi .,,i i ... ,. , . ' with IoIkIiIs illsease (e iron e ne-1 nnilllsl may lake meal anil cues'. und any oilier wholesome fund In,.,,,,, i,t,vonil. ' l i . .1 sun ii i' 1 1 iiniiy. Most t uialil... liKciiM-. : A Kimintic "honk-up" of radio sta- Mildly tell me it ll Is pussllile tions will cnalile S.OI'O.Olltl Amcrl , to cure 'IV 11. My "ilminr" tells' cans to hear all Unit kocs on in the ime Ii ran l.e cured. M. i:. a. j Deinoijuilic und Uepuhlieiin conven Answer T.. I:. Is an aliln-evla -1 Hulls. linn for liarlllus tiiliereiilnsls in ' - i , it ii'.Hin in j tul.i-ii li- l.ai llll. liut prulmliiy , mount to impure whether luliereu-t ' Insls is curalile. Ii Is tn,. must cur-! rjjty can be made to queriet not conform- ! iiv;ii:nk lil Inu-rviil. table of Rll serious dlsenscs. The' ! abbreviation for tuberculosis la the.; Itoy 1-Yit-iiU IIik-im-s. When the wur hinke out I vuw '. . eiiKajjed to the nlient boy ImuBiu-) anie ne was in r ntnee tni ee yeui s alwI when he came home lie drank liadly now he drlnka perioilkully, Kol"li sprees for weeks at u lle, hut often wllh InlervulH of ninny months. One of hla friends nit tllat ,lis father tlrank the. same nay and so It must he In "offi and will never he. tl'fferent ... Of course ihls, nillles nie feel badly ns 1 huve tried "Illd -IS. H. i-:. Answer- -The periodic dtinke Id Uie hardest tcOuure. If his father bad u similar cravlnK it may be! that there is a stnOX of degeneracy In the family. I don't like to ills-! courage you, hut the only tiood ad- vlee 1 can eivn viiiu!m thar llip man should voluntarily no under treat - inent tor ineiirtallon, wnien uny., irood pUyslelan can Kive, provided! the patient submits to proper care, in hospital or sanitarium, Tecll, Soft , a ,ot ()f truu,)c ljerause uro vc sof, w, ca soft tclhv.vi p. ,( j,, A,i;H.P,.1,-alty ulr!fc bsfore Wrth anil in early rhlTilh birth ami in early elilTilhood. 1: can't say that the condition is rem-j , vy o( co Uvt. J ( K in for preen rolishcs unci unhid (loiify) veKOtnl)lt's. i t.'opyriK'ht, Jolin I' If th' rich don't know no more ' about rare tapestries, an' costly ! Rembrandts than they do about , counterfeit Gordon gin bottle caps j I pity 'em. It's too bad we're S " j Brisbane's Today (Continued from rage Ono) Tliw elevated railroad tn New York made no money until the tare wus redueed from 10 cents to G. Kuj I muds will make more when they find a way to carry frclnht, and iiuHsenKtTH, lens expensively. That is said with realization of the fact that railroad builders have ! built the country and arc entitled . I' .or(i Heawrbrook's "L.)ndon Kx- press" uys a bountiful American I Kirl in KK.vpt offered an Ksyptian j i peddler StloOO to marry her (mine- ' 1 dlately. because "he .seinbled a i i beloved Frenchman now dead." j T!' important difference between j , the iiviiiK Kwyptian and tho dead I KrtMiehmau. that tlie infatuated I ' im 10 uini uiiicrcui:,; nciween the livinL KByntian nnd tho dead l'Yenchn.au..thut Ihe Infatunted American cii-l did not observe, is ... .... , . . inis. i ne r rencumiiu s iace snowcu ......... iUntnri,tll u.u in,, i... i.u ' .;... i.. ', -mil-sun s. i in r.K in ill i.s itiiii; i , V- i s iiiwpiI f-ninii i.tn lni-L- nt tniiilcmif. i . ,, ... o....... I'l'iim tlio first nmiiiiineeninut of i 1 1 in i i ne i ii fii ii ll i ll i ii i ll i" i lie 1 1 1 in Alaliama's choice, to final howliliK hen Ihe winner is announced, j will he heard. How- everythinc Utile Co.) I would be ' JiS. m. RippUvLg Rhymes gil Wl MaioB, THE DOCTOR'S BILL The dcicto; hill Van pretty steep; 1 looked it o'er aal had to weep. So much for poultices applied with akill unerring to my hide; so much for ultra-purple rays, administered for many days; so much for Jimmying my apine and Belling it once more lu line; so much for sawing off an arm 1 saw I'd have to sell my farm and mortKaKe my 11 Icit sllll If I would pay the doc tor's bill. And lor a moment 1 was. prone to heave a shudder and a Kioaa; It seemed a drt' In fill pile .to dig; 1 thought the bill was too blamed big. TheJ I recalled how tough 1 felt when 1 called In old Dr. Poll. I vtas all In, and growing worse, umO thinking much of shroud and hearse; It seemed unlikely I'd survive for seven weeks, or six, or five. ,The old doc came, day after day, with optimistic words and gay, and laughed away my morbid fear I would decorate a bier. He' came when torrents washed the street, he came alonE through snow and sleet, he came when hcwas sick and tired, and rest was urgently re quired. Tho benefit of all he learned when midnight oil was bravely burned, and all he gleaned f jnn heavy tomes, the out put of colossal domes, the. bsacfi of all his skill he garu me when 1 was 111. .Me found me sick and full of aches; now I can-whip my weight in snakes; ho banished anguish from my frame, and shall 1 knock his modest game, and say his bill is too blamed high? Why, then a tinhorn sport am I. 1 adver-' Use to all the eni'th the life he saved has Utile "worth. 1 ever, sad to relate, many of the S.000,000 that might listen to the convention will not listen. They will tune in for jazz music, sad heart rciidin:; songs, or daily doz eas to keep thin. In this nation where only half - vote that might vote, there is little deep Interest in politics. mHess . A growing tendency to approach agriculture as n business problem is reflected in close to a hundred requests received by the Agricul tural Service of the Chamber of ('(nr.merce of the l.'nlted States during the past sixty days from local and sectional business organ izations fur adviee In setting up machinery for the joltn study of agriculture by farmers and busi ness' men. These projects usually take the for mof surveys for lb puprpuse of ascertaining factscre- what remedies shall lie applied. luilicat'o of the scope of this movement is n inctii.K rceently held under the auspices the apricultuntl coinniittec of. the In diana pulls chamber uf commerce. This was attended 'by eighty coun ty agents, chamber of commerce secretaries from 1 (i counties, key hankers, county school 'superinten dents and "dirt" farmers from six teen counties. The meeting decide ed lu nmlii! a thoro Hurvcy.pf agrl cultural conditions in the. 'H (strict covered. This method, ' wHleli ap pears to lo spreading rapidly, in the reverse of that which looks to ;i cure for ills of agrleultui'e chief ly thru national legislation. Eagle Point School Notes , , , ,, ! . ' '''""'K'.f the huKle ' ' 'f "- nssocm. on, I h"s ,'t' " ,fo'' nt ! afternoon at 3 o clock. The object; , M , ,., . of the meeting will be tho con- 'sideration of the nnrehasit of a phonograh for the Eagle Point ; school. ' T1' I'olnt Parent Teach ers association wishes to express Its appreciation of the assistance of the community in the 1.-T. A. hi Jinks h-iil march ll. The hi .(inks netted tle orKani'ation $112.! which wall lie used largely for the? ipviitni oi me .teniiui. I ill is null halls have already been purchased benefit of the school.. Hats and for cavh room in the grade, u ten-j ilis net has been bought ..for the Kills Gambler Love He r""7f F 4 1 I "s I I - C Spurned in her 14-ycar love of akley B. Harris, New -Orleans gambler,' Mrs. Sara H. G. Kello way, ' "Oakley's ' girl,'" has con fessed to police, they1 have an nounced, and she has been charged with the murder of Harris at New Orleans, La. Fatally shot, the gambler's last words were, "She was justified, don't prose cute her." whole school, and other things are being decided on. The Kugle Point high school buschull team has begun system atic practice, and conditions for u good year seem very promising. Several pupils are unable to at tend school at the present time because of mumps. In the high school Mary Hannaford, Ernestine 6nhui.-k arid Marguret Brophy aro absent because of them. A heart und lung test clinic was held at the sehool on Monday, March 19. by Dr. Holt. Dr. Heck, inan and the county health nurse, Miss (Hover. Very good reports were given on most of the chil dren. A campaign was held by the high school recently on the sale of tlje Turtls company publlca tionx, the Saturday Evening Post, the Ladles' Hrjie Journal and the Country (lentienmn. thit net fed the school almost thirty dollars. The salesmen who made host rec ords were Mary Hannaford. Frank PtMIIenw and .leruld Ward. Are You Run Down, Weak, Nervous? To liavo plenty of firm flesh nnd tho ability to do a big day's work nnd foci "like a two-year old" at night, you must eat three good moals.n day, relish your food and properly diccst it. If vou can't heat, can't sleep, can't work, just uiki', a teaspooiuui ol Tanlac be fore meals. Mrs. Fred Westin, of 387 E. 57th Si. North, Portland, Ore, says: "Tanlac cured my stomach trouble completely after three years suf fering. It built me up "to perfect health, with a gain of 27 lbs. That wasatwo years ago, and I still en joy the best of health." Tanlac is wonderful for inuiges- tion r con,tipation-cns. painr, nausea, dizziness and headaches It i . i . ... "r0- l brings) back lost annetito. heln. you digest your food, and gain strength and weight. It contains no mineral drugs; it is made of roots, bark's and herbs, nature's own medicines for the sick. The cost is less than 2 cents a dose. Gc niottle from your druggist. Your money oacK ii ii aocsn t help. 51 MII1ION BOTTLES USED By SOL HESS to AM IT BE POS51SLE - THAT FLIMT HAS &ROKEXJ FAITH WITH RL)DV AMD POTTS, Vd MO PUT L)P2(000 IM SECUBITIES FOR. HIS BAIL? -WW1LE THE LITTLE 5LIOEB, IS SKEPTICAL j RUOV AMO AMSttOSE AGE STILL TRVlMG TO HAVE COMFlOEMCE i Tanlac Acid Stomach Philiins Milk of MfuniMia" i i - i O Better than Soda - Hereafter, iastead of eoda take a tftttle Tliillins Milk of Magnesia" in I uter aliv time fur indigestion or sour, I acid. ga'v lomach, aad relief will i come instant. ' Kor fifty vears genuine "Phillips I Milk of MWe'i" ,1H Dic" P""111 by plivsiciifis because it overcomes i three times as much acid in the stom ! ocli as a saturated solution of bi ' rjirbonate of foila. leavinj; the stoni- arh sweet and free from all gases. It neutralizes aeid fermentations in tlio bowels and gently urges tho souring A waste from the system without purg ing. Besides, it is more pleasant to. take than soda. Insist upon "Phillips." Twenty-five cent and fifty-cent bot tles, any drugstore. "Milk of Iag nesia" lias been the U, H. Registered Trade Mark of The Charles H. Phil lips Clicmie.il Co, and its predecessor Charles H. Phillips since 1875. Final TJotlre. In the County Court of the State of Oregon in and for the County of Jackson. -In the Matter of tho I-.stato of William lilue Harris, Deceased. ' Notice Is' hereby given that tin) undersigned, administrator of tlio aboi'0 estate, haa filed his final rc- I port as such administrate.' in tlio. above cntitiea couri aim and the Court has fixed March 23nl, 1928, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m.. as the time and the office of the said Court In the Courthouse at Mcdford, Oregon, as the place for hearing objections to said final account, If any tliero be. the closing of said cstnte, and tho discharging of said administrator nnd his bondsmen from all fur-' ther liubility and responsibility, ami nny and .ull persons Interested aro hereby notified to appear at said time and place and Aiov cause, It any lucre be, whv audi final account shoul not bo approv ed, said administrator and his bondsmen discharged, and said cs lute fui'-y closed. Date at Mcdford. Oregon, this 22nd day of February, A. D. 102S. J. -Vy". VAKKKIKLD. Administrator of the estate of Wil liam I'.lue Harris, deceased. Office: Room 2, Palm Block, Mcd ford, Oregon. Notl of Slicrlff's Sale. r' virturo. of an execution on foreclosure duly Issued out of nnd under the seal of the .Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, in ami for the County of Jacksom to mo direct ed nnd dated on the 17th dny of February, 1U28. In a certain uction therein, wherein Delroy Cetchell. as plaintiff, recovered judgment niialnst A. V. Walker, Kallo Wal ker, 10. H. Lamport, Frank C. Kramwell. Superintendent of liankn of the Klute of Oree.011, llullock Mereanllle Aitency, Cierlach Murk low Co., Otter Manufactuiins Co., New England Fabric. Manufactur ing Co., The Osliorno Co, l.ouin . RoesMl, finite Induslrial Accident Commission, Gus Newbury. A. C. Walker and I.inuie llaniicaui nnd Jackson County, 'Oregon, the de fendants, tor the sum of Ono Tlnni snml Heven Hundred and no-iou ($1700.00) Dollars, with in'.erest at 1011 per annum from May 2 lit Ii . 1H24, with costs and disbursements taxed at One Hundred Fun- nnd no-100 ($104.00) Dollars, and Umi further sum of One Hundred Fifty and no-100 (5150.00) Dollars, as attorney's fees, which judgment was enrolled and docketed in 111-; Clerk's office of said Court :n said Countv on the 2nd day of Febru ary. 1028. o 'Notice Is hereby given lh;t. pur suant to the terms of the vr. Id exe cution, I will on the 2-lth dny of March. 1928. at 10 o'clock a. m . at the front door of the Courlhouse In the City of Medford. in Jackson County. Oregon, offer for sale anil will sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, to satisfy snld Judgment, together with the costs of this' sale, subject to re demption as pros ided iy lac, all of the right, tille anil Interest that tho said defendants had on the 1 3 1 h day of June, 111 12, or how have In and to tile following described property, situated in the C'ocnty of Jackson, Ktate of Oregon, to-wlt: Lot 1, lyock '40, In the City of Meilfurd, Oregon. Dated this 20th day of February, 4 102S. ItALIir O. JfcNNIN'GH. Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon. liv Ol.flA F ANftKliSON.'. Tlejmtv. Political AnmwncwwBts FOK SHKItll'F I am h candidate Tor the repub lican nomination for sheriff, prt mary May 18. CHAd.' D. STACV. 0 May 17. COVXTV t'l.KKK I otn a candidate for republican nomination for county clerk: prom ising personal uttentlon. economy nnd courtesy. C. K. CARTER, May 17. Talent. COVXTV SCHOOL SVl'F.ltlX- TIOXDI'.XT I am a candidate for tho demo cratic nomination tor the office of County School Superintendent In tlic Mayiirimary. ItAYMOND i,. cohnwell, -Principal Washington School. 3G8tf COVXTV (1)l 1 ISSIOX Kit I nm a candiilato for re-nomlnaJ Hon on the republican ticket for County Commissioner. If nomi nated nnd elected I will continue O do niy Inst to give (fie people an economical 'business adminis tration. VICTOR BUHSKLV May 17 p n a o ra UllKX.YOl! WANT "J W'HKX. VOU WAXT LUMBER O ; CAI.fi t 4 D TROWBRIDGE 01 l-VMBKIt VAUO 9 Hi: Ilii j