Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 18, 1928, Page 4, Image 4

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frfRPypRtt rAHfj TftTBUNg, MttPFOltD. ffflKfiON, SUNTUy, MARCH m 192.
Uedford mail tribune
tolly. 0MdA7. Wkly
Il-tftt N.llf M.
An ladcpndat Mvppcr
Kntend m Mcood-ctau autur tt Med
tfji. Off oo. UDdtf Aci ol MA I, U7.
7 1UU -in Advtiioai
IUj, wit Bunds?, yar.. IT.80
Lilly, wlla Bundajr, month 7ft
l7 without HuikUy, year...... i.60
Mllf, Without Bund;, BMUtb 06
WMklf Mali TriUu, dm year.... t.00
BwkUj, ooa year 1.00
by Oaniar, Id AdTanc In atadford. Aao
land. Jackao&Tina, Oentral Point, Pboaolt,
Taltnt, QoW U1U a4 on Hlgbw.ya:
IWJ, vita BuDday. motiUi t .7ft
Daily, witiKKit Htinday, nouta eft
lMUy, without Sunday, tM year.. t oo
Daily, with Sunday, on a yaar..a 1.00
All Carina, eaab In advauoa.
Saocirlruj Full Uaaad Wire Herrlca
Only paper In city or county racelrln
jewi by telegraph.
The Aaaoclated Prraa la axclualvely to
titled to the una for republication of all
newa dlapatAfaea credited to It or otnerwiae
credited Id thai paper, and eleo to the local
newa publlabed herein.
All rlfbta for republication of apedal dia
patohaa herein art alto mamd. ,
Sworn dally averan circulation for rls
ontha tndli Oct. 1, 1917, 446, (preaent
nrcuiaiioo oio).
Official paper of the City of Medford.
Official paper of Jackeon County.
Admtlilnr Itepreacntdtlro
Office In New York, Chicago, Detroit,
Ban francieoo. Lot Angolan, Seattle, fort-
Brisbane's Today
(Continued from page One)
To Ret rich youraelf, make cith
ern rich. If a man catches lx
fish tor you, let him keep one. If
he earns ten ilolluhs for you, let
him keep one It pays. Salaries,
no matter how big, cannot stimu
late men as profit sharing does.
General Motors, with DuPont and
Sloan at the boad, know that mere
salaries are not enough, do not
brine out 100 per cont of what a
man has In him. They unjed thofr
Important men, eighty of I hem, to
buy General Motors stock on credit
then work lo make It valuable.
They made It easy to get credit to
buy the stock. John J. Haakob,
head of the finance committee, who
was earning five dollars a week
not long ago, knew how to manage
The eighty executives, great and
small, bought General Motors stock
that is now worth 21 7,000,000
more than It cost and every pne of
them Is a millionaire. liven the
less Importunt executives thut in
vested only $26.0 of their own.
"The m.n having an Interest In
the great comftiny worked their
heads off for success," says Mr.
Haskob, "and that Is what made
the company what it Is."
Tim OrclinnlK will hf in bloom
The fish will lie btO'i?
The Ijinls sininf;
) qI'Iic motor enrg tooting
The golf players swinging
It wol lie tin excellent idea to
. Have that excursion to Meilford and
. The fiogite Hiver Vulley
An excellent idea to
Huve our nnpaved roads oiled,
Medford plates on nil local ears,
I'nint the Fair Grounds buildings,
An improved air field,
And music in the pork
qO The ont.sO.' world should know
What wo have, here, and be oblo
To enjoy themselves
Finding out.
J Rumoi H ar agniQ being ijuU't -j
ly circulated in tlit city In con-
AH that can be learned of his
short Medford viit la that he !
st opped off h ere t o see W. H.
Core. Dr. J. F. f teddy and Swart-
ley IJiom., ihfc local contractor. ! ::
wt.Oit Ih undeintood recently pur-
habd the Twohey Uro. Inter- zn""
e.-ta in the Crania 1'hnH-Crencent 3
City railrnad. Air. Core has been S:
Q a for years in favor i TT"S
oi n i.utroaa 10 me coast via
ihe lilue JedKe mlninff district. )
XKW YOKK, Atar.T 17. UP) I
Twenty-five thouwand wearers of ; iFr""":
the Ufffn. na ratlin if nr. irifth rZ
i it . avenue wan the li feature of New ,
i 1 " " "'"' " "l . Vrk'- St. Patrick's day.
and lnfiKcd -for railroad hei w-en t - ' 1
j Mie J'.onue liivcr va I Icy und the f '
'ttU!l, liui ftt f;tr is he nx-
rcrtalned they are Wll only ru-
UJ'-vci1, hoi(H significance: may
he iillai-li' d to the vMt hero Fri
day of lQ A f'iiLcVcriMUl'-r, who
1 K Ihc 1'acific coiiHt rcjpi-cHcntH'
live of i he CuKucnheitnH, ol her
wi.v the American Smelter Refin
ing coini'any. owiivmh of tht,Hlne
LedK t "('''' iniiie.s a nil who are
known to lake much interest in
having a railroad l,ul!t from the
valley to the coai-it In California,
which would give an outlet for the
copjier In the, Ulue I jptXge If op
erations wre Htai'led thre.
Tivcn When You Arc Just Indisposed
It Is Wise to Go to a
This writer can testify that If you
want to see a Heneral Motors offi
cial, you can find him woriitng In
his office at six thirty p. m. as
easily as at any other time. Or'ney
nro not .."clock watchors," having
O millions to watch. Employers, take
The census burou says United
States population, on July rirst next
will be 120,013,000. At the end of
this century, if births, doaths, im
migration and health run along ns
at present, the papulation will be
2fi0.000.000. If the lurger per cont
ol' that number know how to think,
It will bo quite a nation.
!n the last ekht years, popula
tion has increased 14,302,380. The
annual Arrivals of bnbles exceeds
by one million the number of the
dentM That Is good news for the
editor publishing an up-to-date pa
per. Bill Curley, formerly of Chi
cago, now of New York, used to
say, "Every birth Ib a new reader
for my paper, every death of an of
man means a render forever lost
to the opposition." And It was truo.
A New York hanker soys,' "Mr.
Coolldge will run again. That good
news Is all around Vail Street."
Hundreds o )anrn. and millions
of ordinary tltln-lHi wish (bat the
(president would run In 1U2S, for
a second elective term. Hut wish
ing does not change the president's
mind. The Vyjjllo Hous says, "The
president's tW stutonionts speak
for lhomjiV''os."
Oswuld West prefers the
Juekass to the tiger
Cecil use he thinks
The MeuRt of Bray better
Represents the DennO'ots
Than the Heast of Prey
For they fight uniting
Themselves and let in
The Republicans again,
When if they united behind
Some one mini they would
Win in a walk.
Hut ns Oswald sOiled the
Internecine strife this racy
Pronouncement seems to make
Nothing clear except to show
That Oswald does prefer the
MWOVJKW. WnHh., Mnr. 17.
A report of the budget commit
tee made by Chairman C. a.
ThoniHon at Ihe last meeting of
the Leiclon convention commlHtdon
Indicated Hplnndld HUppnrt by the
local business houses. Allho the
MubHorJpMon list Is not yet quite
complete the n mtlo doubt
hut that the fluffs necemmry to
carry on" will ho freely sub
scribed at an early date.
In underwriting this convention
the blKKest event of its kind ev
er attempted In this section of the
state, the luminous men of the
community have assured the Le
Kion hoys of fhulr unqualified sup
port: ann cooperation . witn tins
kind of barking,, Medford post
may bo depended upon tPntnge a
state convention which will re-
dound to the credit of this com
munity. To Insure the Judicious and
careful Investment of all conven
tion funds, it was voUm! at last
week's commission nuftintr. that
no purchasing of any kind should
be made without a rcnulHltlon
signed by the Ron era I chairman
tt the committee making the pur-
cnaflo. Furthermore the entlro
convention is being handled on a
strict budget basis and each com
mittee chairman is limited by the
commission to an amount deemed
neeewiary to cover his needs .
TheHe budget amounts can not be
exceeded without a vote of the
entlro commission nnd then only
after good nnd sufficient reason
for an addition to the budget is
presented. Thus It will he seen
that tho Legion commission plans
to get loo edits value out of ev
ery dollar expended.
It has also been decided to se
lect a business men's committee
to consist of the president of the
merchants' association, the prewK I
dent of the chnmher of comtncrtWi
The mayor of Medford and oth
er representative business men of
the community In work with the
Legion commission In arranging
(yp Deputy Sheriff F. A. HorkhanfJha varloun details of the conven
issued a call for lf0 volunteers tc
pher at Ostrnnder Nun day, morn
ing to conduct an Intensive search
for trace of F. H. .lanes, aged Kel
so businessman who has been miss
ing since March 7. Janes was definitely-traced
to the timbered area
northeast of Ostrander. Ills ahan
doned car was found there.
yesterday a Kelso purty found
recent footprints of a man appar
ently wandering aimlessly at night.
These "wore being traced today.
"Hssslfled advsrttsln ts remilts.
Political Annorjncem&ts
X11 811EHIKK
I am a candidate for the repub
lican nomination fur sheriff, pri
mary May 18. CHAS. D. HTACY
May 17
I am a candidate for republican
nomination for county clerki prom
ising personal attention, economy
and courtesy. O. R. CAKTER,
May 17. Talent.
I am a candidate for the demo
cratic nomination for the office of
County School Superintendent In
the May primary.
Principal Washington School.
Judging front the thorough nnd
conservative manner In whlrhQlic
locnl liCgionnnlres nro nmkini;
their prPllmlniiry plans, there Is
no doubt thut Hint the entire con
ventlnn will he handled 111 n hui
ni'NR-Uke ninnner which will re
Radio Program
MlllI Triliuiie-Vll-gin Rtatlon
These Drug Stores
Are Open Nights
This Week
Medford Pharmacy .
Heath's Drug Store
Strang's Drug Store
m Did You Ever
H Stop to Think
lliftt a hoHital room
Avith the bent of foods
1 and the personal atten-
S tion of nurses costs no
5 more, than it first class
n a. . i y
I -lZ3'i.5tj,'!,S, I
k 'mm
mi TM fHfla'fclfcil'I'i fli' T
"The Video of n (irent
Monday .Mmcli unit x$
t iu:uu a. m. to io:yo u,
American Liiumlry.
10:.1o a. m. to to 11 n. m.
IjOH Anceles Soap l'o.
12:Ui to 1:15 p. in. IxswlH
4- Bupcr Service Htntlmi
0:10 p. m. Medford Shill
Tribune Nuws lieniN and
r mai-ket report. !
't'O you women
who appreciate a
lilllt? more art in
dress, a little more orig
inality in style anil a
little more fairness in
pricing, our spring ap
parel will prove a revela-
For Streetwear and
S18.95 S25.00
Medford National Bank
When you have a cold you
should avail yourself of the
services offered by a hospital.
Severe colds are often forc
runners of dangerous sick
nesses. t does not pay to
take a chance.
it a hospital you receive the
attention of. capable nurses,
have a light, airy room and
the best of foods.
Community Hospital
DoiIkg ItiotherH, In In asso
ciation with Joseph M. hehcm-U.
corporation, will URiiin irnnsforni
the nation Into one vast radio
broadcast Ing studio on Thin mluy
night, March 29, between G and
7 o'clock Pacific standard time,
when one of tho largest radio!
audiences ever reached will hcarj
tho voices of the world'H iiiohL I'u- (
moils inollt picture Htni'H.
In a radio hour proKi'iiiu that '
fairly captures inuiKinathiu t'
lislncrs-in, i running Into the scorfe
of millions will hear nlternatcly
from New York ant1 Hollywood
whore Charles C'hnplln will de
liver a series of humorous anec
dotes in various dialects. I). V.
Griffith will ' talk on hv and
marriage, John Ilarrynioro will do
bin famous "Hamlet" sntolmiiu
with special musical accompani
ment, Norma TalmadKO (Villi ilis
cuss modern fashions and liow
Hollywood Is bringing Paris into
California, Dolores Pel, lth will
make her dehut In thrfi count ry
as a singer, rendering a Spanish
nong, with violin, cello and piano
acoomptinlment, -anti Douglas
Fairbanks, who wfti act h master
of ceremonies, In addition t 4 n -traducing
the above Mars, will
4' a talk on norln nnd mil
let ic.n.
The radio recital directed by
Horte Illackmore Wlllctt which
was presented over KMKD lat
Tuemlay night met wlt(p) a
fn onihlo ivaclot. 'rills tt(i
UHiial pjsvrram which was spon
sored by" The Califoruta Dreuon
Power company featured Miss
Atlccn Crawford, art 1st o slnderd
of this city nMslstcil by her In
structor, Mrs. Wlllctt In several
reauest numhnrs and laiotd Cor
liss In basso polos. O;
Miss Crawford scored a decided
Impression with her audience thru
her capable rendition of the dit
flcult selections Included In the
null In a ni.lid.1n ranet ion - f rn, nin. .Mrs. an. I Mr
Ihn ihniiKnnrl. nf v lull Mr- frnm nil I "-'"rllsS Were No Weil leceive.l
nnritt nf itiA r.rtI.t a iriin.'n ni Judging from the initny favor
Ihn fnllnwlnip lUt nf Inc.) nion nl.lHn! '"nitlients,
tends to carry out the thought Uei progr
that the Medford convention will v
be an unqualified success: Com
mission chairmen: C. (1. Thom
son, budget; K. K. hromley, fin
ance; H. I Itromley, publicity:
C. Y. Tengwald. housing: Ted
Ilsker, drum corpn; John Part
ridge, stunts; Ie Oarlock, regls
tmtlon: It. K. McKlhose. parndes;
S. V. Hall, aviation: Henry Pace.
entertainment; A. J. Crose, fire
works; :Q Codding, meeting
Thq Park Landscape Co.
Better Shrubs Backed by
' a Guarantee
(living proptr immediate and future effect
to your home grounds.
Easy Terms if Desires? .
Immediate attention to all vork. See the
folldvim yrounds of our clients, .Dr. Sleeter,
Mr. O. l;Ws, Klinoi- Cliil.lers, Mr. Kyle
and main' others.
A Big City Service of 25 Years
Experience in the Northwest
523 South Central
Phone 504-R
S. Riverside on Pacifi Highway
. -
Ih.- many fav.r- j J -'j'""- 'A ' ?79i0.3" jf
plai'o; Hny Klllfitt, ronreSHlnllH:
John llolmrr, Oort: Krnl W
Hchi-ffol. tlecnratlon; O. O. Nlt-h
ol. trafflr; N. C. Chancy, aiixll
lai--: K. I). Vfler, 40 el 8; n. 1
Cowitlll. Rolf.
jrt Taxlroh warffj-
tTfro weeks flared up again to
day, remitting In tlip Injury ol
Hilly Atklnnon. i drlvrr.
Atklnxon Wim hcati-n hy two
men when hi Wii! lurt-d on pro
test of a flirt tdiortly nfli-r Cm'
nil- till !?P .ni 1 ,
V . r.fl, i- e-f.r
Not the Cheapest But the Best Dental Work at a Moderate Price
Your teeth need ane.asional examination. The wise automo
bile owner takes his car to an experienced garage man every
few months for a general checking ovc Some times no work 0
is necessary, occasionally the valves must he ground, new piston
rings must he installed or other adjustments made. That kind
of care spells long life and added miles of satisfactory service
from a car.
Like an automobile, your teeth should be regulailyexaniined.
Sometimes fillings must be made, crown or bridge work done
or, f a tooth is abscessed, an extraction is mode. That kinil of
attention also means long, satisfactory "tooth mileage" My ex
aminations are FRKK, too.
If You Need to Wear Plates
Yes, if you must wear plates get the BEST. My
plates will cost you very little more than the cheap
rubber plates and are many times more serviceable,
natural in appearance and comfortable. I person
ally fit them and make them, right here in my Med
ford office.
The Best Dentistry Done Painlessly
Dr.I. H. Gove
Office Phone 872 ..rj Residence Phone 78G-J
525 Ea st Main Street
.Half an Itntlr later. lip un!
fount! In a itrtni-rontiou tomli-'
his ina-;
Mme. Hrhiimann-llPink bait Inter-
rtiptpd a rnnport tour ami rptiirned tlnn on thp rii-ppi nrm-
to New i ork. euffprlng from a t-old t-ttlne.
which will prevent her lninit over PullrrOrmovetl him lo the m.
WKAP and aimiiclnled rntilo aln!ll,.u pm.rinm'.. l,.wn..l
tlnna tomorrow nlgQ hr manager
nnoupctrd today. j CUulfltd advartlalng gut ruulta
lien you toll your frlonds
lo inert yon at the MANX,
you make no mUtafce.
Here you will find a liotel
"Just a littla hotter." Our
every effort Is for your
comfort and convenience.
You will llko our beauti
fully furnished rooms, the
distilled rminlni; 1,-e water In every room, the serv.
' Ito and the artistically decorated lobby. Hates are
reasotiuhlo, too. We welcome you!
' ' row ci l s r. otarhell san fr anqsco i
D a d m
WINDOW lllllllt
I t MBi t; YAltl)
&BZ1B Bli
Car Washing
Hardio High Presiur
Special PncM
Armstrong Motors
Phone 18
Leson No. 12
Question: Why should
young children receive emul
sified cod-liver oil regularly ?
Answer; While milk is the
child's best individual food,
mhc,t Qaii,7 jeWPIry R0p,lrlI1) it ;s deficient in nckets-pre-
. Asaurea II .vnnlmxn lsmm
Quality and Price. ""O """"
' Mail Tribune Advertisi ng
j Gets Results
That is why so many
young children take emuJ-
, sifted cod-liver oil as in
Watch ItclMitrin
J'limond Spiling
ail DS your mnu. ... .. . f
rkiidy co. ;slhed cod-llver o'1 as in
CU8.lX.ed advertising fit,u rwulu. mam.imm-.mmjmirMm