Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 18, 1928, Page 2, Image 2

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arEDFOKT) fATL TRTBUyE, SifiDFOKD. OftEfiOy. SUNDAY, fARCH 18. 1928.
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Iocal and
' Personal
Construction ciews have cum-1 The sixteenth annbal convention
J work on 'h--- ecunty routis of Ihe Daughters of lbs American
Condition for faroilni; are still
too wet in, the Willow springs JI-; mem
trill. said i. V. Hirkholz ycstcr-1 in th' (Jolii Kill k::ly. Or.e, licvolutiun in Oregon will be held
day when. h wan in Meuford fujcreiv of men are bjy on the KaniilJn Portland March 2. JO, Jl. and
hl home in that district, lit n-j yulU-y road while another crew are!B,out 17U chapter officers and Uel
liorled that alfalfa is becoming an hwiy ,,UIiinii the Sardine creek . nates will attend, representing v
imnorlaut product and is taking ruud into shape. This work will 'try chapter in h Mate, to truiu-
the Ohio fif corn u-lilrh user) tol i, .i...- ,iu mAM ! . i.,,( ........ ..t .u ......
biflo?k aluiuu are revurled Ui he 1 1, plumed lu lartto quantities along) tur lha farmer, in these vicinities.' Plant perennials now. Large e
ruitnliig govt! iu 'ic Kbu river j the hill sides, ile said, however,! cvlyig JJru;. next to the Kialto lection to choose from, reasonably
smaller , ''-' - "" " theater, open every niKiu anu nun- priced. B. c l naalalu. nw Uinii-
l'hune Mb. rrce delivery. Or' koji office. Phone 4a2-l,-;, 3b 'J
Due to tbp report that the;
sod up some
. stncaiif. , many
leca, fishermen ' " illow Burin, action fa, still ; a.
Mr. and Mm. Hubert Derrick,
tvQyvr well known owners of the
i,teierlu on South Kiverxide. who
since UinB out ihir Uifeiiiittttf
have been at Ixw Ang
eles, arrived in Mud ford op laat
Thursday on a few dajV bu tinea
nn plfufture vleit,
JianUftlwatiiHf and Mmockii.g. The
ruainun cm op, Alt'drord KIUk.
an Imporiant cru. ' 2Jtinf
For inlurior and txtcrior paint-j mIoh Katharin McKay of 1'hue
ir and uaperlns, Thone 66'J-Jl. -,tnt veurdav in the city
nhuunini; iind viitinir friend.
irt-en Uib wood r.t numnier moved to Mm home in a few days,
price. Medford Fuel Co. Tl. 631.1 Try our n von day merchants'
Mr. Kr-d t'oid of th' Appltr-. lunch, 4hc and 50c. Jackson HoU
evening-KUte diwtrkt i.oi,d in the city Coffee Khop. 2y3tf
A fairly HUeetHnfuI H-aon wun
reported by I-enti-r Hklnuer who re
turned lant week from Hoeky lJint
"hick Kennedy, local fighter, i'in Kluniuth county, where he had
Ipru several weekrf trapplnK-
If you-an contemplating: chang
ing your truck tires from solid to
pneumatic tires, see IjuIh Hui ti
The lledford hlh bakeioall
en ui to &6.
QAlesni and the large ucickjuoii m. Among the I nlverslly of Oregon : tjmr.
- "rooters who oil week ciieerea in stUilent who arrived home on the
i.b.nne.1 to leave today on an all-
il.. . v. i ..(.. frhr.nph the
l-un baa heen on for iteveral dayn, . (y
ho Uiff fulj.have heen rej.oneq ,,,lfcfc H(.ine urown unx ylnt
kK-al fifhermen. The w1" on j f .eall were amonp the loral pa
fluh lefii than ten inchei ln (.Kerj( Who left on the aoeclal e-
wiH continue to De riotiea u"1" . curnlon train lam Friday
after the first or April. (0 Han Kranrinco, , ' yeHterri-iy.
fhon $4t it you want your car- (;, ,1, wood at lumirA r;ood Husar pine ahukea at lilf!
bage removed. i prl Med ford Fuel Co. Tel. :?; Lumber Comimny. 33
W. it. uore, preeiu'i 3Ji'tri
Fil-rt National WtHK w llecaune Klre Chief itoy Klliott ; reuorte.l to havi- Jxiwn un Hi
most of at week I'V 1 cold. 1h wPn(nnB several dayn on lui- be-t of any of the .f-dozen fltj.u
An oerloaded iilock of ud and n(WH j iurilund and in .Salem, the ei who took iiart in the Hu nker
UetnoptratlDK phonojiiapha i the fjrf. department did not hold it at (;r.intH )'uhh lat Friday niahl.
reftiiOn for the very exceptional n..KUlar weekly oui-door drill, on j Kennedy defeated iiattJiiiK Onn in
prices being offered on InxtrumenU ; Stuurday. Chief Klliott i expected 'the fSrnntH 1'ann Hiimk-r by break
In first clam condition. There are t .return durlnn the early part of jnK hit jaw In the third round, and
many uarcam n mo .uw-. -1 m ween. J)y fur ug ti)e )OUt went, acor-l-'
running an low as U each. He -re $10 & atore earrlen( UiS to local fann whe aw the
ihf lnalrumenu at the Palmer drewt.j and coat In if II size from j fibt, it waa filled with action. It
MUiic Houne. ' tne Hinaii mie to tne larger wom-; WJS Kennetly'n flrnt appearance In
3-,"'u Mjuthurn (renon ring for
Special uttentipn in beinu tM.otcd
thejthis week to the ued lnstrutnent
Mar-, in the phonograph department of
the i'aliner Mutnc Houne. Kxcep
llonal prices have been placed on
all tli cm; instrument! and It in ex
pected to reduce the atock mater
ially within the next few day.
Very reaxonable terma will apply
on thin special Bale as well ait ail
nc-iv inatrumentH. f 3CU
Joe Cave, local policeman, re
turned Friday evening from Port
land, where he was called as a ,
def urine wUnesa In the nianslau)it- I
er Diil of Federal Officer Terry
L'tted cur barKalna. Highway Mo-'
tot Company, 114 South UlvcrIdc.
Open tonight and tomorrow after-:
noon- 358
Jasper Hcynolds, son of Mr. and
Mm. C. J. KcynoldH. arrived in
Medford last night to spend his
Hprfng vacation. Jasiicr la a Uni
verHtly of Oregon student. 1
You'll like our evening dinners. '
Sue mid 6&c. Jackson Hotel Cof- ;
fee Shop. JfSif
Kliuor CarUun. who ha In-en at
the Community honpitul for the
paitt two week recovering from an
appendiciliH operation. will In-
Service Station for
Vo.&nire ovpf of wheels.
Uiinstial and beauti
ful for walks and ter
races. Can idfliver aiiy qual
ity. Mr. Beach, Phone 89
the suite Ba.eo.i" , we Friday night to w
tournament at haiem, win ,K- spring vacation were: Mlvf
utringlng along home late lhl of-Morle Kelly. Hie daughter of .Mr.
trrnoon and this evening, hy train anil Mr K- .; Kelly, Holiert llmn
tind .ftUlo. - j niond, son of Mr. and Mrs. 11. 11.
i 12-ln. oak chunk wood, $ flnmmond and MIhs t'rcll Coss,
tier. Medford Kucl Co. Tel. (31. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Karl
"t'' V.-0SS.
-A "Fifty Years Ago" item in Coivlg Urugs. next to the Itialto
Tbp Oregonlan. puMIhed on theater, open every night and tiun
Mirci 12, read as follows: "AQiIuj-. Phone Si 6. Free delivery,
other caltle buyer from Idaho ai-. 3(nf
rives In Hoguc ltlvcr valley, lie J iv,,. iWiel wood, i.iu tier,
wan'n to buy 2l)0 head." '.Medford Kuel Co. Tel. C3I. 347U
j, 'B3Sr V'"" efcultM Bhjj The bran A office of the United
fins Lumber Company. 363;Ktates laborourenu, with the ar
F. 'W.' fJchv'fpl. C J- Hemon and ; rival of sprliiK weather. rvporlH
Oeorip (Jatcs are among the Med-j greater activity in local labor clr
iord men "who were business vis-. cles, as there hove been a number
Itor in Portland last week. I of calls for garden makers and J
:TTe fly 0 fia Sioie i ' uii ininvie. iioieei. in.-ie is
dresses a A coats in all sizes Vim still riiilte a labur surplus und is
Jie sjnal) Hilsses to the larger worn-, likely to be for sometime, accord
ct) up 3. " 308 lug to present Indications.
The county school superlnten-j Phone oil lor your garbage cul
dent's office Is now completing I lections. lift
preparations for the teacher's in- j The big tun piuiHt-ngcr plane of
etltutp to ba held next Saturday Hie West Coast Transit eompany
pt' thp 'Huch school house, where again failed to arrive pr pass over
teachers" from oil parts of the the local airport yesterday, pvk
counfy are expected to assemble, i lug four days that 'the ahlp'-iius
7he Institute will take up general j not been seen here, i
scljopl work and Is one of a ser- Jf you arc contemplating the
les tp be held In the rural dls-. purchase of a phonograph in the
trlcts. It will 'be on all-dov , sea-; near future It will pay you weir to
sion and at noonl a iuncheox'wlll iiivev-atc the special sale of used
be served by womcur,of tho Itucli , pnoni7prapns nelng held uy the Pal
dlrt'rlct. vy
t:eei-w mniAsnd woman over 21
years old wni tins resided In the 1 1 nnolher nltractlon In conjunction
.int. .1. months nrlor to the prl-!wlll Hi Is sale. ;.3fi0
inary. Ma8, Is entitled to voto.l -Mrs. Italph Woodford left " Frl
bgt niust regtaier at once. Anyone "ay evenlnic on the Southern I'n
In the countyWn, register at counly ei!i- excursion to 8an Kranclseo.
clerk's office. Medford resident I Used car bargains. Highway Mo
reolsle'r at Chamber of Commerce i ' Company, 114 South Itlverslde.
or county clerk's office. tf;l,OT tonight and tomornw afler-
II. VI. Oustln (Ous the Tailor) ! noon, . .,. . , , , , , 3;,.
who recchtly purcliosid the house I Many players , and rooters from
on the Van Dyke property, the) various points In attendance at the
latcr ' belonging to the Medfjwd Hottthern Oregon Normal school
Icr and StorPS" oftlt. complied tournament for secondary schools
Ihe moving of the building to ' nuuy nun jesieruay, loos oilvnnl-
South firapc street last Friday.
mer Music House. Prices run ns
' low as lw. special record offer
FOIt ItK.N'T -i-rooni, uiifurnihhed
houhc and garage. Inquire f K.
JaekHou. 304
Y A X T 10 L)-v y o u n k man for b oo k -keeper
and Kcucral office work.
Must be experienced and have
good references. Address lox
A lit. , 3011
FOIE KKNT-Modern 4-room bung
alow on Clark St.. gHi-ai;c. water
paid; 2j a month. I'tioiif
613. 300
fyO.VK wishing Italnhow Cleun
eiM'oupnn books call !'64-I, eve
nincy :ifn-r 6 p. m. 311
I j,
V' Used car bargains. Highway Mo
tor Company. 1M South niverstdu.
Open tonight and tomorrow after
noon. ' I
"Jackson county, orcharulsis
htr cA"ery reason to wxpect s
bumper crop thin year," was the
cheering mcsaaga of U. I
county agent In charge.
horticultural division.
wld in
ao hetween ganiis and at other
time to cork over to Medford to
look over this city. f)
rnod vugar pine slmkea at
Vipi Lumber Company. 363
K. A. IJttrull, uho has spent the
luMt two weeks In Klamath Falls
managing Ike Mllrell Parts store
'ilcox!,,f ,nat clly wl" return to Medford
of the i'0
The $10 &
store carries
f : i i
1 i :'
Ing bis first, of whiit will be reg- ilf esses and coats lu nil torn
ular trios to Ashland. Mr. Wll-"" "lu" ''' to the larger wm-
cox will devote every Tuusiyl) to!c" l .
tills conimllliltv and Hill have Ills! J'aVhlg been s.illle
headquarters at the cliamber
,.f "l't
time slnye a
was singed lu Medford
I by stale traffic officers, motorists expectant of another in a short
time mid with ihul thought in
mind, a numlier of them are havlnt.
nrailiufcis ailjusted wltlmut belnu
healthy ' ,'v-,'" by traffic officio's, w ho
comin rce. The county official ex
plnltied his niiginal statement
further by declaring that the raln
f'llt of last year was so ahiimlunt
I n. It gave tho, trees every ui
oortunltv to sei:lire
tbrlftv growth, which ), resulted I ,U" la"' "lid made her
lit extflllrnt buds. Tho unlv ll.lne ! rested 10 violators, all of
now lhal eniild hrlnu ,IUu i.iw.i,,. . Illd small fines
ment would be the frost ba2aro.l ,f 5"" "ant a good building loan
Dd th( official explained Ihul Ihlsj " r"U' uf l"uro,,l
bltzard did not bother the Ash- d''" & l'u- l-'f"
, i Hint good coa I. Hansen Cm. 1
Phono 239. 3371f
llaHlun ivtunied to Hold
rk from Camp I.ewN
Jiad been to take the
Kiniliialions fur Weal
lie passed the ilivliul ex-
" ' Co
riviv valley. Ashland Ki glstei O Cj u" "''""'
nil! tills wee)
Cpinc and sec ! ,vh,'r'- '"W'
1. S. K. Chus-1 'J ""' Wi
; Point.
amlnalloiis u llhout A..jilile but th.
land orchardlsts as much as It dij
those residing In the upper Itncjto
I'crinnlal Plants. Wo have them.
7o price Is right
pr write fur price list. S. K. Chus
lain. nar Owen-Oregon offiiTcl.
(52-L-2, W369
After having been R patient at
tho Kacrrd Heart hospital for two
months, following a major opi-ra-ilon
which had been performed-at
i'ortlapd. Mike Vulsh. former Jan
itor at HI. Mary's Acudemy. was
fibe to bp removed to his home
ant. week. ,
Used car 'bargains. HigMvu M-..
tor Company. 114 South lilveralde.
Open tonight and tomorrow after
noon. .ir.h
.U ou-orawoontempluling chang-. ""' M.""'!
log your, truck tires from solid to ""ul l;tl v
uneummic tires, see l.wl. ;,,. . weaves from 12
r4 tf attfows w mart ij
ObAlllilSr STOCK IN' U
so.vtiu:i(, piti:tlof M.
Wmt l.lMUl;it V.MtI
he (Tl)'l
bervlco Stntlon for
hsngeover of wheels.
ir8 .
. 3Jqebirds
V going over big.
H you tried them?
i fvi
otner exumlnatlon:.ive not been
liiard from. It will noslbly be
iwo months tlv
port will he mad
Coal llS.r.o p,.r tn. Medford.
Fuel Co. Tel. 631. 33Ttf j
Mrs. .1. J. Itiiciiler and Mrs. Kmll
Mnhr drove to Aliun, curly yes
tardily afleriinon lo intend the
liaiiKhleis of the Mir meeting h.i ;
in that city.
Select your new sluing null ill
Shop, from the M. Porn!
. Price lines. All the ncw.i
to r,n. We
lion. 326tfV
Alvln Potter jj-restcd on Frld.i:. I
evening tor sp lug en South (i.,.
dale avenue, flmi! SIS wh.'n
hi entered a plea of inii'ly In the
city police lolnl ycslcrday. The
.irrcKt was made by City Traffic
(fflcer ft. J. Pic-eoit.
The Hand llox Shoppe. 223 Kut
6tli pi., one door east of b'conoiny
Groceteria. l(jaiicn mon with a
roiniiletu line CT bcasillful ntlllln.
Jrai v. Watch for the opening. 3S0
lieeause mi recruits ale needed,
the United stales murine corps re.
crullllig office, which hud l.ecn
oih-ii here for several liiomhs. wn
closed lu-l unli and Sergcunt Xlek
J.I lues. Who was 111 charge of Ihe
officii, left fir he.Mliiu.irters at
See Kllnor H.inlcy Hush for re.
rl. aned alfalfa seed ami liuleil buy.
s'.'il K. M.iin phone !Mi2. n :t j t f
The (line Flower l.oilgn ill Phor.
nix. one of llo- historical old build
ings lu .la kon lourity, wUs tlie
destlnnlion last Wed uesiluy of the
history class of l,e Washington
school sixth grade. wh,h Is lutight
by 3t. 1.. Cornwall.
You must register to vote at the
prlmury May 14. The new law puts
a slop to sweating in votes on elec-j
Hon day. Kcgisler at oin-c with
U C. Oarlock at the Chaiubir ofi
Commerce or at county clerk's of-.
Waving Time
I'lie first week in Mnreli al
(A'liys menus n fienunil uioviug
in t lie t'uiuiiiiiiiity,
o ,
To tliOMe wilt) lire lcui,ng our
fit'L'le we wish sinrcvns. The
fires, uf friciulsiiip btill hum for
To tlie iit'Wt'i'liifrs, wc liiil a
wiiint wolooine mill fxtcml
luiNii(itlity of which wo trust
they will liiliu iivl vaiilugu. q
XoggeryQ Value
Spring Brings Out
New Men's Hats
And tin.' choicest til'lie cmp are to be
found in tbisrM;ol,'t, uow-
Jiakiwli new snap-bi'ini felts in gray,
green and brown. Soft knock-about
stvles in rich colors.
''Partners In Community
If von want to see what. s. correct in
iSijrinii head-rear, men, von niust see
our new , , ,. , ,
Tlierc are a nuniber of little style tie
tails about tjiese bats that make them
preferred aliove iill others by jnen who
know . hat stvle. The uriees are iinod-
i 1 t
For information relative tce
having your
removed,uand any other
special collections
Phone 542
crate, too.O
$8.00 to 010.00
Other Hats $1 to 7.r()
Conie in. Look them over
Toggery Quality
ti i
Villi Clllllllil tin Iflllxl
fiiintc wurk if your
is llllt llceui'lttl'
iiilit Us Icsl your eves so
I lint you nin v li,. Mir,, vim
inc nut lininlicii;iii'(l hv
Imperfect Vision
SDr. Jud Rickert
222 E Main
1 1 i
Our Electric Cutawl
All kinds of fancy cutting with this niaciQie at
excejit ioiially reasonable prices.
Von are cordially invited to call and inspect
this litawl. ; , . ,
Bliss Heine Company
227 West Bixth ' Thane 623
yOU will Mtss the General Eleric Refrig- q
cratoii for the way it lightens household
tasks. It makes two trips to market take the place
of six. It keeps all foods at just the right tem
perature. It makes the preparation of tose de
lightful salads and desserts a matter of minutes O
O instead of hours. It never needs attention not
even oiling.
As you examine this refrigerQor you will
tice that it has no drain-pipes, beltsfJms, or stuff
ing boxes tcyet out of order. .That its shelves
are generously roomy. That Pis unusually quiet.
That it is portable. TQt all its moving parts
-with a p(nanent supplyf oil are enclosed
in a single -rmetica: sealed casing. All these
advantages are the result of fifteen years of pains
taking research by the General Electric Company.
Come in and see the various models. In the
Tfncantime, mail the coupon below and wc will
gladly send you an interesting descriptive book
let oti this new-day rcfr(fcrator.
Medford Eletfric Store
Medford BuildingPhone 90
flc In Medford. tf'