Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 18, 1928, Page 1, Image 1

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    Medford Mail Tribune'
D.II. Twraty in.l la
kl riftf-alttk Tau
No. 358.
By Arthur Briiban
Children on the Desert.
The Horned Toad Fights.
To Get Rich, Enrich Oth
ers. 7?sk Dupont, Sloan, Ras-kob.
(Copyright, 1927, by New York
BTcnlng Journal, Inc.)
HODGE. Cal On this beu-:
tiful CuliCornu desert, fertile j
as tlie Nile when water is up-!
plied you see Interesting tilings. ,
At liulf pust 'nfvt-n this morning j
along the desert highway, about j
Qvery half mile, children were!
waiting for the omnibus to take j
them to high school at Barstow. j
Tlie moOr bus runs the 40-inile
round trip daily, at publie ex
pense. Another omnibus takes the
smaller children to the new
public school at Hodge,and the
, public pays for that. A small
i r . ni Oi ,
boy of ten near He Cuhflc
v.-itli lnu uivti'r in a en m litt ennri..
.. .... ..... .. ... - . ..... . .
waiting for the high school bus. Jtoyln, time, the teams wegc : tied naml.e and placed It under
When it comes he returns to I r.J,.ro neeessarv i,1,e hou"- "Vou c,,n "rovo ''at
i , , .i . it i I V nCLC'7n'5' i,: I bought that powder and you can
Ins father's homestead, back on in the first of these, neither e t)at 1 put u umlfr th
the desert, and takes the Other "co'',ou "u: 8110rll' allcl house." the young farmer dcclar-'
C, , ' .,' , , ,,l,e "cond period opened Uolp, cd ,o Ma ln5qulslBtorSi .'Uut , you
uu.T iu 1 4c i-ii..!..... ..I.4.V.U..
First cn.-h lav he .lvivrs his
Sistcr to the high sdiool motor
Hi,., Tl.rtt... ..l.;i,lv,.n wn.,t nAu.
itii;..,, 4l, ..4l r.F ,,,ii;i'lM.tiit)
.,.,v v....
gives it to them in rich cities,
and far out on the desert, and
that is the hope of America.
Not going to high school, but
extremely busy four miles back
on the lfot ground was a horned
toad, shaped like your hand,
not quite as long or wide, his
head, big as a nickel, protected
with irregular little horns slop
ing backward. According to
.ti-i .
Ul'ltlKU law, as IfUU down IU '
liliiekstone, he retreated until
lie could go no farther before
resorting to deadly extremities.
;? Then he fought, with an inl
inistakable "your life or mine
Kaising himself as higfl as
possible on the ends of his short i
legs, always tinning his comi
cal, harmless little horns to
ward the ene'fliy, he SIW at the
black shoe, five times his size,
bit the toe a dozen times and
savagely fought a small stick
used for painless investigation.
Turn him over and he righted
himself, like a flash. Marvel
ous little fighter with terrific
energy taken from lic hot sun j
and an insect diet, he was more j
fearless than liismarek. JJU-1
liiari-k said, " WSIermans fair j
God and nothing else.
That homed toad fears noth
ing. If all the legions of an
gels a i id archangels marched
against him, he would bite their
toes or wing
lie. was a 'proud toad when
11li4 niininV Vl't.l'CUtPfl. leftVilll'
l,i. i ..nCion ..f II. .Insert.
" "
Viie Mimw, time li stood, nnerv.
nn I in too then resumed his in-1
on tip toe men resumcu ins in hiintiiKf - Tn tho eves of
eternity ins victory was as
jiortant as that of W aterloo or
... ...
ly the way, don t let anyone j
persuade you to btiQacrc lots
cn the Mojavc desert unless you
i have thousands to spend on
i water and other development,
, and be especially suspicious of
anyone trying to sell you land
hv quoting things said by this 1
. J?. . , ,
writer. This is a good place .fj
'you have plenty of money, or
4.-4 ..-ill! n 44-elr HV. 1..vo
for small returns. It is UO place
. , ... . , ,.
f.n- the 1 it 1 1., limn tn niiik.. Ins
" , ' . . .
W 4.444. 444 IV44 4J .44- 4J444.0 -
tions. Koine worthless laud has ;
been Qld on the strength of i I-ewls shoved Washington's score tournament shot another goal but
references to the desert in this"" "nd a ?:llw uo man'r ?tKnf ''h b"
the back of his head. Ixswls then , uml It was not allowed. At the
toluuiu. , shot a free throw, making It 2.1 end of the game both teams were
. j to 21 for Washington, but Melvin given a great cheer by the cn-
(Continued on Pace four) ; come right back with a field goal 1 thusiastic crowd.
! ' !
Closest Contest for State
Hoop Title in History
Goes to Portland Team
in Second Extra Period
Score Tied at End of
Game By Melvin.
I SALEM, Ore.,
i Jubilant crowds
xi.... ,f im 1
of Washington
i high sellout rooters from Tort
land paruded Salem s streets to- j
night in celebration of their team's'
victory over Medford high
to ,
23, which gave Washington tlie j
stale high school basketball
it was a nip and tuck game that I
'oclluicd all the exciting iramea 1
S2n.ded u In ? Z tZ-K
.. ... '
mm. jy,. enu oi 1110 ichu"'
n,.u, ... " I
waa nn polm m.An OI u, . . . ' I
uruite in lur u. siiul iiiiil uul iiib
Jteum In tho leuU, und Ia-wIs., tall
, , , i
i'ceiUer, pushed in another short
Washington's score,
. .,
1 Melvin plucky Medrordlte who
played will, blood streaming from .
,an Injured hand, saved the day 1
temporarily for his team with ai
I oeioie luo rvKuiur piuiug i'"'":
onded. Despite tho pain ho was
undergoing, Melvin starred for I
team, scoring live iieiu gouis uuu
two free throws. m
suilllug Caused Defeat i
Medford adopted Its favorite.
I stulling tactics when only one;
point to tho good with three niin-
hum. t no. and In the oulnion of :
' "7
omtTs dr'r was r
l ., ..,1.1. it,. -IniirP.l do
m-. - , , " Zt,
jn4B point
from Just
the foul !
Ininiin, f ...
Uolp, f
..2 1 2 i
...5 3 1
...3 1 1!
... 1 0 1 !
.. 0 0 11
...71" W 6 ;
FO ft pf;
... S 2 2,
... 4 0 ' 4 ,
... 1 0 0
... 1 3
... 0 2 j
...10 3 It
Umplro Cole-
i.cwi c
; g y;...e..
Medford (23)
Melvin. t
M. Donald, t
Philips, c
liarnell, g
Morgan, g
Totals ..
sALKM?'ao?e.fcS". FT-ip-
Lewis, lanky Washington center,
demonstrated at the start that he I
I u.f.nlH auuHu fnkn llie (ill-riff. Wash- 4
ingum scored first, two seconds j
arterplay started on a long Bhot j
'Medford quickly took tho lead on I
i a free throw by Morgan and two'
: I'inlil iroatlK hv MiDonuld on short ;
shots; Washington micd several
chances. Score, Medford 5; Wash-1
iuglon 2. !
First quarter ended Medford
leading 7 to G. It was proving a !
center's buttle with Lewis of Wash
ington and Philips of -Medford alt
ernating at scoring. 1
With the men going at topi
I sliced, fouls were frcouei
and anu i
. 1,i,lfni-,1 u-ua 4-at4ll!jMTn4. itil
oV Srtn
! throws, which they sank with rt.d-1
ly accuracy. Two of these and
a i.inv in u-.ih M..4-in nit.ran
,,,e O'l""'"!? S,!ll'd nMK Medford i
, lom(LJnore polnta Store. Mcufor(1,
ill- :,l,lnui., 7 I
M4rifnrH I nari.
; Two - --- -
. Duip for Washington tied the
i score. Medford s Bhootlng
farther away and missing.
Score at end of half: Medford
13; Washington II.
Shortly after the second half
opened. Lewis of Washington piv
oted into t
1 tfjopen to tie the score
wllh a field goal, but Melvin ot
Medford immediately put his team
two points aheud again by drib
bling Into the foul line and shoot-ln-r.
Washington dashed Into the
lead Just before the third quarter
1 1 . .., , . , . ... .
'e.'' 't!l fleld ."' nd
,-ewl"- Score at end third quarter:
Washington: Medford 17.
. ith fouriniiiutes to go,
L. u.ji, ..,., ... ..'...
Jmpoll.lo shot from the sideline
,lo bring his teams score within
ion,. ii4in. 4r iK,.niio ii,0i
I - . "'"- -"V
I clanger under these conditions.
! Medford adopted Its favorite stc)! -
. 444, 4444.1 .. n. 444.44ie -I W -V HI
ins tactics. Score 21 to 20 in
Score Aaain Tied
Earl Jones, 19-Year-OldQodies of Eight Sailors In
Farm Lad Will Be Heldfo .Wreck of Subngrine ,
For Dynamiting Home
Resulting in Death of
Step- Mother.
' OltEGOX cm Ore.. JIar. 17.!
tP) Que (.lulled ( hour after 1
hour in connection with a dyne-'
Imito blast thut killed and mull-
iinteii hiM ti.nnii.iin. nn.i m. ..., i
Ucar old stop-bruihcr, Harold. atl'hl I"1'1' the submarine. S I was j
tlleie home iLt ltorlnir Thursduv. .
Karl Jones, 19, tonight had made"
; no stutcmcnt other than that he
' had placed tho blast but had not
Blot n uff. je j h0ij n
J 1 1 . "
here on an open charge.
father. Itnbert .fnnes I44 In . rrlt-I
7 : ,. 7 , i, . 7 t i
, ' "
','' ' , I f, ""IT", V ,f u?',
eelved when tho blast demolished
,l'e'', , . , !
1 Ju'"'a Blstor a,,d an aunt I
Young Jonea admitted to Sher-
i lfV l.- . .4..... !... V. 1
can't prove that 1 didn't and sou
can't move that I dtan't zut you
can i nang mo iov inm:
... .
Late toduy offluora wore Htlr-
I red by the announcement- that '
Jon(?9 Wanted to talk to them
Sheriff Mu. n.1,1 nirnni.. Pneo
, , d , , , ,
Jono8. ,
..,.,,. .. 'ifi ,, ,.-t
hHVft ut.t ;hnf. Imv of
flvnnnilln nf f " I
,,,.,, ; ,,, ,,...,,, .,,
a( t(lo
,u ,,iv "'""b . " I
Inquiry among powder
men brought tho opinion that a
rifle bullet would not be effective
In discharging the explosive.
William Hammond, Oregon Clly;.he ri,,in- ,0 that Iho S-4 would
Attorney, has been retained to de-
!fend. the youth,. It was believed
. ' -' ' . '
inuay tnat- insanity would prou-
- '!L! - . - '".
"ai"'iuii ' iniwiT
Jonea told officers yesterday that
had died when lie was born and
that four of his maternal aunta
had been confined at times in tsy
UnnH for theinsane. Ho added that
he " himself, suffered "lapses of
memory," but thin was contra
dicted by a younger brotlTer.
Tri n flnnnpfa nf til a Inlin f A m -
ilv. neighbors said, was 1 na piti-1
ftl condition. Tho father of the
family curries a life Insurance
policy for 1.000 and tel. house
Shortly after F.arl Jones, arrest,
I collect the Insurance?"
Stipp, district nltorncy
der i-harge would
against the youth.
be placed
World's Record
For Air Loops
$ade By Holman
ST. PAUL. Minn., Mar. 17.
P) A new world's record
of 1.433 consecutive loops in
an airplane was established I
hero late today by Charles
(Speed) HolmanQit Minneap-
ikiIIs, beating the Turner mark
by more than 3oW
The old figure was 1.111
i loops,
established In Franco
Fronvol. It was the
by A
cc?n.l ,tlme !n .r?c0t. t
"oiman nau ueuereu u.o j,
I record. Gone Shank of St. ,
Haul set a mark of more than
500 which was beaton by Hoi-
man with 1093 twirls. Then
' camo the 1,1 1 1 loops by Fron
; val wllich Homan 8Urpassed
Holman ascended shortly af-
r ter noon and remained in the
air five hours. . Ho carried
H 7 gallons of gasoline which
had been exhausted when he
Bozeman Wins Ttitle
IIL'FFALO, N. Y Mar. 17. (P)
.1. Hozeman of Los Angehw. won
tho three-cushion champion)Mlp of
1114; .1 iimtc'dr-n 111114441 u 444,14444:144414411
j America ttfflght when he defea
!. . of indianatx
j aXgame 50 to 18. In
Ihe Amate'rtHII'lard association of
Innings. Bozeman
. 4i ..u
'"e weeks play without
as the gun eraciQ, tleing the
score 23-23.
n-t.. .1 ij
I"" 11IS4 O.eitllllO IIBHOU 4444S
; scoreless. Hut In the second, Wash -
i ihgton scored two fleid loala, win-
nine hv a score ot 27 to 23. Mel
'ning I1T B KCOTC OI it 10 .4.
' Tin who ulaved one of the fastest
1 n. . ..nn . a 1, 1 ..i, , i,,.i
l- . A . II T
aunK o ivionins Hyo
Impressive Scene Marks
17. (JP) Just fifteen minutes short
f throe months from tho tlmo Bhe ,
was 8unkl ' collision with tho;
coast 'niard dest royer Paulding off j
to the surface today by i
uu,ttl sanase ' " ,, i
ion the afternoon of December 17
U lie, ivumub ...... ' irinrnnnn I
. . , . ,1.
. . ... . . . ,-. .
tiecK oi tne salvage snip ricon
greeted tho culmination of throo
mon,h"' of ttml ln-
ter weatner on the piut 0f the!
salvagers. As tho counlns tower!
appeared above tho surface, DlveK
Toni Kad.e. who won the eo.P
Krcssloual medal for anving a fol
, .1, .1.. ... .1.. 49 4 I
wnt down, loj thc crew ot the i
salvage ship in a burst of cheor-j
, Tbe men on hmti eRU otho
vessels clustered about the seono ,
! Joined In the shouting and officers ,
on board the Fnlcon Hurried to
congratulate Captain F.rnest J.
Kln and Commander Harold S. i
Saunders, who were In charge of j
he operations.
Alihoug divers have braved win
ter frost and rough water for three
months to get the hull roady for
raising the final operation lasted
about four hours. At ll:0u a. in..
the water was blown from the con-
4IO! I UUII1 UI lllU DUUHltl'llin 4ll'4
ono by one tho other compartments
,nt,rlf,!.4wl 1,nnviinl Than Pnnia
' the six great pontoons which had
been lowered and arranged In pairs
alow; the hull.
Commander Saunders watching
the air valve had hoped to time
come uu nt the same minute of
"IB "B "" f
three montht nco todnv
S ? A
nui hl UIl lilO " t!l U Oil IIIU
deck of tho Falcon an the uubmfir-
ine came up. In the HI days since
the collision these men had had
44t& rlnVQ HIlltnMn fni fllvlnir aiwl
had made 506 dives to the ocean
bed, 102 feet down.
The S-4 In being towed to Uos
ton and upon her arrival there will
bo placed In drydock at $ie navy
juiu auu uociors win euier inc
torpcoo room anu alter compart-;
j n'e'it to remove the eight bodies ;
Ji;1:," 7'."
U,r .,: .TiiT I .' ;. V...
ters or messages which may have
i ..p. .
oeeu icn oy mo six men wno were
imprisoned alive in the torpedo
room hours after ilm vphkii mink
. r-
SALEM. Ore., Mar. 1 7. tVPi
The following all-tournament
i. tt . ...
:Z ;.. , U.?'W. Mrs. Miller said she plan
Dolp, Washington, forward.
Melvin, Medford, forward.
Lewis, Washington, center.
Knowlton, Tillamook, guard.
Morgan, Medford, guard.
Tho second team was as follows
James, Tillamook, forward.
Duffy, Salem, forward.
lleeehler, Salem, center.
McCartney, Washington, guurd.i
Kelly. Salem,
! Sailor Jack Wood, locu rest
ler. received positivu wonl yester
j day that Hull Montana of Holly
wood, well known movie actor
jand wrestler, will appe
i-ur In Mod -
, ford In
smoker with
I March
26. Montana ha.
pieted working In a movie
-auction and between ,.l,.re.
ample time to wrestle h M.-d-
.,,. u
I ford. Monl ItlH hu tinver ai.naal'.
I - - - . .
n "," iV" . , ""play ot jewelry y nom sexeHM
.oranis 1'ahh aeeiai yeam ago und ,i..iM,f.1. i.f.r.tlr.n nf flm lmet.
J" ''e'-lcd ' W'ood a ha
' .. ,
All ileta la nt hn .m.,v h.v.l
is expected to Kove Wood a h
l me nmoKer nave
' " " -
1""1 "en comiiietuu, but will be,
announced sometime early this'
week, according to
Wood, who began
with Montana last
southern California
'Of Jack
wr-stlor up-
pcared last week III "Lightning."
which was presented at the Hialto! to gather frenh enthusiasm and Int
theatre and his face Is known erest although the ceremonies began
to practically all of the Medford 1 early In the day and continued lur
and southern Oregon movie fans, i 'D' f BlKht.
Paints Orange Auto
License Green, Gets
Fine of Five Dollars
;ATT!.K, Mar. K.
State Senator W. V. Connor
rUh and proud uf it.
lid thin St. 1'uttU-k'n day
j found tin orange of his uu-
lumubilu licence plute par-
offensive, so he
hem painted tlienl
u brilliant green.
Ml went well until he met
Truffle patrolman K. K. Nov
ell, who Isn't Irish, the law
maker posted five dollar
ball "for unauthorized alter-
1 lug of .license plates." and
! continued morrily on his way.
lipP nf sPattlp De
MrS. Miller 01 ieaUie Ue
c!a ts Royal Marriage in
. j
India a True LOVe Match
Sends Congratulations
Will Visit Later.
8ICATTLE, Mar. 1 7. (If) A mes
sage of congratulations to her
daughter Nancy Ann, who toduy
became the bride of Tukojl Uno,
former maharajah of Indoro at
Barwaha, India, was sent by Mrs.
Ml & Seattle as soon I
J h , informed the ntarrlago !
had taken plnce.
. "',he wori.r-frL Mlllc?l "ld
44? ,hij!' tt-iln vniv much In
lovo-1 with each olhor and 1 he-
. v , .
Ueve they win be nappy.
Jlrs. Miller was expecting a cable
fw.. lmlio telling her of the mur-
rlage. The last she has heard
from Her uaivsnter was uu mo ...j
ir T yr ' o'"?!"'' . ,
"Tt was a true love maicn, "'-
Miller said of tno romance oi
. n.l 41. nvlnno 4lf IlltltH.
uaogiiu-r uuu 44,41 ------ -
"and It was n case of love at first
sight. From the first, Nancy said
sho would never give the roahnr -
ajah up, and he also said tho same
' '.'or'
Vutiev nnd the maiiajarah met I
on tho shores ot I-uko I.uccrno In ,
Switzerland In the summor of 19UI) j
while Mrs. Miller and the girl were,
travollng. The prince and his ret-
- ,,n,. . "v.. 44(1 WHO U4 1114 UklUlllCJ'S iUr
Inue accompanied them to sevoiaii.. uninii,. ,,i.i ii..i,r..n
of the pluces they visited that sum -
mcr and before tne .Miners
ih-!k for their homo
hero the I
gave a maBiilflcent party
Ion Nancy's birthday. September !
Mrs. Miller has not opposed tho
,i4firiiire. unn niiio.
i "' ,;, , ! mm do-
! "U "O"1. 'lo not.,!?."1; ,.'.U...
I clarcd. . Tliey
had their minus
made 43111." I would not wain 10
Inlcrferd In my daughter's hap
piness." ... ,
Tho girl's grandfather, Louis
Srhaofcr, who Is now with Mrs.
Miller hero, expressed regret uini
ho had not been In llarwaha, "to ;
give tho phi away," In the mar-1
Hugo. "That is a gentleman s ,
Job." Mr. Schafcr said. I
Vimi-v Ann .tiller was uwni i4
Seattle in 1907.
t is probable that .--.aiicy anu
Indian husband win speuu
...i. r fitnir time In a chateau
I , ... UI rli.rmulll-PU-I jive.
! ". raDle ul 'l ' " " .r w
! den .
inn unnua uuu -
, nod to visit them
"when It Is con-
A Rare Snectacle
IIAKWAHA, India, Mar. 17. (P)
runcy auu mhut ui ow........rattKta i0 serve a term ui ieuy
Turoll Itao, former maharajah 01
Indore wero married hero lodny
with the prolonged but richly pic
turesque ceremoniajs of Hinduism.
The rites, solemn 111 men i;i
formauco hut rather tiring in their
idetull, contrasted strongly wllh the
simple marriage ceremony ot west
elaborate wedding ritual or was supplemented by
cral preliminary ccremonl'a
which were - necessary to bring
Miss Miller Into the samo caste
as lho bridegroom and otherwise
conform to Hindu practice. She
was flQ admitted to the Dhana;ar
caste and then adopted by Princess
Tarahat, who in turn gave her in
adoption to Colonel ln.hhuto. an
official of Ihe bride'troom's house -
' hold, so that he In turn might give
ncr ln mitrriaijo.
' The various rituals wero acconi-
,,.,,....1 I,.. th4. wealth of lavish
' .
d ".""Vr ,",mV1 "een cnaracier s, c
lnfl D 1 ? "r. " ' n0.
were oeauiiini rimnrn khiuid ii
. ..
, motl nnrt vnmnn iiilililnni ni
Kfjmly i)ed'ecl;cd elepbantH and
gaudy bedecked elephants and
evesy accessory to make tho cere -
' 44. 4 1 i.
!nony unltlns tli Amereaii lrl
jlllOHJ UlllllllH 11143 4. lll-J I .'4J44 4,14
tto the noted Indian ruler atlrac -
live to the sympathy of the native
negotiations, And "- of Mgh and low de-1 matter had been made last nmil. to Urals several parcels of Port
week. Thtigrce flocked in by thousands to i land property.
participate as spectators or guests
in tho unl'iuo event. They seemed
Prominent Business Men of
Medford and Ashland
Form Financial Company
Backed by Large Resources-.).
H. Cooley, Geo.
Hunt, 0. 0. Alenderfer
Among Directors.
The announcement of the organ
I izatluu of t ho Southern Building
: & Loan nssoclulliQ in (his city
i by a group of prominent Medford
anu .unmiiu misiness men, nas
lueen made by llamlllou Patton, I ttveru;o of bettor than soven
: secrrlary und managei of the new , miles all hour
! Institution. After months of prcp-l TUo routo jed the runners over
jaratlou tho formation of the Hssu-jtne highest point of tho United
i elation haH at last been completed states highway today but dlsre
j and head(iini tors have bcon oslal)- ganllng the thin air and cool
lslied In the Jackson County Hank weather ICrlckson Bteppod out at
I building. I ,. H(lir, ...i.i. .1,., K,,mn tiiien that
i no Buuwtciii iiuiiiiiug Ok i.uau
association ie of tho rcHurve fund
. tvun iiiKltnii nf Unlnv miitnul
orgnnizaium. tiio stock, winch is
belli.'; offered lor sale, Is not only
Bimrantood by tho assets and
. by the reserve fund of J20.000.UO.
. This (und is never allowed to de
creaso to less than fivo percent
'of the entire assets of the con
'; corn. The resorvo fund, according
to Mr. Patton, is held In trust I
Hiung wiin me mortgages oy me
corporation commissioner.
"Tho stock of the new South
ern Building & Ukui association
will bo offered with a guarantee
c m8 T , Puttol, Zi
.t U",.'!. ' Vii'ies. rate Is
nwni. i iiih inteiest rate is
of six percent Interest to pur-
on .,,. wllh t)l0 ,.,, building I
u"d, ; UHHocitlouH In tho Wcsti
"'!.'!... .. .'!.1u " '" .. nailing
i ihoiiojt iiiuus. nils aiso oimuies
us to be conservative In our placing
! loans with adequate security.''
Ur u KHott we k
i,ir. ..i... .'...,..
anon n
, buiUllns and loan association
me new
president, Willi J. 11. Couley o
I tao MmlftCd l,Miabm" company a
vice president. Alan liraclilnrecri,
onl Ut.omo ,ax counsellor will
... . '
.act as treasurer wiiuo Hamilton
ptlolli fol.ni0r owur 0f iMO nigh-'
j WHy j,otor (.,,,,. g secretary '
1 1llu gonera mnnugcK Tho bal-1
unco of tho board of directors com
prise prominent and successful
business men, Fred l Heath, (loo.
A. Hum, O. O. Alondorfer, William
II. I.ydlard, O. S. lliitler und Wil
li lam llrlgs. Frank Fnrrell will
; lrl ()f AKhun(, w alm b nc -
Mtlvo in bundling the legal business
of tho organisation.
Arrested first ut 4:15 yesterday
afternoon for having escaped from
Koseburg authorities last summer,
Horace now aces a sec
mill cluirffit fiillitu'lnir illui-ni'm-v hv
I ffl,...,. Z .... ,u ., 1,..
! I . I , ri 1 .V .1 nlT
- --
bottles of alleged moonshine at his
ilwellln; nt 1034 West Ninth
street. Prossl will probably be
tinned over to Douglas couutv au-
thm-itlcs. who want him nn a hnnzn
charge,-uikiii which he hod been
mute, a county operated rock
'trry near Portland.
Chief oi' Police McOedle had
been attempting to arrest Prossl
for over two weeks und for a tlmo
I'rnHsl nlnvi'fl hldri niifl seek Willi
the officers. He was arrested by
t hief McCrcdle today as ho was
leaving the afternoon performance
at the Itlalto theater and upon
being questioned Is said to have
admitted lu officers that he escaped
from Itoscbiirg authorities as he
, wa8 bclnK taken to Kelly llutle.
pr0ssl Jumped from tho llosebur.r
I machine and bocauso of heavy
brush, though ho was handcuffed,
: managed to make good his escape.
prossl is alleged to hnve used
.,., names of Morgan and lloffo
1 a(1 aliases and to have noon In the
j moonshine selling business In Mod-
ford. Tlie police say he lived here
tor several months and dining that
time changed his place of resi
dence several times.
Prossf spent nvur half uf his ;
i time away from Medford and claim- j
, ed that he was lenclln-; a ranch
,1Par Myrtln Creek, however, the
,.ri..M ..n.. a m.--i i.,i
,.,.,, niaklriK rcKiiiar bouie running
been making regular boose running
( lrs to this city.
i .. . .. ...
11 I.OS..I I.,a 110 CnargO.I llerO
: Profl.i! :;:av he rharKed here with
1 Hquor imsspsslr-n before ldng turn -
I t-d ovor to Douglas countv officers.
I but nn decision In rcuanl In' thin
I WASH INtlTON, Mar. 16. (P)
WAHIIINdTON, Mar. 1 6. (Pi
The nomination of Juhn J. l-lsel.
as a member of the Interstate com
merce commlulon for another term' ton to his throne 7 women hero
was rejected today by the senate, I have forsakeiOtlk stockings and
la to 29. , jundcrweur.
- i . n it it I i ll
Nestor Erickson Beats Art1
Neon to Flagstaff But,
Latter Still Leads Bunion;
Derby in Elapsed Time i
Latter Injures Ankle.
Illy Hussel J. NowlauU, Associated
Press Sports Writer)
FUUiSTAFF, Ariz., Mar. 17.
IA) Nestor Krickson. Finnish run-
, ner front. Port Chester, N. Y., raced
over tho top of Arizona today to
win tho fourteenth lap of tho 3100
inllo trulls-continental marathon.
I completed thu 32. 0 miles from
u'iiiia,u nneaturr in r,-2K :ir.
won him first place in the third
.U Maine, 7400 feet above sea I
level, tho Hnn had a throo mile I cn area, will be tho scene of to
lead over Vfrthur Newton, 44-year niorrow-8 services. Ucv. W. 11.
old KHodesia, South Africa star ; a (aminar figure through-
who holds tho best time In elapsed mlt the Santu, ciara Hvcr valley
slandiiiBs. Starting down the slope !wlll orfu.,ttlo. Th0 n.lnlxtcr knew,
of he mountain rango dominated aa mtmbtn oi , OVcral con-
by San Francisco peak, 12, 500 foot
high, he quickened his stride and
nt 21.G miles, from this mornings
start was foiir miles ahead ot his
nearest rival
Krlcksoa s victory today gave
him an olapsed time of 97:00:37
for tho total 010.8 miles covered
since the band of
cross country
runners swung Into action at Los
Angeles, March 4. Ho continued
Newton, pathfinder for the field
In seven of the fourteen laps to
date, shuffled tflonir for distance.
handicapped by an injured anklo.
illQ continued to hold top stand-
. mg by nearly eight Hours.
HAI.TlMOlll'1. Mar. 17. (VP)
!Thu bl,,h tllu l,l"h 1'rM 8,1110
I "'"n'o conflict
presents to Ireland a longsoughtj turning over piles of drift wood
Independent government and an hind wreclcngo. Though hundreds
uvenuo to constunt peaco between
that counlrly and Knglund, said
Sir Esmo Howard, llritlsh ambas-
Miid or. In an address tonight be
fore me Hibernian society of Bal
timore. "I realize." said Sir Esme, "all
the traKcdy that lay in the Ions
struKKlo of HttiKH and parliament
it was us much tlie fault of tho
no as thu other to turn Ireland
country on tho EnKllah
model, nn effort which Ireland
always uppoHCd and rejected. I
wus only 21 years old when I be-
nine an ardent homo ruler before
Ctlndstunu pi-Aiiouneed In favor of
nomo rule und formed the lienor
mm neiiiier i.4reui itriiain or Ire
land would he peaceful and hap
py until Ireland '.vaa fr.10 to gov
ern hersolf in hor own way and
according to her own Ideals. I
may sny I never swerved.
"At last I see In being tho Irish
stute 1 had ulways hoped to see,"
1 1,4. nnr.iin..Ai 4... ,.n,..nnn.i ....
irishmen for Ireland, where Jus-
' tlc- Is administered us woll aa In
other couiitrv. where law In ohev-
I edi wi,ore finances aru carefully
I , ,.,.., , i.i,,u.,. m..
,lnr.d and natu,-ui resources are do-
veloped, whero cl'I'.ens can pur
sue and attain happlt'S In their
own way and wheiT and this
perhaps Is us important as any
thing the old religious and po
litic!.! Intolorance and halrods are
giving way to lho feeling of tol
eruni'e and good will."
I'OltTLANO, Oro.. Mar. 17.
(Pi Th sale of pacific City, a
Tillamook county beach resort, by
I. It. Heals of Tillamook county
to Fred Wright of Portland at a
consideration reported considers'
T"' ' 'v,vVV
, nouneed liero toduy. At the samo
,ll,IR WrlKht revealed plans for
I " right revealed plans for 3Knt was
Improvement and further develop-!""" .i", JL. liv
......1 11 i,...ifi.. -iLifYvon by. Ashland last night to
,nenl or lhe rvtoru
4"C 4'44.4. 44V4 4 44. V.4.,4- U J. ,
1 Wl" Khitted fifteen years ago.
I As part consideration In tho
transaction Wright turned over
ClLMtLO'lTI-;, N. f'fl!
Mar. 17.
(VHl Tn rnhtore olil Klnir Cot.
Mayor Cryer Declares a
Bond Issue Will Be Float
ed to Repair Damage
at Newhal! Memorial
Service for Dead Tomor
row Keyes Starts
US ANUEI.ES. Mar. 17. (Pi
Preparations were made tonight
for a memorial service tomorrow
for the legion of dead In the St.
Francis flood while officers of
the law Intensified Invcstlgatlona
which may lead to placing of evi
dence gathered at the scene of
the dam break disaster In tho
hands of the grand Jury.
The little community church ut
v.,. hnll 1uat south of the slrlck-
greguftons, many of the 244 per
sons known to have died lu the
District Attorney Asa Keyed
having completed ono phase of his
investigation, sent a apecla! detec
tive Into the San Francisqultu val-
"' cene ot lho "renk.
XIO CIXI I IUU I1IS44 4l.-4IUIin 4U 4V
maln in the devastated area long
enough to trace . many . rumors
which hnvo sprung up rotative, to
tho condition of tho dam prior to
tho break. .
Los Angeles city, which built
Ht. Francis dam as one ot tho
major units of Its water supply
system, was called on today by
representatives of clvlo and other
organizations to immediately nl -
ipraprlota t,00'J.90o-to cany on
I rehabilitation work, Tho decis
llon was reached at a meeting In
tho offices of Mayor Cleorge Cry
I er. Itosolutlons, expected to be
tnMi.1 iinnn nt once, will be pre
sented to city council Monday
Beuroh for bodies In the sixty-flve-mllo
stretch of wasted valley
continued nil ' through today al
though tho bollof was growing
that Miany of the remaining corp
ses probably had found their fin
al burlul place beneath the deep
layers of deposited silt.
Tractors rolled ceasessly - about.
of men and implements of every
sort were employed, only ono b04ly
was ndded lo the long rows In the
improvised morgues.
Tho extent to which farm or
orchard lands were devastated was
shown in an ostlmato that 79,01)0
acres of producing acres were in
nunduted and badly damagtu.
Work of restoring this area also
will bo undertaken by the city
of I.os Angeles.
Mayor Cryer dcclnrcd a bond
issuo to raise money for audi
work would be floated. As the
week-end season of heavy auto
I travel approached traffic officers
laid careful pkvns to prevent any
great Influx of sightseers Info
t,he stricken areas. Hcay
dons of officers will be thrown
about the section tomorrow. .
ASTOKIA, Ore,, Mar. 17. (P)
It cost Wllllum Obcr and Tom
Wllks 11,000 each to kill a Clat
sop county elk.
They pleaded guilty to the
charte In Justice court here to
day and wero assessed the heavy
penalty. Obor and Wllks wero ar
rested by deputy sheriffs who dis
covered them burying a package
which the officers at first thought
was liquor. The package, how-,
eror, contalnedQOO pounds ot elk
Powers, which, defeated Phoenix
by the scoro of 32 to 3D In a hard
fought contest before a lurge.
crowd of spectators. Powers de
feated Central Point yesterday af
ternoon by 20 o 20 In a hnrd
fought game in which Central
Point was leading until two ot
IU star players, Fuller and Cole
man, ware removed because nt
fouls. .