Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 14, 1928, Page 3, Image 3

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w.TiTQTiTi matl ttcttjuxt:. rr:DFOT?r, oircnoN. Wednesday, matcctt 14. 102s.
Water users under the Hopkins
lateral diti-h. whfrh includes tir- ',
riiury north of Mfdfo.M, in eir-1
euit court here yesterday after- J
noon, filed its second suit against I
U10 Public Water cumpuny to pre- j
vent that rompuny from putting 1
lin increase of water rates into j
effect. The first suit was filed'
in the. Marion
county circuit court I
mi.nll iiii.l iL-ill I... . ... f.,,. (Ii
first hearing next Friday and it
Is largely un appeal from the de-
clslon of the state public service
cum mission, which authorized i 1
'increase from $l!.5U to $C.5 per)
acre pet- year for maintenance , nn to correpopdcnce with east
ffes. 1 ei 11 arnl coast concerns, have vi.-jit-
Yesterday's action was filed by ! cd personally several of the stores
M. F. Hanley. John Carkin, F. K in and around San Fraiisco.
Fpton, W- W. Gregory. James Complete stock for the opening.
Owen und W. U. Jackson, -.villi j
t'lark. Skulason and (.'lark of J
Portland the attorneys Inr the j
pluintiffs. t'lalming that the Pub
lic Water company is not clashed 1
as a public utility and therefore
has no right to authorise an in
crease in rates, the plaintiff.-, hi ,
the complaint, seek an injunction
against tnc collection 01 tne new
The complaint points out that
I lie water company, which suc
ceeded the liogue Valley Canal
cumpuny, failed to recognizo ear
lier contracts, which guaranteed
lo water users that the rate would
not go above $2.
also claim thut
0. The plaintiffs j
the new rate is
execpsivo and is bevond the' ubil-.
itv of mnnv users t.. n,l thai '
it would bo cheaper lo abandon
larming land than to pay i;.5o'
per ncre.
The action that Is now pending i
in Salem was filed in Marion
county against the public service
commission, rpiestioning its author
ity In authorizing the increase of
rales, following a hearing which
Wies held In Medfoi d last year.
J.ioth cses will he . vigorously car
ried on by the water users, who
last year created a fund tu fight
the. increase.
Following adjournment yester
day afternoon, the equity case of
Sumner Marker against M rs. f leu.
Owen and Minnie l'arker will be
resumed here Monday morning
before Circuit Judge Thomas, who
opened court today in Grants pass,
wli.'ie be will be engaged for th:.
re m a i n d e r of t h i h week.
Following the completion of the
equity case, a divorce case is next
un the local doeket, followed by
EeverM civil actions and at least
four criminal rases, according to
present Indications.
The plaintiff in the 1'arker
Owen unil I'nrker case, claim
that in IflUO he entered into
co-partnership with his mother-in-law,
M rs. Owen, and his wife.
Minnie Haiker. und that he was
to receive a third interest in the
profits derived from the ieorge
Owen ranch estate. Parker was;
the superintendent of the ranch, j Fp unti 2 o'ehu-k this aftnnuum
which is said to bo one of 1 h-1 t ho Cuseudinn. the tcu-pr.s.seiiifr
largest in southern Oregon. j ail'Mliip of the West Coast Transit
Following the completion of this cunipauy. had failed to arrive at
case, a. divorce suit, witn Mrs. the Med ford airport and, according
Parker as the plaintiff against I , ()rpoit headquarters, the Hhip
Sumner Parker, will be heard. j VVas believed to have landed al Ku-
Of" the four criminal in-ibms. grnr. Tin; anival of the ship here
the most interesting one is that) was being anxiously awaited by A.
of v.. Silllman. who is appeal- ; Klonnett. who had two cousin?,
iuu from the local justice court, j Chira and Hu bel Phillips, of He
where he was recently fined" $."" i j.ttle. on board. The ship Is bound
for violating the city zoning law j from Seattle to San Francisco and
by operating a smalt store In ihejwjm scheduled to arrive here at
residential district near the nwU:3n o'clock this afternoon,
high school. Silliman appealed! j . , r
t he case, immediately following
the Justice court decision and
plans to carry the case to
highest court, if he does not
in circuit court.
Italph Clark, charged with the
hold-up of Alex Daniels and Carl
Upper man last December, will be
Kiven his third trial, two other
juries in the case ha vim; been
unable to agree. L. UnmitiKer
n nd Q. Qulgley. charued with the
theft f a cow in the Pinehurst
district, will be given n trial and
It Is probable that Jack Derondo.
arrested here last month on bad
check charges, will also be tried.
Children need Joy. Ilrnwlnu tip
should not be a burden, l.earnitu;
should be " without tears. It is
ri-ally- linporlant for buys and
Kh-U lo bave a Kreut. ileal of fun
and foolishness and Inushtcr In
th.-lr ilav life. ' '
T1U How To Open Clogged
Vottrils and End Head-Cold.
Vou feel fine in a few momenta.
Your cold in head or catarrh will
be gone. Your clogged not:trilt will
open. The air passages of your
head will clear and oti can hrctithe
freel. N'o more dullne?.-. head
ache: no hawkiiiK. nnufflinK. mu
ious dlsehnn:es r dryness; no
ilng for breath at nigh;.
" druggist you wa nt n
Kly'n Cream Italni.
oi . "'1 iragrani.
.i!itiepi , ' nntrtn.
ht it penetrw.. ry nlr
tiHssate or tne n. ami
heal the swollen, tnfln... um.
membrane, and relief con.. in
stantly. If Is Just what every cold and
catarrh sufferer needs. Ilon'r stay
i.f the h. Hno
The Ten and Fifteen Dollar
Women's store, which will bo lo
cated in the space formerly occu
pied by the Adrienne Steward
Simp, will be opened by Dr. and
M rs. (.. T. Steward Friday morn
ing at nine o clock To he run on
the plan of similar stores, which
have sprung into popularity all
along the coast during the past
two years, the local concern is
anticipated It!v,a grout deal of
The store which will specialize
ln Smalt sizes, missy and 'flvce
'(Women" frocks is a result of sev
eral month:: study and invest tun -
I tion by the Stewards, who in adtli-
consisting of clever spring dresses, 1
coats and hats has already arrived 1
11 ml is being nrnniired in the store'
by .Miss I 'a Ionia Kandleinan. who
has bceiiplaci-d in charge of the
new store, assisted by .Mrs. -F. t.
j Porter in charge of sales, and Mrs.
; W." P. Wilhclm. who will handle
The store will be run on the
"servo yourself phm," giving femi
nine choppers the opportunity to
choose their own garments 'from
the racks before' calling a sales
lady. The serve yourself plan.
which cuts down (he overhead j
considerably, is responsible for the i
reusouaoie prices enargeu mr uio 1
Karments,- and will no douht pi ove :
I'opuiav wiur tne lennnino snop-
pCI'M who )lcfer. to' "look before
they leap.'
When given a hearing in the lo
cal JiiKtice court yesterday after
no tin, crarges of assistini; to de
fraud the county in the collection
of bounty claims, which hud been
preferred against A. li. Ayres and
John L:tig-:;is,.-vert! dismi.sned. Hog-
I gin and Ayres, according to the i
! complaint tiled by Deputy Game j
j Warden Koy Parr, aeied as wit-
neaceit lor Uenneth tiigham when
he collected Sl'i- for bobcat and
coyote pelts at the county clerk .s
office February h; The charges
were not sustained.
Deputy Game Warden Parr al
leges that the pelts were entitled
to no bounty due to the fact that
the animals 1 ad been killed in
Khtniuth county and then brought
into JucksQu county Iok lummy col
lection. No other arrests have been
' made as yet, but it is believed that
i nt least two more will he.
Albert Cooper Allen, as the Med
ford author Is known in the literaiy
woild. hut who Is knuwn here at
home as plain "A. C." the fath !
of .lim. and whose latest book. "The
Little Sheplierd of I.iva Lake." I
nttraetint; wide ntleiitioti, and who
,'uas written a number of short
stories, has attin broken into a
magazine, thh time with "The Cav
ern of llatnbato." a story tit' the
I'iiilllipines in the eurrent issui! of
the banner Trail magazine.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen and Jim left
tills niurninc'hy nlitoinobile to take
in the stHte basketball tournament
at Salem.
iW More than forty
went Into the woods near (
dr on a search lor Krank
' retlied business man. misslnff
since last Wednesday. Mix Hood
. Klver. Ore.. Ci-ac ltal. w ho were
e)icted to old teleidioned early
I today they could not come iusc
tne) were neeile.i ;1t home
, icyi lluod ltver ' m'.-hnrds fu.i.
I frost. I!i.ald of jnn lias bi-
by Mrs
I., i.. Wo,
of .lanes.
rtK wactM st the Mall Trlh -
sihii lit f f , " - ? 1
1 mm$t rtns?. mmzh
i f? 31 1? v n ? X hu lists'!
?' jstsrS-W- r r t 1,.. s .Jvy iH M
. Ruth KMer, girl flyer who tempted the. Atlantic, snapped at the
state capitol building", Albany, N. V., as she vas presented witlothe
Spanish medal of honor by State Senator J. Griswold Webb. On the
ritfht are Governor and Mrs. Alfred E. Smith. , Below u a view
of the medal. ;
Monthly Report
Thi' KtullsUlcul ii'port for llif
limlltll (if Feliruai-y shows tin; ful
Inw'iiiB itcmizt'd ieeoi-l uf wurk:
orrivc Interviews. 138: telephone
tnuuirioK, I'JO.
Towns visited und number of Cross
times for social work: Phoenix U. ! Kent:
Central Point 3. Cold Hill l.jwWl'll. Wilson
Uogue River' The Meadows l.iOren McDonald
Sams Valley 1. Trail I, Kagle Point
I, Green Springs 1, Jacksonville
-I, Med ford IS.
Total number of towns visited
II. Total number of clients y.
Types of cases: Faintly relief 37.
ex-service lo. child welfare 7, obi
men sickness 2.
Cooperation wit h cases: I. S.
Veterans JSureau. Washington. !-. '
C, L': C. S. Veterans P.Ureau, Port- j
land. Ore., 1: American ited Cross, j
Washington. D. C, '2 ; Juvenile
I court. Los Angeles county, Los.
I Angeles county out door relief do-1
purl men t, -: San Diego Welfare
Uepariniejit. 1; AK.ioclated chari-
ties 'of San Francit-co. I : doctors.
4; county court. Iti: Health Cnit.
7: Jackson County Health associa
tion. 1.
Hi lit r Oivcu Uuring the Month
' ;rmi'rli:
P.aski-t Crocery
s 10.00
J :i . r, ;
Star Mark"t ;1.r.'; ,
l-A'onupiy Market a. SO '
John Y. I'lvnol 5.15
Helial-le t'ash Grocery I1.S5
lli'i-ryilalc Store a. Ill
Waltlon Ili'os fi.Tdl
(Ii'o. furrier 11.17 :
llllteliion .t l.llllisden 1 0 . '.I L
II. K. Jlai'Bh H.71
(;at'M l.yilianl 37.1'S
Louie's r,o.iiti
Total for Kt'ocerlrs for '
l"el,i uary SI I '
Total for gioeerlos for
Kobruary from Hed
t 'l oss $ 73.63 ,
$ 73.63
S Itt.l!)
County Creamery.
Total for milk' for J-'eh-
Total for milk Tor Kebi u
ary from Wed Cross.. ..
Fuel: Medtord Fuel Co
Total for iuel fur I'Vhru-
$ 1 ij.S
S 3'
I for fuel for
ary from Kcd C
C. I'enney Ar Co..
c. Mnnn .; "...
. & M. Co
..S 1 I. HI)
.M I
.. HI I
.. 13.72.
Mss :
I7.:u I
Farm Notes
Hof-'s, sheep or eattle often may
be used at the hut-y seasons as
burvesteis. "Uoeine; ilown' corn
is easier anil often more profitable
than buskinu anil f Hnj; in tin
lot. In a eoin flelil planned for
hurvest by Iioks it is well to plant
soybeans with the nun or to sow
rape at the time of the last eultl
vallon. Soybeans In the field in a
laiKe measure will take the pl.iee
of lankai,'e.
Too freuuently a earloail of
tjrulri i.s sbipiieil to a terminal
market and sold, only lo tie ship
ped b.k into the territory where
it originated. TUis means two
heavy puynvMUs for freight wiien
one li(,-ht payment mlKlit have
se.-ved. (ireater effli ieney In nieth-
jods of distribution, partleularly on
tlie iiart of farmers elevator- com
panies, nilyiit effect material
savines in such mutters.
A new metboil for n nioviiiK
l.uckhoin feed from n il clover
sect l.y addlne inoisl sawdust ba. il woiaed out by the eieri -
meat station,
sticky when
'round th"
bulls. The-,
moved with
clover seed.
I'Ueklloin Seed I
moi-t and Kathci-s
-av, di.-t farllrlcs In '
an I a n be easll i e- .
but minoi- loss of
t'at.e Ajtalii In Kt)le
The return lo voruc' of the
tie Is j nil icltl'll bV Ihe fllhillll
'J l:T I'aris. jiolnls out Mary
' l;ru-h Willlains who exidalns that for some other cause which we
i Women should not lit the newhave the power to modify (o some
I capo be Ioiik and thus Kel out of extent,
'the spirit of the day. In an ar-. 4
i11'1" 'n 'hi" wok's Issue of'
of Red Cross
Wcrhs ii Or
fur February
for -merchandise
for February from Hed
i r,.im
IW. A. (.'htlders
! Cluo. Inlow
Tolal for
ent for Febru-
Total for rent for Kehru
ary from Ued t'ross
f "S.00
.X 18.00
; Transportation, S. I'
, fur
Tor transportation
t'ebruary S
for transtiortutlon
Feliruary from Ued
Cross ?
Hospitalization and lirugs:
I Sacred 1 lea rt 1 lospltal K
j West Side Pharmacy
. Mcdl'ovd J'liarmacy
1 .5"
2. so
Total for hospitalization
und il rut's ?
Auteriean Laundry ?
.N. Cafe ?
: !'alac-e Rooms
Total for transients for
l-'ilii-uaiy s 17,r,0
Total for transionts for
l-'ehruary from Hed
Cross S 7 . r, 0
.Mlowauei'S for families !
Total tnatei lal relief for
February $iCM.3
Total material relief for
Fehrunry from Ited
Cross 53
Thrift Shop Iteporl Cm- February,
The report of the Thrift Shop
for February: Thirty -seven gur-
, incuts were given to seventeen
persons.' Donors to the shop were
Mrs. Nichols, Mrs. Hwigart. .Mrs.
, lie.-il; Mrs. Murrey, Mrs. Mann and
Mi. Ciardencr.
Cash sales
floods donated
j Cioods worked out
Salary ' ...
Kefuiul .
Total i-li ared In cash
Total ili-inil in service .
S 2
Jilts, n. a. .mi: it it i;v,
- .Manau
"One of the devk-es of the
Treneh dc-slKners." writes Miss
Williams, "was to eul eapes In
two and serve us for the first
time with only half a i-apo. reach-. the new Oldsmoblle one of the out
tin; to the wuislllne. At most. I Htandinjt cars or tfii 1928 season,
tbe I'arislan offcreil us a eapc of j Saw beauty und roominess may
lhn e-iiuarter length. , be found In the new MM Oldsmo-
They also presented us with a bile and Ihese. toKelher with the
separate rape." eontlnues the; vastly Increased power and smooth
rashlon authoi liy. "i lint Is put on I cr operation, have made Dil i new
and taken off earelessly. without ; (ii.'neral .Motors product an umiuah
Its hcinK. catuouftaeed
thine; cisen- without
some -
beliiK ut-
taehed to auythiiiK. It this is ae
ccptcd, as It alri:ady almost seems
lo be, there !. no IcIIInK how far
the cape Idea may carry."
h hi
The Modern l'ault
A woman may hlatnu bow
upon her mother or wrinkles lo
her father, but an unsightly com
plexion must roost upon her own
eonseii nee
Mothers whope ehlldicn refuse
themselves: "Does '-your produ. t
: "I'l" '"' "' ,l10 ' 'c u"d ' the taste j
; "I V"1"' customer?" If It does, and
' he still refnn-. look over yourl
! sa!:-i force. Are both of you I
parents attractive, popular sales-1
men who use your own product'.' .
Tin- youiitf child Is. "bad" not
because he takes delight u befnK
h.srmftil. but becatise he is not
irettlriK the freedom necessary for
critlve a'llvliiev. or because he
. is not physically stronK and well.
' or 1. inue lie I':kIm ii I.f., Ih:tl
t";i inn hopclefsly dull to lilnl. or
oiean ram wanted nt the MaU
1 i
With the arrival of brighter ,
j weather, improvement w ork at the
Med lord airport Is being speeded
1 feverishly ahead in order tit make
the binding field, on which heavy
airplanes have heiicome stuck dm -.
ing the past winter, suitable foi
any size ship. The McUt'ord Cham-,
1 ber of Commerce has donated $:thC
' to make the work possible and
(Will inciuije new gravel und th",
services of a heavy nienm roller ,
to make the field perfectly level.;
The runway will also be enlarged;
somewhat lu length and especially 1
in width.
The ten -passenger West Coast ;
Transit company plane arrived and'
departed on schedule yesterday, i
but on the day before was mired :
four times on the field which, be-
cause of recent rains, hadrfheeonte j
muddy. The gravelled runway is j
satisfactory for smaller ships, but '
was found to be, iiuuleipiatc for Un
heavier shfps 4f The UeW cohst
F. V. lliirke and Al I.lttrell, part
owner or the I.lttrell Tails com
pany, are the Iwo latest cubs taken
I inlo the local Lions club. Kollow-
inn their Initiation and roar or ac
ceptance, the following LionH were
decorated for valor. otitslaniliiiK
ability and "kind deeds": Lieu
tenant O. (). Nichols. ". I). Ilntlcr.
Hoy Kllliitt anil Chester .Merrlman.
Their badges were pinned on by
Miss Dorothy Reynolds.
Attorney Charles Kcamcs and
Dr. K v". Hoffman, who had charKo
of the proKram for today, uavo the
club members a breezy half hour
of wil sharpeners. The first wuh
a tain on "Memory" by CI. W.
."wberry, head of the iMeilford
business college, who is known to
known to have one of the most re
markable memories in the valley.
Mr. Ne.wherry conducted a mem
ory test and chocked the individual
and colleotivo results. His cxanii
nation was based upon the laws of
association and proved H stimulat
ing bit of fun.
Kollowinir the memory test, lr.
Hoffman read a list of rapid fire
questions wbieb siarclied the
knowlei!o of members upon the
subject of tl elr own Industries or
'professions. The attendance prize
for today's meetlni? was -won by
Lion Cleveland. ' '
Southern Oregoti motoriBts will
welcome the announcement that the
popular new Oldsniobile will be
nuin handled In Otis city within
the next few weeks, as II. H.
O'Uonnell. wholesale represent a
tive for the OhlMiioblle company
of Oregon, has been in Aledford
arranging for a local miles rind
Horvlco roi.TeHeiuallon. Several
conceriiH am being considered as
future OldBiuohilo dealers and Mr.
O'Uonnell expects !o relsirn bore
ln the near future, at which time
ho will make a formal announce
ment nf the new MeHford OMmo
bile firm.
i Although the Oldsmtddle has nl
j ways been popular with southern
l UrtL'nn QtitoinobiliKtH. few Medford
!:' people have had an opportunity 0l'
" Kceli!-: the 1!L' models, which are,
without doubt, the finest cars that
have ever been produced bearing
the Oldsmobfle namepiale. All of
the great facilities of the Oldsnio
bile pi 'hub end the ability and ex
perience of General Molont engl-
,,ecrs have contributed
In malt In
: Hied success.
"The enthusiastic upproval of
motorlsta thniu"hnul lhn niirlhwest
for the new Oldsniuhlln has been
evidenced by record hreaklim
sales,' Mr. U'Doiim-ll said today
I before loavlnr for .Marchrield. "The
marked Increase In Oldsmoblle
Balc followlnn Ihe inlrodtietlon of
the new modela has been extremely
gratifying to us. Hera use of the
I demand for these cars In the Med
! ford territory w ahall airatiKo for
a dealer in this city within the
near tiittire. Tliin dealer will han-
die. both the sales and scrvlco for
! "10 'Oldsniohlle line.'
Examination Held
for Applicants for
Jacksonville P, M.
' flay Coleman. Alfred Norrls and
Miss Alice Unci took the civil ser
vice examination lust Saturday for
IHistniaster al Jacksonville.
Mrs. Klo Knljliln reslmied some
months at(o and .Miss Hoofs who
was her deputy, was appointed (em
poiary posluiWtrcss. The exaitilna
tion now Is to select a permanent
passenger line.
iltlliniLU HI.UL, j
nnrnnnnw TroTrn'r
I h i mVV I I- I r 9 1 I ULL
i i nun ilijilu
ll O
l.SO I
I Vaudeville Tonight
1 Hunt's Craterian
jf '
Billic OuBray of Melody Boys afid
The Kucne leister of March
It contains the full pane, illus
trations of (.'rater lake, in two
colors, together with the story,
taken from lite New Year edi
tion of The Mail Tribune.
TThls was the feature story of
their Sunday recreation section
and will assist greatly in advertis
ing this world wonder seen It: at
traction on the coast and all over
the country, for which the people
of Houthern Oregon are very rato
ful to the KcKlHler. The name
paper reproduced the (.'rater lake
Illustrations and story from this
paper's IfiLT New Veur edition.
Chapters of tile American Ued
Cross from coast to coast have
been requested by national head
quarters in Washington. 1). (., to
help locate Charles Alfred (Jeddcs.
ae 23. an ex-m-rvlcc man, who
served with the training battalion
of the titb Cavalry, C. S. A., and
,.!.. I,.. I l.v.l ti-oin It. I'l-'t
when he was discharged. Ceddesa
ik (ii!scriieit as six ieri luii, j
blond with blue eyes, and a right
y.rm slightly crookeil, due to an
old fracture. Anyone having in
formation of this man 1m asked
to communicate with the local
Ued Cross.
Radio Program
Mail Trlbune-Vlrislii Stnllim
! Tho Voico of Great Country
Thursday. March 15
.10 A. M. to II A. M. Hcuiui-
my (Iroceterla.
II lo 11::H) A. M. Hinns, the
II: ::u to 1" .Noun .l.u in in &
12:15 lo 1:1.1 1'. M. Val.
Klselier's lladlii Shop.
C: 1.1 I'. M. Mull Tribune A
News Hems und Market Itn
poi Is.
8 lo it 1. M.Jueksoji County
!l to l:;:o V. M. The Modern
I'luinbliiK & Sheet Mutnl
in to III I'. M. Sixth Street
Service Station.
IWisketliull ;amt!S will he
InoadeiiHtetl If Medfot'd plays,
interspersed Willi prouruni.
Mali Trlli u no clAHUfied AdM rennh
ft noo noonlA nr mftrm mvrr 1rt. f 1
Whan You
Feel a Colsl
Grip, InSueaa and many Pneu
monia! bagin common
co!d. Price 30c.
llu box bir tt Ii Itatture
The fact that frost and freezfui;
teinpot at utit Is predicted for to
night, followed by probable rain to
morrow, has nothing to do wit h
tl.e last approaching fruit frost
warning situation in the valley, but
the growers, are advised and urged
by the hu-ul weather bureau and
County Agent L. P. Wilcox to biing
in their orchard thermometers at
once to be tested.
II,...,.. f.vl ulll i. I,,.,., ,
,, , . .. , . nervous una teel as tired when vou
ns l loyd 1). ouiik, the get up as when you went to bed
licit, and lus iSslntniit. Sir. Hud- , ,
K. rs. who was alo hero with Mr. , For 10 years Tanlac has restored
Y..UI.B hint irinK. ai-i-lv.. almost 1 1 I'pal'h und activity many thou
miy dav now. Mull for them con-' 8anil! who suffered just as you du.
Ilniies to arrive at I ho loeul weather i irs. Verda Stampas. ot 54H
huri'iiu ofiiie. I Yamhill St., Portland, Ore., says:
AlthmiBh the warm weather ot j "After an operation the least work
the paxt week und a half, or more, tired ue out and what I ate caused
Intel larded with eonious rains, has i mo untold misery. But since the
iiuiekencd alt fruit and vegetation
ami with only a few more warm
days the bails will bo out on the
early pears, it is niid. there is no
dan;:er yet. and that even in a
lew da.Vi. there will be none unless
the temperature should fall wlown
as low as "iZ degrees or lower.
However, with a continuance of
the present won! her. the frost dun
Her period will booh bo here.
The fuel, that so much moisture
from the recent rains belnw in Ihe
ground, lessens what otherwise
ntlnlil be a dangerous frost period
for early fruit crops, according lo
Comity Aent Wilcox, who holda
that, even were no more rain to
fall it would take two weeks to
thy out the ground and make frosts
real ihmgcrotiH to the buds and
Koverthelesa, it behooves the or
churdiBts in have their smudge, pots
anil fuel ready, their orchard ther
mometers tested, and all other
preparations fur q possible coming
emergency. ' ' ' '
The news lias just beeumo
known hero that Vernon. Hook
waller, tile 1'aelfle Coast Trans
port f lyen-woll know n In Bedford,
has null air-mail flying, to heeoniv
eblef pilot for a new all' flrni
headed by A. C. Al.'.lnlui. wbleb
Tar Lompvui1"
quickly stops teasing
harassing coughs that g
.. ... ,ri nrevent e
urc ?uv
. TaV r-hlnroform.
no opiates to dry up
tor CiUvi ijr r
SOLD t"' "
Same Price
25ouncr$for25 '
Our Government
Ibed'Millions afPouncts
San Jose
, Scale
93fi luptrior quality I'tlroUum Oil
. . -; . .-' i
, Ask Your
' Shipper ' "',
j is lo operate between Chehalis and
i Alierdeen. Vsh.. and make plea
sure trips around Mt. Kainior.
Itookwalter and St. John passed
thru Mi-ilfuril on Monday enroum
to San Mlego to accept delivery or
a Ityitn cabin plane, in which they
will fly back to the new air firm's
hc'tdquui tern in Washington state.
Itookwalter was one of the orig
inal pibits of the Paclfh: Air
(Transport cmpany, and later took
I charge of the i. A. T. hangar and
I office fit Vancouver.
Stomach Troubles
Headache and
If your Btomarh is sick, you ar
I sick all over. If you can't digest
i ,.,.. f.i ., . ii. .
lirst few doses of Tanlac I haven't
-lad a headaehc nor Kaa."
Let Tanlac do for you '..'hat it
did for this sufferer. It corrects tlio
most obstinate digestive trouble?
relieves gas, pains in the stomach
and bowels. It restores appetite,
vigor and souhd sleep.
Tanlac is mado of roots, barks
and hcrhs. The cost is less than
2 cents a dose. Get a bottle from
your druggist .today.,Yflur jno,noy
b;',L I; if it, doesn't help you.
Take HILL'S for quick,
thorough results, rains
nod fever itap. The
system is cleaned and
toned. The Cold is
cheeked. You'll Ire I bet
ter in a lew bourf.
ha Sure ItVLl'c Prirr.W
The Kid Himself now carries
you aboard a great ocean lin
er on a voyage of laughs,
throbs, and thrills! . You'll
never forget the seene of the
fire and explosion at sea!
with " '
It's Coogan's
First He-Man' Role, -and
What Picturel
Hilarity Hall
A Dime Lets You In
Dancing 26o
J niK M:w