!f rTDFOT? D M ATTi TRTRUR, MrenFOKD. OKEC'OX, TUESDAY. JUNE HO, 1Q-2,f PAGE TWO I vocal and Personal u ' Mra. J. I... lCdHuids of Jacksonville, la another i hurmlnK visitor of the. city, hrrlvlnif Friday to be the houHe BUest of her daUKhter, Mrs. Ladle HoKern. Mia. ItoBfrs nd two small sons. Jumea and Donald, rigtrned Friday from Jacksonville, where they' hao had a most dellichtful visit for ev- Today Is tho, unci of tl.o fiscal' year eral days, brlmclnic Mrs. Edwanj. in the postofflre dei)art;nent, also the home Willi them. Klamath I'allJ nd-wSilhe flunrter ur the end of the Herald s month. While the taljulall.m of the I l-'i'W stocjj Vttor records at I'al-recehtttt.ta- yuK.futd last quarter of mer Music Htore. tr the Medford uostofflce is still under I Mrs. U A.-Larson of Medford h waw.-U.Jt i)KreHaea surncientiy to -. i ... .....-.... BIIOBJ nnd is Johfcll bar$& Dr.i bei-ff y'lttvi'rtUQki teitn ia -bit," sub- yMi'creaae. VhrouKlioui Die year urter. y rrcamery Gutter 43c per lb. n I'Vptluco Co.; nee Claude iiyl Adam are tno 411 fi IctkIh -in that vily. July 1 hi it the last day to pay as sessments without penalty. 86 Out of town OrcRonians registered at local hotels last nlKht included Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Hall of Seaside, thv iTean. the small daughter of T. ,. Dunsmore of McMinnville, V. H. ftf MrM James (.!; Hayes, who nm Nessler and family of Oswcko, W. K WlouW ill at the Hacked Heart Taaffe of itoseberff, -O. A. Durfer and fcil is slowly improvinB. family and Mrs. M. A. Furhnr of 4lal summer prices on dry fac- i'owers, and Mr.and Mrs. J. JiWtvw toriilH Mocks. Valley FUOI CO. tf hitKr, i. i. A.meisun unu Afe)rlck layers Mnt plasterers, U .Shirk of Klamath FallB. lathiA and painters and buUdirw Immediate delivery on Radlola No. labels attend meotlnK ' Thursday 24 Uortable euperhetrodyne. no out- niuHWLt the Carnenters' Hall. aerial, weight but S pounds. Take Anionir local residents much con-1 ceri&ftS over the Kanta Itarbara earth nuakFare Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dore- murtrfb CarKill court, who are plan nintf :,T leave for there as soon ai theyi receive word from Mr. Dore mutvarents, .who. are 'w-ell roHiaents or trie ui-iaiea cuy. Tjthat bi rnilK shake at DeVoe's 8 fi. Crawford of this city left this I I. for Copco, California, on bus- in nee ted with the Copco No. It on your vacation. Paralyzed tubes reactivated or no charge. VirKin Ita dio Hervice, 105 W. Main. Tel. 1053. tf Clifford Boswell departed Sunday niKht for iloKebei'K enroute to ihe known headwaters of Wolf Creek, where he will take up his duties In connection with the National Forest Service. Head the Monarch Seed Co's. ad Itrtt& new shop, 10 N, Itlverside. hut .on mifje 2. A message to every home, Id jbjrfihera. You know them Clar- owner. 80 nc&xkoe, Claude Taylor and Adam The Topsy Lumber company at Kla- olgn. (main vhuh nan nuopiea ine roup in- (Wnundred and eighty out. or me nuranue pain wnereuy euun iMiipiuy it: Lars were registered In Medford entiueu to iuuu insurance wunout ay at the local state traffic physical examination and Irrespective ration bureau, quite a .number of the hazards of employment. ' were from eastern and middle T resh salt water salmon, U5Q lb. i states. Johnson Produce Co. ispach Piano Store now open Mrs. F. K. llrandon and daughter ness at 111 W. Main; Opposite who have been visiting with Mrs. heater. Successor to Hoot Mu. Brandon's sOer, Mrs. K. C. Hull, at tf Clendale,' Cal., returned to Med Cord our camping dishes for the lomiy. tuupn urannon, wno nan oeen at the nine cent sale, Japan- ill i enjoying good health and is .n Htore. 88 the emjiloy of a tourist supply and tourists and other guests at amusement company at Avulon on otels from a distance are Mr. Ihanta catallne islands. C. Welse of Tuxedo Park. I owner heiieves that lady who took ork, r. A. Allen of Cincinnati, ring from dressing room at Prospect Jr. and Mrs. Foster J. Curtis will do the honorable thing and return n Curtis of Halt Lake City, Mr. to Tribune office.- Uberal reward and s. A. P. Soriptuer of New York no questions. 8fi . P. Makenlece of Sanford, ' Addison V. Dlshman nnd Lloyd L. irs. It. K. Heeser, N. 8. Hoeser, J Ann of Ashland and James H. (.rleve meH McOuIre of Philadelphia, of Prospect represent Jackson county j Anderson of Syracuse, Ni Y. tit this year's atudont-military train ( pay for ashes and sell dirt fug camp nt Camp Lewis, devoting one Ilrown & White Agency, I no, month toward acquiring a knowledge tf of military Instruction. 1st Is the. last day to pay as-1 ColurnMu plaster wnll .board. Call its without penally. fr prices, "vyallace "Woods Lumber yard. Kesidcnts of Snn Francisco, Cal., registered at local hotels include. Mr. pian, Byron Colenijin, Miss Ida M. Dick n which is scheduled for next man, Byrn Coleman, Miss Ida M. IJlok July 5th. ... insun, Mr. and Mrs. V. 11. Batting, your appointment early. Wod- Mrs. James A. Chamberlln, Miss Sue rifHiJisir bargain day at Emma Cllne's ..ChamUerlin. Mr. ; and fMra. H Fi Stiou.'.-j Shampoos, marcelling nnd fa- f rost, and Mr. and Mrs. i.J. wighton. clalHKreduced prices. I'hona4fi4. 86 The office force of the Crater Lake Hmvllng, flags, parasols" rlbbo National Park office in the federal amlfrtl Fourthoft -,Jyly ; docorations. building left today for the season's Jap;pPo Art Store. " ' .' 88 .quartuiV'at the government camp." IlfeVVrt Hoover, Jr., nnd Margaret' ' HemWtltchlng 8c a yard. The -Van -"VVatito Hoover, of Stanford univer-l Hy Hhop, Itartlett and Mjiin. tf Bity.rose father la the famous Her- 1 Archie Comptoiv who was recently hertjfloover, Secretary of Commerce, Injured In delayed explosion at the whogiloiiHnff north by auto, spent Buzzard Mine and wba Is a patient af last ntffnt in 1 this clly. ' L ,a local hospital, continues to Improve iOttUH tuauXed, - -3 Qu dozen. Johnson from tho effects of hie injuries. Produce Co. tf ' Mrft- c- V. Murray, who had boon Hemstitbhln, buttons covered at the ' Of Interest to Medford housewives Handicraft Shop. tf lh,lt notwithstanding the fact The Pfcront-Teacher Association ' thiit next Saturday Is a Imilday. the will tfWrflflct nn institute nt the Civic Public market will not he closed that Club House in Ashland on the nfter- morning but will be open until U noons of luly 1st, 2nd and 3rd. .Miss o'clock to accommodate shoppers in Frances I ayea and Mrs. George Per- laying In supplieH . for over Sunday, kins will present 'the work. AH !ocl ',n morning the-public-market was Parent-Tel tcher officers nnd heads of exceptionally heavy with offerings and commltteiM aro urged to matte n spo- , enjoyed a liberal trade. Berries wore clal effort to attend. ' ;a feature with logan borrles being We pay for ashes nnd sell dirt most in demand. A largo supply of choap., H own & White Agency, Jne. latter was on hand during the i 0 tf earlier hours, but was soon eold out. New shipment Chlnetfe shopping ' rteil raspborrles -were very much in bags, hatdpers. trays, etc' nt flaimn-' evidence nil morning, while cherries ese Art Slore. g were very few In comparison, as the Mr. anil Mrs. O. M. Kstorlv ,(f cherry season Is now Waldo wolo among Josephine county flvo fo1' those Kiowlng residents upending Monday in Med ford. July Is is tho last day to pay .as sessments without penalty. 80 Ii. I. H. eggs at DeVoe's. tf Shirley Oihert of Ynkima. Wrtsh., has a Hoven-year-old collie dog that has, at different times suffered nnr putations iuntll ho has but two letfs left both on ihe samo Aide. Ho Is still able to walk nnd run fairly well and still brings tho cows from tho pas ture. . ' ' ' ' ' $5.00 Manila Sport Hats1 on sale t (3.7r. .In t m noun Act hnrl Vnr-totv Store. KS ' Hne, Mi AI Loomls who took tho physical exumlnation at San Francisco for en trance to the military navul academy at Annapolis, passed an exceedingly fine examination, left at once for An napolis and entered the academy June 16. He writes his mother, Mrs. Kdlth Loomis, that he Is delighted with the academy and the work as midship man. , Head the Monarch Seed Co's. - ad on imge 2. It may interest you. 0 - . 8e - Mrs. T. A. .Carlton' of Prospect was among the enters who were In the. city;., yesterday :from that dis trict transacting business.. ' Used piano at Palmer Music House mahogany finish $11)0. Charles Maude uf the Three iicti district was among the out of Unvn visitors in the city yesterday.. Intensive shorthand, typing, , ma chine, bookkeeping and salesmanship. W'2rk mornings only; speclal low nttes now., Medford EBusiness Collegp. OWN 8V Columbia planter wall board. Call for prices. Wallace "Wood Lumber Yard. ; . r ' Wtll the lady who, found ring In dressing room at Prospect, phone 174, Jacksonville. Liberal reward. 87 Califyrnians . .registered - at local (.hotels Mnclude Mr. and Mrs. .J. J. Mengos and Mr. and Mrs A. M. Les ter of Berkeley, Mr. and Mrs. H. -A jienrly over, highlands of tho valley. q Staple drugs at DeVoe's. Yf George M, Roberta, tho Attorney, underwent an operation at tho Sacred Heart Hospital 'yesterday for the removal of his tonsilH. ; 1 Fresh salmon eggs for sale. John son Produce Co. tf Pooplo from the stale of Washing ton registered at local' hotels include Mm Ot P. Smith of Oranito Falls, Mrs. C, 10. McOee, Miss Mary Jacobson anil Miss Lenonde of Pinehurst, Mrs. 11. A. Boring and daughter, Mrs. Dave Logg, Mrs. K, A. Southworth, Miss Doris Fischer, Mr. and Mrs. William and Mrs. O. A. Merger, Mr. For snml, gravel, sediment, cleaning nn .6 wnmnJ' n,nrt Mr "m1 nun. j.. i. i.iiiiht ml ncaiiie, mrs. Ar lawn work, phono IU2-J, ijanmel JJateman.. tf' Olen Ksbrlck, Jr.. left Monday for Crater I.nle National I'ark ivhorn lie will bo employed for the summer sea son. . 10 per cent dl.ount on table cloths, June 24tli to July 10th. Japanese Art Store. 87 Children's llslo half box. silk and mercerized tops. Valuen up to 60c. On salo at 2r.c a pair. Alt new stock. Japnnese Art Store. 87 imiwier ha 9 Fancy Quality ( Not Price 1H what hns ' 'made rinjircib's lillv Broad the' largest selling bread ii Souther Or 'OffOll. 1 At Any Grocer Krank Home of Kverett. Mr', and Mrs. It. I. Corning of Centrnlla. and Miss Sylvia ThomsnP of Aberdeen. llofore you buy thnt piano see Laiin spach. Tift can save you money. He knows pianos nnd Is reliable. tf The carrier plpeon. which was picked up by T.loyd Tlmtnons on the Sheldon ranch near the 401 orchard, has made Itself quite nt home on the place. H was turned loose nfter It had been caiiKht Sunday evenlnK. but evi dently It favored tho salubrious ouali- Iles of tho Southern Oreifon climate, for It refused to leave. About one leu It has several bands fnnrked with dentlfyhiR numbers, but as yet the as not boen found.1 ncy creamery butter 43c per 'w Johnson Produce Co. Hans Homer, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Homer. Is homo for a fur loitKh from tho West 1'olnt Military ucadeniy. Jessie Dressier," ou of .Mr. and Mrs. I' H. Dressier, tllstPa cadet at West Point, will arrive Friday of this week. Pianos! See Launspaeh. tf I.lberta Oure, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Gore of this city, underwent an operation In Portland Tuesday morninp under tho direction of Dr. Dlllehunt at the Kmmnuuel Hospital. The operation was very successful, ac cordhiK to word received here. Head the Monarch Seed Co's. ad on pate 2. It deals with a problem that faces cQry home ovner. 86 : Mrs. W. V. llnrnum of Phoenix, Is very much conccr.Wd regardinK tho safety of her two brothers who were in business on the Main street jLjf Santa jtnrhani. Cal . -which was rmneif by the recent earthquake. )e has sent several telegrams to them, but as yet lias received no response. lirk'k ce ci cam &oc m DeVoe's. tf IntOest in the Johnson' vs. City of arums Pass case in which the plaintiff was awarded J70D dam ages for alleged neKllsence by the fire department in properly ' attend ing to a grass fire which they wore looking alter, is being arouBed over the state. A letter was received to day from Thomas Coats, of Tilla mook, secretary of the Oregon State Fire Chief's association, asking for additional Information concerning the case. . .Mr. Coates states that the case may prove of importance to ull .cities of Oregon, which aro con fronted by the samo situation. The city will await a decision by the supreme court upon the law con trolling such cases before again is suing burning permits. Grants Pass Courier. Cedar flumo at Big Plnos Lumber Co. tf Kmil Uritt was among, the visitors from the neighboring city o Jack sonville, who were in the city today transacting business.. Intensive shortl.and, typing, ma chine bookkeeping nnd salesmanship. Work mornings only, special low rates now. Medford business College. GWN. ' ' 88 Residents rr the city ot Portland registered at local hotels Include Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Fearing, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Jason,' Mr. and Mrs W. K. Mathews, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Horton and Miss Helen Horton. Columbia plaster wan woard. Call for prices. Wallace Wood Lumber Yard. The loonl postofflce vacation sea son begins tomorrow and the first of the staff to go are li. A. New man,, city carrier and l' Kdwin Nich ols. Mr. and Mrs. Newman will leave tomorrow morning to spend their, vacation In the state of Wash ington. Mr. F. Edwin Nichols nnd family will go on an auto trip to Diamond lake nnd small mountnln trout streams, where he will provide amusement for the trout, Crater Luke. Crescent City and If his tires hold out. possibly to Oregon City. The rear of hi" car, for some time past, hits been proudly proclaiming to the local world that only one pay ment Is yet due,' Portable superhetroillne six-tube ra dio. Carry like n suit case. Just tho ono-'to take camping. Outside aerial not necessary: See It at Palmor's Mu sic store, Medford. 8S) Mi sn Frances- B. Hays, field secre tary ..for tho National . Congress of parents nnd Teachers, 'was to arrive ml Ashland 'sometime rl)da. accom panied by Mrs. Uporge PerklrS, state present of tho Parent-Teachers as sociation, to conduct a parent-teacher inHtituts In that city.. , ... ' . Marcel and bob curl 75c Exper- lenceir'operntor from city. 523 So. Ivy. Tel. 430-n. ' 8S Medford was still In tho midst .01 tho big heat wave of last summer, a year ago todny, with a maximum of 104 and a minimum of GO, fol inwlmr tho maximum ot IOC the pre vious day, which was tho hottest' day of 11124. Tho mnxinuim of yester day was 84 and today's highest tem perature will bo about tne same. Fair weather with a mild tempera ture Is .predicted for Wednesday. .'resh salt water salmon, inc. in. Johnson Produce Co. tf Miss Dorothy Ness of Roseburg tins taken a position . In the -office ot tft. Palmer packing house. Why go to the country to buy cher ries. Wo have large supply every day at a reasonable price. Johnson Pro duce Co. Phone 07. 241 N. Fir stroej. tr Mrs.C.-- C. Scott, n former well known resident of Medford, but now ot Oakland, Calif., departed this morning for Pittsburg. Pa., n"01' having spent several days visiting Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Morgan, and also In interest of the ranch piop- city sho owns near Phoenix. Atter Mrs. Scott baa spent several weeks visiting relatives in the enstcrn states she will return to her home nt Oak land. Cedar flumo lumber nt r.ig Tines Lumber Co. tf Ninety-four cars and their occu pants stopped yesterday at Merrick's Motor Inn to spend tho night, with A. 31. Walker anil family of Kansas City, Mo., representing the most dis tant point. Kgis wanted, 30c dozen. Johnson Produce Co. tf A "deadhead" special consisting of 14 or 15 Pullman coaches passed thru the city this forenoon enroute from Portland to San Francisco, where at the latter city the tralr. will he loaded with regular army soldiers who will bo taken to Fort Hlley in southern California. What do you fear? Poverty, sick. ness, failure? Read "Tho Key to Suc cess" by Griffith Jones. Price 35 cents. Medford Hook Store. S7 1-iverett A. Faher. manager of Fuber's Cash Store, was among the business visitors who were in the city from Central ' Point today. 89 layman and daughter of San Muteo, TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LOAN WANTED $2f)00 on two houses; lot SOxUOO on pnved struct. 8 per cent inter semi-annually. Hox .Loan, Mail Tribune. SO Mr. "and Mrs. Floyd Lerilt and child, Mrs. D. Milieu, Mrs. La Haure, Mr. and lira. William F. Lester, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Carpenter, Mr. and Mrs. A.I1. Newkllt, .Miss FlosKie Kamney, MIsh Alice Htanfer, Mr. and Mrs. I). B. Crites. Dr. and Mr. A. II. Burhour, and MIhh K. F." Wills of Loh AngeleH, Mr. and Mrs. F. . L. JJrown of l.odi, Mr. and Mr.s. II. O. Schultz of Santa Paula, Mr. and Mrn. C:- D. Sample of Oakland, .Mr; and MrH. A. J. - Drew and Miss Hazel Itichmond of Sacrament o, M r. J. Clemens of Burllngame, Mr; and Mih. E. F. Peterson of Riverside,. Mrs. AVil- liam Mailer, -Misses E. and M. Moller, and William Moller, Jr., of Piedmont. KelloKB's Hair Cutting Parlor, Med ford huildin;, has added another beau ty operator, Mra. Olds, Rraduate of the Sanitary School of Iteauty Culture of Portland. Phone 594 for appointment. '.. ; tf Fresh salt water almon, 3c lb. Johnson Produce Co. tf MIks Ueth Clark and MIwi Dorothy Prultt left last evening for San .Mar guerlta, Calif., after hnviny spent sev eral days in the city visitinK friends. Miss Clitrk is well known In Medford, as she was a former member .of the high school faculty several years aso, and for some time past Ikih resided in the California city mentioned ahove. . For sewing machine repairs, Phone 215-R. U0 ' Fresh salmon eggs for sale. John son Produce Co. . tf Cedar flume lumUor at Dis Pines Lumber Co. tf Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Norcross, ac companied by their duuphter, Mrs. E. l. Hedriek, and KrnnddauKhtor, Eva Hone, were among the visitors in tbo city this forenoon from Central Point. ;M. A. Watkins was among tho visi ters who were in the city yesterday from the district known by the same name. . For bargain's In second hand sewing machines. The Singer Store, 10 -Vo. Fir. ,9 0 The watermaster can he found in his office in the Medford National bar building, from 8 a. m. until noon. every day during the livjatlon sea son. - To 215-R rent Sewing machines. i5 Phone !0 O WEDDING BELLS "iiiss Essie Wedge and Mr. C.ustas Beck were united , An 'marriage Sun "day afternoon nt tho N an'ren e church parsonuge, with Rev. C. M. King officiating. Joth young peo ple nre residents of Talent, and are well known in that district. Miss Zella Peail Taylor f Central Point and Albert Harold .McHeath of Medford were, married Simday morn ing, Juno 28. nt tho homo of D. J. llowe. the otflciating miniBter. Thev wt.j accompanied bv S. 5. Abbott-ana! n. if iVift V A TTt" 'f ' ftji'WV-flf Superfluous Hair Rid FOREVER or No Cost Why tnlemtc unslnhtly halron yrtur fnce, neck, nrm or lens when It can bo ronuived quickly and Rufely roots and all? Dou't use expensive electric treiftmeiita, nor be astuve to a nuor or ordinary depilutoriea which merely burn oil' surface- hairs, and often Btrcncthcn the hair roots. A mnrvelotis new nmcnetic Ixilaam, which is applied n I most as caiiljiincohl creiim, loosens every unaiKhtly hair nnd urontly liftB it out, root nnd all, leav ing the tikiu healthy, clear and beautiful. No muss, no odor, no discomfort. Absolutely liarinlesfl. Try it on this Kunmntee that it will absolutely rid you of superfluous hair forever or no cost. Karma, an this new dis covery is called, may be purchased at all good dealers, such as: Heath's Drug Store, 'West Side hnrmncy. Strang's Drug Store, Adv. Medford Pharmacy. ULJ fVJi a J will AJ III fi iT li. .faAHiMil. AA.r family of Sam-s Valley, Mrs. Abbott beins the mother of the bride; A. V. Uennv and AmwlUnM. Iliii-tmHn. These yomjK people aro highly es- lofintu,! llV tl.alr llloltll fplnn.l. wlh them il hiinnv and iirnHDemusO ... m 1 r Jlle. I hgj- win reside In Central Point F0R8 MISSIRuAS U .SHIPBIBOER WASIIINCTOX, June 30. Bids from twenty individuals and eompan--its were opened by the fleet corpora tion today for sale of 200 shipping hoard vessels for scrapping, hut the name of Henry Ford did not appear. No explanation was available as to why Mr. Ford who had indicated an intention of bidding, did not submit a tender and Chairman O'Connor of the shipping board said he had received no eommi.S.cation.from the manufac turer on the, subject. Ladybugs Are Short. WENATCHKK, Wash., June 30. A shortage of ladybugs, . G.UOO.OOO of them, was Reported today by Clark Turner, the "ladybug . king." The shortage is due, he said, because the past winter was a hard onemi them. Mr. Turner began last year fttrnishins the hugs to orchards in the valley to be used in fighting orchard pests. j Announcement, - j Dr. DeLa Rhu, eyesight special ist, will open offices In the Medford Conter Rldg., July 1st, and will be completely equipped for tho scientific examination of the oyes and fitting of glasses. Rooms 425-42G across hall from Dr. Coleman. 86 Telephone to telephone or man to man, . We are sure to please you if good eats can. Many engagements are made for luncheons here. Just call U3 up at any hour. We are pleased to take care of you. If you forget to phone, come on, any way. You will be sur prised at how many of your friends that aro also eating here. ' SONS OF ITALY INN ONE BLOCK WEST OF POSTOFFICE In connection with Medford Ice Cream Gardons. Phone 307. LEE WATKINS' has opened his store at the. old stand, 397 S. Front with a full line of ( FEEDS AND SEEDS Call and see me. Bring your eggs. Will pay market prices. Phone 146. I don't deliver. v ; Our paint oticketh u j closer than a brother. .AW of life's lessons are not learned in school. The lesson of paint's pr o t e c t i o n comes from experi ence. We know that paint is the host pro tective policy. Why do we put it off? FOU SALE Kour foot Kl-oen slab wood, $ 1 .50 per load. lad has aliout 4 or B ricks. Haul It your- Qelf. "mlln Box Co. ( KOl!xr Ill-own suit case. Call Teer loss llakery, tiOti H, Main. ' o S7 VOll rtRNT 3 room furnished apart ment upstnfrs: hot and cold water, bath. .Phone "4U-J. S3 h'Oll SAT.K lood horse. 7 years old. I'liono 6NS-J -4. SS KOH HUNT Coniforlahle furnished i apartment, electric ranue. sleeping j porch, ct.x .Mrs. Voua;. to O V tf-S5 Screens - Screehs .. Order Your Vindow Screens and . o o Screen Doors From TROWBRIDGE CABINET WORKS Medford A Modern Mill, Oregon Our 0n Make Prices Eight, Quality the Best Screens - Screens TONIGHT Comfortable and Cool Co'me Early, Stay Latel ; Evenir. Prices: Adults .... SOc Kiddies - - - . 25c Performances 7 and 9 h Orpteii Jr. Advanced Vaudeville presenting . '. ; i ' 51 A Bill of Novelty, Comedy and Girls Headed by mm3!M STARTS MORROW Days Only) "Old Home Week" W.:en by George Ade Played by ' THOMAS ; MEIGHAN and LI LA- LEE A Story of Main Street and Oil, With a Few Xiars and Wave! of Laughter. It's a Psramountl Gogi Comedy Sport Reel "Betty" Brown at the Organ HANSON & BURTON SISTERS in THE MAGIC MAN AND HIS MAGICAL MAIDS Offering BEAUTY AND MYSTERY "A VILLAGE NUT" ' by Eddie BLACK & O'CONNELL Claire -In FUNNY TALK AND LIVELY SONG TAYLOR, LAKE & RYANS . In A REVUE THAT'S DIFFERENT' Singing, Dancing, Chatter SAM BEVO "The Musical Moke" and KING OF THE HARMONICA HALKINS' COMEDY SILHOUETTES Novelty Act for Kiddles "TOPICS OF THE DAY" GOOD COMEDY CRATERIAN ORCHESTRA Two Shows 7:00 and 9:00 Evening Prices Adults 50c, Kiddles 25c FERTILIZE Nature decrees that grasses must go to eed at this season of the year. In reproducing itself grass is dissipat ed. It takes on a dried-out, yellowish and unhealthy appearance, which can be overcome only by liberal feeding with a good plant food. FERTILIZER Will give your lawn grass the neces sary stimulus to go thru the trying time of seejd making, and come out in a short time, a green and healthy turf. . Try it. Monarch Seed & Feed Co. . Retil Seed Service ' h Attention, Fruit Growers! "Wo have taken over the large racking and pre-enoling plant formerly operated by the Oregin Growers' Co-operative Assn. and are now prepared to eer into contracts vih growers for their crops of ptra and apples on the spot cash basis. Growers will find it to their advantage to 'communicate with ns before disposing of their crops. Office at packing plant now open on North. Central Ave. ' , ; ' i Telephone 30, or ci call evenings 972-J Suncrcst GrcMrds . LLEWELLYN A. BANKS, Mgr. ' WITH MEDFORD TRADE IS MEDFORD MADS.' o