Jb'nallg.'l-'rs'j.'Jia w 0 CP e m fill "j' Judgmt of $10,000 was relurntiti Mihs, Uurlmra Itiv;Lcr uniivntQiu JUI 111 111V tllLUIl liUl I 11.(11 , v ujiuiouuii iuil ihiiuiuii; .- at The DtilelH. In the Hlunder auit of nioviDof her toimllu at the Haeretl Henry Cue mid Cieoi Bu KIukk nKiilnnt Heart hospital. "Alliurtun." Bcyjiulled seer, and Charles KvIIokk'h Ilalr (Qufhit Parlor. Mod- Houehe. Coucfio mnniiKed a show ut ford hulldlntt. haH added another huau the auditorium In The Dalles last win- ty ouerator, Mrs. Olds, raduato of the tcr In which "AIIiuiIuh" was featured limitary School of lieauty Culture of A year uko today w: witlii maxl- and at which the slanderous remarks Portland. J'hona 594 for appointment, mum of 10(1 was the hottest day of all were said to have been made. i Cf last -summer. Today was nleeind Columbia plaster wall, board. Call I Mrs. II. li. I'rltehlow left for her coal, rompared with the recent hot for prices. Wallace Woods dumber home In iQrtlnnd this morning after we(ttLT. and yesterday with a nwxk Yard. having spent several weeks visiting mum of 70 was also a fine summW Hemstitching Sc a yard. The Van- Air. and Mrs. W. J. Overton, dajf.with quite a breeze blowing In the ny shop. Unrtlett nnd Main. If. Fresh salt water salmon, 25c II). afternoon. The predic tion for (ginor-. AI t.H c c uun-ay, who had been Johnson Produce Co. tf row; Is for a mild temperature anu pPmllnK several weeks at Dallas. I K. C. Oaddls and Volney Dlxnn re- clolKJy weatner. Texan, and Iajh Angeles, visiting rela- turned last night from I.oi,vlew Fine old Jacksonville home for sale. tiv9 returned to hcv hoife In the city M'nsh., where they inspected the In- Two nouses, one rented. large iut, Saturday night. . stallation of fencing about the second grounds. Good fen' home or Invest-! Ktaple drugs at DeVoe's. " tf unit of the Ijong-Hell saw mills In that nient, Apply Mrs. E. J. Kubll, Jackson- Fresh salmon eggs for sale. . John- city. This fencing Is being Installed fhe. ' son Produce Co. If through a contract with the local firm. Fancy c reamery butter 43c per lb.1 Mrs. Fred Mlddlebusher of Trail and Is one of the largest er placed In Johnson Produce Co. was among the many visitors from that the western country. w ,, ,,,. .,if,.,r ,,.u district who were in the city today For sewing machine repairs. Phono .v'' ....i.'... n- transai!ting business. fl5-K. 00 r.i,i,T i, . n ih m.rihwest chum-1 Children's llfV half sox, silk and' Ward lleoney left today for Crater ,V,hel, J '...Tu L. mercerized to," Values up to 00c. 1-ake where he will continue his du- for second place in the open ,hn,n- llr. All new stock, ties as bookkeeper In .mnectlon with pimshl- Ui-fore you buy that piano see Latin- Fresh salmon eggs r sale. John- Special summer prices on dry -'KmelQ Tie rnn save you money. He 'son Produce Co. O tf lory mill blocks. Vulley t uel to. tr knnW)1 ,, , r(,inl)1p. tf. A home made pitchfork of the type Try, that big rnllk shake at DeVoe s (rnliforn iiiiifi rc-gistered at local ho- tg-d 100 years ago was plowed up re- ceis iiiiriiioe jvir. anu mis. I eiei- hui it, ..i-iiiij uii iiic i.u m u nuu .j. . Oourlc- at Mlllersburg, In Linn cuun- ty. Tf - fork was probably used by the .arkin. and old Hudson liny company. lirlck Ice cream 50c at DeVoe s. tf Odar flume lumber at . Big Pines mentn. Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter C. Drugg Lumber Co. . ,f i,f Iterkeli.v Mi niwl M i-m. c. p Kmnll. I Peter 11. Vounir who enlisted in the Lqunspnch Piano Ktore now open man (f Knn piego. Mr. and Mrs. F. army at the local recruiting station in for:' business at 111 W. Main. Opposite 0ard.!ey of Llv.more, Mesdames Kli- May, 1024, is at home on a month's ItialcO thcaty. Successor to Koot'Mu. , (.,.ou(.hi ;. c. Walte and Miss Hulh furlough0ut Doris. Calif., from Pap- 8lc'-c)- " Williams of Long lleoch, Mr. und Mrs. amn. The young mini so likes the Wo pny for ashes and sell dirt ( u Haj-ker, Mr. unci Mrs. A. It. an.- that he has Interested several cheap, llrnwn & Whlto Agency. Inc. Whlfler. Itr. nnd Mrs. Merrill Men- more young men in enllslin in the sor. Mr. nnd Mrs. L.JI. Morris. Mrs. I. service, and it is probablo that they civ nunclrea ana seveniy-14. e eni w(l(, mbj) , wiel. Tieorge J. Martin will come to Medford very soon to en loads of people were at Crater Lake tln1 fainjyt an( Mr. and Mrs. Monr list. yos'rdny, mostly Medford and Klam- ,ymil of Klln p,.n.isco. Mr. and Mis. I For barfftlns lnecond hand sowing atk Wills residents. The road through w CuW(,n M,-and Mc. Hooper C. machines. The Singer Ktore, 10 Sc.. the nrk to the lodge Is now open a I p,,,,,,, Mr nn(1 M,.. ,,nnry Kreen,an Fir. 00 te ..way and in good conditio, wiin An(,el(,s Ml. ,, WrH E .,. , one hundred and eight more out of no extremely muciiiy concilium nine Youngston of Chlco, Mr. nnd Mrs. the state crs were registered here oxirtod for n time, last week, gone. H,lrry c.-uel of Itosevlllc and Miss Sunday at the local state traffic gls- Makc your appointment early, wen- ...h . .. n, (.0i.., trutlon bureau, which also did a rush- well wi-shing friends. After tiiey have rpent a r-rt honeymoon In un around the state metropolis thg' in-( tenci 10 iiiase tneir peruianeni nome In the city of Klamath Fulls. Mf. and Mrs. H. Than-. Mr. and Mrs. W. li. Mickel, K. C. Sllllmnn. J. Itob e, it. V. DeSouza, W. F. Wood. C. Mrs. A. S. Fischer, and Mi' Sophie Tyreli cif Alameda, Mr. wil Mrs. W. H. Larkins, Miss Marian l,:i M. Aersnnw unci uo....... ....... Ml. un(, MrH , T ,uht (f Kan Hutut.l turned Sunday from Salem, where they . f. n,w.,11.1 .,.,,.,.... utlenneu the . u. w. conveniiou nno Initiation. lieglnnlng Tuesday. June 30th, the Ing business this forenoon In reglster- liy bargain clay at Kmmu Cllne's Siepi snnmpoos. marcelling anci ra- ,., h ,,,,, M,if,.r.i. ,lll Inir mu-h mm. tlalB at reduced prices. JJhone 454. SO n,i,i another marcell operator from llie The watcrmaster can be found in Eirs wanted, 30c dozen. Johnson D()n J ux at.,ul(,n,y t Han pnlnclsco. Ihls officp In the Medford National Proctice Co. Miss Ue Normnndlo comes very highly bank building, from 8 n. m. until noon, It Is perhaps not yet too early in llio ,.ecommcdcd from Mr. Don Lux him- every day during the Irrigation sen week, to remind local housewives thut flet 85 son. , 05 tey -must purchase enough food sup-, i,.'utu.y n-enmery butler 43c per lb. I Among the out of town Oregonlans piles next Friday to last over Sunday, jonM(lon p,.0duce Co. ; here visiting over Sunday were (Icorgc as all, places of business will be closed! ,c u King, superintendent of tho 11. Craves and Marie ltlley uf Salem, next Knturday and Sunday. Portland division of llio Soutllern Pn- V. F. Smith of McMlnville, L. U. liemstitcnmir, nuicons cuveieu in 11m mUc neH (lft n Mli bualll0,, cnl. H, Thomas and Kmmngene Travis of ICu- iirday evening for his henduuarters at gene, Florence M. (iarrctt of llills- Portliyd, nfler hiing spent several boro. Kva Illce and Mrs. and Mrs. 1-,. it. Fields or uoseburg. Muurene tf Lonibnrg of Springfield and Mr. and l"sed nlnniit Palmer Music House. Mrs. W. D. Miller of Klamnth Falls. muhoiiny finish 1150, . S!l The flag on display at the Chamber One hundred and eighty-eight cars of Commerce was that of the 82nd nnl ilinln im niu -.i-a i-nvuiopn,l ut brigade, not the Secnndimcl was m-e- 11. Haylor of Oberlln, Ohio, Mr. and Morl.u.k.8 motor Inn during tho past denied to Mayor Alenderfer by llrlg. Mf M. F. Wharton of Tucson, Ariz., two lIliyBi wU hMPVer cars from Chi- Oen. White, instead of to Pres. Clancy mi.-uim n. 1. ... ...... ,.COi 111.. representing the incst dls-or the Chamber or commerce. Colo... Mr. nnd Mrs. It. llanin and lut cy T() reiu Sewing machines. Phone 13 Oladys llurton of lloston, Krncst ( j.n, ,r. BlU(0 non Bomo ntWnMa 215-11. 00 Wijirtts of Washington. D. I.., 1'.. picture, o( tho 8pe. jrdl)io -party, at'' Otto De Jarnett ond 10. D. Scrlnter Johnnon of Ht. Paul, Dnlo Wyllo or ump jnt.kson. Thoso who .attended, .'returned last night from Astoria", wflare ClcelaniU-OHIO, Itov.- Lr II. vllo of ,, ... , (-.,,, .lueksnii 11111I deslro they attJiided resncctlvely tho convon- llnndlrraft Shop. If V6l pay for ashes and sell dirt cneap. urown niiii Ke.icjr, . ... (,IV1) , ,he clly ()n lUi,ltl.Ha. a ' ' ' , .1 Pianos! See Iuunspuch. inviucieci hii.uiik c'1 . c.'ui.n.o other guests from a distance register ed :t local hotels over Sunday were Miss I. L. Huyler of Toledo, Ohio, M DuiJhhr, Pa., Mr. nnd Mrs. K. A. Haw leyjl)f llaltlmnre, Louis Adler and M. If. Koriulz of New York. City, nnd llettjf. Taylor. Louis Teke and M. Luocker and fnmlly of Chicago. It -J. It. eggs at DeVoe's. tf For sand, gravel, sediment, cleaning or lawn work, phone 912-J, Samuel Dntemnn. tf C. O. Lemmoii of Hood IUver. who is visiting his son. C. C. Lemmon, is nccompanied by his granddaughter. pictures can secure them at the ftUr tlon of tho Oregon State Federation of dlo. ' flTi Post Office Clerks nnd tho convention I Cedar flume nt Big Pines Lumber c Oregon Stato Association of Letter Co. tf Carriers. They both reported a. good I Late yesterday afternoon two cars. time, nnd the fact that the convention n0 a Ford, driven by Mrs. Llzlze K. would be held next your at Albany. " Heed of C, nulls I'ass, and the other n ' People from tho state of Waslftng- Iluick owned by Mrs. F. Cranflll of ton registered nt local hotels Include M,... ni.T,. nr.m.ln,l .. t . l.n l..t ,-u.w.. i,... Mr. nnd Mm. Willium Afct'raiir of Tar Harold Clifford of Bakor, Ore., ygll. , M , , mv,M, ireei. Tho coma. Miss Olive and F.sther Gundort knw member of the state game com- llllPP wna ,iamaged to the extent of "on. Iga Foldon nnd AI Palmqulst of mkl'ti. spent Saturday In the city. j)()0 wn,0 tho former suffered n Fast Stnnwood. J. V. Johnston of Sent unel with Patrick Dally, the speclul, i,rerl fl.nnl nxlo as a. result of the tie, and Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Mlnklcr stato ,gamo commission wuroen. icn cl.Bb iM,.My occupants of neither of Port Angeles. "7 Ilioiliiiig i" speuc. cm, U. w mr lllJui.eU, In hlniunth county. . I Intenslvo shortl.nnd, 'typing, ma- l,tirge stock Victor records at I nl: lrn.119 bookkeeping and salesmanship. me.jluslci Store. tr Work mornings only, snocinl low . Miss ltoborta Mao Snow of Portland 10 per cent discount on tulilo clot lis, ,.at0, now Medford Uusincss College I In a fust ganio of baseball played Jlllle 24th lo July loth. Japunoso GWN K8, (,n the homo grounds yesterday, the Art Ktore. S7 Columbia plnsier wi,:t -maid. Call Owon-Oregou Lumber Conipnny team Miss Jessie Grlswold. homo demon- fnl. vtlnti Wallace Wood Lumber defeated the Phoenix nine by a score Htrijtlon agent for Josephine- county. yIlr(, of D to 3. totloy became the bride of 0. A. Muni. c ', (jarla'ncl of Fort Leavenworth, O. H. Philip nnd family of tlongh of till' city. They left Immediately Klln ,B BondlK several days In the ton. Col., nro among the vTsitors from uftctr the cereniony for Lake of the jty on LiutjliioaM ili-ur a distance who arc spending a few days Wopds where (hoy will spend tho next p,iable silperhetro.llne six-tube ra- In the city. . 10 ays on a honeymoon trip. Tho cer- (.a,.ry iikc. n Bl,it t.IlB0. Jllat thl. Mrs. E. Talbot of Grants Pnss under- emony was perforiiiod'.y Hev. F. Oor- )n0 (J ,ll)(0 campn) outside aerial ctn a major operation nt the C0111 dori Ilarlo-lrants Puss Courier. n(1, lwreniryi Hp lt Ilt palmer's Mu- munlty hospital, and Is nt present In Palmer's stlul has pictures of the B(, Btorp jyiedford. 89 " good condition as cun.be expected. Cratur Mike Caravan en route, the I , .,..... .,,, ,.,. .., vnr. I ilnlph Cowglll nnd Lieut. Col. Col boy bathing in 1'nlon creek, tho camp lenced operator from city 63 So Ivy burn returned Sunday from n trip to at Union Creek: also views of the par- n 43- , ' Rs Illnmond lake. They had a delightful ado In Medford nnd .views In camp. Mrs. M. J. McCoy pioneer of 1 S53 1 trip, caught seven nice rainbow trout Send some of tho pictures home" and advertise Medford. "hack 85 and the mother of 10 children, took an ln Diamond lake and 24 mountain airplane lido recently over the Klnm-i"o"t one of the streams en route Huest 'open nlr dance rioor in tno llth ,.,,.., ml ..,.,.nliy enjoyed tho! home. Col. Cc.burn left Sunday even state. Y'Only 5 minutes from Main lhl.M . I ing for the 'reaid!n in . California street," Fair Grounds Pavilion. 85 1 ,,.,.,, . .., . ... V-hnr. ho Is stationed with the reirll- .1 oil li!., Produce Co. If lnr army and was hero as Inspector for Why go lo the country to buy cher-!the National Ciunrd encampment. vies. We hnvo largo supply every day Will- the lady who found ring In nt n reasonable price. Johnson Pro- j dressing room nt Prospect, phone 174. dure Co. Phone 07. 241 N. Fir street. Jacksonville. Liberal reward. 87 f tf I 1H,d Mrs. W. llryail Adams left The Crater Lake National Park of- the latter part of Inst week for San flee In the Federal bulldlW,' will prob- Francisco, where they will Bpend their al.ly close tomorrow for the official vacation. ui.,... ,,t il.n i,.l!n .1,....,.. .-i,i..i, i ..-in I On the rover of the Pacific Mutual 24 portable superhetrodyne. no out- ... ' ..,.., .News, n monthly mngar.lnc Issued by pfjk. .tile, racitic .Mutual Lire insurance n.. .... ..1. jn Vlt-,.lt. I'n.' ... dlo Service, 105 W. Main. Tel. HH.3. i Produce t T,ho ciedegntes nnd members of tho American Legion drum corps are home from Prlnevllle where they at tended the state convention.' C. Y. TengWald. member of the executive committee of the Stale American Le gion, was chosen as n delegate to the nnttonnl convention at Omaha next Oc tober. Immediate delivery on lladiola No. side aerial, weight hut 3 pounds. IVilto "xilltiml it on your vacation. Paralyzed tubes Fresh salt wnter salmon, Johnson Produce t'o. tf 25c lb. In oh company, appears the p let tiro of . Lumbw Co. if tve. J. lt. WnUlor, C. . GuteB. K. IJkhs wantiul, 30r tlozen. JohuHonl0- t'niltllw und Volney Olxon. omlors- 1 Wo daily offer a va riety of pastries ami bread found only iu the best shops of the larger cities. Have you visited ' us lately'? The COLONIAL Southjrn Oregon'Q Finest Bakery Mrs. K. KircliKi'ssnor nrrived In tho ll.v thin mornhirf from Sun l'Yuncisco. tu J"in her IuihIuuhI. lr. KiivhueHsnfr if Trull, aft4r tin nlmonco roveiiiiK tho pant. Mt'vnal nmnihs. W hat do you fear? Poverty, nlrk nesH. failure? Head "The Key to Sue rM" by (iriffith .lonen. 1'rice 3rMitH. .Mi'ilford (took Store. S7 To enjoy OreKon m-enery nnd flsh Or. wn N. Orury. eminent rur dioliKlHt ot London, ICnutund, who Ik to It the fmemost npenker at tlnnnual .rtertHion of the I'arlfie NorthweHt Modi, ral association, ennvenins here .Mine I'f. rame to Cortland a week In ad vanro nf the-onventlon. As the kwoM nf Ur. Nolde wiley .Ioiioh. he is now on tour of Central ami Southern Oregon, havtntr none over the McKenzle Pass route to the t'ratir Tike nnd K In ni nth Kails reloO Ptrtland Journal. Intensive Hhorthand. typlnp, inn chine hnokkeeplni; and nnleanmnhlp. Wormnrnlnnf only; Bieell low rates now. Medford ltuslnesa I'olleKP. UWX RS Ut'sidentH of Portland renlntered at local hotels Include Mr. and Mrs. V. t Schuppet. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Urown ley. Mr. and Mrs. I,. K. lierkeiey. Mr. Jind Mm. II o Woods. Mr and Mis ' KOK i: A. H11nd.1O.tnd Mr. and Mis. W. H 'hanln I (.'olumhln Plaster wall honrd. Cull tlon. an well an that of business. All of these men state they are insured for not less than $30,000 nnd as high as J75,ftOO. WEDDING BELLS In the presence of immediate rela tives nnd close friends Miss Anne rirleh and 11. Kdwin Cnrnell were united in marriage this morning nt S:3rt by Hev. K. P. Lawrence nt the home of the bride's parents, 358 South Gikdnlo. The bride Is tt daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Plrlch. and is well known throughout the city nnd li environ men ts.O while the croom is of iPiamath counly, where ho is encaged in the stock business. The iftppy coule, after being given an informal ride on the rear of a de livery truck. departed this morning on the Shasta for Portland amid showers of vice thrown upon them by TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 1.K Spilth's drv pine. Sum mer rates a tltQ Discount on huvcr ontrrs. Phone 1103. Centra! Point 3S-X-2. 11 f for prices. Wallace Wood Lumber WANTF.O Wicker baby buggv. Phone lard. p&i.U. 7. LIGHTS H i . BROOKIRGS -AS WU HOSES OP ciiiiasMs prcsei council. the nintter again IN ffilUND W NEW YORK, June 29. Hut'h Nelll. vice president of the Southern l'acific (Ullroacl was informed this aftjjinoi that 200 miles of the conifianv's rall- 'road tracks were thrown out of line !., nnlt nv ., rllulenee nf '100 miles POKTLAND, Ore" Jun 29. Citrus by the earthquake. fruits are higher igi the local produce I ' markets today. Advancesit shippliiK point on cars of oranges, lemons andli grapefruit arriving today are fully 60 cents a crate higher. Orange prices along the street this mornir were I heia at i? 5(1 to $9 a crate and lemons at to $.iiu uy prociuce men. 1 lie 1 1 uerry niaricei, aiso displays a itrm , undertone and some varieties are fractionally higher. On the early market this morning raspberries hrought as high a$2.40 a crate, al though finite a few of the receipts went at 9 EADCOlDff 3 r 1 V cm t.ct. .11 b.wi.j iiiihi. vnjJUCS; apply trceiy up nostnis. a ms Ovmr 1 7 Million Jar Ud nafj Wilhdraw 8th St. Petitions. Considerable interest has been shown in regard to the reasons prompting the persons, wlia some ' MARSHFIELD, June 29. The lit tle town of Brookings, in the wilds of Curry county, sllpid back a decade ln its history last week, when business houses ftirt homes search ed out their candles and refilled the once-abandoned kerosene lamps u.h the only means of illumination. time ago petitioned for the Zoning Hrooktngs' electric light plant has: of 8th Ktreet to withdraw their petl-j shut down for the first time since tions. Recently representatives ap-j its completion 10 years ago and the pea red before M. L. Alford, city d:it ttf IIh i-ooiicninir cannot be Ue- recorder, and rennested thut the no-' ter mined. I titions should be returned. The C. & O. LumbeiO co pany. j It is not known whether this is owners, opernte this plant and cite a preliminary movo for the uniting clearing of i& redwood mills as the of the citizens of Medfol upon the r'rtson for shutting dow cuuslng opening or 6th street, or is only a lack of fuel. I mve to obtain more signatures and 1 ltrookings business men and for- i L ',' V , . mer workers ln the mill charge this in but a subterfuge to cover internal warfare within the company itself. Ucgides the lack of illumination for ff' business and residential dis tricts, mill workers found themselves without a job after starting to work one morning. Theii pay checks , were stopped without warning. Many of the work ers, including married men, were forced to make up their packs and take to the highway In search of employment. Five dollars was the individual capita for a number of these and they left families ln Brook ings without means of support. Closing of tho large Brookings red wood mill, supposedly on account of t'he market conditions, threw ap proximately 700 men out of woik. They claim credit at company stores la rctused them nnd that they must pay. rent in advance -.to koop, their furniture in company homes. -; LAWN' V ' JERTIUZER FLIERS FORCED DOWN SISATTIjIO, June -20. David Logg i ml Kred Noursc, missing since Tues day on an alrpland -trip from Santa Monica, Cal., to Seattle, nro at Sacra mento awaiting repairs to their ma- ihimj, U was leurnUftpday. : ri i SKATTTJ-:, Juno f). David ,ogg, Seattle nnd Fred Koiirse. Kirkland, Wash., flying from Santa Monica, Cal. for Seattle, In u biplane, have not been beard from since leaving Tur loek. Cal.. Tuesdav.-an announeenmnt here (oday said. Kngine trouble forced the plane iown at Turlock, whence Mrs. Logg received a telegram? from her husband saying they were leaving and expect ed to reach Seattle last J'riday. Mrs, logg, accompanied by her brother, Dudley Kddy, and Forrest Johnson,' Scuttle aviator left by auto- nuMiiiL' ycHicroay 10 scck me nnssin;; air men. 1 Announcement. i Dr. T. DeUi Ithu, eyesight special- Ht, will open offices in tho Medford Center litdg., , July 1st, and will bo Completely equipped for tho scientific examination of the eyes nnd fitting of glasses. Rooms 425-426 across hall from-Dr. Colemnn. 86 G Those dried out spots in your lawn that will not respond to ; diligent watering can lie brought out in a 'short tiihe with ; pep 1 FERTILIZER j This is the most try insr period of the summer on grass, so feed your lawn now. MONARCH Seed 5s Feed Co. "Your Seedsmen" $500. for ESPECIALLY GOOD AT VACATION TIE O o BUT It runs r a year and will cover the chihlren's things while away at school this winter and your 'things wher ever you travel. Covers jour personal effects, sporting gooits. vacation and travel equipment, etc., AnywJir eicipt m ycufr pwmnnt rcidtnc Including while at tin; cleaners or laundry, : Again!: ALL RISKS of Firt, Tlieft ara! TtinpiX4&aBm Larger or smaller amounts in proportion. Fone 444 and Ve'll Call. , R. A. HOLHES "THE I?SURANCE FrfAM" Since 1909 " viAvr Helpful in Nervous Conditions : 315 Medford Bldg., Phone 841 ' TOMORROW " I' showEng-pictures ' ", f? sL tP'J'i ' IS " 1 l TO CRATER LAKE. . ' l iOrpJr.AteeiSyrti!!?; ; Ijj PRESENTING - I in iia Am. Leather Shoes $1.49 You can't beat this for a real bargain. We are doing this to clear our stock of odd lots. The regular prices on these shoes were from $3.00 to $5.75, but they all go for $1.-19. - The lot includes officers' dress shoes, Scout shoes and Munson last shoes. There is a gopd run of sizes, but you will have to come early to get in on this for our stock won't last long at this Uny price. 'Wednesday Special $1.49 The Coolest Store in Town Even Our Prices Keep You Cool. Army & Outing Stores EVERYTHING FOR WORKINGMAN AND CAMPER 32 So. Central Ave., Opposite Hunt's Craterian E S. Stewart, Your Satisfaction Manager Phono 913-L Is Our Success A Bill of Novelty, Coraedy md Gifli Headed by ENDS. TONIGHT "JUST A . ' WOMAN" Film Drama From ; EUGENE WALTERS' Famous Play With Claire Windsor,' Conway Tearle and a ' Noted Cast. STARTS WEDNESDAY (2 Days Showing) , "OLD HOME WEEK" With Tommy Melghan and Lila Lee In the Leading Roles. Written by ' Georfle Ade. . It's Nothing But Laughs! HANSON & BURTON SISTERS in THE MAGIC MAN AND HIS MAGICAL MAIDS , Offering BEAUTY AND MYSTERY "A VILLAGE NUT" . by Eddie BLACK & O'CONNELL Claire in FUNNY TALK AND LIVELY SONG TAYLOR, LAKE & RYANS in A REVUE THAT'S DIFFERENT Singing, Dancing, Chatter SAM BEV0 "The Musical Moke" and ' KING OF THE HARMONICA x - , HALKINS' COMEDY SILHOUETTES' -, Novelty Act for Kiddies 'T0PICS OF THE DAY" GOOD COMEDY CRATERIAN ORCHESTRA ' Three Shows 2:00, 7:00 and 9:00 ' SPECIAL BARGAIN MATINEE: , Admissions Adults 35c, Children 10c. Evening Prices Adults 50c, Kiddies 25c' S'creens - Screens Order Your Window Screens and Screen Door Trom 'TROWBRIDGE CABINET WORKS Medford A Modern Mill Oregon e OuiPOwn Make Prices Right, QualJy the Best Screens - Screens Attention, Fruit Growers! We have takenwovcr the larpe packing and frccooling plant formerly operated by the Oroj,nnG rowers' Co-operative Assu. and are now prepared t'o enter into contracts with growers for their crops of pears and appl on the spot cash basis. Growers will find it to their advantage to communicate with us before disposing of their crops. Office at packing plant now open on North Coiitral Avc. Telephone 30, or can call evenings 972-J - e Suncrest Orchards LLEWELLYN A. BANKS, Mgr. - ' C :