Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 23, 1925, Page 2, Image 2

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&4 Pemtzat
jSyyyjgy"- - - Ji i., ; 1 - ' u nag
C. K. Curd Huh i-euutitty HuIJaJuuuuh "Mm. Clinturt Hiirklnn who wuh ho-
the W (SV Agency, hittrtft operty located rfouHly ill hL heihorne at 215 North
on South Newtown to E. A. Lit torn 1 1, Peach street,
Kr. Mr. and Mrs. Card have left Med-(reported to L
lord ror an Indefinite visit in Ohio.
"Fresh salt water nalrnon, 25c Ih.
Johnson Produce Co. tf
Ktaplfl drirFH at DeVoe's. tf
Portland residents in the city on
short wtays include Mr. and Mrs. A.
Hleeman, Mr. and Mrs. Bean and
daughter. Miss K. Wat kind, Mr. and
Mrs. L. If. M no maw, Mm. R. Ilruh-
land nnd dnuhter, I). B. Connell and
fftrnlly, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Jonah B.
: .. ... .i... i nt-e uii'wit'w Hiinimer nais. j,ouj
borer enaKt-d on that Job. w .Howard's. X. Central ave. i
n,Hl, . nA.,i,,. tn oiinJ Rojuvene, really removes wrinkles
ries. M'e have lurwe supply every day
Several small parties from Medford
nnd Klamath Fulls have made the
trip to Crater Lake since Sunday, hav
ing Kne In by auto 04 far as the snow
has been cleared off the road near to
f ioverninent camp, nnd then having
walked the mile or more over the snow
to the lake rlni nnd back. The work
and restores youthful contour rapidly,
at a reasonable price. Johnson Pro- j r rV '"''..V'r' ,u
duceCo. Phone !)7. 241 N. Fir street. ' 31wi" bht?- 3rd floor Medford Cen-
tf ter Bldp. Phone 191. 81
t lai'Ke neiegatmn or mem net's or
the local American Legion post leaves
AWlford, last week, is
improving," says the
Ashland Tiding.
I Dance at Riverside Community club
Saturday night. Alford's Imperial or
chestra. 8U
Fresh Halt water salmon. 2$( Ih.
Johnson Produce Co.
Peter Mackintosh of Hastings. Neb.,
who has been visiting at the home of
C. B. Ward and family of Phoenix, for
the past week, left thlH forenoon for
inn nuiiic mi imul ujniuiu vix,. j i i-.ttuA iied at the Sacred
X..UIUM.U.U Mavr wan uumu ttu neart nospital, June 21st, lun Cam
for prices. Wallace Woood Lumber eron Ked 83 yearn. Funeral services
. win ie conducted Fi-idav. Anno ?crh
s MORAV9 Died, at the home of hi
parents, .Mr. Mind Mr. -Anthony J
Morava, June 22nd, Billy Morau
aged seven monthH and 1 day.
iuneral services will be conducted
Wednesday, June 24th at 10 a. m. at
the graveside in Jacksonville ceme
tery. Mineral arrangements are in
care or the Cpnger Funeral Parlors.
at 1 p. m. from the Conger Funeral
Parlors. Interment in Odd Fellows
Cedar flume at Big Pines Lumber
Co. tf
Chester Barr is now sporting a fine
engraved silver 101 Its' card case which
Wat presented to him by the Crater
club at its recent meeting at Jackson- j
vIIIh, as a farewell token on account
of his leaving soon to locate in San
Jose. Calif. Kngraved on the case is
the following: "Ueke Barr, June 1 f.
hy the Crater club."
Handicraft Shop. Porch dresses
adorable styles and colorings. $ 1 .2!t
Friday and Saturday. 84
City assessments must be paid by
July 1st to avoid paying 6 per cent
. penalty. 82
Postmaster Wm. J. Warner is again
on active duty after a several weeks'
vacation. :
Millinery clearance sale begins Wed
nesdity. Trimmed hats frnm.fl.iJ8 to
$8.98, including the famous Gage pat
Item , hats. All hats must go, regard
less. of prices, to make room for our
newfall stock. New Cage felts just
received. The Emmy Lou Hat Hhoppe.
In M. M. Store. 81
Regular communication of Iteamcs
chapter O. K. S. Wednesday evening,
June 24th. Initiation, Visitors wet
come. - 80
Among guests registered at local ho
tels, from a distance is the following:
Mtv and Mrs. A. (Jonnason of Victoria,
B. C., Mr. and Mrs. William Plnkham
of fCew York City and Los Angeles, A.
Sclfonfeld of Cleveland, W. H. Bower
of jftew York City, and Mr. and Mrs.
(1. 9. Payne, George Payne and P.
Yoefng of
Salt Jike City.
tomorrow morning by auto for Prine-
vllle to attend the state American Le
gion convention.
We pay for ashes and sell dirt
..heap. Brown & Whlto Agency, Inc.
Big shipment of new stock just in.
Come in and pick out your machine.
Singer fro., 10 So. Fir. 84
Kd Iluiburt of Ladysmlth, Wis., has
uf been visiting D. J. Howe and -family
winie looKing over tne valley ror a
location. Mrs. Hurlbut Is also a friend
of the Fa bin and KrnUHS families,
t Cedar flume nt Big Pines Lumber
Co. tf
I Immediate delivery on Radlola No.
24 portable HUperhotrodyne, no out
ride aerial, weight but 3 pounds.
iTake It on your vacation. Parnlized
tubes reactivated or no charge. Vir
gin Radio Service, 105 W. Main. Tel.
1053. tf
l The Golden Link Bible class will
hold their regular afternoon meeting
Thursday at 2:30 at the home of Mrs.
Fred Purdin, 335 West Holly street
I City assessments must he paid by
July 1st to avoid paying 5 per contl
penalty. : S2
. Porch dress sale bargains you will
not want to miss $1.21), Friday and
Saturday. Handicraft Shop, 84
W. R. Lamb has sold his auto camp
nnd store near the bridge at Rogue
River to G. ,W. Milam, who has al
ready taken possesssion, Mr. Milam
is nn old school teacher of the Rogue
River valley and was superintendent
of the Gold Hill school three years.
Budweiser 15c bottle at DeVoe's
fire sale. tf
A small grass and brush fire was
reported yesrday to be burning on
state timber land near Derby, but it
was quickly put under1 control and is
no wburning itself out.
Free facials Thursday and Friday
this week, from t to 5 p. m. to intr- Monday morning, June 22.
uul-u jiBjuveiiB, ib I vauy rvtuuvva ( lived Here for til'
wrniKies anu restores youiniui
Mr. Milam has a host of friends- who
tour rapidly, harmlessly and perma
nently. Medford Beuuty Shop, 3rd
floor Medford Center BTdg. Phone 191
for appointment.- 83
Fresh salmon eggs for snle. John
son Produce Co. . tf
The public market was a heavy one
this morning. A nrge lot of farm pro
duce was on hand and the trade was In
proportion. Some of the finest peas
that have yet been on sale were quick
ly purchased by' ihe many morning
shoppers. .
Sale! New shadow striped dimity
porch dresses. The daintiest styles,
the most charming patterns nnd color
combinations. $1.29 Friday and Sat-i
urday. Handicraft Shop. 841
Try that big milk shake at DeVoe's.
Mrs. James Stoken of 242 South '
. Riverside, while picking cherries in her
jyard yesterday, fell from the ladder,'
(on which she was standing, several.
feet to the ground, fracturing her right
leg a short distance above the ankle.
and according to latest reports Is rest
ing easy at the Sacred Heart hospital.
Dance at Riverside Community club 1
Saturday night. Alford's Imperial or
chestra. 80
Mrs. M. J. Anderson of Portland is
spending several dnys in the city vis
iting her mother, Mrs. E. Brock.
Fresh salmon' egga for Bale. John
son Produce Co, tf
Mrs. H. D. Jones of Oakland, Calif.,
BALLAKD Mary Uaella Ra41ard
passed away at the home of her
uaugnter, Airs. Frank Grove, one milp
.west of the Gold Ray dam, nt C:30
past 15 months
coming trom Long Beach, Cal. She
leaves to mourn her loss one son.
oanica v., tu oiocKton, uai. j one
uaugnier, Mrs. Frank Grove of the
Gold Hill district; two sisters. Mfss
I'.na- nooser and Mrs. Barbara Griffith
of Hopkinsville, Ky. The Perl Funeral
Home made the arrangements and
Frank Grove will leave tonight with
the remains of Mrs. Ballard for Long
Beach, Cal., where she will ha buried
beside her late husband, Henry C
Hallard. . .
me Aiooei rnarmacy wn oe open , now hllKlnetB .who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. G
nexumlny and nights the following - ' Tj, Ai,len for the p(lHt week m. mor8i
Before you buy that prnno see Laun
( pooh. He can save you money. He
Cora M. Pool and John W, Bell of
Bonanza, Klamath county, Oregon,
were married at the Presbyterian
manse, this city, Monday, June 22,
1925. the Rev. E. P. Lawrence offi-
umLuig. i ne newiywetis were accom
panied by Mr. and Mrs. Floyd B. Bell.
auni ana uncie or the bridegroom. Th
onoegroom is a contractor engaged
in u iimn ess In Klamath Fails, where
the couple will make their home after
a snort honeymoon.
'Were you iu any fiduciary capacity
with reference to that will?"
"Only aeofostor-iather of the -vk
"And at. whose request did you act
as lawyer?'
"At his."
"I object to that a conversation
with a dead man," Interjected Crowe,
as the defense sought to bring out
what Hilly had said.
"All right; that Is all; that's our
case." replied Stewart.
' State rests," stated Mr. Crowe, and
after 12 day the presentation of evi
dence was completed.'
Notice.. v- . , '
School Dist. : No.' 102 will receive
bids for Irnnonni-Hn,. ,.Vi 11 f..,.m
Jala district to Medford school district
for coming schoor year. Bids to be In
the hands of the clerk by Juno 30th.
School board reserves the right to re
ject any or all bids.
Clerk S. Dlst. No. 102.
11. F. D Jn. 3.
(Continued From Pajre One)
lcnrjws pianos and la reliable. tf
Tina school board will hold a meet-
followed hy William Scott Stewart for
tne defense.
Advised Bov to Sell
On re-direct examination Shenherd
said he had advised Ilillfr to sell the
T nttfft TTnwnnl'fl ueparieti tnis torenoon ror i'nuaoei- nome place.
Iphia, Pa., where she will spend some , Details of the conversation were loft
Fancy creamery butter 43c per lb. ( tlm vimting relatives before returning ( out, however, when the state's attor
Hats at all prices.
Johnson Produce Co,
There was born
to Mr.
and Mva.
ln,r Innlirlil ,.t n.V,t,.li tln.t Un.ii, it.llf
mWniVB rtnn In ..,,, m.n.h.r Kmll Stlllllcy Junes of 709 Alder Btreet,
Mohr, huvlns boen elected June 15 to elt;ht " h,l'f P!und ho-
ueJod Ur. J. D. PhlppH, whoso term J"'0""' ""orthnnd. typing, ma-
explrod J chine bookkocplnK; and salesmanship.
Cedar flume nt Big Pine. Lumber ,wrk mornings only: special low
Co y tf rfttPH ow. Medford Business College.
iiemstltchlns so fa yard. The Van-G , t ni 88
ity'Shop. Bartlott and Main. tf l ftlmor fl Photo studio. 717 N Cen-
Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred M. Blakesleo of.""' num u..i i uvC
Deflinnce, Iowa, are visiting at the
hoijn ,of Mr. and Mib. C. S.-Aakln of
Columbia plaster wall board.- Call
forf prices. Wallace Woods Lumber
to her home at Oakland. , i ney objected to relating a talk with a
i or sand, gravel, sediment, cleaning man now dead.
or lawn work, phone 012-J, Samuel "Judge Crowe asked you whether
Dnteman. tf 'or not you had any medicine bottles
wiiuam hnerid or the National out there and your answer was 'not
Park service, who is stationed at Cra- in that room, pid you have medicine
ter iaice National park, was in the Dottles in other parts of the house?
Mitke your appointment early, Wed
neHil&y bargain day at Emma Cllne's
Khop; Hhnmpoos, marcelling and fa
clabj iat reduced prices, Phono 4 64. ;
t m 80 1
With n registration 20 per cent larg
er thoji last year and much larger than
nnyjprevinua year the Ashland Hum
mefr'tiiormal school opened Montlay
morrtjlng. Ono hundred and twenty
five teachers from different parts of
Oregon and several from California
registered nt the high school this
morning, with many more expected
this afternoon and tomorrow. The
morning was taken up with rogistra-,
tlon and a general assembly. Ashland
MUJlnery clearance sale begins Wed
nesday. Trimmed hats from $1.98 to,
$8.t8,( Including the famous Gage pat
ern' hats. All huts- must go regard
less of prices, to make room for our
new fall stock. New Gage felts just
received. The Hmmy'Lou Hat Hhoppe.
In M M, Hloro. , ' 81
City assessments must be paid by
JusttJHt to avoid paying 5 per cent
lnnUy. 82
Mn and Mrs. Chas. A. Boyce and
family left today for Portland, from
wher0 Mr, and Mrs. Boyco expect to
sniCWedneHday on a trip to Alaska, re
turning to Medford In about two
Fresh salt water salmon. 25c lb.
Johnson Produce Co.
Htttel The newest craze Porch
drosses for the warm days. Snappy
stylOB and pretty trimmings. $l.2i Fri
day (ind Saturday. Handicraft Shop.
' x 84
The registration of out of the state
cars ftt the local state registration bu-
reau Jias again taken a Jump upwards, j
ITTxiiUch cars having registered yester- !
Boot black, 14 No. Front street. 82
Columbia plaster wall board. Call
for pticos. Wallace Wood Lumber
K, K. Cramh, former night editor of
the Bnker Democrat, has been appoint
ed secretary of the Bond Chamber of
Pianos! See l.aiinspach. tf
I p. itij Kodak work, hand colored pho
tos, painting, or commercial ordyrs ,
given prompt attention. Phone 823-Ri
or Mn, Barto 821-Y. 82
Mr. and Mrs. W. If. Mitchell, (nee I
Fannie Fisher) and daughter Kuth of
Han Francisco, were guests over the.
week end of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Kerney
and family. They, left Monday morn
ing for Crater Ijike.
The W. C. T. U. will give a com
munity dinner nt the Baptist church
Thursday, June 25th, from 11 a. m. to
2 p. m. for the benefit of the Children's
Farm homo at Corvallls. Tickets 50c.
city yesterday on business.
Special summer prices on dry fac
tory mill blocks. Valley Fuel Co. tf
Among the many out of town Ore
gonians registered nt the local hotels
besides residents of Portland are G. A.
Grab of DullaH. J. V. Lehur if Salem,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Howard of Klam
ath Falls. A. H. BoweYs and O. T.
Prince, nnd the following from Rose-
burg: Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Clenger,
Mrs. Thos. J. Kearney, two sons an
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Col
ft. G, Hoffman, H, A. Canaday, 11, 1
Williams and 13. G. Lewis.
Fancy creamery butter. 43c per lb
Johnson Produce Co.
A new establishment, which will be
asked Stewart.
"Did you have a lboratory any-
wnere anout the premises?
"I did," was the reply.
"Judge Crowe asked yon whether or
not you considered It ethical for a
lawyer In a fiduciary capacity to draw
a win, ana you answered you did not,
Isn't' that- true V
known as the Highway Barber shop
with Noe & Taylor as proprietors, will
Fggs wanted. 30c dozen. Johnson U',L" ,M u,tJ niIUI1 uumiing
Produce Co tf!""0 new "hop will face North River
Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Selvage and son Q ftnfI i a part of the floor space
have left Medford for their home inrw' w" ul'u y "ie usy ornv
Brick Ice cream 50c at DeVoe's. tf
Don't fnll to see our attractive line
of children's half socks complete
range of sixes and colors. Handicraft
Shop. 84
Miss Nellie Reod, 'returned mlssion-
nry from Africa, will delfver nn address
at the Free Methodist church, corner
10th and Ivy. She will exhibit views
and tell the history concerning them.
The watormnster enn be found In
his offleo in tho Medford National
bank building, from 8 a. m. until noon,
overy day during the Irrigation sea
son. . 95
Dance nt Riverside Community club
Saturday night. Alford's Imperial or- !
chest rn. 80 1
Mr. and Mrs. William Plnghnm of i
Tos AngeleB stopped over In Medford
last night en route
while hero visited Mr
Motor company.
Cog wheels nnd tractor wheels re
built. 815 No. Riverside. 84
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Dershem o
Bridgeport, Conn., nrrlved in the city
recently while on their vacation. Mr
Dershem is the superintendent
Fence sales for Page Steel Wire Fence
Co., and Is on his way to Walla Walla
lake to spend the greater part of his
vacation. Yesterday, he and his wife
and R. H. Atkinson of San Francisco,
aslstant district sales mnnager of the
American Chain company, were ta
ken to Prospect by K. C. Gaddis and
Volney Dixon, where, they will stay
until this evening as guests of James
Grieve of that place,
Gigantic snle of porch dresses-
made of guaranteed wash fast shadow
striped dimity, 6 models to choose
The 0. N. G.
Specified IJluliver's
Milk Bread.
Are 3'ou specifying it
"when you call your
m- o
Stephen. Mm. Pinkhant, whose atnpo
name In Zoo IKiriett, played the lend
In "lllo.iHom Time." the light opcru
which played here n few months oko.
Kkkh wanted, 80o dozen. Johnson
Froduce Co. v tf
Hemstitching, buttons covered at
the Handicraft Shop. tf
Included amniiR the Cnllfornlans
rettlnteted at local hotels are Mr. and
Mrs. tleoi-Ke Kolh of Dublin, Miss K.
Sokle of Herman clinch. Mis. J. D. Col
lins of Fresno. Mr. nnd Mrs. I.. B.
Oechor of San Jose. Mrs. Olltford Mar
shall of Kacramentn, Airs. O. W. tlerrt
tcy. Mrs. C. K. Uoden nnd dnunhter of
Iterkoley. Mr. nnd Mrs. I. M. Williams
of Kortuna. Mr. and Mis. V. H. Hives
of lturllnKnme. Mr. nnd Mrs. 13. I
Michael, Miss ('lain Junker. Miss Ma
rian Junker. Mrs. Alfred II. Surmeter.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred It. Morris nnd Miss
Marie Kolh of Kan Krnnclsco. Mr. and
Mrs. Ira ainsbern. Mr. nnd Mrs. Cecil
French. Miss J. tloodtch. Mr. nnd Mrs.
It. A. Whitehead. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. It.
llurwoml and Mr. nnd Mrs. K. T. Utile
of Ias Angeles.
The W. c. T. u. wll bIvo a conimu
ulty dinner nt the Hniitlst church
inursuay. Juno LTith. from 11 to 8 P i
m. ror the benefit of the Children's
to Seattle, nndt"" ticnuurui nrlBlu colors
nnd Mrs JameH ,pre,ltly n demand, lie on hand early
Friday nnd .Saturday. Price $1.29
Handicraft Shop. 84
A crew of eiht or ten men are now
nt work nt the North Pole mine near
Roruo Itlver. Mr. Neidhnrt nnd Mr.
Stelncr. who have leased the mine,
have tho rood nil repnired nnd expect
soon- to have several trucks hauling
ore to tho custom mill at Uo(?ue Iliver.
Oold Hill News.
Launspach Piano Store now open
for business nt 111 W. Main. Opposite
Rialto theater. Successor to Root Mu
sic Co. tf
Ono hundred and four cars and their
occupants stopped yesterday at Mer
rick's Motor Inn to spend the nlKht
J. W. Mathews nnd family of Kinston.
N. Y., nro included anions those from
a distance who nro registered at the
Mnny people from the rural districts
and some from northern California
wore in the city yesterday to watch
tho review of the 82nd Brigade of Ore
gon National Guards.
Residents of the stnle of "Washing
ton who are registered at local hotels
lncludo Rev. K. C. llloomquiat nnd
daughter of Taconia. Mr. and Mrs. R.
A. Richards and children of Kelso, Mr.
nnd Mrs. P. P. McNatuer nnd party.
Farm home at Corvallls.
At Any Grocer
(is is?"
R. I. R. eggs nv De -oe's.
II. A. Canaday was here from Rose
tmtg yeaierdny and today to visit
Camp Jackson nnd was present nt
mess given to visiting state officii
hy C.en. White Monday evening. Her
bert Williams accompunled Mr. Cana
day from Koseburg.
Intensive shorthand, typing, ma
chine bookkeeping nnd salesmanship.
Work mornings only: special low rates
now. Medford Huslness College.
HW.V ss.
We pay for ashes and sell dirt
ibeap. HroW& White Agency. Ino.
The prediction is for fair and warm
er w:itlw and Wednesday.
wtlh h,w hti
It) miidr. Mtcil y
Tickets 50e i1- linu Jirs. ij. . Murray, Air. anu
.VMri. S. P. Harash. Mr. and Mrs. O. K.
SI lesi'.
tly. The vvciitlicr had
tci'dny' a maximum 4
I,ewellyn. H. D. Kopp nnd Mrs. D. R
Frey of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. K. A.
Moley of Kllensburg and Miss Hazel
Kdwari of I.ongview.
FOR SAI,K Ry owner, one of the
nicest homes In Medford. nt a sac
rifice. I'hone 1029. 85
FOR SAI.1-: At tcrlflce. or will
trade. 120 acre stock ranch. Terms.
1110 West 10th street, Medford. 84
WAXTF.D Any nnd nil kinds of
trucking. Jesse Richardson, Central
Point Feed Store. llir,
FOR SALE Cherries, nt-t2"i No.
Riverside. Phone 37-1.. S'"
Ft Ht HAI.K King and It.iyni Ann
cherries. II. C. Ucst. Phone 539-11-:
. 4'
Lift Off4No Pain!
uocsnt hurt one bit! Drop a little
Freezone" on an acliinrr enm. in.tnntiir
that corn stops hurting, then shortly
you lift it riglit oil with fingers.
lour druggist sells a tiny bottle of
"Freezone" for a few cents, sufficient to
remove every hard com, soft corn, or
corn between tho toes, and tho foot
calluaes, without soreness or irritation.
Dog cakes or biscuits
will keep up your
dog's vitality more
surely and safely.
We stock
Seed & Feetl Co.
Rcl Sed Service '
NEW! L.'.:
Don't Forget Gur
Light Weight
. it-;' v and . , JV, ..:?...'
Palm Beach Suits
Values to $22.50
Wednesday Special $9.75
. ; T J Nearly All Sizes ' ' ' !
Regular and Stouts
Model Clothing, Go.
Value and Quality
, 9 fjO 126 East Main - '
It 1 I. (i"T
1 1 : 1 . . 1 " -
Special Extra Attraction
Orphcum Jr
The screen can give no
You have never seen
thing like it.
mmmtumm iiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM
TOMORROW (4 Days Showing)
Emil Janning's
as "Nero."
Original Tango Dancers In '
"TIJ? Kour. Iprsemen of the Apocalypse"
. ' " ' "with ' '
A Brilliant Vocal and Dancing Act,
From Orpheum Senior Circuit.
See Rome
Aflame, ,the
Tortures of
Beauty and
Chariot Races.
A Notable '
Picture With
a Notable
Cast, Full of
Inspiring and
Laughable Skit of Matrimonial Life.
Marionette Circus for the Kiddies.
Bertie Herron, "The Minstrel Miss"
Blackface Comedy and Songs.
, " :
Evenings, 7 and 9 wfCV '
Adults 50c Kiddies 25c 0 11
Come Early stay Late TnJjJ "
, ,
Klin viavi
Helpful in '
Nervous .Conditions
i-;H if 9 -ikr.r. .
3 Medf br Blag.', kone 841
The tick-tock of the
Then watch our guests
begin to flock.
Listen Mr. Hiislnpss Mnm When
you have a business deal or a luncheon
encasement, you are one of onr guests,
ami our cuisine anil service makes it
easy for you to talk business or enter
In connection with Medford Ice Cream
Gardens. Phone 307. j
and Thursday, July8and9
n the Hosisk,a;ocuh,c2 Mi,es sou,h f h.
Siskiyou County, Callforria.
Consisting of r,n i .
six well matched teani wcTKh.?.6!."? from to 160 lbs.:
ie Holt tractor. nP V. JB ca"ie an"
600 tons of oats.
some sailillo i,n. ...
barley and alfalfa linv ,! .... nclor' n1?rly new;
rnkes. fenclim. ti1,' .T"" Krnl,: rd truck. wnn
farm and Attlry equipment: ,S2; harness, scales and' complete
"lis is the l:ir, ...a , 'Plfte househoW i,,i,hi..
LUnty and was comptetelv
This Sale le to Satisfy a Chattel Mofinage.
. OAKS 4 CATEN, Auctioneer.0
o o