Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 11, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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    MEDFOITO. .OREGON THURSDAY, "jf NE . 11.1023 .'
A light lunch
and delicious cool drink
prepared in a moment
DURING the hot weather when you want a
light digestible meal or a cool refreshing
drink between meals that's no trouble at all
to prepare
Mix yourself a glass of Borden's Malted Milk
the improved kind. ,.
All you need is some cold milk a few heaping
teaspoonfuls of Borden's Malted Milk a quick stir of
the spoon and you've got a delightful summer drink
that is as nourishing as a light meal. ,
Made in a minute, yet as satisfying and refreshing
as if it had taken hours to prepare a perfect boon
to the whole family in hot weather.
Borden's has the preference because it is made by
a special process that gives it higher food value, greater
digestibility, better flavor than any other malted milk.
Your dealer sells it in 7 and 15-oz. glass containers,
and 5-pound tins. Be sure you ask for the square pack
age. The Borden Company, Borden Building, 350
Madison Avenue, New York N. Y.
- in thp sniinrfi nnchnve.
I ' . ..
A Good Oil Gookstove
ToMakes Cooking a Perfect "Snap"
ZyCI A ?HY bc a slave to your
Kj) yy kitchen? Your dealer will
be glad to demonstrate how the
modernized oil cookstovc with
i its high-speed burner, heat re
taining ovens, broilers, etc., makes
rural cooking a perfect "snap" noise
less simple safe!
And to keep your kitchen air clean
and pure use only the highest grade
kcrosehe Pearl Oil. That's the clean
burning kerosene that is refined and
re-refined by the Standard Oil Com
pany for use in the oil cookstovc and
heater. Its clear, intense (lame burns
with positively no odor or smoke.
See your dealer today, and rcmem-
iber, when ordering your cookstovc
Salso order Pearl Oil by name!
' At District School Election
Monday, June 15
' - ' .11..., -(
Ho pledges a strict 'application of business prin
ciples in conducting the affairs of the district, and
fair and impartial treatment of all issues.
A Resident of the City Four Years
Three Children in the Public Schools.
t , i . .
Thin adv. paid for by frianils of the cnuilldnte.
Will IfU, WUUUi.ti
"Svery Mile a Ticturc"
Takii Glacier
Alaskan Ports
Inside Passage
Scenic British Columbia
Mt. Robson
Canadian Rockies
Scenic Booklet Fret.
A. B. Holtorp, City Pats. Agt.
122ThirdSt. Portland, Ore.
Phone Broaduy 5300
Tun t AnonsT railway
f l.v
vm PortUituS
B 3? J "vs;
CANTON, Juno 11. (A. P.) Ef
forts of the Canton Chamber of Com
merce to induce rival Chinese leaders
now fighting for poHHt-Hslon of Canton,
to move the seat of warfare outside
the bu.slnt'HM district failed today.
The commander of the Yunnanese
troops is unwilling to leave his pres
ent position because he Is drawing a
lareg income from gambling, opium
sales and various other sources.
The Yunnanese troops are appar
ently preparing f a long siege, hav
ing brought field guns to the street
approaches leading directly to the riv
er front. The Yunnanese are search
ing to find further supplies of ammu
nition. With the approach of the
Kwaugtung troops, the Yunnanese
troops, who hold Canton, were en
trenching themselves. Hut the attack
ing and defending troops claim the ad
vantage in the fighting thus far. .
Four bolshevik Russians, attempt
ing to gain admittance into the foreign
concessison today were refused en
trance by the Kritish authorities. The
city police force has been disarmed.
Chinese newspapers have suspended
Al the foreigners have been evacuat
ed from the danger zone.
Heavy fighting has -been in pro
gress between t'antonese and Yun
nanese forces at Canton. Dispatches
yesterday said four Americans, includ
ing two women, who attempted to es
cape from the fighting zone in a boat
flying the American flag, were fired
upon by Yunnanese machine gunners
ami that one of tho women, Mrs.
Frank M. Crampton, was wounded in
the arm. .
The Oregon Osteopathic association
is meeting todny In annual conven
tion with the Washington Osteo
pathic association at Longvlcw, Vn.
The program follows:
Dr. K. S. Comstock, Chicago Col
lege of Osteopathy, Acute Infectious
Dr. C. II. Downing, San Francisco,
Calif., Osteopathic Technique.
Dr. L.eon K. I'nge. Klrksvillo Col
lege of Osteopathy, Principles of Os
teopathy Applied Anatomy.
Dr. John H. Stylus. Jr., Kansas City
College of Osteopathy, Treatment of
Spinal Curvature.
Dr. Krnest O, Hasher, L.os Angeles
College of Osteopathy; Obstetrics and
Gynecology for the General Practi
tioner, Dr. T. A. McKay, Tacoma, Wash.,
Physiology of the Spine.
Dr. A. H. Ford, Seattle, Wash., Osteo
pathy In Heart Disease.
The Screen
By" To Press Agent. "
Mighty Western Epic.
Zane Grey's "The Thundering
Herd," Is winning unusual praise from
audiences of tho Hunt's Craterlan. In
every way thrills, scenic beauty and
irresistible entertainment value, "The
Thundering Herd" equal any adven
ture picture so far, and this does not
bar "The Covered Wagon."
.It takes a red blooded slice out of
American history as a background
against which its story moves. It Is
JacKHolt in Yane Gray
The Thundering Herd
A. Paramount Ftat-ur
the pioneer period of tho' '70s 'when
,tho hardy adventurers of the middle
we t -wore in the froiuy of killing off
the buffalo herds once so thick upon
the plains. .
Jack Holt and Lois Wilson are the
featured players and are surrounded
by such clever character, actors as
Noah lteery, Charles Oglo and Ray
mond Hntton.
In the very opening scenes are some
most unusual Indian pictures, show
ing tho picturesque old warriors.
Adding further to the quality of the
bill is an Aesop Fable, Pat ho News and
"Retty" Prown at the Wurlitzer,
At tho Ulalto.
The gay night life of the Paris thea
tres, the carnival spirit and the luxury
of Its marble cafes romp throtigh "One
Year to Live," which closes tonight at
the lilalto.
Harry Iwingdon Is '-'The Sea Squawk"
ts his usual humorous helf in this
screen comedy.
Richard Dix In "Too ManyKtsscs"
Is tho bill for tomorrow and aSturday
:il the Kialto theater. This picture
shows Dix In a now light, that of a
lti:ht comedian, with delicate touch
and hrHk tuanner. Tho pit-turn is
m;nle front the story, ''A Maker of Ges-:-e."
Qui c'k
Few things are easier to make than good mayonnaise.
Wesson Oil and a fresh egg beaten together and
seasoned to taste and you have a mayonnaise you'll
be proud of! " y, - :
Quickest results are obtained if the oil and egg ate
not too cold. The ordinary temperature of your kitchen
is just right.
Break an egg in a bowl '
Add about a tablcspoonful of Wesson Oil.
Beat vigorously with an egg beater or a fork until
the oil and egg are thoroughly mixed. How long will that
take? .Perhaps while you count fifty not as fast as you
can count but as fast as you can beat. i
'Add another tablcspoonful of oil and beat again
vigorously. Two tablespoonfuls and beat again. Two or
three more and beat again.
Your mayonnaise will begin to thicken a little. i
Then add Wesson Oil four or five tablespoonfuls at
a time, beating well after each addition until your may
Sons of Italy Inn
Italian Dinner Served at All Hours
Announce a
Merchants' Italian Spaghetti Lunch
, 11 A. M. to 2:30 P. M.
Evening 7-Course Dinner, 70
'J Sunday Spring Chicken, Spaghetti or Ravioli
" . 7-Cpurse Dinner, $1.00
, Wa Cater to Private Parties. Private Dining Rooms for All Occasions.
Tasty Italian Dishes of All Kinds
Corner Ivy and Sixth Streets
In Connection With Medford Ice Cream Gardens
Phone 307
Ask for
'.The insecticide with the pleasant odor'
M a y 6 n n a i s e
onnaise is as thick and stiff as you want it. The more
oil you beat into it the thicker your mayonnaise will
be about two cupfuls is the usual amount. Never add
more than a quarter cupful of oil at any one rime.
After your mayonnaise is made, add seasoning. Mix
a half teaspoonful of salt, a teaspoonful each of sugar
and . mustard, a generous pinch each of paprika and red
pepper add a tablespoonful of lemon juice or vinegar
and stir until the salt and sugar are dissolved then
pour into the mayonnaise and beat well.
. With Wesson Oil Mayonnaise as a base you can
make many delicious fancy salad dressings in a very few
minutes for instance : .
To a cupful' of Wesson Oil mayonnaise you add a
third of a cupful of Chili Sauce, a third of a cupful of
whipped cream, two tablespoonfuls of chopped sour or
sweet pickles or chow chow and one chopped pimento.
Combine ingredients in order given.
First National Bank
Medford, Oregon
An account at the First Na
tional Bank means efficient hand
ling of your business in- the way
yon want it done cheerfully, care
fully and helpfully.
, "We invite your personal, house
hold and business accounts..