Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 11, 1925, Page 7, Image 7

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G e
' Many citizens seem to be unduly
fretted with regard to the movement
Of the 600 automobiles with the 3000
. GUftrdamen to as near Crater Lake as
th snow line, will permit on Satur
day, June 20th. Others seem to think
that business will be so extraordinar
ily heavy In the stores that some busi
ness men or ; their help will not be
able to get away for the trip.
Others aro of the opinion that it
will take ten, hours to load out and
that it will be, somewhere around July
4th before they get back home. -while
still others are of the opinion that the
now is 30 feet deep at Prospect and
'hat they will have to go in from
there on sleds..
The Chamber of Commerce trans
portation committee in charge would"
like to get everyone thinking a posi
tive thought on this problem, sign up
their cars and forget the rest, for It is
In hands of men who thoroughly
understand their business, the com
mittee assured. v
A thorough program of procedure
will bp mailed to alt who are to drive
cars In the caravan, some four or five
days before leaving line, but to Iron
out some of the obstacles that seem
to be bothering, here are a few state
ments. General White will attend to the
loading and he has given the chamber
his word that he will apply army stylo
and that the entire 600 cars wtll be on
$heir way with their loads in less than
one hour. The A. A. A. association will
be on hand with a pilot car for- each
60 autos in the caravan functioning
as a pace maker.
v The entire stato traffic squad of
officers will be here to maintain one
Way traffic, and assist In the move
ment. Service cars will be plentiful
. With supplies and mechanics, and any
and all disabled cars will merely fall
but of line, receive Immedlalo atten
tion and fall back in again. ,
As to the claimed extra volume of
itlslness on this leaving day that may
nterfere with some of the business
men In signing up their cars, atten
tion is called to the fact that there
Will be 600 Medford citizens out of
town that day,, and also the entire
Quard, so there will not be so many
people left In Medford to mnke an
ilvAanllnnallv h.iuu u-llh tho .vio..-
j Ah to the snow, the Medford Cham
ber of Commeice Is in receipt of the
following from the Department of the
Interior, National Park Service which
tells the story , as to the snow situa
tion. v, Crater Lake National park will be
In full swing on July 1st, the official
opening date. The winter was one of
hevy"' snowfall, but a snow removal
cfow was sent Into the park more
than two weeks -earlier, than usual,
. Nothing .but the moMt extraordinary
weather. Can now postpone the nor
mal season. ;
''Today a gang of men la shoveling
away the last barrier belpw the Divide
so that by tomorrow the road should
be open to travel to Anna Spring from
the Medford side. Saturday two crews
will start simultaneously on Lhe south
rond and toward Government Camp,
and It Is expected that both the
Medford-Klamath loop and the road
to Government Camp will be open by
June 25th, leaving only a mile and a
half climb to the lake to be cleared
during the final week.
Sr.'fV M. White, farmer on the Hill
. road northwest of Jacksonville, ar
rested Monday night in a raid con
ducted jointly by the sheriff's office
and federal officials, was arraigned In
the circuit court Wednesday afternoon
and entered a plea of guilty to owning
a a still and possession of mash. Sentence,-
the. court announced, will be
passed Friday.
;T. Edy, local junk dealer, Indicted
by the grand jury on a statutory
charge . involving a 10 year-old Gold
Hill girl, was given until Friday to
enter, a plea. ., ..
Beea cover alien Intruders In their
hives .In tombs of wax.
o o
"After July 1, Douglas Wood, local
representative of Dennis, Kimball &
Pope, large eastern fruit buyers and
shippers, will be in charge of an en
larged territory,' soys the Grants Pass
Courier. "He has been given all of
Oregon, with the exception of Hood
Kiver. His main office will be in Med
ford, where the bulk of the valley fruit
originates. Me wilt maintain an of
fice at Warehouse No. 1 In Grants
Pass, as at present, with Mrs. K. H.
Lister in charge. During the fruit sea
son a man will be placed in charge
of that end of the local business. .
"The Rose burg business, as well as
the Grants Pass, will be handled thru
the local office as in the past. Mr.
Wood announces that he expects a
an pies and, if the growers desire, f. o.
b. business in pears.
'C. E. Burr, who has had charge of
the Medford office, will have charge
of the San Jose territory."
Radio workers will organlee, deal
ers In Medford, on or about June 15,
association sponsors 6000 Watt broad
casting station on the roof ' of the
new Eugene hotel. The men are or
ganizing the 12th federal reserve dis
trict which includes seven states as
follows: Washington, Oregon, Idaho,
Utah, California, Nevada, and Ari
zona, for the elimination of noise and
interference. Increase of summer
sales, enhancement of advertising and
other benefits, manufacturers, job
bers and dealers are included in the
organization, which plans to send
delegates to the 1926 world's con
ference on radio to be headed by
Herbert Hoover.
A Marshfleld branch ' of the -Pa
cific Northwest Radio Trades asso
ciation has Just been completed by
O. V. Humrick, president of the 12th
district; MIlo O. Roach, secretary and
R. E. Wittinglon, director, will pre
side at Medford.
To install the local branch, it is
said that the association will be
formed In Grants Pass, Medford and
Ashland, Eugene being .the home of
fice. The association is sponsoring a
5000 watt broadcasting station to cost
$250,000 on the roof of the new Eu
gene hotel.
.-Following the forming of the as
sociation at an early -date,"1 u radio
show will be given In the Interest of
the radio public, showing the ether
waves truly in action, Call luminous
waves detector, mounted on a nine-
foot ttfb'le with a bank of euro!
tubes attracted by a special design
ed machine, the waves are then Been
by the aid of mirrors, as plain as
a filament is seen in a lamp bulb.
Each Week thereafter the associa
tion will meet to discuss matters of
importance in radio and to receive
complaints of local Interference. A
state meeting will be called once
every six months. A convention will
be called once a year of the entire
12th district.
June 19th will be Cookie Day, and
the ladles of the American Legion aux
iliary are asking each and every lady
In the city and country to contribute
cookies to be sent to Hospital No. 77
where there are over 150 hungry sol
dier boy invalids and semi-invalids,
who appreciate home made cookies
more than words can express. Please
bring your cookies to Mrs. Jacobs of
the Bungalow Store. Mrs. J. H. But
ler, 619 8. Riverside, or Mrs. Rv A.
Holmes, 129 North Oakdale, 'which
ever is nearest to you and they will be
packed and sent to the boys.
IE Name the Cake "Win $25
The Schilling Chef, co-operating with this paper, will pay $25
for the most appropriate name tor his new Mystery Cake $10
second prize five additional prizes of $1 each. Here is the Recipe:
H cup Shortening
1 M sug&r ( brawn r granulaud
2 etrgi ,
2 cups raisins
1 cup raisin liauid
3 cups sifted flour
' H teaspoon silt
3 level teaspoons Schilling Baking Powder
1 teaspoon Schilling Cinnamon
' H each Schilling Cloves, Allspice
and Nutmeg
1 , " Schilling Vanilla
Cover ralshu with water and simmer over a low fire 10 minutes then drain, reserving
one cup of raisin liquid. Sift flour, spices, and baking powder together. Cream short
ening, add sugar and mix well. Add eggs, unbeaten, one at a time, beating batter well
after adding each egg. Add one-half of the flour mixture and raisin liquid alternately,
beating until smooth. Add raisins to remaining flour, mix well, men add to cake bat
ter, .with vanilla. Bake in three greased layer cake pans, about 20 minutes in a moder
y powdered sugar, 1 teaspoon Schilling Vanilla, W cup chopped walnuts. Heat cream
io coning -point, aaa id iur ana dcbi unui irooom. i nen aaa vaniua. spread on
cold layers, and sprinkle chopped walnuts over the two inside layers. All miamrv
matti art hvtl.
' : MAIL THIS COUPON, cart ibis paper
Totbe Schilling Chef: I have baked the famous Schilling Mystery Cake
In accordance with the recipe, using Schilling Baking Powder, and sub
mit the following f. . 1
name for it J
Name '
- - - - - --jr.
Address ' '
The judges in the contest are Mrs. A. B. Cunningham, Mrs. Jonas ,
GIVE ran
Friday afternoon, June 12th, the
Jackson County Health association are
giving a reception at the home of Mlss
Mildred Carlton in honor of Miss Mary
Faldlne of Juno, Alaska, and Miss Ki
no ra Thomson, demonstrator for the
Marion County Health association.'
Miss Faldlne was one of the pio
neer nurses in the health program of
Jackson county. . Her two years' of ef
ficient effort as county health nurse
did much to lay a strong and perma
nent foundation for the fine work that
has been achieved . by her "successors
in the field.
Miss Faldlne served with the Red
Cross ovtffseas during the World war
and later in New York from which
place she came to nerve in Jackson
county. When ahe U-ft Jackson
county to reenter thenks of the Hod
Cross she was sent to Alaska to work
with the Indian She was the first
nurso in that territory to serve in this
capacity; her field radfutlns for about
two hundred miles from Juno. Now
there are several other nurses working
with her, proving the nlue of this
type of work rendered by the Hed
Cross and National Tuberculosis asso
ciation through the local health usso
cians. Miss Faldlne will give a talk on her
Alaska work and experiences nmong
the Indians to which her friends and
co-workers are looking forward with
keen interest. Miss Thomson will also
talk of the methods and work of the
Marion County Health association.
Much has beeh accomplished in Ma
rion county and several new methods
are being inaugurated Willi success.
of head or throat is usually
. benefited by the vapors of
v Vaporub
Ovr IT MUKonJartUml Yearly
Children -
Castoria is a pleasant, harm
less Substitute fot- Castor Oil,
Paregoric, "Teething Drops
and Soothiner Svruns. espe
cially prepared for Infants in anus and Children all ages.
To avoid imitations, always look for lhe slimatiirx nl
Proven directions on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend it.
Auto . . and
Jackson Co. Fair Grounds One Mile South Medford
Saturday and Sunday
JUNE 13 AND 14
Fastest Racing Cars in Pacific Northwest
Daredevil Drivers
GENERAL Gasoline
assures YOU
Judy & Frohbach, Inc.
. Wholesale Distributors
Thousands upon thousands of GENERAL users will
enjoy glorious vacations awheel this summer without a
care as to their engines. GENERAL Gasoline, refined
by the unique GENERAL system, is planned and balanced
scientifically. It assures, in any engine, the best per
formance of which that engine is capable. The high ef
ficiency of GENERAL never: varies. It always is the
same. Four tests . are made on every gallon for your
protection. GENERAL gives wings to your car.
: Sold Only by Authorized, Independent Dealers
at the Green-and-White Sign
"Fill Up Your Tank and Let Your ENGINE Decide!"
jne, ,-
.... fr
and Lubricants
Wold and Mrs. K. N. Vilm