Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 11, 1925, Page 4, Image 4

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11, 1925
iut imitfii iriri.-iiv iUTtrirXinilM KXCVK
The Medford Sunday Homing Sun li furnlihed
mtMcrlbttri deiiriug u Mveu-any auj nw-
Offic: If all Trtbun Building, 16-17-10
North Kir itret. Phone 76.
A connolldAtlon of tlie Democratic Time, the
lied ford Mull, the Med ford Tribune, the Bouth-
m OrrgunUn, the Aslilanu iranine.
ROBKKT W. ItUIlL, K'lltnr.
Bf Mull In Advance:
Dally, with Sunday Sun, year ...
Pallv, with Holiday Run, month ...
Daily, without Sunday Kun, year ..
'- Daily, without Sunday Kun. month
Weekly Mall Tribune, one year
Sunday Sun, one year
. 0.60
. .66
. t.00
. 2.00
Y UAItltlER In Wedford. Aihlimrt, Jackson
ville, Contral l'olnt, J'hocni, Talent and on
Dally, with flunduy Sun, month $ .76
Daily, without Sunday Sun, month 66
Dally, without Sunday Hun, one year... 7.60
Dally, with Sunday Sun, one year 8.60
All trma by carrier, cash in advance.
Entered si second -clnee matter at Medford,
Oregon, under act of March 8, 1670.
The only piper bctwrrr. A1dmiJ Ore., snd
Chlco, California, a distance of over eOO
tulles, having leased wire Aaaoclated PreBa
The Asaoclatfil Press is delusively entitled
Co the line for republication of sll news die-
atclits credited to it or not otherwise credited
a this paper, and also to the local news pub
Huhed herein.
All rights of republlratlon of epecUl dls
ps'.ehrs herein are aNo reRerred.
Ye Smudge Pot
Iljr Arthur Terry.
... "Who Ih (lOVfinorV" editorially
8(ucals the Portland Journal, instead
of asking, "Ih TIiIh KuhhIii?." KIncc
the Grand Dragon, nnd tho miperin
tendent of the A'lnt No Saloon league
have itiit taking turns at tho Job, it Ik
nup posed to be Walter SI. IMercc.
There Ih a lot of hay down waiting
for a rain, and the patience of the
far me in Ih about exhausted.
Relative to autolsts slopping in the
tniildlo of the Main .Stem to run In
for Home sausage, women nro the
worst offenders, except when it In
their husbands, or their Hons.
(Chlco, Cal., Kiilerprlsf)
Kdltor the iOnterpririo: Sir
, Notice by tonight 'h Knlerprise
you Hlate that S. K. Dnugheriy.
arrested for driving an auto while
Intoxicated, belonged In Durhnni.
I wish to stato you nro in error,
as ho belongs to Chlco. Yours
truly, S. A. WlircUKOCK.
Durham, Cal., June 4, JllL'6. .
Ono of Uichc tlnyn somebody will'
walto up nnd Hlnrt soiling impure
hmgazlncn, lile they sell pcrmnnonl
waves in tho back-room. ,
Under tho new stato law governing
country dances, they must close, lie
fore the. inali'H In attendance havo a
chunco to raise a board.
, The chief opponent of William Jen
nings Hryan. tho peerless nnd tireless,.
In tho Monkey trial will ho Clarence
Jarrow, reputed to bo an atheist.
Mr. Hryan Is ono of our leading po
lltlcal Christians, working both side
of tho Hlver Jordan, selling Florida
real OHlntc, and delivering lectures,.
It will he educational in note during
the' progress of the trial, which one
acts the most like a Christian, and the
least like a monkey.
Lillian Iark, the wcKare worker,
held a clinic Wednesday. A Utile bird
by the name of Sparrow was the only
case of curvature of the tall feathers.
Perhaps you have ' noticed In the
accounts of golden wedding celebra
tions, that the hardy groom always
wears the duds he was married In.
hut the still hluph'tim bride. can't
make it.
AKKAID to make ine n reasonable
offer for fi acres, well limbered, close
to town, level. l'honc STiO-M. IJov
laml. (Oregon City Kntcrprlm.)
Several out Ht a tiding candidates at
the last etectlon urn being urged by
friends to sUiul out in the next one.
Kven if they are beaten worse than a
Portland ball team, It gels their
names before the public. 0
As to the war in China. If some
Irate Mongolian would write a letter
to the l'ckin News. It would be nearly
ns ferocious its the late school row.
And (lem ral Hsu's troops are billing
on the banks of the Yinigsin liver
probably In the pussy-willows.
of wiuti: xt
(Salem Stal4iuaii)
"The people most wake up. or
else they will find another octo
pus upon their hands, which lln-y
are unable to cope with. ll Is
time to begin to fight the menace.
Jackson county's experiments In
enforcing Prohibition without run
Ktructing a political machine, lacks
fervor and danuer of bankruptcy.
The President hits returned from
Minnesota nnd i squandering another
busy day at his desk.
Now that our metropolitan presH.
with characteristic fear lessens has
exluiijsted ltKOif In itlb't-ed kidding of
los Angeles because U rained durlnn
a Shrine parade, they can proceed to
tackle other vital Issues not apt to
make anybody nmd.
'A cattle band went through Thurs
day, under the direction t fharley
Olins and Henry Yoifng. ( lllx.
Ore, News.) .Moimlcliins.
In report tug the Alt . Wrtmu fire
lust week we stated th.ll I'll -ni:t !1
.ll'btl Spl Hi ei" hill t lilt .it'M.'.l n
punch Ihe i hit f s nose. This. .Mr.
Spencer has pointed out. u as an error
on our part. Me had threatened to
punch the nose of ihe chief's son ni.
not Ihe ehlef.- (MHrysville. Oil., Ap
cal.) O! Ihatu different:
dft. AND THE
TTCK N0TK from un ini'linmtinl
VV recent decision of a Federal jwlift in Los Angeles against
liic Duliciiy.Oil interests will defeat the Republieau party in 1028.
The defeat of the Republican party three years heneu is nt im
probable, for the political pendulum has a way of swinging back
after a period of swinging forward, but it is difficult to sec how
the oil decision will be responsible for such a reaction.
"The decision of Judge JlcCorinick substantiates every charge
that the Democratic party made in the recent campaign," declares
the newspaper 'aforementioned, "and the American people, finally
convinced of the moral culpability of the Republican party, will
once more turn the rascals out."
Judge Mct'ormick's decision does establish certain important
facts which during the last campaign were somewhat obscured i'
the fog of political controversy, but 'the decision can scarcely be
termed a great Democratic victory.
For the defendant in this ease happens to be an influential mem
ber of the Democratic party, the man who financed the Democratic
campaign in V.Tll) and who was seriously considered for the vice
presidential nomination. ,
'Moreover, the victory was a victory for the present government,
n victory for a Republican President who initiated the prosecution,
and demanded the guilt be placed where the facts warranted.
In other words while this decision pretty well establishes the
fact the oil scandal was not a "tempest in a teapot," but was a
crooked deal between ex-Secretary Fall, a Republican and li. h. Do.
Iieny, a Democrat, made possible by a regrettable absence of vigi
lance on the part of the Harding administration, it does not reflect
upon the present Republican administration, nor can it justly be
tied tf the coat tails of the Republican party as a whole.
Moral culpability is not the exclusive possession of any political
party. The guilt in this case was at least bi-partisan. And while
the decision completely repudiates the Fall apologists, nnd the Re
publican reactionaries, who maintained the Walsh investigation was
merely polities; it can't fail but reflect a certain credit, and estab
lish the unquestioned moral integrity of the Coolidgc administra
tion which was officially responsible for it.
Honesty is also the best alibi. -
Another inheritance tux is the
If a man is small enm:h, live
feel superior to other people.
You can't always tell whether it is crime publicity
of the law favors, or personal publicity.
At this rate it won't be long
cabinet by reappointing himself.
We often womler whether it is tho lare or the unexcelled fa
cilities for alighting that attracts a fly to a bald spot.
Traffic will prove, a great aid
thinkers will eventually survive.
j lie reason ulJ n:ut men aru
ton ninny friends on the way up.
Still, if tin ivory-pule employe 'could do the job as well ns you
ciin, he wouldn't he working for your $-4 n week.
Good and had happen to us nil. lain falls on the just and the
unjust and both get soaked in other ways,' also.
The monkey chatters incessantly without saying anything, but
that alone doesn't prove Darwin was right.
Modern women may have faults, hut she doesn't look ns bent
I worn as h "dutiful wife" in the old days. 1
Correct this sentence: "lie belongs to fourteen lodges and lun
cheon cubs," said the man, "but never calls his business n gnme."
Note to loafers: The reason there are more flies than mosqui-
toes is that a flv quits boring
Asr.NXV smile is useful throughout 'our passing years; it's
better than a cruse full of bitter, brackish tears; it ''says
to us, " lie jolly, let no misfortune daunt it says to 'melan
choly, "Aroint, and eke avaunt!'' It's good to keep on throw-,
ing the smile that does not wilt, until your teeth are showing
their caverns plugged with gilt. A smile is much more helpful
than any style of frown, than any protest yelpful that sends
our spirits down. Hut now and then a fellow who springs, thru-,
out the year, a smile serene and mellow, gets notions rather
queer. lie smiles, in princely splendor, and then the idea gets
it should be legal tender, and liquidate his debts. We toil, when
he is running for justice of the pence, for votes we all go gun
ning, our efforts do not cease. lie smiles upon us grandly, he
smiles on every gent, he smiles so sweetly, blandly, he fills us
with content. Hut if we ask a favor his course is often rude,
his observations savor of rank ingratitude. And if we're haled
before him for speeding with our trucks, our explanations bore
him. he fines us twenty bucks. A smile is quickly faded, its
splendor one forgets, if it is hawked or traded in payment of
old drills. The man who thinks his smiling will settle all he
owes is foolish, he is piling up eoi nf future woes. We have
to buy our raiment, our rainsticks and our tiles, and we-need
better payment than bright sun
Di'inocratio newspaper tin
inevitable litigation.
possession of $8.00 can make him
mi agent
until Mussolini can form h new
to evolution,
i i . .x ii I(i,'r'
ium;iy is uccaui: uiuy eci mccu
you when he sees you reach lor
- shiny smiles. fr O
MYJ'KN'ini . .....
1-2 knife is a two 4-7-10-13-21-28 knife and has a 23-24-25 ot
round' dots all about the edges, 8-'J course they are not 26-27 the
1 1-3-6 a boy who had two 17-18-19-20-21-22. He said his Pa
gave him one 16-24 look 5-6 and he liked 11-12 so very much his Pa
bought it for him. Then his Ma 14-15-16 him have her little silver
knife because he found it 19-27 an old cupboard and 5-9-12-15-23 he
shined it ami put some machine 8-11-14 in it's joints it looked 22-29
nice and new she said there was 18-26 doubt about it but she would
have to give it to the boy. So he has two knives. 28-29 you think
I should have two, too?
Answer To Last Puzzle
15-9 (far). 2 3-4-5 (soda), 6-7-S-9 10 (hurry), 11-12-13 (are), 24-28
(as), 20 30 Uk), 2-6-1M4-18 (shall), 3-7-12 (our), 18-10-20-21 (lady),
1516-17 (add), 4 8-13-15-20 (dread), 19-22-25-29 (arms), 24-25-26-27
(amid), 16-21-23 27 (dyed), 28-29-30 (sss). . . .
Copyright, l'J2S, by The International Syndicate .'
Personal Health Service
8lajnd IttUrt pertaining to partonai hMtth and hyfltnt, not to dlMa dlajnotla or
Vtttmtnt, will bo ontworod by Dr. Brady II a atampod, aalf add m tad oovalopo It onolooad.
Lettara thould"bo brlaf and wrltton in Ink. Owing to tha Itro numbor of UtUra roooWod, only
raw oan do anawarad hart. No rpiy can Do msdo to ajuarioa not oonrormlnf to MttruotlOM
Addrooa Dr. William Brady, Ir aara of thlt nowopapof.
liubk'H Arc
Although I don't know exactly why
exposure to cold or wet never causes
any illness except frostbite, neverthe
less I knovtf th;it it is so. Doctors
know a good many things are so, long
before scientific
proof is found. Doc
tors knew cod liver
oil wus a preventa- r
live nnd coruntivo t
against rickets Jong
before science dis-
covered that rickets
Is due to a 'vitamin
deficiency and that
cod liver oil Is about
the richest known
source of tho necessary vitamin.
The open nir pre vents and cures
respiratory diseases. AVe know that, :
but we are not yet able to prove it
scientifically. ."What is there about tho '
open air that one does not get Just as
well from, Indoor air There is some- j
thing, we know, but wo havo not yet
identified that something. Is It a
vitamin? la ft the ultra violet influ
ence? The ultra violet ray Is now
ray Is now
known to be capable of activating even
getahle oils (which are generally
poor or ciuite' lacking in vitamin, ho
Only tllC quick that they can supply the body with
vitamin. Ultra violet ray (from sun
light, electric arc or mercury vapor
quartz lamp) is itself preventative
limi curative ngaiiiHt rickets in animals
and in man. "Vo don't
know whether
tho open air treatment owes Its po
tency to ultra violet light or to a vi
tamin, hut we know that the open air
treatment prevents and cares respira
tory infections. We know that cod
liver oil Is often bf great value as a
medicine for chronic or lingering res
piratory infections, not merely pul
monary tuberculosis hut also bronchi
tis and many cases of obstinate sinu
sities and even chronic middle ear dis
ease running ear.
hooking over the manuscript of a
forthcoming medical book I noticed
thnt my friend, the author was right
up to date in his advocacy of the im
portance of outdoor life for young
infants, but he cautioned against tak
ing babies out for tho dally airing
when the weather is unfavorable,
mentioning particularly rfamp weath
er. My friend, the author, probably
I doesn't believe it. but he'll learn after
a while that babies are people, only
they mny not seem so because they
are unadulterated and genuine. If the
weather isnot unfavorable or not too
damn for neonlc to bo out nf iinnm it
.is certainly O. K. and warranted
narnuess ror names I am speaking or
Just common or household babies, and
ont hospital Infants or infants that are
sick. My friend the author reminds
his prospective renders that one ad
vantage babies get from open air
sleeping and playing is the ultra vio
let influence which distinctly increas
es tho baby's resistence against such
respiratory infections ns pneumonia
and bronchitis, also diptherin. mea
sles, infantile paralysis, whooping
cough, tuberculosis, cerebro spinal
meningitis, etc., etc.. about all the ter
rors included under tho cruel classi
fication of "children's diseases." I
can't prove It. but 1 know it Is so.
"Guard against chilling." my friend.
the author, repeatedly cautious, and
tie says this chilling is indicated in the
evm nunus aim ieei aim uiue
Hps. If a baby has cold hands nnd
cold feet or blue lips when outdoors. 1
the baby needs warmer clothing, or
perhaps a hot water bottle or other
artificial warmth. That is a poor rea
son for denying the baby the boon of
10 open air.
The ultra violet ray, light or influ
ence T have referred to must not be
Screens - Screens
. Order Your Window Screens and
Screen Doors From '
MSdford A Modern Mill Oregon
Our Own Make Price&Hirht. Quality thelBest
9 U
confused with that worthless toy, the
"violet ray machine." Ultra violet ray
treatment, other than ordinory sun
light, requires the knowledge and
skill bf the physician. It can do se
rious harm when unskillfully applied.
Well, Wluit HupiKMiH?
Oh, yes, we did not answer Miss E
s question, In tho excitement of
'Ketting her letter. What happens to a
'drink cf cold water on a hot day and
nfter one has been working or playing
hard? Well, It swishes around in the
Btomach for a second or two, and
doesn't it feel Just dandy while it
WiHhnH thorn? nnd then it 'mimics
right on through into the duodenum,
tarrying but a minuto or so In the
Htnnmch. For you see, little if any
wntcr Is nlisnrbcd hv tho Htohiach: It
is absorbed almost wholly In tho small I
intestine.. In the personal reply I sent
by mail to Miss E li '6 lector
hnd you may bet I take great pams to
I keep such letters well out of the retieh
Hi me auionmiic i.imcKur i sukkusluu
!v,r t.-i,i tfr n.nt r..iV
Hiinilur questions scientifically and In
terestingly answered In that little hook
of Professor Philip B. Hayk's, "What
"Wo Kat and What Happens to It,"
published by Harper and Brothers,
New York, and no doubt to bo found
in every library what Is a library,
llow Cold Should tho Water Be-
Miss B 's question includes an;
other is there any real objection to
ilt-lnlf Ini' Inn witter nf lu ttinrn nnv renl
Iiiiimh Iti (t,'1rtbM' fr.mli- nf vnrv f-nlil !
spring water when ono is very warm
from cxerelso on a hot summer day?
The answer is mainly a negative.
It Is not quite natural to drink ice
water, or water as cold as it gets when
kept in the Ice box or when the waiter
is cooled by ice. Hut if the ice is pure
(that is, free from possible polution
from the sewage In the whaler where
tho ice is harvested), I know ot no
hygenic objection to drinking water in
which the ice is floating.
Some men were engaged In hard la
bor on a very hot summer day. I of
fered them some Ice water, nnd they
were nil afraid to drink it though very
thirsty. Theythought It might cause
them, havo cramps. I reckon there
Is eoine such notion widely prevalent.
I have tried it out on the doctor,
and while 1 sometimes Imagine a num
ber of glasses of ice cold water gulped
down when I am very warm from
hard work or piny gives me a suspi
cion of a belly ache. It is not suffU
cient to warrant any conclusions, and
so I leave the question open. (I must
lie getting older I never used to
leave any little question like that
open.) '
Kven Professor Hawk, whoso 6ook
I recommended to Miss E B ,
marks that 'if one Is over fatigued,
the drinking of much Ice water is un
ndvisablc. In fact, the drinking of
large quantities at such a time may be
followed by serious consequences."
But tlie professor (he heads the de
partment of physiological chemestry
In Jefferson Medical college) is a doc
tor of philosophy, not a physician, and
he fails to give a hint ns to what the
serious consequences mny he. I won
der If it is bellyache That would be
mighty serious consequence, if it
jwere mine. I was never so serious in
t my me ns was ine nme inaa my
first bellyache and my last, I hope.
I felt very serious about it until the
ambulance got under way and then I
was quite happy, or a little while,
though, 1 greatly feared they were go
ing to postpone the operation. You
may not understand just how I felt if
you haven't had your appendix out
' . ' '''' ' ' ' ' ' '
"Of nil th' husbands I've evcr'luid
th' one tlint wnz alius takln' Ills
nutoli out In th' klu-licn B"t on n'
Ticives til' worst," divlnrod Mi's. Km
1', t'dny. Folic used t' whistle
at tlier work, but t'dny they seem
happier when tiler loafln.'
Poems That Live
Now fades tho last long streak of
Now burgeons every maze of quick
About the flowering squares, and
By. ashen roots the violets blow. "
Now rings the woodland loud and
.. The distance takes a lovelier hwe.
And dron'ed in yonder living blue
The lark becomes a sightless song.
Now dance
the lights on lawn and
The flocks
are whiter down tho
And milkier every milky sail
On winding stream or distant sea;
"Where now the sea mew pipes, or
In yonder greening gleam, nnd fly
The huppy birds that change their
To build and brood; that live their
lives 1
From land to land nnd In my breast
Spring wakens too; and my re
gret Becomes an April violet.
And buds and blossoms like tho rest.
TLord Tennyson.
Timely Views
on World Topics
"Solution rtf Food Supply Tiles hi Or
ganization of Ijargc Farm (iroups."
The food supply of the world is fall
ing behind so rapidly in proportion to
the growth of population that civiliza
tion is already In the first stages of n
period when sweeping changes in
world agricultural
conditions must
take place, accord
ing to England's
foremost authority
o n agricultural
economics. S i r
Daniel Hall, who
is now in the U.
S. The possibility
of the world's pop
ulation growing so
large that there
will not be enough
land to grow food
on is not worrying
Kir Daniel. He
believes economic
conditions will tend toward population
control through smaller families.
What ho is concerned nbout is the
lacK of man power to raise the crops.
Berlin Eating Dor Meat;
BERLIN. June 11. (A. 1M Dog.
meat is still an article of human diet
in Germany and the Berlin chief of
police has decreed thnt the inspec
tion regulations governing other meat
shall jippby in the future to this
article. . ..
Woman's Statement Will
Help Medford
"I hated cooking because .all I ate
turned sour and formed gas. I
drank hot water and olive oil by the
gallon. Nothing helped me until I
took Adlerika.' Unless due to deep
seated, causes, Adlerika helps any
case gas on the stomach in a sur
prisingly QUICK time. It is a won
derful remedy to use for constipation
it often works in one hour and
never gripes. Heath's Drug Store.
First Insurance
A. L. HILL, Manager
Phone 1 30 North Central
Medford, Ore.
fui,i-nn Victoria!
Cross Word Puzzle
The word start in Ihe umbored
nounres and run either across or
down. Only one letter is placed in
each white square.- If the proper
words are found each combination
of letters in the white squares
will form words. Thte key to
puzzle 111 Hrs word is Riven in
the drawing. Below are keys to
' the other words.
KunninK Across.
Word 1. The Mowers in the pic
lure. Word 6. To decay. '
Word 7. Color; tone. .
Word S. Also.
Word a. A southern state. Ab
breviated. Word U. The highest title in
the navy.
Running Down.
Word 1. A tall garden flower
belnning to the aster family.
Word 2. Anger,' wrath.
Word S. In that manner.
Word 4. Neuter pronoun cor
responding 'to "he" or "she."
Word 0. A place for learning
lessons. . -
Word . A thick, blacR, sticky
liquid with a strong smell.
Word !). Ihe first person singu
lar present indicative of the verb
Word 10. Long Island. Abbre
viated. .
i ;P.V V.'JTi' f . ' l i i IK If .1'
You Can Get Most :
'Any Old Thing at
Most Any Old Time.
Always Room to Park
Your Car.
436 W. Main Ph. 122-R,
Phone 244
23 N. Kr 8t
' Vitham's Battery &
Electric Service
fatatorlum Bldg., Medford.
Wong Pon
For- Treatment of
Acuto and Cbronlo
Dlneoacs of Hon
and Women.
hJr'r,;. nd,JtMi trout.... fit
SliTl?" ,d. '""' trouble., par-
bumin. ' W.
Offlo. Hour.! A. M. lo 9 P. M. Tl
21 South F,on, ""u.,
v St