Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 11, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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    MEDFOlft) MAIL fRTBTJNR MfiDPQRTX OREOOy. TIHTRsi1;y, JrE 11, 102:
Charelne that hen1 husband. George
L. Corby, a Southern Pacific teleg
rapher, did not Bpuak to her (or nine ,
months, and took her to no place of'
pmusement for four years, Viola May.
n,.i... Air-j i m i i i u '
circuit court for divorce, charging
I This is the first divorce suit filed
under the new law enacted by the
last session of the legislature which
provides that a fee of $5 additional be
paid by unhappy pairs to cover the
expenses of the district attorney ap
pearing In divorce actions, as the law
requires. Heretofore, the official was
nM recompensed. The fee goes into
lie general fund. '
Mrs. Corby further alleges that on
Dune 8 last, her husband ordered her
out of the home, and "to stay out."
A decree of divorce, the custody of
a minor child, $75 attorney's fees, $60
a month maintenance- money for her
self and $15 for the care of the child,
Is Bought.
The plaintiff In asking the custody
of the child recites, "realizing the
affection of the defendant for the child
la real, the plaintiff is willing the de
fendant should be allowed to see the
bhlld under certain restrictions."
The court Is also requested to give
Mrs. Corby the home, and household
effects. The couple are residents of
ABhland and were married in Redding,
Cnl May 12, 1912..
! "
' The transportation committee of the
Chamber of Commerce, in charge of
Iho transporting of the 3000 Oregon
lational guardsmen to Crater lake and
jnclt on Saturday and Sunday, June
jo and 21, respectively, request local
jitlzens who do not go on this im
portant trip with their cars, to please
efraln from using the Crater lake
ilghway on those days, from a stand
lolnt of safety first Importance, If
hey can possibly avoid it.
This notice is In keeping with ad
rices from Sergeant J. J. McMahon,
leputy state traffic officer, whose in
fractions are for one way traffic only,
ind cars that are on this highway
;lifsa two days will be allowed to
:ravel only if properly , marked with
in official guard car sign, which Is
oclng furnished to the cars to be in
;he caravan, and providing they are
proceeding toward Crater lake on the
20th and toward Medford on the 21st.
The largest audience - of chautnu
qua week ' so fur greeted the May
Valentine company Inst night .as they
presented Sullivan's masterpiece,
"The Mikado." Tho production-was
regarded as a masterful perform
ance, f -
So far, "The Mikado" is the finest
attraction of 'the program, although Indications point to some splendid
"Daddy Long Legs" Friday night auto and motorcycle races at the fair
promises to equal or outrival It. i grounds Saturday and Sunday, June
Mrs. Roselt Knnpp Breed of Bos- . 13 and 14, as a number of noted
ton, lady humorist, who gave cos- drivers of the northwest have written
turned impersonations of various pop- and wired about the races and slgni
ulsir characters brought forth ronrs fed their Intention of taking part,
of laughter from young and old These inquiries came from Seattle,
and takes second place to none who Vancouver, Portland and cities all
have appeared in Medford on : the over. Oregon. ...
different courses. Km-h entertain-1 Some 0( "'ese drivers took part In
ments loosen up the tense muscles the races here before, know that Med-
' fnwft hno nnn nF h r f.iotno. rllot Irani.
and give one
The Charles
new lease on life.
Mitchell Mixer com
ford has one of the fastest dirt tracks
on the coast and hangs up good purses.
Ernest U Scntt, the motorcycle man.
is doing a lot of work helping to make
pany, a trio of classical artists, added
, T . X. , , e races a big success, and reports
the strongly classical character of tho
cycles outside of the county, including
cnauiauqua oy me cnoicesi 8ome from SeaMe and Portland, al-
or music. Mrs. quelle uunuar i-Mit- ready lined u t0 come an(1 nas
chell was formerly a Medford school numUer 0f other prospects. .
teacher. " I From inquiries made there will be
This evening the lecture by Oncy between 10 and 15 fast cars and
Fred Sweet promises to be an eye-'drivers, bosldes the local boys, who
opener on the labor situation. For wm participate.
years Mr. Sweet was on the staff ofi Crowds are expected from all over
one of the large metropolitan dailies, Oregon and California to attend the
running off each week to try out a races and the entertainments put on
job in some new line and then writ- by the local committees for the visit
ing the story' of his inside expe- ing soldiers and the drills, demonstra
rtences for the paper. tions and band concerts by the na-
The climax of the Chautauqua tional guard,
week' will come on Friday night in' 1 "
the presentation of -Daddy Long Berlenbach and Mike
have won reputations on the stage of
both Canada and the United Suites. .
McTigue Rematched
NEW YORK. June 11. (By the As
sociated Press.) Tex Rickard has re
matched Paul Berlenhach and Mike
McTigue for a fight In August.
Rickards', action, coining soon after
Borlenbach had gained the light-
heavy weight title in a 15-round bout
I with McTigue, caused surprise." as It
had been expected that Jack Delaney
would be the first challenger.
J. O. Pierce, formor Gold Hill school
bus driver, found guilty of driving an
auto while intoxicated by a jury ufter
27 hours' deliberation, was sentenced
last week to serve six months in the
county jail and pay a fine of $500.
This is the first sentence, it is be
lieved, passed in the state under the
provisions of the so-called "drunken
driver" act passed by the last legisla
ture. Pierce was granted a stay of
execution In serving his sentence "to
put up his hay," which expires Mon
day. The case attracted considerable
attention in Gold Hill, where Pierce
is well known.
' Burke Defeats liusukos.
Henry Burke, Klamath Falls middle
weight wrestler, tossed Pete Busu
kos, former world's welterweight
champion, in two straight falls here
last night. The men were scparntod
to prevent a fistic argument just be
fore they went on the mat. Burke
took the first fall in nine minutes
with a punishing too hold, and Won
the second fall in seven minutes with
a double arm lock.
The Warren Construction Co. was
tho lowest bidder for the construc
tion of 2 0 milea of hardsurfared road
leading from the south and wist
entrances of Crater Lake National
park to tho rim of the lake. - The
bid, which totaled $259,440.00, was
tho lowest of the four submitted. The
other three were submitted by the
Young & Baker, Smith & Schell and
J. C. Cochran construction compa
nies. - '
j Activities will commence Just ' fts
soon as national park authorities at
Washington pass a favorable decision
on the bid, and at present it is not
known just how long that will be.
j , .
Dr. Kstclla Ford "Warner Is said to
know more than anyone else In this
state about what can be accomplished
in improving the health of a commu
nity.' Sho is medical director of the
Marion County Health demonstration,
j whore they are putting into practice
I the most advanced ideas of public
health.. As tho former director of the
department of Child Hygiene of the
State Board of Health, she can advise
us on the caro and health of our chil
dren. '
Dr. Warner Is scheduled to speak
on "Health" each day at 2 p. m. at
the Homemakers Institute next week
in Grants Pass. There will also be an
opportunity at the conference house,
8:30 to 9 each morning for a. private
consultation over Individual problems.
Tomorrow Last Day
Chef Prize Coupons
HILLSBORO, Ore., June 11. Local
officers who hold a warrant against
Harry Johnson, superintendent of .the
Oregon Military academy at Orenco,
hear here, charging Issuance of worth
less checks, 'believe he is headed for
Victoria, B. C. The exact amount of
the alleged bad checks and unpaid
bills alleged to have been left has not
been ascertained. One irregularity of
the checks turned tn wds that they
were dated 19256. Persons cashing
them failed to notice the wrong date.
Johnson dropped out of sight about
ten days ago leaving the forty young
boys at the academy without super
vision and almost without food,
The plight of the boys was discov;
Bred when Carl Hawkins, one vf'the
boys In the school, was. hurt by the
.explosion of a cartridge with which he
r ivaa playing. Part of one of his fing
ers was blown off.. . ' r v ' 1
The offer of the Schilling Chef, of
$25 for a name for his "Mystery
Cake," expires Friday night at six
o'clock. All names suggested, to re
ceive consideration by the Judges must
be -in the hands of the chef by -that
time. .
The judges, Mrs. A. B. Cunningham,
Mrs. Jonas Wold and Mrs. E. N. Vilm,
will meet at the Hotel Medford Satur
day morning to select the winners, and
following their decision checks will be
mailed to the successful entrants by
the chef and the winners' names pub
C. C. McCurdy Family
To Reside in Portland
C. C. McCurdy, who 1b manager of
the Insurance department of the Ore
gon Trust company of Portland, is In
the city for a few days closing up
some business and preparing to move
his family to Portland the first of
next week, where they will reside.
I The McCurdy's have lived In Med
ford for 12 years, Mr. McCurdy being
In the Insurance business during that
time, and he established what is now
the McCurdy-Daniels Ins. Agency.
, Mr. and Mrs. McCurdy have been
prominent In business, social, musical
mill church circled an.! will he misxed
if. a wide circle of friends.
ci cgSr you'll like . .
' "Don't know what the wild
waves say but ' say
Roi-Tan Perfecto Extra
is a triple A-l f moke." (10c)
I.ufJriinilc Wins Prom Kelso.
PENDLETON, Ore., Juno 11. Tho
Kelso Timber Wolves lost to 1JL
Grande yesterday afternoon, the Plr
rates - winning : in tho last of the
ninth when - they bunched hits and
scored four runs off i'ritcliard. Tho
final' score of the encounter was
6 to 4. 1
WikiiI Ik'iiln I'lllhiK.
PORTLAND, Ore., Juno 11. Sailor
Jack Wood, Texas wrestler, defeated
Prank Pilling, of Pendleton, hero Inst
night when he secured a fall at the
end of 42 minutes of mauling.
At Seattle 6; Portland 7.
At Vernon 3; Onklnnd 9.
At San Francisco 7; Uns Angeles 2.
At Salt Lake 5; Sacramento 7.
If your family
is about
this size
AMD yoor income Just about
fits the family
And yoor insurance jnst about
- takescare of your wife
Have you ever thought how your
. daughter would get along if I
. . -
Every family that has a daughter
should own a Corona, For a
knowledge of typewriting is the
. open sesame to woman's most
pleasant and profitable line ot
work. A Corona in your home
will give your daughter a vocation
and a lot of fun beside. Our new
Model Four has the standard
keyboard taught in all business
colleges ,
The price of Corona Four is $60
cash. Easy terms arranged if
desired. Call or phone for a
. Medford
' Book Store
Just Received a Big Shipment of La
dies', Misses' and Children's Shoes
Ladies' Patent 2-strap Pumps, low
heel . .i $2.98
Ladies' and Misses' Chestnut
Pumps $2.75
Ladies' Crepe Sole ...$3.50
Misses' Crepe Sole ,. . .$2.75
Children's Crepe Sole $2.50
Children's Sandals 98c
Ladies' 1 -strap Pumps . . . .$1.25
Men's all leather Work Shoes . $2.50
Men's Dress Shoes $4.00
Children's Oxfords $1.50
Men's and Boys' Tennis Shoes
Men's High-Top Shoes
Men's Rubber Boots
Men's Work Shirts 59c
Men's Work Shirts, full cut, 2 pock
ets; some shirt . 69c
Men's Work. Sox ,..10c
Canvas Gloves .....10c
Men's Khaki Pants $1.15
Men's Heavy Bib Overalls . .'.$1.15
Men's Work Pants $1.75
Men's Dress Shirts 89c
Big Heavy Blankets ,.98c
Men's Leather Gloves 50c
Carpenters' Overalls the very best
"Black Bear" brand $2.25
Painters' Overalls $1.50
Men's $35.00 Suits . : $19.50
Men's Union Suits .50c
Red and blue Handkerchiefs .... 5c
Everything Just a Little Less
If Not in, Push the Money Under
the Door!
That's all today,
The Cheapest Store in the West
32 North Front Street
Medford, Oregon
Come out of the Kitchen
Greater freedom for the enjoyment of life can
be yours thanks to new labor-saving devices.
Chief among these are the new types of Perfection
Oil Ranges which eliminate the drudgery of using
coal or wood and cook with all the speed and
- satisfaction of the gas stove.
Big, substantial, good-looking and equipped with
every convenience, these "grown up" oil stoves
are capable of handling all the cooking for any
family, the year around and doing it with so
little effort for cither the stove or the cook, that
' kitchen tasks are greatly lightened.
Your dealer has Perfections and will be glad to
demonstrate their gas-like service. See him today.
! The Cleveland Metal Products Co.
Oakland Branch ISth and Ihllli Struts
Oil Cook Stoves and Ovens
For Second-Hand
Furniture and Stoves
Furniture House
315 E. Main Phone 505
For fviek nvarm.'k tt fn
ei tr needed the Pfriti'.iz
Oil Heater, '
For abundant hnt water
without gai the Perfection
Kerosene Water Heater,
' 1
Styles, sites and prices to suit every need and purse.
Never before could you
buy so much fruit in a small
SKO is made from Real
Oranges and there are no
synthetic flavors added.
Close your eyes and you
can easily imagine; you are
"drinking" the fruit itself.
All our products are guar
anteed to be pure and whole
some, which is your protec
tion. '
Jackson County
Creamery u
Alt R0ut$ Uod to Stm Prmmeiteo '
Wktwo tho Hot4 Mm moleamtM tk vtitim , ' '
Khar th journey you Ion tor t pho
A quit ind rcat. The Hotel Mans
wmiu and welcomea th vintor. A
lac ynu can call a real HOMK. An
ttriioephara of unuauaJ charm and
Hotel Manx
o o