Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 11, 1925, Page 2, Image 2

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    .VfETVPOftP MATTi TTUBtTNE, MftftpQftp" OftFOOX, TTirKftDAY, ITTXg W.1fl2."
Tocql ami
JLJ Peranmal
Fifty-three cars. lnrtllrK, a large
number from tTio cast and middle went,
wore roKiHtered here yesterday by the
local state traffic registration bureau.
Anions these cars from a distance were
four from Florida and several each
from New York, Pennsylvania, TextiH
and Arizona. However the majority
of the out of state cars yesterday were
from California and . other Pacific
coast plates.
Kef ore you buy that piano see L,iiun
spach. He can save you money. He
knows pianos and is reliable. tt
Mrs. Carl Y. Tengwald and children
left yesterday for Chicago, where they
will spend the summer.
Persons leaving town for the sum
mer months who would rent to reliable
parties call Mr. Corkrun at Owen
Oregon Lumber Co. 71
A large number of Med fort) people
attended the excellent performance of
Fru Dlavolo, which was presented at
the Jtivo!a theater in Grants Pass last
evening. The opera was directed by
charleH Hazelrigg of this i-lty with
lames Stevens taking the leading part.
Mrs. Hazelrigg and Tom Swum of this
city also assisted in making the pro
duction a success. Among the local
people who witnessed last night's per
formance were the following: Mr, and
Mrs. H. Chandler Kgan, Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Clark, Mr. and Mrs. h. Car
penter, Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKeo,
Mr. and MrH.' Horace Jlromley, Mr. and
Mra. C. I. Hutchinson, Miss Fern
Hutchinson. Mr. Callison and Mr. and
Mrs. Alec Sparrow. The opera will be
repeated tonight and a good attend
ance of Med ford people is looked for.
Come to'DeVoe's candy sale tonight.
Tourists and other guests from n
distance at local hotels who arrived
yesterday include Norma C. (frown of
Hlooniington. ill,, Marie K. Falldino of
Juneau, Alaska, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred
Johnson, Mrs. Waller Fitch, Miss
Charlotte Johnson and Walter Johnson
of Eureka, Utah; Lew 11. Case of St.
3-ouis, F, Ij. Marlowe Oliver II. Stew
art, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, M. Mixed and
Anton AVesrato of Chicago, und Mr.
and Mrs. E. K. Albrecht. and Ethel
Kowalke of Itudljard, Montana.
Now is the time to load up on candy
for your summer vacation trip. Get It
at DeVoe's fire sale beginning Juno 11.
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Long returned
to Kugeno yesterday, after spending a
couple of days nt the homo of Mr.
and Mrs. Win. Swartz. In this city.
Showers Sheet Metal Works moved
to! 2111 S. Central. 75
"Ij. a. Roberts, well known local at
torney, was today appointed Justice of
the peace for this township by County
Judge Hartzell, following a confer-,
enee at Jacksonville," says tho Ash
land Tidings. "Itoberls was supported
by the Jackson County Par association
and had the support of Sheriff Jon
ningB and County Prosecuting Attor
ney Nowto" Chaney. There was some
oppowition to Roberta which developed,
among a few local politicians, but at
tho hmiiing today nono of tho oppos
ing forces appeared and Roberts' ap
pointment went through without argu
ment. The opposition apparently
melted away when It was learned that
Roberts had powerful supporter
nmong tho loading political heads of
the county."
Come to DeVoe's candy sale tonight.
A number of Oregon National Guard
offlcora were registered at, local hotels
yesterday and last night.
Puclllla and l'aclflc package goodn
at the following reduced prices: Co't
tumo slips, (3.25, reduced to $2.17.
Gowns, $3.00, reduced to, $2.00. Com
binations, $1.85. reduced to $1.23.
Itahy dresses. $1.35, reduced to IP'e.
All other packages reduced according
ly. Handicraft Shop. 7.'1M
Rev. Walter Van Nuys of Portland,
educational field worker fur tho reli
gious education department of the
Presbyterian church, stopped off a
few moments this morning for a brief
conference with the Christian workers
In Ashland this evening looking for
ward to a week day school of religion
for next year In all the churches.
Tho watermaster can bo found In
his office in the Metlford National
bank building, from tt a. m. until noon,
every day during tho Irrigation sea
son. There was born to Mr. and Mrs. M.
F. Picning a six pound daughter on
June 5, named Lois Marie.
Come to DeVoe's candy salo tonight.
AFTER ALL is said
and done there is
one thing certain:
A superior product
never fails to find a
ready market.
Fluhrer's Milk Bread
is outselling all other
breads in Southern
Oregon Why?
three pouhd mushroom brought
into K killing Falls from the Tule L:te
bed land district lf.n display at ffle
White Pelican hitn for the tourists
and visitors at Of hotel. A six pound
mushroom whs brought In from Mid
land und both are attracting consid
erable attention. Klumiuh Falls Her
ald. Package goods now on sale at the
Handicraft Shop. Standard quality
merchandise at prices far ba'.ow the
lpgular. Don't fail to make your se
lections early. . .73
' W. G. Tail, formerly president of
the First National bank of Medford,
and who has been In business and re
sided in Los Anugeles for some time,
I will be connected with the well known
I bond house of Clark Kendall Co. in
I Palmer's Photo Studio, 717 X. Cen
tral avenue, open from one until five
p. m. Kodak work, hand colored pho-
I los, painting, or commercial orders
given prompt attention. Phone 823-R
or Mrs. Parto 821-Y. 82
The Oregon National Caurdsmen
will be welcomed Saturday night when
(the Fair Grounds Pavilion will put on
'a huge "open air" dance in their hon
or. Prepa rations are under way to
'make this affair a proper opening for
the many festivities and entertain-
! meats which are to follow. Dancing
iwlll start promptly at 0 p.' m, and
continuei till midnight.
DeVoe has bought tho entire stock
of fire damaged goods of the Valley
Candy Co. and will have It on sale In
his summer garden, beginning Thurs
day; June 11. tf
Misss Kdlth Towne has been enter
taining her sister and husband, Mr.
and Mrs. K. S. Gamwcll of Powers,
Oregon. '
Km ma ('line's Shop anniversary
week, June Sih to 15th. Call und get
one of our beautiful gifts for ladies.
, . , 72
Mr. and Mrs. J. K, Fisher of Halina,
Kans., who have been visiting in the
city foi tho, past several dnys, left this
morning for their home in that eastern
state. ... . ,
Orders taken for angel food and
sunshine cake at 75c each, at 737 W.
Uth strept. Phono 224-L, 73
Oregonlans outside of Portland who
are registered nt oca! hotels Include
L.(M. Neely of Mapleton, J. A. Fdmis
toii of Lakeview, Mrs. A. N. Simpson
of Algoma, Frank J. Pennle, D. M. An
demon, M. V. Hrithaway, J, L. Fuller
and I'j. T. Long of Fugene, Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Neale, Mrs. Agnes Dunton,
MIbb Patricia Dunton, Mrs. R. K. Kerr
and two daughters of Koseburg and L.
V. Hoss of Corvallls.
. On July 4th come to Cascade Gorge
and spend the day where the kiddies
can shoot fire works. Half way to
Crater Iake. Camp-n,nd fine swim
ming, Rolid shade and lawn. Confec
tions, flro works, short orders and
chicken dinner on sale. Season now
open, . ,70
Hugh B. Rankin, supervisor of the
Crater Lake National forest, spent to
day showing tho county commission
ers tho poor condition of the Dead In
dian road leading to Luke of the
Woods, and tho need of repair.
Bids will bo called for July 1 for the
construction of Marshfleld's new ho
tel. .Plans call for a $300,000 struc
fcuYovlth 114 rooms and nine stories.
' Miss Laura Wilcox, who has boon
attending the - Oregon Agricultural
collego at Corvallls, arrived in the
city yesterday to spend several days
with Miss Marjorio Semon.
Candy! candy at DeVoe's flro sal".
Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Runyard and
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Itunyard returned
Wednesday from a trip to Diamond
and Crater lakes. The trip was made
over the Itend-Ktamath highway and
Crater Lako was reached over the
Sand Creek road. It was necessary to
walk three miles over tho snow to
reach the rim of the lake. Diamond
lako was reached over the old John
Day road which Is in good condition.
Fishing Hi Diamond lako Is excellent.
Soventy-threo cars containing about
2fi0 persons stopped nt Merrick's Mo
tor Inn yesterday to Rpend tho night.
.1. A. Johnson was among the many
vlsltorn from Grants Pass who were
In the city yoHtorday.
Kggs wanted, 30o dozon. Johnson
Produce Co. tf
Miss Helen Reod of San Francisco
arrived in the city this morning to
spend several days visiting frlonds.
Sale of package goods now on nt the
Handicraft Shop. "Wo havo endeav
ored to nmko this pale an event which '
will mean a great saving to the hun
dreds of patrons who havo made this
idmp possible. 73
Mrs. C. Carey, of Eden precinct,
was among the city visitors today.
Itemember the fire salo on candles
at DeVoe's, beginning .Pino 11. tf
Daughters of Civil War Veterans
will meet in regular session tomor
row, Friday night. Business of im
portance. Plenso attend.
Package goods nt marvelously re
duced prices. Gowns, combinations,
boudoir jiu4 r-ts, caps, children's things
and many oilier useful articles will be
found ot tho Handicraft Shop. 73
W. Kellar, federal prohibition offi
cer of Portland, who has been here on
business, left today for his home ac
companied by local Federal Prohibi
tion Officer C. McCredle and assistant,
who go on official duties during the
Uose Carnival.
Fresh salt water salmon. 25c lb.
Johnson Produce Co.
Mr. and M rs. Kay Henderson, of
Myrtle Po0t, motored here from that
place and are spending a few days vis
iting friends and relatives here. Mr.
Henderson formerly resided In this
city, and has been teaching at Medford
during the past winter.- Koseburg
News Review.
We pay for ashes and sell dirt
-heap. Brown & White Agency, Inc.
Plasters, lathers, plumbers, painters
and building laborers meet Thursduy
'night at the Carpenter's hall, Grape
street. 70
A crew of men departed this morn
ing 'for the Diamond lake region where
;they will be engaged in clearing the
road of debris to that body of water,
R, I. 71. eggs av Defoe's. tf
: t'ortlcolll hPk stocking with silk and
lirle topH and soles for servfee, Fine
even weave. Made in all the newest
kIikIoj. 1 lund'craft Shop. 73
Miss Lillian Ueliner of Talent re
turned tills morning from Corvallls,
where she has been attending the Ore
gon Agricultural college.
Hemstitching, bu:tons covered at
the Handicraft Shop. tf
Pacific and Bucilla rackage goods
or.e-third off. Handicraft Shop. 73
First steps toward nn ordinance that
will forever bar traveling carnival
companies from showing at Eugene,
have been taken by the city council of
that cily this week.
Corticelli full fashioned, pure
thread silk hoye ranging in price from, to SLOO. Handicraft Shop. i3
Hand embroidered Philippine
dresses, white and colored voile, $6.75,
Jap Art Storo. 73
John Connor, son of Mi, and Mrs.
Guy Conner, arrived in the city this
morning to spend the summer vaca
tion after having spent the past year
attending the Columbia school for
boys at Portland, which is a western
branch of the famous Notre Dame
University of South Bend, Ind.
You wilt have to hurry if you get
your share of those 20c oranges at De
Voe's. tf
Marcelling 75c. 31 So. Orange
street. Phone 655. 76
Residents of Portland who are reg
istered at local hotels include Mr. nnd
f Mrs. Frank W. Stoll, Mr. and Mrs.
Herman A, Zischke, F. D. Wheeler and
son, Miss Charlotto Givens and E. II.
Fresh salmon eggs for sale. John
son Produce Co. tf
Do not forgot tho dinner dance at
Jackson Hofe Springs, Thursday night,
Juno 11th. 70.
Fireman Dewey Gevnns of the local
fire department, caught a largo 1 5
pound salmon ns a proof of his skill
as a nlmrod yesterday nfternoon while
fishing noar his father's ranch on
Rogue river, which Is quite close to
the Elks' picnic ground.
Miss Margaret Van Scoyoc will re
ceive pupils for tutoring during 'the
summer vacation. Phone 693-J. 72
For sand, gravel, sediment, cleaning
or lawn work, phone 9 12-J, Samuel
Bnteman. tf
Robert Showers, a former resident
of Medford, but now of Portland, con
nected with the Mason Ehrmun whole
sale establishment, is spending a few
days 'In tho city with friends and on
business. -
Columbia plnstor wall tooard' Call
for prices. Wallace Woood Lumber
Eggs wanted, 30c dozen. Johnson
Produce Co. tf
Ninety-thrco. the gr'eatost number of
cars of the season which have stop
ped nt Merrick's Motor Inn, were re
corded yesterday, with Saginaw, Mich
igan, the most distant eastern city rep
resented. Hemstitching c h yard. The Van
ity Shop, Bartlott and Main. tf
Fresh salt water salmon. 25c lb.
Johnson Produce Co.
H. Moody of Saginaw, Michigan, is
spending several days in the city and
valley with tho intention of settling
Columbia plaster wall board. Call
for prices. Wallace Wood Lumber
Envoy Schwlndcl of the Salvation Mif. Nellie Cook and ron of Sun Mr.aiuf Mrs: Keith Miller and Kellh'j Among the-peopie n out " " 'Blu"
Army-stationed at Ashland was in thu Diego. Calif., arrived in the cit;this Jr., of Seattle,, are visiting at who are registered at looai iioitiH uie
city yesterday aiding the local army, forenoon to spend several days visiting the home Mrs.- Miller's parents, Mr. included Mr. uya ir- v.. . v"in,f
in their work at Camn Juckson where Mrs. Robert Kvle. , .. nnd Mr. Homer Harfv i Bobby Walker. Mr. and Mrs,
'OH SAI.K U0 aeren henrlnff ponrs.
Crop PHtinmtcil at $1000. Two mllt'H
from .Motlfonl. free foII. host locu
tion In vulley. 112 50 per aero. II. N.
l.oflaail. li'JIi South Oakilalu nve. 7L'
KOIt MA1.K MnllHPhoM furallurc va-
;ou klndx. c. c. MoCurdy. U07
". Main. Tel. 1134.
KOI -Nil Two keys
Trlbuno office. .
on ring. Mail
FOR SAl.K Kli-rtrln rniitie with flcx
thlf comlult enabling relnntallatton
without additional wiring expense.
J 100. I C. MeOurdy, 1207 V. Mall
Tel. 1134. tf
At Any Grocer
FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, 323 N.
Central. 76
FOR SALIC 1 'JO Elk creek farm. 2H
mil "i Crater highway: orchard,
rnuill fruit, tonm, tools, cows, crops.
All $3000. Claude Moore. Trail, Ore.
FOR SALE Electric washing ma
chine, gnod condition. Half price.
L'ln So. Holly. 711
Foil KENT Itouftoki'eplng rooms
near high school. 334 Apple. 7 2
FOR KENT Housekeeping rotms:
ft nlso twnooni house partly furnish
the encampment of the Oregon Na
tional Ouara will commence tomor
row. To appreciate values you mu'it sfC
the display1 of Philippine- dresses,
gowns, step-ins and hand made hats,
at The Japanese Art Store. 73
Fancy creamery butter 43c per lb.
Johnson Produce Co.
Unwell Coleman, who has been in
j flopol'tiu fm Ce past two years In the
employ of the Honolulu Sporting Gootis
Co., arrived in the city this morning
to spend the next several months vis- j
itlng his parents, Mr. and Mis. William !
Coleman and his brothers. j
Do not forget the dinner dance at
Jackson ollt Springs, Thursday night.
June 11th. .70 I
Do not forget the dinifer dance at I
Jackson Hot Springs, Thursday night,
'June 11th. 70
Dick Isaacs, who has been attending
Moran school at Rolling Lay, Wash.,
jfor the past year, arrived in the city
yesterday to spend the vacation
( months with his father, William Isaacs
of thp Toggery.
Fresh salmon eggs for sale. John
'son Produce Co. tf
I We pay for ashes and sell dirt
cheap. Drown, & White Agency, Inc.
Three additional permits for the
erection of summer - cabins at the
Union Creek resort have been granted
by the Forest Service, swelling the
number of such cabins to bo built there
to eight.
Fresh salt water salmon, 20c lb.
Johnson Produce Co. tf
Pinnis! Sea Launspach. tf
Plans for an Informal celebrations
to be staged at the Lake of the Woods
by the Lithians, the Elks and the Ki
wanis club on July 4 and 5 are rapidly
taking form, and the -program for the
affair will be announced within a few
'days, it was, declared this morning by
officials of the three clubs. A barbe
cue, ball games, boat races, swimming
races, a' water regatta, a Ixithing girl
contest, firewarks over the water, ath
letic events, nquaplaning and boating
will be some of the features which are
being arranged for the celebration.
Ashland Tidings.
Special summer prices on dry fac
tory mill blocks.. Valley Fuel Co. tf
Launspach Piano Store now open
for business nt 111 W, Main. Opposite
RIalto theater. -Successor to Root Mu
sic Co. - tf
Robert Kyle departed this morning
for Lebanon where he will visit friends
and relatives for several weeks. -
Tennis racquet restrlnglng. 08 So.
Central. Phone 1172. 70
Fancy. creamery butter per lb.
1 Johnson Produce Co.
Fancy rrnicry better 43c per lb.
Johnson Produce Co.
Mrs. William McGowan is attend-' The Daughters . qf the American
Ing the Eastern Star convention at Revolution will have a covered dish
Portland this weok; luncheon : at the. home of Mrs. N. J.
.Have you tried that big milk shake Norris at UrooksburtU Orchard Satur
at Dn Voe's? day at 1 o'clock.
W. D.
McDonald, Donflld McDonald. Alice
McDonald. Miss E. T. Freer of Seat
tle and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Jones of
i Fremont. . .
Culiibia plaster wall board. Call
for prices. Wallace Woods Lumber
Y:i rrt.
For a.fijiiall fraction...
of one per cent of the
rental value of your
property you can get
insurance protection
that will absolutely
guarantee your in
coma from rents in
case a fire makes your
promises u n t e u ant
able. Soe K. A. Holmes.
Vi The insurance Man
Sineel909 II
Phone-444 JJ
Monday Night, June 18 !
(8:15 CurtHin)
MAIL ORDERS RECEIVED NOW! Make checks, money orders
payable to Hunt's Craterian Theatty-. Enclose self-addresse stamped
eriMelope to insure snf- return. PRICES, includifel war tax: Lower
Floor, Lrct 18 rows $2.75, next 6 rows $2.20, balance $1.65: Balcony,
first 2 rows $1.10, balance 53c. Box office sale Monday, June 15.
'- ft lyl&m ;' '' "' Ha-ve yoil' seen "The Covered Wagon" 19 '
ifc v- '''or- '.'North' of 30"? If you have, you'll . .
''Sy9" know what we mean when we say that g r
I S-v " '"Tlie Thundering Herd" belongs in f i
I x TJiSjTu'. . ' ' 1
H fflSIllR The ttory by Zane H
13 I B ff fflw PTyto Grey has the same W ' I
m V rJ$ Mb $H fc Js historical import- fja
g St l ance. The produc- g
k n J j X gigantic dimen- mi
s S v ' I I sions. The result J
. Vw I I is just as thrill-
J J V ingly entertaining.
Adults - - 50
Picture the setting the western wilderness of
1876. Picture Zane Grey's greatest romance.
With a company of 1000 recreating the amaz
ing scenes and 2000 maddened buffalo in a
REAL stampede. And the stampede, is just
ONE clap of thunder in this drama of
thundering thrills.
By Moles?
' '. TRY , .
You'll wonder why you
didn't use this simple
means of destroying
moles and gophers long
Lighted1 and placed in
the runway they throw
off a poison gas that
kills everything alive
in the burrow.
Not dangerous to
Investigate them
Seed & Feed Co.
"Bring Gordon Worries
to Us,"
Co somewhere this summer. Plan to make .
it the happiest vacation you ever had.
hovv Roundtrip Fares
are in effect tliroughout the sum
.. 'mer season. It's amazing what
they will enable you to see and do.
So go this vacation. Know
Oregon. Visit Tillamook Beaches,
Newport Beaches, Coos Bay
Beaches, Mountain Resorts, Crater
Lake, Oregon Caves.
And rely upon our agents for
,;tt-,jful jtravel information. Ask for . .
. our illustrated booklet
v" 4 "Oregon Outdoors."
Montgomery, Local Pass. Agt., Medford, Ph. 34
uinner ij
Dinnev and Danct "'$1.50. No Cover Charge with
Dinner. Good Music and Specialties
Tables May Be Rmsmrved by Telephone. 0
ed. IMt) So. Riverside. ,&
o o
O o
o o