Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 11, 1925, Page 10, Image 10

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    I.leutennnt Charlie n. Howard..son ABOARD STEAMSHIP IN'OERTRE.
of Mr. and Mm. Chin-Ion B. lluward June 10. The relief nlil Insertre
of Medford, who has been In the! crossed the Arctic circle at 8 o'clock
United stales Air service for years, j this morning en route to Spltzbergon,
figured prominently in recent im- with the Norwegian government's ex
portant experiments In flying planes' pedltlon in search 'of the Amundseri-
in connection wllh radio orders sent chboi 111 puiur uiuia.
. ... . . i ThA niffnliiru whn u-
mi from the ground, conaucica i
' PAflri TEN1 ' 9 o MEDFORT) MAIL ffTCTBTTXE, MEDFOTtD, QlfriOX, TTTTTT?T)7Y, ,TT3e 11, 1925 -: ' - - . : --'
!. RADIO AIR TEST " CROSSES CIRCLE . Sr na rH... fftxf C
tG IDAHof DAK0TA - S : VVT -i'' '
' 7-jLvvvom,'ng 4...r-"v--A Lio j " i
( J cnv cedar RADIOS! W I .,!.)
C - -LL 1nibra$ka V.rfLmois if:'":S
' j I FALLS ?V ' I 1 I I
f I . ' FORT WORTH VOy , I '
I'hnnute Kield. Rantuul. 111., wnicn
were given columns of Bpnce In the
C'hicnffo and other eastern news
papers. In a letter whirh Mr. and Mrs.
Howard have received from their nn
concerning theo experiments, Ueut.
Howard wriu-a as follovn:
"Well, the Chicairo Hhow is over
and I sure am Khul. It was a hard
week and we worked liko the deuce
with a lot of trial and fears he
fore we finally put it over. Jtadio
sets are temperamental and it took
a lot of work to k'-ep them koIiik
Hut as you see by the enclosed vllp
pin? it went hiK.
'This is the first time that a two-
way conversation between airplane
and around has ever been broadcast
ulso we have carried on conversation
from plnno to plane over greater ih
tance than ever before, and our
reco id of 115 m i h-s f r m s ro u n d
to plane and plane to ground is
world record. 1 believe.
'You ee wo received the stuff
from the ' nlr on a receiver that to
AVLS, who sent it oift, then they
switched to the microphone at the
h nullum, and what 1 said to the plane
was also sent out. Wl-H has had
hundreds of let tors' about this and
It was a big hit at the show, as we
got more applause for each maneu
ver than nny other act.
"Once 1 told them they were malt
ing their turn too slowly. Instantly
the ship cocked up and swung In a
sharp bank. Another time one fel
low was a little behind and 1 told
him to pull up. Instantly a cloud
of smoke from his exhaust indicated
Ills response and In a second he
was in position. 1 told Ueutenant
Johnson to introduce tho pilots, and
each in turn was introduced, dipping
his wings as a bow to the audience.
"General Hale was so impressed, as
was Vice-President Dawes, that he
is sending a letter to the Adjutant
(Jeneral of the army and to General
Patrick. And 1 was on the micro-!
phone on the gi'ouiid and have had '
more cumpllments on tho way 1
handled it than you can Imagine.
Kven people in Itantoul recognized
my voice when they were receiving."
Tho Chicago Sunday Tribune of
May 24 describes these experiments
Its follows:
"Twenty thousand men, women,
nnd children sat in the Grant park
Mt ad turn yesterday afternoon at the
military show nnd watched with
wonder nnd awe whilo three nlr
planos 3500 feet up performed like
trained animals at commands trans
mitted to the pilots by radio from
the ground.
"Thore was perfect communica
tion by voice between the planes und
the ground station all the while the
Hhlps were In the nlr. The voices of
commander and commanded could
he heard plainly by all Issuing from
a dozen loud speakers high up on
tho top of a pole.
At commands from the ground sta
tion tho ships flew from "V"
formation into line" formation and
hack again, dipped nnd ascended,
dropped to 1000 feet and thou climh
d back up again to 2&00, while tho
thousands below watched with fasci
nated (fyes and then hurst into cheer
ing. "Army flyers attached to tho air
flervico did It. It was a record break
ing accomplishment, it was the mak
ing of radio and nlr history.
"It was the second record of the
day broken during the show by the
army flyers. Until yesterday, voice
communication between two planes
in the air has been limited to planes
flying not moro than five miles
"Yesterday Meat. Charles Howard
in one plane and Ueut. I,. 1. Hlckey
in anothor, talked for nn hour hack
and forth while they flow 15 miles
"'Hello! Is that you, Hlckey?'
Howard would say, and Hickey would
como back, 'Yes, Charley, how are
you?' nnd so on for 80 minutes.
"It was Lieut. Howard who had
chargo of the ground station at the
madium, while the three planes, pi
loted in turn by Ueut, Hlckey. Ueut.
Henry Salzman, nnd Uout. Arthur 1..
.Inhnson, moved about, dipped, nnd
dropped and climbed again at his
" 'Hello! said Howard as the
planes flew over tho Held nt 3&00
Xeot in 'V formation.
"'Hello! This is N0. 1
This is No. 2, 'Hello' This
3!' came back the answers
out of the loud speakers.
All risht.' said Howard, 'If you
hear this command you will come
Into line formation!'
"Instnntly tho answer enme back,
three voices: 'Ave, aye, sir.
"Then In a twinkling tho lend ship
hesitated, it seemed, while the two
forming .the triangle of tho 'V
speeded up nnd nil came Into line.
M 'You will turn to tho left.' com
manded Hownrd, and at once tho
three ships turned to the left. You
will turn to tho right.' ho ordered,
nnd immediately the ships turned to
the right.
" 'You will drop down to 1000 feet
nnd tho noses dipped and the three
came down. "When they had le-
Hceneo; ror a short time tho nnos
came up und out of tho loud speaker
came: 'We arc now nt 1000 feet
The aviators who will pilot the two
seaplanes in the flight to search fur
the explorers and their mechanics, are
busy each day on the Ingertre testing
the engines and appliances, which in
elude skll sledH and a collapsible boat
The plan is to follow Amundsen's
Instruction to seurch around north
eastern Spitsbergen for a period of six
weeks after Amundsen's departure
(which was May 21). My the time
tine ingertre rescue expedition oi me
.Norwegian government is ready to ue
gin operations three weeks of the six
fixed by Amundsen will have elapsed,
The explorer expressed the opinion In
his letter of instructions that it would
be useless to continue searching In
this region after six weeks from the
date of his departure. s
Tho Ingertrn.Jeft Horten, Chrlstln-
nlaflord, Norway, on Saturday for
Spitsbergen, to bo attached to
Amundsen's steamers, the Farm nnd
Hobby in tho keeping the vigil along
Hie arctic ico edge fortho missing
explorers who left Kings Day May
21 for tho North polo. Tho Ingertro
carries two airplanes for use in
.scouting for tho Amundsen party.
The ship In due in Kings Hay early
next week.
PARIS, June 11. (A. P.) Finance
Minister Cuillaux today told the fi
nance committee of the chamber of
deputies that he intends to obtain
from taxation alono all the necessary
funds to cover all budget expenses,
without recourse to loans. When Eng
land and the United States nro con
vinced Franco Is making serious ef
forts toward Internal taxation they
will be better disposed towards terms
of Rcttlement of the Inter allied debts,
he declared.
M. Caillaux said a foreign loan
might be floated but that it was im
portant and urgent to show England
and the United States that France
earnestly desires to balance her bud
get nnd settle tho Inter allied debts.
Cnillaux declared he was seeking a
formula to avoid tho Increase of paper
franc osculation.
Supreme American Comedy.
"The Hhow off." authoritatively
proclaimed by tho professional critics
in New York as "tho supremo Ameri
can comedy," will be given nt tho
Hunt's Cratciian for one night only,
Thursday. June IS.
George Kelly taken tho average
American home and has fun with It.
Kelly's picture of a "four-flusher" Is
simply irresistible and his view of the
struggles of a humble life family to
achieve material comfort ore photo
graphic to a remarkable degree.
"The Show 1 Off" lias been staged
by Mr. Kelly himself and shows inti
mate, knowledge of tho art of achiev
ing effects while causing ihein to seem
to happen naturally from character
and situation.
Tho company which will be soon In
the performance vf tho "Show Off nt
the Hunt's Craterian June 18, has
been especially organized to Introduce
the Kelly play prodigy to play lovers
of the Pacific Coast cities. Kach mem
ber o ftho east has been selected In
person by the author, George Kelly. f
Tho full cast comprises Hobart Cuv
anaugh. Jessie ltuslcy. Iteatrlco Maude,
Mamie Franklin, William F. Granger.
Neil MoFoe. Jai k Uib hiist, Charles
Jlloomer nnd Charles Kugah-Turner.
STATES-Supplied by 32 Folger
distributing Statims-Jr enjoy
these pioneer products of the Pacific
Seventy-five years ago the pioneer coffee and spice mill of the Pacific Coast
.was established in San Francisco by James A. Folger. It was a modest plant,
for in those days most housewives bought green coffee and roasted it them- -selves.
But James A. Folger was a far sighted pioneer. He quickly sensed that
high quality coffee roasted evenly and uniformly in commercial quantities
would have,an instant appeal to the Western housewife. He was right. ' .
The business expanded rapidly. It grew with the country. The plant at San'
Francisco was constantly increased to meet the demand for Folger's i products
from the Coast States. Then, in 1900,. Folger's Coffee was introduced in the
Middle-West and South-West the first Pacific Coast Coffee to be sold East
of the Rockies. . ,
So today in our Diamond Jubilee year it requires three complete plants and
thirty-two distributing stations to supply Folger's products to the retail trade
in 29 states.
On the first package of Folger's roasted coffee was printed this slogan:
"Our Success is Dependent upon Quality." On such a foundation has the V'
Folger business grown to its Diamond Jubilee year. Quality has carried ..' "
through these seventy-five years and must always be in the product before it
is given a Folger label. . ' ,
' . That is our assurance to the hundreds of thousands of loyal Folger cus- "
tOmerS. T . At t?t . rr
San Francisco
Kansas City
Shidzuoka, Japan
Ik No.
Spiiln nnd I'miico AjcitTfl on Wnr
AlArillJU. Jll'lie 10 (lly AknocIhIciI ) A cunfpri'Ni-e Is to open hi're
Alonilay lo conslili'r romnin union
liy France Hint fmln against tic rrlirl
Moroccan trllit-Ntiirn, it Ik announced
in nn ufAclal rotfinuniiiue by tho
iillltury directory. -
Civet Full Credit to Lydia E.
Pinkham'j Vegetable Compound
for Remarkable Recovery
Wcllston, 0." I took Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vcgvtablo Compound to make me
strong.l wastrouolea
with my back and
sides hurting me till
I could not do my
work, and whenever
1 caught cold it made
me irregular. Since
I have taken the
Vegetable Com
pound my side and
back don't bother
me and 1 can do my
housework and care
for rav children now.
where before I did not feel like uoing
anything or going around. After my
li rut child wan born about four years ago
1 saw an advertisement in the aper
about the Vegetable Compound. I Knew
it would help me, but I was afraia to
try it because peoplo said it would help
you to have children and I know I was
having children fast enough. But I
thought if it would help me it would be
better to havo a wholo house full of
children and have good health. I be
came strongerfrom taking it and my
husband sa 1 look liko a live woman
instead of a dead one. When Spring
comes I am going to take your Blood
Medicine as 1 am very thin. I will an
swer lexers from any woman who
wishes to a.' alout your medicine.'
Mrs. William lien's, Wcllston, Ohio.
O iw, J-A.r c.
1st and B Streets
Clean sulphur water. 2 large
tanjes, good springboard,
slide and other equipment.'
Open 10 a. m. to 10 p.m.
Special arrangements can be
made for clubsjr classes
Apply Banagpr.
Travel by Motor Stage "
Two Through Stages Daily
To Portland, leaving Medford at 7:45 A. M. and 11:30 A. M.
A pleasant one day trip.
Also leaves Medford at 5:00 P. M. for Roseburg, connecting
following morning to Portland.
We take passengsrt for all way points. For further Information
and tickets call Union Stage Depot Wone 309.
Direct Connections at Roseburg for Coos Bay Points.
m Kit a &9 v9 1
Completely Reconditioned
The Bu&y Comep MoEsd jq&