O u ' O ' o V o o o : EDFOD mail tribune, MKDFortD, orep.ox, WEnxKsnAWjuJE 10. 102.V PAG 15 TWO "The Thundering Herd'' Tonight SITE OF ASHLANB AT DESK GREATLY PRESIDENT BACK IL L TO SUIT WRIGHT AKHLAXD, June 9. "Make It Unaninioua," was the slogan adopted by MioHe present at the Chamber vt Commerce foium-lmuhcon . ' today, when the Normal situation was 11h cusHCd Ly Irving K. Vininw. ns princi pal speaker, with tmort to-the-point talks by Mayor Johnson, Councilmen V. M. WrlKht and Hardy. W. SI. Uri,'K and a number of others, The history of the normal and the site pur chase -"oi)osal was thoroughly cov ered by the speeches made. In Inter views the business men expressed themselves unreservedly in favor of the bonds for the site. Mayor John son, a number of the councilmen, and many business men, including (.!. CI. Kubanks, F. H. Knglr. S. A. IVtrn Jr., V. O. X. Smith, J. H. McCiee, Dr. F. G. Hwedenburj?. O. F. Carson, A. M. Heaver, i-ouls Dodge, J. 1'. Hod go, V. V. Mills. H. ( On My. W. M. Wright, T. II. Himpmt;kK- H. Harrison. C. II. J'lerce, O. F. Billings, Homer HIllingD, C. W. Hanta, V. M. BriggH. F. H. Walker and a number of others stated emphatically their approval of the bond Issue and the site. The coiwen sus of opinion seems to be that no voter should fall to register his appro val at the coming election. 1 Mis. Humphrey of H street is leav ing shortly for an extended visit to Oakland, California, to visit a daugh ter who lives there.. Mrs. Humphrey is anticipating the trip with much pleasure, Mrs. Klizabeth WUI-Gopdman leaves soon for McCloud for her summer's outing. Mrs. Goodman has recently purcmiHi'u a nuw mur anu win urivu, j jv lew nw cast's 01 wnoopuig euunri urn reported. One of the latest vic tims is little Janio Smith of Church street. Mrs. Violet Long-Walte. who has been a patient at the Community hos- sufficiently to be taken to the home of I WASHINGTON, June 10.-.A. Pa llor parents. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Long. , Charles D. Wnb ott, secretary of Hhe yet remains so ill that a nurse's the Smithsonian Institution ban under ultendance It required. (advisement a suggestion for revising Mrs. Morse, daughter of Mrs. Annie the label on the Langley airplane ex Grubb, is expected to arrive shortly hlblt at the national muwum to settle from her home fn Sacramento, for u n dlsitute over its correctness between visit of a few weeks at the parental the secretary and Orvllle Wright, home. I The' proposal was submitted by Dr. i'Yom letters ..received from Mrs. F. Joseph y. Almes, physics professor at G. Swedenburg. who.Jeft AhIiIuihI re- Johns Jlopklns ami Hear Admiral cently to JoUl hep;-daughters who are David W. Taylor, retired, who with Dr. in school in ..Sweden,-and who, with Walcott are members of the mii'.onal them, will tour continental liurope. it advb-ory cominlttcn for aeronautics, is learned that she has arrived safely They suggested rewriting the Langley and the threo will start shortly upon label to read: their delightful Itinerary. The Misses "Thy original I.angley flying ma Genevieve and Eleanor plan to remain chine of J!)u3, restored. In the opln next year also In school in Sweden. . Ion of many competent to Judge, this Doth are enjoying their work, partieu- machine was the first heavler-than-air larly tho studies In language. Jcnilft In the history of the world ca- Miss Florence Allen, who has been pablo of sustained free flight under its one of the corps of teachers In the own poweivcnrrying a man. Vlsalla, California schools, with ape- I "This machine slightly antedated clal work, has returned to her home the Wright machine deigned and for her vacntlon. she enjoyod her built by Wilbur and Orvillo Wright, work, her music, and her surroundings which on December IT, 1!hi3, was the tho past year very much. 'first in the history of the world to Mrs. William Wallace is quite 111 at make a sustained free flight under its her home. She Is tho recipient of a own power, carrying a man." wealth of lovely blossoms from her Tho card now displayed with the friends, who are much concerned Langley machjne says in part: about her. "The first man carrying airplane In L. N. Wnndslde, who Is employed In the history of the world capable of Klamath Falls, spent Sunday with his sustained free flight." family In Ashland. Dr. Walcott In a statement declar- Mrs. I'. K. Hammond Is In Portland eri there was, no question that the this week and Mrs. K. A. Woods and 1 Wright brothers were the first to ne Mrs. John H. Fuller are attending tho cnmpllsh sustained free flight of a Stale Music Federation meeting held man with their heavier-lhan-air ma ilt this time. Mrs. Fuller, president of chine, but that the only question has tho Ashland Music Study club and Mrs. been whether the original Langley Woods represent tho club at this meet- plane was capnble of the same per lug. Mr. Fuller accompanied Mrs. formance. Fuller to the city. Mr. Wright 41 1 Dayton, Ohio, last Mount- Ashland Chapter D. A. H. night declined to Indicate whether he wll lobsorvu Flag Day with approprl- , would cancel his agreement to send ute program, and a picnic In the Llth- 'his original plane to a Loudon museum It park. It is hoped that members will if the Langley label is changed in meet let nothing Interfere to prevent their . his objections to it. being present to enjoy this last meet ing of the year; none other occurring until fall. Carl Anderson, who has been til for the past three years, and quite holp less, died at the homo of his daugh ters. Mrs. Hoy Hale of Klamath Falls, Saturday. Mr. Anderson was 87 years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Hale brought the deceased to Anhlund. from which place Mrs. Hale accompanied the body lo independence, Iowa, where inter ment will be made. The family form erly lived In Axhland and their many friends sympathize with them In their bereavement. A committee, whose members are W. M. ItiiggH, V. V. Mills and U. K. Deirick, was appointed to plan for the entertainment of the members of the O. N. G.. of the coast artillery unit on the way to Ford 1 tarry fur their sum mer encampment who are expected to be here Sunday over the lunch hour. The Xntiniiitl Guardsmen will be at the Armory during that time and cof fee and sandwiches will be served. Dr. Stearns with his family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Ktonrus nt their new home on Oak hi reel, Sun day. It Is announced thai the feature of the float planned for the Ashland lodge No. 94 4 M. 1 o. S. at the bilks' convention In I'ortlaud July 13-18 will be "AHhland. the Gateway City." 1'lann for greetings, and for entertaining the visiting Klks on their way toward Portland were discussed. Signs and banners figured In these plans. lovc laml'H'Oregonians. an eight piece or chestra, may accompany the local lodge to Portland. Misss Itlanche Hicks ban been Indis posed for a few days, but Is much Im liroved this (Tuesday) evening. click Holt and Lois WiUon in Zane Grey's "The Thundering Herd' A Paramount Picture Mortfrirrt 1h to wltneHH what Ih de- led one of the moat HtirrinK and hIk- Hcrilieil n the tltnnit- production of , nlfU-!i lit ohnutira In "The Winning of , , . ine esi. many exciting auveniuirn Zane Grey's novel. '"Ihe Thundering filU ,n tne ,ol nf tn((se hardy rtf(1 Herd." which opens at Hunt's Crate- blooded pioneers, and the picture faith. Han today.. Jt Is a inntit worthy sue- ; fully depicts their hardships, dangers cesser to ''The Covered Wagon." 'nnd privations. Produced on the same spectacular The cast includes some of fllmdom's Hiid gigantic scale, it deals with an- ( most popular favorites Jack Holt. other picturesque nnd Important pe- : Lois Wilson. Xouh Beery and Itay- riod nl American history. It recreates Imond Hatton. the west as it was In the days of the i An Aesop Fable. Pathe Xews and open range a vast wilderness peopled j" Betty" Brown at the giant Wurlitzer largely by great herds of buffalo and 'playing a splendid musical acconipa fierce. nomandic Indians. jniment, also "Gypsy Love." a special Against this picturesque and scenic- request number for her solo, are other ally beautiful background Is reproduc- (attractions on the bill. SHOT BY OFFICER PLEASED BY TRIP "WASHINGTON. June 10. (A. P.) President Coolldge returned to Washington today from Minnesota, where he attended the Norse-American celebration. Tho presidential train arrived at I'nlnn station here on time after hav ing encountered comfortable weather throughout the night. Mr. and Mrs. Coolldge nnd other members of the party had breakfast in the dining car just before the train reached Washington. President- Coolldge appeared In fine spirits. He was plainly pleased with the trip as a whole. Last night mo tion pictures of events at the Min nesota state fair grounds when ho was cheered by a great throng, were shown aboard the train. Heturnlng to the White House, Mr. Coolldge went immediately to his of fice to resume the official duties he laid aside on leaving. 1 CHICAGO, June 10. (A. P.) Clayton Klrby, '12, an uctor of San Pe dro, Calif., was shot and probably fa tally wounded yesterday as be Is al- : leged to have held up a cleaning com Ipany's office on the west side. The police then began a search for Kirby's dancing partner, Evelyn, De G-jge of Los Angeles, on suspicion I that she may be able to tell of Kir by's recent activities. j Policeman William T- Tansberry , was passing the Diamond Cleaning j company and saw Kfrhy menacing i Jacob Stirek with a revolver. The po jlir eman rushed in ami when Kirby ; turned toward him the patrolman fir ed. j The police snid Miss DeOage was outside while Kirby was holding up the I place but that, she escaped. The Orpheum Jr. vaudeville bill at Hunt's Craterian last night was an other good bill, with the Kentucky Rum blent, a jazz band, matting the biggest hit with the audience. The entire company took part in the act and the dancing population present could hardlv restrain themselves. I Another excellent number was the Threo Saltos. acrobats, who tumbled , and balanced lucidrously. It was tho best acrobatic number in weeks. Hob and Perny Valentine presented "On a Moonlight Night," and dull minutes were also scarce In this offering. Helen Staples, "The Prima Donna j Petite," sang, and Harry Garland. I owner of a freak dog, completed the 'bill. At the second show tho Kotarlans and wives attended in a body. TO GRADUATES IS College Janitors Must Have College Degree ATLANTA, tin., June 10. (A. P.) Speaking to members of the graduat ing class of Emery university on "mod ern freedom" today, Judge Samuel H. Sibley. lTnlted States district court, de clared that ''romance, faith, worship ful admiration is giving place to cyni cism." "A girl, it hi said. Is no longer to be protected," he said. 'She knows as much and Is as well able to take care of herself as anybody. She Is not treated with real courtesy and respect, Cor little is left for her. The hat when raised to her is a mockery she is as bad as ho who wears it. "Her short Hklrts." Judge Sibley said, "have the sanction both of trlm ness nnd freedom, but nude stockings and bare knees look like plain vulgar ity. t ciowmsn con i or paim ann powder over the face does her no credit." TO BE WITNESS NEW YOUK. June 10. (A. P. J nines W. Gerard, former ambassa dor to Germany; was cleared today of the charge of contempt of the su preme court of New York, based on bis failure to nppcar for examina tion tomorrow, Juxlice Tlerney an nounced be then would deny the motion that the former ambassador be held ill contempt for failing to appear on the first summons and there was sprend upon Ihe court record the declarnl Ion that ho had never in any sense been contemptu ous of the court or Its processes. The former ambassador was sum moned as treasurer of the national democratic committee In the suit brought by Van Patten. Inc., an ad vertising agency, growing out of ex penditures in the campaign of 1P"4 for publicity. Chairman Clem L. Shaver filed n suit early In the year seeking an accounting of $:0.0i0, advanced for publicity. The agency immediately filed n counter suit al leging SHI.von to be still due It from tl committee and obtained order? requiting the appearance of the com mittee official for examination. G It EE LEV, Colo., June la (A. P.) In order to qualify as n janitor the prsopective caretaker tbltild have a college education, the Colorado state Teachers college authorities believe. The teachers' rollegtyrsterdii.v an nounced that It bad opened a course in Janitor engineering In which tho six janitors of the college building are to be instructed In the intricacies of sweeping floors, washing windows and ttten,dliig to furnaces. OOOOOOOOOCKXXXXXJOOO HAIL INSURANCE o First Insurance Agency O A. L. HILL, Manager Phoijj 105 30 North Cantral Medford, Ora. Will she have the culture and advantage of higher education it means go much to girt! And too ctn prevtJ aow by talcing on of our Special lJwcatttma( PvJicici, which, by th way. U a mlghtr food to vestment iM from miking mre tout vriauthref will rtceiv tnt education tow tnttnd to five bcr aata Oregonlifc t. mil r?iMf ni w r srnrrrEL. am-iHm ClUHUKt-lrM.Hir. H I RUHVtl.I tartt' Horn Ufhcti PORTLAND, OREGON A. B. Cornell A. B. Vn$ District0 Mgrs., 1MM Mod ford National Bank Uldg., Mferord, Oregon. The mlted States has mora than 1 ii.ooo motion picture theatres. m ilTal-JlH .'fir MAW f mm i r Safe Milk and Diet Forlnfantg, Invalids. The Aged Nourishing Digestible No Cooking. -ttf Avoid Imitation! Subititutea Nobody Could Build Such Cars At Such Prices No manufacturer in the world could build cars as good as the used cars we are now offering for the ' prices we have put on them. PATTON'S USED CAR MARKET Corner Bartlett and Eighth St. hSV f Saay. f jlaNii Renting a Home r First of all, look to its Electrical Convenicnc One thing affecting the comfort of any home you rent is the completeness of the electrical installation. Nowadays, no house is a home without convenient connections for electrical appliances, without correct lighting and with out standard winner devices. o Th renting a hotir.e make sure of its clcctricul in stallation by usking if the wiring was done by a "Check" Seal contractor. The "Check" Seal iden tifies qualified electrical contractors who employ good workmanship and install standard wiring de . vices. Also when you need electrical appliances re member that the "Check';' Seal identifies electrical reailers w hb sell quality-; electrical merchandise. PACIFIC STATES ELECTRIC COMPANY IAN FKANCtVO ' I.03 ANGXLH lONG IIZ.1CH OAKLAND 10 RTLAn tlATTLX troKANK Distribute Jbr6 GcricriiElcctr:: Before you build, buy or rent f"T:i- tortfrialHwf.r WnnxboUJrr.' TWf h.iA)?tcin he YA irrr Irmanv r ( trifll tovnnrtvt 'rrtar! whti!i-itt-ih- HOW aVmH i J- " ffTt U wl Sow M finiih a--JT nd raAniH) futntitiM M'iMerMlinttr tU in (S-T? booh n Art spfg?' WDkwiiIm with Dm- k Dress your Furniture Anew DECORET:: ENAMELS and Bronze Paints T)AINT is the garment the costume that heightens the charm and personality of your furniture just as truly with a colorfully-enameled kitchen chair as with a finely-finished living room table. '. Chairs and tables for your breakfast nook, the porch, the young sters' play room, the kitchen tabourets, candle sticks, boxes," baskets, seed pods, reeds, and innumerable small objects all gie you opportunity to clothe or re-clothe your "furniture family" in those delightful costumes prevailing in the decorat ive modes-of-the-moment! . , -. . And truly a fascinating play-task with Dccoret Enamels and Bronze Paints. Shades and colors that sparkle or that give back their richness in less sprightly manner. And sold in cans of convenient sizes from half a tea-cup to a gallon! As a help in this delightful work, send for our free book oo painting furniture and the decoration of small objects "The Art of Decorating with Dccoret." Gives colot schemes and is illustrated, in colors. It's free. And ask your Dealer foe Dccoret made by Fuller, your guarantee of quality. W. P. FULLER c? CO. 301 Mission Street San Francisco 2? MLAciira in none coait emn fAcrotus is ian nAMcaco, 10a akgbus and foktlakb . .... Dutributorsof VaUbsron the Pacific Coou F 10 PAINTS VARNISHES PIONEER WHIJE LEA 76 YEARS BXPER1ENCE YOUR ASSURANCB OP AJLLBR QUALITY 4M w