0 o o oo o o O Co o O o MATL TjrrcnNE, MEPFOT? fl, OT,r,OONT, TTTSDAY, .TJ'XF 0. 1.02.1 o . i,. o o o o 3 PATITC FTYE o Lift Off-No. Pain! TO TEMPI FATE YACHT RACE TO TAHITf 10 START TOMORROW P. M. T a wait h the boat innUiiii; t ho best time, hand leaps to be ninddored, A "second cup lrom the Sun Fran cisco yacht club will no to the first boat to iimliur In Tahiti harbor re gard Ioj-s of handiiapH. Thy; personnel of the racing coni mittee will be named today. The HturtinK Kim will boo in at 4:30 tomorrow afternoon.' Yachts which will start will be the Mariner, owned by L. A. Xorris; Kloise, John C. 1'ivnr; Idalia. Dr. K. It. l'nrker, and the Khawnee, be longing to Mark Fontana. " SAX FRANCISCO, June 9. Four Kan Frnn cisco viihm nrnvlKlnnpd ft it a three weeks' run nro at anchor off Steelier to Moot K.iloff. Snusallto awaiting the starting gun I.t)S AN'tiELKS, ' Juno n. Jne to speed them on what Is considered Stealer, world's heavyweight wrest 1 to he the longest yacht race ever . ing champion, was ht-re today, ready lromoted. From the Golden Gate to defend his recently acquired title to Tahiti a distance of 36C& miles, tomorrow night against Uan Koloff. me nine tiiiu win cuiurci nun eacn j 1 ne iiiuirn will lleau a tliree-hout uiui-r, Biraininfr every mile or ine program wlllcli will be held af the Doesn't hurt one bit! Drop a little "Freeione" on an aching corn, instantly that corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift it right off with Hngcrs. l Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Frcozone" for a few centB, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the foot calluses, without soreness gr irritation. jfcontiarahle Flnvor Is everything in ice cream. In fact, if Ice cream lacks flavor and has every other good quality, it falls short of what it should be. Our creams combine flavor with purity. Ask for Nutritious Ice Cream Jackson County Creamery W m U. IS B s G i t Learn fromThose Whom I Have Cured fY FREE book on Piles and other Rertal and Colon dis orders contains dozens of letters volun tarily written by prominent patients whom 1 have cured. Many of these cases were of over 15 years standing, and had made invalids of the sufferers. Send or call for this book TODAY and learn how these people, one and all, old 1 ' ufrf1 tit Health. ana young whc lCUril I IVY tuaiLivw w fj WRITTEN GUARANTEE to cure any case 01 ruts ut hi FUND THE PATIENTS FEE. th' Ti-i3 r.''iwHrjL.S!l& L DEAN. M.D.hc PORttAND OFBCES: SEATTLE OFFICES, Or Dimn BuilSing 801-SIZ S!fcr Bull NEW YORK. June 9 Another nf miiriHum'a vplnrnns tun of whom have already gone down to way to win the Upton trophy that exposition park nrmory defeat in the opening outdoor boxing shows of the season, will enter the! ring tonight to fight a double battle against ambitious youth and father j time. J Johnny Dundee Is the third battle scarred warrior to hurl June defl-j ancc at precedent. Turning his back) on the fate of Mike McTigue and! Tommy Citbhons. the former feather-1 weight champion will make his stand this evening at the Inaugural show J of the new Coney Island stadium in j a lllimiMUUIHI llg'il Willi 5 hi i "-" i New York lightweight, who only re cently won a close verdict from him in the finnl contest In Madison Sipiare Garden. Habe Herman of California and Harry Felix of New York, light weights, meet in the ten round semifinal. AUTO RACES HERE n way. in an efficient and 0inil.t There will be four auto races each afternoon and also inoTi.tvyeio races, 'i latesoopeu it I2::t0; races start at 2:30 p. m. Americans Are Given Control Soviet Mines liig preparations are being made: for tho auto races at the fair grounds Saturday ami Sunday, J une 1 It and 14 and imiulrles are coming In by wire and mail to the secretary. Itrown, regarding purses and con-. interests have reached an agreement ditions. ! on the terms of the long pending Fast cars and experienced drivers i hiatourl manganese confession and OF OF The complete program to bp fur nished b- thu different orgnnlza-l) tions of Med ford for the Nationp. are expected from Seattle and Van couver, Washington and cities in Oregon outside of Jackson county, as well as a number of fast ones from this county. The races are sanctioned by the American A u t o m oblle Association, which means they will be conducted .MOSCOW, June 9. (A. 1'.) The ; Guard during the field tralntne camoi Sid soviet government and the llerrlman j June 12 to 2b, Is completed nritt will be published tomorrow. The entire time is full of events and to g'ther with the drills, demonstra-' tions, field maneuvers, band con cert, athletic events and other a't- tractions put on by the 2500 guard-: men, southern Oregon people will have two of the busiest weeks in her. history and people will come from ? all over Oregon and northern Call' fornla for the occasion. the contract is expected to lie signed tomorrow. American interests will have control of the mines, which are the largest ami richest of their kind in the world. The size trout attain depends on the kind of water they inhabit. . . A. NEW YORK, June 9. (A. P.) America's hopes of winning the isrit ish open golf championship this year travel down the bay and out to sea today on the husitania which sails with MaeDonald Smith and Joe Kirk wood on her passenger list. - The Lakeville professional and the trick shot nrtist constitute America's sole entry in the British event. Walter Hagen, last year's wlrfner, has declined to defend his title, but in Mac Smith, this country sends ft winner of the California and the North and South open events, as well ns the leader of the Eastern open qualification test at Lido. Thf British open will tibe staged this fc-ear at Prestwlck oh 1une,' 23, 25 and 26. ATHLETICS' LEAD - -""gg i 1 n NEW YORK, June !). Tbo leading rhl'adclphln Athletics today viewed, with new alarm the reduction of their ndvnntapre over the champion Senators in the American league to but a eamo and a hnlf. Little hope of recovery of the team from a slump Is entertained, until its weak ened pitching staff is bolstered by tho return to regular duty of Sam Oray and Fred Hcimach, both of whom are injured. Washington picked up another half , game on Mack's team yesterday by No frills of any kind. but man, what Packed in tea-foil, instead of tins hence lO remaining Idle while the pace-makers were being Joltel again in Detroit, whore tlio Tigers pulled out a 7 to 6 triumph after tbo Athletics had tied the score in their half of the ninth. A "fancy" package never fooled any man who knows values. It's what's inside that counts. Inside this Granger package is mighty good tobacco fine, npe old Burley with that full-bodied rich ness that belongs to good pipe tobacco. And Granger is pipe tobacco, made for pipes and cut for pipes. The "rough cut" gives you a slower-burning, hence cooler smoke 1 Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. G AU1 RACES! JACKSON CO. FAIRGROUNDS, ONE MILE SOUTH MEDFORD, ON Saturday and in, i'i M, I, , n" . tn Sunday, June 1344 SPEEDY CARS HAVE BEEN ENTERED FROM SEATTLE, VAN COUVER, PORTLAND, SALEM, EUGENE AND OTHER CITIES, ALSO A NUMBER OF LOCAL CARS Excit ing Mor Cycle Ra ces RACES BEGIN AT 2:30 P. M. EACH DAY. GATES OPEN AT 12:30 P. Admission, including tax, $1.00. Children 2c. National Guards in uniform 50c -HIIMBIII - HMMII - 1 - f"' .-- - ri-'iJ.iih ..ILL-..H-Z. to O A n i a in YW . V !('.7f r,i it ll.'vr nnA lO.Cl ,' 'a IHO'J - allnV llBVf I'ttiRi.'f' 1T :4,hi .ilnl IB Of OilJI .!