O ex. o 0 o o c O o o o o o u o llFmQUf) MAIL TRTmTNE, MEDPOIiP, 'oiff(iONT, TTKST).VY, JUNK i), 1' a O o o LOCAL GRANGES TO PERFECT PLAN FOR E CASE IS STARTED E E FIRST SPECIAL An informal meeting and picnic of Farmers and Grangers of Jackson county, was held at the Enueprlae Grange hall June 7th. There were present officers and members of Roxy Ann, Easle l'oint. Live Oak Granges, their families and friends, all coming laden with boxes and baskets of provisions which grange ladies know how bo well to pre. pare. . - . Camp .tables were spread for 100 guests under shade trees on the grange grounds. ' After the feast, the master of En terprise grange invited all present into the hall, and calling the meeting to order, welcomed the guests and an- 1 nounced the following Impromptu pro- I --gram: Song America, followed by reports by all those present who attended the State Grange at Dallas, which was list ened to with much interest and profit. After .this all were treated to excellent music by members of the Roxy Ann grange, which was greatly appreciated. There was then presented a resolu tion regarding an agriculture fair, which was followed by general discus sion of ways and means, led by Wor thy Masters Steward and Ward. By resolution it was decided that a com mittee be appointed from each grange to meet and confer June 17 to perfect, plans to be presented July 19th at a general meeting to be held at Eagle Point grange. in well chosen words the visiting , masters on behalf of their members thanked the officers and member of Enterprise grange for a very pleasant i time which, was responded to by the master of Enterprise grange, af ter which by invitation, the visitors were conducted through the new school building. The siiit of the A. W.. Walker The undersigned committee appolut- Auto company of this city, against eu- t0 securo the 600 cars to convey the Firemen's Fund Insurance com- the 3000 Oregon national guardsmen to near Crater lake as the snow pany, for collection of $10,724.7 sertcd to bo due on insurance noli- cies, ns a result of a fire on Febru- Hne will permit on June 20, met at ary li, 1921, in a warehouse on the Chamber of Commerce rooms last North Grape street, this city, was night and completed the details fur started in the circuit court Monday, 8ecurillg the remaining needed num Circuif Judge Churlc-s M. Thomas on ber of cars- th bencli. ' J r, v. Clancy, M. D. Cole, Fort Hub- The present trial is the so cond bar(, c c ;on, K. C. Gad dis, A. I., hearing of he case, a verdict n fa- Hm EmU Mo, j w Wakefield, vor f alker being reversed last w j Warnor( Kd M White, 11. U April by a decision of the state su- VaUheri Lewls uirich. Larrv Schade. preme court, and a- rehearing was w w Wulker, le Garlock, Eluior ordered. . Wilson, Herb Grey. Ralph Pollock, There, were 17 cars, a tractor, and rjick McElhose. Hill Gates. Hank Pace, a couple of trucks in the warehouse j, yt Judy, J. W. Jacobs, Seeley Hall, when the fire broke out, the veCarl Tengwald. John Orth, Spike Daw hides being the. second-hand, used son, Fred Schefl'el, . 1)111 Young, Hen car department of. the auto. firm. ' Moller, Pop Gates, Paul McDonald, Some were burned up, and some wero 1 Fred Wahl, A. U. Cunningham, Horace C. OF C. PRESIDENT L singed and scarred by the flames, the extent of the latter being one of the crucial points in the suit A train of 23 freight cars arrived in tiie city this afternoon loaded with various, equipment to be used in con nection with the Oregon national guard encampment, which -Friday at Camp jnnktp:i. T!-o minni inent Includes imirhue siis. rifles, artillery, and in l;uv i;u:.,.uut is used iti ojiiiic...:.. i k.u-h :.u encampniei.t.. The lirst Hpecial train of the oisht mirh jiiri'l.'ilo hum-lrnr nrniMn ii'iiimi-il irmirdmiien tri nrrivn in MnHtVinl u-ill bo in the city about 7:30 Friday morning, with the remaining seven trains arriving In the course of two hours. The officers of the regular army, who are to act ns instructors during the encampment, are expected to ar rive In the city tomorrow morning preparatory to taking up their officinl duties. One of the stroni.-tMt boosters for a pageant this year is Dr. It. W. Clancy, prt'Hldent of Uu Chamber of Com merce. I want it thii year." said Dr. Clan cy, "and I waul It next year, and every year thereafter, for I don't know of :iiiy one feature of our community life which has the general appeal, the edu cational . value, or the entertainment features that it has. "It is just such things ns this pa geant of ours, that will attract people to southern Oregon, nnd whatever benefits this region as a whole, bene- i fits McdfordQilsu. The ch-go of the almighty dollar isn't everything. While our Orchards, mines, forests and climate are big fe.ftuies in attracting il homeseeker. yf he alto wuftts to know what kind of a place he is bringing hts family to. wluH it has to offer In the way of schools, churches, nnd entertainment. "I am particularly Klad (hat the Fair Hoard has placed the manage ment of the Pageant entirely in the handH of Messrs. Andrews. Ilaolrigg and SH'vchs. These imn have proved themselwH highly capable, time and again. '"1 know that the Chamber of Com merce as a body, wants this big an nual festival to be perpetuated, and the wav to do that is to make each succeeding pageant a bigger success than the one before." Any Thomas who doubts the ef ficacy of applied sanitation will do well to read how Gen. Gorgas con quered deadly epidemic diseases in llnvann and the Cannl Zone. SUFFER NO MORE FROM NERVE PAINS "NERVES" NEURITIS Nervous, sleepless nights, nervous I headaches, darting, twinging neryo pains, neuritis, neuralgia nd other . nervous disorders are inderminin(E i the nervous system of thousands, j threatening nervous exhaustion and j breakdown. I Now scienco has found a tested J treatment to relieve all cases of "nerves." a San Francisco pnysic lim announces a new prescription to bring relief to sharp, darting nerve pains and tone up the nerve cells, thus benefiting the entire nervous system. This remarkable new rem edy Ik called F.opa Neuritis Tablets. They are guaranteed harmless, and nre free from narcotics, bromides and coal tar products. Your drug gist will recommend them. Heath's Drug Store and Haskins Drug Store and all lending druggists.- Adv. FLYING SQUADRON HEREJOMORROW The citizens of Medford and vi- clnity are aBkcd to remember the law enforcement conference to bo , '; hold tomorrow at 2:30 and 8:00 p.- m. The sessions will be held at the First Christian church, and under the direction of Hon. Oliver VY 'Stewart and Miss Norma Brown, president and vice-president of the Flying Squadron Foundation. . Also jfijlocal talent will be used on the pro ( . gram. . Mr. Stewart nnd Miss Brown are 1 nationally known speakers and their messages In support of constitutional government are said to be of great Interest. Admission free.- - . , Bromley and O. O. Alenderfer. After checking up on the number of cars pledged up to this timo. which The plaintiff holds that the col- was found to be 222. the committed lection of insurance on the policy decided the plan for procedure was to is due the defendant, and the de- j divide the city into sections and make fense alleges that the value of the ' a house-to house canvass This even enrs was over-stated, the year of ing nt 0:15 o'clock tho above listed their make set ahead and the en-1 committeemen, augmented by suffi gine numbers ..changed. jcient public spirited citizens to make xne auio company is representeu " " "' '' cor- Because of the Innblllty of New bv Attorneys Gus Newbnrv and E. tain given points and by i:30 hope to', , ,. E. Kelly, and the Insurance concern have the entire ci y thoroughly cov- om nt the I)rolimlnal.y hearing of by Attorney Charles ncames. A. W. fed fna the remaining needed num- 0mar w Murphv. who Is charged Walker was the chief witness, his " 01 cnrs s'Bned up. i ,(h manElllunU.r in connection with examination resulting In. several ,C" owners In the country who'tne death otlB wlfp ,vhch wa8 , sharp Interchanges between coun-,mi8ht missed bj this committee mwc bcen neM thls nIternoon , Jm,Be sels. . re. respectively urged to telephone I Taylol,s court has 1)Ccn colltlnued ull. ?lrL .yc,i.," 8t, , .. 1. 1 t;l tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. number 75, and turn their cars over to this committee. Officers and soldiers are already liairtnnlncr tn oet.irn tn H,a - The case Is expected to last threo or four days. Helping the Former WASHINGTON, June 9. (By As sociated -Press.) At the instance of Patrick Daily, the special or ranger warden of the Btate flBh and game commission, is back again on duty In this locality for a short time, after having gathered in some violators last week in Douglas county, and Sunday in Josephine county at the Savago Rapids dam. Daily and Ed Walker, tho Douglas county game warden, roundeh lip' Ed Rompier of Roscburg on tho charge of having fresh venison in his posses- there are only a few more dnys left until the encampment Is on, with parades, band concerts, dances, din ners, auto races, etc., and the .com mitteemen say that It is not In keep ing with the spirit In which Medford does things to let this, the most im portant of. the entire affair, drag any longer. TO Sergeant Jlob, .Sowers 'of Company 0, lC2nd in'funtry, O. N. CJ of Port land, arrived In Medford this morn- U; S. REGULAR ARMY OFFICERS SELECTED 10 slon, for whicii Kompfer was lined , In b nutoLn84on0 of tho vaneo $300. ' i guurd of the National Guard en- Riinger Warden Daily, assisted by Uampment. With Sergeant Sowers his deputy, Roy Parr, game warden lwaH Walter Smith, brother of Miss of Jackson county, while working in the Savage Rapids dam locality, ar rested Cal Allen of Oregon City on the charge of netting fish under the dam, . and also captured tho not. Allen will have his hearing in Grants Pass tomorrow and it Is understood that warrants nre put for others on the-Bame charge. ., . . During the encampment of the Ore gon National Guard at Camp Jackson, June 12 to 26, the following regulur army" officers have been detailed by tho Secretary of War to attend and tho camp .will be under their rigid In spection at all times: Major Ernest J. Carr, 40th Infantry, stationed at Presidio, San Francisco. Major Allen S. Boyd. 38th Infantry, stationed at Fort Douglas, Utah. Major Charles E. Freeman, medical corps of Presidio, San Francisco. First Lieut. Edward A. Rotheau, 10th if eld artillery of Camp Lewis, Wash. , Second Lieut. Frank Z. Plnkey, 6th engineers, of Camp Lewis, Wash. Frank Lee, expert ordinance ma chinist, will also attend to assist with maintenance of ordinance. Interest Increasing Schilling Chef's Name Cake Offer Attractive Bill for Vaudeville Tonight Southern songs and melodies are i featured in the Orpheum Junior Ad vanced vaudeville to be presented at Hunt's Craterlan this evening. R. R. Varnadore and his Kentucky Ramb lers are the leading number on an ex ceptionally attractive bill. They dance and sing the latest popular songs, and are masters of jazz and syncopation. VOn a Moonlight Night" Is a rural comedy sketch presented by Bob and Pegy Valentine. The plot revolves about a city shlek and a country lass, and is replete with comedy chatter. A special stage setting adds to the ef fect. Harry Garland, an Al Jolson type of comedian offers "Sons and Wit." He has a pleasing voice, and Imitates a dignified colored gentleman to perfec tion.. , The Three Saltos have an acrobatic act labelled "Monday Morning." that is different from the run of tumbling act. and is full of sensational sur prises. Miss Helen Staples, called the "Pri ma Donna Petite." presents an act of classical and popular songs. The bill gives promise of being one of the best of the summer season. There will be the usual comedy, nnd "Topics of the Day." for the photo play portion of the program, and the Craterian orchestra.'onucted by F. Wilson Walte. ft Suggested -names, for the Schilling Chef's mystery cake are beginning to arrive and fro mnow on tho volume of the chef's mail will cintinue to in crease. Tho prize offer remains open until 6 o'clock Friday night, nnd Sat urday morning the judges will decide the winners. Another entry coupon appears In the Mail Tribune today, in connection' with a repetition of the chef's offer of cash for the best names suggested, . . . The "Name the Cake" prize offer has. aroused a great, deal of interest 'and wherever he goes the chef is be sieged with questions relative to the proposition. Several ladles inquired as to whether more than one sugges tion -could . be submitted by. a . single person. They were advised that, as names were desired, there could be no objection ,to any person sending in two or three names If they so desired. It often occurred, he explained, that a better name came to mind after a first had been forwarded and in that case it was perfectly proper to submit the second. The method . of, selecting the win ners Is also a matter bf general inter est, judging from many quistions ask ed the chef. The judges will ont know the name of any person sending a sug gestion previous to the award of prizes. Suggested names will be submitted to them by number only, and only the names of prize winners will be pub lished. Grocers in Medford, Ashland and all towns In this vicinity have been supplied with entry coupons, which may be had for the asking. The re cipe far the "Mystery Cake" is printed upon each coupon, and it is not neces sary to submit the cake to the judges. Suggest a name for the cake a name is all that is desired. Thora Smith of Medford and of Ernest Smith, now of Eugene and formerly of Medford. Sergoant Sowers, who was a for mer Medford resident and who orig inated the Interurbnn truck service between this, city and. Ashland, and who Is now city salesman for Mason, Ehrman and Company in .Portland, Is very happy at being back in Med ford and is spending the day call ing upon old Medford acquaintances. Sergeant Sowers made his' first stop at the Chamber of Commerco office, an,d in . conversation with Secretary Robert Boyl, ,was very enthusiastic over the . proposed trip to Crater Lake. . . "Why," said. Sergeant Sowers, 'every man in tho entire guard is just raring to get to Medford OF E TAX R. & S. M. Table Rock CounciJkNo. 1 5. Regular An.it1 bly Tuesday. June At the Jackson County Merchants association meeting last evening L. W. Elliott of Salon spoke In favor of a new Income tax, explained the features of a bill he him r-mwl as a sugs tion to the legislature. There was a general jjllscussslon re garding the coming National Guard j field training camp, decomtng the streets for the same, and Q'.her things bureau of standnrds is beginning tests to determine how tough a given piece of beef may be; the strength of an eggshell nnd the comparative strength of the leg bones of hogs. American Aid Is Asked, OSLO. June 0. (A. P.) It was announced " today that tho Norwe gian Aero association has asked the Amundsen American committee to organize an Arnefricun relief expedi tion. ' - ROFMM, cA cigar youll like ';' "Extra inning? No, but extra quality in tbl ROI-TAN PERFECTO EXTRAI" (A. dime really.) ... Here are some items of interest to everyone good values that you will want ' . v. Courteous Service Always .75c Lumber mitts, reversible .. . ; ; . .. , . Blue Chambray Shirts... : . . . . . C5c Athletic Union Suits: v. . . ..... 65c Bed; Sheets; 72x90 ! . . . .$1.00 Waist Overalls, men's, sizes ..$1.10 Scout Shoes, a good work shoe $1.90 Army & Outing Stores EVERYTHING FOR WOBKINGMAN AND CAMPER 32 Bo. Central Ave., Opposite Hunt's Craterian ' E. S. Stewart, - . . Your Satisfaction Manager. Phone 913-L ' Is Our Success Informal Dinner Dance Thursday Night, June 11 Dinner and Dance S1.50. ' No Cover Charge with Dinner. Good Music and Specialties. Tables May Be Reserved by Telephone. Screens - Screens Order Your Window Screens and Screen Doors From TROWBRIDGE CABINET WORKS Medford A Modern Mill " Oregon Ojjr Own Make Prices Right, Quality the Eest S6reens- Screens A Circus Vaudeville arid Dance ALL M ONE! American JLesi V, ' .' y . -.I':-..- ..- . .. ( 1 "J , ' on s "49 THIRD ANNUAL 99 ;,i , ' .. ? . s:; Medford Armory 3 Big Nights-June 15, 16, 17 6 - 6 BIG VAUDEVILLE ACTS Singing, Dancing, Prizes, Games for All PARADE EACH NIGHT Free-Ford Sedan-Free o Season Ticket 50c 1 p. m. lsitors wei me. 68 of general Interest to the city and .community. T'T-TTI-'TI liLiluiUUU. ili!iillilliljl!i!!'tiii!lilii!:;l!L