G O O O O n O BRINGING i Q .O t . - , Ot:ss dv Imt-i. Feature Scrvice, Inc. 4s X U , - - . ' T ' """ I . - . . T'V Croat Critnin righia reserved. J I T I " O 75 Markets IJvoslock PORTLAND, Ore June 8. Cnttlo nnd calves Blow, about steady; re ceipts 1815. Steers, medium $7. GOAD 8.70; common $0.G07.7B: canners nnd cutter steers $4.60 6.50. Heifers. common nnd medium.' all weights $5.50 (iii 7. JO; cows, common and me dium $5,0017.25; canners and cut ters $2.D05.00; bulls, (,-ood (beef yearllnKs excluded) $4.75 u 5.50; com mon to medium (canners and boloK nas) $3.50i4.75; calves, medium to choice (190 lbs. down) $8.00 iff 1 0.00; cul land common (190 lbs. dov. n3 $5.00 8.00; medium to choice (190 to 200 lbs.) $8.5uff? 10.50: medium to choice (200 lbs. up) $5.00iir7.00; cull nnd common (120 lbs. up) $3.50 W 6.50. Hogs 15 to 25c up; receipts 2C05. Heavy weight (250 to 350 lbs.) me dium, good and choice $1 1.15 1 1.25; medium weight (200 to 300 lbs.) me dium, good and choice $1 1.75fii 12.S5; llKht weight (100 to 200 lbs.) com mon, medium, good, choice $12.7DGtl 13.00; light lights (130 to 100 lbs.) common, medium, good, choice $11.60 (fi12.G0; packing hogs, smooth $10.15 (5)11.00; rough $9.25fiU0.S0; slaughter pigs (130 lbs down) medium, good and choice $12.5013.00; feeder and stocker pigs (70 to 130 lbs.) common, medium, good and choice $11.00 11.75. (Soft or oily hogs and roasting pigs excluded in above.) Sheep steady; receipts 050. Lambs, light and handy weight, medium to choice $9.50 11.00: henvyweight (92 lbs up) medium to prime $8.00(S 10.00; all weights, cull and common $G. OOifi 8.00: yearling wethers, medium to prime $0.50 8.50: wothers (two years old and over) medium' to prime $5.00(R7.00: ewes, common to choice I 4 00 tf?) (inn: winner and cull $1.5081) . on iwuite eeuar ou i., -fvuiic lir to ai.i 101 a roe, .nNilpl ill .IIHW-- ,-. .. -.-- I Tir 850 SI., while cedar 130 SI., lot 4 red fir (Above quotations except spring. o,6 u vh;!e ,,alar M NE NE!4 TeA ''lambs on shorn bnsis.) I ir 800 SI., white cedar 300 SI., white lir 75 SI., NWVi KKVi red fir 225 SI., white cedar 1. Eggs 1 PORTLAND, Ore., Juno steady. Current receipts 31c; aV-SSc; firata 2930c; 306 (gi31c delivered. pul' extras Butter PORTLAND. Oro., June 8. Rutter firm. Extra cubes, city 43c; stand ards 42c; prime firsts 4l'c; first 40c;. underprades nominal; prints 44c; cartons 4 5c. Itutterfat firm. Rest churning cream 40c net shipper's track In zone one; 43c delivered Portland. - ' Poultry PPORTLAND, Ore., June 8. Poul try lower; heavy hens 20ff24c; llRht. 20e; broilers 20 25c; young white ducka 23ff?24c. i PoKlaiHl Wheat. PORTLAND, Ore., June 8 Wheat: Hard white, blucfitem, baart, $1.60; soft white, hard winter, $1.58; west ern white, $1.5!. Today's car receipts Wheat, 72; flour, 17; corn, 2; oats, 3; hay, 9. San Francisco Market SA FRANC1HCO, June 8. Butter fat f o. b. San Francisco 49&c . - - HAS' FRANCISCO, June 8. (U. S. Bureau of AKricultural Economics) Broilers, leghorn, 1 to IV lbs., 22 24c; 1 Vz lbs., 24 fSGc; colored, xh to 1 bs., 30ffp32c. Fryern, leghorn, 2 to 2 k lbs., 28 fffi31c: colored, 2 to 2M, lbs, 34S?3Gc. Young roosters, colored, 15 17c leghorn, 12ft 14c. Leghorn hena. 2 lbs., 23c; 3 lbs.. 24c; 3 to 3W lbs.. 25c; few higher. Large colored hens, fancy, 301? 31c; few higher. NOTICE OP RAI.E OF COVEItrTMENT TIM HER. UtNKKAL LAND UKKIUL, Washington, D. C. Mar 8. 192 Notice is hereby (riven that subject to the condition and limitations of ttio act's of June 9, 3016 (39 Stat. 218), February 20, 1019 (40 Stat. 1179). and June 4. 1U20 (41 Stat. 7.'.), and pursuant to departmental rcffulationn of April 14, 1924 (f.0 h. D., 370). Hip timber on tlie follow nir lands will be so d July a. 1025, nt 10 o'clock A. M., at public nuntlon at tlie U. S. Land Office at ltoeburff, Or-fon, to the highest bidder at not lean than tiit apprnfM-d value aa abown by thia notice, sale to be aub Iwt ro. the anDroval of the H-retarv of. the Interior. The purchase price, with an additional aum of one-fifth of 1 per cent thereof, be'nfr. mtntniiuiona allowed, muit he Hpnositeil tit time of sale, money to be returned if sale is not approved, otnerwise patent win tmue tor me timber which must be removed within ten yearn. Bids will be received from citizens of the United .Stated, associations of such citizens and corpo ratlona organized under the laws of he Ui ;,cd WANTED ToBayior Caeb All Tow BacondoHsmd Burniture e UP FATHER Rtntea, or any state, teriitory or uis:rlrt thereof only. Upon upphcution of u quulilk'd pur chaser, tin; tiinl.T on any leK'U subdivision will be offered separately before being included in uny offer of u larger unit. T. Is S.. H. u W., mi. 6, NWU SK(4 fir 7S1 M.; T. 2S S., 11. 10 W., See. 27, SK'4 Stt'li fir HI M.. white ewlar 2nU M., SV4 SW U tfr 100 M., white eedar H.'.u il.; T. 2s S., H. U W., Sec. 11. NWV4 Stt'V4 lir 142,j Jl., See. .15. SK '4 NW14 fir 14U0 M., SVlht NW'4 ir 720 M.; T. 31 S., It. 11 W See. U, NKA Mi 14 tlr a:jr M., wldto eedar 24 M., SK N K fir 440 M., wliite cedar 210 M., red eeilar 7.i M., nune of tlie timber on these sections xo be sold for less than S2.00 per :J. tor the fir und red cedar and ei.00 per SI. for Uie white cedar. I . 2;, s.. .u. 12 U .. sec. in, sty. SKli fir 3.-U . ; T. 28 S.. It. It W. Sec. 7, lot three tir l:iou SI., none of t:.e timber on these section to be sold for test than $2..'.o per M. T. 20 S., R. 0 W., Sec. 2", SW "A NKU red fir 520 SI., while cedar 1UO M.. SK4 SWW red fir UO0 SI., white cedar 150 M ., iN r. Vi sw red fir saw Jl.. white cedar 110 SI.. NK(4 SKV4 red Ilr KliO SI., wliite cellar IliO SI., fiW'A SK'f red fir 1110 SI.. white cedur 70 SI. : 1 . 20 S., It. 1 V . Sec. 9. SK'A SK'4 red fir 1170 SI., SEVi K red fir 4li0 St., red cular 10 SI.. NW'A SW U red tir 030 Sl.: T. 2U S., It. 11 W., See. II. SW hi SKVi red fir SO SI., yellow fir ISO SI., wliite cedar 125 SI.; T. 31 S., It. 12 V., Sec. 5, SW!4 NWV4 rH fir 5B0 SI., wliite cedar 30 SI., XV'4 SWV. red (Ir 320 SI., white cellar 135 SI., SWH SV,i led fir 300 SI., Sec. 0, SEK SK14 red tir 560 SI.; T. 35 S.. It. S Sec. 17, SW14 NV! lime 4K5 SI., red fir IS.', SI., white (ir 85 St., N '4 SWVi pine 110 M.. red tir 025 SI., white fir 90 SI.. SW SWVi pine 355 SI., red fir 4M SI., white fir 70 SI.. NKVi SKVi p:iie 505 SI., red tir SU0 51., white lir (15 SI.. XW(4 SIiV4 pine 340 SI., red fir 300 SI., white fir 30 M., SKV4 SEa4 pine 105 M., red fir 700 SI., while lir 05 SI., SW4 SUV4 pine 70 M., red fir S35 SI., white fir 05 M.. See. 25, NWVi NW14 pine 45 SI., red fir 80 SI., SW Vi NWVi pine 2110 SI., red fir 40 SI.. Sec. 20. NE4 SKVi pine 30 SI., red fir 470 SI., white tlr 100 M., red cedar 20 SI., SKVi SKVi pine 55 It., red fir 420 SI., wliite fir 05 SI., red cedar 15 SI., Sec. 85, SKVi -NKli pil e 140 SI., red fir 270 Sl SW V4 XK!4 pine 3U0 SI., red fir 80 SI.. SKV, NWVi pine 240 SI., red fir 155 II., NKVi SWVi P'ne 1-0 ai., reo iir ;iu nr.wi stv vi pine si St., red fir 145 SI., SWVi SKVi pine 310 M red fir 80 SI., nunc of tlie timber on these oectious to be sold fur less than $3.75 per SI. for the pine, $1.50 per Si. for the red tir anil ren ceiiar. 2.uu per ftl. lor the yellow til SI.OO per SI. for the wliite lir. and 7.00 per ai. ior me wnite cenur. i. 28 s., u. ll Sec. 27, SWVi NK Vi reil lir 1400 SI., SEV NWVi red fir 1280 St.; T. 31 H.. K. 12 W I See. 0. HWVi SKVi red fir 1000 St.. wliite I cedar 175 SI..' red cedar 75 SI., white fir ill., SRV4 SWVi red tlr 24110 M.. white cedar fot 20U M., red cedar 7o !.. white tir 100 M red fir 1050 SI., while cedar 225 SI., red eedar .75 SI,. See. 7. lot 1 red fir.looo St., (100 SI., red ceilnr 50 St.. white Ilr 200 SI., SEVi NEVi red tir 420 SI., white cedar 120 SI.. SWVi 'NK Vi red fir 045 SI., white cedar its270 At., XKVi NWV4 red tir 11..0 SI., white eeuar niu ai.. reo cenur zu i.. wnne nr ztm M., SKU NW4 red fir IM)0 M wliite cedur 17. M., red cedur ,10 M., white fir fiO W., NK4 SW red fir 3.H0 M.. whit' cedar 20 M.. eJi: SV4 red fir 825 M., white cedur 81M) M wliite fir 30 M.. NF.'i SKW red fir C,3fl M . while cedar 420 M.. NW'4 KKH. re. iir 870 SI., wliite eertnr 4ft SI., SK'4 SK'4 reI fir BfiO t.. white cwlar !n M.. tiW'M SK4 red fir 1071 M-, white cednr 325 M-, Sec. 6, NK'4 NW4 red fir 2,0.".0 M., white cedar 4. M.. NW NWH ml fir l7r M.. white cwlar 400 M., white fir 2f M., HE Vi XV, rod fir lf.2.r) !M.. white cedur (12.1 M., white fir 100 M., HW KW red fir 1175 M., white cedar 100 none ot the tiniuor on these seetions to be sold for less than 2.25' per -M. for the red fir and red cwlar, 0..10 ppr M. for the white fir nnd ?7.00 per 31. for tlie white ce,lar. T. 28 S.. It. 12 W.. See. 1.1, HW', SWH red fir white fir 120 M.. mine of the timber on thif) section to he sold for less than $2.25 per M. for the red fir and $1.00 per M. for hitc Ilr. 1 . 27 11. 11 W.. Sec. Rl. NKH re'l fir 1000 M.. white fir S.'.O M., liem'oek 100 M red rednr T,0 M., NW'( &V.V red f.r 2400 Jf., SE'4 KE4 ml fir 8.10 M., hile fir 5 M., SWH SK ,i red fir 202C M.. white fir 100 U red cedar f0 M.. none of the tfmler on this section t' be sold for less than $2.2;1 per M. for the red fir. $o.".o per M. for the white fir and hemlocl:. and 1.60 per M. for the rid cedar. I'. 87 S., U. 8 W., Sec. 9, SEW NK pine 280 M.. cedar 10 M., fir 70 M.. HV4 NH4 pine 285 hi., cediir 1.1 M., fir 00 M SK'4 NWi p'ne 31.1 M., fir 3.1 M.; T. 38 8.. ft. R W.. See. 13, SK'A NK4 pine 27r M., fir 180 M., See. 83. lot 1 pine 2.1 M fir 10 M none of the timber on these sections to be sold for less than $3.00 per M. for the pine and $1.00 per 31. for the cedar and fir. THOS. C. HAVEI.U Acting Commissioner. WANTE1 SITUATIONS WAXTKD Oenernl housework by competent girl. Phono 30G-J. 69 WAXTED Position as typist or work In doctor's office. Address Box 17, Mall Tribune. 72 WANTED Woman with two small children wants place on ranch, with family of adults, to do light work for board and small wages. Call at Apt. 11, Riverside A pin. G8 WAXTKD Position by experienced family style lady cook. J. S. H., care Mail Tribune. 6H WANTED Work week. Mrs. D. 692-J. by hour, G. Wilson. dny or l'hone 71 WANTED Practical nursing. Phone 950-J-3 mornings before noon, ening after 7. 68 What Every Auto Owner Should Know That we are the best equipped Service Station In Southern Oregon. That our service Is unexcelled. That we handle the hlKhest grade Tires and Oils that we can buy. Free Crank Case o Service. e Jones & RMpatrick' A Real Service Station MEPPOTCD MATL TTUTVITyE. MFDFORD, OKEfiOX. QMO$P.Y. JUNE P. 102r, 9 HEW WANTKt) KKMAI-iR AVAXTF'Il Experienced waitress. Ho tel 'Medfnrd. nKIP WASTKD-SIAI.E WAXTKD Hoy. Medfnrd Auto Wrecking Co. 224 Xo. Kiver.side. 07 WANTKT) Man with team nnd mower for a month or longer. In ijuire of County Court. 09 WAXTKD .Man nnd team for haying; also man to handle spray noz.ie. Call tll-Il-3. 09 WAXTKD Men for ranch nnd or chard work. C. A. Knluht. 801 R Main. I'himo 513-L. Oli'tf WAXTKD Voting men to thill apple1! l'hone 408-11-3. or WAXTKD First class tnblo edgcr- nian. Apply to Fruitgrowers Sup ply Co., Hilt, Calif. tf WANTED MlSClCljfVNKOUS WAXTKD Washings and Ironings. l'hone 951-lt. WANTK1J Cam to wash nnd polish. day or night. Hiltson Motors, Stude baker Dealer, 71 WAXTKD 76 head of cattle to pas ture for summer, (lood feed. Nancy Vollman. Address Kocky l'olnt, Oregon, or phone. 09 WANTED Feeder hogs. Johnson Pro duce Co. tf" WAXTKD Locnl and Inng distance hauling. Jesse L. Richardson. Cen tral Point Feed Store. Call 41. 73 WAXTED Furniture repairing, A. N. Thiebault. Phone 909-R. 07 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOH RKNT Nicely furnished front room, close in. Privute entrance, liath urivileRes. Phone 831-11. 68 IFOR RENT- -Slecphie rooms, 223 N. v.,. iLff-wOihr (MM. CD t-eiUral, , . . FOR RENT NMcely furnished corner rooms, close in. Also Barane. Tel. 90S-M. 70 nOUSlLKKKI'lNO ROOMS FOR RKNT Light hnuekeoi)Ing rooms; also room and board. 414 S. Riverside, l'hone 292-lt. 72 FOR RKXT -llousekeeninir rooms. nenr hhth school. 334 Apj)le. 7 FOLLOWING ADVERTISERS ArtE Members Medford Realty Board so: sgQL We Solicit Your REAL ESTATE BUSINESS In All Its Branches SALES RENTALS We are offering wonderful values In Tine suburban homes with bear ing pear orchards, Just what we all have dreamed of owning some day. Como In and' talk them over with us. BROWN & WHITE AGENCY, Inc. 12 East Main Street Yesterday's Bargain Sold Look at This One -Six rooms, modern, sleeping porch, beautiful shade trees, flno lawn, big garage, woodshed, garden planted to all kinds ot vegetables, garden worth $100.00; one lot set to berries; flowers everywhere, and of all kinds. Good street, no mud, close to Bchool; no assessments to pay. Four new houses In neighborhood. This jiouse and two lots for $2700, $C00 cash, balance like rent , Look them all over, then see Phone 409 J. C. fpooooooooooooooooooooocxxxxxxooooooooooooooooooooooo " Profitable Pear 45 acres with 23 acres In bearing part 18 years old; and about 20 acres In alfalfa. Modern house, large; barns, complete equipment; estimated value present cropB more than; $0000. Well locaWd near Medford 'roperty now In excellent condition. (An be bought at a barjftln price and paid for in small annual payments, only $3500.00 ca required. Your Inspection It invited ikuL 8. TUMY Liberty Building o oooo9ycooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooqpocooocoocni FOR KENT HOTJ8ES FOH ItKXT Unfurnished house. 1207 W. Main. I'ossesHlon by June 15th. l'hone 1134. tf FOR RENT Home 1207 l'liKsession by June, li 1134. W. th. Main. 1'lione tf FOH KKNT-Unfurnlshort house at 1035 W. 10th street. 6 rooms, bath und screen porch. DeV'oe's. tf FOH RENT 8 room house. 8th and Mistletoe. Frank M. Corlies. l'hone 121-X. 73 FOH KENT Furnished bungalow, close in, S. Central. W. H. Ever hard. 0 S. Fir. tf FOR HUNT Houses. Brown White. FOIt RENT APAKT.MICNTS FOR HUNT 3-room furnished apartment, hot water day and night. At-ults only. Oarage. 713 West Talm. Phone 904-X. If FOH RENT -apartment, 308-J. Modern housekeeping 315 W. Holly. Phone tf FOH RKXT 2-room np.irtment with private bath on ground floor; pri vate entrance. 905 W. loth. tf FOIt RKXT Furnished npnrtmonts and 4-roomed house, closu in. 234 E. 9th street. 07 FOR RKXT 3-rooin furnished npart ment, hot water day nnd night. Adults only. Oarage. 718 West Palm. Phone 904-X. tf! FOR RKXT Furnished apnrtments. ground fluor, 234 K. 9lh. l'hone 956-R. 74 POll . 1 1 IGNT- M 1 0tJKl il j A N KOU8 FOR RKNT Cars you drive. Ilitteon Ah)tora. Htudebakt'r Dealer. 71 FOR EXCIIANCiK TO KXCHAXG1S G-room modern house with largo lot on paved ptreet. for1 small Improved farm near ' Medford.1 Address Sam T. Dick son, 27K4 West Ave. 24, Los Ange les, Calif. ' 69 FOR TRADK For auto or Btock. 5- room modern house In good con- 1 ,0,n' Irlc rlfc't- Pno,' 4oy ""I. 447-L-2 evenings. tf - FOR KXCHANGU-For smaller place, $15,000 equity in 150 aero ranch in cif limits of Imperial. Worth $225 per acre: all under cultivation and water. O. D. Woolsey, 2626 A St., Sun Diego. California. 63 30130 REAL ESTATE SERVICE LOOK US UP WHEN YOU ARE WANTING REAL ESTATE. WE CAN BE OF SERVICE TO YOU. Farms Stock Ranches Homes Auto Camps Stores Etc. (We Exchange Property Everywhere) FOUR-SITE REALTY AGENCY' Medford Building : Modford, Ore. 'j: o i, miogzao LOANS INSURANCE this ono and you will buy. BARNES 6 S. Central Orchard forSale pears, Bosc, nartlott, De Anjou varieties, In the best pear district in this valley, i IjO ST LOST Cnse containing KaKtman pack film kodak, extra lease and time ta ble. Heward. Itelurn to Mail Tribune. 08 LOST Pocketbook containing check. Finder please return to .Mail Tribune office. ' LOST- .Small brown purse, containing $5 bltl and some silver. Finder re turn to Tribune. 07 BUSI X KSS or POKTUN ITI KS FOH SALE Lodging house furniture at a bargain. Doing a good business. Long lease on house, easy erms. P. O. Hox 804, Roseburg. 07 FOR SAI.l; AllOMillllI.IS FOIt SALE Ford touring car, 1917 model, wire wheels, demountable rims, at 32G W. Main street, Mod ford, Ore., price $46. If FOR SALK Cadillac coupe, model 67, In perfect condition, $800. Cash $300. balance monthly payments, l-targaln for quick sale, liox C. It.. Mall Tribune. OS FOR S A Lly Ono Huffman truck, ful ly licensed for hire. Terms. Jess Richardson, Central Point Feed Store. 7 1 FOR SALK Chevrolet sedan, '24 moddl, fine condition, prico utt mo tive. Uudson-Kssex Dealers, Arm strong Motors. .71 FOR HALK 1924 Overland sedan, fully. equipped, two bumpers, motor meter, tipot light, spare tire, visor, atop plates. This car has very little mileage. Priced rlht. Overland Dealer, Armstrong Motors. 71 FOR KALK Ford roadster and two touring ears, $f0 to $85. Use Car Dept., IHltHon Motors. 71 FOR SALK Page light G good mechanical condition, the price. Used Car Dept., Motors. touring. Snap at Illttson 71 FOR BALJ3 Chalmers 3-pnnsenger coupe,- fine condition, good paint ami rubber. .Hint the car for small family. Prico right. Kasy terms. Hudson Dealer, Armstrong Motors. FOR SALK Little Overland 4. Cheap. Hittson Motors, Studebuker Dealer. . 71 FOR HALK Ooood 1923 Ford coupe. I Miss Harper, 344 N. Rartlett. 68 FOR SALK Bargain, Ford touring, pood order. $00. Jones & Kirkpat rick. tf FOR SALK ItHAL JCSTATE ' FOR SALK OR TRADE $10,000 Irri gated ranch for $3000, 10 years, time. Adjoins town. Gold Ray Real ty Co. 66 FOR SALE Ideal country home, 4 acres, close in on good gravel road. Brand new modern bungalow, barn und garage. Priced for immediate Bale. Terms. Phono 372 or 6D0-L. Ilabh & Mays, 126N. Front St. 70 o7T FOR SALK TRADK 20 aoroa, house, well and fenced with woven wire. See O. A. Wlcklcin, Mason Mh- tor Co. FOR HALE Choice residence lots on pnved street. Owner, Mrs. Enola ltay. 1104 W. Main St. Phone 804-Y. 67 FOR BALE Ono, two and throe acre trncts on Kings Highway. Just out sido the city, lest land In the Val ley. Phono B53-K-3. 66tf FOK BALE OR HUNT Unfurnished liouso at 103r. w. 10th slreat. Five rooms, bath nnd screen porcn. Pav ed street. Lots of shade. OeVor's Ktoro. tf FOJt BALE Beveral farms, good val ues, easy torms, low Interest. O. C. Boggs, Atty tor State Land Board. tf SACRIFICE HALPV-IO.t00 acres as sorted alfalfa, grain, orchards and stock ranches. 1 acre tracts and up. Price $5 per acre up, 5 and 10 yenr's time. Ranches for ront and exchange. Gold Ray Realty com pany, owners. 15 N. Grape St tf FOIl SALK LIVESTOCK FOK HALE Oood work horse: also double harness. Phono 685-J-4. 67 FOR HALE Oood nil around team of horses. Call 034-It. 70 ITOIl HALE rupples, Bhephnrd and Police cross. Mako good pets and wutch nogs. Phono fill-J-1. FOR SALE Cows; my entire dairy herd. Will sell separately, or any way. M. Walsh, on South Peach St., Just outside city limits. 80 FOR HALE OR HIRE Four tenms with harness, 1300 to 1500. Young, sound, fat nnd Weil broke. Ouarun- tepd as represented. H. V. Mitchell 236 Mt. Avo.. Ashlnnd. 82 FIRE INSURANCE THAT . INSURES CARL Y. TENGWALD Hotel Holland Building Member Realty Board Phone 993 m By Georg'e FOK RALE LIVESTOCK FOK SALE Fine matched roan grey team about 1000 lbs. each, 7 anil 9 years, sound. Also two other good horses. Cheap, l'hone 840-V., H5 South Peach street. 07. FOB 6ALK HOMES FOIt SALE OH RKXT 8-room house. 515 Pennsylvania Ave. It. l-.stes. 08 FOR RENT OR SALK 0-room house comer of Orange nnd West Main street. Imiuiro Xo. 6 South Fir or 328 S .Hamilton. Phone 210. 07 FOR SALK lly owner, 5-room fur nished residence, close In, on paved street, nice lawn, shade and fruit trees, rosea, all assessments paid. Splendid chance for an Investment or for home. Address, 327, care Mail Tribune. tf FOH SALK Unusually attractive large seven room house, excellent condition. Abundant shrubbery; .spacious lawn; fertile garden. In spection invited. Roy T. Cunning ham, Central Point, 87 FOH SALK Six room, two story farm house, with 3 acres land, Irrigated, located two miles north Medford. Price $1260; only $500 cash requir ed. E. S. Tumy, No. 209 Liberty building. tf FOR BALK Furnished five room house on paving, (1,000; half cash. See I Iabb & Mays at 11! li North Front street, l'hor.a 373 or G90-L. FOR HALK OR RENT Unfurnished houes at 103fi AV. 10th street. Five rooms, bath and screen porch, pnved street, lots of shade. DeVoo's Store. tf IXIl SALK MlM7KlilANli;OU8 DA RO A INS In 9x12 rug, oak dresser. Chiffonier, dining table, chairs, cook stove, range, kitchen cabinet, indies, lawn mower. Singer sewing machine. The Medford Kxcbange, 211 West Main. iit FOR SALIC Lirte rabbngo plantfl, per hundred. ' Gordon Warner, S. Oakdalo. Phono 43U-M. ROc 519 72 FOR SALK White Ivory single bod nnd springs to match, oak dining room chairs, mahogany rocker and rue. 244 N. Ivy street. 67 Fort sai.i:- -Fonco pnHtH, northern Phono V-F-M. 73 rod cedar. FOIt SAT.K Cutherine. lUcycle, reasonable, 002 liT FOIt BALE 200 tier fir and onk bloc k wood, $1.75 per tier. 4 mllcH south Jacksonville. Marsrelter ltros. 71 FOH SALE IlURBy, wngon, hnr ueapcH. spike tooth 3-sectlon, spring tooth, cultivators, roapcr, mower, rake, other farm tools. Cheap. Phono 8IG-V, or call 25 Houlh Peach street. 07 FOR SAL10 Hot l'olnt electric ratine. 230 N. Ivy. 68 FOR SALE Two hole Florence oil Htovo, as good as new, $12.50. 718 West Palm, l'hone 0G4-X. 08 FOR SALE Old eating potatoes, $3.50 por hundred. Monarch Seed Co, 67 FOP. SALK Flno largo cherries. Phono 408-R-3. tf FOR SALE Fancy potntoos, $3.50 per luu ins. delivered. Johnson Pro duco Co. tf FOR BALE Burglary and flro proof Cartiy safe. Inside dimensions: 10x38 Inches; weight 2700 pounds. Rogue Klvor Valley Canal Co. Plume lll-K-4. 6711 FOH HALE Smith's dry plno. Hum mer rates $2.75 a tier. Discount on larger nrdnrs. Phone 1103, Centru l'olnt 38-X-2. 81 FOR BALE Bugnr pine shakos, made at Butte Falls. Fabcrs, Central Point 78 FOR SALK Now piano of quality. Kiuty terms. Noel Ersklne. Phono 729-W. 69 FOR SALK OR TRADK Autos and furniture. New phonographs and record hnlf price. 15 N. Orape. tf Used Ford Cars That Are Guaranteed 30 Days Service If interested in a used car be sure and see cs. C. E. Qslg Auto C. PAfJEOKIVEN McManus BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys REAM KS & REAMES Lawyers, flee In Liberty Building. Abstractors MURRAY BROS. & O R E H N K Abstracts of Title, RooniH 3 and 6 No. 32 North Central Ave., upstairs. JACKSON COUNTY AHSTKACT CO. Abstracts of Title nnd Title Insurance. Tin only complete Title S y s t o m Id Jackson County. A. H. KBLLOtSO Abstractor of Titles, Gold Hill, Oregon. Hollable J ackso n Co u n ty A ba tractor. O ver twenty years' experience In th county. Phono 6-J-2 Gold Hill. U UulldliiK Kupplrus and lttKfliin STANDARD ROOF1NO AND BUILD- KRS SUPPLV CO. Hulld up Roof injr. Ashland Granite Top. 16 years guarantee. Rest grade of roof pa per cement. Pressed brick, plain and faced wall blocks, foundation ce ment blocks, fire placu brick, all colors. AH material Class A. Port land Heaver Cement for sale. Aa phalt by ton, barrel or pound. Tel ephone 738-X. Chiropractic Physician DR. A. R. HEOOKS Neo-Kclecti Physician. DR. LOUISE B. IIKDOKS Naturopathic Chiro practor. Mechano-Thurapy, Spon dylotherapy, Food Sciences, Chiro practiee. Office: Stewart DIdff., IT. 5 io. Main St. Phones; Office 17; Res. 170-J-Z. DR. K. W. HOFFMAN -chiropractle Nerve Specialist. Office hours 9-12, 2-6, 203-200 Liberty Bldg. Office Phone 680. Res. phune. 1027. Dentists DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentkrt. Phone 669. Res. 776. Office hours 9 a. m. 6 p. m. Kvenlntf and Sunday by appointment. DR. H. K. MURPHY Dentist IT. Dental X-Rny. Phone 77, office Second floor Medford Bldg. Export Accountant WILSON ADDITINO CO. IS. M. Wil son, G. .P. A. Attention given ; u anything In accounting and Income Tax requirements. Look Into ;otrt simplified accounting method. Lib erty Bldg., Medford. Phone 1S7-H. Imturttnce EARL S. TUMY All forms of Insur- snce: Fire, Auto, Life, -Aooldertt, Bonds. Phone 402. 208 Llbertf Bldg. - .. ' . Mrmer to Iioad J. B. ANDREWu-BUyo and sell mortgages ana loans money on good security. SI N. Urape SH. Phdnt 63-M. . ' Hf 1 Monutnenu THE ORKGON ORANITH CO.-t- Monuments. IS. A. Hicks, Gtter4l Manager. P. M. Kershaw, Bcm Manager, 103 U. tilxth St., Med lord, . , tf OHttHi paths DR. F. O. CARLOW. DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW OBteopathlo PhysleUiui 416-418 Liberty Bid. Phone 04-J-. Rentdence 26 South Laurel 8t. Piano Instruction FRED ALTON HAIGUT Teacher of Piano and Harmony. Studio Sil Liberty Bide, Phona 72. Prlntortt and PobUnhen MEDFORD PRINTING - CO. has th beat equipped printing office In Routhorn Oregon. . Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing Hystamn, etc. Portland prices. 27 N. Fir St, F trans tor BADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. urnce North Front Ht. Pbon 116. Prices right Service guar anteed. ' -i DAVIS TRANSFER Sc STORAGfi CO. AnythinK moved, day or night Bervlce friiaranteed. 29 8.' Qrpe l'hone S44, or residence 1060. ITpholHterlng J. WEIB Upholstery. Manufacturer of overstuffod furniture. ..Full -Una of materials. Draperies made to order. We do all kinds of uphol stering. We deliver and wlir.eall and show ssmples. . Phone H0S Jacksonville, Ore. , . .' . VETKItlNARY MKDFORD VETERINARY HOBPIT AU Dr. E. C. Mcculloch, Oraduata Veterinarian. Office consultations free. Corner Grape and Fifth, Med ford, Ore. Phone J69 Day or night. Window Clruners LET OEORSIE DO IT. Wax and pol ish your floors, clenn your house, janitor service for offices and build Iiiks. Geo. A. Seely. Phone 117J. 824 Beekmsn Avn. FOR INFORMATION Cnrpenter'e I Ioi ri 1 1140. l'hone 1160-W. Meets at Kmlth hall ever- Friday night, 12 North Orape, between (lb aiJJ 6th itreeta. li a