o O o w OREO(fcT. FTND.DY. JFXF TWO 102" Woonl and Personal Thf rnntlltlon of kiimvn CHi Um Ten -III. ( Ciilifurniaii i'UioreJ tit lociil ho- A henvy Mack smoke iiscoiitlinK Hkywanl in the vlHnlty if tin NaiJi torium wan notlceO by tunny on the slret'tH this forenoon with rumml Inter cut, hut it wiir for Home one to he more thim cnwually interested, for nliirm wuh deplumed in uhout 1 1 to iin)iTve ttlowly followinK his loup AHhh Violet Itebut, Mian fJertrude KeiiousillnHH of munths and operu- Murks and winter of 1a)h Angeles. A!r. Hon. Ilr Htlll looks much eimulul"".l itnd .Mrs. Clyde liishop of Santa Anai compared with his former appearand. Mr. and Mrs. J. Monasrh, Or. and Mrs. and Kalns weiKht slowly, hut his eclor J. Conroy, Mr. ami Mrs. IV S. Scales, a id Keneral condition ix much li - ier Miss llxle Stales. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. M'-. Terrill an family are now rel- Lee, Miss Joy Iloreseh. Mr. and Mrs. d-rtsof MedfirJ. having moved fru.n Ji vIiik M. Wilson. Mrs. Ira M. C'askee, Ju kFonville to 137 Ivy utreti and Alvert Vaughn of San Krancisco, y.tiurday. He va ;.ole to walk down Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Callahan, and Mr. town this forenoon and stand around and Airs. O. l- Jlirsch of Inw I leach. fire, awhile greeting friends on Main Mrs. C. h. Wright, Mrs. U A. Crellin . m. street, and last nifclit for the first time and Mr. and Mrs. (1. L. NeWhro of with the Information that an oil fire in many months Mr. Terrill attended Oakland, Dr. and Mrs. C. L. (Joodlet of was blazing at the Natatoriuni. The the Klks' loilc meeting- Dit'KO, r.Ms. K. it. Wood and flro department responded, only to dls- &lx days entertainment, twelve pro- daujfhter of Itiverside. rover that Walter Merrick was merely Kianis, count 'em. for the price of one- If you have trouble with your trac- hiirnlnt; waste oil on gravel near the show. Med ford Chautauqua season tor or sprayer, cull 1010. Hill's True- creek. Many felt relieved, for they ticks $2.fi0, fl.bo and $1.00. tiG tor Shop. 22Q N. Hiverside, Med ford, had feared that the big Xatatoiium 1 Assessments are now due and pav- Ore. G." u"iw i me cny treasurer s orrire. fi tmniBes, oranges, zuc a dozen at De Jance Kagle Point Saturday night. ,Voe's. tf CC J J'rospect Is also to have a new niod Oeorge A. Wykoff of Portland i In ern two room school to bo erected In the valley a few days on business in time for the opening of school this connection with his real estate hold- ""'ill and the district is advertising for inps- i bids on the building and also for bids I Kxtra Special for Saturday An- on a loan of $iiuuu to run ten years, 'other lot of trimmed hats, values to -Fancy creamery butter 43c per lb. j$l2.f.o. only 12. !8. tinge pattern hu:a Johnson Produce Co.. ( less than half regular price. Smart f Fresh salt water salmon, 2fc lb. .new (iiiup felt hats In white and col- Johnson Produce Co. tf tors, moderately priced. The Knimy1 A wire from Los Angeles nays Mil- Lou Hat Shoppe. In M. M. Store. C.'i lah imtrol of Medford was given spe- ; i he Salvation Army can help some- ,nl recognition- In review of the tconomy Grocete ria THE HOME OF BREAD LIKE MOTHER MADE wuh In fin men. Dance Fugle Point Saturday nli:ht. Cii Dance at Oriental Gardens Saturday nlfcht. No out of town dances. A dol lar or a dime. Kilher way. tr Forty-six out of the Htale cars were registered by the local statu traffic reK- IMrulion bureau yesterday. llefore you buy that piano see T.aun npoeh. Mo can wave you money. He Knows iiianoH and Is reliable. tf I Have you seen our French vanity ouhch? New shipment Just received. AJUady'a Iteauty Khoppe. fit! Jluster L'oleman, the well known Medford boy who has been located 111 Honolulu for the past two years. Is en itiute home, having palled yesterday fpr San Francisco, and will arrive In the city a week from today on the b.iMn. to spend a vacation with his rpl-itlves and many friends. j'.For superior piano Instruction. Fred Alton llaitiht. Htudio 3 1 S Utterly I llillldliiK. CG To any organization plunnliiK any entertainment for the Xatlonal tluard. please confer with VV. W. Walker, chairman of the entertainment com mittee of the Chamber of Commerce h4i that such entertainment can be one with your old clothing, shoes, fur- Khrlnera' parade Thursday. The Shrin nlture. etc. Phone 3"i6 or kindly bring , era lire hnvlnt; a wonderful meeting to hall at 4th and llartlett. 67 aml heing hugely entertained. Carl Knudsen, post graduate student June Clearance Sale Limited num. 57j ber of linen and cotton luncheon cloths. Handicraft Shop. 6 J.ianos! Seo Launspach. Mrs. YV. T. Grieve and son, John, of Prospect, were among Thursday's vis itors In Medford. lennis racquet resti'lnsing. 208 So. ' : shade dyeing. Jane , . iHiule panning. 3 X. llartlett. fi8 J he Oriental Gardens again! lie I there Saturday night! A greut parly! ' B j W. P. Myers, acting district attorney. 1 U to he fired this month, according to well defined reports current In legal circles here today. Disgusted with the I manner In which the nctlng district nt- I ; torney has conducted himself nnd the I oflfce during the enforced absence of I i District Attorney Onnong, Klamath litlorneys and clllzens generally have brought sufficient pressure to hear on Oanong to cause him to ask for the Immediate resignation of his deputy. It was reported. It Is generally under stood that Caleb Jones has been prof fered the appointment nnd will necept. Klamath Falls Herald. Specials on powder puffs nnd hair nets. Milady's Iteauty Shoppe. 60 Kggs wanted, 28o dozen, Johnson Produco Co. t . tf Among the many Portland residents ' wllo arrived yesterday In the city on short stays are Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Havi.es. Miss D. K. I!olgers. Mr. and ' ' H. Itlggs. Miss Klsle Hood and I I Sir. nno Mrs. S. D. Dunlop. ' Oliver Mill khan, a character lmpe'- , . soiinior. hlstler, bird and animal lm I tutor, will open the Chautatluua to m , morrow n'teruoon. Ills enteilnlnment 1 ' 1" clever nnd will appeal to nil, nnd j srnson tickets should be secured In I tune tor this opening number '. we pay for ashes and sell dirt i Cheap. Drown & White Agoncy, Inc. 1 tf t . I'r. I.lliott. who has been attending ithe Sln'e Dental convention In Port laud, plans to return Saturday morn- i , Ing. Mrs. l:illott nnd the children will t retrain another week. I It will he a great party! The Orlen- i tnl Gardens Saturday night! No out 'i of town dances! 6. i , Dunce Kagle Point Saturday night. ? : 66 j ICllgene's new hotel has been com- pit ted and will be formally opened June 11. The building Is seven stories. ' has IS"! rooms, and was built at a cost l of S::im:.i.oo. i' Dance at Ashland N'ntatnrlum. two blocks from new l.lthln Springs Ho tel. Saturday evening June i! rti...rt at the I'nlverslty of Oregon and me ber of the varsity baseball team, has been named coach and Instructor In physical education at the Seaside high school. Six days of the regular seven-dnv Program, the very best Chautauoua' .u.lcnt. comes to Medford this year, t-entral. Phone 1172. 7(i iiieui an. 66 i"unspacn -iano store now open A very Important Bpeolnl meeting of for husiness at 1 11 W. Main. Opposite (he American Deglon Auxiliary will he Rlalto theater. Successor to Root Mu held In the Legion rooms of the Arm- B' Co' tf ory Saturday evening, Juno 6th, nt 7 I Kxlni Special for Saturday An. o'clock. eg. other lot of trimmed hats, values to ashlnglonlnns registered nt locnl OI1y 2."J8. Gage iattern haU Mr. nnd Mrs. W. It. !,SL,i '"an half regular price. Sninr. If. White nnd Herman n,,v "Ke felt hats in white and col crs, moderately priced. The lOmmy Lou Ha". Shoppe. In M. M. Store. .,5 I A. M. Fnucher nnd family of Idaho Idaho, arrived In the citv ves- Supplying your needs without a lot of bothersome shopping around is just another advantage of buying here. Everything in one store Bakery Goods, Delicatessen, Fruits; Vegetables, Meats of the best quality, Kitchen Ware of all kinds, along with the most complete stock of Groceries ever assembled in Southern Oregon all priced to make your dollar buy more. BREAD 1 lb. loaves 3 for 20c H lb :10c ROYAL CLUB COFFEE 3 lb. can . . . . .$1.49 Three 5c sticks of candy free. OTHER SPECIALS printed In the official program which woes to the printer on Monday morn- ( hotels Include , ' Fowler. Mrs. ', " " 'V " 1 1 rlni or Tacoina. Mrs. O. W. La Fray his week were held at Ashland, due ,,,, Miss Anna F. Harklmm. to officers absent nt U, Angeles. I Mrs. Wm. Pcrgott. Mrs. A. It. I,ew .... iiuim nii.t, lie llllil 'ellVn lltwl XI i ILf 1 o i.-iii.i dyeing. Jane Knedlcnr. Also f senlile nn,l' m.. .i m...' A ' r,' tnd children of Spokane. fresh salt water salmon. 25c lb. Johnson Produce Co. l.'sed tractors for sale or rent. Pill's Tractor Shop. 220 X. Itlverslde, Med ford, Ore. Phone 1010. its Falls. terday to spend several days visiting friends. Fancy creamery butter 43c per lb. ! Johnson Produce Co. Thirty-five Jersey rattle from the herds of Warren Graves nnd Stanley ucnarus at .Marlon brought 55440 at Maxwell House Coffee, 1 lb. can 49c Prepared Mustard, 1 pint jar 17c Crystal White Soap, 10 bars 39c Polar White Sofip, 15 bars. ... 49c Citrus -Powder, pkg. . ..'. . . ....... . . . 19c Folger's Soda, 1 lb. pkg., 3 for . 25c Borden's or Carnation Milk.... 9c Campbell's Soups, all kinds, each 10c Apricots, No. 2-J can .' . . 18c Ghirardelli Chocolate, 5 lb. can $1.35 Cuban Pineapples, ripe and sweet, each 25c New Potatoes,, per lb.' . . . . . . . . . .5c Home grown Green Peas, 4 lbs. 25c Sugar Cuired Cottage Butts, per lb.. . . :28c Veal Roast, per lb. 15c Boiling Beef, per lb 10c Veal for stew, per lb. ... ...... , :10c Decorated Servjng Trays, in pleasing pat terns, choice 43c Not a single ray of hope for n com- n Bale recently. The highest price paid puisnry school bll In Oregon was left Ior one animal was 40U. by the decision of the supremo court of the United States; those who had championed the measure Indicated af ter a study of the decision ns printed In The Oregonlan yesterday. The de cision of the court, unanimous as it wns. left no chance for an application for a rehenrlng nnd m means bv which the Oregon law might he redrafted to overcome constitutional Portland Oregonlan. Marcelling 75c. 31 So. Orange street. Phone 655. 75 Assessments nre now due nnd fin able nt the city treasurer's offlee, 66 ine baseball game that was to have been played at Klnmnth Falls on Sun day between the nines of Tim M,.n Lsea piano for rale at a bargain. Noel Rrsklne. Phone 729-W. 69 ' Ora Phillips and V. CI. llench were : nmong the visitors from Jacksonville ' who were In the city yesterday. j Special summer prices on dry- fac tory mill blocks. Valley Fuel Co. tf I John K. Hoppln of the John K. Hop- j pin company of Minneapolis. Minn.. ! objections. leaves tomorrow for his home after ; spending two weeks here with his : father nnd mother. Mr. nnd Mrs. Al bert Hoppln of Hose nvenue. j Columbia plaster wall board. Call ' for prlcos. Wallace Woods Lumber ! Vnrd. I Judge W. IT. dowdy, Justice of the pence ior tne city of Ashland, is se WHITE ENAMELED WARE First quality enameledware Tea Kettles, Dish Pans, Combinettes with cover Stew Kettles, Oval D;h Pans, Coffee Pots and others. Pieces worth up to $2.00. Special for Saturday, your choice 98c GATES & LYDIARD BUY HERE AND BANK THE DIFFERENCE Tribune nnd the Klamath Falls Her- rloU3y "I it his home on I'nion street maple floor. Peppy music. Admission i .011. Tax 10c. 66 I'sed gas engines for sale. Hill's Tractor Shop. 226 N. Itlverslde, Med ford, Ore. Phone 1010. ss Mrs. Frank Carter was anion"; the Wsllors from (lold Hill who sj.Vnt the 'lay In the city yesterday. Secure your season tickets for Chatt tauipia Week ut once, at Swem's Itlv erslde tlarage. Palmer's Plnno Houso. nil's llepatr Shop, K. 11. llurd's of fice, and DeVoe's. Also from any of the Chautauqua committee. 66 'Kggs wanted, 2Sc doxen. Johnson Produce Co. ,f. On account of error in shipping Tom Mix In "Dick Turpin" will be shown to day and tomorrow Instead of "Teeth" ttl the ltlalto theater. You will have to hurrv If van pel your share of those 20c oranges nt De tf I leap luscious, juicy stnnvlyrries on two Sureddki) Wheat Biscuits. Serve with sugar and cream. Thats tJie appetizing, balanced dish for Summer I aid. hns been called off until some fn lure dale because several of the k'lnm. nth Falls players would not be able to ploy that day. Fresh salmon eggs for sale. John son Produce Co. tf Special snle on single fnced Red Seal records, while they last. Former price 11.25, now 75c. Palmer Piano House. i fl7. Included among tourists and other visitors In the city who nre guests at local hotels are Mr. anil v.-. t i Jackson nnd J. K. Brady of ciiicniro! Henry llovljoy of Janesvile. Wis Mr and Mrs. Damon of Honolulu n i'' Itowmnn of St. Louis. Jack ' a' Slff and Freemont Itoe of ,-,.w vrk City. J. o. Kdwards of Ftrnnltlvn nn.i J. T. llradley of Xashvllle The opening of the formal dinner lances nt Jackson Hot Snrlnm. win i,. put forward one week, Thursday. June i i in. Fresh salt water snlmnn Johnson Produre Co. P. W. James of North Hend. hn... pugilist, who once knocked m u-ia McCoy, but Inter occupying the milnlt as an evangelist, has disappeared from mat city leaving n number of unnnld bills. Have your brass - and nli.n,i. eastings made nt Eagle Prass Foun. dry. Ashland, Ore. 140 Oberlln street 6K 25c Hi. Vc', The rials nt Mrs. "f Rev. Shredded genuine everfnst wash nuite Ihe Handicraft Shop. 67 r.. iieicn of Ch cneo f,in.i and Mrs. R. P l , ...,.. ... the Presbyterian church, arrived In the city this forenoon en route to Klamath Falls, where she will spend the summer visiting her sister. Mrs W S. Slough. Dance Fngle Point Saturdny night. I'sed sprayers for sale, mil'. Trac tor Shop. 5 x. itivci(le. Medf,,!-,,, Ore. Phone 1010. gj There are not enough places to sup Ply the demand for housekeeping rooms, boarding places and sleeping ior in. students or the Ashland summer normal school which starts In " '""' and continues until July 2. according to an announcement made today hy Superintendent O A Itriscoe. Ashland Tidings. oiumoin piaster wall board prices. Wallace Wood Tard. C.owdy has been falling In health for tne past Winter, but became suddenly worse lust Saturday and hna been In a serious condition since that time. Ashland Tidings. .Have you tried that btg milk shake at DeVoe's? Mrs. J. A. Itichie of Auburn. Wash., arrived In the city last night to spend the summer with her father, A. N. I'rice. Columbia plaster wall board Call for prices. Wallace Woood Lumber yard. The weather bureau made good In that It predicted fair ond warmer weather for today, as the temperature certainly was warmer and the sun shone most of the day. accompanied by a cloudy condition. Kleven hun dredths of nn Inch of rain fell In the 24 hours ending nt 8 a. m. today, and the maximum temperature of yester- ony was t. degrees. Hemstitching, buaons covered the Handicraft Shop. tf Postoffice Inspectors Tennyson, Jef ferson with headquarters nt Scuttle and tl. K. Hnugen. whose heudiiuurem are In Medford. completed late yester day a two days' annual Inspection of the Medford postoffice. We pny for ashes and sell dirt cheap, llrown & White Agency,- Inc. tf Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Painter of Los Mollnos. Calif., are spending the week in t- city on business. Hemstltchliifc sc u ynrd. The Van ity Shop, llartlett nnd Main. tf William Cobb has accepted a posi tion with the American Itnllwuy Kx press office In this city. For sand, gravel, sediment, cleaning lawn work, phone UrJ. Samuel Poteninn. ,f J9&1 A minor collision occurred last evening nbout 7 o'clock on the Pacific highway nt Central Point, when a jhlgh powered motor car driven by a California tourist rammed n "defenae- jlt:s" Kord, "which "had been parked at I the Bide of the street by its owner. W. C. Gentry of Tolo. Several bent fend- jera and a dented gasoline tank were jam-Miir the carnalities. I The fire department will practice with the new Stutz pumper at the Ho tel Medford tomorrow at 10 a. m. The j department will not only demonstrate; Ithe new pumper for throwing water. ; but will scale the hotel walls with their ' ladders and give n complete fire drill. ! ,The public is invited to w Uncus the demonstration.! . . . i Oranges, oranges, 20c a dozen at De ' Voe's. . tf i A very interesting nnd much appre- elated entertainment feature nt the ' nj j Elks' lodge Inst night was a clever per- ; ii'iuiance vy jay uore. tne amateur! magician and presldigator in new acts, i Out of town Oregoninns, exclusive of Portland people, who are guests ut local hotels include Eunice LSusick and Jessie Murphy of linker. C. C. Endrup ;nnd J. E. Enger of Iloseburg. Sari J. Wood of La Grande. Win. Dietz of Oakland. Alpliia Uusic of Union nnd Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Abbev. H. D. Peterson and U. .Washburn of Klamath Falls. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY , WANTED Young men to thin applet. ' Phone 40S-K-3. FOll SALE Fine matched roan grev ' tenni about 1600 lbs. each, 7 nnd 9 ; years, sound. AJso two other good horses. Cheap. Phone 8 5G-Y, 25 South Peach ireet. 67 ! FOK SALE liuggy, wagon, har-. ncsses. spike tooth 3-section. spring ( tooth, cultivators, reaper, mnwpr, rake, other farm tools. Cheap, j Phone S4ti-Y, or call 2 5 South Pearh street. N-O-W! The Height of Dramatic Loveliness GLORIA SWANSON 1 rOI! HK.NT Furnished apartment. 3 . rooms, sleeping porch, Oarage. 3n. t"-l Palm street. fifi Call Lumber A TfUILMEAl? IN 7, BISCUITS June Clearance Pale -Odd napkins, -tamped o. i. s. ,0 and 15c. Handi craft Shop. 6-, J. I. Morrison of Sams Vnllev was anion the itintiv hii.in... -i.t.AM i the city yesterday. Fancy creamerv butter nn nAH i. Johnson Produre Co. Assessments nre now due a na nl'le nt the city treasurer's office. 66 r. v. iniiard. enalneer nn the eltv ..ier survey, is out of the cltv a few days lnvestiKatinK the sources of water from Fish IjiWe ... n..... r- .. June Clearance Sale 4f. Inch lunch loins and nankins tl i . lunch cloths and napkins ;9c. Handl. rait .-n.ip. 67. I! I. 11. cks nv De.oe's. f H:iel Kvans. a noted theater ...... ist "'f IVnvcr. c,,v, ,, ,,.!,, of viss ''ttv lironn. hi has been stoppina "ii kti ailio ,,r a ,1,.,,. or , , tno dtv. preside,! st the l,is Wurlltrer or can dunnc the first film performance at the Craterinn theater Inst nlsht. 1(f) h salmon ckks for Kile. hn son Produce Co. tf HUNT'S CRATERIAN MONDAY NIGHT, JUNE 8TH LOUIS 0. MACLOON Presents ' The. World's Transcendent Star JULtdT "Hith ROLLO PETERS tnd the Entire OrHrhwl Company That Presented the Immorta RonuM 0n Hnndaetl nd 8venty-Four Times In New York. SEATS NOW SELLING BOX OFFICE OPE 12 TO 4 Arfo 7 TO 9 0 uower Moor, first la rows S3.30, next 6 rows $2.75, balance $2.20. Balcony, first 2 rows (2.20, balance $1.10. AS MADAME SANS GENE Never was Gloria so gloriously alluring as she is in this picture. Produced in France and sup ported hy a comu.ny cf re nowned French artists. SUNOAY Matinee and Xipht Only "CHEAPER TO MAFY" 'ith lxwis Stone. Courad.Vacel. Marsnerite l)e I.a Motte SATURDAY SPECIAL BATHROOM FIXTURES Glass Holder, Towel Bar and Tub Soap Dish all durable! white enameled and of fered as a set at the extremely low price of 98c . , , : " See Them in Our Window. ' ; ! Weeks & Orr An Installment House With a Reputation Sons of Italy Inn Italian Dinner Served at All Hours 1 " ' Announce a 'A Merchants' Italian Spaghetti Lunch . 40c Evening 7-Course Dinner, 70 Sunday Spring Chit-ken, S1iiir;lietti or Kavioli 7-Course Dinner, $1.00 We cater to private parties Private dining rooms for all occasions Tasty Italian Dishes of All Kinds Corner Ivy and Sixth Streets In Connection With Medford Ice Cream Gardens Phone 307 o o o