Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 04, 1925, Page 2, Image 2

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m W
iff ffril flfl ff
jr Xllf'C' Utl
-M-J- T1 f
-M I PYQfiJTfli,
The end of the rainy and
weather for the past week or more
neems in sight, for the weather pre
illciinn Issued this morning is for
'probable occasional showers tonight
nnd for tail- and warmer weatner to
' morrow; Much of today' was disa
greeable with a chilly rain falling, fol
lowing the .Oti of an Inch rain, which
fell last night. Yesterday's maximum
- wus yi.a , -j
Lard barrels $1.00 apiece while tncy
Inst.. Peerless Bakery. U4
Dance Kagle Point Haturday night. ron(1 improvement work has been go- today in the city on business.
. at lug on for some time past. Two or For sand, gravel, sediment, cleaning
Yesterday afternoon the fire de- ' three mlleB of this work is now heavy . or lawn work, phone it 12-J, Samuel
. partment was called to 002 King street, ntud, due to the rains. Uatemnn. , . tf
s to extinguish a flue fire which had Ig- Juno Clearance Sale Odd napkins, I Klghteon Inches of new snow had
nitod the roof in several places, but stamped O. H. S. 10 and 15c. Hanoi- fallen this week up to this morning ac
hy urlng several gallons of chemicals craft Shop. 07 cording to a telephone report received
the blaze was soon under control. Fancy creamery butter 43c per lb. from Crater Nntlonal park at the park
Hefore you buy that piano see Lnun- I Johnson Produce Co. ' headquarters office In this city. This
spach. He can save you money. Ho Enterprise post of the American Lo-jsets back 10 duys the work of remov
knows Dlanoa and Is rollablo. tf gloh has dedicated a monument on the Ing the snow from the park ronds.
For superior piano instruction, Fred courthouse lawn to the 23 soldiers nnd which has been under way for the past
Alton Jialght. Studio 318 'Liberty sailors of Wallawa county who lost two weeks. Underneath this IS inches
llu'.ldlne. 6
Miss Amelia Metzen. formerly cm
ployed nt the office of District Attor
ney Clyde ll! 'Johnston here. Is visiting
for a few days from her home at Med-
. orl. Miss Metzen is now employed
nt the office of the district attorney of
Jackson county. Kugcne Guard.
Art dyeing. Batik i knot, ' tie anV
shade dyeing. Jane Sneilicor. Also
fabric painting. 3 N. Barllctt. 68
Lggs wanted, 28c dozen, Johnson
Produce Co. tf
Forty-four ou,l of the" state cars wore
reglstered here ycBterday at the local
state traffic registration bureau. Most and Joseph H. Childs of Tacomn.
of these cars were north bound from June Clearance Sale 45 Inch lunch
California. cloths, nnd napkins, 1.29. 3D Inch
' 'We pny for' ashes and sell dirt lunch cloths and napkins 79c. Handl
chonp. Brown & White Agency, Inc. craft Shop. 07
Dance Kagle point Saturday night.
Mrs. M. A- Pinks, Mrs. Kdna Glenn
nnd son Kenneth and Kichard Hoylo
arrived from L.os Angeles Wednesday ,
on a visit to relatives and mends in
tho valley. 'Mrs. Parks and Mrs. Glenn
are mother and sister of A. II. Wll-
Hams of Medford and Mrs. H. H. Seog-
miller of Ross Lane. This Is the first
time these member
members of .the family assure tho people of the Grants Pass the Woods Is In prospect for the com- i cross. Lltorature will be distribut- j the county court for Jackson eoun
ogether nt tho same time. section of excellent Bervlco, Mr. Kerr Ing years ns the result of the planting ed which will enable mothers to J,y- r"n fU?((It-here,ln on no fourth
is a pioneer of California, 'announced today. The new line con-j of, 20.000 silver side fry in that body learn the correct methods of feed- Jeport andetiUon herein! nski
have been togi
' ""Y" ? 1 ,V; V , " ' Zl
:wiu ,uuim, 4 v'v.n. y-.imLtniumut, wim u lumi ui iiiuu i-uwhi wHir i urmmy. i nv umii wvrn ui-
Wagon" while her parents were en or plants of the California Oregon ken to Klamath Falls by Charles Iload-
route tq the west In 1850. She arrived company, Including Prospect, Copco, hammer, superintendent of th'e Dutto
V in California when but a few weeks old
, and has resided t that stato contlnu
'io ously since. She Is halo and hearty
for her years, and no ono enjoys an
outing Into the mountains better than
sho does. Mrs. Boylo has the fishing
lure nnd hopes to get a try at tho
Ktrenms of this county.
Used gas engines for sale. Bill's
Trnctor Shop. 226 N. Riverside, Mod
ford, Ore. Phone 1010. 65
Eggs wnnted, 280 dozen. Jqhnson
Produce Co. r tf
Included among tho local hotel
guests from a distance are Lillian C.
Harris of Indianapolis, Mr. and Mrs.
H. C. Thayer and David 11. Thayer of
Braintreo, Mass.. and H. Van Den Vou
ver of Buffalo, N. V.
A very Important special meeting of
tho American Legion Auxiliary will bo
" held tn tho Legion rooms of the Arm--ory
Saturday evening, Juno 6th, nt 7
o'clock. C5
The Salvation Army can help somo
ono with your old clothing, shoes, fur
niture, etc. Phono 350 or kindly bring
to hall at 4th and Bartlott. t 67
Milton Smith, who has boon In'Med
ford helping out In the homo offlco of
the California Oregon Power company
for severa) weeks, has returned home
and resumed his position In tho local
office. Klamath News.
Fresh salt' water salmon. 25c lb.
Johnson Produce Co.
) Assessments are now duo nnd pay
able at the city treasurer's offlco. 66
Mr. and Mrs. Buckner of Yreka ar
rived In tho city yesterday nnd spent
last night nnd this forenoon hore.
Danco Kagle Point Saturdny night,
r f gg
Used tractors for sale or rent. Bill's
Tractor Shop. 220 N. Riverside, Med
ford, Ore. Phono 1010. 65
A second section of the Shnstn Lim
ited passed through about 1 o'clock
this afternoo nbenrlng n trnlnlond of
members of tho Brooklyn, N. Y..
Chamber of Conimerco who are tour
lug the country.
Marcelling 75c. 31 So. Orange
ntreot. Phono 6T.5. 7ti
Assessments are now due nnd pay
able nt the city treasurer's office. 6G
James H- Owen of Eau Claire. Wis..
h in the city spending several days
visltlnn hts brother, John S. Owen of
the Owen-Oregon Lumber company.
Frth salmon eggs for sulo. John
son Produce Co. . ' tf
Special salo on single faced Rod
t, -Seal-records, while they lust. "Former
price $1.25, now 75c. Palmer Plnno
. House, s 67
. Out of town Oregontnns registered
at local hotels, nutsldo of residents of
- Portland, include Mr. and Mrs. A. C.
Rmlth of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
, Marshall of Hood River, H. C. Stenrns
of Oakland. C. F.. Stone of Klamath
Falls and tho following from Eugene:
TV.& AloKinnon, W. S. Nash. C, M.
Fender and II. D. Rose,
s Th opoulng of the formnl dinner
dances ttt Jackson Hot SpiiugH will be
, put forward one week, Thursday. Juno
Vnn will hnvn tn hurrv If Vrtii trot
R .votir shnro of those 20c oranges at De
' Voe's. ' tf
- By. the unanimous vote of the four
-councllmen present at the regular
meeting of tho city council Inst night,
tho resolution eating a special elec
Hon on tho proposition of the issuance
of $18,000 In bonds for the purchase
Vr f ber trltc for the nouthern Oregon
normal school was passed, and the city
recorder instructed to Immediately
start advertising for bids foT the elec
tion, which will be held June 15. The
entire matter will be rushed through
na rapidly as possible, In oi4er that,
If the hondH are voted, they may be
Bold, options on the property which
nre now being held by the city dosed.
nnd the site made ready for the actual
conduction work, which It bt estl
mat'l will stnrt about Augu 1.
Ashlnnd Tiding. ft
Frefti salt wnter saimcf ?gc
Johnson Produce Co,
Havo your brass and aluminum
Yj .' dry, Ashland. -Ore. 140 Oberlln street.
! Mill. 10. H. TooktT of ISl'owjlMboro :
VWlS amOllR Hie Pinny nUKHlPHH VlHlluin
In the city yeslerduy afternoon.
The, genuine everfaat wash mate-
rials at the Handicraft Shop. 67"
Dance Kanle Point Saturday night.
. Sheriff Italph JennlnRS m a vis-
Itor In the city tills forenoon from
ITsed spinyers for sale. Hill's Trac
tor Shop. 220 X. Riverside, Mcdford.
'Ore. -Phone 1010.
Columbia nlnstcp wall board. Call
for prices. Wallace - Wood Lumber 1 residents, .and a valuable Persian cat
yard. , belonging to little Virginia Lane of
Auto tourists arriving In the city that place were victims of u dog pois
from the south report that because of oner last week.
..the recent heavy rainfall in northern
' California It Is slow going over the ity Khop. Dartlett ana Main. tt
Paclflc highway for a distance of 13 C. C. Cooley of the Three C's Lumber
n.lii.H thin uiiln nf ltedilini'. where much company of Grants l'ass Is spending
their lives In the World war.
Assessments are now due and pay-
able at the city treasurer's office. 66
St. Mark's Guild will give a card
party and apron sale Thursday, June
4. at 2:30 p. ni. at St. Mark's parish
house. C3VColo., arrived yesterday by auto to
People from Washington who are
registered at local hotels Include F. H.
Itemick, O. A. Orton nnd Mr. nnd Mrs.
D, U. Pankey of Kelso, Major and Mrs.
F. w. Llewellyn, J. V. Elliot, H. G.
Fosket, C. M. Hoefle and J. L. Sether
of Seattle, W. S. Wheeler, child and 1
nurse,. Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Mathews
Fl. I. H. eggs nv Defoe's. tf
With the shutting down of the
power on the California Oregon com
pany's line tonight nt 12:30. the new
power line from Gold Bay to Grants
Pass, a distance of 23 miles, will have
been completed. Manager J. E. Kerr,
of the district offlco here, states that
this will bo the last shutdown for the
cutting in of tho now sections of the
line. The completion of this line will
, .r. .J . ;.. . V
Gold Hay, and the Klamath Itiver
plants. Grants Pass Courier.
Fresh Fnlmon eK8 for sale. John-
son Produce Co. tf
If you have trouble with your trac
tor or sprayer, call 1010. Bill's Trac
tor Shop. 226 N. Riverside, Modford,
Oro. 66
The Misses Mary A. and Edna H,
Gore,' who-have been teaching school
In Cnlexlco, Calif., the past year, ar
rived In tho city this forenoon to spend
their vacation with their father, W. S.
Oranges, oranges, 20c a dozen at De
Voe's. tf
'Fanoy creamery butter 43o per lb.
Johnson Produce Co.
. If expectations materialize the loop
road from Medford to Klamath Falls
Via Crater. Lake will be open for trnvol
hbadt the lBtli of this mouth, but It is
Tosfllbln that tho Opening mny be de
layed until sometime later.
Fresh suit water salmon, 25c lb.
Johnson Produce Co. tf
June Clearance Sale Limited num
ber of, linen nnd cotton luncheon
cloths. Handicraft Shop. 67
A piece of heavy 'German artillery
may reach its final destination at
Klamath Falls to adorn tho yards of
the contemplated American Legion
gymnasium here, if plans of Post
Commander Francis Olds materialize
According to Oolds, tho state of Ore
gon has bono alloted 10 of the heavy
artillery pieces, and Klamath Falls
will mako Us bid for one. In case it
fails at the big guns, several howit
zers will perhaps be forthcoming from
the big arsenal In Maryland, where the
captured pieces are stored. Until the
legion gym Is built the trophies may
be placed In the court house or new
library yard. In addition to tho big
piece, application will be filed for cap
lured machine guns, helmets, gas
masks, nabres and German colors for
a permnnent Inside relic display here.
-Klamath Falts Herald.
Pianos! See Lnunspnch. tf
Tennis racquet restrlnging. 208 So.
Central. Phono 1172. 70
B. G. Harding, sprwial corporation
deputy tax commissioner, will go to
Klamath Falls Sunday on official busi
ness. Dan Horrlng, deputy revenue
coloetor. Is also in Klamath Falls on
hustnoss. ,
lJiunnpnch Plnno Store now open
for business at 111 W.'Mnln. Opposite
Rlalto theater,. Successor to Root Mu
sic Co. tf
Fancy creamery butter 43c per lb.
Johnson' Produce Co.
"l. I). Dod sol i arrived here recently
with bin family to make his home in
Modford. Mr. Hudson will bo assoclut-
pM with John Perl In tho Perl Funeral
Used piano for ralo nt a bargain.
Noel Erskine. Phono 729-W, 69
Special summer prices on dry fac
tory mill blocks. Valley Fuel Co. tf
A meeting of all those Interested In
Chautauqua will he held nt tho Arm-.
ory this Thursday evening at 8 o'clock
J Mr, MoreUu k. this year's director, will
bo present. Final arrangements for
the opening of Chautauqua Saturday
ufterneon will he completed.
Columbia plaster wall board. Call
for pricoM. Wallace Wooda Lumber
D. C. Harris of Glendale, roadmaster
of the s. p. lines, was among the many
visitors In the city today.
.Hhvo you tried that bjp milk shake
at Do Voe's?
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. H. Morelock of
Roseburg arrived here this morning to
spend several days to look over busi
ness opportunities with the Intention
of settling permauctly in tho city.
Columbia plaster wall board Call
for prices. Wnllaco Woood Lumber
People from Portland who arrived
yesterday and nre Kuents at local ho
tels Include Mr. and Mi Fred A. Bar
rett. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. J. Gedry. Mrs
T. Nell. W. 11. Polr.ner. It. C. Rolich,
C. F. Hwwklns. luls K. Jones. W, (.
Schruppell. Jack Wykoff. C. C. Cijcter,
J. O
Wnl'rf,- P" AM-
or, G. K. oycauu D. O. Hood.
Mr. ami Mr, tiimpson 'Wllaonof
muui I uini, biichi iu tvn ...
the home of Mm. Mury McDonald, of
!I04 Walnut street. Klamath Falls
HnmHtltchlng, uuitons covered nt
Slxty-nlnc cars confining about 207
Kuests stopped yesterday and spent
tine niKiu ui AierricK. h iuuiui inn.
We pny for ashes and sell dirt
cheap. Brown & White Agency, Inc.
Five doga, pets of Gladstone, Ore..
Hemstitching- za u yard. The Van-
of late snow are about 9 feet of sol-
Idly packed snow at the rim and
'about three feet at Anna Spring camp.
Oranges, oranges, 20c a dozen at De
i Voe's. tf
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. E. Smith of Campo,
spend several days in the valley.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Costello of Ham-
monil, Ind., are spending the week In
the city looking over the possibilities
of making their permanent residence
Callfornlans registered nt' local ho-
tels Includo Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ban-
ford, Theo. H. Conrades, . MIhs Klda
Machlre, H. S. Rollo, H, H. Scott,
Chas. O. Loose and Mr. and Mrs. D.
Tf. Stewart of San Francisco; Mr. and
Mi-a Art nTlllv nf S;i n An . JnmPH O.
Mitchell. D. McDonald. Mrs. M. Her- public health nurse, Miss Josephine
zog, Mrs. D. Horectius nnd Miss Cora Koppes, office secretary; Miss Ada
I,. Dud of T,os Angeles and Mr. and I Brewster, county home demonstra
Mrs. J. P. Martin of Hollywood. lion agent and members of the Jack-
The Woman's Foreiirn Missionary
society will meet In the parlors of the
church Friday nfternoon; May 5th,
Mrs. Van de Mark is program leader,
Mrs. Hedges has charge of the mystery
Wondorful fishing at the Lake of
l" ' , ,JJ J . .
Falls hatchery and Deputy Game War-1
iden Roy Parr. From Klamath Falls
tho fry were then taken to tho lake.
More fry will be planted later this
year, according to Parr, It having been
decided to wait until the ronds are in
better condition before the additional
fry are taken to the lnke. The silver
sides. Parr states, are really salmon,
but by placln gthem In land locked
hndlos of water, they take on the char
acteristics of trout, nnd make won
derful gnme fish. i
An unusual clause In the new state
dance law prevents the operation- of
nil out of town dances - Saturday
night. The Oriental Gardens Is lb no
way affected by this legislation, and In
consequence will be the only week end
dance In this vicinity.
M. A. Folquet of the Standnrd Oil
rompnny. who has been stationed In
Medford for the past year, has heen
transferred to Corvallis, and left last
evening to take up his now duties
Every dance operator In Jackson
county, outside of corporate, towns,
will participate in a monster ball nt
tho Oriental Gardens next Saturday
night. A new lnw enacted by the
Inst legislative session has made It
impossible for tho vnrlous out-of-
town dances to operate on saturony
nglht. They will, however, givo
their usuaj danceH tho week follow
ing. And for this renson tho Jackson
County Amusement Co., Jim Grieves
and every other dance operator who
wishes to, will be Invited to shnie
in this gigantic party at the Ori
ental Gardens Saturday night.
Wilson Walte will direct nn or
chestra of unusual merit nnd It Is
confidently predicted that this will
bo tho season's greatest dancing af
HARTFORD. Conn.. June 4. By
Associated Press.) A reprieve from
execution for (iernld Cbapmnn from
Juno 25 to December 3 was Issued to
day by Governor John H. Trumbull
on the application of Slate's Attorney
Hugh M. Alcorn. Chapman was con
victed nt the March term of the su
perior court of the murder of Police
man Skelly in Now Britain nnd nfter
a sensational trial was sentenced by
Judge Jennings to be hnhged at the
stato prison on June 25.
DVNAX Funeral services for
Dorothy Pynan. who died at tho
homo of her imrenls, Mr. ami ln.
Howard Pynnlt and ler of Hessle.
Susan and liobert Dyimn of 1 Hi
Smith Iuirel June .1. will lie con
duiled finm the rnnKer funeral lr
lora S:urdny, .lure fith al 2:MI
n. m.. with vault entombment In the
Ashland Mausoleum.
FOH KF.NT Hume 120" W. Main.
Potttesftton l Juno 15th. Phone
U34. t(
On Tuesday, June 9, there will l'e
ft child welfare conference in the
office rooms of the county health
unit, court houxe, Jackncmv.Ho, Ore
gon. The afternoon of that day will
be devoted to making a free physi
cal examination of all children in
the community under school age.
This examination includes not only
weighing- and measuring, but also
dental, eye, ear, nose, throat, heart,
lungs and body examination. The
conference is being arranged by Miss
Irene Mann, public health nurse.
The child welfare conference is
under the auspices of the county
health unit with which the Jackson
County Public Health association and
others are In co-operation. As chil
dren up to six years of age are
entered for the examination, the at
tendance will probably be large as
mothers are anxious to know their
children's exact physical condition
before they start to school. Parents
having children under six years of
age who desire them to have a thor
ough physical examination free, on
Tuesday afternoon, June Uth, at the
court house, Jacksonville write or
call the county health unit, Jack
sonville. -191. Examination will he
made by appointment only. Appli- machinery and skilled and non
cation must be made on or before skilled labor will be assembled and
Monday, June 8th. the work rushed until completed.
Examiners and assistants: Dr. V.' This hard surfacing work of tho
S. Oearey, county health officer. Miss Crater National park roads from the
Irene Mann and Miss Vera Beard, entrances to the lake rim will give
sonvillo nubile health association.
A very interesting exhibit will be
on display, consisting of child wel
fare panels, telling mothers of fiie
proper care of the ennaren. j no dersigned, E.i It. Pech. an administra
panels wero secured and loaned by , tor with the will annexed of tho estate
the local chapter, American itca
Iearn the co,recl moinou8 01 ieu".
ngf bathing and ouicrwise caring ior
tho utti0 ones. This literature is
flirniHhpi free hv the United States
, , lont f iabor anti the Metro-
!. i ifo Lirnnrfl conmanv
' rT.bmro nt the Child Wei-1
fare Conference, held - at Watkins
school, Wednesday afternoon by the
Jackson county health .unit was 100
of ,, Phool
ago in Watkins and Heaver cree K,Jn n1 tn(( 8tn day of June m5( at
districts was examined as well as the hour of ten o'clock a. m., and re
several children of school age. quired thiH notice to be given, and set
Dr. V S. Genrey, county health of- ting said final account and report for
fleer. examined the children assisted
by Mltw Irene Mann and Miss Vera
Beardjtyjublic beulth nurses. ); .
Lar.t Sunday two Ashland youths ac
complished a feat which heretofore
has been unknown. The daring young
n en o'tovo a Foio. Tar to tho ver
il'.orcs of i'qunw lake, a body of water
loealed in the Applegate country,
about 30 miles from the city.
. No road leads to It except an, oi l
waoii trail which Is six mile In
length from the traveled road to the
hike. It leads over steep Inclines, up
creek beds and over many miles cf
rough ?ocky ground. It was over this
loi uinus path that the two youths fi
nally reached their goal.
My wife and I have separated. Here
after I will not be responsible for any
bills contracted by her
, Card of Thanks.
We wish to thank our many friends
for tho kindness showed us and for the
many beautiful floral pieces, during
the recent illness nnd death of our hus
band and father.
Travel by Motor Stage
Two Through Stages Daily
To Portland, leaving Medford at 7:45 A. M. and 1130 A. M.
A pleasant one day trip.
Also leaves Medford at 5:00 P. M. for Roseburg, connecting
following morning to Portland.
We take passengers for all way points. For further Information
and tickets call Union Stage Depot. Phone 309.
Direct Connections at Roseburg for Coos Bay Points.
Screens- Screens
Order Your Window Screens asd ", .
Screen Doo From ' .
Mcdftrd A M;lern Mill Oregon
Our Own Make-Pigces Eighty (Quality the Best
Screen -'Screens
Things are fast shaping up - now
for the starting of the work of hard
surfacing the Crater National Park
roads from the Medford and Klam
ath entrants up to the lake rim.
Contractors are already .going up to
the park looking the situation over
with a view to entering bids on this
work, , and six Pacific coast con
tractors leave tomorrow for the park
with Superintendent C. O. Thomson
for this purpose.
Frank E. Semon, well knovrn In
Medford and Ashland, who has been
appointed as the resident engineer in
charge of the hard surfacing Im
provement work Is here already on
the job from Seattle, nnd making
his present headquarters at the Cra
ter National Park offices in the
federal building, but expects to
to the pari; within a day or so to
remain there during the work.
Mr. Semon is a brother of C. J.
Semon of this city and a former
engineer with the Chirk-Henry com
pany when that concern paved Med
ford streets years ago.
The bids will be submitted in a
short time and the contractor will
be chosen, nfter which the material,
employment to quite a number
men hereabouts. 1
Administrator's Final Notice.
In tho County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Jackson County.
In the matter of the Estate of Otilla
Pech, Deceased.
AOtfce is hereby given that the un-
or viuia iecn, aeceasea, now penuing
report and petition herein, asking
i,e discharged, and for the allowance
of his final acount and report, and for
' distribution of the assets.
Tnat l,nscrt thereon, tho county
c2llr fo,.f'0f!a county, on the 4th day
J nL'r "i t i!i ITi, ' 'JL
said final account and report, and to
the distribution of the property, ns
prayed for
the ndmini
ifitratur, to present them be-
l"im " " ""V:
All persons havine any objection to
nny of said final account and report. !
and such disposition of the assets- o
the estate, and to the discharge ofthe
said administrator, or to any of said
matters, must make the same nt such
final hearing.
Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, this
7th day of May, 1025.
E. 11. PECH. Administrator.
Did you know that
you can insure against
the loss your BUSI
NESS guff ore? Call up
R. A. Holmes today.
The Insurance Man
fc I
, ,,, . N , Napoleon's First Fall
CVtv1 Madame '
MjTv Devil-May-Care
Jjg a laundress with the
3-!7 fL GLORIA
Hi SansGcne'
il Rvil fH i tbe great Frencl1 Pla tnat
Gloria went to France
of LaVJfr. VSi JltJb Lewis Stone,. Conrad Nagel,
1 v?L Marsueri,e De La Motte- U
The World's Transcendent Star
nd the Entire Original Company That Presented the Immortal
Romance Ono Hundred and Seventy-Four Times In New York.
Lower Floor, first 18 rows 53.30, next 6 rows $2.75, balance $2.20.
Balcony, first 2 rows $2.20, balance $1.10.
Regular Business meeting, Dramatic
Order Knights of Khorassan f
8 p. m. Friday, June 5th
The "Double Triangle" Tour
Canadian Rockies
Jasper National Park
Scenic British Columbia
Every mile a picture!
Low Summer Fares Eatt
Scenic Booklet Free
City Pail. Attn
122 Third St.,
Phone Broadway 3300