G O 0 o o tii.ii'i' " ";PAOR TWO AfKDFOTfl). .OREOOS. WEDNESDAY.- .TTTXTC 3 13? deal and Personal The froHt HcnHon Heeim officially at tUl healthy, happy anil pronperouH. nn end. hh Floyd Vouiik, the Kovern- Free distribution. 3TJ S. OrufiKe. HO iirtHit , frost, expert Htatloned here the Major H. L. Miller hint week re- IHi.sVtwo 'iWonthn or more to (five froat fiij-'ned an quartermaster of the Ore- tvarnWs, departed last evening for Kn National Guard with headquarters Jjprtiand tiwl to Inspect the front "t Salem. Captain Martin V. Nelson, " WarninK Htatlons and crops in the connected with the guard at Astoria. WanhfiiKton suae fruit belt, following hus aluo resigned Miwi liertha IJarteli of A.shland was I An unsettled conllltton ultV probable The out of'town Oregon la n.4. In ad- ainong the many vinltorn In the city Uhnwera in the weather prediction for dltlon to Portland residents, who ur- this forenooon. Thursday, following a maximum yes- rived In Medford yesterday for nort June Clearance Kale 15 Jnrh lunch terday of C4 "and a minimum this stys are Mrs. H. J. Oleason and X. cloths and nupkinH, Sl.29. 3A inch morning of 42. No rain ell yesterday. Cushman of Marshfield. T. L. Dins lunch cloths and napkins 7Do. Handi- Ia year ago today the libl spell which more and James E. Heard of McMinn craft Whop. 67 'had reached 102 maximum for two ville, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. liobbitt and I'nity literature teaches people how days In succession, began to moderate J. H. Crnnahan and family of Klam- with a maximum of U6. ath Falls, Harry. K. White of Salem. K. Columbia planter wnll board Call Harney and Mr. and Mrs. J. U for prices. Wallace Woood Lumber Crowfull of Kugene, and U. C. Owens yard. an(' -A. H. Ferguson of RoselTurg. tit. Ann's Altar society will give al The Civic Opera company of Grants silver tea at the Parish house Thurs- Vam preHents Fm niavolo. under the day. June 4th at 2:30 p. m. All the direction of Charles D. HazelrliJir. June friends are cordially invited. Tho cafe' oth and 1Uh , th i,ivo .heater. H. 1. H- pkkh r I-et's go, folks! v De oe's. Pavilion! tf May! 63 T, L. Dunamulr and sister, Mrs. II. K. Xewkirk. of Portland, are spending a few days in the city transacting bus iness. Have y o u r brans and a 1 u m I n u m castings made at Eagle Hrass Foun- of land between New berg and Carlton. Another firm is making a drive for leases on land near Yamhill. at DeVoe's? An extra Western Union' Wire Is be ing put In here to accomodate the newspaper representatives who will at tend the National Guard encampment. We pay for ashes and Bell dirt cheap. Brown & White Agency, Inc. tf- J. Jtlin Coleman, county assessor, has purchased the property formerly owned by Mrs. K. Grace FIndley. at 1028 West 10th street and has moved his family over from Jacksonville, af ter a nine years' residence there. St. Mark's Guild will give a card which h will depart for Washing! I). C remain there for some time ,'1if'iiniHh!ng up his research work, re ,? ports of which will be published by the Department of Agriculture, r i-3jurd barrels $1.00 apiece while they tyiftt. Peerless Eakery. fi4 Dig carnival dance, Jackson Hot Springs, Saturday night, June Gth. 1 ....i... I... n I ....I.,,.., ili-t' Auh nni I i-a I in Ml.m.lln uirnl, 1 given for various dancers. 6 t!7 The second grass fire of the season, I If you have trouble with your trae for which the fire department was tor or sprayer, call 1010. Hill's Trac callud out. occurred last evening at tor Shop. 22G N. Jiiveislde, Medford, 7:30 on South Holly, with no material Ore. fift damage resulting. Hubert H. Johnson was born In Before you buy thnt piano see Laun- Jacksonvile, Ore., in 1HS0, and pnsned Jfipach:' Ha can Save you money. He away nt the home of his parents In Vj -known ntanoH and Is reliable. tf Grants Pass on May 2'A, l!2r, nt the .- Art dyeing. IJaflk knot, tie and age of 45 years. 1 month and 4 days Khade dyeing. Jane Snedicor. Also He is survived by his father and moth fabric painting. 3 N. Hartlett. CH fer, three sisters and two brothers. His Aonther surprise! Pavilion! Friday, brothers and sisters are John H. John. . 63 C. L. Johnson, Mrs. C. V. Gray, all Tourists and other visitors In the of Grants Pass; Mrs. T. A. Robertson city Include Mr. and Mrs. J. H. I,inherg of Klamath Falls and Mrs. It. W. f . 4,,"(.gMjfrJor', .Wis., S, G. Bowman of St. Melssner of Roseburg. Grants Pass JJ. J-du'i. Ed B. X.ytnan and J. E. More- Courier. dal of Chicago, Arlene Abell, I. Scha- Don't mlsa it! Pavilion! Friday! frau, Mr. and Mrs. Kress and Fremont 03 flow of New. York City, John S. Owen ' June Clearance Sale Odd napkins, V'f .Eau Claire,' Wis., C. E. Irwin of I-n stamped O. II. S. 10 and 15c. Handl Porte, Tnd., A. E. Coan of Pittsburg craft Shop. 67 and 8. D. Moss of Baltimore. J- E. Sutton of the Gold Hill Trans- r'r;.'r-' Another- "musical sensation! Fair ror Co.. spent a few hours transacting Grounds Pavilion! Friday. Be there! business In the city thlR morning. - 63 Fagey creamery butter 42c per, lb. .--, We pay for ashea and sell dirt Johnson Produce Co. Cheap. Brown & White Agency, Inc. ' Oranges, oranges. 20c a dozen at Do tf Voe's. tf Mr. and Mrs. Frod K. Burnham of I J- A. Becksted of Portland, arrived Martinez. Calif., nrrived hero yester- recently to take charge of the nicken day to romaln until Friday, and will backer sales department of the firm of return to the city on Jiuie 24th, to Hugglns and Robinson, spend several weeks fishing In the' Save the date! Friday. June 5! Fair Rogue, 'while they reside at their mini-, OroundH Pavilion! Let's go! 63 mer honr on the river between Med-j Fancy creamery butter 41c per lb. ford and, Trail. . Johnson Produce Co. Used gas engines for sale. Bill's I Callfornlans registered at local ho Tractor Shop. 226 N. Riverside, Med- p's yesterday include Mr. and Mrs. ford. Ore. Phono J 010. (15 Melville Stoltz, Arnold Stoltz, Bernico The Salvation Army can help some- Haney and Mrs. J. D. Collins of Fres one with your old clothing, shoes, fur- no Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Markham and. nlture. etc. Phone 350 or kindly bring Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jeffries of llolly- to hull nt 4tb nnrl Tlnrtlotl 117 .Wood. Ml, and Ml-n. Hon S. Cnniw.iv Mi- Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Peachey have ""d Mis. E. li. Henrlckser, Mr. and ,hH nome ln thlU town thlB forenoon gone to Applegate where Peachey will MrH- 1 red K. Hllhert Mr. and Mrs. A. assume his duties ns fire warden dm-' Williams, Mrs, C. Hayster and Mr. lng the summer, says the Ashland Tid-!an Mrs. E. S. Bushuper of Bos Ange Ings. ' h'B. Mr. and Mrs. A. Howell of Rich- Fresh salt water salmon. 20c lb. ''0nd Mrs. William Graham of Trlni Johnson Produce Co. ,' dad. Mr. and Mrs.' F. K. Burnham of Assessment! are how due and pay- Martinez, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Cornelius, able ut the city treasurer's office. 6fi Mv am Mrs. B. A. Williams and S. A. R. H. Arnold, who had been spend- -Bassclle of San Francisco, lng several weeks on ' business at . Vrvnh salt water salinvon, 25c Hi. Cherokee, Iowa, returned to hi home Johnson l'roduce Co. ,tf fn the city this morning. Miv Arnold) fMt- Mark's Guild will 'give a card reports that a general drought is -the ( Pa' n"1 aprbnnalo Thursday,-June prevailing condition In Iowa together'4- lU V- m. nt St. Mark's parish with frosts and high temperature tho .noiIRG- 63 crops will not bo up to the average of j 'r,1L condition of Miss Helen Web other years. , her, who recently underwent a major Big carnival dance Jackson Hot operation at the Community hospital, Springs, Saturday night, Juno 6lh, , ,fl reported as being very satisfactory. June Clearance Sale Limited num postponed from The cast to be headed by James Stev- C.'T. Hamilton, who Is In charge of the construction of the Medford Me morial Mausoleum, reports that the work Is progressing very nicely, and teria supper was Thursday the 4th to Thursday the enR of Medford has the leading role, lltn supported by a Grants Pass cast. i.oiumoiu piaster wua uouru. uun s for prices. Wallace Woods Lumber ' Yard. ' Representatives of the Garber De velopment company or Seattle are ne- that In a very short time a larger force gotiating for oil leases on ao.000 acres ot men win be enKilKed. ' ! Cars from Phoenix. Ariz.; Ham mond, Tnd.; Milwaukee, .Wis.; Rustor, . Okla.: Prescott. Ariz.: Blllinifs. Mnnt.. Have you tried that big milk shake and Dunean. Fla.. were among the eighty-four cars which were guests at Merrick's Motor Inn yesterday. Camp Jackson, northeast of the city where on June 12 the Oregon National Guard encampment will be held, now has complete water connections with WEDDING BELLS Earl C. Leever of Central Point ami Mrs. Ruby. Porter of Meflford were united in marriage at the home of Rev. D. J. Howe Sunday morning ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. O. II. Ames and Miss Gladys Ames. Both young people are well known fn the city: the bride has held a posi tion for the past year with the Med ford Grocery company and has lived in ' tho valley for the past several years, during which time she has made hosts of friends who all wish her well. The groom is a son of Mayor and Mrs. W. C. Leever of Central Point, and has practically spent the greater part of his life in that city, being con nected with the hardware store run under his father's name. The young man is a graduate of tho Central Point high school, a member of the class of "23.' - The happy couple will make their home In that city where their busi ness imerestH are centered. Joseph R. Barnum of Medford and Miss Velma Goodlet of Ashland were united In marriage at the Presbyter ian manse Tuesday afternoon by Rev. E. P. Lawrence at 4 o'clock, accom- t-nntr., thorn In the '"""' O.f account of lWt lnii'nln wUh some ot .he l .rcaUT. 1 "'a ,il,ly mlvisubl,. to o,ll the o 1 us )r,,Klcr on pear. I " k J ...hlsabl.. to use It on apples. Oil a ,-ount of the wet season . ml tin. loader fruit and f"B--. ' ' ablv best to use u Casern sprcudu on pears at this time. County Anent, June 2. 1H25. '. C. CAT13, Jackson County. I saw a man tho other day who was thuiiKh eiKhiy. I saw another who was old. though .Miv. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION 11 V )'WWV 6 Beli.au. Hot Wato. Sure Relief ELL-ANS 25t and 75 Packages EverhsT SELL'S tho city water pipe line nearby, thus j panled by Miss Vivian Hease of Ash- Insurin gan ample water supply for the 22 shower baths recently complet ed and also for the myriad other uses of the camp. t Jesse Winburn. of New York who has interests In Ashland and who ex pects to visit here this summer at "Sap party and apron sale Thursday, June and Salt." hia beautiful cabin up Ash- mini uecR itiuvun, ictcniiy Btarueu 4. at 2:30 p. m. at St. Mark's parish house. . , 63 Brig. Gen. White wants It'tllstlnctly understood that no one will be solicit ing any premiums, advertising of any kind or any other donations from the merchants in connection with the com ing National Guard encampment and asks that any one so. doing will be promptly reported to the chief of po lice or the Chamber of Commerce. Ev erything in connection with the en campment is to he paid for by the gov ernment. Hemstitching 8c a yard. The Van ity Shop. Bartlett and Main. tf H. Jj. Walther, W. H. Crawford and W. M. Shepherd of the home office of the aCIifornla Oregon Power company, were in Grants Pass yesterday confer ring with J. H. Kerr, district manager. For sand, gravel, sediment, cleaning or lawn work, phone U12-J, Samuel Bateman. tf Fred Alien of Ttllt, .Calif., left for and deeply interested New . York city when he announced taht he would es tablish a "stag" golf course on some property which he had purchased in Mount Vernon, at the edge of New York City. Ashland Tidings: Born,- to, Mr. andrMrs. Joe Mjtter-i nlch, a baby girl at community hos pital:"" ' 1 " land and M. P. Schmidt of Medford. The happy newly weds will make their permanent residence in thy home city of the charming bride. 81 KAY NOTICE. On account of the recent heavy rains and the lateness of the Hist brood of codlln moth, and the fact that about 90 per cent of the moths are out at the present time, it seems advisable to spray both apples and pears at this time. A good many eggs have been laid in the past week, and if we get a few warm datys now, many of those eggs will hatch and a. large percentage of larvae will enter the fruit, making It very difficult to '. : J'Cfelebratiiicjl SEE PAGES 4 AND 5 J.ucky halloon numbers. Also prizes Klven for varloun danrers. 66 Marcelling 75c. 31 So. OrailRO fitraet. Phono 056. 64 "Ho Thla la London." which hoifnn Its run at tho MoHIk theater. Portland, last Wedneaday nlxht, will continue to bo the attraction there up to and In . eluding next Hnturday nifht. Despite the lehRth of Its stay, tho comedy Is holding Its popularity and Is playing to largo audiences every night. The at traction recently played in Medford. You'lJ he surprised! Pavilion! Fri day. 63 The genuine cvorfast wash niato lials at the Handicraft Shop. ? Flfly-slx out of tho state cars were reglHtered here yesterdhy by the local state traffic bureau. - lsed tractors for sale or rent. Hill's Tractor Shop. 1!2 N. Itlversidc, Med ford. Ore. Phono 10111. 1 ' 65 l-resh Bolt wnler salmon. 20o lb. Johnson l'roduce Co. Slightly over a year from this time, the southern Oregon normal achool will bo opened . for its first summer session, and in tho fall of 1020 It is hoped to officially open the school for Its first regular year's work. Those facts were made known today by J. A. Churchill, state superintendent of pub lic instruction, who was the speaker tit the forum luncheon of the Chamber of Commerce. Ashland Tidings. Special sale on single faced Hod Seal records, while they last, Former price 11.25. now 750, Palmer Piano House. 67 Assessments nre now duo and pay able at tho city treasurer's office. . 06 Mrs. Sula Deane left this forenoon tci spend several weeks visiting rela tives living at San Jose, iitilf. Tho opening of the formal dinner dances at Jackson Hot Springs will be put forward one week, Thursday, Juno 1Kb. I. O. O. F. and liobekah Ashland Convention pictures (1.00 each at Palmer',, Studio. 717 N. Central. Stu dio open from 1 to 6 p. in. or call 8-'S-H. dj. Portland visitors who arrived In the city yesterday include Mr. and Mrs. A. Carvel. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hunt. Mr. and Mrs. It. K. tllgor. it. W. Price, Mr. and .Mis. H. I). Kolham. Miss Ijiura Kelham. Mrs. P.. J. Kuhll, Mr. nnd Mrs .1. K. Culllson and Mrs. M. YV. New kirk. It's a knockout! Pavilion, Friday. 1 3 You will have to hurry If you get your Bhnre of those 20c oranges at De Voe's. tf Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Ijiwson of Orants Pass arrived ln the city this forenoon to spend several days on bus iness. I'sed sprayers for sale. Ttltl's Trac tor Shop. 220 N'. Ulverside. Medford, Ore. Phone 1010. C5 Columbia plaster wall board Call for prices. Wallaro Wood Lumber Yard. Tho l('2t comment emeiit oxen Iscs at Allmny rolli'iio will rominemo Sun day, Juno H. and end Juno t with the conferring of degrees ami com mencement address by Dr. Wallace Ilowo Lee. ,.- Assessments are now duo and pay ibis at the city treasure's office. St. Mark's (Itilld will Blve a card party and apron sale Thursday. June 4. at !:30 p. m. ot St. Mark's parish house, 53 nor or linen nnd cotton cloths. Handicraft Shop. (!? Pianos! See Lnunspach. tf it. W. Tazner. formerly employed as instructor at Knterprise, Independence and Corvallis, has been elected assist ant principal of tho high school at Sa lem. Tennis racquet restringing. 208 So. Central. Phone 1172. 70 Lnunspach Piano Store now open for business at 111 W. Main. Opposite Hialto theater. Successor to Root Mu sic Co. tf Tho Klamath County liar association was formed at Klamath Falls when 25 of Klamath's attorneys met at the court house and decided such nn or ganization was needed here to create a spirit of harmony nmong men of the legal profession. Promulgation of ruloa for legal ethics and cooperation with the courts are the other funda mentals1. Officers will be elected this week. Fancy creamery buttor 41c per lb. Johnson l'roduce Co. Used piano for rnlo nt a bargain. Noel Krsklne. Phono 729-W. 69 H. W. Price of Portland, who resign ed from the stato game commission re. cently. arrived In the city late yester day and departed this morning for Ashland. Special summer prices on dry fac tory mill blocks. Valley Fuel Co. tf Cbas. D. Hazehigg, of Medford, was In Grants Pass Monday night to con duct tho practice of "Fra Dlavolo." which will be given soon by the Orants 1'asB Opera company Orants Pass Courier. . . ... Hemstitching, buttons covered nt tho Handicraft Shop. tf after having spent a few days ln the city transacting business and visiting relatives. Oranges, oranges, 20c a dozen at Do ' Voe's. tf AWicn tho Hood River Apple Grow ers' association last week forwarded to growers checks aggregating $125. 00(1, Its affiliated growers had received approximately S3. 175, 000 on their last year's apple crop. The rehearsals of "Fra Dlavblo.'"'by tho Grants Pass Civic Opera company, at tho Itlvoli theater June 10 :and 11, i have reached the stage where one can j begin to make predictions about the show. "You can tell my friends In Grants Pass." said Chas. D, Hazehigg, i the musical director, "that we are go ing to beat my 'Mikado' show of last luncheon ! VP'"' to death. Of course we will miss Kd Andrews, but you folks are going to see mighty good substitutes in Al ('ass and Hob norland. Those two birds are natural comedians, take It from me." Grants I'nss Courier. Among the people from Washington registered nt tho local hotels nre T. Jefferson of Spokane, Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Mlcklo of Tumwater, W. A. Ueetl. J. L. Hether. W. Tipping nnd C. II. Tloeflo of Seattle. Mr. nnd Mrs. Law rence Kane. Mr. and Mrs. V. D. 'Har ms -unit F. L. Hasons of Kverott. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Vogle ot Hollingham and (1. H. Ilothcr of Kllenshurg. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WAN'TKO Married man for orchard work. Phone 317. 63 IVOK WALK No. 1 Iowa cream sepa rator, or trade for chlcken.s, Tel 4.17-M. .66 VOU SA LW P.y owner, 5-room fur nished residence, close in, on paved street, nice lawn, shade and fruit trees, roses, all assessments paid. Splendid chance for an investment or for home. Address, 3L'7,- care Mall Tribune. Jtf FOR UK. N'T Nicely furnished corner loose, close in. Also garage. Tel. nor-M. '. -70 KOIt KXI'1IAX(!K For smaller place, Jlo.iHH) equity in 150 acre ranch In elf limits of Imperial. Worth $225 per acre; nil under cultivation and . water. (!. D. Woolsey, A . St., San Diego. California. 63 WANTKD Spoiled nlfnlfn haV. liear frock Orchard, Phono 401-U-l or 10pm after fi p. m. C,f HUNT'S CRATER! AN MONDAY NIGHT, JUNE 8TH LOUIS 0. MACLOON Presents T)ie World's Transcendent Star -V M 1 " U JULIET with ROLLO PETERS Jd tha Entire Original Company That Presented the Immorta Romance One Hundred and 8eveaty-Four Time in New York. BEATS ON SALE TOMORROW, 12 O'CLOCK. PRICES, INCLUDING WAR TAX: Lower Floor, first 18 rowe $3.30, next 6 rows 2.75, bance $2.20; Balcony, first 2 row $2.20. balance $1.10. G 0 V in the greatest of all French roles in the famous picture made in France .-dancing, mimicking, loving ".jt-more beautiful, more glorious than , ever in STARTS the picture everybody has been talking about. ., MddiXme Scms Gene (Madam Devil-May-Care) A romantic drama beyond compare! A Parisian style show! A tale of unconventional adventure! Other Craterian Features Include CARTOON COMEDY PATHE NEWS and aim . f(M 'Betty Broivn' ir at the GIANT WURLITZER PRICES Adults . . 50c Kiddies - . 10c o . SUNDAY "CHEAPER TO MARK," with Lewis Stone, Conrad Nagel ar Marguerite De La Motte '4 INDICESDOwJ t 4