o o o O OttF.OOX, TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1f)2."i MFJIFOR MATL Trjr.TTXE, rFDFOTr, o PA$E SEVEN I BRINGING UP FATHER By Qeorg'e McManua", E WELLOA,0iHTER RiO OF.THA.T CKT; I HA.VE.WT EEH 1 HlN GROUND THE .HM dUtiT Ais HQUR 0 i'll oet HE't TR" TO CA.TCH MME. BRDfaLI. PIV 1025 by Int-l Feature Service. Inc. Creal Britain rights reserved. I Cajs't "bCKL HIM OCT THt IS THE. That dmjchtes5. bvio HIM OUT OF THERE .? ma mis r.l i 1 I . erk Pv A a, -".SI J- 1" . i" 7 Markets Livestoek. PORTLAND. Ore., June Stutea, associations of -.kiicIi" citizens and corpo riilionn oiyaiil.td under llu-' lais of tltu Unm-it stuces, or any Btntu, trritnry or JKtiict thereof only. U iiu n aiilicutioii , of a (tinlifint iur cliasor, the t'liiuer on ui.y Infill siuiillvision will be offered bemiutely tii'fore U'ing iiU'lutKil in auv offer of a lut'irer unu. T. lh b.. K. t W., See. ;1, SH'U JSKU fir 7R.'. M.; T. 28 K., K. 10 W., St-e. 7, SKU .slV'i fir HO M., wliite cedar i(.0 M.. SV 4 SW'4 fir 110 M., ,.,..1... f.i t V -ik u II 1 1 L' .f 2. Cat- u, ni4 SWV fir " wu.!3.-SVt'li tlo and calves nominally steady ; no NWU fir uuu ii , V.f.?.:.0, H-1 receipts. Hobs nominally steady; no re ceipts. Sheep steady; no receipts. M., white eedar iin .L, SK'i NKVi fir 440 M.. white cedur 2i0 .M.. vih! ceilur 7,r M., none of. tlie tiinher ot) these mrtioiiH to be aold for lens Limn per M. fur the fir and red eedar and 97.00 jut II. for the white cpdar. T. 2i S.. It. 18 W., See. 1U, SK'4 SE4 fir 850 M.; T. 28 S R. Jl W., Sec. 7, lot three fir l'.iUO M-. none of the timber on .r.O It. 10 W., Set. y, 8W4 M.. white cedar 10 SKW NW'i red f.r 000 M.. while cedar K0 1 SI., NEV4 HV4 ml fir 830 M., white eedur 1110 M., NK4 n-d fir IS00 M., while ie.lur.Ki0 M., NV',i HKU reil fir 1140 AI.. white eedar 70 M.; T. 'iO S.,,11. 1 W., See, 0. 1 SEU NK red fir 1170 M., NK14 ?W red .fir 400 M., red eedar 10 M., BWfc red fir 030 M.:- 1. 20 S.. It. 11 W.. See. U. SVV14 Butterfat steady. Best churning sK reil fir 80 M.. yellow fir lo li., white vMm 'jftp net sh inn ore' track In zone 'edar 121 M.; T. 81 s., it. 12 ' See. fi, cioam 4UC net smppciH ira k. m z ,SW NWfc red fir fiOO M.i white cnlw so one; 42o delivered Portland. 31,. swy ri fir a 20 M.. white eedar Poultry steady. Heavy hens, z4fji NK'4 Si: U rd fir Ki00 M heni'nek 100 M red cedar red fir 2 100 M.. SK; SK4 white fir .0 M., SW',4 SK'.i white fir 100 M red eidar the tmilM'r 011 th white fir 2:-0 M., 0 NV4 SH',4 1 red fir hi'iO M., red fir W1Z -M., Il0 Mm 1(1 IH- Ol he Holi fur h'rtx Ejjga nml Portltry, . ' t,6t?TLANTD(,7 Ore.. June ' 2. Epks stOOdy; current receipts, 30c; pullets, J t'liexe seetiotw to be sold fur less than $ 25',V$2Gc; henneries. SOSOVjC, de 'xj.- rei fj"r r; iivei eu 1 uiiiiuiu. Butter unchanged, market firm. Ext m cubes, city 42c; stundards, 41c; Milmo firsts, 41c; firsta 39 c; under fiades, nominal; prints 43c; cartons, 44c. 25c; 1 light, 22ej broilers, 2025c; young white1 ducks. 30i32c. Potatoes steady. No.. 2, $2.25 iQ) 2.36. " . Walnuts steady. No. 1. 28 P 32 c; filberts nominal; almonds, M.. SWli SWli led fir 300 M.. Sec. 0, KK4 SIS ml fir f.'.O M.; T. 85 S., R. 3 P... Set-. 17, KV4 NWH Iine 4.r Mm red fir 18.r) M., white fir SO M., NW"4 SW4 pine 110 M., red fir (12.1 M., white fir 00 M., SW'A MV',4 ,piiio Sfli M., red fir- 4$0 M.. white fir 70 M.. NK MKU H fiOfi M red fir SOO M.. white fir fl. M., NWVi KK4 pin- 840 M., red fir 3U0 M.. white fir 30 M.. SK'A SK'i . . ' .. . . ' , . '.. pine lfIA M., ml fir 700 M white fir 65 M., tWZOC; nrazii nuis, li'tfiic; sV 14 SKVi pine 70 M . ml fir 3; M.. white Chestnuts, 21c. fir 05 M.. Sec. 25. NWVi NW'4 pine 45 M., Ilpps steauy. iji crop u 2 s fjr 40 M 8ep 2 XKf4 S: xo M 14c; 1923 crop nominal. red fir 470 M., white fir 100 JI.. red eedar Cascara bark steady. New peel,! 20 il NK44 sn pine r,r, i:.. red fir 420 M.. 7 8c per lb.; Oregon graps root, 4c. A - Wheat.: " - ' '" PORTLAND, Ore., June 2. Wheat bids: Hard white, .blucstem, Ituart. HUH1 hard white SI. 0; soft white. northern spring $1.58; western white. hard winter SI. 69; western red $1.55. Tpday's car receipts Whent 50; flour 8; corn 4; oalsi2; hay 2' . ' 1 far'I.b.b. San FkoicIhco "4 Sc. Fruit SAN FRANCISCO, June -(By SE'4 NH 140 M., red fir 270 M.SWV NE4 pine 800 M., red fir hO M.. KEVa NW4 pine 240 M., red fir 155 M., NE4 KW H p'ne 125 M., red fir 350 M.. SEU pine 315 M7,-tud fir 145. Mm SW SEV pine 340 Si red Tir MJ M none of tlie tiniher on thene sWtions to be moIiI for lest) than $3.75 per SI. for the pine, $1.50 per M. for the red lir und red eedar, $2.00 per M. for the vcllow fir. 91.00 per M. for the white fir, and $7.00 per M. for the white cedar. T. 2.S S..--U. 11 W., See- ,a7 HW14.NGK red fir 1400 SI.. SEV4 KWii VWHr 1-2S0,M.: T. 31 S.. It. 12 W.. Metv Gfe. W44 SE Tfil fir 1000 M., white ititr MM -WrTlte fir TO .i.' . . .,,) b. uJexdkr flfci.M., W riwini,wrjy i r-i u. -- KBt SW4A red -fir-2400 -M.. whit.- wnlnr M. mil cihir 7.'. M u-liilo fir inn M llot 7 ml fir 1050 M.. white cedar 225 M., reil rcdar 75 M., See. 7, lot I red fir 10n0 SI.. while cellar 300 M., white fir 25 M lot 3 red I fir 350 SI., white cedar 1311 M.. lot 4 ml fir . , . v ,n , , .,,!-' wni'e cellar r,n M ., m;'. m; rtil AnsocJaled Press.) (1-edernl State fir 8n0 M i wiiit(. (V(ljlr sno M -wh,te J.f 7& SI., .NWi,4 N E v red fir 225 M., wjute cedar 100 M.. ml cedar 50 M., white fir 200 M.. KE14 NKii red fir 420 SI.,. whfte-.ccdur 120 M.. SW14 NKU red fir 015 SI.,- whitf eedar 270 SI.. NKU NWVi red fir 1150 SI., white cedar 450 M.. red cedar 25 M., white fir 250 SI., SE4 NVVU red fir ono M., white cedar 175 SI., red cedar 5( SI., white fir 50 SI., NE4 SW'4 red f r 330 SI., white cedar 20 SI.. SEV, SU'U.red fir 325 M., white cedar 200 M.. white fir 30 M NH'i SE4 red fir 030 M.. white cedar 420 SI.. NV,i SEi re.) fir 37u SI., whin? cedar 45 SI.. SEi KK red fir Of.O SI., white cedar 00(1 M SV i SEl4 red fir 1075 M.. white cedar 325 SI.. See. 8. NEW N',4 red fir 2050 M..' white ceihir 475 M.. than -.25 pi-r M. for the red fir. $0.50 per Si. fnr the white fir mid hemlock, and $1.50 per SI. for the red cedar. T. 37 S.. 11. K w See. 0. SK4 NEU pine 2fS0 M.. cedar 10 St., fir 70 St., SW 14 NK4 pine 2n5 M.. cedar 15 SI., fir !"( M., SE4 NW4 p'ne 315 M fir 35 M.; T. 31 S.. It. 8 W.. See. 13, SEVi NEV4 pii.e 275 M., fir 1 M.. Set-. 33. lot 1 Iiine 25 M., fir 10 SI., none of the timber on these sPctidiiH to lu' sold for less than $8.00 per SI. fur the ptna Mid $1.00 per M. for the cedur und fie Tlinn. C. HAVEI.L, ActinB ConimiKMioner. nKI.I" WAXTlO) SIAI.E WANTED First class table edtrcr nian. Apfily to Fruitgrowers Kup ply Co.. 1 1 lit, Calif. tf WANTED Sheep herder. A. P. Mat lock, Eagle Point. 05 WANTED Married man for rancln Phone 317. . ' G3 WANTED Men for Phone 447-X. ranch work. 62 WANTED Experienced automobile salesman. 1 lit t son Motors. (i2 WANTED MISCKIjIiANEOUS WANTED Wardrobe, small writing desk and bookshelves comblm-cl. Phono 824-Y. 64 WANTED Feeder hogs. Johnson Pro duce Co. tf WANTED Local and long distance hauling. Jesse L. Richardson. Cen tral Point Feed Store. Call 41. 73 WAXTEI Furniture repairing. A. N. Thiobault; Phone 9G9-R. 67 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Boy nnd young man want work tn farm, or anywhere. Box W, Mall Tribune. 02 WANTED Experience stenographer de.sues position. Call 'JiN-X morn ings. 65 FOR RENT iiOl'SES FOB B10NT I'nfurniKhed house at 1035 W. 10th street, 5 rooms, bath and screen porch. DcVuc's. If FOR SALE MVESTOCK FOll 'SALE -C.ood honest borne, want to work for board or be sold cheap. Phone 5S1. ti4 FOR RENT APARTMENTS 'Ol! RENT Furnished apartments end 4 -roomed house, closo in. 234 E. 9th street. 07 FOR RENT Eight room modern I FOR SALE Jersey heifers, home with garage; close In to busl-I Matlock, l-.ale Point. ncss section. Nlc-e lawn and shade. Call at Az--y Ho. Kiversiuo avenue al ter 5 o'clock in the evenings. tf FOR RENT Desirable house for three months, party. 10 (Quince street. FOR RENT Apartments, water and toilet on same floor. 334 Apple, nenr bigh sc hool. 04 FOR RENT 3-room furnished apart ment, hot water day and nii;ht. Adults onlv. Oarage. 7 1H West Palm. Phono 904-X. tf! FOR RENT Two room apartment with garage. Single room. Oltl N. Central. 02 FOR RENT Nica cheery apartment. Electric range, ulucpiug porch, etc. CIS So. Oakdale.' FOR BENT Furnished apartments, ground floor, 234 E.- Ulh. Phone 955-R. 1 74 FOR It FIN I HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT -apartment, 3 OS-J. - Modern housekeeping 315 N. Holly. Phone. tf FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. Adults. 325 E. Jackson. Phone 211. 01 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS HELP WAXTK1-FEMALE WANTEISales girl, dio, J2S E. Main. California Stu- .04 'li Young ; lady bookkeeper atmograpner. AOiU'ess box .1. WA.VTl ' anu std L., Malt Tribune. WANTED Experienced Gusher Cafe. waitress. 03 Market News Service.) . Apples, boxes, California Newtons. fancy 33 tier $3&13.30; four tier 92.50 ) 3.2 5; poorer low as $2.25; Washington wlnesnps xf $3.75: fancy $3 to 3.60; Oregon Newtowns four tier, fancy, $3 to 3.50; new stock white Astrnchans $1.25 to $1.50 basket. SAN FRANCISCO, June 2t (A; p i Managers of Jack Renault and George Godfrey announced today'NWW red Ur 1075 He lr 400 that they would declare me iiim.ijM w,,it(. mir flM M wllite fjr 100 M of the contest of those heavyweights sv4 nw4 red fir 1175 SI., white eedar 100 next Saturday, afternoon the cham-j-J-'t.j;. b. plon ot the world. Jack JJempsey. , rn t Tnl ,n..-.(i p,.r M. for the white tlr they held, had forfeited title to that iiul 7.oo in-r 51. tw llio white f.lr.- T. 2s remunerative position by reason of . ioi-MSi SShVvIS 'S. otbr long absence from the rlnff. on this ucction to hp sold (or lea than 2.'2IS Odds of 10 to 9 are belnB offered rr M for the rod fir hikI Sl.do per M. fnr on iienauir, inw lunnui iiiuu. i'ur liceman from Canada having twice defeated his dark skinned opponents. Bering knockouts the men will wjifthti each other for ten rounds. Unless we ignore the dangers of polluted water and disease-carrying insects, a summer's outing in the open is God's greatest blessing. ; .: Notice of IJkls. The Lone Pine School District No. 10, will receive bids for the purchase of the present school building, situated about three miles northeast of Med font. The building is of frame con struction 24x36 feet; with 13 feet ceiling, rusticsldlng on outside and boarded on inside with beaded celling, floored with 4 inch flooring, ten win dow shashes 30x4 2 inches, two doors, one brick chimney, etc. Bids must be for cash and include moving the build ing as it Is or wrecking same and re moving all lumber and debris, not later than June 15, 1925. The Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. ANNA S. NOBLIT. Clerk. NOTICE OP. RALE OF fJOVnnSMENT TIMBER. GENERAL LAND OFFICE, ' Washington,, D. O. - 1 May 8. 1925. Notice Is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the act's of June 0, 1910 (39 Stat. 218), Feliruary 20, 1010 (40 , ana June 4, ltf'JU ti Mtai. i). pursuant to departmental regulations of IMA lu ii. v., S(O). tne iimuer on .vlntr lands will Iw sold July 0, 1025, a'clock A. SI at public auction at the V. S. Land Office at llonehur(f, Oregon, to the hifrliest bidder at not lens than the appraised value, as shown by this notice. Rule to be sub ject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior. The purchase price, with an additional urn of- one-fifth of 1 per cent thereof, being commissi win allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for tlie timber which must be removed within ten years. . Rids will be received from citizens of the United V 1910 (39 SI .:' KUt. 1179). i ; wd pursuant ' PApril 14. io: t the following I nt 10 o'cloel WANTED ToBuyforCaah ' All Your Second Hand Furniture flORDOFF & W00LF Is lubrication insurance on your motor? Our new VELVOIL 25c Per Quart gives- perfect lufirichtion umlcr all conditions. Armory Service Station Pac. Iliglnvny at Jackson St. WANTED On small farm, lady part ner not to exceed 45 years. No-children. Send full name and address to H. O. R care Mall Tribune. 05 ANTED Competent help fort' gen eral housework, Mrs. W. F. Biddle. Phono 2S-J-2. (12 WANTED A woman of mature years for office position. Address Box 850. Alodford. (is FOR RENT Furnishfid room for r-nt. Oarage if wanted. Phone 824-Y. 04 FOR RENT Board fighd room near mill. Cheap-, rates. 521 lid wards mreet. - FC'U RENT Two sleeplnif rooms. No. Central. T ?,k r D20 04 FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, close in, private entrance, bath privileges. Phono 881-R. 03 FOR RENT Large front room, hot and cold water and shower hath. Call between i) a. m.fand 5 p. m. 20 So. Fir street. GO furnished to reliable 02 FOR RENT S room house. 8th and Mistletoe. Frank M. Cornea. id FOR RENT -ri-mom. partly furnish ed modern house. Phone ;Dd-L af ter 0. 04 FOR RENT Three menu house and garage at 122 Tripp street. 02 FOR RENT One unfurnished flat. rooms and bath first floor; fire place, front and rear porches; new paint nnd tinting. Two blocks from Hotel Medford. See owner, 804 E. Main street, city. 04 FOR SALE Setter puppies. Riverside. Phono 1140. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorney! REAM ES REAM ES Lawyers, of fice in Liberty Building. Abstractors FOR SALE OR IIIBE Four teams with harness, 13oo to 15oo. Young, sound, fat and well broke. (Iimnm tct cl as represented. II. V. Mitchell, 23d Alt. Ave., Ashland. S2 FOB SALE -Cows; my entire dairy herd. Will sell separately, or any way. M . Wa Ish, on Sou t h 1 'each i st., Just outside c ity limits. SO FOR SALE Air;oun.ES FOR SALE Chevrolet delivery. eiiFC, good rubber, $S5. 12 3 rout street. MURRAY BROS. A (1 R B K N E Abstracts of Title, Rooms 3 nnd 6 No. 32 North Central Ave., upstairs. JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title and Title I ilk ti run oh. The only complete Til to System In Jackson County. - Fort HKNT- UH Call II. m. -Mmlcrn house with uar lilu Clark for lnformn-63 V'OI! HUNT Modern ii-t with i:anu;e. 1 lull Went house (ill FOR HUNT Furnished ' buwrnlow. close in. M. Central. W. II. Kver hard. 0 ii. Fir. tf FOR HUNT -So. Central. Furnished house. f3u Foil KAI.I-: 1H23 Wlllys-KniKht tuui- intf, excellent shape. Terms to re Bponslhlo parlies, leo J. Mikche. tilO FOR RKNT Houses, Brown 4 White. FOll HBXT MlUCKljIiANEOrS FOR RKNT CJaruKe, $3. 1017 V. Uth. 63 FOR RKNT llnchelpr rnbln nnd rooms, $2.00 IX week.' Men. 445 So. Frunt.-- : ' AV-XNTlip TO ltn:NT-:iniinodlatel.v ' three 'teams. .'l'Gl. 1057. tf" TAKKX I'l TAK1-:X t'P And put in city pound, 2 roan cows, branded II on riKbt side, waddlo In under Jaw. Owner can have same by callliiK ut city pound. Chief of I'ollce. 04 FOU iiAl.i: Sport Maxwell, looks anil rnns liki new. The price is rir.ht. 123 So. Front street. 01 -.lewett toorinir. a .iandy Curator Lake Automotive I) ! 'OH SAI.F car, $U0O. Co. FOR SAI.IO DodKO lourinir ill A-l shape, for $250. 141 N. Fir St. 03 A. K. KHLLOGO Abstructor of Titles, Cold Hill, OreKon. Reliable Jackson County Abstractor. Over twenty years' experience in til. county. I'hone C-J-2 Gold Hill. tt Uullding KuppTrcs ami nmrflnv STAN DA tin ItOOFINO AND BHII.D- lOllH Slil'l'l.Y CO. Hulld up Roof InR, Ashland Oranlte Top. J 5 years Kunrnntee. Rest grade of 'roof pa per cement. Pressed brick, plain and faced wall blocks, foundatlun ce ment bloekB, fire place brick, all colors. Ail material Class A. Port land Beaver Cement for sale. As phalt by ton. barrel or pound. Tel ephone 73H-X. FOR HALF latest model Htudebaker cars. Open and closed models, llltt son Motors. 02 FOR SAI.R $12.r. 117 -Ford truck with license. So. Front. 02 FOR SA1.F, llni-Kaln, Ford touring, good order. $00. Jones & Kirkpat rlclt. tf FOR SALIC Maxwoll roadster, suit able for maklnir delivery or. bu'j. ,. .Bargain. . Address Itox A, Mff.tl Tribune. tf FOR SAt,15sns;mjl,ASEOVS FOR SAM-: Child's ivorv crib und mattress. $10. 1023 West Oth. C3 Phono (J4 Chlnipracttc lhynlcJans DR. A. R. HEDflRl Neo-Kclectl Physician. DR. LOUISES H. HI0MGKS Naturopathic Chiro practor. Mechano-Thorapy, Spon dylothorapy. Food Sciences,. Chiro practice. Office: Stewart Bids., 2n5 F. Main St. Phones: Otttoi 170; Res. 170-J-2. 1 DR. V. W. HOFFMAN Cnlropraotlg Nerve Specialist. Office hours 9-12, 2-6. 203-200 Liberty Rld. OfflO Phone 680. Res. phone 1027. Dentists DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dootlst. PllOnd . 009. Res. 770. Office hours 0 t m. 6 p. m. Evening and Sunday by appointment. -..,: FOR RENT-Ivy. -Sleeping room. 204 N. OS' . J.OHI for' kalh- . r..ii-i. Pio cherries. FOR RKNT Cool sleeping room ad-V'"hl I'ronzo i.o.iueo nag. cont.un l.tlnln,- Lilhvnnm AIn , , t II .1 illg Slnall PU rfiO, pOSloffh'O ke'. X. Holly. Phono 470-Y. 63 ' FOR SALK Old eating potatoes, $3.60 per hundred. Monarch Seed Co. 07 DR. H. E. MURPHY Dent 1st rn Dental X-Ray. Phone- 77. offlot Second floor Madford Bldg. ' ' 1 l-'O RRKNT Furnished front room. Close to bnth. Phone 004-It. tf tween Medford nnd Pino Flower Lodge. Return to Mail Tribune. 04 FOLLOWING ADVERTISERS ARE Members Medford Realty Board T. N. T. The Packards smile The Pierces grin f 'The BulckB laugh 'till Others oome In. The Flivvers giggle And the Dodges roar When they get General gas They come back for more. Free Crank Case Service. Jones & Kirkpatrick A Real Service Station i pSk . .. H : MflAfiffllilt I ' REAL ESTATE SERVICE LOOK US UP WHEN YOU ARE ; WANTING REAL ESTATE. WE CAN BE OF SERVICE TO YOU. LOST Ladies' tan straw hat henna lining. I'hone 447-Y. with 04 LOST Between Apnlegnte nnd Jack sonville, lailies's black traveling bag with wearing apparel in it, last Sat urday morning enrly. Mrs. U. W. Miller .Applegate, Oregon. 04' FOR SALK Piano, terms, will toko your phonograph In trade. H. N. 1oflnml, 220 South Oakdale. 04 cherries, tf FOll 6A1.1' HOMES Farms Stock Ranches Homes Auto Carnps Stores Etc. 0 (We Exchange Property Everywhere) O FOUR-SITE REALTY AGENCY Medford Building -:- Medford, Ore. OE30 ! FOR SALK fnusunlly attractive krrgo- seven room house, excellent condition. Abundant shrubbery; spacious lawn: fertile garden. In spection Invited. Roy T. Cunning ham, Central Point. 87 FOR KALK Fine largo Phono 408-R-3. I'OR SALK 2000 gallon redwood ce- tmr tank. I'hone 248, central point. 03 nnd Tel. 02 WILSON AUDITING CO. B. M. WIU son, C. P. A. Attention given tt anything In accounting and Income Tax requirements. Look Into bur simplified accounting method. Ub erty Bldg.. Medford. Phone 167-R.- FOR SALE White Persian cnt Melons. Call 2U4 Hamilton. 080-Y. r We Solicit Your-' Z- REAL ESTATE BUSINESS In All Its Branches SALES RENTALS LOANS INSURANCE Wo are offering wonderful values in fino suburban homos -with benr ing pear orchards, just wiiat wo all have dreamed of owning some day. (Junto in and talk them over with us. . BROWN & WHITE AGENCY, Inc. ; 12 East Main Street FOR SALK Good firm old tablo po tatoes. Monarch Seed Co. tf FOR SALK Six room, two story farm house, Willi 3 acres land, irrigated, located two miles north Medford. 1'rice $1250; only $500 cash requir ed. K. S. Tumy, No. 2011 Liberty building. tf FOR HALE Piano. In vicinity of Med ford. Lcnutiful piano must be sold quickly. Large saving and terms. $10 monthly to reliable party. For particulars wrllo at once to Cline Music Co., 60 Front street, Portland, Ore. 03 FOR SALK Furnished five room house on paving, $1,000; half cash. See Uabb fi Mays at 120 North v Frout.-slroet. l'honu 372 or 5D0-L. 08 FOR SALK Fnnry potntoes, $3.50 per 100 lbs. delivered. Johnson l'ro duco Co. If FOR SALK OR RKNT Unfurnished hours ut 1113 5 W. 10th street. Five rooms, bnth and screen porch, pnved street, lots of shade. DeVoe'a Store. tf FOR SALK Burglary and firo proof Curcy safe. lnsido dimensions: 10x38 inches: weight 2700 pounds. Roguo River Vnlley Canal Co. Phone lll-R-4. G7tf FOR SALK ItKAIi KSTATE POIl SALK Well Improved 320 acre ranch near Butte Falls on railroad, including stock, machinery, etc. Cheap it sold at once. Box 74, Butto Falls, or telephone u-F-13. 64 ; . . NON-RESIDENT OWNER ; HE SAYS CUT THE PRICE. " 5-room modern house; in Rood condition. Well located, $2100 $300 cash. Balance like rent. Phone 409 Furnished House for Rent. J. C. BARNES, Real Estate 6 S. Central 3COOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ Profitable Pear Orchard for Sale i 45 acres with 23 actes In bearing pears, Bone, Bartleti, De Anjou varieties, i part 18 years old; and about 20 acres In alfalfa. Modern Iioiibo, large, barns, complete equipment; estimated value present crops more tban j $G000. Well located near Medfortf In the best pear district In this valloy. ( Pperty now In excellent conditio. Can be bought a" a bargain price , , and paid for in small annual payments, only $3500.00 cash required. jg Your Inspection Is Invited. p EARL 8. TUMY Liberty Bulldlno-fl OOCrOOOOOXOCXXQOOOO FOR SALK 20 acre rnnch, near Cen tral Point. Phono 517-L. 06 FOR SALK One, two nnd throo ncro tracts on Kings Highway. Just out side the city. Best land In the Val ley. Phono G53-R-3. 50tf FOR HALE OR RKNT Unfurnished house nt 103G W. 10th street. Fl"e rooms, bath end screen porcn. Pav ed street. Lois of shade. DeVof's Store. tf FOJt SALE Several farms, good val lies, easy terms, low interest. O. C. Boggs, Atty for State Land Board tf SACRIFICE SALrj ln.l00 arfres as sorted alfalfa, grain, orchards and stock ranches. 1 acre tracts and up. Price $5 per acre up, G and 10 year's time. Ranches for rent and exchange. Gold Ray Realty com pnny, owners, i ft is. urape st . tr FIRE INSURANCE THAT INSURES CARL TENGWALD Hotel Holland Building Member Realty Board Phone 993 FOR SALK Smith's dry pino. Rum mer rates $2.7o a tier. Discount on larger orders. Phone 1103, Central Point 38-X-2. 81 FOR HALK Sugar plno shakes, made nt uutto Falls, rubers, Central Point 78 FOR SALE Now piano of quality. Easy terms. Noel Erskine. Phohe 729-W. 69 FOR 8AL1S OR TRADE Autos and furniture. New phonographs and records half price. 15 N. Grape, tf Used Ford Cars That Are Guaranteed 30 Days Service If interested in a used car be sure and see us. ' n C. E. Gates Auto Co. Import Accountant Insnrfcnoa EARL. S. TUMY All forma of Insur ance: Fire, Auto, Life, Acciderit; Rnnds. Phono 402. 209 Llbertr Bldg. Money to I-fOiut : -4 , D. ANURKWS Ruya and sell mortBfiRos nnd loans money oh good security. 31 N. Orape St. Phon G3-M. 246 , . j ' -rrS Monuments THIS OREGON . GRANITE CO.- Monuments. B. A. Hicks, Qeneral Manager. P. M. Kershaw, SclM Manager, 103 E. Sixth St., Medford, tf OHteofMiths DR. P. O. CARLO W, DR. 13 VA MAINS 1 CARbOW-Osteopathic Physician 41(1-418 Liberty Rid. Phone 904-J-S. Residence 26 South Laurel St. Piano Instruction FUlil) ALTON HAIOHT Teacher of Piano and Harmony. Btudlo 21$ Liberty Hldg.. Phone 72. Prln tern and Publishers MKDKORD PRINTING CO. has th bent equipped printing office In Southern Oregon. Rook binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing Rytttemtv etc. Portland prices. 27 N. Fir St, F trans! or EADH TRANSFER & STORAGI3 CO. Office 22 North Front Ht. Phone 816. Prices right. Service guar anteed. , DAVIS TRANSFER & STORAGE) CO. Anything moved, day or nlgbi Service guaranteed. 29 S. Gripe, Phone C44, or residence 1060. ITpl ml storing J. WEIS Upholatery, Manufacturer of overstuffed furniture. Full line of materials. Draperies made to order. We do all kinds of uphol stering. We deliver and will call and show samples. Phone 201 Jacksonville, Ore. - VETERINARY MEDFORD VETERINARY HOSPIT AL, Dr. E. C. McCulloch, Graduate Veterinarian. Office consultations free. Corner Grape and Fifth, Med ford, Ore. Phone 269 Day or night Window Cleaners LET GEORGE DO IT. Wax and pol ish your floors, clean your house, Janitor service for offices and build ings. Ono. A. Seely. Phone 1172. RZ4 ppflktnnn Avo. FOR INFORMATION Cnrpenter's ImhI 1S4 0. I'hone ll.Ci-W. M'et nt Smith hah every Friday night. 128 North Grupe, between 6th and 6th streets. .