1 MEDFORD ' MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFQpn; OREGON, TUESDAY, -TUNE 2, 192.-" FACE TWVlfh w , r i- I II f ii S OftMHG ROUNDS OPEN GOLF TITLE WORCESTER. Mass.. June 3.' ,. . . . - ' , . xunr-uv r gouer., umuns ..um are' only two outstanding amateurs, wlfi begin at the Worcester country, club, tomorrow the annual:-7-hole" nv-Tjaf , lay tor- the most ' coveted" lioriot .:0f the links In ..the" United (Hate the national open golf.cham- nlttnahln ' " - i .'two "rounds : will ' bo played ' to-: w'mow- ' . ',A - ' morrow, and two Thursday. . " , ,, IT" if1 j. .? S'd ' i ih .i .1 ...ii. .i ,.,, know of her husband's death when she ,iJL Wm ' I Sm.'.J Ml ?JT?h! re' flremen wh entered P t.M,, I Z . P ? J?, ment- A' 8o " 'he police that PatKIO Coast, thirty from the middle nnd Mr parsona r6turned home at west and. sixty from the east, al- i0:30-o'clock Saturday night. She la though ; the eastern qualifying, dls- ter tl)wd the time at i:io a. m. Sunday tridt embraced some of the south and said she had retired Immediately, and hear midwest. Cyril . Walker of Neighbors however, reported they had Inglewood, .N.vJ., who won the title heard the. two talking loudly in front last, year at Oakland Hills, was ellg- of the building about 4:30 o'clock In Ible -without passing a preliminary the morning.-: . test, i . '. ... i J Awakened by smoke about ten "The only one of the eligible who , o'clock Mrs.- Parsons summoned a h,;lhilcftted that he will not com- Japanese . servant and the alarm, The pete la Tlpbert A. Gardner of ChK'Japanose said tha,t ifteviously Mr. Far rago, former amateur champion. His sons had awakened him early : in-the withdrawal - leaves only two noted morning to prepare breakfast far the amateurs Bobby Jones of Atlanta clubman' and Policeman King. Break anij! pronols- Ouimet of Boston, each fn over the butler went back to bed, b(;whom has won the . open and he said, .leaving Parsons and his guest amateur titles In the past. Oulmet's !? thf "v'n,S room, The firemen be gme recently has not been up to his "ved that JParsons. holding a lighted lormef standard, but Jones Is lm- -fiBatte' " have fallen, asleep on . prdvlng with-maturity and as-usual :thd,,n't h"B" ttt" ,n id imrf h. -..-... ni . ..... ' Beside the body was found an unex J Jl L favor,'es' ' yeator- ploded revolver cartridge, but its pree- ,Hd rema,rkable ln erac-,ence there could not be accounted for. ties on the Worcester course. Kng sald hnd Jus, ended nls : Walter Hagen, .who . has often patrol duty on Vpper sher,dan roRd shown his ability ln the pinch, play- wnen an automobile careened towards lng par or loss, serenely at the fin-. nlnii halted at his side and the single inn while the .nervous, strain is roll- occupant. Parsons, Introduced hlm Ulg. up the- scores of- his rivals, i self and invited the policeman to help sure -Lady Luck is .with, him ln this him drive home. King accompanied tournament.-: He did a 'hole in- one . the- broker to the tatter's apartment here yesterday the first ace of his-where they were served breakfast career,. ..... '-" . (after which' he said he departed. ' BUI Mehjhorn. of Chicago, who' led King had just reached the downstairs the' jcountry's qualifiers with 71-60 entrance, he said, when a man rushed 167' for the '36 holes, in' the .prelim!-'! up and said the apartment was on nary test likes his chances 'to win fire. King wont back, entered the the),- .title for the first, time. The living room and closed the door, he Worcester, course Is an Inland course said. . Unable to open it again, he ran such , as he Is used to. . -. Ito the window, hanging to the ledge ' preliminary speculation about the until his strength gave way'ahd he winner "centers' on: Mehlhorn, Jones,'; ' . . ; Hagen and MacDonald Smith, whose Mr' and; Mrs.' Parsons Tver mar-70-70-irHO ' on- the difficult Lido Tied In August 1922. He was 40 ycars COuran'.'WnR : th . hftfifr" nrnrn' nt t hn' old.' ' ; ' :.-'. j ! . tikstern qualifiers and 'who. won the north', afyd: south open this spring. .: TOMMY1 GIBBONS IS f SET FOR TUNNEY : WHen Tom Gibbons fights Gene Tun- i riey at the Polo grounds, Fridny night :- it' Will be a test of a young bachelor , boxer against a veteran, head of a c family. I '! TUnney,'; who celebrates his 27th i blfthday this month, is nine years the younger.-. . .. .. . : , ifUnney.' who has been training at ,. j 8ai;oga, Lake, will return to the meT ! tropolls tomorrow. Gibbons is work- ' ; lng out at a Coney Island gymnasium. The struggle Is expected to decide the next contender for Jack Dempsey's crewn. ' - v..- -' - . . 4 The ' New Tork state -athletic com .! mission has under", consideration a challenge by Mlke.Mcfigiie for a re 1 turn bout with Paul Berlenbach. who t w;reste.t Uie llglil-heavywelglit i-tiani-JH;inBhlp from Mike-Saturday hlght.. ; .ji'-. cTigue doclared the decision was T a poor One and that ha worst he mer- lted"was a drnv. : ' j . -;i ,' ' )Mt Telancy of Bridgeport, Conn., has be"en signed to meet Berlenbach, July- 17. : ' ' ''-','.''. '-. ' StlOSUABLE FOR FILM FIGHT HURTS " UN FRAK'CISCO, June 2. (A.'p.) -j-1f.a ,motlon picture -actor Is hired to take a beating as a participant In a "sat up" prize. fight.. tlte studio must pay 'tor,, injuries, receiwa , by the vlc tini.'tljo state Industrial Accident com mlfcston has j-uled here in the case bf Frederick Peters. 'Peters in a., bout before the. celluloid with Art '.Acord camway -with Injuries described by the accident commission as "multiple contusions, and lacerations of the face, hen arid arms, contusions of the right ahkle and other Injuries." ' r PORTLAND. Ore.. June 2.: Kid Norfolk, negro, light-heavyweight of New York, took the decision over Frank Farmer," Tac&hran' - after ten rounds of milling here last night. THe match was tame except for the third round when Norfolk dropped Farmer for an eight count with, a. Jeft ti,the wind, followed by a short right smash to the jaw. Both men weighed 17 ; ' Oary Is Dleliwrf : o BIRMINGHAM, Ala June 3. El bert H. Gary, chairman of the -board of the United States 8teel corporation .today was in Birmingham to begin a Fillet treatment at the employes' hos pital of on,, of his corporation subsidiaries. DEATH OF WEALTHY - CHICAGO. Juno 2. Conflicting etotioa confronted police today In their efforts to account for a- mystery fire vhlch cauned the death of Reynolds Parsons, wealthy broker and clubman in his apartment in a fashionable North Side nelRhborhoood: Firemen found Parsons body partly clothed In the burned drawing room of his home yv-Biuraay. - in uie apanmcni at inn m) wero Mrs. parBon and James King, a policeman who sold he had ac. companled the broker' home -several hours before. ' MrB- Persons suffered slight burns o" her face and hands while King was severely turned and injured when he fell to the ground from a second story FIRST SEA SERPENT OF 1925 APPEARS BOSTON, Mass.; June 2. News of the first sea serpent of the 1926 season was brought to port today by Captain James Doyle of the Boston fishing steamer Foam, returning from a two' weeks fishing trip on South Channel banks. Sunday, 88 miles south of Boston -lightship, a strange fish .ap peared off the starboard bow, he said. It was longer than the vessel, which -measures 136. feet over all, and In general conformation, color and the . shape of Its head resembled' a gigantic -eel. It was as big around as a barrel, ' according to Doyle. ; .. - - IONS MADE PERHAW'AR, British India, June 2. Further details wero, received hore today of the recent executions of 68 rebels ,near Kabul, Afghanistan,. The emir of the Khost ..district of Afghanistan where the. rebellion qc- curred vheld ,a full durbar,, or. .native celebration for thet . qccaaton. ( The condemned men were - led ; out" 'anil shot In the presence, of a great crowd gathered from all the district.1 , The rebel leader, known as , the "Lame Mullah;" reputed to boja holy person, was among those executed. - The natives are indicating much regret at the shooting of this leader, and declare such executions are' con trary to Moslem practice. Lift Off-No Pain! ; ' Doesn't hnrt one hit!" Drop a llttls "Freexone" on an aching corn, instantly thst corn stops hurting, then short. you lift it right off with fingers. Your druggist sells & tiny bottle of "Free rone" for a few cents, sufficient fa remove every hard corn. . soft corn, or corn, between the toed, snd th foot callut', without' sure new or irriutiou. 2 ' LioftETT Si Myers Tobacco Co. Fruitgrowers, Attention! A Letter of Interest to Every' '. Fruit Grower in Southern Oregon m- YAKIMA FRUIT GROWERS' ASSOCIATION Yakima, Wash. , April 10, 1925. Mr. H. W. Hamlin," Med ford Precooling & Storage Co., . Medford, Oregon. Pear Mr. Hamlin: - - , ( v V Your letter.- Informing us that you are putting ln a plant for pre cooling and storage of pears and asking our Ideas as to the value of precooling has been received,' and we feel that you are making tho right step In providing precooling facilities for your penrs. Our experience In the handling of Bartlett penrs, which has extended over twelve years ln tho Yakima Valley, and has done a great deal of the. pioneering in pear precooling in the Northwest, con vinces us beyond doubt that the precooling plants are the largest factor In making pear growing a' profitable business. Hofore we had precooling plants ln this valley our marketing season extended over about three-'Wer'ks' time. The pears came off the trees with a rush and it wns pracMcallv Impossible to pick, pack and load these pears fast enough to get them In iced cars before tho ripening process started.' Wo also had tho trouble of finding a mnrkot for such a largo volume of pears In such a short time. Tho condition of our penrs upon arrival In the eastern markets was usually such that an allow ance had to be made on the f. o. b. price to induce tho buyers to take the fruit, as the top tiers of the car without oxcoplion would be turn ing K-n-ords rlnoncss. thiH being especially truo of all pears shipped out Rftcr the first week. With our precooling facilities wo find quite the reverse from this condition. ' ' We have plenty of timo to properly hnndle the pears through our packing houses and have been ablo to extend our market ing Beason from the three weeks mentioned nbove to four or five months. - This means that we are able to regulate the supply and to lay off B'aipplng when the market Is low, the results being that we feel our precooling plants pay for themselves ln the difference in tho price received for the fruit every year on the pear crop alone. They work out very beneficial ln the same way on other soft fruits such as cherries nnd prunes add are also a big benefit ln handling the apple tonnage from this valley. ,. The benefits as outlined above, of course, are the bright side of the pear precooling game and there have been some very serious re sults ln attempts to precool pears In this valley. Our organization has been very fortunate in avoiding any disasters of this kind, but some of the other smaller shippers here have built plants that have been poorly designed where proper refrigeration has not been pro vlrted and have overloaded these plants to an extent that in place of a precooling and storage room, the plants have made an Ideal ripening room for the fruit, the results being that the pears have come out yellow and ripe and have caused heavy losses to the growers and shippers. For this reason you should check your plans for refrigera tion very carefully with the volume of fruit you figure on handling through your house as a poor cold storage plant or a cold storage plant that Is worked over its capacity sometimes works out to be worse than no cold storage plant at all. Hoping that the above is the Information desired and assuring you that we will be glad to furnish you any additional Information regard ing pear precooling or cold storage you might desire, we are, .-, -r- . Yours very truly, , : ..YAKIMA FRUIT GROWERS' ASSOCIATION. LOC:LS - ' - Asst. Gen. Mgr. MISS RODOLF - Announces 0 Vacation Classes in Russian Ballet Social Dancing (Class and Private)' for Children and Adults Class Thursday Evening, 8:00 00 Private Instructions In Swimming Call 1109 Made for pipes and pipes only! , If ever a tobacco were "made for ibr pipes "rough cut," we call it. ptpes" -"'it's Granger Granulated, fine-cut to smoke, fast and hot ' But Granger naturally and cool" because it's i 11 jr. imu'i:.'. -IV'. .' ' Rough Cut. tobaccos tend in your pipe. smokes slow specially cut And when it Rough Cut is neither over-mild nor too stout, but has that full, rich "rounded-out" mellowness that seems to just"go"with a pipe. .. i i. ' Sons of Italy Inn Italian Diniior Served at All Hours Announce a Merchants' Italian Spaghetti Dinner 40c Evening 7-Coui'se Dinner, 70 Sunday Spring Chicken, Spaghetti or Kaviloa 7-Coui'se Dinner, $1.00 Wc cater to private parties. Private dining rooms for all occasions. Tasty Italian Dishes of All Kinds Corner Ivy and Sixth Streets , In Connection With Medford Ice Cream Gardens IS GOODWILL The Good Will of a Customer Is a Valuable Asset V GOOD WILL is acquired from . GOOD SERVICE. GOOD SERVICE is obtained through CO-dPERATION. CO-OPERATION is working in harmony. First National Bank Medford, Oregon United States Depositary comes to taste, Granger lncL MV..I t:i';.-,vaijr... MAGNETO SERVICE IEPAIR8 TO ALL MAKES Witham's Battery & Electric Service V latatorlum Bldg., Medford, jfcontiarahle Flavor Is overythlhg ln Ice cream. In fact. If Ice cream lacks, flavor and has every other good quality, It falls short of what It should be. Our creams ' combine flavor with purity. Ask for ' U Nutritious Ice Cream Jackson Conntj Creamery we cuwn aud Lurar All Mfi Uad Sam Prmsem , Wkfrt thi Hid Mm memmm tk Pfcftw XftarthtrOunwy you long for aphe . 1 quiet uid rert. The Howl Mtrur v waits and welcome the visitor. A -pleue you omn call reel HO MB. An -liboapher of unusual cherm end comfort jLMskZl'M TUT- MmitJf Omtry id u nil &r