PAOE FOUR MEDFORD .WL TRTPTTCE, MEDFORD, ORE"!0T, THURSDAY. MAY 2S, 102.- - J CO. SCHOOL DAY ASHLAND, FRIDAY Ell ln fcderutlorm who met anrt elected as prewidftit (.JUHtav T. Kir It v. for mer proHident of the Anflfrieun Olympic committee. 1'ORTLAXIJ, Ort .May 2S. The chi'i of the Pacific (Toast U-hkuc toil announced purchase of KIi-hi ILim-man J-aKayette from the Oakland cluli of the Kutne hnxue. JuKayctte Is expected to reach Port land in time to play in the morning Kiimo Memorial day. The following Is the program for held at ABhland tomorrow. All 8th j grade students will receive their ill, plomaa. The exerciHe will ho in the Chautauqua building. 10:00 a. m. County eighth grade1 MuhIc Ashland high school band ' -ll"tm.-kcrt In the diacusHions of race ln,l ,v f'nrl T.nvLlnnd. luuuwurH iuny mr ""tu i Invoeution Hev. Oldfleld of Con-o-rpirn tfonnl church. "America" Audience. sweepstakes. i?ntr Hnliito (Hadiiatlmr HaR. led' J'""" -'"', employee of a TJver. LONDON, May 2ft. (A. P.) Man ila's easy victory In the derby was Y KSTK It 1 ) A YS 1 1 KKI'ITS At Portland 3; Jh Angeles 7. At Vernon 5; Halt Iike 3. At Oakhind 4; Hacramento i. At Seattle 3; Kan FrundHco 8. prices of lady luck as exemplified I in the outcome of various countries' Caroline Loot PKORIA. 111., May 2. Several robbers today held up nnd robbed a I messenger for the Standard oil com pany of between $L'5,0"0 and $30,000 and escaped In nn automobile. by Lieut. Clyde Young. C. A. C. Singing of songs (In chorus) Pupils of entire county: "America, the neautiful," "Oregon, My Ore gon," "Carry Me Hack to pi Vlr ginny." Address to eighth grade graduat ing class by Dean U. O. Dullach of O. A. C Singing of songs in chorus, "Love's Old Sweet Song," "Star Spangled Banner." Presenting diplomas to the eighth grodo eliiss of lfl 25, by county su perintendent. Noon Picnic lunches In Ashland park. 3:80 p. m. Concert and contest. Music memory contest by teams of Jackson county schools, (Jriffln Creek "Wagner Creek, Iteese Creek, Talent. Phoenix, llogue River, Winter, Gold Hill, Onk Grove. Lone Pine, ltuch. Singing contest. Concert Piano duet. Gavotte, Jo hnnning by liern ice Sears nnd Mil dred Hildebrand. Phoenix schools. Gold Hill grade orchestra Leader, Mrs. Galllgar. Solo Mrs. Woodslde. Awarding of prizes. 3:15 p. m. Park events (above tennis courts, near Swan Inke) di rected by committee, Miss IMu men fold, chairman. May Pole Winding Director, Miss Edna Kennedy, Junior High. Folk Dance Director, Miss Isa bella Wattenbnrger, Junior High. Garland Drill 7th nnd 8th grades, Roosevelt school. Leader, Miss Cla sey. Feature dunce Luc lie Lowry, Washington school. Folk dnnoe 2nd grade, Washing ton school. Leader, Miss Ncalon, Child Play Hutte Falls, 3rd and 4th grades, under Mrs. Winntfred Stewart. Group song Mt. Pitt school. Lead or, Miss Bowman. Physical drill Chester Ward, Tal ent schools. Sport contests (directed by Coach Walter Hughes) Tennis, volley ball, playground ball In park. Open to any. teams. I'opco to Play Doublet Mender. Tho Copco baseball team will play n tWo-gumo series with the Owcii-Ore-gon's fast aggregation on Saturday and Sunday, May 80 and 31. Tho first game will be played on the "Double O'' diamond at the end of North Cen tral and tho second game at the Holly street ball grounds. The Copco team has undergone some stiff practice this week nnd with Severn 1 changes In tho .lino up will present a strong front when it faces the mill boys. Johnny Wilkinson, who Is well known to local baseball inns has been persuaded to hold down the first sack and "Wally" Drew will stop 'em behind tho bat. Dick Miller, Brownie and Oliver will constitute tho pitching staff. These two ball teams represent tho two foremost Industries of tho valley nnd It Is predicted that much interest will result In the coming games. Thero will be no admlsslson chnrgo for spectators. Famous Dunco Orchestra Scores. The appearanco of Maun Brothers' Singing Syncopators at tho Fair Grounds Pavilion last evening was greeted by a record attendance from nil parts of southern Oregon. This noted organization scored a decided hit with the crowd of, appreciative dancers, who called for encore after encore, which were responded to most generously throughout the ev ening, A varied program of dance music, popular . stings and clever specialties was presented by these artists. Not lee sums Closed Saturday. At tho meeting of the Merchants' Association it was decided to close all business houses nil day Decoration Da'. May SOth, and ns this falls on Saturday, tho stores will keep open Friday evening until S;30 p. m. Our patrons nre requested to keep this In mind and make their purchases accordingly. K. E. HEDDEX, Secretary. Bids for WtMHl. School District No. 4ii. Medford. Oregon, will receive bids for 3oo cords of body fir, no pine, to be delivered nnd measured on the school mounds, delivery to he not later than August 1st, 1925; nil wood must be not longer than A feet In length. Wood to he so piled that it can easily be measured on the grounds and alt measurements to bo satisfactory to both parties and In accordance with the law on weights and measurements. Bids must be In the hands of Mlfs Ruth Manning, clerk of Dltdrlct No. 40, Medford, Oregon, not later than Monday. Juno Nth. 1923. The Board reserves the right to reject nny or all bids. rs Gas on Stomach Won't Let You Sleep 'Gas pressing on heart nnd other orgs sometime cnuses a restless,1 nervous feeling nnd prevents sleep. Adlfrika helps any case gas on the stomach, unless du to dcep-stnd r;fWn. The QTICK action will sur prlne you. Because Adtevika is such nn excellent Intestlnnl ovueiuint, It l wonderful for eonstlpatlnn it often works in one hour nnd never gripes, r Jlcuth'a Drug Store. ' Adv. pool shipping firm, leaped into the limelight and sudden wealth when it was found he held tho coveted ticket In the great Calcutta sweep stakes, lie had sold two quarter interests In his chnnce for about $10, 00'), but will still be able to collect approximately $11(0,000. H. Morris, owner of Manna, in ad d it ion to taking the der by stakes, is credited by the Daily Mall with having shared in the rich London stock exchange sweepstakes, worth about $2-12,000. The winning ticket was held by Drummer Graves, an In surance manager and G, It. Bateson. a clerk, hut nccordlng to tho Mail, they parted with a half share to Mr. Morris for $14,000. Steve Donoghue, who won his sixth derby yesterday riding Manna, Is the hero of the hour. It is reported that Mr. Morris mado him a present at about 10,000 pounds. SPORT BRIEFS LONG REACH, N. Y., May 28. (A. P.) Hobby Jones of Atlanta, Oa., national amateur golf champion, today fallod by a singlo stroke to equal tho new courso record of 70, set yesterday in tho eastern sec tional qualifying round of tho na tional open tournament at Lido. Jones' score of 72 for tho 18 holes, Included six birdies, but ho was over par on four other holes. ST. LOLIS. Mo.. May 28. (A. P.) Stanislaus Zbyszko, claimant of the crown nnd Joe Steelier. Nebraska n, who will meet here Saturday in a heavyweight wrestling match, are .In the full swing of preparatory work. Both havo added an hour or more a tlay of wrestling to their training schedules. They ar tapering off conditioning rough end tumble, to prevent possibility of injury. PRAGUE. May 28. (A. P.) An international Olympic commlttco was proposed today as a supremo world sports governing body by represeh lal Ives of twelve International sport- I cJlantoJlan. ;OI-TAM' cA cigar you'll like "Here, Jack, tweeten the pot I mean your dispo eiilon, with a ROI-TAN PANETELA!" (10c) Ashland Natatorium 1st and B Streets NOW OPEN Clean sulphur water. 2 large tanks, good springboard, slide and other equipment. ; Open 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. Special arrangements can be made for clubs or classes. Apply Manager. DRESS UP FOR DECORATION DAY Styleplus Clothes Style Plus Quality. Satisfactory service guaranteed. The only nationally 'known clothing at pop ular prices. $25 $30 $35 Light Weight Suits.- Two-piece Gaberdine Suits . S25 27.50 $30 . & Two-piece Palm Beach Suits $15 to S20 Shirts Made of imported Broadcloth, collar at tached style, in white, grey, blue and tan; sizes fro ml4 to 17. Special while-, they last $1.95 A regular $2.50 value. Vogue Clothes A Few Words About Them. '' They are good clothes, very stylish and hand somely tailored. We know of no line of clothes more handsome ly tailored than Vogue clothes. i And we have priced them within the reach of all. 1 ' $30 $35 1 $45 Extra Pants The Popular Light Flannels $5.50 $6.00 $7.50 Dress Pants in Darker Colors $2.95 $4.50 to $8.50 Khaki Pants and Work Pants $1.75 $2.85 to $4.00 Golf Knickers Linen Palm Beach Wool $4.25 $6.50 to $8.50 Mann's Department Store THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY . Phone 486-487 Medford, Ore. For Boys Home Run Sport Waists $1.00 Blouse Waists $1.00 to $2.50 Bovs' Dress Shirts $1.00 to $2.75 Bovs' Bathing Suits 59 to $4.35 . Small Bovs' Hats' 50 to $1.65 New ones this week. Bovs' Union Suits 65 to $1.00 Free Delivery Service Santford & Co. 307-309 East Main Street Phone 702 Phone 703 Free Delivery Service Open All Day Saturday Believing that our many cus tomers who make their pur chases of Groceries on Satur day would be best served by our store remaining open, we will be open AH Day Saturday. We want to purchase first grade Fruits and Vegetables. When yours are ready to sell see us. We pay cash for everything we purchase. Our Service' Will Please Yocu Prices Quoted in This Ad Are Good Until Market Changes. Large package Rinso ....... 25 Large can Rex Lye ..v.':.;.......::.. .. .10 Large package Lux 25 10 large bars Fels Xaphta Soap 70 3 dozen best Jar Rings 25 Old Dutch Cleanser 08 Large can Sani-Flush 25 10 large bars Royal White Soap 40 10 large bars White Wonder Soap 40 4 large rolls Toilet Paper 25 Dozen Economy Jar Lids 25 Dozen regular Ball Mason Jar Lids 20 12 oz. Royal Baking Powder 43 2(, lb. Royal Baking Powder 1.35 50 oz. K C Baking Powder 40 10 lb. Calumet Baking Powder... 1.35, 2 lbs,, fancy Bulk Chocolate. '. 35 2 lbs. fancy Bulk Cocoa .35 Fancy Bulk Coffee, lb. 40 Best Creamery Butter, lb 42 4 seam Eastern Broom 40 Full Cream Cheese, lb 25 10 11). sack Pure Cane Sugar 75 25 lb. sack Pure Cane Sugar 1.85 100 lb. sack pure Cane Sugar 6.T5 Free Delivery Service lv. 5" We own and operate our Own Individual Delivery System. Our employees give their entire at tention to our service. 1 You can Phone Us Your Order and pay our delivery man at your home. i .: ; . Compare the price we ask you every day in the week with the price you have been paying. You will see that our price is a cash and carry price, with first class service added. ; : Our Service Will Please You o o 5 """'''gyg'-