O O 0 .is O vi o o MEDFORTf Mifrr; TRTT5mTE,orET)T0T?T), OlTEGON. JUDMYTO LOUTS MONEY SAVE FASHI BE GOMIf U U O G ' 22,-J92.- ' KJTOE THREE j; : - 1 IMgf! jj it m u a Z2 m m u n m porp .With each lb. of Cup Custard f ULL 'Cookies at 40c lb. we will give you .absolutely free 1 pkg. of Tru Bake Sodas. Pink Salmon, can ,15c Shrimp, reg. size, good quality, can 15c Sugar cured Picnics, lb. ........ . .22c A pkg. of Citrus Granulated Soap free with a pkg. of Cit rus Powder at . . ................ .25c FREE You can buy it for less at Louie's and you don't have to carry it. This store will be' closed all day ' Decoration Day, May 30. Louie's Two Phones: 271272 C. 0. D. If You Prefer COMMENCEMENT One of the high peaks in a young : girl's life is Graduation Day The 'girl who is graduating is having a wonder fully happy time, and a package of Whitman's will convey your congratulations and add to her pleas ure out of all proportion to its cost. We suggest the Salmagundi package as entirely appropriate, or look over the line and make your own selection. - For girls at a distance we will take care of care fully wrapping and mailing and pay the postage. HEATIf'S DRUG STORE (Phone 884) HASKINS' DRUG STORE(Phone 16) As near as your phone. SPEAKER. MAY 29 BUI. NO ONE IS HURT Superintendent of Schools and members of tho school board, have been encountering difficulty in obtaining a well-known man of ability ; to deliver the address at the high school commencement at the Craterian in week from tonight, finully mado a ; ten-strike, as Judge Charles H. Carey jof the law firm of Carey & Kerr of 'Portland, one of tho most prominent j attorneys in the state and of the Pa cific coast, in response to a telegraphic request, wired back here yesterday his hearty acceptance. ! Judge Carey recently wrote a hls jtory of Oregon, is attorney for the ; Spokane, Portland & Seattle and the ! Great Northern railroads, Is widely recognized as an able speaker, ts chairman of the Oregon commission for the reform of court procedure. He was a delegate at large from Oregon to the last two national republican conventions. With Judge Wolverton lie represent ed Oregon at the American liar asso ciation meeting in London, England, last summer. i A novel event for rrent years in ) Mod ford where hundreds of autos Id, have made horses almost obsolete was an old time runaway early this after noon, which furnished much excite ment and considerable damage, but no injury. When E. Eaehard nf tlo local American Express cmii ui bra.?ieli stepped onto a d)iv'ry wa,'.n of the company ili.it action m frhvhteiieil t-r. horse, which was en loving hl-t miii day nap at the time, that iho usually complacent steed awoke to sudden activity and ran away a distance of fitly yards. During this flight the wagon struck the cur of t K. Fox of Central Point, which was purketl on Front street, vbreiikin ga fender, and upsetting a nearby crate of chickens. MYSTERY SURROUNDS VICTIM SAYS NOTHING ASTORIA, May 22 Mystery hangs about tho bed of a critically Injured youth In St. Mary's hospital. Found lust evening lying beside the Columbia highway near . tho John Day river, five miles east of As toria, the young man has been un able or unwilling to tell the officers more than that his name is Pierce. Ho is suffering from a crushed chest. A clipping- in his packet tells of the assault by hijackers upon Jack Pierce near Oregon City last Monday night, and Sheriff Slusher was try ing to ascertain whether the injured man is the same Pierce who was re leased from the Portland jail early this week and ordered to leave the Hose City.- The John Day river, near where Pierce was found by D. Hume, is a favorite spot" for tho transfer of smuggled llqur from rum running ivmtor boats to mitomohito trucks. pi it 1 Picnic Time Is Here We Have Everything for the Lunch Basket KLAMATH STAGE IS Deviled Meat Deviled Ham Vienna Sausage Lunch Tongue Sandwich Delight Roast Beef Corned Beef Corned Beef Hash Veal Loaf Frankfurters Sandwich Spread Lambs Tongue Calf Tongues Deviled Chicken Boneless Chicken The first case of Its kind In this vicinity came up in Judge Taylor's court yestertlhy when Alfred Hmlth, a driver of tho iledford-Klnmath Falls stage lino was placed on trial for violating rule No. 73 of tho state public service commission, which prohibits the driver of a stage from having a passenger on tho front seat with him when there la a seat i for such passenger In tho stago body proper. Smith pleaded guilty to tho charge which ha'd been preferred by K. C. Halley, an Inspector of the public service commission, and was fined $1G. Tho violation of this rule by Smith occurred recently when on ono of his regular Interurhan trips, he permitted a young woman to rido on the front seat with hlin, sho being the only passenger on tho trip. INSANE SATURDAY SPECIALS Pot Roast : v:..:;;;:..i2Mc lb. Veal Roast 15c lb. Veal Stew ...10c lb. . Pure Pork Sausage 15c lb. Model Meat Market Phone 325 V We Deliver Everybody wants a second cup since we started wsw (pffee ORDER BY TELEPHONE . No. '1077 lOO.OOOcups were served at the PANAMA-PACIFIC International EXPOSITION A PIG IN A POKE YOU HAVE HEARD OF BUYING THAT WAY but liorc arc some snappy specials in quality merchandise, and you need not be ashamed to tell your family how you spent the money. White King Washing Machine Soap Two of the regular large size packages and three cakes of. Mission Bell Toilet Soap that are priced regular at $1.35.... , 99c1 Citrus Washing Powder Regular large -stee package and one package of Citrus Granulated Soap... 29 . Tru-Blu Cup Custard Cookies These cookies? are advertised at 45c the pound, and worth it. Come and get" all you wish and 1 get a package of Trubake Sodas with each pound at a special price for both - : 39 CLOSED MEMORIAL DAY We will be closed Memorial Day, May 30th, "Lest we forget." McDONALD'S Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables, Notions. 225 West Main St. Accommodat&ig Service Phone 125 PORTLAND, Oft., Jlay 22. Chester C. ltuchtel,- former city flremnn.' who confessed starting 81 fires while he was a member of the fire department, Is suffering from domentia-prnocox, said a report submitted today to Pre siding Ulrcult JudKo Morrow by a commission of alienists, who have examined him since iiH arrest qbout two monuis ao.j. T io conim anion recoiiimendod-'tliuti'heiue placed in-the aBylum for life. OBITUARY CHAPMAN Emma Amelia' Chan- man died at-her home one mite north of Beagle, Ore..' May 22. from pneu monia, aged 61 years 5 months 27 dayfc. Mrs. Chapman was born1 in Lon don, England, November 25, 1853, and was married to Walter C. Chapman in London. October 11, 1885. and 11 days after landed in New York, going from there to Texas, residing there nine years. To this union there were born-nine children, five sons and four daughters, one son :pasnlng away .in infancy and one Bon, Peroy, died at Medford. aged 31 years. Decensed is survived by her husband. .Waltor C and seven children, 'Hortrand, Claud C. and Victor L., all of Medford; four daughters, Mrs. Lillian Moore. Fort Klamath, Ore.: Mrs. Viola Conley, Medford:-Mrs. Myrtle Oentry, Yakima, wash., and Miss Ella Chapman of Beagle, Ore. The family lived in eastern Oregon two years and for tile pant 32 years have lived In Jackson county. Oregon. Mrs. Chapman was a member of the Episcopal church. She was n woman of sterling qualities and was highly respected by all who know , her and her family. ' Ono son, Ber'rand. Is seriously ill at thi present timo with pneumonia. Funeral services will be held at the Perl Pnnoral Home, Monday morning at 10:30, Rev. Hamilton officiating. Interment In Medford cemetery. WALCH Edna Rose 'Walch. daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Draper Walch of Eagle Point, Ore., died at 306 South Fir street. May 21, from pneumonia, where she had been taken 111 with pneumonia three weeks ago when she was preparing for her marriage to Albert L. Johnston. She was born in Eagle Point, October 18, 1907, aged 17 years 7 months 3 dnys. She leaves her parents,-two sisters, two brothers. Ruby, Esther, Lewis and Jake Walch; also her grandmother, Mrs. Katie Walch. The funeral services will be held at the Perl Funeral Home, Satur day at 2:30 P. M., Rev. J, I). Howe officiating. Interment -, In Medford cemetery. Cold Boiled Ham for Sandwiches Green Olives, Ripe Olives, Stuffed Olives, Sweet Pickles, Sweet Relish, Sweet Mustard Pickles. - . ' ' Many Kinds of Fancy Cheese Fresh Home-Made Pies Fresh Home-Made Cakes Fresh Home-Made Salads Fresh Home - Made Cottage Cheese .., ; Paper Plates, Paper Napkins, Wax Paper See Window Display. ( Personal Attention Prompt Service H IT Phone 252 1 "Z '' GROCER Phone 252 " J; ' f'rtttlo Ixst 'In' Stonri."1' - I1KNU, Ore., May 22. Many oattlo were lout during the utorm Wednes day on the hiRh destrt, according to stockmen in Ilend today from near MIHlcnn. , Ono man loflt sixty head which werv driven by the storm through ifeiicest and to a considerable distance to the oant. Tho cattle are hard or 'impossible to find now becauno water is available everywhere on tho desert, while ordinarily they would he found around the few water holes. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., , May 82.4 (A. P.) For the second time-within, four yoars tho University of Min nesota, is to have a new head foot ball coach. " William H. (Bill) Snaldinf?, In cliaruo of tho gridiron sport of tho Oopher sohoo since HI22, today wns on his way to Los Angeles to work out final details for sinning with the University of California (southern branch) ns -head athletic coach. 1HW . TFVi' f - i' ffTJV'7 Safe Milk and Diet for Infants, Tnval:dattfio Agedi Nuraing Mothers, Oilldren. etc Contains the valuable muscle anh bone building elements found! in the grain and whole milk. Easily assimilated by growing chil dren, students, enemies, etc. Excellent as a light lunch whet faint or hungry. Prepared at home in a minute by briskly stirring , the powder in hot or cold water.J No cooking. . 1 . i -r., ,r..n r mail faiim iimnw in ! i un 1 YOUR MONETO WORTH I ' i j ii i - Mrs. R. W. Clancy departed on The ShaHta this morning for SaUie where she will i visit her daughter a short time and- then continue -to Torento, Ont., for a visit there. Fsncy creamery butter 41c per lb. Johnson Produce Co. The regular monthly issue of tho "American tjeglon," Uie news period ical of the local American Legion post was put in the malls today. Flower baskets for graduation. Jap- jHanese Art Store. 63 Shephard ts Re-elected. MINNEAPOLIS, May 22 L. K. Shcphnrd ol' Odnr Hapidi, Iowa, to dH) was rp'lected pn'm-nt of the ij lOrdfr of Railroad Conductors in ses- Getting it is a question everyone should consider when buying food. "Think ,of it 40 of the average man's income is spent for foodstuffs. At every 20TH CENTURY GROCERY a dollar is 100 cents, and a pound 16 ounces. That's only'right-it's due ybuV But this this is what concerns you most: It's the savings on every item in a 20TH CENTURY STORE that counts. , - . ...tv OFFERINGS SATURDAY and MONDAY, May 23 and 25 Carnation Milk Crisco Post .Toasties Mazola. Oil . ; .' Tall cans...:...'..:0 , "C-lb. can.1.39 -'" Package, l..:.94 Quart can...:....49: PINEAPPLE Standard sliced, large caris'.........;i..... 2 for 49. Ehman's Ripe Olives Wax Parer 5c' rolls, Crystal White Soap Can :. ...:.........10 3 for 10, 8 for 25- 10 bars ,.....'.:...39 ' FANCY CRAB MEAT Sakhalin packed in Japan, halves....:.:....: L,.29 Peanut Butter Pi-eih Maraschino Cherries-- Standard Tomatoes Pound 3-oz.- Bottlc,...:.....15 ; Large cans 2 for 25 ' 20TH CENTURY BULK TEAS Pin est ' quality Ceylon and India Black, ; Pound ....:. :.:.....:........:. 5-; Long Spider Leg or Pinhcad Gunpowder, green, pound.... 53 DELICIA SANDWICH SPREAD, 2 cans for 25c. Bring in your coupon and get one can free. ' Full Cream Cheese V ! Curve' Cut Macaroni- 'Pure Shortening ' '' 2 pounds. 57 4 pounds.... 25 3 pounds 58 VIM This Highrade Fancy Patent Bread Flour priced very low, 49-lb..sack. ... . . . . . . . '..' .... $2.29 Minced R a z 6 r Crtams-Pinnacle ' Matches, Swan Brand They strike; Kock'; halves, can l7c... ...3 for 50 - -6 boxes 25 20TH CENTURY COFFEE One cup means another. Direct to you from . our own, roasters'; always fresh 2 pounds 95c 20th CENTURY GROCERY GRANTS PASS 511 W. G St. MEDF4DRD 31 N. Central ASHLAND 374 E. Main i'in;iijwui. j here. ; v rjt ..-;-.-.;;1f1-yir.-. -r..a "