f o MAI I, TKIBtTyE, MEDFORD. OKEfiONY WEDNESDAY, MAYO20, lfe PAGE KKiHT TO ON PRIEST DAM RALKM. Ore.. May 2). Hundreds of prott'sts received by Oovcrnor 3'ierce aains! ihe propotud construc tion tf the Priest Kapirfs dam in the Columbia river have caused the gov ernor to scr.d a letter to the secretary of :he interior declaring that unless assurance is Riven thin tlie fishing industry will nut l Injured by the pro jvc i the Btuie tf Oregon will try 10 prevent the improvement or de mand that facilities to protect sal mon propagation be Installed by the buildei. The federal power commission has ls.su d a license for construction of the riai to the Washinpton Irrigation and lvt-lopment company, which Is organised under the laws of the state of Washington. In his K-tter to the (secret a i y of the interior Governor Pierce says the dam will interfere with the passage of valmon up the river to their spawning grounds. Some of the best minds on the Pacific coast, the poverr.or tells the cabinet mem ber, aver that construction of the datn will destroy the salmon industry. It Is said that heretofore no nau'itc;or device has been found whereby reilmon are enabled to set above a dam the size of that proposed at Priest Kaplda. The Screen Jiy Yc Press Agent. 'Inferno" Film Score Hit. Interest in the William Fox pro duction "Dante's Inferno'' In this lo cality reached Us hiphest -point yes terday when the muchheralded . pic ture arrived at the Hialto thetre. This picture seems to be all that has been claimed for It. Lakes of fire and brimstone, sinners swinging over red-hot flames, and the plea in ing forms of hundreds of girls rep resenting the souls of sinning sirens which have passed on to their " ward." are among the fantastic scenes. A present day story has been Interlaced with the main narra tive (that of Dante's visit to Hell nnd relates aomd dramatic events in the life of a millionaire who op presses family and friends until one victim, on the verge of suicide, sends his oppressor a curse, written on the fly leaf of Dante's famous "Inferno" poem. 'As the enraged man begins to look through the book his spirit Is transported to the nether regions where' he re-travels the journey described by Dante. Harry .Langdon, the new droll in the Mack Sennett camp Is seen tn "First 100 Years." Langdon'a meth od it & bit new in pictures. He uses the same tactici that made his vaudeville act one of the big hits of the circuit, and Sennett has given him a good company and a good laughing story. Peggy II id ley puts over an inter esting musical interpretation. 4Rteertd Yr Jaetto County AtatfMt Co SUU StfMt so Cattl AnmU Circuit Court Anna M. Parka vs. Erwin Parks. Divorce. , C. K. Elliott vs. James W. Reynolds. Foreclosure. C. K. Elliott vs. St. Anthony Incor-po;-atfd. Foreclosure. Fidenity State Rank vs. C. C. Gil christ For money. P. E. O'llalr & Co. vs. Jerry O'Neal. For money. J. M e.rer vs. I J. Orres. For money. W:!Hs Raymond Wilkins vs. Dorothy Euphriu Wilkins. Divorce. Doris Lucille Maben v. Charles E. M.i ben. divorce. Royal Indemnity Co. vs. Christian II. Natwick. For money. Stti vs. Arno E. Uitter. Sentence. A. W. Walker vs. Firemans Fund Insurance Co. Supplemental com plaint. Reply. Warner. Wort man & Gore vs. C. M. Thomas et al. Bill of particulars. De murrer. M. N. Hogan vs. Mason Motor Co. Motion. Walter Scott Smith vs. George Wolff. Judgment. Kd Smith v. Frank Cameron. Or der. H. F. Whetstone vs. Rogue River Valley Canal Co. Notice. Order. Medford National Bank vs. Geo. W. Neilswm. Order. Earl H. Fehl vs. E. B. Hawley et al. Order. Southern Oregon Exploration Co. vs W. A. Lynch et al. Order, Anna M, Parks vs. Ervln Parks. Or der. Zella Viola Chapman vs. Bertram C Chapman. Motion. Order. Lulu Wilson vs. J. Sam Wilson. No tice. S. R. Castile vs- Walter I Smith et al. Findings and conclusions. II. Pohle & Son vs. Robert Johnson ct al. Order. C. R. Watklns vs. Frank Andrews et al. Findings and conclusions. Decree Nora F. McNeil Itare vs. Daniel Teare et al. Decree. Cost bill. John Albert vs. John G. Hoffman et al. Motion. Order of dismissal. Columbia Milling Co. vs. J. W. Kls tler. Answer and cross complaint. E. A. Moore. assumes the business name of "Medford Pharmacy." Leon C. Hughes, assumes the busi ness name of "Hughes Auto Paint ing Co." V. D. Brophy et al vs. Sokane Or chards Co., Inc. For money. S v- Carl Anderson. Clyde Me- in. Po-"-in nf ft'a-h ! .te . Carl Adrin. Clyde !' Cow m. Poesxion of still. State s. Clyde M-li fan. Larceny by O.liee. C. J. Haas vs. Wm. J. Scmt. Order. State vs. Arno E. Rltter. Larceny. State vs. R. H. Sears. Keeping stilt. State vs. R. H. .Sears. Possessing mash. State vs. O. Pierce." Possessing intoxicating liquor. - State vs. J. O. Pierce. Driving car while intoxicated. State vs. Leigh C. Wetmore. Trans. porting intoxicating liquor. State vs. Ieigh C. Wetmore. Driving while intoxicated condition. Nora Frances McNeil Ilare vs. Dan iel Teare et al. Default. Alice Plack v. W. A. Black. De cree. State vs. C. C. Jalo. Motion. Un dertaking. Order. Erwin Kenneth Penoyar vs. Anna Perdue penoyar. Summons. Hollywood Orchard vs. Dennis. Kim ball & Pope. Order. Roy HiKgins vs. G. C. McCollester. Second amended answer. California Oregon Power Co. vs. Rosa Reed et al. Summons. Motions. Orders. 5rl H. Ffhl vs. E. B. Ha v ley et al. Opinion. Order. Jack McDougal vs. Bertha Turpin et vir. Lien. Probate Court Genilla Frary Aldrich. (dec.) Es tate. Admitted to probate. Otto E. Olsen. Estate. Bond. It terx. Charles Schleicher. Estate. Proof of publication. Mary D. Fltx. Estate. . Proof of publication. Nora Reames. Estate. 'Citation. Wm. G. Miller- Estate. Report. Wm. Adams. Estate. Report. Walter S. King (dec.) Estate. Ad niltted to probate. FJlen C. Galey (dec.) Estate. Ad mitted to probate. Helen O. Dillon. Estate. Notice. Robert C. Schleichert et al. Estate. Report of guardian. Ernest V. Mad d ox. Estate. Final report. Order. Charles Talmadge Freeman. Es tate. Final report. Order. Charles W. Lamar. William A. La mar form a co-partnership under the name of "The Star Market." Real Ktaie Trllanswcrs J. D. lllght et ux to Carl P. Blair et ux. Lota S, 9 .10. Might's Fubdivislon $ 10 Theodore Rein et ux to Oswald C. Gullord et ux. Two-third in terest In NW of NE Sec. 16. Twp. 35 S., R. 1 West Andrew Loncsarevics to Oswald C. Gullord et ux. Third is tereat in NW of NE Sec. 16. Twp. 35 S.. R. 1 West William J. Logan et ux to Wal ter R. Morris et ux. Lots 2. J. 4. 5. 6. 7, Block 5. Phoe- 10 10 Joh T. Wilder et ux to Otis A. Mack et ux. Ixts 2. 3, 4, 5. 6. 7. Block 5. Phoenix Otis A. Mack et ux to .William J. Logan et ux. I-ots J. 3, 4, 5. . 7. Block 5. Phoenix.. 100 100 H. A. Autry et ux.to Glen V. Guiley et ux. W. 125 feet lots 8 and 9W. 125 feet of X. half lot 10. in block "X", Second Railroad addition to Ashland 1,500 Mary C. Guiley to Antonia Den ser. W. 15 feet lots 8 and 9, W. 135 feet of N. tialf lot 10. In block 'X". Second Railroad addition to Ashland. a Edith U Deardorf to K. K. Gandee et ux. Lot in Ashland 10 10 Clara O. Fitrwater et vir to David T. Santo, tot 3, Ash land Valley View addition to Ashland . W. H. Barr et ux to C. R. Delap et al. Lot 6. Oak Grove tract J. E. O'Brien to R. H.. Toft. Lot 6. block 6. Imperial addition to Medferd Mary L- Mayfield to D. L. Davis et ux. Land in D. I C. 55. Twp. 37 S.. R. J West..... 10 10 Joseph Mayer to H. U. Cox et ux. W. half Sec. 32. Twp 34 R. R. 3 East TO Vorweak. Run-down Condition THE DOOR of opportunity flings wide its portals only to the man who is up and doine who is filled with pep and punch with rich, red Hood tingling through his system. Mountain size obstacles dwindle to ant hills and ambitions become ac complishments to these sort of men. W here is the employer who seeks the man who is physically run-down t The man without stamina to with stand the knocks and caff of the hur rying, scurrying world of business? S.S.S. is the lonsr established and time honored creator of red-blood-cells. You cannot expect to get very far up the ladder unless you are equipped with a body that is strong and vigorous. S.S.S. will start you on your way. Don't allow the "Door of Opportunity" to be closed to you because you have not the stamina to withstand the galT because your j rcrve power is. lacking. tiuud up your system! S.S.S. made of carefully selected and scientitk-ally prepared and pro fortioncd herbs and barks makes yr'j lit ! Get back that old time punch! Vhen opportunity knocks ba rody to answer the call! S. S. S. b c'J . .1 civJ mt Vr in two Til Urser UM jSSS. You Fed tkc YourscJf Apiln ii DYZBS HATTEEB CLXANEE8 PLEATXB4 Wong Pon Chinese Medicine Po Treatment of Acute and ctmmte DhpMn of Mcn and Woi Phon IU 13 N. Til It O Sustained Quality The real test of a motor oil is the super test where the character of the "job" calls for super-lubricating properties. The consistent way in which Cycol Motor Oil meets these heavy-duty requirements is an absolute assurance of CycoFs depen dability in every kind of motor-service. There's a correct grade of Cycol for every type ct raotcr bat oajy one quality Cycol sustained quality. Use the right grade regularly for protection against motor troubles, for economical operation, for longer car life. ' ' ' open sea .si KVf focr dr on 'tb ooea Atk.anc when yoa trel m tfe . Umyn Sc. Ukm Root. Maxn:5cnt Cindua Pmci6 hrr5 Mil rtUrly from MaetrMi and Qi-brc: jtk cad cwrvoe rv VI 1 tht of tM &acst ranafliinftinfin : '? 9.s SA -AraW PURESKED Aireda.Ie Puppier Pr c?d -om i5 Cjto l-'O OO. 4. T. LA1IR0P Ranch, Central Point O' Esar,t nwivL r."w WW ! ruroDe aV I M c) 1924A.aca Before 1 orBijy a Home w insist on ChscKSeal Electrical Wiring KOTEIT Rr-'-C-1 ' SEVENTH VvLVV BOTCSTATES If'S; I v. J mm ij 1l I tsr- L M-T-M- . i Susta-Iaed Quality" as ap. plied to Associated Gasoline and Cycol Motor Oil means that these two products con stanriy and successfully meet the most rigid operative tests. Deal -vM the dealer tcho serves you -well the MOTORMATES dealer ASSOCIATED OIL COMPANY The largest stock of electrical parts between Portland and Soc ramento can be found at . WTTHAMS BATTERY ELECTRIC CO. Nat Bldg. J i "r ' or amfatt drtai, ni nun, - CanadianPacificRaibvay liibrdSiMuiiMmakHoitiBldtxPorUaiid ' i genuine automobile Flit J'"- - roriMent.1 tr.m5 e.rrr yat t easinfx ST.LOLU ?lMCmrt AntUlOut.it Frr TrjfB Ejdl Dot Wrr cslnuTJ viauT.a none i