O o o O MEDFORr? MAIL TRIBUTE. MEDFORD. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, " MAYO 20, m25 .PA (IK FITE !cene in 'So This IsLondon," May 22 Markets o o f&-4 .-TiT 9 IjiVCMtK'k. PORTLAND. Ore.,5 May 20. Cattle ifmninally steady; Do receipts. Hogs nominally stAily; rocijits CO. Sheep steady; receipts 1410. KRK . t PORTLAND. Ore., May 20 Eggs firm. Curn-nt receipts as Vjc; pul lets 25 266; first- 1 a: ?f:iiie; henneries STU -SfSSe delivered 1'ort-j land. . S GAME BY or-- IWALTER JOHNSON iZ A FAMILY WASH 1 i ' NEW . YOIIK. May "20. (A. P.) The hascUall , writers committee of the American league today had nn- j , ptner creuit mark to place opposite '. the name of Walter Johnson in the 1925 raco for recognition as the sport's most valuable player. When he can't win a ball same for vthe Senators with one arm from the pitching, slab, he jumps in with two hands and settles the issue with a potent bat. With the champions trailing Cleve land, 3; to 2, and a Washington player on base, Johnson camo to the roseuq of the capital team yester day with a record home run over the right field fence the first blow of the kind by a right-hand hitter in the history of the Cleveland park. Victory carried Washington with in a single game of first place. KLAMATH FAILS HAS T, Uilttcr. j Itutter Host cuIipb half cent higher; prints unchanged. Kxtia cubes city, 41o; Ftamhirdd, 40 Vie;' prime firsts 40c; firsts 3!e: " under-; grades nominal; "prims 43c; car-( tons 4-lc. Hutterfat steady. Host churning cream 40c net shipper's track in zone one; 42c delivered Portland. Poultry. Poultry steady. Heavy hens, 24 25c: light, 22?r23c; broilers. 22 Sf 27c; ! young white ducks, 30 1' 32c. KLAMATH FALLS, Ore.; May 20. Hooco. St ram bo o.f Portland and 8am lily Olson of Galesburg, 111., fought ten slashing rounds to a draw In the. main event of the municipal boxing commission tard here last night, i Hopelessly beaten in the earlier rounds, Strnmbo enmc back In the lost, four cantos and fought hla heavier, opponent off his feet. In tho semi-windup, Joe Coffman of Portland; knocked out Jack Crim, Modoc Indian in the fourth round. Tho boys vero welterweights. Wilbur Harrington, Klamath In dian, got the call over Young Felix of Weed, cal., in another torrid bout. Al Sharp knocked out Tommy Carter in the first round of tho preliminary, Mickey Korkson Wins. PORTLAND, Ore., May 20. Mickey Tlockson. light-heavyweight of Boise, Idaho, won a ton round decision in tho main event here last night from Dynamite George of Los Angeles. Kockson- irt tho last five rounds, piled up a loud sufficient to give him the call. George Sollis, Salt Lake light weight, won a fast six round bout with Al Gracio of Spoknnc. Yesterday's IlesultK. At Sacramento, 2; Portland, 3. At Los Angeles,, 3; Oakland, 6. 'At Salt Lake, 35; Seattlo; 8. At .San Francisco-Vernon," rain. '? KLAMATH FALLS, Ore.. Mnv 20. Enough rain fell in Klamath "coun ty last night to supply the country for an en tiro month, according to the jdocal office of the reclamation ser- f Ice. Rainfall totalled .77 of an -inch, or more than has fallen during the entire month of May for the . past ten years. Farmers through out the county are jubilant. The only damage reported was to unma - cndamlzed roads, ; rV , BEND, Ore., May 20. A steady rain which began falllog here early Inst night continued this morning and ' at eight o'clock a totnl of .96 of an Ihch had fallen for the 24 hour period ending then. This bnlrgs the total precipitation for the month to v more than two Inches. Range conui tions all over central Oregon are re ported to he in unusually good con dition as a result of the rains.. Heavy rains have been falling in the moun tains and near flood conditions are reported from Crano prairie. Grain ' one the meadows is unusually good condition there, forestry officials who havo just returned from an in spection trip, report. WHY NOT BUY FROM THE SOURCE OF SUPPLY AND ; CUT OUT SUBSTITUTION? We Wholesale and Retail Fresh and snioKed meats, home- ? made lard and sausage. Fruit and fresh vegetables from the "farm every morning. Fresh Fish from ' Marshfield. Creamery Butter, Cheese and some can goods. We give the consumers the benefit of our large buying advantages. w m Jdinson Produce Qd. Potatoes. Potatoes firm, $2.2fl. Seats are now selling at Hunt's Cra- tttrlan theater for the Henry Duffy production of "Ho This Is London," George M. Cohan's international com edy, which has convulsed audiences on two continents, and which will be st en here Friday night. May 22. This amusing play should prove to be the premiere attraction ofthe year in this city. Its entertaining Qualities have been tested by the most partic ular theater goers both in America and EiiKland' and they have pro nounced it tho most palatable, the most enjoyable morsel' prepared for the rtage in many seasons. With mirth of the delicate, infectious sort. a lingo of satire mid a fOvv " Iji'Ohdly burlesque episodes, this "offering is said to havo played to crowded houses wherever it has been presented. 1 "So Thir Is London" contains noth ing to offend the adherent of Great Britain. On the contrary it proved .mat hi. gid a magnet in England as it did whenMt was . first staged by Oohan on liroadway. It Is oen long continuous evening of cnjoynbld fun without being too farcical or absurd in the development of its plot. 'Per haps: by reastjn of Its name, but cer tainly because of its entertaining qualities, it has caught on with the nir.uietnent loving public to a remark able degree. Henry Duffy is sending here a company heuded by Lawrence D'OiTay, the original star, and produc tion' on 'a par with that seen in the major cities of the country. RANGE SALE EXPERT GIVES ADDRESS TO CQPGO EMPLOYEES A splendid talk on "Itango Kales" by It. W. Turnbull, northwest sales man ager of the Edison Electric Appliance company, was given bofore a special meeting of, Copco employes and local electrical representatives at the Copco building yesterday afternoon. Mr. Turnbull, who is recognized as one of tho leading authorities of tho yest on the subject of electric range sales, covered his subject in a very thorough manner and kept his hearers inter ested for over an hour.- A new Mot point H A 73 electric range wus,used to Illustrate his remarks, which brought out most effectively the won derful progress which has been made In the electric range in the pnst fr,v years. Jn this connection many inter esting facts and figures were pre sented, fully demonstrating tho su perior features of electric cooking. Mr. Turnbull emphasized particu larly what he called the Five C's of electric cooking, namely Conven lencec, cleanliness, comfort, conserva tion and control. His lecture will no doubt prove of great value to nil Copco employes in -making range sales, Although the selling principles which he 'presented could well be' ap plied to any kind of salesmanship. In connection with the new Copco electric range campaign, the power company has adopted a new policy of giving credit to employes for their assistance and cooperation to local electric deal ers in making range Balen. PorllniKl Wheat. POHTLAND. Ore., May 20 Wheat bids: Hard white, bluestcni, baart, soft white, western white, hard win- tor, $1.60: northern spring, $1.61; western red, $1.58; UU IJ hard white, $1.SU. - - ' 1 Today's car ' receipts Wheat, 0; flour. 7; corn, 2; oats, 5; haya 1. VAUDtlEW .CRMEHAN MAKES HIT The Orpheum, ,7r., vnudevlllo bill at the Craterlan last night; was one of tho best of tho season. Provost and Goulet, a pair of acrobats, openers of the fhow. and Austin and Delanoy,, col ored gentlemen with nimble feet, pro vided tho favorite nnmbera yith the audience. . Provost Jumped rope-, while flat on his back. Harry Maxfleld of MaxfWdd and Stone, possessed an ex ceptionally sweet -voice, but his part ner had a sore throat. Dave Hafael and company did a good ventriloquist turn, and Maxwell, Fields and Co., pre sented a lively song -and dance num ber, with plenty of music. No iiu'siion about wjiirli you'd choose a day in 1lu woods or a day with the washing. And it's so easy for you io let us do tin; washing while you do the picniekhii,'. Our lvough Dry service washes and dries everything and irons the flat work, leaving only a few lighter pieces for you to iron at your leisure. Why not phone us today and then arrange for a picnic tomorrow I" ROUGH DRY 9c a Pound American Laundry 133 So. Central Try the American Laundry First Phone 873 6ooooooooooooooooxooo Field Miir-slml FreiH'h Near Death LONDON, May 20.- (Py Associated Press.) The condition of the Earl of Ypres, former Field Marshal French, was described today as very srave. He underwent an operation March 1!), but appeared soon thereafter to bo improving. ' 1 ' Domestic Science Teachers tUse THE WORLD S GREATEST They Know It's Uniform. Always Reliable SALES 27a TIMES THOSE OP ANT OTHER BRAND 1 Naturally Enough . our splendidly crpiipped and beautifully decorated. 'chapel, is a better place from which to hold the last services than any private residence possibly could be. It was created for the purpose and naturally, therefore, surpasses any makeshift. The use of the funeral chapel is con stantly becoming more universally accepted as THE thing to do. QftePERL FUNERAL HOME lOistincttteSeintice - SIXTH AT OAK DALE Stom-Ojjices-Shofis REO . U.S. PAT. OFF. HOT-WAIER RADIATOR HEATING OUTFIT warms m ema ill HAVE YOU a small business establishment? A store, office or detached building? Does your heating have to be all-on-one-floor? ARCOLA can give you the-same -hot-water radiator warmth that it is furnishing to more than 100,000 small homes and small buildings of all types.., See the partial list at the right. ARCOLA'S price has been greatly reduced. I he new models are on display at each of the heat ing stores listed below. Go to the nearest one and get your ARCOLA estimate, ' ARCOLA is warming Small Homes ' Small Stores Small Detached Buildings Grain Elevators Railroad Stations ' General Stores Doctors' Offices Pool Rooms Gas Filling Stations Lunch Rooms t Real Estate Offices Lawyers Offices Barber Shops Garages Greenhouses Coal Company Offices Attic Playrooms Ice Cream Parlors Dairies ; Poultry Houses Farm Cottages " Club Houses Tailor Shops Tobacco Stores Laundries ' Cobblers' Shops Taxicob Offices Community Centers Schoolhouscs HSlflSfll!:; , ;;;;; 1 smSmMdSZsM in nMMiiiMiwimiriiiMfiT"nin 1 r It i in i miir r umAMnitfcuinii iiimiii nmn X Cuitonien like to tome io nc.ruata xv tor wormca iiure V Or office Wm. A. Aiflcen, Medford, Oregon Modern Plumbing & Sheet Metal Co. 10 N. Fir St.,' Medford, regon Al Vroman,-Medford, Oregon' O B. S. Dedrick . 616 "T" St., Grants Pass, Oregon Provost Brothers 38 Main St., Ashland, 0gou Schroedcr & Hildcnbrand Marshfield, Oregon 241 N. Fir St. Theme 97