o o o o ; jfEDFOtif) Haw rT?ttmNirc, T)F0Uny bnmny, wet)nest).y- may 20, nv2r THE DETERIOEATIOlPoP MB. BRYAN. Medford Mail Tribune CP.0SS-WR1) PUZZLE STORY . t : SCHOOL THINGS . . ' AW TwnPPPvnitKT VKWHPAPKH FtJBUSilKD EVERT AfTKRNOOK KXOIF1 CROSS WORD PUZZLI "The disgrace Is that teachers paid In the taxes of a commu ( nlty which stumps Its dollars 'Jn God We Trust should betray, the trust Imposed in them by the taxpayers. The hand which writes the pay checks should control the schools." William Jen nings Bryan. suniMi. hi inn MEDFOKD PUINTWO 00. . Tb ftfcdford Sunday Morning Sua li furnUhed nbMcrlbtui desiring tb evu-dy dally nw- HP- Offic: Hall Tilbuns Building, 11 J7-1I Horta Kir itrtet. kHiom to. A consolidation of the Dcmocritto Time, tbt Mcdfurd Hall. th Medlord Tribune, ui do am im urcgoutao, tut Aanuua rnuuna. BOBEHT W. RUtlL, Editor. S. 6UM1TER SMITH, Uiomgar. Hit UaMIn Arlvntw! Dailf, with BowUy Ran, ;ar ....... .$7-0' IMII7, wun ouiiuaf nun, monin Dally, without Sunday Sua, year Mo Dally, without Sunday Sun, month .. .06 Weekly Mali Tribune, on year ( 00 Sunday Bun, ode year 1.00 V OAltlllHR In Med ford. A ah t and. Jackson- HUe. Central Point, Phoenix, Talent and on Highways! Dally, wllh Sunday Sun, month $ .76 lMiiy, without Munany nun, muntn, oo Dally, without Huiidkv Hun. one year... 7.60 Dally, with Hunday sun, one year.... 0.60 All tcrma by carrier, caLb in advance. Kntared at aeoond-ctaaa matter at Uedford, Oregon, under act of March 8, 1870. Official paper of the City ol Med ford. Official paper of Jackaon County. Sworn dally avetbgt circulation for all month ending April 1st, 1024, 8000, more tl.an aouDie tnc circuiaiion or any omer paper puu- nased or circulated in jackson uouniy. The only paper between Atbtmt, Ore., and Ohlco. Culiforiila. a dlatnuce of over 400 BUU-a, having leased wire Associated Press swvioe. UEJIUKItS OK, TUB AoniATTB MIEHH. The Associated Press la exclusively entitled to the use 'or republication of all news die batches credited to It or not otherwise credited en una paper, sou aiao 10 we tocai news puv balied herein. All rights of republication of special dis patches herein are also reserved. Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Perry. , It now develops that the drive for funds for the Children's Homo nt CorvalliH Is not doing ho well. In the first place, the fundH will be used nt home, and In the second place, the starving ArnienhinH are hungry again. 87 per cent of the IIumdlngerH, Inc., who mow the lnwn "for the exercise,' do it hvcauso their wives made them. IT DOX'T fiEKM POKKinLE 4 (Salem Capital Journal) Tho report sayH that ilev. Mr. Meyers Is the cyclops of the K. Ki K. Rev. Mr. Moyors Is well ' known at pilverton, having heon 'pastor of the Christian church here at tho time the "Escaped Nun" attracted so, much atten 1 Hon, Rev. Mr, Meyers took a "prominent part In tho affair nnd also In a number of liquor viola tions. Opal Hooper has heon absent .from school this week on account of Ill ness. Opal worked very hard . for Midland at the field and track. meQt. (Klumath Kalis News,) She finish ed first In wringing the (lis lung. Tho tourist who wrote to tho paper deploring the lack of Interest In this vicinity In the development of mlnoral resources, returned to IiIh claim yes terday. . Tho Los. Angeles lady who hounced A flatlron 1 off a gentleman's heap, rendering htm Iminlmato, was acquit ted. ' Tho defendant was neither crazy or good-looking. FOR RENT Room for gentleman in private family, rhone 202-H. (Rose burg News-Review.) "Bringing Up Father.' ' WE Mi, WHO GETS IT? "V (HuiiHclmld ninth) Mix enough dough for ono bis cuit, well shortened and only slightly sweetened, buko done, place In a howl nnd pour over It two quarts of strawberries that have bwon cut or mnshed and huve stood In sugar at least a half hour. Kerve to ono person only. ' An upstate court has upheld the theory that bids for highway work should he awarded to the. lowest bid der Irrespective of his political ufflilu tlnns, but that the complalnee was out of order "I'll purchase this 'Homo nnd Onr den,' " said Indy Ford-Coupe, as tho May issue of Truo and l)lrty dropped to tho floor. "Wrap them both up." she continued, when caught, "the per son who cleans has a faiicy for trashy literature." NO CYCLONES IN OREGON (Ildllne Rooster pnmphlets). And there Is no Oregon In cyclones. HE KNOWS liAWVKnS (Kansas City Star) . "Colonel Harvey,' he -asked, "how much inn to time will It require for you to conclude the direct examina tion?" "It should require not more than n few minutes," Colonel Harvey oblig ly replied, , "That menns nn hour nnd a half," Judge McCluro answered blandly. , "And the state," ho asked turning to. Attorney Oenernl Griffith, "how much tlnre will you require on cross examination?". "It should not take long, your honor," as obligingly replied the at torney generul; "Very well then." answered the court, "wo will adjourn until Monday morning so that you can have the entire day for it.",. . The suit of 'tho-Ornnd Dragon of Indiana against the Imperial Wizard, for trying to burn up his yacht has been dismissed, nnd throwH some JlghT'oa the Iftgh cost $t nightgowns. . The choir of the Park church was full Sunday and the singing was ex cellent. (Red RJuff News.) The demand of ftie claimant had no legality upon which to stand. Mot the woman w;isld and needrd t-1 money,, and (iovt-inor l-Vigusnu de c lured that It would bo "nice" to let hor. have It. (ti. F. Bulletin.) Ur glrta . .... ; r: UPON what mut doth this our Caesar feed? , Can this bo the same man, who delivered that inspiring cross-of-gold speech in Chicago thirty years ago and led the forces of the dispossessed for so many years, against the battlements of Wall Street nnd iniquitous Mammon 1 "The hand that writes the pay checks should control the schools." Not only control the schools, but control the teachers, not only control the teachers, but tho spirit, and all in the name saered sign of the heavy tax payer! Can it be that with Mr. Bryan, come the gospel of today T "What mon people," the poor widow who morn to night to pay Iter landlord; the struggling workman, the individual Mr. Bryan once called tl 11st rial machine, shall ho have nothing to say about the education of bis children, simply because he lias never been able tb invest hi real estate? There arc thousands of people cause they felt be was, with all sincerely devoted to the welfare of the average man, nnd an unv compromising foe of American materialism. ' -' "Will they follow him now, as estate promoters, and as the champion of intolerance and bigotry ih Tennessee T It will be interesting to see. NOT A MATTER IN MR. BRYAN'S lexicon of lenrning, a person who believes in evolution, can't hli(v in fiorf ' : tt woiild be nliriost as logical in the force of gravity, can't believe in Obd. A belief in God is n matter of of the soul and heart, not the mind. There is no more reason for one's spiritual faith being destroyed by evolution, than for one's enjoyment of music being destroyed by a knowledge of counterpoint. All that Mr.' Bryan's present upon freedom of thought nnd freedom of the spirit. Ho declared the people of this country must believe precisely Os he believesor they must be jailed as heretics nnd blasphemers. It is nil decidedly pathetic, and QUILL Principle!): The prejudices a mitn absorbs from his associates.- , "Jolly ciunp life," for mother, Just means an iheonvenicnt place to look. ; ' t . . If it is art, it need not be defended by the plea that it is art. The good old days men long for usually began at about 9 p. m. . Education pays, of course, but a lot of co-operating. No book is without literary llie jacket. , Now thnt they are accustomed fincc feared the worst. If everybody works in Heaven, it will be Heaven for us just to watch n few chronic loafers we know. Of course taxes climb. A boy in the tenth grade is more ex pensive than one in the first. "What does' tho average vocabulary ni'cd?" asks an advertise ment. Speaking off-hand, we should say n rest. Correct tins sentence': "We married the day we met," said slie, 'and we've been happy together for five years," , RipplingRhijmQS wat THE RUSTY CAR. TiY RUSTY car, she stands out doors, when she's not " bravely going; she stands tiiero when the water pours, , nnd when the winds nro blowing. Anon Bhe's lifted by a gale that jams her works together, ngaln she's pelted by the hail she's out in all such weather. And when I start this mass of junk, ami open up the throttle, she goes as though' she'd lately drunk four fingers from a bottle. She causes mo no. brooding care, I view her ancient body, and reek not if new rust is there, where once the paint was gaudy. Sho's no pinrid, to bo kepi hit spick and span and shining j I care not if the clouds have- wept upon her dingy lining. She does her work, so what's tho odds if rain and shine should tarnish; she'd go no better if her rods and spokes should shine with varnish. Sly neighbor lias a gor geous boat, that he is always wiping, niid' over it ho' likes to gloat while plaihtivc lays' lie's piping. He rubs tho hood with costly dope, a' polish Freneli' or Flemish, and views iier through a microscope to sec if there's a blemish. A spot of mud upon the paint will fill his day with sadness, a crumpled fender makes him faint or fills his breast with sadness. On every.grease mark, spot and speck, he keeps ri constant tally; while I am driving my old wreck kerwhooping down die valley. Ho finds no pleasure in his wain, his life is full of worry, while I go slosh ing through tlu rain and get there in a hurry. How much good I'uii we miss, hy heck, by fooling 'round with polish, by looking for some little speck we feel we should abolish. ft.. the mind, not only the mind, but of tho Almighty Dollar and the the heresy of yesterday has be has become ol bis ''dear com pays no taxes, but struggles from the helpless cog in the soulless in who have followed Mr!. Brvan be his faults and emotional vagaries, ballyhoo artist for Florida real ' ' OF THE MIND. to say that a person who believes faith, not knowledge; it is a thing crusade amounts to is nn attack more decidedly futile. . POINTS you can't collect without doing merit if you iticitidc tho blurb on . ... to it, it seems strange that people Mason & ay ST" jh hi SHn 33 34 56 I37 j lL "Let's clean our 1-8-13-20-26-33 with' our 1-2-3-4-S -C-7 so we can write some words!" said Sally. v .: .. "35-36-37, 8-9-10 us write a row of 'the's' and a. row of 17-24-30-37, tool" said her sister. "I have a 2-9-14 and some ink 27-34 school!" said Sally. "We had .38-40 write our name and addresses on a sheet of paper. The , teacher said mihe was a very 12-19-25-32 paper and I shall 21-22-23-24 a hundred for it. I wrote 33-34 for Street and put a 30-31-32 or a period after it. ' We had a number of words to write. Most were very 16-22-29-33 words like "39-40" and "yes" and the past tense" of sit or 7-11-18. Sally wrote 11-12 essay on a sea 3-10-15-21-28. I asked her what an otter 17-18-19 for dinner. She said she did not know. I asked if he had 26-27-28-29 like our ears. Sally said 13-14-15-16 meant before and is used as a suffix like antcmadncss and I had better stop asking her questions or she would go mad. , . ' . :,,.;. Answer To Last Puzzle 2-5-7-9-11-13-17-1:0 (weighing), 7-8 (It), 10-12-15-18 21-22-25-29 (chil dren. 16-19 (so); 3-6-8 (cat), 29-30-31 (hot), 1-4 (at), 23-28 (by), 23-24-25-26 (been), 27-28 -(my), 26-30 (no), 1-5-6 (tea), 1-2-3 (awe). 13-14-1516 (Iris), 18-19 (lo!) , , Copyright, 1V25, by The International Biinaicatt Personal Health Service By WILLIAM BRADY. M. D- 8lgnd UtUrt pertaining to personal 'I merit, will be aniwered by Dr. Brady If Letter ehould ba brief and written In Ink-, Owing to the laroe number ot letter reotlvod, only a few aan be jtnward here. No reply ean b made to uerl not ooafor rains to Imtruotlona Aedreee Dr. William Braay, Ic aara of thle ajawapapar. ' ' A Huriiincr Ilunw Ills j Jieioro you ivvu iimh m tiiu uuiu- matlc chucker; writes E. C T. of ArkansaH, l"Vlsh to thank vou for What you b&U somf time ago In your column about hum ming for ringing in the ears. I began that exercise "right now,' as we say In the south. For 10 or 12 years I have 7ha(j itching earB. which good doctors treated without re sults. . That BUbvocal labial dental exercise brings In my case, great vi bratlons In the. ears and tho. itching has been forgotten for quite a while. The head nblnes seems id .he so well an t la f ted with their p& home .that they are toath to give it. up entirely 30 years- of undisturbed posses sion is enough to make . 'em feel at homo. , . , , ; Eight or 10 years ago I wrote about my J'catarrh", and . "rHeiirha tism," and found, out. I Jio.fl neither. Of course, at my age (i am in my elghty-aecond, year) the nasal pas HttgeB wilL.no bo cured ,of their itis, uui it can uo , uorne, ana. tno joint trouble, doesn't bother .much now. You suggested that t nn . old . man should die with his boots on. I am working yet. I turn roll., overs in the hay mow. When working .in the heat J go bareheaded I stand the heat better without a hat. Another Uradylsm. The head . of ttie. house says. . "Klifts thinks the sun rises nnd sets ..where, Pri, Bi-ady is." J served my .country In the civil war pioneered.; in Nebraska territory,., boav the grasshopper rnidn, felt the hot winds and the cold ones. I am now a. childish old man, but you've help od , me keep my boots 'oh. Now, then, let the chucker ' have it. E. ,C. T. . ' The chucker got so greedy that I had to attach a patent restrainer. and when I get a . letter like yours switch on the restrainer, which makes the chucker, growl and groan and causes he building to tremble some, but permit me .to got tho mes sage all right. Certuinly, an old man should keep his boots on. It Is a great mistake fon a man to tnke off . his boots and put on carpet shippers too early in life. This , is not to imply that man 'ought to hang onto his busi ness or Job long after he has passed the nge of greatest usefulness. The government policy of retiring army pfflcers when they havo arrived at x certain age or , completed n cer tain term of service is for tho good of the service, yet many retired of ficers nro still thoroughly compe tent to do other work, and for their own welfare they should - do , other work for years after they havo beon pensioned. A man should endeavor to culti vate some kind of hobby or sideline avocation different and apart from his regular vocation, and if posHihlo nn avocation which requires hat he Keep his boots on. Then, when ho comes to the time to re tro, ho can do , it nnturally nnd gently and slip Kracefully into the new calling, without any shock to anybody. Many a man who neglects this hobby or sideline Interest in his full years, on the foolish plea th; he hasn't time f can't neglect his main business to monkey with other thlnns. Iuim h sad experience ahead of him. When ho does retire the chmigp ft urn busy actlvltv to deatllv Inactivity wilt prove a heavier blOj than he expected, and it will give htm n bad shove d"wn the toboggan. Ics, fellows keep your boots -n "I health and hyaiane, not to tflMaw alagnotla or a eUmped. eelf addreued'-enveloDe le enoloeerf. IIunMlrum Hum. uuu run in tn nay, ns rj. yj. i; uui-s. If you haven't nny hay handy, then roll on tho parlor floor or In the back hall. And this Isn't so much psychology as it is just plain physio logy. Boots or no boots, there are a lot of troubles one can roll away, and I now have testimonials to the officacy of somersaults from people of all ages from 6 months (grandma wrote this one) to 80-odd years. Writo for the somersnultaqua if you'd like to try 'em. But remem ber, I do not promise somersaults will cure ' anything, except maybe dignity. QVKSTIONS AND ANSWERS. I law Footl. Is it harmful to eat raw oatmeal, also corn -starclj mixed with water? .This craving began when I was , an expectant mother three years ago and has remained so that I have eateri these things almost every day since. Some say they are harm ful and will dry up the blood. Mrs. P. E. . . , t . Answer They are perfectly wholo someto eat raw if you like. Thirty Orr. : Please send mo tho sdcbnd Brady symphony. I havo reduced 30 pounds Within, the Inst- year, by following your instructions about the Karell method. Now I want to get a lit tle more pep and snap by means of tho famous symphony, and then I'm gonna see if I enn't harpoon an other man. Mrs. S. L. Answer Take my advice and don't let, the prospect know o,bout your reduction if he finds you have so much backbone he may shy. off. Lot on you just lost 30 pounds grieving over the departure of your former partner. That may. appeal to, the poor' fellow. . ' , . No Sunshine. Is It healthy for young people to sleep in bed. rooms where the sun nover shines? Is it better for one's health to live on the first floor or up one flight or two, In a house where when a heavy rain storm comes the cellnr is usually flooded? Answer It is more healthful for everybody to have a sunny bed roam If possible. But I don't think sunshine in tho bed room is any more .important than , it Is in any other room. It is no more unhoalth ful to sleep in a sunless bed room than it is to work In a sunless shop or office. LaCk of sufficient ex posure of the naked skin to direct sunlight is probably a disease fac tor of much greater importance than we have gonorally thought. It is .Immaterial whether one lives on the first or a higher floor, or in thq basement or attic, nslde from questions of comfort. Local ami CJcnoral. What's tho difference between local anaesthesia? v. K. Answer Local anesthesia merely benumbs the nerve terminals In a limited region so that sense of pain is temporarily In abeyance in that region. General anesthesia benumbs tho consciousness so that pain and other sensations are entirely prevent- ed during the period of anesthesia. ,JSafe Milk Die 'orlnfantt, invalid , The Am Kmrishmg -Digestible No Cooking. AToid Imitation - Substitute IV i:a.i:iMi:M . inow TO SOLVE PVZZLE. Tlie. worcla start In - Oic numbCTWi scmnres uud rim , t'lthcr . nqross ' or ilon ii. Only ono letter Is placed In each will to square. .If tlio proper uords uro found eacii combination of letters lii tlic white Kquares "111 fonn words. The key to . puzzle tho nrst word is fawn in tne uniw lint. . Ueiow- uro keys to tlio other words, ... . , liuniiliiK Across. , Word 1, Jn tho picture. Word 4. Abbreviation for senior. Word 5. To blot out';, to annul. "Tho singer was forced to her engagement." Word' 6. An exclamation. Word 7. Opinion; belief; Idea, Ruiuilnir Down. Word 1. Where mother does the cooking. Word 2. What the statue of Lib erty carries in her upraised hand. Word 3. To make plain? Word 4. A noise made by t horso when ho Is startled and forces the air through his hose. TfiSTEnUAT'S PCZZLH ANSWERED Timely Views ( on World Topics Yellow Peril Won't Broome Reality L'ntll China Is Developed," Say: Sims. Admiral William Sims, retired. commander of tho American fleet in European waters during tho ..world w a r, recently de-l imoH timt ihcro isi not even a slight 'ropo a the world proclaimed tnven chanco that Ameri-ltors of the flying machine, had cm- a will bo attacked ! Phcally refused five years previous tronr the Pacific orj1)r to ,B, clht "" ' them fly. . . .i. ....i.... Honors llcnncd on Wrlirlit , ', nerll" will becomel:' real until China is! ileveloped to the level of Japan. "America Is se uro from nn attack In the great dis tance that ' attack ing powers would ADMIRAL SIMS have to travel to - . , . . reach Am or lean soil," Admiral Sims said. "There is a- possibility . that tho Philippines could bo taken temporarily, but be cause those Islands - are on the di rect line of Great Britain's commu nications it is doubtful if England would permit their seizure. . Disagrees With .Mitchell. "japan knows that she would hot have thO- slightest chance If - she crossed Bwords with the United States, and until China can become a military 'and naval power there is little probability of attack. China, however, has" been at a standstill for the last few centuries so there is nothing to worry about from that angle for several generations," The admiral lauded the work of Oeri. William Mitchell as "a com mander in the -aviation service and with the general's fight for a min istry of air defense, but disagreed with him on tho union of land, sea. and air branches! For a naval of ficer to have in his command, fliers who know nothing of naval' tactics Is little better than no planes at all, the admiral contended. Ench branch of the service should have fliers especially trained for ob servation of movements ifi which1 they are familiar he said. . 1 Jntihmi I ' Iff ' Mwijjry. ML "Neuritis Is becomlu'- vastly, more pop'lur.us an ullbl . tliiui, ha tin' a bad cold, 'causa " don't have V pretend t' bo blowln' one's nnM' " Hi' time," writes Miss Fawn Mpptn cut In "Society's liomuln." 'i'hea-'s ten times more enforced worklu' than titer is enforced Idleness. . Who's Who Orvillo Wright. The recent determination, of Orvillo,. Wright, pioneer American aviator, to give tho first Wright plane to Great Britain for historical purposes, In stead of turning it over to an Ameri ca n . lnstitutloon has aroused much discussion. Wright explains his action by stating that he fears his original plane would not be preserved . with safety In. any American museum, He asserts that tho original Langley plane was altered by museum offi cials to suit their Ideas, Orville nnd . his brother . Wilbur, now dead, made their first flight at Kitty Hawk. N. C Dec. 17, 1903. The flight was of sufficient duration to prove that heavier than air machines were possible. . , .- , Aloiio In Field for Years The Wrights flew in 1904 and again In 1905, but it was not until 1908 that their machine became known to the public, then, suddenly many other people learned to fly. Orville. Wright was born in Dayton," Ohio. Aug. 19, 1871, and attended tho Dayton public schools. He received an honorary M. S. from Earlham col lege, Ind.; the degree of Dr. Techlncal Science from the Royal Technical college of Munich, the degree of 1,1 D. , ,, from Oberlin; the degree , of Sc. I. from Trinity and an M. A. from Ynlo University. For years Wright was engaged 111 the bicycle business in Dayton- with his brother, the late Wilbur Wright. It is not conceded that tho bicycle bus iness had anything to do with the flying machine invention. Heredity though, may have had something to do with the Wright's inventive genlud. Many years ago Bishop Wright, the father, invented a typewriter, though he did not.perfect.lt, and ho worked' over other inventions. An older brothr er, Lorln Wright, also made, patented and sold an improved hay press. . The adage "A prophet is not with out honor, save in his own conntrv and In his owri house" applies no less to tne Wright brothers than to manv another inventor. The town, which In 1909 voted $20,000 to celebrate tho Wrights return to Dayton from Eu- P,r?"icllll.y a" the aero clubs of tlio world have honored Wright with mem berships. . Among them are thn club ot Franco; Aero club of the United Kingdom; Academy of Sports ot France; Aeronautical society of Great Britain; Aero club of America; the French Academy of Sciences. His name appears on tho roster of many other sctentifle and neronauticai or ganlaztlons of Britain, Austria, Ger many and other countries. The French awarded him tho Cross of the Legion of Honor; ho holds a Langley medal j frm the Smithsonian Instltuto; the i.imui vreBton meaai rrom the Frank lin Instltuto; the Albert modal from the Royal Society of Arts; the John Fritz medal; the bronze medal from the International Peace society and other medals nnd credentials of honor in recognition of service, rendered v Woman Siirprises Her Friends "After a spell of Typhoid Fever 1 years ago I began tj suffer from indigestion nnd , gas In my stomaoh and colic attacks. This gradually became so bad that my doctor- ad vised un operation for gall stoncg. A friend advised me to try Mayr's Wonderful Remedy which I did with splendid results. Jy .friends were astonished at my rapid Improvement I have no moro bloating and can oat anything t wish." u removes tho catarrhal mucous from the in testinal tract, and allays tho In flammation which causes r.;notinii nil stomach, liver and .Intestinal all- iiiciuaing appendicitis. Ono dose will convince or money re funded. At all druggists. ,, Adv Tfsi& Grows Hair On Your iM oney Back Keep free from the corse' of falling hair and naldnMfi. Van Ess Liquid Scalp Massage feed! hawinR S cine through rubber nipples directly to the half8 rootL L f marwlou new method swlp Utmenu VanEs. stojg : falHns : hair-grows new hair in 90 days. St about the 90-day treatment plan. We aeU kwd MEDFOWB PHARMACY ' - !'.....'. .