Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 18, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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Hud son-Essex (Caravan Hep Today
l 1 u. l . " .3 5i
I mm innnntrrn I .
HONK d I I N . o
A -committee composed of Mr.
ApploKatu, John UffHun and J. H.
Wochnich representing the lucal
council or organization uf luTmroiH
Itii cl workmen culled upon thu local
school board at it meeting Jat Wed
nesday n&ht, and imidu rquont8 res
tive to labor muttem concerning the
building of the new hii;h Hchuol.
The t-ommitlce wan courteoualy ro
celvqd und aurcd that it wns the
boni-d'8 intention to In evory way poa
fllblo cumd und protect the intoieHts
of all local contract orH, mechanics
and laborers; und that In the pur-
The Hudson nnd Khspx, red, white ready to go Just before we heard of
find lilllo XHPfivn li Pun vlriff tn muo. !lh imr.rt wino-u sit f,...lV,.. ,l..,n In
cIiuhc of inuteriul und the employ- witfe of the Hudson and Khhox rout-hen I prices of the Hudson und Khsox clotted
rnent or luhor Alcdford citlzenH uhould and their priceH delivered In Oregon, 'cars, the caravan idea in now of great
have preference. jH in Medford today and Tuumlay on . er importance than ever, carrying as
The mcmbeiK of the school board Kb way through the state. it does a meMHUKo of economy and ex
also Htated Saturday and toilay that Kor a week, the red, white and blue tra value. It is our purpose to let
Frunk Clark, local architect, would cars have attracted an unusual i production. We will do our best at
again ne united to suomit tentative amount of attention on the streets of
tion gasoline scrip was given the driv
ers ns a starter. -
"As economy 'of operation Is one
of the points we are seeking to demon
Ktrate," said Kid I'eters of the 1. M.
C. Co., "it is natural that we were very
careful in the selection of gasoline to
be used on the long tour. Economl-
drawings. or plans. I Portland with their strlltliiK coats of
The committee above mentioned at Opex I.uquer. Special attention was
the conference with tho school board paid to the finish of the cars that they
last Wednesday night made lho fol- j might present as attractive an appear
lowing request: lance as possible and 12 coats wero
"That the wai;eH to be p:iid for a used In tho finish,
legal day's work to all classes of such I The General I'etroleum corporation
laborers, workmen or mechanics upon Is cooperating in the caravan and the
public work or upon any material to cars will be powered with General gas
be used thereon shall not be less than everyone in tho state know, as far as
the standard rato of n day's work in Lefferts. whfdesule representative of
tho same trade or occupation in the the Portland Motor Car company, is
locality where such public work Is the "missionary" in charge of the car
being constructed. I avan and tho ears are manned by
"That each such laborer, workman i three careful and experienced drivers
and courtesy will bo the slogan of the
trip which is to carry in a dignified
manner its mcsae from the Port
land headquarters.
I ..efforts, in discussing the Idea of
the caravan, said yesterday: "While
we had the Idea in mind nnd the cars
or mechanic shall receive tht sian
dard rates of wages. The contractor
shull, in the performance of this con
tract, give preference to local labor
and before employing non-resident
labor shall notify in writing the board
of the intention to do so, setting out
in name notico sufficient reasons for
employing said non-resident labor in
preference to local labor; and If said
contractor shall give preference to
non-resident labor, or Tail to give suf
ficient reasons for employing non
resident labor, as In the clause pro
vided, the board may at its option
terminate this contract, nnd said con
tractor In such event shall forfeit all
rights thereunder for breach of con
tract. " Chinese, Kast Indian,
Hindu, or Mongolian labor shall be
employed .on tho work under for
feiture of the contract at tho option
of tho board."
Heveral days later at the meeting
possible. Just what we have to offer as -cal transportation has lone been a
Hudson and Kmrnx distributors. Judg- well established merit of the Hudson
ing from the Inquiries and orders we ;i;ssex line and for this tour praticu
have booked since the announcement j larly, we wanted to bo assured that
of the reduction wo are going to be both as to fuel and lubricants we
greatly embarrassed In filling the or- would be as well fixed as possible,
ders. We have In anticipation of this It is significant that, as n result of
condition, n large amount of extra or- Ur experience through all sorts of
ders in at tho Hudson factory, which j tests and observations, the company
we have every reason to believe the
factory will fill, owing to its increased
production. We will do our best at
any rate to see that no one who wants
a Hudson or Essex closed car is dis
appointed." One thousand dollars worth of gas
oline that amount would keep the
average family flivver running for a
long, long, time. Yet. such is the Itin
erary laid out for the Portland Motor
Cur Company's Hudson-Eessex Closed
Cm Caravan, that a thousand dollars
worth of General Petroleum corpora- I Maker.
selected General gasoline and lubri
cants for use throughout the entire
tour. Not only was the excellence of
these two products taken into consid
eration; the thorough distribution of
green-and-whlte Independent stations
over the state also was of prime im
portance. Consequently the caravan
drivers are equipped with General
Script Hooks and will be served by the
authorized independent dealers band-
ling General products from line to lino
north and south and us far east as
GENEVA, May 18. The crisis In
of the board of directors of the chain. International conference for tho
ber of commerce last Friday night, 1 control of traffic In arms and muni
that board went on record as favoring ,M, illiu i. iiv
that at nil times local architects and
contractors should be given the same
America's refusal to nave tho League
opportunity on anv nubile huihllmrH "r ""h council appomi me oe..-
outsldo contractors and architects.
KLAMATH FALLS, Ore., May 18.
Klamath Falls defeated Mount Shasta
I to 0, In the opening league game
horo yesterday In the newly organized
Siskiyou-Klamath league. The game
was witnessed by a largo crowd who
welcomed t ho ret u rn of K lama t h
Falls to semi-pro hall. "Lofty"
Mohler, former Portland city baguer,
was on the mound for Klamath Fulls.
The latest angle to the old Jackson
school injunction case against the
school board, which was finally set
tled by agreement by the plaintiff
procuring a judgment for $10 costs,
transpired Inst Saturday when O. C.
Hoggs, attorney for Mrs. Robinson
ami other Jackson school patrons
concerned in the case, attached tho
private bank account of Elmer Wil
son, school board member, at the
Jackson county bank.
Rumor has it that Doggs also at
tached the private bank accounts of
Dr. I. D. Phlpps and A. H. Miller,
who were also board members at
the time the injunction .suit vas set
tled, but so far as could be learned
today only the bank account nf
Elmer- Wilson lias so fur been af
fected. The attachment followed the de
mand made on Miss Kuth Manning,
as clerk of the school district, last
Saturday that the hill be pnid it
once. Miss Manning at that time
informed Mr. Boggs, she says, thai
she would probably pay the JIG bill
Tuesday and that the attorney then
declared that ho was not interested
In next Tuesday, but wanted the
money at once.
All this happened, according to
the school noard, after nothing had
been heard of the $16 costs bill for
11 months past, until last Thursday,
tho day before the high school site
election, when Attorney Hoggs ob
tained an execution from the county
clerk which was served on Miss
Manning, as the school district clerk,
with the alleged threat that If not
promptly pnid he would obtain the
money of tho school district from
the bank. Miss Manning then dis
honored the execution, and Mr.
Hoggs wa sadvised that whenever the
matter was presented In the way the
law provides, the $16 would be paid.
The dispute over the bill will
probably now be fought out In the
court. Gus Newbury Is the attorney
for the sehoo board.
SALEM, Ore., May IS. The re
sources of all Oregon banks at the
close of business on April C, l!2f,
the date of the last call, totalled
$'f30,2fil,CG1.01), an increase of $!!,-COLfiaU-Ol
over the total of March
31, FJiM, which was the corres
ponding call of last year. The total
tral oifice for arms control was I resources of all banks in the cilv of
averted today by n decision to al an-1 Port laud on April 6 was $ 1 7!i, initia
tion the plan to establish the pro- j 103. SS, an Increase of 1 7 . 4 S 7 , a 'i f . 51)
posed central bureau. over March 3 1. lust year. These
Representative Theodore E. Hur- figures are shown in the stntement
ton of Ohio, head of t he American of Frank C. lira m well, stale super-
delegation, addressing a special com-' intendent of bunks, made on the re
mit lee In charge of the q in. si ion, In- ports ef the April 6 call,
slsted that the central bureau should On this call the 2S0 banks In the
not bo connect cd with the league. ; state showed loans and discounts of
Virtually all of the other ten conn- $ 1 U5,6E2.G3U.19 ; depolts excepting
mur'ACo m is 'iM,n mi ..i tri represented on the eommltloo time und savings.- $ 1 7a,7fo,ox:i 23;
sooietv of ChicaL todav j 1? mlhftred to the Idea that no central time and savings deposits. $10J.07U.
restut,on Internationa, bureau should be estab- r.M.27; total deposit , $27; .7 477.60;
Missouri to aooolnt General .lohn J. " ""- i m-.i, j , . o, .i
Pershing United States Henator' to
succeed the late Henator Spencer who
died Saturday In WashhiKton. Tho
society h resolution recommended tlio
appointment of General Pershing, n
native of Missouri, "as a fitting trib
ute to the greatest soldier of modern
Hot Biscuits and Honey!
Delicious when made with
lengue'H Jurisdiction, I Fifty-one cities and towns In tho
Confronting this impenetrable wall state with a total of 150 banks show
the committee decided the eoncli.a-, deposits of $500 000 or more. The
lory thing to do was to make pro- first five on the list are:
gress by marching around H There- Portland, $ 1 M.C. 1.1.8 1 7.47; Salem,
fore, on motion of M. Lnngn of Nor- . $!,-l!i3.(;4f.ri(i; Eugene, 312. !i2 1.70;
way 'the committee ii'natiiniousiy Artoriu. $7.04 7.K27.2 1 ; Pendleton $5,-
resolved that In Its Judgment the 27o.H77.02.
i central office or bureau In the form j .JT.
They will raise perfectly '
bake properly digest easily
Senator Sponcor w.w tho father of l''vlouty .ro...0. Ix not osBontliil ,
Brook., a former well-knmvn h'u "' s""u! ? c;m 1,6 ,u; I
r-.KK.nt of Modford nnd n ram hor tl""t,d ,'v '"'lns m-vornnu'iu ,
lO pillHiMi ai niimmuM. i
The practical effect of todays tie-
in tho Eagle Point district.
WASHINGTON, May 18. A rmlle Unn 1h t,,Ilt lh" UmKUO of Nations
as broud as that which he wore when "'verthelcss will collect nil data
victory In the World war was assured 'K'lnllng arms and the result will be
wreathed (Jeneral Pershing's features a -f otfice had
today when he learned his home town ',p' created under the league,
citizens of Macon. Missouri, would ne- 1 American susi eptibllitles, however,
tltion for his appointment to the sen- notified nnd the league members
ate. but "No comment," was hhi terse remain loynl to the league by du
' official reaction. .dining to agree to the organir-ntlou
of any bureau outside the league
and by adhering to the stipulation of
the league covenant (hut nil Its In
ternational bureaus bt operated
under the league.
(Continued From Page One)
THE DALLES, Ore., May 1R With
a rainfall of .28 of an Inch since
Saturday at Tho Dulles, and greater
amount over most of this section,
wheat growers of Wasco. Kherman
nnd Gilliam county were today look
ing forward to an almost certain
bumper , crop of spring grain.
The large acreage In spring wheat,
duo to the freeze-out last winter
looks fine in fill sections and what
fall grain, survived, Is grntving well.
Clardciii and 'fruit crops in tho vicin
ity of The Dalles look fine. Ship
ping of early produce has been
heavy for some time.
(Continued from page one.)
America, lie asked If lipase profits
should nt be balanced off in an
eiittable account Inn.
"Indeed, Enghind nnd America in
loaning money to Italy were really In
vesting their own capital at home,"
lie said.
lie added that Italy must trust the
sentiment of equity of these great na
tions whose acute business seno has
never dampened their passion for Jus
tice nor their constant sympathy and
friendship for Italy.
Ho urged his country to make no
wore foreign loans.
Trls Sjicnke-r liivnks Iteourtl.
CLEVELAND. May IS. Manager
Trls Speaker of the Cleveland In
dians, todoy is n member of the
3000 hit circle. Ho gained the dis
tinction achieved by only five other
major league players yesterday when
he singled in the ninth inning.
Speaker made his bits In SC,:i
times ' ' avcrng of .3 l in
2341 ku i a'i
make It an exclusive course In the
"Second, they wish to eliminate the
course of industrial Journalism and
cbtuiKe its designation nnd function to
department bf publicity. If this
wero done the usefulness of
the department which has been In
calculably great, would be crippled
and the stale would be deprived of
thousands of dollars of freo service
that can be given it through no other
"Third. It denumds u general Im
poverishment of the agricultural co
lege in all its cultural values,"
He charged the university 'with
having Introduced undergraduate
courses In commerce In duplication of
the work of the college.
'However, when we saw this done
we did not presume to dictate to your
board In the matteruntil what 1 re
gard as a bad example, was set us In
the brief of the university.'
He criticized the course in domestic
science in the University of Oregon as
a "paper course" and suggested Its in
vestigation by the board.
I The presentation of the university's
position In relation to the school of
I music and general discussion by inter
ested alumni and friends of either
institution, were lo occupy the after
noon session. v
The board will take the matter
under ndvisement and nnnounco Its
decision at a future date.
are soon nipped in th bud"
without "dosing" by use of
Vafo Rub
Up to Grade
We Carry a Complete Line
Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Lime,
Cement, Brick, Plaster, Stucco, Doors
Windows, Screens, Sugar Pine
Shakes, Wall Board
Medford Lumber Co.
Phone 629
J. H. COOLEY, Pres.
Corner Third and N. Sir
yl 'Distinctive
rrlv Summer
' fSri.ll arc here dicing you,
The colors are the newest of the new for Summer dnys-io-ch
hell, wild orchid, und, ridunce. Ostilun red, and.
as a'i va " rure white and black and v,h.te. The materuls
eard. cd out from the markets of the world -ate lacy
silks and sturdy felts.
1 that vtrj spicial fnen
special event which bringi n
exceptional first showing of these
lovely hats in ichoiccof the types
sponsored by Summer An op
purtunity to bay Mtadou treok'i
at an unusually low price.
Mann's Department Store
An astounding picturization of life's great
A picture that RIV03' you n jijj Ss
I 100-to-l shot fur your money tjjs sggi'
tiiinment as swift and as ex- Ss
citing as the speodicst race- gpfe
tonTght wiiii m agj
Completely Reconditioned
The BusTy-Corner Motor Co.