G O m t fBRINGfNGW FATHER CO BLIND BOGEY GOLF TOURNAMENT TO BE HELD HERE SATURDAY 1 ' wl-t .rv 1 ( I OON'T,MOW- A MAN ) T . J fpft-R-R- 1 1 ntrT 'COMIJI-VOOMTO WEILL -WEREL OUST P MIISOTE E -R 13 -ra ' i TOO CMJCHT?J . THI-o OOAWO -ItL , J ME. S ' VVTDrr ! .Atlfll ( -k- ! V t- 1925 by In' Inc. j J ii ' ! Tho first jjolf tournament of the f 1925 season will be hold upon the 'links of the Rogue River Valley Golf association next Saturday and Sun- day, May 24th. Play is open to all lease holders of the golf association property and this tournament will be a kicker's handicap with uiind , bo Key. Every entry will name his own Jtandicap previous to his tournament itond of eighteen holes nnd bogey Anil be drawn after the tournament and Will be some figure between 70 and 80. Three prizes havo been donated for this tournament by the men's , clothing department of Russell's de partment store and each prize is well , Vorth winning. Every man holding ' the right to play upon tho associa tion links is invited to enter this , tournament and all players using the course at any time in tho next three weeks are requested to keep score cards nnd turn same in to the 'bourse professional after every round to properly enable the handicap com mittee to determine handicaps for use this year. S Livestock 'PORTLAND.' Ore., May 18. Hogs 126 to 50c (Imvnt receipts 15GS-. Heavy weight (260 to 350 Ins.) medium, good and cholco 12.00j13.00; me dium weight (200 to 300 lbs.) medium, good and choice-$12. B013. 26; Hunt Weight (100 to 200 lbs.- common, me dium, good and cholco $1 3.00ifT 1 3. GO; light lights (130 to 100 lbs.) common, medium,-. good and cholco $11.60U 12.25; packing hogs, smooth IU.G0 12.00; rough ?10.G0 11.00; bUughter pigs (130 lbs. down) medium, good and choice $11.00g12.00; feeders nnd fttocker pigs (70 to 130 lbs.) common, medium, good and choice $11.00 18.00. r; . (Soft or oily hogs and roasting pigs excluded in above quotations.) ; Cattle nnd calves slow, weak; re ceipts 2480 (164 direct or through). Steers, good t9.S0fiM0.00: medium 8.000.G0; common f7.00TC8.00; can cers and cutter steers. $6. 00tf?7. 00; heifers, good (SG0 lbs. up) $8.00 8.7G; common - and medium, all Weights $5.00(6 8.00; cows, good, $7.75 ig8.G0; common and medium $5.60g) 7.75; canners and cutters $2.50ft5.00; iiulls. good (best yearlings excluded) $4.7G5.60; common to medium Scanners and Dolognas) $3.5011)4.75; dves medium to choice (190 lbs. wn) $8.00 011.00; cull and com- bn (190 lbs. down $5.00 ? 8.00; me dium to choice (190 to 200 lbs.) $7.00 '10.60: ' medium -to choice (260 lbs. WANTED ? To Buy for Cash F; All Tour Second Hand Furniture MORDOFF ft WOOLF The Markets . THE FOLLOWING LOT8 ARE OFFERED TO CLOSE AN ESTATE i . . -60x100 on North Grape .( , 60x100 on South Newtown 100x176 on South Oakdale The paving and assessemnts are paid In full on all ot these lots and they are PRICED TO SELL! Thomas Realty 38 North Front Street SEE THIS BARGAIN Tract 194x270 feot at 1005 N." Central avenue' lias five-roomed house and barn. Bungalows, courts or duplexes would paj 20 per cent on investment. Priced to sell at once. W. E. 10WLEY, Owner r 331 N. Ivv Street up) $5.007.00; cull and common (120 lbs. up) $3.60i.50. Sheep and lambs steady; receipts 2785. Lambs, light and handy weight, medium to choice $7.509.00; heavy weight (92 lbs. up), medium to prime $7.U0 8.00; all weights, cull and com mon $G.00ft 8.00; spring lambs, me dium to choice $9.0011.60; spring lambs, cull and common $5.0011.00; yearling wethers, medium to prime $6.5008.00; wethers (two years old and over) medium to prime $5.00 1 7.50; ewes, common to chotco $4.00 ip 7.00; canner and cull $1.50()4.00. (Above quotation except spring lambs on short basis.) Kggs PORTLAND, Ore.. May IS. Kggs stpfiflv Pni'rnnt rnrnint 97nr ntillt'tH 27&&28C delivered Portland. Butter PORTLAND, Ore., May 18. Butter .firm. Kxtra cubes, city 4 0lc; stnnd ardn 40c; prime firsts 40c; firsts 30c; under grades nominal; prints 43c; car tons 44c. Rutterfat firm. Rest churning cream 40c net shipper's track In zone one; 42a delivered Portland. Poultry PORTLAND, Ore., Mny 18. Poul try quiet. Heavy hens 24&25c; light 22 iff 23c: broilers 22 27c; young white ducks 30fr'32c. , Potatoes PORTLAND, Ore., May 18. toes, firm, scarce, $2.60a2.75. Onions nominal $5.505.?5. Portland AVhont. . PORTLAND. Ore., May 18 Wheat bids; Hard white bluestem, bnnrt, $1.05; soft' white, $1.69 ;western white, $1.58; hard . winter, $1.50; northern spring. $1.57; western . red, 51.50; ,Hnn hard white, $1.60. Today's car receipts AVhea..ll: flour, 20; corn, 2; oats; 2; hay, 5. San Frnttrlsco Markets SAN FRANCISCO, May 18. (U. S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics.) llrollora, leghorn 1 to 1 Vi lbs. 22 0 20c; 1 H lbs. 242Cc; colored 1 Vis to 1 lbs. 38S39c. Fryers, colored 2 to 2 Vi His. 44 46c; leghorn 2 to 2Vi lbs. 3842c. Young roosters, colored 3 lbs. nnd up. 52 64c; staggy, showing spurs 36 0 38c. Old roosters, colored 1517e; leg horn 12 14c. Leghorn hens 2 lbs. 25c: 3 lbs. 26c; 314 to 4 lbs. 27c. Largo colored hens, fancy 32 33c. SAN FRANCISCO, May 18. (Fed oral -State Market News Service.) ? Apples, boxes, California ' Newtowns fancy 3V4 tier $2.75 3.60; four tier $2.503.25; poorer low as $2.26; Washington wlnesaps, XF $3.75; fancy $3O3.50; Oregon Newtowns four tier fnnoj;, $3.00 i-3.50. Eastern Oil Means Nothing 100 Percent Pure Pennsylvania Means Real v , Lubrication Jones & Kirkpatrick A Real Service Station & Insurance Co. Phone 696 liiono :m-Y ifEDFOTCT) MATL TRTBTTNK MrcPFORT), OfiP.OQy. MONDAY, MAY IS, 102") Notice of Final Si-tt lenient. In the County Court of the Slate of! Oregon, for Jackson County. i In the matter of the Estate of Mabel F. Richardson, nlao known as Mrs. C. K. Richardson, deceased. The undersigned has filed in th lounty court of Jackson County. Ore gon, the final account of his adminis tration of the estate of Mabel F. Rich ardson .nlso known as Mrs. C. S. Richardson, deceased, and said court has fixed Monday, June 8, 10 2 5, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day. at the court room of said court at the court house in Jacksonville, Jackson county, Oregon, as the time and place for the hearing of objections to said final account and for settlement of said estate. All persons Interested in said estato are hereby notified and required to maKe or me then objections to said final account, if nny they have, on or before the time aforesaid, fixed for the hearing and settlement thereof. Date of this notice and of the first WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Contracting and job work on houses. Apply evenings, 116 S. Holly. W. Rergman. 55 WANTED Position as mechnnle and chauffeur, 12 years' experience. John Cuppalne, llox 16, Mall Trib une. 51 WANTED Position by salesman and display manager, expert on Interior decorating. Can hnndlo help. John Cuppalui, Rnx 15, Mall Tribune. 4'J nELP WANTTCn MALE WANTED Man nnd wife for dairy and general farm work. Carlylo Natwick, Eagle Point. Ore. Phono B-F-14. 61 WANTED Experienced blight cutter. Phone 66S-R-2. 5i WANTED Married man on tho Ala Vista orchard. Eagle Point. A. L. Hovey. 60 DISTRICT MANAGER-. . For Jackson and Josephino counties by one of the old est llfo Insurance companies in tho United States. Splen did coursd nf InatrneHnn offered and usency assist ance. An opportunity build tin n nermnnent to In- come. Address MANAGER :ut Oregnniun Ilullillng, Portland, Oregon. FOLLOWING ADVERTISERS ARE Members Medford Realty Board 11 fots O n II0M B .11 We Solicit Your REAL ESTATE BUSINESS In All Its RENTAL8 it 8ALES Bungalows New, double construction throughout, oak floor, fireplaces, garage, cement driveway. Easy terms. BROWN & WHITE AGENCY, Inc. 12 East Main 8t MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE! 10 acres, 5-room house, barn,' fruit house; 100 cherries, all varieties; 200 peach trees, 100 apples; y2 acre grapes; 22 acres pears. Cheap water; $1000.00 crop. $3800 J. C. Phon" 409 roooooooooooc Profitable Pear i 46 acres with 23 acres In bearing pears, Bosc, Dartlett, Do Anjou varieties, ; part 18 years old; and about 20 acres in alfnira, Mlern house, large barns, complete equipment; estimated value present crops more than1 JCOOO. Well located near Medford , Property now In excellent condition. and paid Tor In Fall annual payments. Your Inspection Is Invitec9 EARSkS. TUMV Llbertv Bulldlnn 000000&)OOOCOQOOOOOCsOOCtt& publication hereof is M:iy 4, 1925. C. S. RICHARDSON. Administrator of the Kstato ot Mabel F. Richardson, also known as Mrs. C. S. Richardson, deceased. WANTED MISOKLIjANEOUS WANTED Spoiled hay. weedy hay or any old bay. Uear Creek Orchard, Tel. 401-R-l or 1067 after 6 p. ill. 50 WANTED A good second hand gas range. Call 500-J-2. GO WANTED Loom for rug weaving. Phone 4G8-R-1. G0 FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Furnished apartment, garage. Adults. 425 So. Oakdale.61 FOR KENT Two room apartment, bath. $16 per month. 716 Welch street. 50 FOR RENT Furnished apartments, ground floor, 234 E. 9th. Phono BG6-H. 74 FOR RENT Apartment. Phono 4 52-H. tf FOR RENT Furnished upnrtntcnt. room and garage. 604 W. 10th. 27tf FOR RENT HOCSISS FOR RENT Small partly furnished house, 1211 Niantic, just off lieatty. 51 FOR RENT 0-room modern house. Just remodeled. Garage, wood shed, etc. Close In on east side. On pave ment. Phono 582-L, or call at 851 E. 9 th. 4 6 FOR RENT 1 four room nnd one five room bungalow, Four-Site Realty Agency. 60 FOR RENT Furnished house. 4 rooms, modern.- Call at C So. Cen tral. $35. tf FOR RENT 0 rooms, modern, oast front, fine shade, to adults. Phone 488-X. J 40 FOR RENT Eight ' room modern homo with garago; closo In to busi ness section. Nice lawn nnd shade Call at 825 So. Riverside ttvenuo. tf FOR RENT Houses, Brown It Whit" FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR KENT Oarage, corner Main and Oakdale. Phone 384. tf WANTED TO PENT Immediately, three teams. I'tl. 1067. tf 0 o 1 n FIXE WEfirT BIIE HOME. RfKht now we can show you a fine buy Jn a modern flvo room bunsft low in excellent condition, fine Hhiido and largo lot. AIho have bungalow on pavement for trade. What have you ? ' FOUR-SITE REALTY AGENCY (Walter II, Leverette) Medford Building -: Medford, Ore. OEZXO Branches LOANS IN8URANCE $1200 CASH BARNES 6 S. Central Orchard for Sale In fie best pear district In this valley. Can be bought at a bargain price ( w 3 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS E'O RRKNT Furnished front room. Close to bnth. Phone G04-R. tf FOH IIKN1 riOCSEKEEl'INO ROOMS 'OH RENT Furnbrhed housekeeping rooms, 229 N. ivy. 63 FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, storage for two cars. 220 1-J. 9th, one block from Craterinn, Phone 379-X. 51 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms.. Close In. Phonu 5J9-J-6. GO FOR RENT 11 ousekeeplng rooms. 51 1 so. centrni. tr BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Established battery nnd electric shop. . Inquire at 27 N. Crane St., Medford. No Indebted ness. Price right. Selling on ac count of owners henlth. 62 STOLEN STOLEN New Scott's heavy service bicycle, tuken from in front of Frank & King's show tent Wednes day night. May 13th. Anyone re turning this bicycle or giving In formation as to Its whereabouts, will bo liberally rewarded. Notify Ern est L. Scott. 1 1 2 No. Front. tf MONEY TO LOAN ' TO LOAN Money, Charles A. Wing, real estate loans. Representative Suret" Savings & Loan Association. Loans obtained at nominal expense; reasonable rate of Interest, Phone 728, l'ulm Dloclc, Medford, Oregon. 68' LOST LOST Roll blnnkots between Med ford ami Ashland. Finder please leavo at this office. 48 FOUND FOUND Child's cost nt Frank and King's tent Sunday night. ow(ner ran have same by calling at Tribune office and paying for this ad. 50 FOR SALE AtTTOMOniLES FOR SALE 1923 Chevrolet touring car In A-l condition. Telephone 320 or 1080-J. tf !FOR SALE Bargain, Ford touring, Igood order, $00. Jones & Klrkput rlck. tf FOR SALE Maxwoll roadster, BUlt .. ablo for making delivery or bug. Bargain,. Address Box A, Mr.ll Tribune. - tf FOR SALE KKAli KSTATIC FOH SALI'3 Oil TltADU 320 acre dulry farm, fully equipped, 11 cows, 5 heifers, 0 horses, other sLock, for siniill suburban farm or town prop erty In southwest OruKon. u. D. Mulllhan. Curlew, Wash. 5t FOR K A L1C I'lve acres with modern G-room house; 3 neres in bearliiK pears with water. Hnlnnee laid out In city lots. Loc-nteil about a block north of Jucksonville road just out side city limit. Owner on premises ufter 4 p. m. 1.5 FOR SALK Will sell my home of 47 acres near Central Point, ouo-thlrd down, balanee to suit purchaser. J. P. Homeland, C05 Jtoulevard, Ash land, Ore. 61) FOR HALE Twenty ncres full bear ing apples and nears, black, doop, heavy soli, no lrrlKa'.lon dr;bt. Trees about 15 years old, goofi condition and crop. Bargain. Price I3KO0. Terms. K. S. Tumy, 2011 Liberty BldR. i tf FOH HALI2 A barRnln by ownerl Itanch of 101 acres. Improvements, spring, timber, outside range, nnod roads, near Rshool r.nd store. Write J. J. Good, 517 S. 6th East Missoula, Mont. 61 FOR BALK Hay in field. T. Ii.'Pot tengor. 52 FOR KALE 13500 will buy 10 ncres of bearing orchard, 5 room house. There are 100 cherry trees, 200 penc-h, 100 apple trees, some .pears and one-half acre of grapes. This year's crop worth $1000 or more. Phono 344-Y. 40" FOR RALE -Three acres lever clear land, Irrignted, water fully paid, two story house, good well, two miles from Medford. llnrgnln, Prlco ;r.oo. E. 8. Tumy, 209 Lib erty llulldlng. tf FOJl BALE Several farms, good val ues, easy terms, low Interest. O. C. Doges, Atty for State Land Board. tf SACRIFICE HALIv-io.ifOO acres as sorted alfalfa, grain, orchards and stock ranches. 1 acre tracts and up. Price $5 per acre up, 6 and 10 year's time. Ranches for rent and exchange. Gold Ray Realty com nnnv. owners. 1 5 N. Orape Ht tf 'FIRE INSURANCE THAT INSURES CARL Y. TENGWALD Hotel Holland Building Member Realty Board Phone 993 O By Georg' MEA1 OUT OF FOR SALE POUI.TR1 AND EOOS FOR KALE R. I. R. hen and chick ens.! 45 I.lndley. Phone 746-R. 49 FOR SALE O. A. C. Harred Rock oggs for hutching. Phone 201 -J. tf FOR SAHVUOMES FOR KALE 5-room house, 2 lots 65x120, one block from pavement. Price $1200 for quick sale. $7 30 down, balance $10 per month. Phono 417. 3U3 E. Main street. 01 FOR SALE OR TRADE For good car. 3 room house, 1211 NIantlc. 51 FOR SALE Modern 8-rooin house. cement foundation, 2 blocks from postofflcc. on a paved street, all as sessments paid. Lot 70x1211 feet. Priced at $3300 for quirk sale. Phone 728. 61 FOR SALE-i-Now 5-room house Just finished. Inquire 012 So. Newton. 2tf FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE For anything useful, 3 good work horses, one or all, Phone 697-J. 63 FOR SALE Two milk cowb.- Phono 41. Central Point. GO FOR SALE Six good cows. M. F. Harlow, Talent. 63 FOR SALE Two frefch cows, espe cially good. M. Walsh, on South Peach street, just outsldo city lim its. tf FOR SALE Hound pups, hnlf fox and half blood. Reasonable. John L. Doren. Ager. Calif. 51 FOR SALE Pure bred Jersey bull, four months old. John R. Muxedon. 977 H St., Ashland. 411 FOR SALE Choap, to closo estnto, 25 acres good lund, 10 cultivated. , (Inqd buildings. Ideal plaue for poultry,.. Box ,11, . lit. J, .Gold JH11I; , 49 FOR SALE Eight good logging Ot farm horses from $75 to $150 per head. Inqulro from Superintend ent of Owen Oregon Lumber Co., FOR SALE MlSCreiiliANEOUS FOR SALE Fine tomato plants. 410 Hamilton, at end of paving, 11th street. 6 1 FOH SALE (Ht TRADE Good hnr- ness and olio horse cultivator. Will trade fur cntlip bed. 016 Liberty street. 51 FOR fMLE Asters, several flno va rieties, a few days more, 2 Go per doa. 25 f?. Oukdalo. 52 FOR SALE Fine tomato plants, 410 j-ianuituu, at end or paving, litn street. 40 FOR HALE First cutting alfalfa, 7 In Hold, f8 delivered. 031 a. Rlver sldo. , 49 FOR SALE Tomato plants. T. J. Pnr nons. Phoenix. 411 FOR 10 A L1C About 300 feot of 4 inch wrought Iron pipes. Price 50a per font. John A. Anderson, ' Central Point. - 49 FOR SALE First cutting nlfalfa hay. f none '-r-4. -it FOR SALE Range, bedroom set and miscellaneous furniture. 213 S. Con tra! avo. 49 FOR SALE New piano of quality. r.asy terms. Noel i Ersklno. Phone 72B-W. 00 FOR SALE Child's bed. Inquire 130 W. 6th. Phono 212. tf TOR SALE Attention! Smith's sum' mer rates on pine now In effect, $2.76 a tier. Discount on large or ders. Phone 1103; Central Point, 38 X-2. 49 FOR SALE Aster plants. C. Cary, 841-J-l. Address Talent. tf FOR BALK) OR TRADE Autos and lurniture. New phonographs and records half price. 15 N. Grape, tf Used Ford Cars That Are Guaranteed 30 Days Service If Interested in a used car he sure and see us. C. EL Gates Auto Cg. Q PAjgK ft EVEN McManus 0o iK.e. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys- REAMES & REAM ES Lawyers, of fice In Liberty Building- Abstractors MURRAY BROS. & GREENE Abstracts of Title, Rooms 3 and $ No. 32 North Centrul Ave., upstuirs. JACKSON COUNTS ABSTRACT CO. Abstract of Title nntl Title. luHiiraaou, The only complete Tlllo S y b t o lu In Jnclcsou County.. A. E. KELLOGG Abstractor of Titles, Gold Hill, Oregon: Reliable Jnckson County Abstraator. Over twenty yenrs experience In th county. Phone O-J-3 Gold Hill. tl Building Supplces nnd Roofing; STANDARD ROOFING AND BUILD ERS SUPPLY CO. Build up Roof ing, Ashland Orunite Top. 1& years guarantee. Best grade of roof pa per cement. Pressed brick, plain and faced wall blocks, foundation ce ment blocks, fire iplace brick, . all colors. All material Class A. Port land Reaver Cement for sale. As phalt by ton, barrel or pound. Tela ' ophone 738-X. Chiropractic Physicians DR. A. R. HEDGES Neo-EclectlO Phystoiun. DR. LOUISE, E. HEDGES Naturopathic Chiro practor. Mechano-Therapy, 8pon dylotherupy, Food Sciences, Chlro practice. Office: Stewart Bldo., 265 E. Main St. Phones: . Olflo 170; Res. 170-J-2. - . DR. E. W. HOFFMAN-Chlroprnetla Norve Speclnllst. Office hours 9-1$. 2-6. 203-206 Liberty Bhlg. Off to Phone 680. Res. phone 1027. Dentists DR. O. J.' JOMNSONDentlst: Pbons 669. Res. 776. Office hours a.' hi, C p. in. Evening and Sunday by appointment. DR. H. E. MURPHY Dontlstrfi Dental X-Itny. Phone 77, offltst Second floor Medford Bldgr. ' ICxfM'rl Accountant - CO. H.'M WU? entlon given U .lng nnd InconU WILSON AUOITINO CO. E . son, C. 1". - A. Atte anything In accounting Tax requirements. Look- Into oor nimpiined accounting methoa.--Llb erty Bldg., Medtord. HUone 16-K. . Insurance-' v. 1 t . EARL S. TUMY All forms of Insur ance: . Fire, Auto; Life, Aoolderit; Bonds. Phone 402. 209 Liberty Bldg. , - .:: v : ) , Money tu Loon - J. B. ANDREWS Buys and sells mortgages and leans money on good security. Ill N, Grape St) , Phone 68-M. 1 V Monti ritontii I'. THE OREGON GRANITM COj Monuments. E. A. Hicks. General Manager. P. M. Kershaw, ' Self Manager, 103 E. Sixth St.. Mddford. ' .. tf Osteopaths DR. F. O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia Physlolans 416-418 Liberty Bid, Phone 904-J-l. Rosldenoe 26 South' Laurel Ht. Piano Instruction FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher of Piano and Harmony. Studio alt Liberty Bldg.. Phone T3. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has th Deal equippeu printing oruue in Southern Oregon. . Book - binding, loose . leaf ledgers, - billing system, etc. Portland prices. 27 N. Fir St. Ftrunsler EADa TRANSFER A STORAGE! CO. Office 22 North Front St. Phone SIC. Prices right. Sorvloe guar anteed, v ; DAVIS TRANSFER & 8TORAOB Aiiytning movea, aay or nigni Service guarantuod. 29 S. Grxpa. Phone 044, or residence 1060. I'plinlstcrlng J. WEIS Upholstery, Manufacturer or oversturted furniture. .-Full' Una of materials. Draperies made to order. -We do all kinds of uphol stering. We deliver and will call and show samples. Phone S01 Jacksonville, Ore. VKTKftrVARY MEDFORD VETERINARY HOSPIT AL. Dr. E. C. McCulloch. Graduate Veterinarian. Office consultation froe. Corner Orape and Fifth. Med ford, Ore. Phone 869 Day or nignt. , . . Window Cleaners - LET GEORGE DO IT. Wax and pol ish your floors, clean your house. Janitor service for offices and build ings. Geo. A. Seely. Phone 1172. 824 PeekmairAvo. FOR INFORMATION Carpenter's Lmnl 8411. I'lmns 247-1,. Meets 0it Smith hall every Friday nlsht, 128 teirth Gnipe, between ith and 6th siieets. , ri 1 I -