o ' o o s. o o o o 4 o G o pagt etx; fKDFOBT) MATL TRTp,tTNR iTF.DTiORD,. ' QTlEflON, MONDAY, MAY 18, 1925 OF 1.0.0. F.LI OPENS IN ASHLAND ASHLAND, Mny 18. Delegates lo tho I. O. O. F. unil Itebokiih en campment bef-iin comln-r In Hutur- day nnd Saturday cvenlnfi. Sunday j ttie advances guard honan cornlnff In . Saturday and Saturday rvnnitiK. Sun- duy tho advance guard continued; to arrive, with hundreds expected; TltOOX, fVnlhini!. May IK. (By tomorrow. .Monday's prouram is Ah-m-cI-Ui-iI i'rew.) .Miss Joyce tt'.'.h ronflned tarcf-lv to the denartniont ertMl. the tltlili.l.ler. sicurc.l the fiivt Council of tho ratriarchs Militant, Which has its sessions in the ar mory and to tho Ludies' auxiliary, which meotH at the Elks temple. Tho council hns its regular session at 3 0:00 a. in., the closing session at 1:30 n. in., conferring at 4:00 . m.. the Ladies' auxiliary mtf) Us regular session at 10:00 a. rn.;t at 1:30 p. hi. tho closing Bcsslon arid at 4:00 p. m. the conferring de gxeo by Crater Lake nuxlllary. At 6:00 p. m. the banquet at the Elks' templo for Patrlnrchs Militant, La dles' auxiliary and candidates for the liecoratlon of Chivalry. At 8:00 p. in., tho conferring of tho Decora tion of Chivalry occurs, followed at 0:00 by tho Patrlarches Militant ball for Patriarchs Militant, Ladles aux iliary and all who receive tho Deco ration of Chivalry. Tho convention Is held four doys, Mny 18, 1!) 20 and 21. Tuesday promises to be a par ticularly full day with Odd Follows and lU'bolcTihs both in session The Haecalaureate service graduates for Ashland high In the Flint Methodist ch day evening, 8 p. m., with tho pas tor, tho Hev. 8 . J. Chanoy deliver ing tho address. The church was a bower of beauty, and special music by tho choir under the direction of O. II. Yeo was given. All tho other churches hnd dismissed their even ing services to do honor to tho young neoplo who are finishing the hlgh school work, and Justly proud uun 0f Manager Connie Mack of the oould parents and friends he of the Atblcilcs that Ham Cray, formerly of happy group who aro facing tho fu- Fort Worth, Texas, would rise to tlls turo, ready for tho next step. Tho , Unction as tho ablest right hand address was ono full of food for pitcher In the American league has thought not nlone for tho young upproached fulfillment, people, but for nil gathered thero. (Jray hnd bis seventh consecutive Plana for tho celebration of tho triumph yesterday In turning back BOth 'anniversary of tho First Pros-' the Cblcngo While Sox fi to 1, with byterlan chureh aro being made, Tho flvo scattered hits. Tho triumph date Is August 28th and tho mem-( boosted Philadelphia!! winning utruak Vers aro asked to reserve tho week, to nine straight, from Augsut 23 to 30th for thiH 1m- portant event, Tho committee on ra SsSiSEATRE 3D Sffl arrangemen J. C. Moi Mrs, Sarah Mrs, W. M.. Poloy. Mrs. Elizabeth Vim Sanl, Messrs. W. M. Wright, W. AI. Day and S. J. Taylor. Many of the church organizations havo postponed their meetings which occur during tho litno of the big con vention and are serving luncheon and dinner to tho delegates to aid 111 caring for them. Tho Missionary aoclety of tho Presbyterian church will have its meeting ono woek irom "Wodnesday, on May 27th. , Tho Civic club which would ordi narily havo its last meeting on this Tuesday, wilt convene next Tues day, tho CtJth. At this, occurs tho election of officers for next year. Pleasant program numbers will bo given. Friday ended tho real work with tho graduates. Social events wilt largely claim their attention until tho eventful night when tho diplo mas are presented. " Oeorge Holmes wns over from Hilt, whoro ho is employed to spend Sun day with his family on Church street, Tho liov. Cha rles C. 1 1 u tot from Merrill has been spending the past few days In Ashland, visiting ami also attending to business matters. ! Mr. and Mrs. Umphlctto and little daiiKhter aro expected thin coming week, to spend a few days at the homo of Mrs. Uniphlotte's parents. . Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Miller of church! street. Mr. Alan Ajidrews arrived from Hacrnmento, California, last night, i for a visit with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrews of Fnlrvlew street. Mr. Andrews Is n civil engineer in the government service and his w'brk hns boon in southern California for a monitor of months. Mrs. Arthur (1. Adams and Mrs, H. W. Andrews were dinner guests at tho homo of Mrs," Josephlno Poley and daughters Saturday evening. Mrs. Adams has been spending tho past month tho guest of her sister. Mrs. Andrews, sho experts to roturn to Pasadena, hi June. , The Itev. II. S. Kteknrd, pastor of tho First Presbyterian church f Wnlla Walla ocoupln dtho pulpit it tho Presbyterian church at Ashland Sunday nt the morning hour of wor ship. His sermon theme was the 'yrrall in the Shadow." The Uev. Klekard Is a guest at the home of his' daughter, Mrs. It. J. Woods. Mr. nhd Mrs. Woods have but recently cntno to Ashland from Walla Walla to make their homo. A law enforcement conference for tho maintenance of constitutional government will be conducted by the Flying Squadron Foundation at the Chnutauqua Tabernaiio Juno 9, nt 2:80 p. m. There, will bo a mass mooting In tho evening nt eight o'clock. Tho speakers will bo Oliver W Stew.t, president of tho Flying flquadron Foundation. Mr. Stewart is editor of tho National Enqu er, former member of tho Illinois legis lature nnd for many years nn asso ciate In the work with J. Frank Jlatv of Indiana Qnd Miss Norma C, ltroun, a former chaplain in the Cndlana senate, promincnO'"cal peo ple will nlso take part in the pro gram. Mr. Stewart and Miss Drown wll9 bo guesU of the Climber of Commerce forum June 9. ft Kugono cltiT.onn at tho regular June school election will voto on n special levy of isn.oon. for school purposes, 1 6, Ono of which will be for a nor nth- 8HSHSH5 PROVIDENCE GIRL GOLFER BEATEN Fl round of the Mritisb women's golf championship today by defeating Miss Wardeli of Ireland iieven up and six to play. Miss Cox, tho Welsh champion, de feated Mrs. .1. Collls Jtiown four up and two to play and thus carps the right to meet MIhs (ilcnnu Coltett, the jorrner American enauipion, in me second round tomorrow. jMIsh Mae O'tJorman'of Providence, R. I., was the first American entrant i--:S to be eliminate experienced D score was eight up and seven w play , Miss C ell Leltch. former ftrilinh jChamplnn, defeated Mrs. Jack Coch rane, L'anchnry. eight up and six to play. Miss Edith Leltch, Wnllonheath, .defeated Mrs. Cautley, Thant, by one ! up. Mm. Allan Mac He! h, Howdon, de feated Miss Dnbson, ttrockton Hall, two up and one to play. !ssiun. GAMETICS IKE ' IT NINE STRAIGHT NEW YOi:i;, May 18. ( By Aso cial cd Press. ) The year old i.redic- LEA BAN Fl C A NCI SCO, May 1 8. Frank nrazU I, bard bitting third baseman of tho .Seattle Indians still leads tKp for PuHfl.v Count league batters MOTHF.K :- Fletcher's Casloria is especially prepared to relieve Infants in arms and Children nil agc3 of Constipa tion, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverislmess arising therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. .To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Absolutely Harnilc-No Opi.ilrs. Physicians everywhere recommend it. Clesm your s Without water powder or soap. No muss-no bucket to carry around. Just tahe a bottle of MOLE rub its rubber nose on a win dow. The liquid feeds through nipples out on the glass. Then wipe with a cloth. That's all! The window i cleaned and polished. No matter how dirty. A P all your windows. K. C. Co. TAABt MAR NIO.U. PAT OP "Dlf Under Dirt Klr Cfesmleal Corporation ChtM with nn avcniKo of 4fJ4. Altfioutih h(! dropped 3 1 uoJnts duriiiK tli vftk, Hrnzill han a kioi mfirK over lliuh of Portland who is uriroml in I hp ilwt with a .413 perrenlasc. , Paul Wnner of tho tralln next with an average of .'i'J'J, white Vitt, . Suit Lake, comes next with .3y3. Tin e nvi-r:iKa include Hat unlay 'a State Must Raise $300,000 to Pay Up Spanish War Vets MALUM, Ore., May 16. Heeauflc of nn amendment by the llr2f. 1-k1h- laturo to the ex-nervlco inenH bonus j and loan ait whereby the benefits of the act will apply to Spanish war veterans, it will bo ne.-esfary for the ex-service men's stand nld com mission to creato a fund ' of ubbut $3oi),000 for tho purpose. This will probably be done by a bond issue. The state bond commission will on Wednesday of this week sell irriga tion district bonds in tho sum of $122,000. ROSE ML GETS 0. S. SUBMARINE FLEET SALEM, Ore., May 1 8. Governor Pierce today received a telegram from the Kcoretary of the nvy stating that Inst ructions havo been issued to the commander of the battleships now in (he Pacific to detail the submarine tender Savannah ami submarine di vision No. 11, comprising submarines S-24. 25. 20, 27, 28 and 29 to Portland for the annual Jioso festival June 15 to 20. Tho governor had requested that a portion of the fleet be sent to Port land. . FEAR FILIPINO SCOUTS KILLED BY NEGRITOS MANILA. May 18. American mili tary authorities at Camp Htotsen burg believe tho threo Filipino stouts who have been absent fm more than! a week wero murdered by Negrito outlaws in tho mountains near StotB enburg. The scouts were hunting mrame, Instead of deserting as , was first reported. It is believed the Ne gritos killed tho scoutH . with bows and arrows for tho purpose of se curing their guns. Mrs. Ka.V Much Improved. KALKM. Ore., May IK. Mrs. T. It. Kay, wife of State Treasurer Kay. who has been critically 111, and in tho hospital In Portland for the last three weeks, is much improved, Mr. Kav said today. Hope Is enter- tallied that she will return to hor j hone In SalMn In a short time. ; windows few cents cleans Try it ad see. Instant Clas Gleaner At A.ny Ciwser Mason, Ehrmrai & Co. l t i i zr 1 m GRACE ESME- DESERTS HUSBAND NO. 3 EN NEW YORK NBW VOIlK, May IS. .Uy Ahbo r: luted J'reHB.) An advertisement yu)- liHhfd yesterday in the personal col- j uitin o a', local newfpaper over the t nnno of Frank Teavue JenniiiKH, man ufitcturur oM'oluinMa, S. C, Augusta, Oa and New Y'ork, and third hu- liand nt the former Lady Crare Kwno MeKente, announeed that Mr. Jen- nings had been deserted by his wife seven'wreks ago, and that he disclaim ed any debtH incurred by her. Theadvertlsement was Inserted by Jennings' brother, George, it was re ported at the newspaper office. In quiry at Frank Jennings' homo show ed lie hnd been out of town for two weeks and was not expected to re turn soon. Lady AlcKenzle, who Is said to de rive her title from her first husband. Farquhar McKenzle, son of a Scottish peer, was married to JennThgs at he apartment in tho Hotel Ncthorlauds on February 4, by the Uev. Randolph Pay, rector of the Little Church Around the Corner. After their wedding Jennlnvn de clared his wife would relinquish her title and be "plain Mrs. Frank Teague Jennings." He added that If ehe wished to return to Africa, scene of her Hon and elephant hunts, it would be a pleasure, trip and not with a hunting expedition. Lady McKonzic's present address could not bo ascer tained here. Ijidy McKenzle's second husband, Krnest 1. Frlsbe, of Uuffnlo, annulled tho marriage, she did not contest the cult In which he alleged misrepresentation, declaring that she was not a noblewoman. 43 MEN KILLED E DORKTFELD, Germany. May IS. (Jty Associated press.) Tho number of known dead in the mine explosion here Saturday has reached 4 3 with 27 injured, - The work of "tho trapped miners' comrades In recovering the bodies and rescuing the wounded constitutes one of tho heroic pages in tho mining his tory of this region. The approach to tho victims wart' ' both difficult nnd dangerouH. Oxygen apparatus could nut be carried .on the hacks of tho rescuers, but had to bo dragged with difficulty through narrow passages... Many In tho rescue expeditions wero overcome by poisonous gases. President Von'- Himlcnhurg, Chan cellor Luther and Jr. Otto Itraun, Prussian premier, havo telegraphed messages of condolence. Account Accident SNAPP BROS. Show Train Delayed in Getting ' to Medford Will Open Tuesday Night My 19 Ul Screens Location: Opposite S. P. Depot PUGET SOUND LEAVES BIG Pf'HT TOWN'KKXn. Wash., May IS Lore 11 Smith, a recluse' who .died here Saturday night, left $100, 00U in United StateH bondu and $20,000 in cash besides a valuable farm, an in vestigation' has re vented. NOW YOU MAY TRY THIS VEGETABLE SYRUP FREE This Js Your Chance to Prove That Toning Up Your Liver Will End That Tired, Eun-Down Feeling, Build Yourself Up! Win Back Sound Digestion, Strength and Energy Feel Your Very Best Again ! In hlu private practice- Dr. H. S. Thacher demonstrated that such symp toms ns lmMKestlnn, Cins on a Sour Stomach, llelchlnK. Dizziness. Colds that Hang On, Sick Headaches, Constipation, that Tired FeelinB and a general Kim-Down Condition of the System aro and that reller in such cases comes Cleansed and Toned and tho System is Why This Gives Relief When working as Nature intended your Liver does three things Acces sory to keep you feeling your best. First, it purifies your BLOOD, every drop of which passes through tho Liver every fifteen minutes. Second, your Liver furnishes the essences that are essential to perfect DIGESTION. Third, your Liver supplies the secre tions Nature uses to lubricate your Intestines so that your Bowels can move naturally, gently and regularly every day. When your Liver becomes sluggish It cannot do these three thinga; consequently, you suffer from one or more of tho symptoms above described. . Share It With Family! , . Just to prove to you that you CAN get quick HRLIEP, druggists are giv ing away FREE liberal trial Bizo bottles of Dr. Thacher's Liver nnd Mood Syrup. It is a syrup of PURELY FREE! If presented before the supply for free dictributlon is already given away. Read the full details above, then act at once, as this offer is limited. Get a trial size now by presenting this coupon to ' HEATH'S DRUG STORE 109 East Main - .... . Phone 884 I 1 i And A leading dentist states that chew ing' gum cleans the teeth and acts as a mild anti septic In the mouth. A prominent phy sician urge its ase after each meal to Keep the teeth free from decay. "After Every -de. wi.i she. sw. i DIFFERENT F LAVOR S Sameffigh s " Order Your Window Screens and Screen Doors From TROWBRIDGE CABINET WORKS Medford A Modern Mill Oregon Our Own Make Prices Eight, Quality the Best Screens - Screens Smith had lived in a cabin near Port Townsend for more than thirty year?. He was forcibly taken to a lmapttal by Clallam county author ities. Jit! had Imagined everyone was after his money and when persons approached his cabin he ordered them av-ay with a gun. He wan about 70 yenr old ami has rolativcu in Kng land. .. Columbia plaster wall "board Call for prices.', Wallace AVoood Lumber yard. - often the result of a Sluggish l.iver quickly when the Liver is properly working normally again. ' VEGETAR1.R ingredients known fo Physicians for their COKKECT1VE Innd HEALTH-HUILDIXO properties. Each ingredient is chosen to help Nature to cleanse and tone the Liver to correct this cause of Constipation to improve Digestion and Strengthen the System to tono tho Tired and Overtaxed Nerves, and t3 send purer. Healthier Illood coursing through your veins. Clip the Coupon Below! It will cost you nothing to try this health-building vegetable syrup. All we ask in return is that you tell others what a few spoonfuls did for you. Keep up this helpful treatment after the sample bottle lias demonstrated its merits in your case. Show your friends nnd relatives that the regular dollar slxe bottle is sold under the guarantee that every penny will be refunded if for nny reason they are not completely satisfied. This Coupon Is Good for One Sample Dottla of Dr. Thaclier's Livsr and Blood Syrup Mother said "You may get a package of Wrigleys too Wise mother'-'-' she rewards the little errand runner with something delicious, long lasting and ben eficial. Happy, healthy children with Wrigleys -and best of all -cost is small ! Meal - Screens Atitemade jfirtliefest intheWest TN A FEW MATTERS we : 1 Westerners gladly hand the palm to our Eastern friends. Building subways and skyscrapers-yes! Football -possibly- Climate -improbably. Pleasure auto driving no I We drive more months of the year have greater scenic attractions. The areas open spaces" draw us farther from home. We know roads and autos and tires! Which, In a way, accounts for the success of C-T-C tires. They are built in the West to ' meet Western conditions. Eastern engineers came West , to build them-but they make .them for the West as well as in the West 1 Today they are ranked as one of the three or four really fine tires in America. They are the largcst-sclliiig tires made in a Western-owned factory. Motorists in the nine western states know what a tire snoiild do. Their purchases show that C-T-C does it ! Come in and let us show you this remarkable tire. "Quality vil! never be ' sacrificed to meet a price" President ' Columbia Tire Corporation 0. T. C. FACTORY BRANCH Sixth and Riverside Riverside Garage 132 South Riverside Crater Lake Service Station East Main Street Heavy-Duty Passenger - Full Balloon Scmi-Unlloon Heavy-Duty Commercial J A C-T-C Tube adds mileage j. I to almost any casing') WHY NOT BUY FROM THE SOURCE OF SUPPLY AND CUT OUT SUBSTITUTION? We Wholesale and Retail Fresh and smoked meats, home--made lard and sausage. Fruit and fresh vegetables from the farm, every niornirfg. Fresh Fish from Marsh field. Creamery' Butter,: Cheese nnd some can goods. We give the consumers the beuefit of our large buying advantages. Johnson Produce Co. 241 .N. Fir St. Phone'97 Bring tho worn commuta tors here. V0 turn them down properly, undercut correctly and materially ; lengthen the generator's -life by A-l workmanship : plus thoro care. Modern ; equipment real service. ! . Built-byhand ;