o oo o BRINGING Ye Letter Box Prefers Uio P. & 13. Site. To the Editor; Which ever site is choosn In the coming election for the new hijih school a new building will be u most welcome relief to all concerned. As wo must uso the present building too, it would seem, other things being equal, that the nearby site would be the best, and, accord ins to the U. of O. experts, "other thlnKs" are virtu ally equal. We have need of tolerance. We are all working- for the good of our young people. Let's respect one another's feelings. MRS. C. A. SWIG ART. Apparently Tor Holly Street. To the Editor: Some of the letters in last night's Tribune needed picking to pieces so badly, that here goes Bern creek soil is very good. No broad-minded west -aider is going to dispute that. But why Is the soil so good ? It has been washed down from up above for years and years; yes, washed down by Bear creek when she gets on a rampage. I don't mean by the Johnston flood or the flood in the Bible. Everywhere that fine soil is found (creek bottom sediment) like the east side is covered with, it's proof that oqe day the creek was there. And since the creek beds are always changing, well, why take the risk? 1 J. W. JohnBon states the P. & E. site was never flooded. I wonder how ho figures that grand, good creek bottom soil ever -got there. Better take a course in geography Mr. J. i And Mr. W. J. Messenger, m your letter dated May It, you had tho nerve to suy -If the dam should break wo could get the children out In plenty of time.' Dear Lord, I hope so, but what about the new high school building, the grancLJawn and stately trees. As for the high school being built ..near the highways so tourists can see it. I thought we were building it to educate our children and not for tourist scenery. As for Mrs. Porter being a good Sunday supplement, write r, Well, Mrs. Roberts, you butcher up the English language worse than Nick Carter. MRS. WILLIAM A. HOOKER, 216 Haven St. Wants Committee to Explain. To the Editor: Tho Better Site Committee is com posed of a shrewd- group of men organized to dispose of a pint of ground of which four acres are taken up by a creek, where no business finds It suitable to locate and upon which no one has chosen a place of residence. It requires shrewdness to put it over. Why does the committee con ceal its identity and leave it to Mrs. Miller, of Taylor street, to persuade us that water seeks the higher levels? At the eleventh hour the people of Medford will be presented with a pamphlet. So far no one wishes to acknowledge Its authorship, but some one Is responsible why not 'come out In the open? Friends, don't miss it. You could ' not believe It If you did not see it. On its pages you will find that it Is stated that high ground should be chosen, away from swamps and bogs, and over at the end you will sec the P. & E. site atl dolled up, ready to run away with Bear "creek when the spring freshets come. Tak ing along with them a few of the Merrick motor camp houses as houseboats. You won't recognize it; It's all dolled up with high school buildings facing Bear creek, and along beside Stocks and Bonds Wo solicit inquiries to buy or sell any 'marketable listed, local or un listed securities. Active market for Diirant. Star, Flint and Riekenbacker Motor is sues; Public Utilities. Prompt attention glvon all orders. Cash paid for purchases; no delay. Quotations furnished. HOOD BROTHERS 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Portland, Ore. WANTED To Buy for Cash All Your Bfecond Hand Furniture MOEDOFF ft WOOL? UP FATrfER t TELL-VOU 11 ciTTIN' lOi ,TiREo or doctor's orders THI'S THINO OF WMK.ltl' TEN NILE'S A.nC-f JS PiE-ltS- om A. MILK DIET It) OOTRcEOO'b-l'rt COtsrW tilT ANOTHER. DOCTOR, - It nestles a junior high, facing the wonderful panorama of a laundry, the buck of a natatorium and the ruins of a theatre. , If Better site had chosen the higher ground advocated in this pamphlet, which is undoubtedly a part of their propaganda, else t Holly street site would have been treated with , equal fairness, they would have conferred a benefit on the whole community. Instead, they advocate, the plac ing of a public school building on a plot no one else wants. ' The committee who? placed the hospital where it could be seen from all points, showed far greater shrewdness and better judgment. Why have reci tat inns been can celled to spread p. & E. propaganda? Why has influence been brought to bear upon the children? JURE. J. W. O RAY, , West Medford. He's Opposed to Holly Street To the Editor: In Sunday's Sun Mr. B. W. Paul makes a plea for accuracy and an ad herence to facts, and in regard to the fertility of soil at tho Holly street site, asks if certain property owners in that vicinity found it necessary to haul crefk bottom soil to their premises, t am sure that neither Mr. Paul nor my self could answer that question, but some of the former holders of that property probably could state that they found P necessary to apply simi lar measures to increase the fertility of their ha rd pan roil. We also followed Mr. Paul's-suggestion and counted back nine blocks from the Holly street site to tho corner of Second and Holly street, and found the center of population to bo some where between tho Chamber of Com merce building and tho , Intersection of .East .Main .ttree and Central avo. This seems to bo a fairly accurate lo cation. And'so I Indorse Mr. Paul's state ment that voters should investigate for themselves and not accept mere words. W. T. JENNINGS. Card or Thanks. W wish to thank our friends for their kindness and sympathy during our late bereavement; also for tho many beautiful floral offerings. MRS. MARY CLEVELAND, MISS ELSIE CLEVELAND. MISS FLORENCE CLEVELAND. Notice to Advertisers. Advertisers still continue to bring in display advertising copy as late as 10 a. m. tho day they want their ad to run, and of . course ve cannot accept the same because It Is Impossible to get tho copy set. AH 'advertising copyy should be in this office en the afternoon of tho day before tho ad is to run. ... - tf Notice to Creditors, In the County Court of the State of Oregon, in and for Jackson County. In the matter of the Estate of Ernest See Wolff, the Tire Man, , for that new tiro ami you'll K'"t Guaranteed Mileage and Pro tection. Have you tried Velvoil at 25c per quart.. Armory Service Station. Pac. Highway at Jackson St. We Have a Real Cord Tire . for . $8.90 Free Crankcase Service Jones & Kirkpatrick A Real Service Station AfEDFORD ATT; rTBTTNB. MEDFOTCD. CVREOQX, fUESDAY, MAY 2,1925 DOCTOR. - I feEtST FEP, "TOO TO SEE IP" "fOO I WHAT A E. Gilbert. Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the Estate of Ernest E. Gilbert, deceased, to pre sent them properly verified to the un dersigned at his office. 30 North Cen tral avenue. Medford, Jackson County. Oregon, within six months from the date of tho first publication of this notice, which tdate is the 5th day of May, Iflliu. O. C. BOGUS. Executor of tho Estate of ErneHt E. Gilbert, Deceased. IIET4' WANTTCI) MALE WANTED Man with tractor plow outfit to tako plowing contract. Bert Anderson, Medford. 45 WANTED Man to put up alfalfa hay bv contract. Alice, llanluy Ranch. Phone 411-J-5. -Iti WANTED Man to put up 100 tons of hay on contract. M. J. Azovedo, Medford, R. 4. Box 37. 46 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Housekeeping by widow with two children. Call or write 645 Palm street. 45 WANTED By man and wife with child, work on ranch; wife prefers to take full charge. Husband ex perienced farmer. Call 4 57-J, ask for Mrs. Reed, 4 4 FOIl RENT HOUSES FOR SALE OK RENT fi-room house tin paved street, corner lot, east front, garage, chicken park. large garden space. North part of city. Rhone 4S8-J, or call at 601 W. 10th street. FOR RENT -6 rooms, modern, east front, fine shade, to adults. Rhone 4S8-X. 49 FOR RENT 5-room modern house 4! close in. $30. Dr. Elliott. FOR RENT A furnished five-room modern house with garago and small garden. Will rent from Juno first to September first. Cheap to right party. Call 557-W or tseo owner at 215 Cottage street. 47 FOR RENT 8 -room houso in good conditions, 1 block from Main street. Phone 121-X, or call evenings after six. 47 FOR RENT Eight room modern home with garage; close In to busi ness section. Nice lawn and shade. Call at 325 So. Riverside a Venue, tf FOR RENT Houses, Brown ft White. FOLLOWING ADVERTISERS ARE . Members Medford Realty Board ! OESOE 30: f! Vow a NOME We Solicit Tour REAL ESTATE BUSINESS In All Its RENTALS :: 8ALES Bungalows New, double construction throughout, oak floors, fireplaces, garage, cement driveway. Easy terms. BROWN & WHITE AGENCY, Inc.; 12 East Main 8t. HIGHWAY HOMESITES Some of the most beautiful and best liomcsitcs on the highway have recently been placed in our hands. The prices arc right. No better location. Live in a house by the side of the road where millions go by year after year. J. C. BARNES Phone 910-Y 409 roooooc Profitable Pear A acres with 23 acres in bearing pears, Bosc, Tinrtlolt, Do Anjoil varieties, , part 18 years old; and about 20 acres In alfalfa. Modern house, large j 'bams, complete equipment: estimated value prftent crops more than Ji'iOOO. Well located near Medford Property now ex'Tllent condition. and paid for small annual payments. Your Inspection It Invited. EARL S. TUMY ' Liberty ulldlng 000009990999090999909099909009000009090000999999 VOU bEE I HAD a. DOCTOR- OO'oX A MINUTE I IMO-aT STUDY OOK CA-oE- MOloT ill c r . FIND CM TOO WANTED Utdy cook to take charge of hotel dining room. Call 408-W, tith strict, Medford. 4 6 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Washing and Ironing. 44 Rhone 051-R. WANTED Live minks, will pay $8 for male, $10 for female. Enquire at J. Lyden Hotel. Jacksonville. 4S WANTED Stock to pasture; fim feed. Phono 19-F-21. 47 WANTED To buy heifer calves, Jer sey or Guernsey. Rhone 4;3- . 4S WANTED TO RENT By reliable cou ple. 4 or R room furnished or unfur nished house. Permanent. Good lo cation. Telephone 335. 44 WANTED Local and long distance hauling- Jesse L. Richardson, Cen tral Point Feed Store. Call 41. 45 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO RENT Immediately three teams. Vel. 1057. if FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Batehelor 445 So. Front. a partment, 4 5 FOR RENT-452-11. Phono tff FOR RENT Rooms and apartments at the Nye. 47 FOR RENT Furnished apartment. Adults. 425 So. Oakdale. 45 FOR RENT- Furnished apartments. Bath and phono privileges. 30.1 E. Jackson. Phono 381-M. - 40tf FOR RENT Furnished apartment room and garago. (J04 W. 10th. U7 tr FOR RENT Nice thoroughly fur nished modern apartments, Hotel Holland. Phone 710. tf FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR REXT Ivy. -Sleeping rooms. 204 No, 4S FOR RENT Large airy sleeping room, close In, with garage. Phono 822. tf 0 ' RRENT Furnished front room. Close to bath. Phone 504-R. tf FOR P.ENT bath. Men. -Nice sleeping 245 N. Grape. rooms, tf !OEXO 0 FINE HOME FOR SALE Mr. Hoot has sold bis music business in Medford and now offers his fine homo for salot or wiJl trade for Port land property. Large lot, east front, fine shade and excellent finished bungalow; will include fine electric rnnRo with equipment. If yon want a homo, look over this property. FOUR-SITE REALTY AGENCY (Walter II. Levcrettn) Medford Building,.' . Medford, Ore." O n Branches LOANS IN8URANCE 6 South Central Orchard for Sale in the best pear district in this valley. ( Can bo bought at a bnri;aln price TUT-TUT" IT'b JU'bT "WHAT THOUCHT- "TOO tHOOLD WALK TEH NIUEo A OAT AMD CO OtS AVMl, D1E.T- Fon Ttrw- IIOITSKKKKPINO ROOMS FOR RENT Housekeeping room near high school. 334 Apple street. FOR RENT II ouHokceplng rooms. r.l 1 So. Central. tf TAKEN UP TAKEN l'l Chestnut sorrel mare with white spot in fare, owner can have same by paying , for ad and damages. "Mrs. Geo. Askew, last hoiiKe mi Albert street. 4 6 MATRIMONIAL WANTED A woman or widow of in dependent means, home lover and musically inclined, as life partner, to help develop my place, a lovers' tryst in the foothills on the edge of primitive wilderness and on the border of civilization. Occupation, orclmrdist. Address V. E., cure: Mail Tribune. 44 HUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ELEVEN PER CENT INTEREST If you have $300U to invest. 1 have a rented residence, furnished, in Medford, close in, good street, as sessments all paid, fruit trees, nice lawn, that will guarantee it will pay 11 per cent interest after paying taxes, insurance and allowing for upkeep. Owner wants cash to use In purchase of property in present home In another clly. Address It. U., and owner will call. 47 FOR SALE Established genernl store in small community. A profitable, paying business. A real proposition. Addrors Jtox M. F., MalUTribune. 43 FOR SALE Established battery and electric shop. Inquire at 27 N. Grape street, Medford. No indebt edness. Price right. Selling on ac count of owner's health. 4 MONEY TO LOAN TO LOAN Money, Charles A. Wing, real estate loans Representative Suretv Savings & Loan Association, Loans obtained ut nominal expense: ren:ioimhlo ralo of interest. Phone 7ii8, Palm Rlock, Medford, Oregon 58 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Flemish giant rabbits, tv male and young. Price is right. Phone 3-F-3 or call at Phoenix woodyard. 45 FOR SALE Young fresh cow, and blndvr. Phone 4 37-X. 4 FOR SA LE Two registered Guern sey bulls. Roth River Ranks Farms breeding. One born April . ,22nd, 1923, tho other January 10, 1923, exceptional fine Individuals. Price for quick sale. C. E. Logsdon, It. 1 Rox 435 Grants Pass, Ore. 45 KOIl SAI,H Kiosh milk coats, II.' H l-'ox, J.nko Creek, Orcumi. Phono FOR SAI.K Puro lilPd .lersey hull, four months old. John It. Maxednn 077 H Kt., Ashland. 49 FOR 8AI.I3 Cheap, .to close cstato, 2.r acres cood land, 10 cultivated. Good buildings. Ideal place for poultry, liox II, ltt. 1, Uotd lllll. 49 1'OR SAI.K Klcht Rood locoing or farm horses from $76 to flGO per head, inquire from superintend' ent of Owen Orepon L,umbor Co., FOR SA TjK UK Ati ESTATB FOR HAI.IO I,olH 50x200, JKiO; 25 down, balance $10 per inotnb. 303 10 Main. I'hone 417. 4(1 FOR HAI.K 10 acres Ijcnrlnu ehuru, (i troom housed harn, 100 cherry trees, pears, apples, prunes, cherry trees, 200 peach, pears, ap- mcH, prunes, Kruno. Ail ror 3:truo This year eroy worth 52O0O, I'hone 844-V. . 4H FOR KAI.I-1 Choice lots on paved street near W est Main. Owner.Mrs. Ktln Ray, 1104 West Main St. l'hono 804-V. 48 FOR BALK OR TRADK Ideal stock and dairy ranch. Free water, free rantfe. For resjdence or small acreage. Call 1110 W, 10th street 4li FOR SA LK 8 acres on Thompson crcc!:, 4 In cult., houso and out' buildings; 2 springs. $700. Formal! vings jtignway. 40 FOJt SALE Sevoral farms, good vat uos, easy terms, low Interest. O. C. .uoggs, Atty lor mats Land Board tr SACRIFICE HALF, io.mo acres ar sorted alfnlfa, grain, orchards and stock ranches. 1 acre tracts and up. Price $5 per aero up, 6 and 10 year's tlma. Ranches for rent and exchange. Gold Ray Realty com' psny, owners. 1 5 N. Orape St tf FIRE INSURANCE THAT INSURES CARL Y. TENOWALD Hotel Holland Building Member Realty Board -Phone 993 m By Georg'd BsanT r rss c3 FOR SALE ATTTOMOUILES FOR SALE Maxwell roadster, suit able for making delivery or bug. Rargain. Address Box A, MM1 Tribune. tf FOR SALE l'onmt AND EGGS IFOR SALE 3 weeks old baby ilux, thorough bred White Leghorns, strong and vigorous. They tin not need artificial neat. $;ui per i uu. Rogue River Poultry Farm. Plione 201-W. 46 'OR SAI.K 4 weeks old , broilers, 10c. Conio evenings. John .Mace, half mile west Central l'tilnt. Mf FOR SALE O. A. C. Rarred Rock eggs for hatching I'houe zoi-.i. FOR SALIO llOMTCS Foil SALE New modern bungalow. 2 6x26. just finished. .oasL ulUo, large living room, built in kitchen, bed room, bath room complete and shower room, berries, shrubbery and garden, cement porch, walks and drive, large lot, garage; easy terms. Call at 1002 E. 11th or phone 3U1-X. 4 7 OR KAI.K room modern house, partly furnished, wood shed and garage. $500 will handle, llalanco like rent. vfcseMHinents paid in full. Phone OS-It, or 602 So. Fir St. 40 FOR SALE Houso and lot on North Central avenue. Lot 194x270 feet, on pavement; or will divide Into 50. 60, 70 or SO foot lots to suit pur chaser; also one lot on N. Ivy street, close in. Prices aro very low. Seo W. E. Rowley, Ownor. Phone 331-Y. 331 N. Ivy St. . tf OR SALE Now G-ronm house Just , lnusncu. . inquiro ui ho. iNowion. 20,lt FOR SAMDSnStTKIiljANKOtlS FOR SALE Aster plants, Giant Cl'e- go. Giant Comet, Golden sun ami' other fine varieties, EGo per do.. 25 N. Oakdale. 4 8 FOR SALE New piano of -quality. Easy terms. Noef. Krsklnc. Phone 720-W. Oil FOR SALE First cutting alfalfa 43tf 8-R-l. FOR SALE Extra large, deep tduo Canteherry hell plants, hoc dozen. Phono 3U0-L or call at 325 Suuth Holly. tt FOR SALE Why pay more. Tlran $2 per hundred. Monarch Seed Co. 45 FOR SAL13 Feed Madrona mineral ized yeast chick mash to your idtlcks if you want productive pullets. Monarch Seed Co. 45 FOR SALE Carpenter tools. 1112 45 Iteddy avo. FOR SALE Tomato plants. T. J Parsons, Phoenix. - 44 FOR SALE Enrly nnd lojo seed po tatoes. Monarch Seed Co. 40 FOR SALE Sugar pine shnkes and shingles and cedar novts, a Butte Falls product, ut Faber's, Central Point. 45 FOR SALE Speclnl on rolled barloy. Central Point Feed Store. 4 5 FOR SALE Child's bed. W. 6th. l'hono 212. lnqulro 130 tf FOR SALE New nlfnlfa hay nt I-iumpton orchard. Phono 4G8-K-1. tf FOR SALE Attention! 'Smith's sum-. mor rates on pine now - In effect, $2.75 a tier. Discount on largo or ders. Phone 1103; Central Point, 88 X-2. - .49 FOR SALE Aster plants. C. Cnry. - tf 841-j-l. Address Talent. FOR SALE Baled - alfalfa. 28-R-1. tf FOR SALE OR TRADE Autos and furniture. New phonographs and records half price. 16 N. Grape, tf BUSINESS DntMTTOHI FOR INFORMATION Carpenter's .Local jsiu. I'none Z47-L. Moets at Smith hall every Friday night, 128 North Grape, botween 6th und 6th streets. i m-J 1 Used Ford Cars That Are Guaranteed 30 Days Service If interested in a used car be sure and ico ua. C. E. G&tes Auto Co. PAGE FIVE McManus BUSINESS DmEOTOltS" Attorneys RKAMKS ft HKAMHa Lawyers, of fice in Liberty Bulldinff! Abstractors MURRAY BROS. & G R E K N E Abstracts of Title, Rooms 3 and t No. 33 North Central Ave., upstairs. JACKSON CO IT NTT AHSTHACT CO. Abstracts r Title und Title Insurance. Tho only completo Title SyBtom 10 Jackson Couuty. A. E. KELLOGG Abstractor of Titles, Gold Hill, Oregon. Reliable Jackson County Abstractor. Over twenty years' experience in ths ' county. Phone C-J-2 Gold Hill. tl lttiildlmr Supplies and Roofing; STANDARD ROOFING AND BUILD ERS SUPPLY CO. Build up Roof ing, Ashland Granite Top. 15 years guarantee. Best grade of roof pa per coment. Pressed brick, plain and faced wail blocks, foundation ce ment blocks, fire place brick, all colors. All material Class A, Port land Beaver Coment for sale. As phalt by ton. barrel or pound. Tel ephone 738-X. ' Chlroprnctlo Physlclnns DR. A. R. HEDGES Neo-EcleotlO Physician. DR. LOUISE K. HEDGES Naturopathic Chlro ' praetor. Mechano-Therapy, Spon i dylotberapy. Food Sciences, Chlrot practice. Office: Stewart Btdg., 255 10. Main St. Phones: Offloa 171); Ros. 170-J-2. DR. E. W. HOFFMAN chiropractla Nerve Specialist. Office hours 0-1 2, J-G, 203-200 Liberty Bldg. Office Plume 680. Res. phone 1027. Dentists' DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist. Phone GS9. Res. 776. , Office hours 9 K, m. B p. m.'- Evening and Sunday by appbintmont. . ' DR. H. E. MURPHY Dentistrr. Dental X-Ray. Phono 77, offloa Second floor Medford Bldg. i - 1 Exiwrt Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. B. M. Wil son, C. P. A. Attention given tq anything in accounting and Incomo Tax requirements. Look Into our simplified accounting; method. Lib erty Bldg., Medford. Phone 167-R. Insurance EARL 8. TUMY All forms of Insur ' nnce: Fire, Auto, Life. Accident, Bonds. Phone 402. 209 Liberty Bldg. Money to Txuin J. B. ANDREWS Buys and aella mortgages nnd loans money on good security. 31 N. Grape St. Phono 63-M. 2460 Funeral Director PERL FUNKKAL HOME Cor. Sixth and Oakdale. Ambulance service. Phone 47. Monuments THE OREGON GRANITE CO.- Monuments. E. A. Hicks, General Managor. P. M, Kershaw, . Seles Manager, 103 E. Sixth St., Modford. Osteopaths DH. V. tt. CAttLOW. DK. 13VA MAINS , CARLOW OHtoopfithio Phyfllclana 410-418 Liberty Bid. I'hone 904-J-S. Ken Id en ce 2(1 South Laurel Ht. Pin no Instruction FRED ALTON HA1GHT Tonoher of Pifino and Harmony. Studio 31 S Liberty HMg., Phone 72. Printers and Puhlisliors MKDKORD PRINT1NO CO. has th beet equipped printing office in Southern Oregon. Book binding Ioohb loaf ledgers, billing system, etc. Portland prices. 27 N. Fir St. Ftmnslcr EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 22 North Front St. Phon SI 6. Prices right. Service guar anteed. DAVIS TRANSFER & STORAGE) CO. Anything moved, day or night Service guaranteed. 29 S, Grapo. Phone 644, or residence 10G0. Upholstering J. WKIS Upholstery, Manufacturer of overstuffed furniture. Full Una of materials. Draperies made to order. We do all kinds of uphol storing. We delfver and will call and show samples. Phone 90S - Jacksonville, Ore. VKTmtlXAllT MEDFORD VETERINARY HOSPIT AL, Dr. E. C. Mf-Cnlloch, Oraduat Veterinarian. Office consultations free. Corner Grape and Fifth. Med ford. Ore. Phone St3 Day , or night. ' Window (Irnnrm LET GEORGE DO IT. Wax and pol ish your floors, clean your hoi we, Janitor service for offices and burrd Ings. Geo. A. Secly. PhotlO 1171 8?4 Eeekman v. , , a i i